Would always choose the genelecs. Better ecosystem, continous development of their DSP Platform & Correction software, Better look & materials, more details, perfect freq response and imaging and much more.
@@petregabriel1098 We talk about sound & quality, and not saving money. The video topic is Genelec vs Kef. And thats my opinion after hearing 80% of the genelec speaker line up and also many KEF´s. The Genelec Ecosystem is imo better (DSP Options, SAM Alignment System, Pro Audio, no sounding, many many years in the Active Section etc.)
@@MMK___ So if we don't talk about money, why not compare the kef with a 100 k Soundsystem ? Tell you: We ALWAYS talk about money... only you do NOT, because money doesn't matter in your life.... 😉
@@petregabriel1098 ?? good to know that money doesnt matter in my life... The meta costs 1200 eur + good amplification & DSP / Room Correction on Genelec Level, you were easy at 2 - 2.5k€... The Genelecs (even the 2 Ways) are simply better in every term. Would always choose the pro audio actives. Just listen and decide.
@@jelx9094 fatiguing? So you want boosted bass or what? I don't say it's a bad thing to want it, but it doesn't mean that neutral tuned monitors couldn't be used for listening
The genelec’s have dual slotted venting bass behind the front baffle. Therefore for optimum sound they should be placed on stands and not on a flat wide surface as here - which is probably the worst set up for them. Also kefs are placed wider apart which further confounds matters.
This is a pointless test. If we have two speakers setup for their optimum performance and then introduce another pair near to them, again the first pair has lost its perfect setup due to the second one. Also all speakers do not sound best in the same spot. An ideal test would be set up one pair in the room and setup everything correctly around it and test it or measure it. Then take it out of the room find what is optimum for the seovond and meausere them. Then Compare the measurements.
Or do a klippel, nevertheless, this video is useless, especially since these are completely different type of speaker. And both have measurements to be accessed on web. But let's be honest here, both are surely amazing
I preferred the Kef's in each song. Although they sounded a bit louder I thought they sounded more transparent and musical. The Genelec's were dry and neutral as a good studio monitor should be, but for sheer musical playback and enjoyment the LS50 blew them away.
In this demo i find that the LS50 Meta delivers better clarity on vocals but except that i think that the LS50 have some sibilance in the treble which is not as aggressive on the Genelec, however in real life i’m pretty sure that the Genelecs are better but in this video it’s very close
Не согласен. У Kef раздутый звук. Genelec имеют более правильный звучание. Можно в программе украсить звучание Genelec, но я бы не стал этого делать - их исходная подача мне нравится
Hey! I’m thinking renew my home cinema (Dyn C1 & confidence central). Between Reference Meta one & central or 3 x 8361a ? The room is little/medium size. The rear and surrounds should be LS meta or 8331. Which do you prefer? I can’t hear them
According to ear-response increasing the volume of a speaker is the easiest way of making it sound better than another being just half a decibel lower in volume... The KEF easily is 1 - 2 decibel louder than the Genelec....by purpose.... It's a scam....
The difference in the bottom end between the two is huge but apart from that i'm pretty impressed with how well the Meta's stack up considering their price. I think i'd take a pair of ls50 wireless + kc62 over the Genelecs and save some money!
@@nearlynormal6987 I meant just in resolution and detail retrieval. I was surprised the ls50’s did as well in that area in comparison. I also find the genelecs a bit colder, as they should be, but that’s another reason a pair of ls50’s plus subs would be preferable or at least a good alternative. Yes I realise there’s characteristics of the sound like stage and imaging etc that aren’t coming across. And no, I was listening on a pair of Hifiman Arya’s, so can definitely here what’s going on better than speakers.
@@stu3232 The video doesn't do it justice. My friend owns a pair of 8351Bs, and a year back I had a pair of LS50 Metas+kc62. The KEFs try to sound resolving by having a more forward sound overall, however when A/Bing the two the Genelecs are easily twice as good in this regard. Both have excellent imaging though!
@@zach2954 Yeah thats fair, i'm not surprised given the price difference. I've had a pair of original ls50s nearfield and loved their imaging, but didn't fall in love with their tone to be honest. I'd like to try a pair of higher end genelecs on my desk but would be worried they'd sound a bit cold in comparison to something like a pair of spendors or harbeths. Maybe thats wrong though, and technically i'm sure they're incredible.
