FREE QURAN FOR NON-MUSLIMS! If you have any QUESTIONS about ISLAM please message me on insta If you want to CONTRIBUTE to the channel with VIDEO IDEAS then please message me on INSTA
Asalam ALeikum Aisha Rosalie & fam, I will ge to the point for the sake of wanting good for your brother or sister and maintaining hijab, there is a sister who has a channel called Rosa's corner, maybe you can interveiew her as it seems you like to do so.
There Is Only SAFETY In The God Of👍ISRAEL"S Nation👍/JHVH.Messiah Or Jesus Christ God Is The Holy Spirit And Word Or Verses In TheForm Huaman Child🙏Jesus Christ God Is The WAY And The TRUTH And The LIFE🙏Different By Muslim/Islam Is Perverted And RADICAL Or Troublemaker That Worshiped god Of FUCK Muhammad Is TheArants.Crazy.Perverted.BASTARD.Like Polygamy.Robber.SEX PREDATOR"S Of Underage Women.KILLER Or Muhammad Is Dead Man Is Desert DAJJJAL"S allah Or Desert DEVIL"S god Of ARAB"S Land...FUCK Perverted...FUCK Disgusting
This is one of the reasons I reverted to Islam. I never have felt comfortable in my skin until I reverted. Even if your not religious, stand up for yourself. Your amazing
@@asai471 That is a baseless claim. No evidence to support it whatsoever. It is a lie. A blatant lie. What Muhammad did was take existing stories and legends and remade them as his own.
I wore hijab yesterday out in public and never have I felt like a human walking amongst the crowd... The gazes were lowered, some stared curiously, but i had that feeling of respect. I felt human, i didn't feel like a trophy or a fresh catch to be caught. I felt dignified, I felt whole, I felt pure. I naturally looked at other women and saw myself in them, young girls, teens dressing in revealing clothing way above their age, i knew what it felt to feel only worthy if I showed my body and felt sexy. But no, I felt even more worthy, even more powerful, when I had control over who sees my body.
I know it's such a powerful feeling. Choosing who can see my hair or my body, plus it's so fun when other girls who see my hair for the first time are saying wow your hair is so beautiful hearing that makes me feel prettier than I would feel in revealing clothes by a 100%
Worshiper God Of👍Israel"s Nation👍/JHVH.Messiah Or Jesus Christ God Is The Way And The Truth And The Life Is Christian🙏Different By Muslim/ISLAM Is Perverted And RADICAL Or Troublemaker That Worshiped god Of FUCKING Muhammad Is TheArants.Crazy.Perverted.BASTARD.Like Polygamy.Robber.SEX PREDATOR"S Of Underage Women.KILLER Or Muhammad Is Dead Man Is Desert DAJJAL"S allah Or Desert DEVIL"S god From ARAB"S Land..FUCK Perverted.FUCK Radical..FUCK Disgusting
I’ve been a revert for going on 3 years now. The biggest thing I struggled with is the misconception of Islam. It’s very easy for people to separate a Christian from Christianity. But for some reason people view things Muslims do as Islam itself. Once you really get to know Islam you can finally see how peaceful and loving it really is. It teaches you to have the upmost respect for women and for some reason western society paints it as oppressive. May Allah bless and guide you to the truth.
@Christina if it was man made they would be able to prove its man made. I would love to see any evidence that proves Islam is man made. I’ll be waiting for a while because there isn’t any. Have a blessed day
@Christina you ever heard of David? Or Solomon? Have you ever read the Bible? Seems like this is a religion problem for you, not an Islam problem. May Allah bless you, have a great day.
@Christina so if prophets in your book (the Bible) have multiple wife’s, your going to use that as an insult against Islam? The Quran affirms the message of Moses, Abraham, Jesus and many other prophets. It looks like you need to do some reading lol
@Christina allowing and wanting are two different things. God allows for four wife’s not necessarily wanting four wife’s. And if you can’t treat each one of your wife’s the same and love them all the same then you shouldn’t have 4. Your god was sent for the children of Israel not for you. Read your book. Your god said give the bread to the children of Israel not the dogs. Referring to the gentiles as dogs. Therefore in the eyes of your “god” your just a dog. Like I said, may Allah bless you and open your heart and mind to hear and understand the truth.
Masha’Allah sister! May Allah continue to have MERCY on us, continue to PROTECT us, continue to FORGIVE us, continue to GUIDE us, and continue to BLESS us.
