Elite: Dangerous Odyssey Alpha - The Frontline Solutions Experience

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @gibster9624
    @gibster9624 3 года назад +7

    Now if only they would add droids and the ability to board other ships and we'd be one step closer to having the opening sequence of Star Wars episode IV

    • @bejamillion2
      @bejamillion2 3 года назад +1

      You know what? It would actually be cool if some of the ground soldiers were droids. They could even add droidekas (you know those ones that roll around and have shields with 4 canons). Now I'm not saying they need to copy the design of the droids exactly but it would make sense if there were more robotic ground soldiers on the battlefield, not just skimmer drones. The game is set 1300 years in the future after all, so it's suprising there aren't more robots about.

  • @jekylthorn8969
    @jekylthorn8969 3 года назад +10

    Cool video. There needs to be the ability to switch between laser and kinetic in the same weapon. It is just silly having to switch weapons for shields and armour. In a universe like this, dual damage weapons would evolve almost instantly.

    • @jodomo4279
      @jodomo4279 3 года назад

      Doubt it. IRL weapons are designed with a specialized purpose; you probably wouldn't see a flamethrower bolted to an AK-47 because one interferes with the other's utility.
      Different firing modes combined with different ammo types would make the most sense.

      @CMDRPLATER  3 года назад +6

      Plasma weapons are also coming, they will be effective against both. Weapons can also be upgraded and engineered so I think this won't be too much of an issue going forward.

    • @KamiRecca
      @KamiRecca 3 года назад +1

      @@jodomo4279 what about underslung attatchments? Concept exists.
      Though i grant you its more utility than actual different weaponsystems.

    • @ConnorLinley
      @ConnorLinley 3 года назад +1

      This way encourages playing with friends for multiple types of damage at once.

    • @KamiRecca
      @KamiRecca 3 года назад

      @@ConnorLinley here is the thing with that argument, i like to play alone. When i then face 2 people, i want to be screwed because i meet 2 people, not that i meet 2 people AND the game system is favoring them in its design.

  • @NaughtyShepherd
    @NaughtyShepherd 3 года назад +6

    This is great, really appreciate the full mission run through. 🤜🏼🤛🏼

  • @leeebbrell9
    @leeebbrell9 3 года назад +9

    Oh nice, lovely jump and shooting from above. 👌 this looks so good, fdev have made this fun
    I guess you can fly there, leave and return to war zone in your own ship

  • @wileywilson
    @wileywilson 3 года назад +4

    You're about 1000 times better than me at FPS CMDR Plater. +1 mate.

  • @robblevins6009
    @robblevins6009 3 года назад +3

    Looks pretty damn good from here 👏

  • @yami_garasu
    @yami_garasu 3 года назад +6


  • @starriderstudios
    @starriderstudios 3 года назад

    I like all the radio chatter on ground and in ship. Makes the ground combat seem more real than battlefield

  • @HallyVee
    @HallyVee 3 года назад +1

    Great showcase. Hey, did the dropship START in orbit after picking you up? Looks like it skipped the planetary climb to orbit.

  • @pryzmgaming
    @pryzmgaming 3 года назад +2

    i want to like it but my framerate prevents me

  • @northernlad52
    @northernlad52 3 года назад +11

    I'm sure the SC fanboys are seething atm lol $350 mil raised and still no released game Ekkk lol

    • @lua9502
      @lua9502 3 года назад +1

      Keep the ball low, the SC fanboys will find their way to this video and cancel you lol

    • @northernlad52
      @northernlad52 3 года назад

      @@lua9502 lol

    • @Evios62
      @Evios62 3 года назад +2

      What do you mean ? I didn't see any T pose in ED's alpha. SC is obviously the superior game. How could you play without T poses ?

    • @lua9502
      @lua9502 3 года назад +4

      @@Evios62 Point goes to SC on this one.
      T-Poses are necessarry for an Alpha game!

    • @Myterriers
      @Myterriers 3 года назад

      I play both and have to say that SC wins in the atmospheric planets hands down. Neither of them excel in the pew, pew department, there are far more superior games for that type of game play.

  • @daddypadman4723
    @daddypadman4723 3 года назад +4

    So elite is now call of duty in space?

    • @NaughtyShepherd
      @NaughtyShepherd 3 года назад

      This looked like COD? Yeah, no.

    • @KamiRecca
      @KamiRecca 3 года назад

      @@NaughtyShepherd Call of Imperial Duty?

    • @Myterriers
      @Myterriers 3 года назад

      Nah looked more like Quake III Arena to me, complete with rocket jumps without the rocket launcher.

    • @mareck6946
      @mareck6946 3 года назад

      @@Myterriers Low G ftw

  • @danteuk8024
    @danteuk8024 3 года назад

    I'm enjoying the Odyssey alpha, despite the issues ( bugs I accept and report, design flews get highlighted in the forums, although not expecting any major changes ) I'm not sure the traditional FPS player will go for this: Select a zone, then fly there, drop happens around 4:20 - then combat for just over 5mins, then about 3mins to fly back to get the reward. So 12:40 of video and less than half was actual combat. The Hi Res zone are longer battles but they are full of bullet sponges :(

  • @spencerrussell2267
    @spencerrussell2267 3 года назад

    I never knew Infinite Warfare and Fallout had a love child

  • @just.sovannara
    @just.sovannara 3 года назад +1

    so... you just teleport on the ship while it is still flying at the end ?

