Are The Bible Project, Andy Stanley, Francis Chan, John Piper and Steven Furtick False Teachers?

  • Опубликовано: 26 июл 2024
  • Are Tim Mackie, Andy Stanley, Francis Chan, John Piper and Steven Furtick all false teachers? Each of these men have been categorized as false teachers at one point for what they teach and believe. In this video we will explore the various beliefs of these 5 men AND a bonus #6 mystery man to be revealed later in the video.
    What is a false teacher and how do we define one? If you want to know how to discern a false teacher then PLEASE watch this entire video so you'll be clear on what a false teacher is and how to discern them.
    00:00 - Intro
    01:21 - Is John Piper a False Teacher?
    04:17 - Is Francis Chan a False Teacher?
    08:43 - Is Steven Furtick a False Teacher?
    12:22 - Is Andy Stanley a False Teacher?
    16:26 - Is Tim Mackie (The Bible Project) a False Teacher?
    20:53 - My Final Conclusion on False Teachers
    Link to John Piper's Article
    Link to Francis Chan's Article
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Комментарии • 13 тыс.

  • @thebeatagp
    @thebeatagp  3 года назад +1172

    Hey BEAT family! It is my SINCERE desire that you watch this entire video. I know it's long but I PROMISE you that you will truly understand my heart on this issue. If you click off too soon you'll only get part of the story. So, please do watch it all the way through so you can hear my heart on this issue of false teachers and false teaching. Let me know your thoughts!

    • @lindaharris8737
      @lindaharris8737 3 года назад +28

      This is the reason why I stop going too church years ago and I don't listen too no so called man of GOD most of them are false anyway I read the word and hope for the best !😔

    • @jackcrat6526
      @jackcrat6526 3 года назад +19

      @THE BEAT by Allen Parr Isn't Pastor Mike todd a false prophet?

    • @thebeatagp
      @thebeatagp  3 года назад +58

      @@jackcrat6526 based on the position I take in this video I will let you determine that. Now with that being said, yes I am troubled by some of his teachings.

    • @jennahope4353
      @jennahope4353 3 года назад +10

      thank you for stretching my mind.

    • @TheRealJohnSouth
      @TheRealJohnSouth 3 года назад +20

      John Piper claims to be a Baptist.
      Francis Chan is quite sketchy, from what I see based on this video.
      Steven Furtick claims to have Baptist roots, too. That second clip of him that you played has always been criticized, unless you watch the whole sermon.
      Allen Parr? All I know is that, he provides comprehensive explanation of some Bible stuff that I'm confused about.
      Not sure with the others. But thank you for shedding some light on this, Allen. God bless you.

  • @billcashman4006
    @billcashman4006 Год назад +1191

    When I first started attending a new church, the pastor said something I remember to this day: He said, “ Don’t ever blindly accept my preaching as solid truth without researching the scriptures for yourself. I might misspeak, or misread a passage or interpret it incorrectly. Don’t base your salvation on my teaching, but on the teaching of the Bible. I am human and can make mistakes, but the Bible is always true.”

    • @Glogopray
      @Glogopray Год назад +49

      Love this! Yes, a humble man who truly loves God’s word.

    • @joeloden9466
      @joeloden9466 Год назад +26

      My pastor has said the same or similar in many sermons. It's a must that we, the body of the church, seek our answers from the text. The pastors are there to guide, aid, offer a path. But they are human too, so we must always use the scripture as the foundation to know the truth when human error comes in play.

    • @meekness3385
      @meekness3385 Год назад +9

      God bless him
      What many preachers of the word miss

    • @lillymanta7642
      @lillymanta7642 Год назад +21

      The Bible teaches us not just believe but to examine everything we hear and learn in God’s Word
      In Acts Paul explicitly talks about the character of the Berean Church how they examined everything Paul spoke. The Bible calls the Berean people of noble character because of it.
      “As soon as it was night, the believers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.”
      ‭‭Acts‬ ‭17‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    • @MO-bo2du
      @MO-bo2du Год назад +2

  • @waynejoseph4137
    @waynejoseph4137 3 года назад +3497

    I always lean on the dollar analogy. There are people who’s job is to detect fake dollar bills. They don’t study all the different fakes, the become so knowledgeable of the details of a real dollar bill that the fake is evident. We must become so knowledgeable of God’s true word, strengthen our connection with God that when we are approached with false teachings, the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.

    • @Infernus_Dante
      @Infernus_Dante 3 года назад +49

      Solid way of lookin at it, too easy to trust and be deceived just cause people claim to be pastors and/or preachers

    • @anibalprentt2406
      @anibalprentt2406 3 года назад +12

      Amen 🙏

    • @torij1822
      @torij1822 3 года назад +21

      This is so true! I always use the dollar analogy as well! Perfectly put brotha! GOD Bless 🙏🏾

    • @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on
      @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 3 года назад +13

      Sounds cute but doubt that will work. Christianity was at its purest in the first century. It was recorded and preserved for all earnest people to learn from their examples. Most contemporary Christian denominations and groups do not appear to even remotely resemble the first century Christians. Also, dollar bills are tangible and easily accessible for the purpose of examination. That’s not true with genuine disciples especially this far removed from the first century. With the influx of the Roman apostasy and other corrupt Christian teachings and organizations true worship is so shrouded it’s almost like distinguishing wheat from poison darnel. (True Bible researchers will get that reference) Jesus illustrated this point so Christians who read the Bible should know how difficult it would be to identify genuine worshippers from the false. (MATTHEW 13:24-30)

    • @letstalkbiblewithshun.s
      @letstalkbiblewithshun.s 3 года назад +4

      Well said

  • @natayarichardson1568
    @natayarichardson1568 Год назад +295

    The Bible Project definitely sparked my desire to read the Word of God. It is an EXCELLENT tool to start your Bible journey, which so many Christians lack. I started from the beginning then watch the chapter videos afterwards for a recap. It makes the Bible less intimidating.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 Год назад +11

      Well that’s a problem. Plenty of videos of them affirming homosexuality and that hell itself is a man made concept. Seriously, just read up the word of God instead of believing blindly these teachers.

    • @russellwilliams5065
      @russellwilliams5065 11 месяцев назад +8

      I have basically listened to every public piece of content Tim / The Bible Project has published and I think people confuse hell being made up with our modern understanding of what hell is. Considering the words Gahenna, Sheol, and hell proper are often used interchangeably when they shouldn’t be. Also with the affirmation of Lgbt people Americans have always had an over focus on sex
      /sexuality more than the rest of the world and I have a hard time b believing that a person who is gay yet does their absolute best to follow and trust Jesus is doomed no matter what. It’s not our job to tell everyone how to be (considering we can’t prove if people are or aren’t born a certain way) our job us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Looking to point out who the enemy is can be toxic and actually cause us to sin by berating and slandering our brothers and sisters In Christ.

    • @veronicasanchez6998
      @veronicasanchez6998 10 месяцев назад +12

      i also leaned n loved bible project.. i just now saw a video where TIm stated Jesus is ok with homosexuality. I was just in shock. Is very important to read the bible on your own. I don’t have anything against homosexuality, i have relatives that are. I pray they seek Jesus. Is a very sensitive situation. Nevertheless, the bible is very clear that it is a sin. So for Tim to have said that, i am surprised…

    • @Logan_Bishop_YT
      @Logan_Bishop_YT 10 месяцев назад

      @@russellwilliams5065 This Comment is Problematic in SO MANY Ways.
      "I have a hard time b believing that a person who is gay yet does their absolute best to follow and trust Jesus is doomed no matter what." It doesn't matter what you Believe. It matters what NOBODY Believes, not even me. It only Matters what the Bible Says. And I Corinthians 6:9-10 Says: "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." KEY WORDS: "Men who have sex with men... will not Inherit the Kingdom of God."
      You might say: "I don't believe it is talking about Homosexuality." WHO CARES???!!!
      "It’s not our job to tell everyone how to be (considering we can’t prove if people are or aren’t born a certain way)" Yes we can. If you look at Every Verse against Homosexuality in the Entire Bible, It is made STRIKINGLY Obvious that Being Gay/Trans/Bi is AGAINST God's will. Why would he Create somebody who is AGAINST His Will? Plus, Feelings of Sexual Attraction usually happen at around 12. You are meaning to tell me that a Person can be born... at the Age of 12??? Also, God made it VERY CLEAR at the Beginning of the Bible that God made Man "Male and Female." Not Trans, not Non-Binary. Therefore, That ALONE PROVES That you are not BORN this way. You choose to be this way.
      "Our job us to love our neighbors as ourselves." Then what do you call people Urging others to Turn away from their sins, and by Extension, Telling others to turn Towards Jesus Christ? Is that Hateful to you? Because Urging People to do these Things is Practically Preaching the Gospel. If you think the Gospel is Hate speech, Just because It Urges People to Turn away from their Sin, such as Homosexuality, that would make YOU the Hater, not Us. For are you not aware that the Gospel is the ONLY Thing that can Bring People to Heaven? God is Offering You a Free Ticket into Heaven, and the LGBTQ+ Community has DENIED It, by Calling it Hate Speech. How Horrific.

    • @russellwilliams5065
      @russellwilliams5065 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@veronicasanchez6998 do you have a link or description of the video? I would like to see what he said specifically because before he was pretty on the fence. do you think people are choosing to be queer? I have never met anyone who chose to be queer and have to deal with the societal consequences purposefully. So by that alone makes this complicated. Not to mention many of the verses that talk about homosexuality are in the context of cultures that aren’t our own and reading plainly won’t give us the full meaning of the thoughts they were trying to convey. Americans christianity is oddly over focused on people sex habits, so that may be skewing how we approach this topic.

  • @davidhansen397
    @davidhansen397 8 месяцев назад +22

    This was one of the finest videos I have ever seen on You Tube. Great job!! This video clearly shows all Believers that THEY are responsible to know God's Word and to check out what is being taught against God's Word. There are too many Believers in the world today that are too quick to label a person a False Teacher when these same people have no clue what God's Word actually says. Finally, as a fellow Pastor myself, I try to be very clear in my preaching on any subject I preach about so there is little room for confusion or misunderstanding!! I would encourage all my fellow Pastors to do the same!! God bless you all!!

    • @edithbannerman4
      @edithbannerman4 7 месяцев назад

      @Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?

  • @ChloePinkChalkPinkBible
    @ChloePinkChalkPinkBible 3 года назад +1019

    I think there's a difference between false teaching and error.

    • @psycho01cb
      @psycho01cb 3 года назад +109

      This is so true! Sometimes we forget that preachers are humans, too. What really struck me about Francis Chan's statement was the vulnerability and transparency of it. He openly admitted that maybe he should've been more careful selecting speaking engagements and is working on correcting the problem moving forward. That tells me that, even as an ordained minister, he is open to correction. While it may not be the most important thing on the list, it's certainly up there.

    • @dantemakoya
      @dantemakoya 3 года назад +12

      Yes sister, my prayer is that may the Lord help us to be accurate in our studying and interpretation of the holy scriptures!

    • @evan7618
      @evan7618 3 года назад +11

      I would like to know if I should repent according to scripture, if I had unknowingly taught error.
      We should openly discuss these things with our brothers and sisters.

    • @ChloePinkChalkPinkBible
      @ChloePinkChalkPinkBible 3 года назад +16

      @@evan7618 I do think you should repent. And so will I continuously repent of having taught error. There's a Psalm where David prays to the Lord with humility and dependence on God. He admits that no one knows the errors of their hearts. But then still then, he asks God to forgive all the hidden faults in his hearts, that God may keep him from willful sin (and consequently unintentional)
      So I think we should repent as we come to know truth. That's how God keeps us from doing the same wrong thing over and over again even if it was unintentional. We must rely on God to always forgive our sins, whether we know of them or not, and we must rely on him to help us overcome them.
      The Psalm says,
      "But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression."
      Psalms 19:12‭-‬13 NIV
      I may not know what David was going through, but I do know that these words carry so much relevance for all of us.