The fact that every non muslim feels the truth when reacting to Islamic Videos just proves that Islam is the truth. Continue spreading awareness Aisha ❤️
"the truth when reacting to Islamic Videos just proves that Islam is the truth." Beware of any people claiming to represent the truth and to know the truth - *especially for superficial and arbitrary reasons* The world is a highly complex place. Smart and educated people know it. Idiots and fools can't see it. (But they always know they speak the truth) Like I said: *Beware* of such people. Oh yeah, and the reason Muslims countries are the most corrupt, bigoted and un-democratic probably has to do with people just accepting "one truth". The truth is that you're unaware of how little you know about the world. No shame in admitting that. But thinking the opposite and claiming to speak for everybody else? Unfathomably ignorant and stupid.
I hope everyone who sees my comment embraces Islam, for Islam is a religion of peace for the heart and the end of it is entering heaven, God willing 🇸🇦🤍
I am so proud that you have explained what is the true Islam is .. you are reflect the strong woman in Islam what she is capable to do .. Thank you sister Aisha 🌺
As a man, it is very easy for me to talk to, listen to, and work with a woman who dresses herself with dignity and respect. No cleavage, no navel, no legs. Men would be nothing without a mother. The only man that can say that was Adam (pbuh).
ما شاء الله عنك يا اخت عاءشة الله يبارك فيك وفي عاءلتك الكريمة جزاك الله خير الجزاء على ما تقومون به من جهد كبير في سبيل الاسلام اتمنى لك السعادة والفرح الدائم مع عاءلتك نحن سعيدين وفخورين بك يا اختي الفاضلة
ستثبت لك الأيام أن كل اختيارات الله صالحة لك حتى وإن كنت لا تفهم كل أسبابه، ستثبت لك أن الطريق الذي اختاره الله لك كان أفضل ألف مرة من الطريق الذي أردته لنفسك،وأن الباب الذي أغلق في وجهك كان وراءه شر محض،وأن اليد التي أفلتتك لم تكن تناسبك منذ البداية،وأن البلاء الذي أنهكك لم يكن سوى رحمة مهداة،وأن انهيار الأسباب من حولك لم تكن بالقسوة التي ظننت،وإنما هي سنة الله في خلقه،وأن الأمر الذي جفاك النوم من أجله لم يكن يستحق كل هذا،وأنك قلقت أكثر مما ينبغي.يوما ما وبطريقة ما ستدرك أنك لست مالك أمرك،وأن أمرك إن ضاق واستضاق،له رب هو أولى به،وأن الله رحيم،رحيم بالقدر الذي ينجينا من شرور البشر،ومن أنفسنا حين لا نقوى عليها"☝
Aku tak punya kata-kata yang bisa diungkapkan untuk menunjukkan rasa kagumku pada Sayyidah Khadijah Al-Kubra (The Great). Bahkan sebagai seorang pria aku tak pernah malu mengagumi sosoknya sejak 2006. Gambaran wanita sempurna seutuhnya sejak pra islam hingga beliau meninggal sebagai seorang muslimah terbaik sepanjang masa. Beliau bisa menjaga kehormatannya, kecantikan fisiknya, kecerdasan, ketenangan, kedewasaan, penuh cinta kasih, kesabaran, dan jiwa sosialnya yang tidak ada bandingannya sampai hari penghakiman tiba. Sayyidah Khadijah bisa berlaku seperti itu sepanjang waktu selama hidupnya tanpa merasa lelah sedikitpun. Benar-benar wanita luar biasa. Dan hidupnya makin sempurna karena Rasulullah PBUH tak pernah memiliki wanita lain selama Khadijah masih hidup. Cintanya kepada Khadijah sangat dalam hingga Rasulullah rela selama sekitar sepuluh tahun lebih tak mau beristri lagi. Ini menunjukkan betapa sangat jauhnya kualitas para wanita di seluruh dunia dengan derajat The Greatest Woman on earth ini. Aku berani mengklaim ini karena para wanita di jaman Rasulullah PBUH adalah komunitas wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Jika kau menjadi yang terbaik dari terbaik, maka apa yang lebih hebat dari itu? Maka tak heran jika dari Sayyidah Khadijah ini lahir lah seorang wanita sempurna juga yang akan menjadi pemimpin para wanita di Surga nanti, putri tersayang Nabi Muhammad, Fathimah Al-Batūl. Bagaimanapun, Khadijah The Great bagiku adalah sakah satu legenda terbesar di dunia. Dengan kesempurnaannya maka tak heran jika Allah menyiapkannya untuk menjadi pendamping satu-satunya manusia terbaik sepanjang masa, pemimpin para nabi dan rasul, satu-satunya manusia yang diberi kewenangan untuk membatalkan hukuman Tuhan di hari penghakiman nanti, kekasih tersayang Allah SWT, dan manusia yang menjadi definisi murni dari sebuah arti cinta sesungguhnya. Yaitu Muhammad The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam ❤️❤️❤️❤️
MasyaAllah ...Very touched to see the development of Islam in Europe, where the ideology of democracy is quite good... it's different from us where Muslims are very dominant but the ideology of democracy is very as to undermine our Islamic creed .. greetings to Muslims all over the world from Indonesia ☝️🌹🏴😢