@@stu3232 @stu 32 I too have similar issue with their tonality. I upgraded to a pair of Dynaudio Heritage and their tonality is very accurate and rich. Haven't heard enough harbeths myself but I believe tonally they are closer to Dyn than KEF. I'm considering getting a pair of Gens for my desk as well. I wouldn't say they are cold per se, but just "true". I will say that Genelecs are very engaging and non dead sounding, unlike a lot of other monitors.
The Metas are clear, fast and defined as always, but are distinctly midrange forward, and lack a touch of tonal and textural richness and bass weight. The Genelic is clear and defined as can be, is leaner but more neutral in the midrange, but similarly they also lack a trace of tonal and textural richness and bass weight, and are a touch wispy sounding through the top of their range to be completely lifelike sounding to me. They are pretty pleasing sounding though, and I think they'd be decent monitor speakers, and pretty enjoyable hifi speakers. Thank's for the comparison demo!
Thank you for this comparison! I thought little KEFs put up a good fight and the vocals sounded great. Meta or not, something is working in those little speakers. ;-). LOL. Genelec, awesome tool if you are working in the studio (flat FR). If listening to music is about awakening emotions, then KEF is the one for me.
@@ashneel I'm glad that my comment can amuse you. LOL. So you don't think KEF can make a passive or active speaker that measures flat? when you are listening to music, are you working, analyzing, or for sheer pleasure?
@@Vinckenborgh Thanks for response, I went with the 8351B and 7350A sub (just one sub) with GLM 5 module ... I was a bit surprised the GLM 5 module didn't come and was a separate order. I'm in a small 11 x 10 room definitely NOT optimized for sound so GLM was a must and it made a huge difference.
The Genelec's don't try hard at any frequency. Everything is balanced IMHO. The clarity is still amazing. The Meta are also good, and sound more exciting. It depends on what you're looking for I guess.
Genelecs은 소리가 정확하고 명확편이네요. kef 는 소리가 부풀어 오르고 약간 확산하는듯합니다. kef 가 소리가 좀더 화려해 보이는데요. 어떤떄는 그게 두리뭉실하게 들리는듯합니다. 그래서 곡에 따라 Genelecs이 소리를 더 잘표현하는듯합니다. 소리가 애절하게 나오는것을 더 잘표현하는거 같습니다. 감성적이고 애절한 소리의 표현은 Genelecs 더 잘하는거 같습니다. 저같이 성격이 비오는걸 좋아하고 우울한 감성을 좋아하는 사람들은 Genelecs가 더 감성이 맞는거 같습니다.
Genelec однозначно. Kef может по началу произвести впечатление, но Genelec интереснее при лучшем знакомстве. А раздутый звук Kef на некоторой музыке раздражает. Спасибо за Aimer
Что такое раздутое звучание?Играют как большие колонки? На какой музыке и с каким усилителем Вас раздражает кеф? Что значит интереснее и для кого? Передняя панель интереснее,функции или отделка? Для аудиофилов или звукорежиссеров? Откуда Вы знаете?
Что в этом помещении такого,что оно подходя кефам,но не подходят Genelec? Почему их потенциал раскрыть труднее,чем лс50? Чем конкретно они круче? Для аудиофила,меломана или звукорежиссера они круче? Я лс 50 больше года вообще не выключаю,а жена закончила консерваторию и мы оба не узнаем звучание наших колонок по ютубу, и ничего тут не слышно,что есть на самом деле и все наоборот, так как Вы можете о них судить? Это такое извращение судить о звуке по записи с ютуб,что нарочно не придумать! Не слушайте всех,слушайте обучающие диски и именно хреновые треки,чтоб понимать что за аппаратура перед Вами-это увлекательно и познавательно.Надеюсь,я не испортил Вам настроение,и Вы задумаетесь над моими словами.@@furio1467
У меня рун рок и бобинник,на котором я слушаю копии мастерлент,я бываю на студиях и знаю звукорежиссеров,которые не за что бы не додумались дома слушать мониторную акустику. Именно голос так волшебно передается,а не приукрашивается на них,что старые лс50 ставят в некоторые дорогие студии,а вот мета,еще никто не менял на старые и не жаловался на изменения в них. То,что Вы привыкли и на чем слушать,думая что это правильно и так должно быть-не значит,что так оно и есть.Если я захочу в микроскоп разглядеть ее голос,то возьму планарные наушники,но это как в фильме пиксели рассматривать-хорошо для профи,который делает фильм,но плохо для нас,кто им наслаждается.@@furio1467
Кефы звучат настолько прозрачно,что новые гости не угадывают,что звучит запись,а не моя жена запела,так же никогда не показывают точно где и какие колонки стоят-на глаза маску для сна одеваю им и веселюсь.@@furio1467
@@zaur4518Ок. Возможно меня слегка занесло. Согласитесь, звук у них совершенно разный. Это больше обусловлено типом колонок, а не конкретной моделью. Думаю, если в программе правильно настроить эффекты, Genelec могут выдать схожую картину звука. В остальном, конечно, нужно в живую слушать . Да, мнеближе звук от Genelec. У самого студийки Focal Shape 65. Я так подумал, пожалуй не стал бы советовать (обычному пользователю) студийки домой.этот вариант для людей, которые понимают что их ждёт.
