As a person whos given up on doctors, hosptials. I rather die comfy at home than die waiting in the waiting room. Broken bones, nerve damage, malpractice, etc. Its all common day stuff. Being given meds I am allergic to and then never being told what the name of the med is. 4 out of 5 docs did not notice I had broken ribs. The 5th doc said "There is nothing to do for broken ribs" Supposedly the phrase "It can always be worse" is a phase. Seems more like a motto for modern life at this point
@CorpsesReborn that's unfortunate that you did not receive the care you deserve. Now, it is possible that your hospital system wanted to pinch pennies and hired the cheapest and least qualified doctors. This happens when you live in country whose healthcare system is more concern about profit margins than positive patient outcomes.
I live in Florida and its not just rural hospitals that are closing to. Florida really needs major anti monopoly laws, because I used to work for an franchise hospital and the standards I saw there outright disgusted me. The franchise hospital buys up everything around the local ones, then when the locals cant afford anything the franchise hospital swoops in and buys it up. The practices I saw were gross, it was pretty much akin to a prison. But for them what really annoys me is their mistreatment of seniors because they really didnt care if they got better or not. If they died who cares? Its not like their relatives can prove they were the ones that killed them. The USA really needs to upheave the healthcare system from the ground up.
The 2 near me, one got rid of the entire maternity ward. The other bigger hospital doesn't... Do surgery? My mom fell and the ambulance made sure she knew if she needed surgery she'd be scheduled elsewhere.
the more research I do, the more I think that our entire economy is predicated on lies, exploitation, monopolization, greed, etc. Its horrible! Why cant business owners see that lifting up their employees and treating people good will make them loyal employees? isnt that what businesses want? I guess this is what happens when everyone is a number in a spreadsheet. When you break down every role to the point that it is someone's 40 hour a week job to figure out how to make more money by paying people less, what chance do the workers have unless they are unionized? Every business is being subscriptionized, "rent everything", increase prices and decrease size and value, etc etc.
@@matthewsaxe6383it's capitalism in general, even with regulations it's only a temporary fix. It's always just a matter of time before the wealthy buy their power back, we've seen it play out here in the US with the rise of neoliberalism it's happening in Europe right now too. That's just the nature of capitalism, the entire system is bad
That's hard to do if you don't have money . Maybe we should ask the government to steal from those that have legally earned their money and give it to the bums .
Please people STOP putting police alongside with firefighters.! Not meant for handful of real men protecting tha Village who already know that all too well.
He lost wife and daughter two-ducking-minutes from the hospital because the ambulance couldn’t get their rear in gear? No one thought to grab oxygen and cover those two flipping minutes to meet him and finish transporting her by car to see if at least the baby could be saved? And this is the land of freedom, the shining example that everyone else wants to be like, the world’s policeman, big brother and good example? Excuse me while I go cry until I throw up. America, you need to do some soul-searching and self-reflection.
I am a nursing student and it’s not hard at all. You can float by with chatGPT. Schools pass you because it makes them look good. I’ve been interviewing for positions and I’m interviewed but the dumbest people. I haven’t been getting hired because I ask questions that go above their head and indirectly call people fat that should be living a health life style to set an example in health care. 😂 the people in health care can pass exams but can’t think critically or logically.
@@Specialcowgirl69 Even better is physiotherapy since you don't have the hassles nurses do. No one dies for lack of PT/OT so there's far less stress and less liability. My sister is raking in bank working in a high end hospital on the west coast. Medicine will remain wide open so never stop building your skill set. There's no reason a competent nurse couldn't retire young and well off if they use wise financial management. (Key to early retirement is living BELOW your financial means which also gives you an emergency cash cushion.
Never listen to the advice of a 911 dispatcher. Half the time they don't even know where they are in relation to where you are. You'd be lucky to get one that knows how to read a map.