This is a live example that women are not humiliated in Islam as its stereotyped. We respect women to an utmost level and anyone who doesnt isnt a true Muslim
For every woman out there no matter what your religion, nationality, race is you are amazing and beautiful in every way and as a muslim women one of the things that made me fall in love with my religion even more is Prophet Mohammad’s sayings about women. I mean if you just read on how he used to treat women and encourage men to cherish their women, it’s amazing. It’s beyond precious. I feel sorry for some muslims who don’t follow the Prophet’s teachings on how to treat women, but it’s the best way to live your life honestly. All men in my life were trying their best to be followers of the Prophet and I really wish this amazing life of respect, kindness, protection and providing for every woman out there. Peace to you all sisters!
assalamu'alaikum... it's better if this video has a translation in Indonesian, I think this is important for prospective Indonesian converts who can't speak English....!
this life is a test we are given hardship (who is patient here?), and blessing (are you going to be thankful?) Beautiful people (are you going to the fall in temptation, it is easier to to do it), Intelligent wise people (are you going to help with your brain or deceive people?), Rich people (are you going to give part of it for the needy and poor in form of charity?) etc etc. each hardship and blessing is a test, why? God knows eeveryting? So we wouldn't have excuse (But my lord, If you have made me rich I would have helped the poor) etc etc.. the part that says God does not look at our body and faces , rather our heart, is a hadith (prophet saying), May Allah (God) guide us and give us light, purity in our faces, words and action, amin.
@@sutil5078 this is not a philosophy. This is life. If you dont know who you are at your core then your whole religion is based on the false sense of identity. Isn't it ?
I was not a conservative muslim. But I drew closer to Allah when I aged further. Realising how much time I have wasted out there in the world. I use to feel that I need to conform to the society. I became what I wasn't. When I drew my life closer to the deen, I am free!! Free to be who I am within the guidelines set by HIM. Amongst people, I can be myself. I don't care to please human. Because as long I as live within the guidelines of Allah.. I can actually pleases others. As for the women, out there they judge you by your looks. The society now wants to see everything about you. In fact they would love to see you exposing yourself. Hey, don't succumb to these norms. Dress modestly. Cover up yourself. Let only your husband see the real you. Or your male family. Strangers don't have the right to see whatever you cover. You have the right to your body.. why flaunt your body when men and women will only judge or have illicit thoughts about you. Protect yourself. Don't let others sells your for their own benefit.
How amazing your friends mind , Intellect , Rational , logic and more so they are have all woww I don’t know English but wow everyone have some or such a great power point power so an so I can’t say anything but woww ammazing reflect Reasonable Oh sorry I couldn’t say anything 😮💨😪
Salam sister, I love your approached and intentions. Wallah such a bless and prespective-wise. Sometimes, take it easy on yourself too..over-compensate learning and reading Islam can be quite blunt pencil as result... Peace..
الحمد لله رب العالمين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ٠٠٠
That’s we Muslim men cover and protect our women because they are so precious for us and we want to keep them away from all of that negativity in the world and treat them like queens , this is only small example about how islam support and strengthen women in this world, if you read qura’an you will find much more of what you just heard , you will end be feel its better to be Muslim than staying out of islam … btw 70% of the western reverts are women because they read and understand and know what they can have in this religion and be for ever protected and provided and supported … insha’a allah will guide all of you and join us to the straight path to paradise amen 🤲🤲
Naturally, every human tends to seek their God. So they try to look for the truth. And Allah will show the truth, the right path to who really want to get the truth. And that is Islam.