Was soll das ? Wie kann man die 5x so teuren Genelec mit den KEF vergleichen ?? Aber angesichts des Preisunterschiedes sind die KEF der klare Gewinner und zwar mit gigantischem Abstand.... Absolut gesehen mögen die Genelec (bei richtiger Aufstellung und Einmessung) evtl. einen Tick besser sein, aber das rechtfertigt nicht einmal annähernd den Preisunterschied....
KEF sounds pretty. Genelecs needs to give a lot effort do deliver the sound to it's destination, not just put in the room. KEF are louder here. The sparkles are cool for listening. Genelecs are not in the right application here.
*KEF LS50 Meta - £1,199* *Genelec Genelec 8341 - £4,600+* I'm not seeing/hearing a fair price comparison here, and TBH, wild horses couldn't drag me to pay an extra £3,400 for the Geny's for sound quality .... and the KEF LS50's really suck …
Genelec will annihilate any kef bookshelf any time of the day...any bookshelf for that matter really. Maybe a few Wilsons and Magicos will stand out but the technicilities far outpaces the other brands.
The Gen is neutral and dry and it should as its a studio monitor. The Meta is way more 'musical' and makes the mids pop, which is the strongest trait of the meta. And the Metas can get way better with pricier amps, so upgradability is there.
First the Kef need to be on S2 stands filled with lead n sand , need IsoAcoustic Gaia 3 o the feet, they need to be around 40cm away from the wall. Also depends what DAC ( pref R2R like Denafrips or HoloAudio ) and a tube class A amp like Willsenton R800i with rolled tubes. Pref paired with a Rel T5X sub. Then you can max out it’s potential.
Man!!! Having such perfect speakers like “The Ones” From genelec and setting them up like this? Seriously not even a equilateral triangle? There goes the true volume and gain these speakers can produce…….. for sure stereo imaging is not Correct too. If you have those kind of professional speakers please use them professionally too and in a treated Room. You dont buy a Ferrari to test it on a parking area to show its capabilities right? Kef is just a very good sounding high end speaker for the “users” of music listening not for mixing and mastering…….as they hype frequencies like all colored high end speakers do. Cheers 😊
don't get it.. genelec's are a very accurate studio monitors used as a tool, if set up right!! Putting them straight forward in front of a big screen makes no sense!
Вы ожидали большого от Genelec ? 😅 при ваших требованиях, они примерно все так же и отличались. Мне как раз больше понравились Genelec. Просто комната и расположение работает против них. В такой комнате Kef эффектнее будут звучать - их и делали с таким расчётом. Genelec классные
Would always choose the genelecs. Better ecosystem, continous development of their DSP Platform & Correction software, Better look & materials, more details, perfect freq response and imaging and much more.
AND much less likely to break if some butterfingers drops it. It's more likely to dent the floor than anything lmao.
I'd prefer buying 4 pairs of kef and anyway saving some money.... 😂
This compare is nothing but stupid.....
@@petregabriel1098 We talk about sound & quality, and not saving money. The video topic is Genelec vs Kef. And thats my opinion after hearing 80% of the genelec speaker line up and also many KEF´s. The Genelec Ecosystem is imo better (DSP Options, SAM Alignment System, Pro Audio, no sounding, many many years in the Active Section etc.)
@@MMK___ So if we don't talk about money, why not compare the kef with a 100 k Soundsystem ?