    • @kennethkimbroug8087
      @kennethkimbroug8087 3 года назад +3

      @@evan7618 ask God

  • @claire.morgan
    @claire.morgan 2 года назад +373

    While God was drawing me to Himself, before I got saved, I ran into some big names and listened to and read a lot of their stuff and I have now come to hear people claim they are false teachers. Whether they are or aren't, or whether they get some things right and some things wrong, it's clear that God was able to use them in some way. I remember someone saying "the Bible will change your life" and that motivated me to start reading the Bible. Now that I'm saved, I recently started running into all these false teaching claims and it was really messing with my head. I just pray that God would open the Scriptures to me and give me wisdom and discernment, and I know I can trust Him to do that.

    • @jamesking8241
      @jamesking8241 2 года назад

      The inductive study method is what most use. Thought I wouldnt do the Kay Arthur version. She over complicates it.

    • @TGIAT
      @TGIAT 2 года назад +21

      TRUST GOD. A big name pastor taught me. I became a member of his fellowship and he knows me by name. However, I grew under his leadership. Well he later created a new philosophy and the church cast him out. I could have lost it, but I am spiritually mature enough not to allow myself to be confused nor stop loving the deliverance I have experienced already. I simply ask God to keep me and reveal anything to me that will come between me and Him.

    • @stevedk585
      @stevedk585 2 года назад +25

      If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 (NKJV)

    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 2 года назад +4

      Clair - the Seventh-day Adventist church has the best interpretation of scripture of all churches James 2.24 shows Piper was right though he could have made his point clearer but i have not read the article

    • @briantroyer5257
      @briantroyer5257 2 года назад +13

      Literally how it started for me, The reality is a lot of people call people false teachers because they believe something different then them (example, Calvinism vs Arminianism) early in my Christian walk I found out my friend was a Calvinist and I struggled with That. Then I realized the simplicity of the gospel is that it’s about faith and being a son or daughter, and that pretty much everyone interprets a lot of the other things slightly different. But my friend was in love with Jesus and so am I and we interpret certain things drastically different so don’t get to caught up in all the false teaching stuff ask God to reveal what’s truth and to throw out everything else

  • @loribush5819
    @loribush5819 10 месяцев назад +76

    It is because of Francis Chan that I spend more time reading scripture, being in prayer and just having conversations with Jesus. I've learned a lot from him and his demonstrations.

    • @gsl649
      @gsl649 9 месяцев назад +4

      That doesn’t justify a persons teaching

    • @tjhawkins5380
      @tjhawkins5380 8 месяцев назад +6

      His illustration on eternity is one of my favorite videos

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 3 месяца назад +5

      I love Francis Chan! He appears to have a very humble heart.

    • @danikac7206
      @danikac7206 2 месяца назад +1

      My path to Christ started through Joyce Meyer, and though I now know she's not a Biblical teacher, God and the spirit used her. Thankfully I was surrounded by good biblical Christians who stood strong on the word. You can always learn and grow from anyone, but we just need to be discerning and cross referencing everything with the Bible, as he says.

    • @chrisbradford5893
      @chrisbradford5893 2 месяца назад

      We must thank God that we had a heart to continue seeking Him despite any false teachings or representations, because of a lot of people are Sunday-only Christians, of which I used to be one.

  • @trina2449
    @trina2449 Год назад +11

    New sub here! I deal with kids and it is impossible to shield them from the lies of Satan especially because of social media. This is why this video has helped me. I realize that more than just doing my best to keep them from this world's influence, which I could never do, I must focus on teaching them what, where, and how to find the truth. Then, Lord-willing, they will live for The Truth. Thanks for this content!

  • @bonajab
    @bonajab 3 года назад +749

    Piper is not saying that you are saved by works. He is say that if you don't produce Spiritual fruit, i.e. works, you never were saved. This is exactly what James says in chapter 2.

    • @kennethsoriano537
      @kennethsoriano537 3 года назад +58

      Piper is not a false teacher. I need to read the ONE article in context.

    • @HisMajestySound
      @HisMajestySound 3 года назад +81

      Exactly what this man said. With maximum respect I think you flopped with this video bro. You basically labelled these guys as false teachers or at the least sowed seeds of doubt and then rounded up by saying not to label people as false teachers. Still love you and your content but you should seriously consider deleting this one

    • @danielzechariah7263
      @danielzechariah7263 3 года назад +50

      @@HisMajestySound apostle Paul would of openly rebuked Fertick, Stanley and Chan and not held back, and also would of warned those who were following them. We don’t take water from a corrupted well. This is why teachers are held to a higher standard, the word is the standard.

    • @theartistriceedwards9570
      @theartistriceedwards9570 3 года назад +18

      I agree! Faith without works.... Bible also tell us to work out our salvation. The only disagreement I have is I don’t believe we will be living in heaven the Bible teaches that we will be returning back to a whole new earth!

    • @saludanite
      @saludanite 3 года назад +1

      Yeah, You KNOW Paul! He would probably said something like "Didn't you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" He was always doing that kind of stuff! He'd have noticed it RIGHT away, 'first things first'! "What kind of believer are you, anyway? You DON'T speak in tongues?" Like he said before, "I speak in TONGUES more than ALL of you!" Ha! Ha!

  • @carolebrenton7127
    @carolebrenton7127 3 года назад +359

    I think at the end of time, when we stand before God, we will ALL discover that we got something wrong.

    • @alphi3012
      @alphi3012 3 года назад +5

      Oh this is insightful.

    • @markteague49
      @markteague49 3 года назад +23

      We ALL got something wrong lol. We going to get to heaven, God sits us down and we say oooooohhhhhhh that’s what you meant

    • @bandilenzimande5253
      @bandilenzimande5253 3 года назад +4


    • @RaSheedapower
      @RaSheedapower 3 года назад +8

      This is true. I believe that,thats apart of growing in God. We are going to mess up but what God can do is show us our errors and when we are willing to allow Him to change our hearts we change internally and have something to share with new believers that might be struggling with an idea or character flaw.

    • @mikeys6830
      @mikeys6830 3 года назад


  • @deannalgironmusic
    @deannalgironmusic Год назад +30

    I love this. You will never find a minister that is perfect, they are growing too. As they learn and grow some views may become clearer as their faith deepens. The same is for us as well. You have to take responsibility for your own faith and relationship with God. Too many people blindly follow preachers without going to the Bible to discover it for themselves. God can speak through anyone.

    • @eboronkay
      @eboronkay 4 месяца назад

      Amen. God will use whatever means in whatever place to draw us to Him. People are so surprised when I tell them I was drawn into a relationship with our Father God through incredibly liberal progressive religion because I was raised incredibly liberal and grew up in the 60s and 70s.
      It was what I could hear at the time. Then reading the Word and being well loved by other women who are biblically centered, God ha drawn me to Himself. I am a much more conservative and orthodox Christian than I ever imagined I could be since conservative and orthodox were such bad words in my mind with the way I was raised.
      God is so amazing and has a beautiful sense of humor.

  • @pamelafoster1273
    @pamelafoster1273 Год назад +48

    You hit the nail on the head. Discernment and knowing the Bible. For new Christians it will require them to read the scriptures for themselves, pray for discernment and read again. Don't just take someone at THEIR word. Dig it out yourself. Seek and you will find.

  • @s.ekerry9733
    @s.ekerry9733 3 года назад +1706

    The thing everyone needs to remember is that all preachers/teachers are human. The best thing to do is study the word yourself and ask God to help you understand.
    Edit: To be clear, I’m not saying not to be discerning, I’m just reminded to not to follow a church leader blindly without making sure what they say lines up with the word of God.

    • @FJDGBFDBGify
      @FJDGBFDBGify 3 года назад +11

      So true!

    • @danielrobin6804
      @danielrobin6804 3 года назад +27

      Well said. We can't be depending on our brothers or sisters in Christ to discern for us because many Christians are lazy to do that for themselves. We have to know the word of God for ourselves.

    • @andrescovarrubio6885
      @andrescovarrubio6885 3 года назад +19

      Yes study the word of God and the Holy Spirit will help you .

    • @Ashley-id2cb
      @Ashley-id2cb 3 года назад +2

      yes maam!

    • @roxanncorston9403
      @roxanncorston9403 3 года назад +9


  • @007michaelpaul
    @007michaelpaul 3 года назад +153

    Allen, thank you. I’m a Marine, Swat team member, father of three, husband, and now Youth Pastor. There was a period in my life that I didn’t sleep a full night for possibly near 2 years. I was crushed over my past sins. I want to be clear with the word “past” because they have been long left behind. This isn’t to present me as sinless by any means whatsoever, but, I look back at a period that I was thinking bad thoughts and and acting in a manner that I am not proud of, actually, very ashamed. The shame came in knowing that I failed God. That pain hurt very badly and is hard to describe. There was a period during all this that I no longer wanted to live. I’ve never told anyone this, so it’s quite odd that I’m mentioning it here do publicly. The deeper I went down the tunnel of past sins, the less I talked to God, the less I would read His Word. I went from truly loving every word in the Bible and not being able to read a chapter without stopping to praise God, to feeling unjustified and dirty and worthless, much like painting a wall with a roller and water. I found your videos, specifically on eternal security, and that helped me greatly. Not to go sin, because I absolutely despise sin, it troubles be so greatly now to have a random thought cross my mind, rather to have peace that when God says we are justified and sealed, we are indeed justified and sealed. God’s love is so very great and I am so undeserving of that love. I am truly grateful for Salvation through Jesus, and the repentance of sin. I have a whole new Christian perspective, but I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. I know it may get tiresome making and editing videos for many people you’ll never meet, but trust me when I say you are making an impact. Let’s all continue to pray for each other and lift each other up to God in prayer. And if you have a moment lift me up by name. “Paul.” Thank you all. 🙏

    • @Blvd40
      @Blvd40 3 года назад +8

      "Random reminders of sin" I hope I read and understood that correctly. If so, I am occasionally troubled by this too. May the Lord bless you and give you continued Peace of Mind brother Paul. Amen.🙏🏽

    • @007michaelpaul
      @007michaelpaul 3 года назад +6

      @@Blvd40 thank you so much. I’ll lift you up as well. Let’s fight the good fight!

    • @deedavis1950
      @deedavis1950 3 года назад +7

      God bless you, Paul.

    • @thewhitelioness8645
      @thewhitelioness8645 3 года назад +4

      From Saul to Paul! God bless you!

    • @WesW3187
      @WesW3187 3 года назад +7

      Yes, I think I agree. I’m a Christian, but I sometimes get bent out of shape when things I’ve done in the past pop in to my head. I was a bad guy really, an alcoholic mostly and all the sin that goes along with that. This stuff doesn’t just disappear when you become a Christian. The act of drinking was taken from me, miraculously thank God, but some of the other sin sometimes runs like screenshots in my mind. I get so depressed in myself when some preachers say we have to be virtually perfect in our lives, for the rest of our lives, to be saved. They speak about people who have a false conversion, then seem to speak about me. That if I was truly saved I wouldn’t be having these issues. They say that saying the ‘sinner prayer’ is not enough, for example. These are guys who I look up to in their preaching. I believe I’m saved because of what I believe in the bible, that Christ died for me and forgave my sin, and since I’ve asked Him to forgive me my sin, and that I’m sorry. But in the back of my mind, I’m worried.

  • @Azeldas_Legacy
    @Azeldas_Legacy Год назад +6

    Noticing that this video is 2 years old explains a lot of things that he did not bring up about Andy Stanley...
    I did appreciate the clarifying information on Francis Chan.

  • @jessicabaker1274
    @jessicabaker1274 Год назад +6

    Yes! I so agree, discernment is so important when pickin through some of these videos, and sermons. It's really not fair to just label someone a "false teacher" when they may have some good things to say and just lack the articulation. I've really enjoyed your last few videos, thank you so much God bless 😊

  • @cclip46
    @cclip46 3 года назад +617

    I think Joel Osteen is seriously leading people in serious error.