Why they all neglect The religious context of it???? That’s what’s the video is about. How a Muslims woman should be. To have these Muslim women role models. And not the society.
you don't have to please the world it's just enough to please your lord The One Whom Has given you existence and life .. 🌷🌷👍🏻👍🏻Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing (not even) mentioned.. The holy (Quran) 🌷🌷👍🏻
*Women* are like *flowers* they should be treated *gently, kindly* & with *affection* Quote from: Imam Ali (Ahlai Salam) who was 1st cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlai wasalam) & husband to Bibi Fatima. *As salam alaikum* to the *Greatest women* in my view: *Bibi Amina* (Prophet Muhammad's Mother). *Bibi Khadija* *Bibi Fatima* *Bibi Zainab* (Daughter of Bibi Fatima).
Islaam is true pure religion for all humanity just learn more about it and accept it before it is too late before die Allah is only one God Muhammad peace be upon him is last final messager of Allah may Allah hidaya u all
If you have any QUESTIONS about ISLAM please message me on insta
If you want to CONTRIBUTE to the channel with VIDEO IDEAS then please message me on INSTA
Asalam ALeikum Aisha Rosalie & fam, I will ge to the point for the sake of wanting good for your brother or sister and maintaining hijab, there is a sister who has a channel called Rosa's corner, maybe you can interveiew her as it seems you like to do so.
Allah will give u paradise sister insha allah,
Assalamu'alaikum from Indonesia country 🇮🇩
@@nakama_mujiwara what will women do in jannah ?
There Is Only SAFETY In The God Of👍ISRAEL"S Nation👍/JHVH.Messiah Or Jesus Christ God Is The Holy Spirit And Word Or Verses In TheForm Huaman Child🙏Jesus Christ God Is The WAY And The TRUTH And The LIFE🙏Different By Muslim/Islam Is Perverted And RADICAL Or Troublemaker That Worshiped god Of FUCK Muhammad Is TheArants.Crazy.Perverted.BASTARD.Like Polygamy.Robber.SEX PREDATOR"S Of Underage Women.KILLER Or Muhammad Is Dead Man Is Desert DAJJJAL"S allah Or Desert DEVIL"S god Of ARAB"S Land...FUCK Perverted...FUCK Disgusting
This is one of the reasons I reverted to Islam. I never have felt comfortable in my skin until I reverted. Even if your not religious, stand up for yourself. Your amazing
No such thing as a "revert" - you CONVERT to a religion.
You needed to see a mental health practitioner not join a 7th century, desert cult.
@@Edward-bm7vw because God sent the same message since the beginning and it was Islam
@@asai471 That is a baseless claim. No evidence to support it whatsoever. It is a lie. A blatant lie. What Muhammad did was take existing stories and legends and remade them as his own.
@@asai471 🤣🤣😂😂
I watched this video as a Christian lady several years ago. I ended up converting to Islam.
Welcome sister...
MashaAllah May Allah bless you ❤️
Welcome ❤❤❤
I wore hijab yesterday out in public and never have I felt like a human walking amongst the crowd... The gazes were lowered, some stared curiously, but i had that feeling of respect. I felt human, i didn't feel like a trophy or a fresh catch to be caught.
I felt dignified, I felt whole, I felt pure. I naturally looked at other women and saw myself in them, young girls, teens dressing in revealing clothing way above their age, i knew what it felt to feel only worthy if I showed my body and felt sexy. But no, I felt even more worthy, even more powerful, when I had control over who sees my body.
MashaAllah sister
I know it's such a powerful feeling. Choosing who can see my hair or my body, plus it's so fun when other girls who see my hair for the first time are saying wow your hair is so beautiful hearing that makes me feel prettier than I would feel in revealing clothes by a 100%
Worshiper God Of👍Israel"s Nation👍/JHVH.Messiah Or Jesus Christ God Is The Way And The Truth And The Life Is Christian🙏Different By Muslim/ISLAM Is Perverted And RADICAL Or Troublemaker That Worshiped god Of FUCKING Muhammad Is TheArants.Crazy.Perverted.BASTARD.Like Polygamy.Robber.SEX PREDATOR"S Of Underage Women.KILLER Or Muhammad Is Dead Man Is Desert DAJJAL"S allah Or Desert DEVIL"S god From ARAB"S Land..FUCK Perverted.FUCK Radical..FUCK Disgusting
I’ve been a revert for going on 3 years now. The biggest thing I struggled with is the misconception of Islam. It’s very easy for people to separate a Christian from Christianity. But for some reason people view things Muslims do as Islam itself. Once you really get to know Islam you can finally see how peaceful and loving it really is. It teaches you to have the upmost respect for women and for some reason western society paints it as oppressive. May Allah bless and guide you to the truth.