Tell you: We ALWAYS talk about money... only you do NOT, because money doesn't matter in your life.... 😉
@@petregabriel1098 ?? good to know that money doesnt matter in my life... The meta costs 1200 eur + good amplification & DSP / Room Correction on Genelec Level, you were easy at 2 - 2.5k€... The Genelecs (even the 2 Ways) are simply better in every term. Would always choose the pro audio actives. Just listen and decide.
Genelec sound is amazing 👏
Has to..... it's 5 times (!!!) the price..... 🤷🙄
but regarding the price difference kef are the clear winners..... very clear....
Genelec is a producer speaker where you here all details from sound to sound. Kef sounds like a speaker for listening.
True, but kef is also not pure listening speakers, the sound is like sonos or something, it's kind of like living room audio for playing bgm.
Why wouldn't a Genelec be good for listening too?
@@disadadi8958 biased. but a little true. its fatiguing for long listening times.
@@jelx9094 fatiguing? So you want boosted bass or what? I don't say it's a bad thing to want it, but it doesn't mean that neutral tuned monitors couldn't be used for listening
8341是电子分频,这点是被动箱无法超越的地方,无源音箱要做到更精准的分频,必须用很昂贵的原件做分频器,kef ls50甚至r3这个价位都不可能。我个人感觉真力的83X0系列更具性价比,如果不是近场聆听,83X0和83X1差距很小。
Should’ve compared it with ls50 wireless ii for equality in type of speakers (active). LS 50 meta depends on the amp being used.
Both are very good. Maybe the best you can find for now.
The genelec’s have dual slotted venting bass behind the front baffle. Therefore for optimum sound they should be placed on stands and not on a flat wide surface as here - which is probably the worst set up for them. Also kefs are placed wider apart which further confounds matters.
This is a pointless test. If we have two speakers setup for their optimum performance and then introduce another pair near to them, again the first pair has lost its perfect setup due to the second one. Also all speakers do not sound best in the same spot. An ideal test would be set up one pair in the room and setup everything correctly around it and test it or measure it. Then take it out of the room find what is optimum for the seovond and meausere them. Then Compare the measurements.
Or do a klippel, nevertheless, this video is useless, especially since these are completely different type of speaker. And both have measurements to be accessed on web. But let's be honest here, both are surely amazing
Genelecs have built-in room correction that can account for this. And it's incredibly good.
Let's not forget the horrendous echo one can hear right away, coming from the complete lack of room treatment
I preferred the Kef's in each song. Although they sounded a bit louder I thought they sounded more transparent and musical. The Genelec's were dry and neutral as a good studio monitor should be, but for sheer musical playback and enjoyment the LS50 blew them away.
What amp drive Kef?
We’re they played at the same volume??
Clearly not.
In this demo i find that the LS50 Meta delivers better clarity on vocals but except that i think that the LS50 have some sibilance in the treble which is not as aggressive on the Genelec, however in real life i’m pretty sure that the Genelecs are better but in this video it’s very close
Не согласен. У Kef раздутый звук. Genelec имеют более правильный звучание. Можно в программе украсить звучание Genelec, но я бы не стал этого делать - их исходная подача мне нравится
Что такое раздутое звучание?Играют как большие колонки?@@furio1467
0:29 vs 1:14
3:46 vs 4:46
5:38 vs 6:38
Hey! I’m thinking renew my home cinema (Dyn C1 & confidence central).
Between Reference Meta one & central or 3 x 8361a ?
The room is little/medium size.
The rear and surrounds should be LS meta or 8331.
Which do you prefer? I can’t hear them
Kefs are better in small spaces. Genelecs have very wide dispersion and would do better in a larger/wider space IMO.
KEFs sounded somewhat louder. Were speakers played with the same volume?
That was my thought too. Didn't sound like their output levels were matched.
According to ear-response increasing the volume of a speaker is the easiest way of making it sound better than another being just half a decibel lower in volume...
The KEF easily is 1 - 2 decibel louder than the Genelec....by purpose....
It's a scam....
@@petregabriel1098 And still the Genelecs sound better !
Kef tend to have a forward midrange.
The volume is not matched for a fair comparison... The last is better with more natural Gen
The difference in the bottom end between the two is huge but apart from that i'm pretty impressed with how well the Meta's stack up considering their price. I think i'd take a pair of ls50 wireless + kc62 over the Genelecs and save some money!