    • @ubongetim3102
      @ubongetim3102 3 года назад +3

      LoL Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂

    • @jdj2022
      @jdj2022 3 года назад +25

      @Bill Thompson yes. But in many cases it’s too premature. No one was perfect or right about everything, but Jesus himself. We are all human.
      I am a teacher at my church and I know there are probably things I teach incorrectly unfortunately. I do my best but I’m not perfect. If I knew of any false teachings I have done I would correct them of course and I hope I never have taught falsely. But chances are everyone is wrong about something at some point. The issue is when people are intentionally misleading people and being prideful and arrogant about it refusing to reevaluate their beliefs and take correction.

    • @macdonaldzharima81
      @macdonaldzharima81 3 года назад +30

      I cannot convince my mother to stop following him. The Lord help her

    • @Rapunzel2866
      @Rapunzel2866 3 года назад +88

      I don't think Joel Osteen is leading people astray, I KNOW he is leading people astray.

    • @leerogers4219
      @leerogers4219 3 года назад +4

      @@Rapunzel2866 Paula if that were true,
      Try and Convince Yourself what Romans
      14:23 means to You. We who have studied
      Know Abraham was one of Biblical biggest
      Screw ups. But what says the Scripture?
      Genesis 15:6 Romans 4:3 With that being
      Said, Please explain what You know in just
      One paragraph your belief about Joel without
      Condemning Yourself.

  • @cba6084
    @cba6084 3 года назад +241

    JESUS is clear. "I am the only way...."
    There is NO other way.

    • @abashedsanctimony154
      @abashedsanctimony154 3 года назад +2

      Piper once said, "Christ was forsaken by the Father". that is complete heresy.
      Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; but if not, believe because of the works themselves" works do not save, they are evidence of salvation. Most have it confused what works are.
      They are perfect Gospel defending,
      love of the Father and others,
      complete rejection of sin (Rom 6:11, Rom 8:4 - 11, John 8:11)
      Loyalty to Christ, not to religion (idolatry) most sects of any religion are idolatry. One can easily forget God while pretending to become like Christ. Anyone claiming they cannot be Christ-like - is satan-like.

    • @honkhonk6094
      @honkhonk6094 3 года назад

      How do you KNOW that, if you say "the Bible" that is circular reasoning and therefore false. The truth is that you BELIEVE Jesus is the only way. You probably don't follow Jesus' teaching, you probably follow Paul. Jesus taught that you must become a circumcised Jew and obey God's law which includes the dietary laws. Jesus said "I have not come to abolish the law". Paul taught the opposite of Jesus. Paul had another Jesus, Paul was a false apostle. Matthew 5:17-20, Luke 18:18-20, 1 John 3:4

    • @Jonas.Quemuel
      @Jonas.Quemuel 3 года назад +3

      @@honkhonk6094 Bro, Jesus never taught that we should be circumcised, this is a false statement, where did you see it in the bible? To top it off, Jesus also says: I am not come to destroy (the law), *but to fulfil.*
      And, yes, we believe in Bible, therefore we believe in Jesus, and Jesus taught that He is the Only way. We are believers for we walk by faith, not by sight.

    • @kikyou5721
      @kikyou5721 3 года назад +2

      Yes there is someone in our country claiming to be the messiah and he has millions of followers

    • @thebirdaplierphd.memeology3411
      @thebirdaplierphd.memeology3411 3 года назад +2

      @@kikyou5721 Do you mean that fiverr Jesus? I do agree, that channel is very blasphemtic

  • @keithisaac8888
    @keithisaac8888 Год назад +1

    Thank you for making this video. I was a bit skeptical of the purpose of this video but I genuinely appreciate the message at the end.

  • @craigwallace4560
    @craigwallace4560 Год назад +1

    Great perspective! Thank you for this video! Kudos for putting yourself on the list.

  • @ZayAgka
    @ZayAgka 3 года назад +300

    There’s a difference between teaching with errors and being a false teacher. One the teaching with errors, we are all human and make mistakes. It’s my belief that teachers should be transparent in that manner, and many, like Francis Chan can be. A false teacher is Joel Osteen.

    • @jordang7717
      @jordang7717 3 года назад +26

      And Steven Furtick, Bill Johnson, Chris Vallaton, Benny Hinn, John Crowder, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagen, and Any televangelist on TBN

    • @DS-zo8xs
      @DS-zo8xs 3 года назад +16

      Francis Chan stopped preaching tithing after he left his mega church, or at least he stopped passing the collection plate. People make mistakes, and if they publicly admit to their mistakes then that shows a lot about their character.

    • @jonathandavid9720
      @jonathandavid9720 3 года назад +6

      @@jordang7717 Perfect example of a stereotypical enemies list. Go do your homework.

    • @browserboy1984
      @browserboy1984 3 года назад +18

      @@jonathandavid9720 or just watch the video of Steven Furtick yelling "I Am God Almighty!".
      Telling someone do your homework when you won't even sit down to watch 10 seconds of video.
      Many of the these people are just failed motivational speakers who switched over to the Christian niche and became rich.

    • @jordang7717
      @jordang7717 3 года назад +3

      @@jonathandavid9720 I do more than homework. I live in Christ. You should just give up with what you think you know altogether. You blind man.

  • @alexanderlyon
    @alexanderlyon 2 года назад +276

    Great bottom-line point at the end of the video. Preachers (like all people) make errors, say things in confusing ways, use mixed metaphors, etc. Nobody speaks perfectly or understands perfectly except Jesus. It's much better for each of us to get to know what the Bible says for ourselves than to rely on any given human to teach us perfectly.

    • @MiguelA.Zapata
      @MiguelA.Zapata 2 года назад +6

      But sometimes we don’t know the exact interpretation, so we look for teachers who can help us. However, it’s important to ask someone who can give you an accurate interpretation

    • @douglasrasmussen480
      @douglasrasmussen480 2 года назад

      There is the conundrum of false teachers and teaching that which is false. The bible is a mass of false history, wrong science, wrong medical advice, impossible physics, contrived characters, crediting acts in the bible when the events actually occurred centuries earlier, and massive exaggeration of actual events, people and places.

    • @MiguelA.Zapata
      @MiguelA.Zapata 2 года назад +6

      @@douglasrasmussen480 so you’re a man of science ?

    • @douglasrasmussen480
      @douglasrasmussen480 2 года назад

      @@MiguelA.Zapata - I respect science and its premise of provability and repeatability and I read a great deal across many genres. Why do you ask?

    • @douglasrasmussen480
      @douglasrasmussen480 2 года назад

      @Auf RUclips nicht an Politik interessiert Not sure who your comment was directed to Auf?

  • @dawnbarnes8729
    @dawnbarnes8729 Год назад +2

    Years ago I was encouraged to join a friend in a Bible study class. It was a Precept In and Out class. I think it was I Peter. Well, to say I was hooked is an understatement. I spent the majority of the next two decades taking Bible study classes. Mostly Precept, but some Beth Moore and others. Also a lot of study in Sunday School classes. What I liked about Precept was that it taught me how to study the Word, digging out the meaning and how to apply it in my own life by myself, without much help from commentaries. You only used those after you did all other work in the scriptures. When you have that tool under your belt, you can have the discernment needed when listening to any teacher. Bible literacy is so important, especially in this day and age. We have the ability to sit in our living rooms a listen to any number of different teachers. We have to be able to, as you say, eat the meat, and spit out the fat. ❤️😊

  • @Makeaocbartendagain2
    @Makeaocbartendagain2 Месяц назад +1

    When you type in any pastor with an "f" false teacher pops up. John macarthur, Voddie Boucham, Billy Graham...

  • @Lottieloves287
    @Lottieloves287 3 года назад +448

    “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right, and almost right.” C.H. Spurgeon

    • @ServantStatusMinistries
      @ServantStatusMinistries 3 года назад +28

      And almost right is still wrong.

    • @dab1968
      @dab1968 3 года назад +9

      @J L I agree with you brother. Im worried about those who are baby Christian that has little discernment. Still grateful to those who warns us about false teachers. By the grace of God’s, He removed the scales from my eyes thru these saints that warn or expose false teachers or to the least false teachings.

    • @razuhl9269
      @razuhl9269 3 года назад +1

      @J L I agree when it comes to new Christians like Paul said about the meat of the idolatry sacrifices.
      Avoid it to not let them struggle.
      For all others, look at it like warnings, like a car accident video for driving lessons.
      Watch it to avoid it and to spot false teachings.

    • @ServantStatusMinistries
      @ServantStatusMinistries 3 года назад +5

      @J L yea the way you will know someone is a false teacher is that they are speaking about carnal desires and things that do not line up with God. The more time we spend in our Word and have the Holy Spirit teach us the more we know who God is and can see when it is Him speaking through someone or if it is someone speaking from their own mind.
      I have learned that these types of people should give you a red flag:
      People who place titles in front of their name such as apostle this or deacon that or bishop this, pastor that....others may call them these things but if they call themselves these things that identify with a title more than Christ
      - they reference things other men have said more than what Jesus says and take what men say as the law and what is true
      - they reference well known heretics or look up to them
      - they are passionate about defending someone else who possibly could be wrong or a heretic...I say this because humans are not God and that passion should be directed towards the gospel and defending the name of Jesus who is never wrong. Someone who refuses to see if someone is wrong made that person an idol in their minds and also don’t want to be proven wrong.
      That’s why I am concerned about Allen here because he kept pointing to the fact that Tim from the Bible project had 2 million followers and I was thinking so? Your many artists and musicians and athletes in this world live for Satan and have billions of followers? How many apostate churches have thousands close to millions of followers? I moved up here in Portland Oregon where they are and was going to draw with them but I was convicted to leave them alone and not continue watching their channel years back and the more I grew in understanding the Word the more I saw how almost each Bible project video slightly changes the stories or scripture by omitting certain things from scripture and they retell their own version of a story in scripture. They are subtle in their approach but they are teaching another doctrine and the fact that Tim is claiming hell is not a place and is here on earth shows he is deceived and not being led by God because many people who profess that they don’t believe in God came up with that lie. People that avoid the spiritual realm to focus on what they can see believe hell doesn’t exist. Hebrew Israelites, Nation of Islam, new Agers....the list goes on but so many people think they can “create” their own Heaven and hell by their perspective on how they look at things on earth. They follow closely to the word of faith movement that falsely thinks they can speak things into existence.

    • @ServantStatusMinistries
      @ServantStatusMinistries 3 года назад +2

      @J L well no not that titles by default makes someone a false teacher I mean to just have your radar on or to really study what they say. We see Jesus didn’t glorify Himself. He didn’t walk around saying I am the Son of God and didn’t make people address Him as such. He allowed those who the Father reveal that knowledge to to say that. Since we are Jesus students and we are not above Him at all it makes my radar turn on when people exalt themselves and demand you call them by their title (which most times was ordained by man).
      For it is written those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
      But I agree with you. I don’t think titles makes someone false by default I just really question that persons motives when I see they call themselves by their title.

  • @mchristr
    @mchristr 2 года назад +727

    The Bible Project is one of the most scholarly teaching tools I've yet to find on the web. Tim Mackie's pulpit ministry is certainly nuanced toward an unchurched culture but that's a good thing. I've never heard him compromise the essentials of the Faith.

    • @carlosmingeli
      @carlosmingeli 2 года назад +54

      Totally agree! Love their teaching and the way it’s presented

    • @m.h.7153
      @m.h.7153 2 года назад +48

      Their read scripture series was such a blessing to me as I worked through the one year Bible and helped me understand what I was reading. Now they're coming out with an app and I'm pre-registered to get it because I think they do great work

    • @AmeeraG242
      @AmeeraG242 2 года назад +29

      Me either I definitely wouldn't put him in the same category of all these other people

    • @davidkugel
      @davidkugel 2 года назад +40

      I would agree with you about Tim Mackie. His ministry is focused on people who know almost nothing about the Bible. I recommend his short videos and have used them in my Sunday School class.