May your family all accept islam and bring you happiness from Allah while you are alive.
@Christina if it was man made they would be able to prove its man made. I would love to see any evidence that proves Islam is man made. I’ll be waiting for a while because there isn’t any. Have a blessed day
@Christina you ever heard of David? Or Solomon? Have you ever read the Bible? Seems like this is a religion problem for you, not an Islam problem. May Allah bless you, have a great day.
@Christina so if prophets in your book (the Bible) have multiple wife’s, your going to use that as an insult against Islam? The Quran affirms the message of Moses, Abraham, Jesus and many other prophets. It looks like you need to do some reading lol
@Christina allowing and wanting are two different things. God allows for four wife’s not necessarily wanting four wife’s. And if you can’t treat each one of your wife’s the same and love them all the same then you shouldn’t have 4. Your god was sent for the children of Israel not for you. Read your book. Your god said give the bread to the children of Israel not the dogs. Referring to the gentiles as dogs. Therefore in the eyes of your “god” your just a dog. Like I said, may Allah bless you and open your heart and mind to hear and understand the truth.
Alhumdulillah for being a Muslim woman! Great job 🏆🏆🏆
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Masha’Allah sister! May Allah continue to have MERCY on us, continue to PROTECT us, continue to FORGIVE us, continue to GUIDE us, and continue to BLESS us.
@@thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Ameen ❤
@@nastehoali4427 Mahadsanid sis ;)
The fact that every non muslim feels
the truth when reacting to Islamic Videos just proves that Islam is the truth. Continue spreading awareness Aisha ❤️
The spread of the Quranavirus is bad for the world. The sooner Islam is eradicated the better.
"the truth when reacting to Islamic Videos just proves that Islam is the truth."
Beware of any people claiming to represent the truth and to know the truth - *especially for superficial and arbitrary reasons*
The world is a highly complex place.
Smart and educated people know it.
Idiots and fools can't see it. (But they always know they speak the truth)
Like I said: *Beware* of such people.
Oh yeah, and the reason Muslims countries are the most corrupt, bigoted and un-democratic probably has to do with people just accepting "one truth".
The truth is that you're unaware of how little you know about the world. No shame in admitting that. But thinking the opposite and claiming to speak for everybody else? Unfathomably ignorant and stupid.
Who's Aisha?
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
I hope everyone who sees my comment embraces Islam, for Islam is a religion of peace for the heart and the end of it is entering heaven, God willing 🇸🇦🤍
ارفع رأسك فوق أنت مسلم
تحية حب وعزة لكل مسلم علي وجه الارض
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Be a great women, be a good mother and daughter, be a good wife in the name off Allah swt...
Every time I came across this clip I just melt in tears
I am so proud that you have explained what is the true Islam is .. you are reflect the strong woman in Islam what she is capable to do ..
Thank you sister Aisha 🌺
Thankyou sisters for a lovely reaction. May God be with you and His light, light up your hearts and guide you through life, ameen
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
May Allah continue to have MERCY on us, continue to PROTECT us, continue to FORGIVE us, continue to GUIDE us, and continue to BLESS us.
As a man, it is very easy for me to talk to, listen to, and work with a woman who dresses herself with dignity and respect. No cleavage, no navel, no legs. Men would be nothing without a mother. The only man that can say that was Adam (pbuh).
Proven fact, every human baby born as muslim.
Even Adam felt lonely without a woman by his side hence the crestion of Hawa
ما شاء الله عنك يا اخت عاءشة الله يبارك فيك وفي عاءلتك الكريمة جزاك الله خير الجزاء على ما تقومون به من جهد كبير في سبيل الاسلام اتمنى لك السعادة والفرح الدائم مع عاءلتك نحن سعيدين وفخورين بك يا اختي الفاضلة
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
As a Muslim having one of these names is so emotional for me
SubhanAllah, verry good video, thenk you for your kind words about Muslims. May Allah bless you guys 🤍
Alhamdulilah for Islam, the best blessing and the best gift to mankind is Islam.