Baased on a youtube video that you heard through your speakers? :) These are in two very diff leagues. The KEF stuff close to 8341 would be Ref 1.
@@nearlynormal6987 I meant just in resolution and detail retrieval. I was surprised the ls50’s did as well in that area in comparison. I also find the genelecs a bit colder, as they should be, but that’s another reason a pair of ls50’s plus subs would be preferable or at least a good alternative. Yes I realise there’s characteristics of the sound like stage and imaging etc that aren’t coming across. And no, I was listening on a pair of Hifiman Arya’s, so can definitely here what’s going on better than speakers.
@@stu3232 The video doesn't do it justice. My friend owns a pair of 8351Bs, and a year back I had a pair of LS50 Metas+kc62. The KEFs try to sound resolving by having a more forward sound overall, however when A/Bing the two the Genelecs are easily twice as good in this regard. Both have excellent imaging though!
@@zach2954 Yeah thats fair, i'm not surprised given the price difference. I've had a pair of original ls50s nearfield and loved their imaging, but didn't fall in love with their tone to be honest. I'd like to try a pair of higher end genelecs on my desk but would be worried they'd sound a bit cold in comparison to something like a pair of spendors or harbeths. Maybe thats wrong though, and technically i'm sure they're incredible.
@@stu3232 @stu 32 I too have similar issue with their tonality. I upgraded to a pair of Dynaudio Heritage and their tonality is very accurate and rich. Haven't heard enough harbeths myself but I believe tonally they are closer to Dyn than KEF.
I'm considering getting a pair of Gens for my desk as well. I wouldn't say they are cold per se, but just "true". I will say that Genelecs are very engaging and non dead sounding, unlike a lot of other monitors.
The Metas are clear, fast and defined
as always, but are distinctly midrange forward, and lack a touch of tonal and textural richness and bass weight. The Genelic is clear and defined as can be, is leaner but more neutral in the midrange, but similarly they also lack a trace of tonal and textural richness and bass weight, and are a touch wispy sounding through the top of their range to be completely lifelike sounding to me. They are pretty pleasing sounding though, and I think they'd be decent monitor speakers, and pretty enjoyable hifi speakers. Thank's for the comparison demo!
Не верю. Genelec лучше звучат, чем в этом видео. Не знаю в чем причина, по видему их несколько.
I prefer genelec. If possible, what are the titles and singers of these 4 songs?
Thank you for this comparison! I thought little KEFs put up a good fight and the vocals sounded great. Meta or not, something is working in those little speakers. ;-). LOL. Genelec, awesome tool if you are working in the studio (flat FR). If listening to music is about awakening emotions, then KEF is the one for me.
Hi ! yes I agree with your comment, Kef deliver a very nice and beautiful vocal's presence !
What a whole lotta bs.. The genelecs hv active dsp, room correction,measure better.."awakening emotions" lol
@@ashneel I'm glad that my comment can amuse you. LOL. So you don't think KEF can make a passive or active speaker that measures flat? when you are listening to music, are you working, analyzing, or for sheer pleasure?
@@Stephane.French.Catholic.An.33 Definitely agree with your comment
What is the amplifiers connected to Kef?
Aimer! Good taste.
why play the kefs louder?
Because he was not able to set same level? 😂 Pure amateur.
Same volume and same places pls. The wall and the tv inflection is different.
To me, the genelec sounded a bit anemic and the Kef were very musical and alive.
Genelec much better ... does anyone know if the 8341 have enough low end to not need a subwoofer? Trying to decide between the 8341A and the 8351B
I do use them with subwoofer. But it depends what music you lister or mix. Pure accoustic I shutdown the subwoofer and it is more relaxed
@@Vinckenborgh Thanks for response, I went with the 8351B and 7350A sub (just one sub) with GLM 5 module ... I was a bit surprised the GLM 5 module didn't come and was a separate order. I'm in a small 11 x 10 room definitely NOT optimized for sound so GLM was a must and it made a huge difference.
@@robainscough that roomsize will give you a headache with the subwoofer at higer volume levels ;)
I like the KEF’s best.
I'm new to this sort of audio stuff but can these type of speakers be connected to a piano to use as external speakers ?