    • @AmeeraG242
      @AmeeraG242 2 года назад +10

      @@davidkugel yes ! That is so great I was just thinking kids might love them and new Christians

  • @triciawoodward5215
    @triciawoodward5215 Год назад +2

    Imagine this theology for those who receive salvation on their death bed - with no chance to “work” their salvation. Works don’t save - a magic prayer doesn’t save - only God knows the heart of the person - when they surrender to Him and invite Him into their life. Nothing else required - thank the Lord!

  • @tld7846
    @tld7846 8 месяцев назад +4

    Allen Parr needs to review several Bible passages regarding false teachers and to beware of them (Romans 16:17-18 and II Timothy 4:3-4). He also needs to update this video now that Andy Stanley sponsored the Unconditional Conference in full support of the LGBTQ lifestyle instead of proclaiming God's Truth on the matter (see I Corinthians 6:9-10 and Romans 1:26-27, just to name a couple of Scriptures).

  • @4ucarla885
    @4ucarla885 3 года назад +146

    God did not “break” the Law but FULFILLED the Law!-Steven Furtick was in error.

    • @isabelletchoungang7906
      @isabelletchoungang7906 3 года назад +10

      ““Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭
      This is what he meant so no he wasn’t in error.

    • @4ucarla885
      @4ucarla885 3 года назад +5

      @@isabelletchoungang7906, unfortunately, Furtick was in error because "breaking" the Law doesn't fulfill it. The word "break" doesn't hold the same definition of fulfil. To break something would make it no longer functional/operational. To "fulfill" is to make complete"--abundantly filled with no lacking and nothing missing. The OT law was just a shadow, but Jesus is the substance. The OT Law was a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ (Gal. 3:23--24). Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." (KJV)
      Strong's Greek Lexicon: "Fulfil"
      to make full, to fill up, i.e. to fill to the full
      to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally
      I abound, I am liberally supplied
      to render full, i.e. to complete
      to fill to the top: so that nothing shall be wanting to full measure, fill to the brim
      to consummate: a number
      to make complete in every particular, to render perfect
      to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking)
      to carry into effect, bring to realisation, realise
      of matters of duty: to perform, execute
      of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish
      to fulfil, i.e. to cause God's will (as made known in the law) to be obeyed as it should be, and God's promises (given through the prophets) to receive fulfilment

    • @thekaibosh
      @thekaibosh 3 года назад +4

      @@isabelletchoungang7906 That would have been great if Furtick had read scripture that he was trying to teach. But "God broke the law for love" is a better applause line, so the scripture is jettisoned

    • @IPraise22
      @IPraise22 3 года назад +2

      @@isabelletchoungang7906 break could be seen as a synonym to destroy, abolish, tear down.

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 3 года назад

      @@isabelletchoungang7906 Maybe we have a fanatic here?

  • @tinavasquez2848
    @tinavasquez2848 3 года назад +362

    Read and study the scriptures for yourself, do not rely on imperfect men.
    Pray for discernment.

    • @abashedsanctimony154
      @abashedsanctimony154 3 года назад +5

      Very wise advice

    • @bambam-pk3ju
      @bambam-pk3ju 3 года назад +6

      But In Romans it says how can one learn without a preacher. You have to have some teachings. The thing is the preacher must be sent from God. You can’t just decide one day you want to preach. You have to be sent to be a true preacher of the Word

    • @childofthealmighty3980
      @childofthealmighty3980 3 года назад +8

      @Alan Biswas-Rooney No, rely on God alone

    • @abashedsanctimony154
      @abashedsanctimony154 3 года назад +4

      @Alan Biswas-Rooney Holy Spirit imparts wisdom. Not one's self

    • @danielcollins7960
      @danielcollins7960 3 года назад +3

      By reading an English translation you’re already relying on the teachings of men which gave you your understanding of English and the translation of words and ideas that don’t exist in any modern cultures. So perhaps we should only read in Greek and Hebrew and pray for discernment?

  • @Sanitizer-ud1ul
    @Sanitizer-ud1ul Год назад +3

    Much like our current culture, I think we throw this term "false teacher" around way to much.

  • @Foreknown_
    @Foreknown_ 3 года назад +202

    On Furtick...
    I wouldn't say you can't be saved and listen to Furtick, but I would contend that a bible-reading, Spirit-filled, mature Christian can only take so much narcigesis & misapplication of scripture.

    The messages tend to be motivational, built around lifestyle & relational improvements. But where is Christ and Him crucified? Where is the Gospel presentation which can convict the sinner's heart and bring salvation? Why is scripture taken out of context to fit a narrative? Why do we settle for rock concerts followed by moralistic Ted talks?
    A few select quotes:
    -"You are enough" (no i am not)
    -"God broke the law for love" (no he didn't)
    -"I am not leaving you, I am changing forms" (modalism)
    -"it’s not how God sees me, but how I think God sees me that determines where I end up"
    -“God needed someone to show the world what he looked like or else he would have just been a concept. God would have been an abstract theory”
    -"If you know Jesus Christ, I’m sorry to break it to you, this church is not for you" ....
    -"There’s one thing that Jesus can’t do. One thing the Son of God can’t do. Even Jesus cannot override your unbelief"
    If you are a pastor who never presents the Gospel, takes scripture out of context, teaches false things and never issue clarifications, flaunts wealth and suggest a possible love of money etc.... be prepared to be labeled a false teacher🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @MuMu-fu7qe
      @MuMu-fu7qe 3 года назад +26

      "God said to Moses, 'I Am... You Are...'" LOL I can't. He is becoming more and more of a false teacher, especially now teaming up with TD Jakes. However, I agree with Allen that we should study the scriptures instead of focusing on calling people out on secondary issues. Furtick though, is committing Class A heresy more and more every time I check in on his ministry.

    • @mscottster444
      @mscottster444 3 года назад +11

      Agreed. Jude 3-4 says to contend for the faith.
      On this list Steven Furtick is the by far the worst. Andy Stanley is getting there by deny the Old Testament. The rest I don’t know there’s not enough evidence. Allen Parr is definitely not a false teacher.

    • @xehphotographyx
      @xehphotographyx 3 года назад +3

      Thank you!!

    • @davidprice9792
      @davidprice9792 3 года назад +2


    • @dk4232
      @dk4232 3 года назад +2

      @@mscottster444 I think Allen provides more context to Stanley's unhitch comment here. It sounds bad as a single sentence but his point is valid.

  • @kevinfonseca5484
    @kevinfonseca5484 3 года назад +157

    Lesson of the day: be a Berean. Search the Scriptures daily and see if what anybody says lines up with the Word.

    • @fruit-filledolivetree5056
      @fruit-filledolivetree5056 3 года назад +3

      Exactly. I’ve found most people who are false teachers get caught up when you begin using the scripture as the standard and sounding board of ultimate truth. I’ve found “believers” and pastors alike seem to not have a full belief that the Word of God is unchanging and unerrored .

    • @bradleyperry1735
      @bradleyperry1735 3 года назад +2

      These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
      - 1 Timothy 3:14-15
      The Church is the pillar and ground of Truth. Scripture is a part of the Holy Traditions of the Church, but reading the Bible to discern the Truth for yourself apart from the Church will only lead you into deception.

    • @jonathanmcdaniel1040
      @jonathanmcdaniel1040 3 года назад +1

      I made this three word comment just today after watching this vid but before reading the comments. If you said "jinx" I would owe you a Coke.

    • @spiralapprentice
      @spiralapprentice 3 года назад +3

      Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. - Ephesians 5:11

    • @gu3sswh075
      @gu3sswh075 3 года назад +2

      Exactly. Let the bible interpret itself with less opinions

  • @solitro
    @solitro 2 месяца назад

    This is my first video of yours. I appreciate the message at the end and I think this was handled well.

  • @Brockstarlan
    @Brockstarlan Год назад

    Bro Allen, love it but you left me hanging when you said you would say who you thought were false teachers at the end of the video lol.

    • @thewhim8151
      @thewhim8151 8 дней назад

      That was the point of the video

  • @noahglomski915
    @noahglomski915 3 года назад +250

    I want to assure you that John Piper would condemn the statement that works get you to Heaven. I think he is highlighting that fruits of the spirit are a result of being saved. We need to remember that faith without works is dead as James tells us.

    • @maxinvasionleet
      @maxinvasionleet 3 года назад +7

      The book of james is teaching about practical faith not saving faith. Of course john piper would condemn the works+ faith statement. But that's still what he teaches.

    • @meliciousgoremay
      @meliciousgoremay 3 года назад +19

      James is written to Believers. He’s speaking about living the Christian life, sanctification. Not justification.

    • @dimitartodorov4826
      @dimitartodorov4826 3 года назад +14

      @@maxinvasionleet Practical faith is saving faith. It's impossible to have true faith but lack works. They go together. Jesus said "if you love me keep my commandments", I am pretty sure that people who don't love God cannot get to heaven no matter if they say that they believe.

    • @nomadicrecovery1586
      @nomadicrecovery1586 3 года назад +2

      @@maxinvasionleet big assumption there

    • @savedbygracejesusismysavio7723
      @savedbygracejesusismysavio7723 3 года назад +19

      I refuse to believe John Piper is a false teacher. He always teach about salavation by faith alone but this faith has to bear fruit with our lifestyle which means a transformed life- that the evidence of being saved and truly belief in Jesus is by a holier lifestyle for the old self is gone and we are now a new creation. We may never be perfect while on earth but it should show that we are being transformed by the Lord through our faith in Him.
      Matthew 7:15-20. 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
      The fruit is a transformed life and renewed mind which is seen in our life- new lifestyle. It is a work of the Holy Spirit by God’s grace through our faith.
      John Piper always affirm that we should be satisfied in God alone. That means, our life is surrendered to God as we are new creation and now borne of God therefore evidence will show through good works for our Father is good. Proclaiming faith without bearing fruit or evidence of being in the Lord (through lifestyle) is a dead faith (counterfeit one).

  • @OSUBucknado
    @OSUBucknado Месяц назад +1

    How can Chan state he doesn't want to go where another is preaching as he does, and state he doesn't research the other preachers where he is invited?

  • @shelleycc
    @shelleycc Год назад

    Gorgeous, cut-straight-to-the-bone, common sense, LOVING words of wisdom, my brother!!!
    This should be required viewing for ALL Christians.
    Peace and many thanks and blessings to you, and may the name of God be forever in our hearts and on our lips.

  • @tobeytruestory
    @tobeytruestory 3 года назад +307

    And God didn't murder Christ. Christ was obedient and GAVE his life for us.

    • @thebeatagp
      @thebeatagp  3 года назад +30

      Yes but he made it sound like that’s what God was “guilty” of when He “broke the law” for love.

    • @thetrollpatrol8799
      @thetrollpatrol8799 3 года назад +7

      God killed Jesus AND Jesus went willingly. The Father and Son were in agreement. “But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him....
      But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53:6, 10‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

    • @tobeytruestory
      @tobeytruestory 3 года назад +13

      @@thetrollpatrol8799 eeeeeh, but I don't think murder is the right word. There was definitely something else going on then. Even if those who did the actual killing didn't know it.

    • @thetrollpatrol8799
      @thetrollpatrol8799 3 года назад +2

      @@tobeytruestory right. “Murder” implies the killer is acting unjustly. People murdered Jesus, but God only killed Jesus

    • @jessicae.7255
      @jessicae.7255 3 года назад +24

      @@thetrollpatrol8799 Jesus said: “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.”
      ‭‭(John‬ ‭10:18‬ ‭NLT‬‬)
      Jesus and God the Father were in agreement. It was not murder i.e Jesus willing allowed God the Father to crush him.

  • @denisecollins5634
    @denisecollins5634 Год назад +168

    This video was really timely for me as lately I have felt bombarded by Christians who are labeling anyone who preaches as false teachers, and it has left me feeling like I can't listen to anyone. But your insight and points about the dollar bill and focusing on learning sound doctrine is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thank you for this!