Exactly! Not every business should be run for profit, ask physicians because as soon as they were taken over by for profit corporations, things went downhill for them because it became about numbers not true medical care … its sad
Healthcare is a human right. I always find it nuts that people think "free markets" can provide essential services. They basically never do. When they do it's usually based on government infrastructure that they pay rock bottom rents for but still charge astronomical prices to customers. It's no surprise that rural hospitals close because they can't make enough "profit" off the sparse and impoverished populations there. Even if the hospital itself is run humanely, allowing private insurers to control the market results in much the same.
The results of Medicare Advantage(free-market health care) is that people are dying due to poor health coverage. Coverage that regular Medicare(government run) is providing to seniors that chose that route. Greed does not lead to good health care.
You are mistaken. Healthcare is a human right in most nations that provide universal healthcare - Canada, UK, France - Basically 99% of Western Europe, most of Asia, etc. It is NOT a human right in the US. If it were, it would've joined the rest of the civilized worlds 30+ years ago and adopted universal health care for a citizens like the majority of the developed world which has done so for decades. The US frankly is a primitive backwater shithole in this regard and is no surprise Americans live 8 years shorter on average than their northern neighbors.
We’ll never know if the free market will work for healthcare under the current economic system because it’s pretty obvious that what we call “free market capitalism” is anything but a free market.. we need laws in place to protect the free market if we ever decide to make corporations illegal and try to create a free market. So when someone does something shady that’s technically legal, the sole fact that it’s not in the spirit of a free market since it’s gaining an unfair advantage would allow legal action to be taken. Hmm, but even with the corporations outlawed, it doesn’t quite feel like a free market yet.. what’s this thing that’s making it feel like slavery instead of freedom? Oh yeah it’s money. We need to outlaw money, or at the very least get money out of economics and business. Competition is good, it’s healthy, it promotes innovation, and it’s fun! But you know what’s not fun? When you’re competing for your life. If you lose in this current game we call “free market economics” or in this hypothetical game free of corporate influence, you still end up on the streets, or in deep poverty. People need to be able to compete in a healthy way without it being tied to their ability to live, to have a quality of life.
I was working at a hospital when the system really began to change. Hospitals were fully staffed, and we had good benefits and regular pay increases. Then in the early '90's (I can't recall the exact year), we were notified of cutbacks. When the time came, employees were laid off, benefits were cut, and raises became rare or minuscule for most employees. Smaller hospitals cut services and either merged with large ones or closed permanently. The trend has only accelerated since then.
We all need to eat right, exercise and take responsibility for our own health. Healthcare has gone downhill. I avoid doctors "healthcare". Many medical people are leaving their fields and going into other things.
ALL INDUSTRIES IN THE US ARE MONOPOLIES, they have all consolidated to the point only one or two corporations control them, they are run by investment firms hedge funds who don't care if they actually function and they control prices, they just want to squeeze as much profit as possible, and both parties in Congress led to this by not using our Anti-Trust laws for DECADES, only the Biden Admin was beginning to address it.
My condolences to this father for the senseless loss of his wife and daughter. It's horrible to see that the insurance grip on healthcare costs means no healthcare at all for rural communities. It also means significantly diminished care in large hospitals in cities. My local hospital refused to take my insurance, instead asking me to submit a hardship and get Medicaid so they could get increased billing through government funds. I have been continuously employed and pay insurance premiums and deductibles. The biggest mistake in "low/no cost healthcare" is allowing insurance companies to continue to determine payments when they are receiving premiums and deductibles. The next time I landed in the emergency room, a finance representative interrupted my doctor's care to ask how I would pay for my healthcare. Again, I had active insurance. We were at a stand off until I asked the representative if she intended to continue interrupting my healthcare and the doctor offered insufficient mediation. I listened to the evaluation the doctor was able to give up until that point and left. I continued to receive bills from the hospital for over a year which I had to redirect to my insurance. This happens often with many of my healthcare providers, until I make repeated calls to intervene in the billing process. This year, another local emergency room required me to sign a waiver. When asked why, they told me the emergency room doctors are contractors. I have to think, this relieves hospitals of responsibility for supervision and failed care. At a point I required prescriptions for continued care. The cost of these were upwards of thousands a month. I carried two insurance policies. Both coverages denied the prescriptions though I paid Premiums and completed deductibles for both. I work to keep both coverages. Instead, insurance company doctors reviewed my medical records and concluded there were alternatives. I started getting calls from my insurance company offering me a "Service" in which I would meet with a Nurse provided by insurance company who would evaluate my health and "help" me navigate care. The line between healthcare and insurance coverage is becoming more than blurred. It is interfering with the quality of healthcare in what used to be the best hospitals. Also, look more into the purchase of hospital purchased as real estate investments and liquidated. As well as local healthcare centers that are opening up with contracted doctors that are not well managed. And the preference these centers have for patients that will participate in pharma clinical trials.