Vocals sound like mud out of the Kef…no surprise as it’s a 2-way vs the 3-way Genelec. Way more IMD from a 2-way coax.
Surprisingly, l like the KEF's better, even though Genelec is nothing to sneeze at.
The Genelec's don't try hard at any frequency. Everything is balanced IMHO. The clarity is still amazing. The Meta are also good, and sound more exciting. It depends on what you're looking for I guess.
What is the name of the last song? Its really good!
Wine red no kokoro
Genelecs은 소리가 정확하고 명확편이네요. kef 는 소리가 부풀어 오르고 약간 확산하는듯합니다. kef 가 소리가 좀더 화려해 보이는데요. 어떤떄는 그게 두리뭉실하게 들리는듯합니다. 그래서 곡에 따라 Genelecs이 소리를 더 잘표현하는듯합니다. 소리가 애절하게 나오는것을 더 잘표현하는거 같습니다. 감성적이고 애절한 소리의 표현은 Genelecs 더 잘하는거 같습니다. 저같이 성격이 비오는걸 좋아하고 우울한 감성을 좋아하는 사람들은 Genelecs가 더 감성이 맞는거 같습니다.
KEF is the Best!
Genelec sounds like monitor speaker, KEF sounds like living audio, both are not ideal listening speakers.
Oh come on that’s not a fair comparison. However, the Kef’s are surprisingly good and when considering price difference it’s interesting
Dynaudio Xeo 20 would trounce these bright, lean-bass LS 50.
8341 is a professional tool and the LS50 is more for enjoy the music.
Genelec однозначно. Kef может по началу произвести впечатление, но Genelec интереснее при лучшем знакомстве. А раздутый звук Kef на некоторой музыке раздражает. Спасибо за Aimer
Что такое раздутое звучание?Играют как большие колонки? На какой музыке и с каким усилителем Вас раздражает кеф? Что значит интереснее и для кого? Передняя панель интереснее,функции или отделка? Для аудиофилов или звукорежиссеров? Откуда Вы знаете?
Что в этом помещении такого,что оно подходя кефам,но не подходят Genelec? Почему их потенциал раскрыть труднее,чем лс50? Чем конкретно они круче? Для аудиофила,меломана или звукорежиссера они круче? Я лс 50 больше года вообще не выключаю,а жена закончила консерваторию и мы оба не узнаем звучание наших колонок по ютубу, и ничего тут не слышно,что есть на самом деле и все наоборот, так как Вы можете о них судить? Это такое извращение судить о звуке по записи с ютуб,что нарочно не придумать! Не слушайте всех,слушайте обучающие диски и именно хреновые треки,чтоб понимать что за аппаратура перед Вами-это увлекательно и познавательно.Надеюсь,я не испортил Вам настроение,и Вы задумаетесь над моими словами.@@furio1467
У меня рун рок и бобинник,на котором я слушаю копии мастерлент,я бываю на студиях и знаю звукорежиссеров,которые не за что бы не додумались дома слушать мониторную акустику. Именно голос так волшебно передается,а не приукрашивается на них,что старые лс50 ставят в некоторые дорогие студии,а вот мета,еще никто не менял на старые и не жаловался на изменения в них. То,что Вы привыкли и на чем слушать,думая что это правильно и так должно быть-не значит,что так оно и есть.Если я захочу в микроскоп разглядеть ее голос,то возьму планарные наушники,но это как в фильме пиксели рассматривать-хорошо для профи,который делает фильм,но плохо для нас,кто им наслаждается.@@furio1467
Кефы звучат настолько прозрачно,что новые гости не угадывают,что звучит запись,а не моя жена запела,так же никогда не показывают точно где и какие колонки стоят-на глаза маску для сна одеваю им и веселюсь.@@furio1467
@@zaur4518Ок. Возможно меня слегка занесло. Согласитесь, звук у них совершенно разный. Это больше обусловлено типом колонок, а не конкретной моделью. Думаю, если в программе правильно настроить эффекты, Genelec могут выдать схожую картину звука. В остальном, конечно, нужно в живую слушать .
Да, мнеближе звук от Genelec. У самого студийки Focal Shape 65.
Я так подумал, пожалуй не стал бы советовать (обычному пользователю) студийки домой.этот вариант для людей, которые понимают что их ждёт.