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
I do think you had personal connection with Kamal Saleh.His Spoken words are just the best,may Allah increase us in iman.
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Eye opening video thanks girls I'll send to my sister she need to see this. 👍
A powerful message for women empowerment. This resonates across religion, race, caste, sect, region, geography and much more.
أسأل الله العظيم أن يهديهنّ ويشرح صدورهنّ للإسلام
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
You are doing great job sister from Bangladesh
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
@@chilihirai4780 Sorry we dont like animeland religion thank you.
Allah not look your appearance and your richest, but Allah look into your heart and deed
Yes so true
I watched this video for the third time. And ı am crying at subway now. So beautiful
I'm a proud Muslim from Pakistan 🇵🇰
ستثبت لك الأيام أن كل اختيارات الله صالحة لك حتى وإن كنت لا تفهم كل أسبابه، ستثبت لك أن الطريق الذي اختاره الله لك كان أفضل ألف مرة من الطريق الذي أردته لنفسك،وأن الباب الذي أغلق في وجهك كان وراءه شر محض،وأن اليد التي أفلتتك لم تكن تناسبك منذ البداية،وأن البلاء الذي أنهكك لم يكن سوى رحمة مهداة،وأن انهيار الأسباب من حولك لم تكن بالقسوة التي ظننت،وإنما هي سنة الله في خلقه،وأن الأمر الذي جفاك النوم من أجله لم يكن يستحق كل هذا،وأنك قلقت أكثر مما ينبغي.يوما ما وبطريقة ما ستدرك أنك لست مالك أمرك،وأن أمرك إن ضاق واستضاق،له رب هو أولى به،وأن الله رحيم،رحيم بالقدر الذي ينجينا من شرور البشر،ومن أنفسنا حين لا نقوى عليها"☝
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ كَرِيمٌ تُحِبُّ العّفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Subhannah Allah, only Allah knows the best , may Allah grant our mothers blessings in this life and hereafter amen
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Love to watch your reaction on his "Meaning of Life" video, u gonna love it too. Stay blessed
Manshallah barakallah
My brother proud to be a muslim ❤❤❤ masha Allah
Zazakallah khair
Alhumdulilah for Islam, Muslim women are covered for this very reason , our worth lies within ourselves not how we look
Thanks sister Rosalie for the his video, love🇩🇿🇨🇦
ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا و كفر عنا سيءتنا و توفنا مع الأبرار
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
It's really amazing MashAllah
Aku tak punya kata-kata yang bisa diungkapkan untuk menunjukkan rasa kagumku pada Sayyidah Khadijah Al-Kubra (The Great). Bahkan sebagai seorang pria aku tak pernah malu mengagumi sosoknya sejak 2006. Gambaran wanita sempurna seutuhnya sejak pra islam hingga beliau meninggal sebagai seorang muslimah terbaik sepanjang masa. Beliau bisa menjaga kehormatannya, kecantikan fisiknya, kecerdasan, ketenangan, kedewasaan, penuh cinta kasih, kesabaran, dan jiwa sosialnya yang tidak ada bandingannya sampai hari penghakiman tiba. Sayyidah Khadijah bisa berlaku seperti itu sepanjang waktu selama hidupnya tanpa merasa lelah sedikitpun. Benar-benar wanita luar biasa. Dan hidupnya makin sempurna karena Rasulullah PBUH tak pernah memiliki wanita lain selama Khadijah masih hidup. Cintanya kepada Khadijah sangat dalam hingga Rasulullah rela selama sekitar sepuluh tahun lebih tak mau beristri lagi. Ini menunjukkan betapa sangat jauhnya kualitas para wanita di seluruh dunia dengan derajat The Greatest Woman on earth ini. Aku berani mengklaim ini karena para wanita di jaman Rasulullah PBUH adalah komunitas wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Jika kau menjadi yang terbaik dari terbaik, maka apa yang lebih hebat dari itu?
Maka tak heran jika dari Sayyidah Khadijah ini lahir lah seorang wanita sempurna juga yang akan menjadi pemimpin para wanita di Surga nanti, putri tersayang Nabi Muhammad, Fathimah Al-Batūl.