    • @pmscalisi
      @pmscalisi Год назад

      The Tower of Babel is relevant to this.

    • @davidgamas6833
      @davidgamas6833 Год назад +10

      Listen to John MacArthur, Paul washer, Voddie Voccum, sound teacher who preach the Gospel in every single one of their sermons.

    • @sirennoir258
      @sirennoir258 Год назад


    • @john5389
      @john5389 Год назад

      @@davidgamas6833 Voddie is unbiblical with regards to the patriarchy and stay at home daughters movement. He worked alongside Bill Gothard and Doug Philips who was raping an underage child.

    • @jojijosette5946
      @jojijosette5946 Год назад

      Pray for discernment every day. God hears.

  • @s.thomas6251
    @s.thomas6251 10 месяцев назад

    I am so glad you have made this video. Its so true to be very careful of labelling. I agree yes it can hinder somebody else's blessing. Me being new to faith I've had friends who have said be careful of such and such. I know they are only looking out for me but sometimes it doesn't always help. Thanks for sharing this Allen Parr.

  • @lynettemeaker5202
    @lynettemeaker5202 2 месяца назад

    I just saw a quote from another video that applies perfectly here:
    "Discernment is not only knowing the difference between right and wrong, but it's also knowing the difference between right and what's almost right."

  • @LyricsMassiah
    @LyricsMassiah 3 года назад +55

    When my dad worked at the bank, he would have to sit and just count money. The point wasn’t to tally it, but to get to learn what it felt like.
    When counterfeit money entered his hands it would immediately feel different.
    Don’t study the false, know the truth and discerning the false will be made easier.

    • @natalie5892
      @natalie5892 3 года назад

      @THE BEAT by Allen Par May the Lord have mercy on you....

    • @123abg8
      @123abg8 3 года назад +1

      @@natalie5892 btw that’s a fake account acting like the creator of this channel

    • @kedduff1814
      @kedduff1814 3 года назад

      @@natalie5892 I also pray God have mercy on all these scammers that try to take advantage of Christian kindness.

    • @natalie5892
      @natalie5892 3 года назад

      @@123abg8 I know, that’s why they need His mercy. It’s terrible

    • @natalie5892
      @natalie5892 3 года назад

      @@kedduff1814 amen 🙏🏼

  • @sublyme2157
    @sublyme2157 3 года назад +98

    I mean, for cryin' out loud, the people of Jesus's day knew so much about God, that they didn't even recognize Him when He was standing face to face.

    • @frederickweeksjr.1189
      @frederickweeksjr.1189 3 года назад +3

      Not people....the Jews( namely Pharisees and Sadducees). Read John 1:11.

    • @Pictur3Perf3ct
      @Pictur3Perf3ct 3 года назад +5

      @@frederickweeksjr.1189 the jews were also people lool?? The point is there are current pharisees today!

    • @frederickweeksjr.1189
      @frederickweeksjr.1189 3 года назад

      @@Pictur3Perf3ct no

    • @kelleym7623
      @kelleym7623 3 года назад

      They knew who He is they just rejected Him.

    • @frederickweeksjr.1189
      @frederickweeksjr.1189 3 года назад

      @Truth Speak you're not even worth the debate. I gave you SCRIPTURE and you want to twist it around. No time for that

  • @kaydebow-vg6qz
    @kaydebow-vg6qz Год назад

    Very good and informative. I liked how you went over all before you presented weather or not you thought they were a false teacher. Àlso you gave some very advice about eating the meat and spitting out the fat.

  • @TheProductiveGeneralist
    @TheProductiveGeneralist 11 месяцев назад

    Couldn't have put it into words better. Thanks for this video 🙏🙏🙏

  • @j_t2003
    @j_t2003 3 года назад +147

    I don’t understand how most Christians can’t understand this. Glad you made a video about this!

    • @akatgif
      @akatgif 3 года назад +1

      It's because a large percentage of our population are sadly imbeciles. Gullible Minds functioning at a very low level. Gullible to believing that there's actually a real devil a real life Lucifer.

    • @DJ_BROBOT
      @DJ_BROBOT 3 года назад +6

      @@akatgif so you're saying you too are part of the gullible clic!?!

    • @stephenjohnson9632
      @stephenjohnson9632 3 года назад

      What are your thoughts on Mike Schmitz?

    • @martidiamond7109
      @martidiamond7109 3 года назад +2

      Really? Just supposed to 'spit out the bones'?

    • @champitadub
      @champitadub 3 года назад +6

      Same, but at the end of the day, people of all walks of life are in different stages of learning and maturity in faith. I’m sure we’ve all over-shot or under-shot many things in our lives, but we keep learning. This was an excellent video that will help baby and hard-headed Christians alike think critically and discern wisely. We’re all on this journey together, so let us have Jesus’ patience and grace. Love y’all fam!🙏🏽❤️✝️

  • @Kblog777
    @Kblog777 3 года назад +340

    Seems like everyone gets accused of being a false teacher at some point or another.

    • @isaiahcampbell2193
      @isaiahcampbell2193 3 года назад +11

      @THE BEAT by Allen Par you're missing an r, liar.

    • @Scouter5050
      @Scouter5050 3 года назад +8

      Walk the path of light and expect persecution

    • @heismightytosave527
      @heismightytosave527 3 года назад +1

      Francis Chan is in agreement with the Catholic Church! Please we don’t need to partner with darkness! Acts 17:11

    • @pitherra
      @pitherra 3 года назад +4

      @THE BEAT by Allen Par fake account

    • @brentbuswell7204
      @brentbuswell7204 3 года назад +3

      That's especially true when the one being accused is really getting deep into the Word, and letting God say what he means and mean what he says.

  • @ThomasBangura-mf9qq
    @ThomasBangura-mf9qq 2 месяца назад

    Hey, @Allen Parr, I have watched a couple of your videos and am figuring out where I stand with some of the things you taught. (I do not agree with your view on deliverance and tongues, but I agree with your trinity analogy and salvation prayer view.) After watching this video, I no longer need to wonder. I am 100% in agreement with you on this video; we need to be very careful about whom and why we label people as false teachers. You right pointed out that we can block others from being blessed just by our labeling. God bless you, and continue the great work.

  • @iamalphalim
    @iamalphalim 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome video
    Well done on hooking us in by the carnal desire to label people and elevate ourselves but then surprising us with a good and wise message instead
    When I clicked on this video I was thinking, Ah, here we go again… 🙄 but I stuck it through and by the end, I was pleasantly surprised and subscribed!

  • @89kattysa89
    @89kattysa89 3 года назад +110

    My fear is that lately Bible teaching has been so superficial that people accept anything as truth as long as it comes from a famous preacher.
    I found myself guilty of that like 10 years ago..

    • @Loui3626
      @Loui3626 3 года назад +8

      For some reason, this reminded me of idolatry. Bc of how image based our society is, a lot of ppl would rather trust someone who is bringing in numbers over someone who preaches the truth but rarely gets attraction. I’ve noticed too that some of these mega church preachers will use their family to create a narrative that everything in their life is in order. I watched a video a couple months back of a woman who use to work bts for elevation church & she exposed them by saying it felt more like a movie set than an actual church service.

    • @einarabelc5
      @einarabelc5 3 года назад +2

      Then we're guilty of laziness.

    • @89kattysa89
      @89kattysa89 3 года назад +5

      @@einarabelc5 the thing is that church should be making disciples but many now preach more about moral and life than Gospel.

    • @UnfilteredMedic
      @UnfilteredMedic 3 года назад +2

      Avoid Greg Locke and Global Vision Bible "Church".

    • @daddada2984
      @daddada2984 3 года назад

      thats because of fanatism.. Human whats idol & so called pastor whats to be all knowing & never wrong & to be the idol.
      by the simple title of being called a pastor is a red flag.

  • @martinasteelers
    @martinasteelers 3 года назад +202

    God please give me the spirit of DISCERNMENT!!! AMEN.

    • @AnniEast
      @AnniEast 3 года назад +2

      I think you made a typo, as I'm not sure what the spirit if discernment is, there is a gift of discerning spirits...but as far as discernment for every Christian goes, you just need to study the bible...its gets easier to spot the lies if you know the Truth.
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.

    • @antoniojones1726
      @antoniojones1726 3 года назад

      Hold fast what good and by the way God said he is going to be the one to deal with the false teachings and we need to here when he is speaking again hole fast that good amen

    • @isaiahbakombo8603
      @isaiahbakombo8603 3 года назад +1

      @@AnniEast please pray for brother Mustafa, he is a new Christian in Sudan and according to apostacy laws he can be killed, his parents are talking about that option so please pray and intercede for the brother, much thanks!

    • @isaiahbakombo8603
      @isaiahbakombo8603 3 года назад

      @@antoniojones1726 please pray for brother Mustafa, he is a new Christian in Sudan and according to apostacy laws he can be killed, his parents are talking about that option so please pray and intercede for the brother, much thanks!

    • @dannyglover9151
      @dannyglover9151 3 года назад

      Allen Parr is telling us to not mark false teachers and to keep listening to them while the Bible says mark false teachers and avoid them.
      Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
      Romans 16:17‭-‬18 KJV

  • @uriahg4222
    @uriahg4222 Год назад +1

    So I haven't watched your content often. But the answers and explanations you give are always exactly the answers and explanations I have when I see these clips even before you respond. It is so clear that you are well grounded in the word of God and ultimately your relationship with Jesus.

  • @mikemurphy6564
    @mikemurphy6564 Месяц назад +1

    How do we unhitch the OT when Timothy says ALL Scripture is given by the inspriation of GOD and is profitable for doctrine, reproof correction and instruction in righteousness? Paul said the OT was given as an example for us. So we cannot divorce the OT from the NT...we are not bound by the law due to grace, however the OT was written for us as well.

  • @PaulOnMars
    @PaulOnMars 3 года назад +230

    Summary: "Be careful of labeling people as false teachers. Instead, focus your time on understanding what true doctrine really is."
    ~Allen Parr

    • @darthrubik8384
      @darthrubik8384 3 года назад +19

      But also, avoid false teachers, and know how to identify one.

    • @DeepDreamLullaby
      @DeepDreamLullaby 3 года назад +5

      @@darthrubik8384 you missed the point

    • @darthrubik8384
      @darthrubik8384 3 года назад +13

      @@DeepDreamLullaby You missed Galatians2:4, 2Corinthians11:13, 2Corinthians11:26, 2Timothy4:3, 2Peter2:1, and 1John4:1

    • @DeepDreamLullaby
      @DeepDreamLullaby 3 года назад +7

      @@darthrubik8384 the point is paul never dedicated a whole ministry to call out false teachers. Yes he mentioned some by name but thats like 5% of his writing. The rest is about the Truth found in Christ- His testimony etc....

    • @completoencristo9130
      @completoencristo9130 3 года назад +17

      @@DeepDreamLullaby why do you think all the epistles of the apostles and even our LORD JESUS CHRIST warned us about false teachers man ? Smh all this “be kind , be nice” got Christians being deceived by this false teachers . That’s why the world is confuse because we don’t fully separate our selves from this heretics.

  • @NB-nh2sf
    @NB-nh2sf 3 года назад +261

    My husband said when he first got saved he turned off the Hip Hop and started reading Joel Olsteen. He does not follow Joel now as he matured but it Was Olsteen that got him the basics.

    • @JasmineJeane
      @JasmineJeane 3 года назад +49

      that part. the church I got saved at I don't go to anymore.. some doctrine that is off. but it did lead me to Christ.

    • @keyman6689
      @keyman6689 3 года назад +33

      I'm surprised he got any basics from JO since he won't even talk about sin. But praise God the truth still shone through and worked in your husband's life!