Kef has greater definition, greater clarity and more authentic atmosphere
Was soll das ? Wie kann man die 5x so teuren Genelec mit den KEF vergleichen ??
Aber angesichts des Preisunterschiedes sind die KEF der klare Gewinner und zwar mit gigantischem Abstand....
Absolut gesehen mögen die Genelec (bei richtiger Aufstellung und Einmessung) evtl. einen Tick besser sein, aber das rechtfertigt nicht einmal annähernd den Preisunterschied....
Wait.. are you guys listening to the audio of a youtube vid to compare speakers ? 😂😅
Thankyou movie.
KEF sounds pretty. Genelecs needs to give a lot effort do deliver the sound to it's destination, not just put in the room. KEF are louder here. The sparkles are cool for listening. Genelecs are not in the right application here.
The meta’s sounded way more detailed and crisper
Why do the genelec have special feet? Does the genelec come with them? The ls50 manage to sound more natural which is interesting
I think the Genelec came with those.
Yes. They are. It’s kinda of their patent. Cut off the syntony. I have G3 my friend have 8310 all with that feet. They are adjustable too.
*KEF LS50 Meta - £1,199*
*Genelec Genelec 8341 - £4,600+*
I'm not seeing/hearing a fair price comparison here, and TBH, wild horses couldn't drag me to pay an extra £3,400 for the Geny's for sound quality .... and the KEF LS50's really suck …
It is Just a stupid test, you beter not use the kef for producing or mastering.
Genelec will annihilate any kef bookshelf any time of the day...any bookshelf for that matter really. Maybe a few Wilsons and Magicos will stand out but the technicilities far outpaces the other brands.
don't compare studio monitors to hifi-speakers. made for different usecases.
I find it useful. I'm trying to choose between the two
Whit rock and rap KEF sound bad. This is the music that sounds good on KEF. Whit genelec everything sounds good
The Gen is neutral and dry and it should as its a studio monitor. The Meta is way more 'musical' and makes the mids pop, which is the strongest trait of the meta. And the Metas can get way better with pricier amps, so upgradability is there.
Certainly not 8000 AUD difference!
First the Kef need to be on S2 stands filled with lead n sand , need IsoAcoustic Gaia 3 o the feet, they need to be around 40cm away from the wall. Also depends what DAC ( pref R2R like Denafrips or HoloAudio ) and a tube class A amp like Willsenton R800i with rolled tubes. Pref paired with a Rel T5X sub. Then you can max out it’s potential.
need a better microphone to really tell
Genelec is good Sounud.
I have request.
JBL 705P vs Genelec
Man!!! Having such perfect speakers like “The Ones”
From genelec and setting them up like this?
Seriously not even a equilateral triangle? There goes the true volume and gain these speakers can produce…….. for sure stereo imaging is not
Correct too.
If you have those kind of professional speakers please use them professionally too and in a treated Room.
You dont buy a Ferrari to test it on a parking area to show its capabilities right?
Kef is just a very good sounding high end speaker for the “users” of music listening not for mixing and mastering…….as they hype frequencies like all colored high end speakers do.
Cheers 😊
Now tell us wich you like more?:)
LS50 Meta
Volume + ))))
1:39 1:54
2:25 2:40
What's the point of this comparison while youtube listeners are using their headphones? lol
Meta all the way. Genelac’s
Are monitors /not full spectrum
Hi ! without contest, Kef LS50 meta the best !
With contest the Genelec wins
don't get it.. genelec's are a very accurate studio monitors used as a tool, if set up right!! Putting them straight forward in front of a big screen makes no sense!
You wont get it and will never get it.
@@AbsoluteFidelity 😂
제네렉 승리!
Genelecs are leagues above the LS50
Plsss zena like it on kef plss😊
Kef wins, sounds way better.
Both sound awful, KRK rokit are way better
I like Genelec much more then the ls50. Too much warm colour added by LS50.
Firstly put them at the same place and secondly set the same volume. And then make proper recording. This comparison is useless.
Вы ожидали большого от Genelec ? 😅 при ваших требованиях, они примерно все так же и отличались. Мне как раз больше понравились Genelec. Просто комната и расположение работает против них. В такой комнате Kef эффектнее будут звучать - их и делали с таким расчётом. Genelec классные
С чего это вдруг именно такая комната для кеф,а не для генелик? В чем разница? О чем Вы вообще? @@furio1467