Bagaimanapun, Khadijah The Great bagiku adalah sakah satu legenda terbesar di dunia. Dengan kesempurnaannya maka tak heran jika Allah menyiapkannya untuk menjadi pendamping satu-satunya manusia terbaik sepanjang masa, pemimpin para nabi dan rasul, satu-satunya manusia yang diberi kewenangan untuk membatalkan hukuman Tuhan di hari penghakiman nanti, kekasih tersayang Allah SWT, dan manusia yang menjadi definisi murni dari sebuah arti cinta sesungguhnya. Yaitu Muhammad The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wa sallam ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mashallah very good video
Beautiful msgs for the people
Amazing vidéo God bless you sister
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
عيدكم مبارك وكل عام وأنتم بألف خير.
Non Muslim react to the best Quran recitation in the world by Abdul basit
Pretending to be a non muslim
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Alhamdulillah,, Good video you welcome my sister From INDIA Assam
MasyaAllah ...Very touched to see the development of Islam in Europe, where the ideology of democracy is quite good... it's different from us where Muslims are very dominant but the ideology of democracy is very as to undermine our Islamic creed .. greetings to Muslims all over the world from Indonesia ☝️🌹🏴😢
سلام الله عليك اختي بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله خيرا
I also reverted/converted to Islam. Alhumdulilah
This is a live example that women are not humiliated in Islam as its stereotyped. We respect women to an utmost level and anyone who doesnt isnt a true Muslim
Aslaamoalaikam WaRehmatullahu WaBarakato
Your job is great
May Allah accept it
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Alhamdulillah ❤️
Thank you ❤️👍🤲✋💐 peace with you
ماشاء الله
ربنا اتنا فى الدنيا حسنة و فى الآخرة حسنة
For every woman out there no matter what your religion, nationality, race is you are amazing and beautiful in every way and as a muslim women one of the things that made me fall in love with my religion even more is Prophet Mohammad’s sayings about women. I mean if you just read on how he used to treat women and encourage men to cherish their women, it’s amazing. It’s beyond precious. I feel sorry for some muslims who don’t follow the Prophet’s teachings on how to treat women, but it’s the best way to live your life honestly. All men in my life were trying their best to be followers of the Prophet and I really wish this amazing life of respect, kindness, protection and providing for every woman out there. Peace to you all sisters!
Proud to be muslim so lucky
assalamu'alaikum... it's better if this video has a translation in Indonesian, I think this is important for prospective Indonesian converts who can't speak English....!
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
this life is a test we are given hardship (who is patient here?), and blessing (are you going to be thankful?) Beautiful people (are you going to the fall in temptation, it is easier to to do it), Intelligent wise people (are you going to help with your brain or deceive people?), Rich people (are you going to give part of it for the needy and poor in form of charity?) etc etc. each hardship and blessing is a test, why? God knows eeveryting? So we wouldn't have excuse (But my lord, If you have made me rich I would have helped the poor) etc etc.. the part that says God does not look at our body and faces , rather our heart, is a hadith (prophet saying),
May Allah (God) guide us and give us light, purity in our faces, words and action, amin.
Who are you ? Answer first this question and then philosophise what this life is about.
@@michalrusin6503 are you philosophizing when you ask "who are you?" and why should it be in that order?
@@sutil5078 this is not a philosophy. This is life. If you dont know who you are at your core then your whole religion is based on the false sense of identity. Isn't it ?
"I want you to share the dream that Allah has shown you.And spread my message amongst the people." IBelieveMuhammadQasim
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history.
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Allah knows best what is good for us. Allah akbar
I was not a conservative muslim. But I drew closer to Allah when I aged further. Realising how much time I have wasted out there in the world. I use to feel that I need to conform to the society. I became what I wasn't. When I drew my life closer to the deen, I am free!! Free to be who I am within the guidelines set by HIM. Amongst people, I can be myself. I don't care to please human. Because as long I as live within the guidelines of Allah.. I can actually pleases others.
As for the women, out there they judge you by your looks. The society now wants to see everything about you. In fact they would love to see you exposing yourself. Hey, don't succumb to these norms. Dress modestly. Cover up yourself. Let only your husband see the real you. Or your male family. Strangers don't have the right to see whatever you cover. You have the right to your body.. why flaunt your body when men and women will only judge or have illicit thoughts about you. Protect yourself. Don't let others sells your for their own benefit.