    • @robmangeri777
      @robmangeri777 3 года назад +41

      I’ve seen this situation play out MANY times! The apostle Paul in the Bible was happy that even people who preached out of spite were doing it. God’s word never comes back void even if the vessel sharing it is messed up! The Bible also warns that teachers will be judged more strictly so anyone preaching needs to fear the Lord!!! God bless you by the way :)

    • @natalie5892
      @natalie5892 3 года назад +23

      @@robmangeri777 I was just going to comment this scripture. I was also led to Christ by an evangelist who I later realized is a prosperity gospel preacher. It saddened me to realize that. I even reached out to him personally to cite scripture against that movement and he said it was “stupid” of me not to believe in what he was preaching and he blocked me on social media. Very sad 😞 but praise the LORD, He has matured me. But I still have a LOT of maturing to do. May God help us all. His Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @mneimac9041
      @mneimac9041 3 года назад +10

      Very true ,we forget that we are at different stages in our faith some desire milk while other meat...but to God be the glory the author and finisher of our faith. He sends us pastors, apostles, prophets ,evangelists and teachers so that our faith is perfected through the holyspirit. I listened to Pastor Joel and his grace is that of encouragement even though I don't listen to him like I used to I respect his ministry. Eyes ,nose, mouth hands ,feet, lungs , ears are all part of the body and we must learn where preachers are graced and not throw away the baby with the bath water ....Finally Jesus says My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

  • @hephep7426
    @hephep7426 2 месяца назад

    Would love to hear if you have an update your opinions these preachers as its been 3 years.

  • @mauryanderika
    @mauryanderika 10 месяцев назад

    How do you reconcile this with the 1% poison and 99% pure drink analogy you use for worship music?

  • @sktgfk9229
    @sktgfk9229 3 года назад +257

    Not agreeing with what a preacher says does not make them false. Let me also state that it is wrong for Christians to just go out and label any a false teacher. We forget that these people are human and can err like any other person. The Bible says pray for your leaders, spiritual as well. David knew Saul was rejected by God but still accorded him the respect due. He would have been disqualified if he did otherwise. That is what I see happening to Christians who go out of their way to just cancel preachers,

    • @CLDJ227
      @CLDJ227 3 года назад +8

      Agreed. That's why I like they way Parr tackles this from a more reasonable place rather than just attacking the preachers like some others might do.

    • @sonoftheking3332
      @sonoftheking3332 3 года назад +9

      Agreed, it’s just when they do not agree with the Word of God.

    • @coffeexvlog
      @coffeexvlog 3 года назад +14

      If it goes against Gods word then it does.

    • @noles9998
      @noles9998 3 года назад +16

      @sk false teachers teach a false gospel. A little straw man of an argument you have going on here. Disagreements don’t make someone a false teachers but the teachings of a false gospel is the argument.

    • @savenacaariavatayato5246
      @savenacaariavatayato5246 3 года назад +8

      The Devils are using the internet in this last days for believers to attack other believers,....We should not judge others in public, why we just pray for them privately and let the Holy Spirits do the right things...Pride and Fame through the internet to attack other Christians is wrong...we should not quick to judge as its not our right, only God can judge them and we're in the last days (Ephesians 6:10-18) we should wake up and love our brothers and sisters in Christ as we loved ourselves💟🙏

  • @shannonsmithjared
    @shannonsmithjared 3 года назад +104

    He’s right in his summary. When I was a young Christian I listened to a few teachers who I would not listen to now because I’ve grown in discernment but at that time fed me the “milk” I needed

    • @susanpienaar3256
      @susanpienaar3256 3 года назад

      Oh shutupp. You are a Seventh Day believer and you are a false teacher!

    • @unhappytoyman8767
      @unhappytoyman8767 3 года назад +1

      @@susanpienaar3256 lol you're gonna be that troll. Go back to under the bridge.

    • @tweetybird1480
      @tweetybird1480 3 года назад +3

      @@susanpienaar3256 not very nice at all. Treat people the way you'd want to be treated.

    • @christelleilmet3601
      @christelleilmet3601 3 года назад +2

      @@susanpienaar3256 hey coming from another Christian check your attitude. Stop being rude and remember the Fruit of the Spirit

    • @davidm4566
      @davidm4566 3 года назад +2

      We all need milk in the beginning! The milk preachers have a place and are needed, but like you said, we eventually outgrow them and move on.

  • @sam_asare
    @sam_asare 11 месяцев назад +3

    Matthew 7:15-20
    15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

  • @beansahmansay7734
    @beansahmansay7734 Год назад

    Hey Allen… I’m a 'Trini’/ 'Trin-bay-Go-nee-an’… {from the Caribbean 'twin-island’ Republic of 'Trinidad & Tobago’… {pronounced… '2-bay-go’}… but born on the island of 'Trinidad’…
    I was born '1961’… to 2 'Bible School trained’ 'pastor-parents’… I grew up in an environment of church & 'church people’… my parents friends being mostly & almost entirely, 'pastors’ &/or 'church-people’…
    I recall an 'evangelist’… from our congregation, who would preach at our church whenever his schedule allowed… saying to us once… some time in the late 70s/early to mid 80s… that whenever we as believers listen to any preaching, we "Must learn to eat the 'meat’ & throw away the 'bones’”
    That advice guided me throughout my ‘Christian walk’… thank God…
    Thank you for the 'perpetually timely’ updated… God inspired rendition of this 'Very Wise’ advice…
    God Bless you…

  • @toriwenzel2758
    @toriwenzel2758 2 года назад +417

    I absolutely love The Bible Project. I think Tim teaches people all the theories he knows. He doesn't say "this is it", but he clearly says "there are theories about this"

    • @kickpublishing
      @kickpublishing Год назад

      He is a very dangerous false teacher selling the NAR theocracy - thats a political "Heaven on Earth" idea and its VERY dangerous because its more Catholic than it is Biblical. Last time humanity tried it in Europe tens of millions of believers were murdered over centuries for defying political Christendom. Avoid the Bible Project like the plague.

    • @plebisMaximus
      @plebisMaximus Год назад +85

      Tim Mackie tries to make people think about the Bible for themselves. If that's a false teaching, then I'm a fake Christian lol.

    • @MikeCheckBiloxi
      @MikeCheckBiloxi Год назад +16

      Sure, there are some things in the Bible that can be theorized different ways...but there are also absolutes in the Bible. Salvation through faith...death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ... baptism not required for salvation, etc.

    • @toriwenzel2758
      @toriwenzel2758 Год назад +25

      @@MikeCheckBiloxi all of these are portrayed in the Bible project! I don't think they ever said the contrary!

    • @josephmiller2460
      @josephmiller2460 Год назад +19

      Bible Project is a fantastic resource. I use it often in private devotion and ministry.

  • @tv4tvinc.330
    @tv4tvinc.330 Год назад

    Love your videos!!! I don’t always agree with your views but what I love about you is that you’re always willing to put yourself under the microscope. Thank you for everything you do!

    • @tv4tvinc.330
      @tv4tvinc.330 Год назад

      There’s an old expression in the South- “Take the meat and leave the bones.” I feel like this applies to every church and every pastor/teacher.

  • @brotherchrisrco1125
    @brotherchrisrco1125 3 года назад +206

    I don't believe John Piper believes in a Work Salvation. He's a Calvinist. They do believe that your works prove your faith, but Calvinism teaches that even your faith is from God. Our salvation has zero to do with works. We are saved by God's Grace which includes faith. This is all basic Calvinism...

    • @flowerpower3618
      @flowerpower3618 3 года назад +3

      True.he is a “dyed in the wool” Calvinist.

    • @k88keyzk
      @k88keyzk 3 года назад +4

      Truth...this is what I’m thinking. It seems that he’s saying...your works are a result of your master.

    • @brotherchrisrco1125
      @brotherchrisrco1125 3 года назад +7

      @@k88keyzk I'm surprised to hear the explination given. It's pretty common knowledge that Calvinism teaches anything but a Work Salvation...

    • @janet183
      @janet183 3 года назад +13

      Salvation is the Lords . We contribute nothing to it ...our righteousness is us filthy rags ..for if righteousness came by the law Christ died needlessly..we receive the spirit not by the works of the law but by hearing of the Faith.
      And Faith brings righteousness, a righteousness that is not our own, but comes by faith in Christ.
      The Doctrine of Grace , and the Doctrine of Justification by Faith alone .For he was delivered for our transgressions and raised for our justification..has helped me understand the truth of Gods word ....understanding that we are saved by Grace through Faith alone, and the doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement...has greatly helped me understand my Faith in Christ and being regenerate and being heirs according to the promise .For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the Power of God unto Salvation.

    • @ezer0923
      @ezer0923 3 года назад +2

      That's not calvinsim, that's how it is since Genesis, we can't work for our salvation, it's always been God since Genesis.

  • @rudycummings4671
    @rudycummings4671 Год назад +2

    Well said Mr. Parr. I think you hit the nail on the head! Learn the bible, study it and understand its doctrines and then you are in a good position to recognise false teachings!

  • @normmarks1971
    @normmarks1971 4 месяца назад

    Outstanding final conclusion! I’ve been really getting a lot out of your videos! Stay true to the Lord and the word and keep up the good work!

  • @flightforlight157
    @flightforlight157 3 года назад +112

    The most important thing for me is reading the Bible for myself

    • @admininfo536
      @admininfo536 3 года назад +1

      Unless you know ancient history and the history of how the Bible was translated, it will be hard to understand the truth in the Bible by just reading it by yourself. It’s not a book of laws, it’s a story. And it needs context to be properly understood

    • @MrWesford
      @MrWesford 3 года назад

      More importantly than reading the Bible is immersing yourself in the life of the church and understanding How the Orthodox Church interprets the Bible.

    • @priscillial8333
      @priscillial8333 3 года назад +1

      Believe or not we need pastors interpretations while Christians. Allen gave a bad advice by saying « just read the bible for yourself » if you need understanding, they are strong teachers like Voddie Baucham here on RUclips... God bless

    • @MrWesford
      @MrWesford 3 года назад

      @@priscillial8333 My advice is always “Ask your priest”
      Everyone needs a spiritual Father.

    • @natalie5892
      @natalie5892 3 года назад +1

      @@MrWesford Catholicism teaches works by faith, we don’t need a middle man like the priest or pope to go directly to Christ. You can’t buy your way out of hell. There is no purgatory. Mary and the saints can’t save you. May the Lord have mercy on you...

  • @Jtruthd
    @Jtruthd 3 года назад +111

    I struggled with the ravi zacharias scandal when I first heard about it, because his message would really resonate with me. As if his words were of God. I prayed about it and realized my faith wasn't based on any man but Jesus Christ. No one was perfect but him. That thought brought me peace. I also prayed that the lord would lead me to good and righteous teachers to satisfy my thirst for wisdom. Which I believe brought me to this channel. I still think everything I learned from the RZIM ministry was fruitful and of God, and if Ravi were still here I would thank him for his impact on my life. God bless

    • @injesusnamewepray46
      @injesusnamewepray46 3 года назад +12

      I never found any doctrinal untruths in Ravi Zacharias work....he was a sinner who sinned like we all do...that doesnt make him a false teacher, it just destroys his testimony...the Bible says different things about that-we are to be salt and light, if the salt (us) has lost its savor it isnt even fit for anything but the ground beneath our feet...Jesus said that...

    • @johngodsey5327
      @johngodsey5327 3 года назад +8

      I wrote an article for Grace in focus magazine on ravi z which isn’t published yet but it addressed this. I for one will keep his books and material. Ravi did an awesome job of apologetics and had a clear understanding of the gospel, even if he did struggle with sexual addiction. He was a brother who sinned and will reconcile everything at the bema. Let me know if you want the article, I’m happy to send it. I had a hard time with many teachers trying to claim that Ravi was in hell. It was the catalyst to write the article

    • @torshiaseales5061
      @torshiaseales5061 3 года назад +8

      God can speak through anyone.

    • @Jtruthd
      @Jtruthd 3 года назад +6

      I reread my comment and can see my miscommunication. Please believe I love all Ravi's work, and was deeply moved by his ministry. We all fall short, and I was not making any attempt to judge one of the most prolific spiritual leaders of or time.