    • @stanleymorse3260
      @stanleymorse3260 3 года назад

      Yeah even if its less convenient, I'd much prefer to run with a bunch of NPCs back to the dropship

  • @jurassic0015
    @jurassic0015 3 года назад

    Pumped for space battlefield

  • @DeadHawk23
    @DeadHawk23 3 года назад

    I do tier 3 ones and leave with 5-10 million earned every time so these are decent money for new or returning players

  • @eternal_darknesss
    @eternal_darknesss 3 года назад

    when they throw a grenade i want them to say GRENADE OUT!!

  • @dsagent
    @dsagent 3 года назад +2

    Its a comfy ride but the on foot movement seems really slow?

      @CMDRPLATER  3 года назад +4

      I didn't sprint much during this gameplay, could be why it feels that way?

    • @danteuk8024
      @danteuk8024 3 года назад

      If the physics was modelled properly for the low gravity planets then movement would be even slower!

  • @adyl4fs590
    @adyl4fs590 3 года назад

    Cool. Boing-Boing A-Bang-Bang, in a good way. Has ED:O station/ship control chatter been changed up a bit? Seemed... better somehow, not sure.

  • @fearalice
    @fearalice 2 года назад

    Sorry, did i read that right at the end? 30k? So just under 2mil per hour estimated payout for these, not including anything you gain during the mission itself (if it's like pirate missions where they also have bounties). You can get that from one juicy bounty. Why is Fdev so bad at balancing income gain? Check this out: Desired income per hour = A. Time to complete mission = B. Travel time to mission = C. Take B+(Cx2) and adjust to not be under, but close to A. Set that as mission payout, and you have just made all content equally viable from frontline to exploration.
    For reference, just bounty hunting in a hazrez can net between 10-20 mil per hour depending on luck finding them and how juicy they are. And that's not taking into considerationg the 30-40m mission to kill 40-60 of the things you're killing anyway, and in one hour 40 is not unheard of. This video is also a year old, so i really hope they upped it quite a bit by now. Unless frontline is supposed to be where new players get their starting cash, but it'd be pretty weird after 8 years they put out an expansion geared toward newbies. The content looks great, but the sad truth is any content, no matter how fun, if it's rewards are garbo it's a one way ticket to dead, unplayed content.

      @CMDRPLATER  2 года назад

      Ground combat zones pay millions per run now. This is from the alpha.

    • @fearalice
      @fearalice 2 года назад

      @@CMDRPLATER Glad to hear. fdev's track record for letting us gain money is terrible. Acting only to patch out high gains for years. Good vid though, was wondering what the missions were like.

  • @KarlMarg
    @KarlMarg 3 года назад +1

    So are kinetic guns really bad against shields or why are you switching guns so much?

    • @RyanSanderson
      @RyanSanderson 3 года назад

      Kinetics are great against unshielded targets, thermals are great against shields. It's quite efficient to pop shields with thermals and then finish off the target with kinetics

    • @lua9502
      @lua9502 3 года назад

      Its just like ship weapons

    • @RyanSanderson
      @RyanSanderson 3 года назад

      @@lua9502 precisely

    • @KarlMarg
      @KarlMarg 3 года назад +2

      @@lua9502 In that case I hope engineering is enough to make a weapon "feel good" against both shields and health. Constantly switching really brakes the flow for me

    • @lua9502
      @lua9502 3 года назад

      @@KarlMarg There will be Manticore (Plasma Guns) guns. On ships plasma does 20% kinetic, 20% thermal and 60% absolute damage.
      By the gameplay we've seen about the plasma weapons I believe it will be about the same.
      The downside of plasma weapons is the fire rate and low clip size but they will be a good pick if you don't want to swap around.

  • @noexxcellent
    @noexxcellent 3 года назад

    so cool

  • @gort5583
    @gort5583 3 года назад

    Thank the gaming Gods that they at least they made the drop from the dropship a bit more realistic than the normal ship egress!

    • @hobomisanthropus2414
      @hobomisanthropus2414 3 года назад +1

      All I want to know is do we get that Dropship module too so we can dump our friends into places? lol

  • @hobomisanthropus2414
    @hobomisanthropus2414 3 года назад +1

    The AI in the CZ's is way worse than the normal AI. I think one potential solution is to move all of the control points to indoor captures only. But ultimately the AI for conflict zones needs a lot of work, A lot more than I was thinking.

  • @noble6978
    @noble6978 3 года назад

    To think people actually slammed this doc for having FPS combat

  • @chris.murdock
    @chris.murdock 3 года назад +5

    how the hack we went from a space sim to a online Call Of Duty in space. A huge step in the wrong direction

    • @NastyStankyChicken
      @NastyStankyChicken 3 года назад +4

      Disagree it's adding far more depth. You don't think ground conflicts would happen in Elite Dangerous?

    • @allroundthefields1096
      @allroundthefields1096 3 года назад

      Toxic gankers and pew pew lovers moaned the most and got heard it seems.

    • @ScotDykstra
      @ScotDykstra 3 года назад +1

      While I agree the space sim aspect of ED still needs a lot of attention, Im definitely in favor of on foot gameplay like this video. The community has been asking for it since release. And I seriously doubt this will be the only way space leg gameplay will be used. Theres more to it than just faction wars.

    • @Myterriers
      @Myterriers 3 года назад +1

      @@ScotDykstra one can only hope.

    • @HallyVee
      @HallyVee 3 года назад +2

      And quick note, CoD is the perfectly wrong FPS to use as an example, as it's at the oppsite end of the FPS spectrum from ED in terms of major FPS elements. And remember that this video showcases ONLY Frontline mode; it'd be like judging Elite on CQC alone :)