Grow upi.
How amazing your friends mind , Intellect , Rational , logic and more so they are have all woww
I don’t know English but wow everyone have some or such a great power point power so an so
I can’t say anything but woww ammazing reflect Reasonable
Oh sorry I couldn’t say anything 😮💨😪
Salam sister, I love your approached and intentions. Wallah such a bless and prespective-wise. Sometimes, take it easy on yourself too..over-compensate learning and reading Islam can be quite blunt pencil as result... Peace..
قال النبي ﷺ ... 💙
كلمتان خفيفتان على السان ... 🌸
ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان لرحمان ... 💫
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم ... 🌴🤲
This video was made 10 years ago. Still so relevant
Would be nice if link to Original video was available in the description.
I invite Everyone to listen to Al Quran
The Quran Is a book of nonsense.
Who needs to be invited?
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
It's simple ladies, being a Muslim is the best version of yourself!
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet in history.
الحمد لله رب العالمين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ٠٠٠
very very very nice video ❤️ Mashallah
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
That’s we Muslim men cover and protect our women because they are so precious for us and we want to keep them away from all of that negativity in the world and treat them like queens , this is only small example about how islam support and strengthen women in this world, if you read qura’an you will find much more of what you just heard , you will end be feel its better to be Muslim than staying out of islam … btw 70% of the western reverts are women because they read and understand and know what they can have in this religion and be for ever protected and provided and supported … insha’a allah will guide all of you and join us to the straight path to paradise amen 🤲🤲
MashaAllah 😊
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
SubhanAllah sisters 😍😍😍
Subhan Allah ❤️
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
I love❤❤ Islam☪️️☪️️☪️️
Islam is nonsense
Subhan Allah best video Allah hu Akbar 🙏❤️
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Learn islaam it's true purely from One God Allah accept it with heart inshallah u will go in jannah
Fatima Al Zahraa and Zainab bint Ali are the greatest woman in Islam.
Naturally, every human tends to seek their God. So they try to look for the truth. And Allah will show the truth, the right path to who really want to get the truth. And that is Islam.
Allahu Akbar!!!!
Hurry up catch up with these great values
❤️😭😭😭🙏2 minutes silence for those women who thinks they are competing in this world 🙏 and are represented as models for attraction 🙏
Let is chant nam myo ho ren ge kyo this is only way to be happy convert to nichiren shoshu
Why they all neglect The religious context of it???? That’s what’s the video is about. How a Muslims woman should be. To have these Muslim women role models. And not the society.
Golden hair girl❤️❤️❤️
اللهم اهدي أمه محمد اجمعين 🤲🤲🤲i ask Allah guide Umah Mohammed 🤲🤲🤲
That girl with glasses i fell for her 😂😂😂😂
Zazakallah khair my brother an 3cute beautyful girl hda kallah i wish for you
Keep your head up girls! God loves all of you. Looks are looks, real persons don't care
you don't have to please the world it's just enough to please your lord The One Whom Has given you existence and life .. 🌷🌷👍🏻👍🏻Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing (not even) mentioned..
The holy (Quran) 🌷🌷👍🏻
Total nonsense
you should give credit & desc from which channel you make the reaction.. i cannot find the name of the man ,that his vid you give reaction/respond to
You are magnifico
Allah hidayat ata kre aap 3beautyful girl ko aameen
*Women* are like *flowers* they should be treated *gently, kindly* & with *affection*
Quote from:
Imam Ali (Ahlai Salam) who was 1st cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlai wasalam) & husband to Bibi Fatima.
*As salam alaikum* to the *Greatest women* in my view:
*Bibi Amina* (Prophet Muhammad's Mother).
*Bibi Khadija*
*Bibi Fatima*
*Bibi Zainab* (Daughter of Bibi Fatima).
link to original video of the guy please
Hope I will meet my mother Hadicha In Jannah
Islaam is true pure religion for all humanity just learn more about it and accept it before it is too late before die Allah is only one God Muhammad peace be upon him is last final messager of Allah may Allah hidaya u all
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet in history.
This is the most beautiful and heart warming video ever 😊🙌💯🏋♀️🧘♂️🎆🤲🏅💝💝💝🎀👏👏😇✨️🥇🦸♀️🦸♀️🦸♀️🦸♀️🦸♀️🧿🧿❤️❤️❤️💎💎💎💎