    • @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on
      @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 3 года назад +13

      Ravi was definitely a false teacher and those concession phrases like “we all sin” and “God CAN use anyone” does little to bolster the credibility of the faith to unbelievers. It results in Christian appearing as disobedient hypocrites. The genuine Christians wouldn’t even eat with Ravi if he was living in the first century.
      (1 CORINTHIANS 5:9-11) Contemporary Christianity is extremely watered down version of its first century counterpart. Choosing to turn a blind eye to a fellow Christian but condemn an unbeliever for the same behavior is hypocritical and unchristian. (1 CORINTHIANS 5:12-13)

  • @notyetkn0wn
    @notyetkn0wn 9 месяцев назад

    Very good advice brother. I enjoy this channel very much!

  • @raidanbolt4844
    @raidanbolt4844 7 месяцев назад +1

    We have to be careful of what we think sounds right and believe but rather is what is being said is in alignment to what God said.

  • @timmartin6091
    @timmartin6091 3 года назад +149

    3 years ago, at almost 22 years old i almost took my own life. I was abused as a kid, broken, depressed, anorexic, bulimic, suicidal. I went in & out of psych units like it was a game of tic-tac-toe. Suicide watch. I was on enough Antidepressants to kill a horse. I hated myself. I wanted out. I wanted the pain to stop. The gaslighting* to end. *(when a psycho makes a sane person question their own sanity, and thus think they themselves are the insane one).
    I wanted power. I got into witchcraft. I thought it would give me the identity i wanted, to be set apart from people who hurt me. It only made me sicker. Sicker. Thats what it did to me.
    The doctor said id never get well. That i would suffer severe Chronic Manic depression, and never be well, that id be stuck on antidepressants all of my life.
    I would plot suicide on a daily basis, binging and purging my food as often as opening and closing a door. The pain was too real. People choked me. Assaulted me. Told me i was ugly, i felt worthless. Nothing ever got better. Then my mother died. The (1) & only soul who ever loved /emotionally supported me was removed from the earth. I was stuck living with people who broke me, ruined my identity, thus causing me to hate God. I thought God hated me, that he was just like the ones who tortured me, a family of abusers, who cover up all their actions with the mask of religion. I didnt know that God is on my side. I didnt know that Jesus would Love and Defend me, and fight for me and that He later would heal me, rescue me from Family. The ones who caused me pain. The ones who choked me for wearing a necklace.
    I moved out after family threatened to throw all my belongings on the front yard, and have me permanently institutionalized in an insane asylum, when they were the ones who caused my mental illness via abuse.
    They blamed me for the abuse they did to me.
    To take my life in an insane asylum when they were the ones who made me suicidal.
    Next morning i spoke with my dead moms parents who let me live with them.
    I stayed on the antidepressants, prescribed. But they only made me sicker. I got deeper and deeper into witchcraft, thinking it was a solution. But it made me even more suicidal. Self hatred was inescapable.
    I decided i was going to kill myself. I was going to take all my pills.
    But then Jesus stepped in. I didnt die. I surrendered my life to Jesus to make me well and heal me.
    The deity i blamed for me being abused wanted to heal me. He Was fighting for me and Loved me all along.
    He wanted to love me. He wanted to give me His Heart.
    Jesus miraculously healed me - i am off all drugs and dont need them and i dont have any mental illnesses. I work a job and am totally healed , full of joy.
    I’m now a born again Christian, who wants the entire world to know that ❤️JESUS WANTS TO HEAL YOU
    Nuff said. ❤️

    • @drummermomcjs
      @drummermomcjs 3 года назад +6

      Awesome testimony to the grace, and love that Jesus has.

    • @jennyfrank4193
      @jennyfrank4193 3 года назад +3

      Blessings to you!

    • @karlamkuhn760
      @karlamkuhn760 3 года назад +2

      This is tremendously hurtful & Hopeful! I can relate some. The only person who was gaslighting & choking me, tho, was whom I'd married & believed we were in a holy union under CHRIST. I'd had depression & anxiety in h.s., it grately intensified with him the more he took BIBLE out & Prayer. He forbade me from using the word "Hope" bcuz I wasn't getting any better. 4 young children & a miscarriage, chokings every other yr of our 10 yr marriage & my actual death experience at his previously Ntl Guard hands (the pit. The worm. Blackest of black we can't even fathom on Earth. Outside of time. No love.) later, I was miraculously MERCIFULLY allowed to come back to Life and given another chance at life. I had believed I was a Christian. Now I knew #GODISREALANDHESNOTMESSINAROUND
      When I returned, I was crying. He asked me why I was crying. PG I didn't answer, but I thought, "I'm not crying because of what you did to me but because of _where my sins put me_."
      Shortly thereafter, HOLY SPIRIT told me.... to go to FHTC. & so there, in that place of safety & quiet, HS Confronted me in GENTLENESS & LOVE, helping me sort out _my own sins_ to Repent of vs others'. Gave me JOY. FAITH. LOVE & yes even restored true HOPE to & in me! Healed me of anxiety (fear) & depression (unForgiveness in my case) & all this & more w/o meds which I had reluctantly gotten on the yr B4. Physical HEALING also took place that yr esp bcuz of all the TRUTH poured into me & my Repentant responses. I was Delivered of a self-loathing spirit. (I'd been suicidal since high school & asked him -kind of demanded-him to kill me. Had "prayed" more than once to die. #wordshavepower DON'T DO THIS! TURN TO THE LORD, THE OVERSEER of our souls! Read JOHN & the GOSPELS 4× instead! GOD IS LOVE. And HOLY. RIGHTEOUS and MERCIFUL. MIGHTY & GRACIOUS. HOPE & GENTLENESS. TRUTH & HUMBLE. GOOD and JUST. FORGIVING and LONG SUFFERING.... So, don't mess around waiting for another day to get it right, but step into True FREEDOM today!
      PSALM 20:1, 6-8; ISAIAH 43; ISAIAH 38:15-20; DANIEL 3:16-18; JOHN 14:11-21; NAHUM 1:7; REVELATION 21:6-8

    • @kmija2013
      @kmija2013 3 года назад +1

      This. Is. What. Matters. Yesssss! GLORY TO GOD. 🙌🏽❤️

    • @vongaimuswinu2326
      @vongaimuswinu2326 3 года назад


  • @jossy__fresh
    @jossy__fresh 2 года назад +241

    "Know your Bible so well, that you can be able to eat the meat and throw out the fat when listening to any preacher of the Gospel" . Very powerful advice, that's literally what I do everytime I listen to any preacher of the Gospel.

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 2 года назад +2

      That depends on what meat you eat, so.e needs throw out all together, ie if you read the word

    • @kathystoneburner4947
      @kathystoneburner4947 2 года назад +3

      Kissy fresh, Amen! I read a quote that's so true. You want to become a multimillionaire in America? Get behind religion. So true. So so many out here living the good life off people that don't question.

    • @kathystoneburner4947
      @kathystoneburner4947 2 года назад +1


    • @sterlingsubs
      @sterlingsubs 2 года назад +3

      Absolutely! It's so worth the time to study, study, study til you know doctrine very well, and can discern virtually anything. No more being vulnerable to trickery or games.

    • @teevee1234
      @teevee1234 2 года назад +1

      Throw the fat? Weird.

  • @jessereid5136
    @jessereid5136 Год назад

    I would love to hear your thoughts on Damon Thompson and Mattie Montgomery.

  • @zaragachizanparo4948
    @zaragachizanparo4948 11 месяцев назад +1

    "Here's a clip of what Furtick said."
    Ad plays
    Oh, RUclips algorithm. You know how to make your hatred toward me more obvious than sunlight.

  • @Snjones777
    @Snjones777 3 года назад +42

    At the end of the day....GOD IS NOT A GOD OF CONFUSION...PERIOD...

  • @timsetto
    @timsetto 3 года назад +181

    These topics are the types we gotta go straight to God on

    • @keke8509
      @keke8509 3 года назад +3


    • @nakiarobby3996
      @nakiarobby3996 3 года назад +3


    • @peteragenga3805
      @peteragenga3805 3 года назад +15

      The answer is in your bible mate, discernment grows the more you feed on, and digest the word of God
      Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

    • @Evergreenforest33
      @Evergreenforest33 3 года назад +3

      Yes! Amen to that!

    • @thm8623
      @thm8623 3 года назад +3

      Real talk bro

  • @Garanon5
    @Garanon5 Год назад +2

    I appreciated your conclusion. I think most of us struggle with this subject because there ARE doctrinally solid facts that many of these teachers avow. So when there's something that ISN'T quite right, we might be quick to suspect that person a wolf in sheep's clothing. Ultimately, we are all fallible humans, and unless we are fully relying on Jesus to be our example, our Teacher, and for His Spirit to make the Scripture come alive for us, then we will be susceptible to falsehoods. If we don't delve into the Bible, we're effectively disarming ourselves against spiritual attack. And on that note, I gotta go read some of the Bible right now.

  • @jenlinknavy
    @jenlinknavy Год назад +1

    Love this. No one should be canceled due to a sound byte, or due to holy mysteries we aren’t meant to know! I’m okay with HUMAN teachers having their own theories, I know my Bible well enough to spit out what I think is fat. I feel like Satan wins when we cancel Bible teachers for such things. As a member of Pastor Jeremiah’s church, I tried his name in the Google search and false teacher did not auto complete - not surprised but I expected a troll to have something out there 😅

  • @ViRiXDreamcore
    @ViRiXDreamcore 3 года назад +439

    Jesus himself was labeled a false teacher. The irony.

    • @spiralapprentice
      @spiralapprentice 3 года назад +37

      But that was not true. What WAS true was that the Judaizers were false teachers and Paul called them out.
      “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”
      - Ephesians 5:11

    • @engelabezuidenhout8610
      @engelabezuidenhout8610 3 года назад +42

      I think the point he is trying to make is that EVERYBODY has been called false teachers and as you rightly point out - it is not always true.

    • @avaabartelss1432
      @avaabartelss1432 2 года назад +22

      Go to Luke 7:31-35. Jesus says that this generation is always wanting the leaders of the church to be one way or the other.
      "For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her children."
      Don't be quick to judge the people God has raised up. But see what fruit they bear and what 'children' they bear.

    • @nmbr1son64
      @nmbr1son64 2 года назад +11

      The religious leaders of His day couldn't label (categorize) Him. He didn't fit their idea of what Messiah was. They were expecting a military leader to overthrow the Roman occupation. Instead, He dethroned principalities and powers, making them an open spectacle for all to see.

    • @epicfighter7653
      @epicfighter7653 2 года назад +6

      @@spiralapprentice Jesus also said beware of the fruits of the pharisees

  • @williamsmozart
    @williamsmozart 3 года назад +140

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face....

    • @DeborahRose2885
      @DeborahRose2885 3 года назад

      Yes amen

    • @redhedhik-chik2510
      @redhedhik-chik2510 3 года назад +6

      And the things of this world will grow strangely dim....
      (I LOVE those words; my testimony).

    • @msmutola682
      @msmutola682 3 года назад +2

      @@redhedhik-chik2510 In the light of his glory and grace 🎶🎶

    • @isaiahbakombo8603
      @isaiahbakombo8603 3 года назад

      @Jaxson Weatherman please pray for brother Mustafa, he is a new Christian in Sudan and according to apostacy laws he can be killed, his parents are talking about that option so please pray and intercede for the brother, much thanks!

    • @isaiahbakombo8603
      @isaiahbakombo8603 3 года назад

      @@DeborahRose2885 please pray for brother Mustafa, he is a new Christian in Sudan and according to apostacy laws he can be killed, his parents are talking about that option so please pray and intercede for the brother, much thanks!

  • @1948rambo
    @1948rambo 4 месяца назад +1

    What about mark driscoll?

  • @henyoScarlet
    @henyoScarlet 11 месяцев назад

    I learned many things from watching your videos. I just have to do something else while listening because I kept seeing a young Denzel Washington as I watch. Good stuff, man.

  • @sdbmw
    @sdbmw 3 года назад +198

    Why does the Bible then warn us of false people if everyone is fine? OR does the Bible lie? Test the spirit Believers!! Test the spirit!!!

    • @Tax_Buster
      @Tax_Buster 3 года назад +20

      There are people who are absolutely false teachers like those of cults.

    • @chriselewis
      @chriselewis 3 года назад +48

      Because there are false teachers, but false teaching is not synonymous with I disagree. Many people are labelled false teachers for being off on a single minor point, yet the core of their message and ministry is Jesus and they having huge Kingdom impact. Too often we have taken the idea of "false teachers" and used it as an excuse to bring disunity in the body of Christ. We need to be discerning, but also make allowances for each others faults.

    • @sdbmw
      @sdbmw 3 года назад +14

      @@chriselewis When a minister do not point you back to Christ he is false it does matter what he says if you are praising that minister exulting that minister fearing that minister more than Christ at that point he is false.

    • @psycho01cb
      @psycho01cb 3 года назад +13

      So what I'm seeing is even preachers are human and prone to errors when preaching the Word of God? Makes sense to me.

    • @user-in2dy6zy8j
      @user-in2dy6zy8j 3 года назад +8

      @@sdbmw … just go to Christ. Listen to interpreters of the word who entirely speak of the word & not experiences or relatable experiences & life according to this life here. Listen to interpreters of the word who make u wanna store treasure in Heaven & build more intimacy in Christ. Deceivers dont make it very obvious to deceive. Things sound good. They use truth to cover their lies. Remember satan used the word(truth) when tempting Christ in the wilderness.

  • @RhapsodyDax
    @RhapsodyDax 3 года назад +118

    Chan didn't do anything "wrong" by appearing at the same event as notable false teachers. Where he messed up was endorsing their messages by calling them "Bold men of God" and saying their message was "on fire". That makes him complicit.

    • @SamuelaShannon
      @SamuelaShannon 3 года назад +10

      Complicit? It was an opinion. Whether or not he was right, that's not him being complicit. Take it up with God if that's a problem. Dont put someone on trial do easily.

    • @aminahdean7468
      @aminahdean7468 3 года назад +62

      Not really, if he didn't know them and he said he only heard them that day...maybe that day what they said was right. Even false teachers can speak truth sometimes

    • @RhapsodyDax
      @RhapsodyDax 3 года назад +12

      @@SamuelaShannon complicit = Associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature. So yes, complicit is an appropriate word to use.

    • @SamuelaShannon
      @SamuelaShannon 3 года назад

      Bible teaching isn't questionable in nature.

    • @SamuelaShannon
      @SamuelaShannon 3 года назад

      @@RhapsodyDax now if all the other guys KNEW that one another were spreading fake gospel and he was also spreading fake gospel and knew them to do so, THAT would be complicit. Mans was tryna be different

  • @Ghflamenco
    @Ghflamenco Год назад

    I wish you can make an online Bible study such as zoom with youth in Jordan - Middle East

  • @BrandenBrittneyMusic
    @BrandenBrittneyMusic 2 дня назад

    This is a great video! I like you highlight the difference between false teaching and false teacher. Great perspective!

  • @thatssimplysteve
    @thatssimplysteve 3 года назад +86

    “I believe our focus is off”

    • @kaleesiking239
      @kaleesiking239 3 года назад +2

      Yes at 21:05 lol

    • @dannyglover9151
      @dannyglover9151 3 года назад +8

      Allen Parr is telling us to not mark false teachers and to keep listening to them while the Bible says mark false teachers and avoid them.
      Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
      Romans 16:17‭-‬18 KJV

    • @ericjonpo
      @ericjonpo 3 года назад

      You barely did tho

    • @biblicallybased
      @biblicallybased 3 года назад +4

      @@dannyglover9151 He told us basically to read the Bible for ourselves, and then to make such decisions for ourselves. That way, we can pray to God to reveal to us the true interpretation of what we read. I won't argue with you, because that defeats the point of your message and his.

    • @lmhayes60
      @lmhayes60 3 года назад

      Alen Parr is a false teacher

  • @rycronin84
    @rycronin84 3 года назад +45

    John Piper may have confused people on his views about salvation with his wording but I believe what he was actually saying is exactly in line with what the bible says. Grace alone saves us, faith is a gift through no merit of our own and our good works are just proof of the holy spirit. I really dont think hes saying you can receive the undeserved gift of faith and not make it to heaven

    • @nicolethompson8613
      @nicolethompson8613 3 года назад +9

      Agree. John Piper is an excellent teacher and his passion for the gospel inspires me. We may disagree about some non-essential issues but there is much to be learned from him. I am thankful for him.

    • @akashajohnson5379
      @akashajohnson5379 3 года назад +9

      What John Piper is saying is if you truly LOVE GOD you would do works for him. Believing in GOD but not worshipping GOD , not doing works for him, not obeying him, and not glorifying him will get you left on this Earth. You have to stop all sin and fully give yourself to him. You can love someone but if you do not SHOW IT, they will not believe it.

    • @khailupeirao9644
      @khailupeirao9644 3 года назад +5

      This guy should be very careful the way he present is not hundred percent black or white. The Bible always tell black and white

    • @s.a3099
      @s.a3099 3 года назад


    • @cheryldianebennett
      @cheryldianebennett 3 года назад

      I agree

  • @brianwhite4590
    @brianwhite4590 11 месяцев назад +1

    This is why the Holy Spirit was sent to help us. Continue on praying and reading your Bible 🙏🏽📖

  • @marhamdezigns5981
    @marhamdezigns5981 Год назад

    Thank you Allen for sharing this amazing video, I love your channel and I believe that your opinion is honest.
    I became very disturbed lately, with all these videos , and social media posts about false Preachers.
    So I went to my trusted confidant “The Holy Sprit”, with the my concerns. As you said if you are a true reader of the Bible, God will give us wisdom, knowledge ,discernment,and understanding .
    He will guide me into all truths, so as you said , let’s separate the meat from the fat. There’s some truth in the message that they bring.

  • @tunit5238
    @tunit5238 Год назад +147

    Big respect to you for putting your own name in this list. It can be easy to talk about others but difficult to include ourselves. The message of this vid was very good

    • @jillybean8587
      @jillybean8587 Год назад +1

      Well said. I’d give this king a crown 👑but unfortunately the only crown I have belongs to the king in my life, Lord Jesus Christ. ✝️

  • @ms.t2642
    @ms.t2642 2 года назад +150

    The Bible Project, their videos, and their app, Read Scripture, have been such a blessing to me and my understanding of the Bible, the context and the overarching themes.

    • @FA-God-s-Words-Matter
      @FA-God-s-Words-Matter 2 года назад +1

      We need to pray to God that he takes down Tim Mackie. He scoffs and laughs against the idea of heaven and hell. Just like the serpent in the Garden of Eden tried to place doubt against God‘s word when he said “Ye hath God said….?” So does Tim by trying to put doubt of the very basics of heaven and hell by giggling and smiling against the thought of the idea he calls wrong. He is a seducer and a conman. He seeded doubt also in his other video titled “Isn't the Idea of Hell Just Plain Mean? ” When he carefully makes you doubt that hell is a real place by insisting it must be a metaphor because there were some things he couldn’t understand. Pray with me that this man does no further harm to the church with his interpretation of the Bible.

    • @kylebarney3126
      @kylebarney3126 2 года назад +6

      @@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Tim Mackie knows more about the Bible in its original languages and contexts than whoever taught you whatever version of fear based Christianity you believe in will ever know.

    • @FA-God-s-Words-Matter
      @FA-God-s-Words-Matter 2 года назад

      @@kylebarney3126 So you need more proof ok here is one of Tim's full length videos that should make you see the manipulation.видео.html
      The title of the video should give you a clue: "Isn't the Idea of Hell Just Plain Mean?' (As if God was mean to have created Hell) It is clear to see they are not happy with the concept of Hell. By minute 9:33 he starts setting the table of doubt by saying that the bible talks in metaphor and imagery in regards to the "final justice" its even written on the screen. He refers to Mark 9:47-48 that "fire" was an image when Jesus spoke about Hell which Tim refers to as "Final Justice". Then Matt 8:12 which doesn't mention the word hell but Tim refers to as "Final Justice" lumping the two together. Then in minute 11:08 he sows the seed of doubt because Fire and Darkness would be contradictory so he concludes it "MUST BE A METAPHOR". Though he briefly states there is a reality there but that it is "beyond words" that you "can't describe" when it was described in the Bible. Then says the fact that the biblical authors use metaphors should not make use feel more comfortable with the idea just the opposite" You'll note he will keep pushing the words like "metaphor" and "idea" throughout. Even says the "English word itself Hell is a METAPHOR" but a common dictionary will mention that it is an actual place of torment, just like Jesus described in story of Lazarus and the rich man. Then he goes on to speak about the etymology of the word, that they visited the valley of hinnom (aka hell) and makes jokes about going to hell. So what purpose does this serve if not to make the concept of Hell that most Christians know to be a place of torment seem ridiculous. By minute 15:08 he flat out states "it is not a subterranean chamber of horrors it is at its core separation of God." But it is a place and it is horrific and at the same time for humans it does separate you from God......that it's LIKE fire..." So its not actual fire its LIKE fire. This right here is putting doubt that hell is a place that has fire. Tim is not a great theologian. Here is a quick link about the verses that refer to hell and compare that with what Tim tries to convey and you tell me he is not being manipulative to make people believe what he falsely interprets to be true. Don't let pride over this man blind you to not see the false doctrines.

    • @alyssabeale1095
      @alyssabeale1095 Год назад

      Me too!

  • @HoneyBee_1928
    @HoneyBee_1928 9 месяцев назад +1

    Fresh water and salt water can't be drawn from the same well.

  • @collinscassel
    @collinscassel 9 месяцев назад

    Love this video! Thank you for your advice approach to this. I’m only so far is John piper my question would be to come or is it fair to say that works of the faith given salvation if this is true work to do play amor salvation. Verses that come to mind wants to talk about the sheep and the goats or verses, like faith without works is dead. It sure seems scriptural that our good works as a Christian are the proof of our belief in him. So I would say that works where our salvation comes from, but they are the evidence up. Therefore necessary on the day of judgment.

  • @TheBEGroup-iz8go
    @TheBEGroup-iz8go 3 года назад +217

    Respectfully my brother, you can find articles of any pastor being labeled a False Teacher, even you sir. I strongly believe you present this and all of your topics with grace and truth.

    • @kellyannr4171
      @kellyannr4171 3 года назад +21

      Couldn’t have said it better. I truly respect how Mr. Parr remains respectful and graceful, never making topics about him, but rather applying gospel to explain topics. Much respect to him.

    • @toomanymarys7355
      @toomanymarys7355 3 года назад +6

      Furtick and Stanley teach frank heresies. Mackie is teetering on the edge.

    • @laylascott6096
      @laylascott6096 3 года назад +2

      @@toomanymarys7355 I just started listening to the Bible project. What are your thoughts on it

    • @biellaspointofview2054
      @biellaspointofview2054 3 года назад +3

      @@laylascott6096 Personally I like their videos. Helped me in understanding the overall story of the Bible. I watched all their summary videos for Each book on the Bible before I started reading on my own.

    • @nnatalie50nn
      @nnatalie50nn 3 года назад


  • @dantuck6028
    @dantuck6028 2 года назад +80

    This was excellent. I did NOT see it coming, how you ended this video. It's a message that needs to be talked about more often. There's too much desire for "witch hunts" and not enough learning the Bible for ourselves.

  • @kijihigh6826
    @kijihigh6826 Год назад +1

    Who are these folks who are labeling false teachers? Who has given them the authority to make such a claim? Are they false teachers? Where are their mirrors?

  • @lindarose8668
    @lindarose8668 Год назад

    Thank you for your commitment to truth. I appreciate your help so much. God bless you. Linda Rose