Let me guess, money. We have little to no money for our people, healthcare, education, food. But, hey, 100 billion for war every other month. We can always find money for the military industrial complex. We can always find money to send to other countries.
We always have more money to support these tech and engineering companies to bail them out as well. As they pay their people with the same amount of education as these workers 100k minimum to 400k minimum. More strikes need to happen, more shutdowns need to happen. We need to start holding these employers and politicians accountable.
Greed is not the desire for more, it's the desire for more at the expense of others. ESPECIALLY in the context of LIFE AND DEATH, this should NEVER be allowed!! 😤😤
@@MrMarinus18 What if someone needs it, but doesn't want it? (Or doesn't want to help pay for it?) Lots of folks in the South need health care services, but don't want them, since they are 'unAmerican' and communist. My thoughts are that, in a case like this, health services probably ought not be offered to them.
@@SeattleMartin A problem in America though is the two party system. So if you vote for a party cause of an issue there are usually a ton of other issues that come with that, that you don't agree with.
@@MrMarinus18 That's a good point. That cramming several unrelated issues into one legislative bill is a crime against our society, imo. This is what the Republican law group ALEC is known for promoting. They have hijacked the legislative process, and the Democrats have let them do it.
@@SeattleMartin As someone who lives rural because I'm too poor to move, thanks. Your empathy and compassion has really changed the world here. Good job./s Seriously, though, the gerrymandered dirt that steals my votes doesn't deserve a lack of healthcare, let alone me. Up yours.
I live in Maryland and that did not make a difference for our Rural Hospital in Cambridge MD. Our hospital was replaced with an understaffed "Emergency Room" Recently my husband had a medical emergency. I drove him the 3 miles to the "Emergency Room" where he was told the wait would be over an hour. I put him back in the care and rushed him another 15 miles down the road the the hospital in Easton MD where he was treated almost immediately as they had the staff to take care of him. We were lucky that we had the time to get to the hospital - Where we are some people would have to drive almost an hour for care - they will die due to circumstances beyond their control. Profits will always come before people, make no mistake about that. People try to eat right and exercise and do all you can to stay healthy because our healthcare system is beyond broke
All hospitals should be owned by the government. Healthcare should not be privatized. Charging people a profit in exchange for good health will always lead to corruption
That's an obvious side effect of privatizing PUBLIC services. Rural areas should have public (free) hospitals. Learn from Mexico, we have private hospitals but also PUBLIC hospitals (free, paid by taxes). This also creates competitions and force private hospitals to improve their services to make it worth it for consumers. That's why it's cheaper to pay out-of-pocket on a private hospital in Mexico than the co-payment with USA insurance. In Mexico we also have public insurance hospitals and private insurance usually covers 100% of private hospital bills. You can optionally pay out-of-pocket to access a bigger room. I now live and work in Manhattan and I can tell you USA health service is a scam. Even Colombia has better health service (access) than the USA.
I heard it is better in Brazil than in the US. I am from Poland and we have universal Healthcare. Not perfect but it is. USA citizens has Third World Healthcare access and even some Third World have universal Healthcare. Happy that I never moved to the US.
@@frankmorris4790 it's spelled Mexico, be respectful. It's only free if you are Mexican and it's a public hospital. You could go too but there will be a very small bill. Thousands of Americans travel each year to Mexico for health tourism, specially for dental services. Look it out, there are lots of videos about this.
Insurance companies own most hospitals. They artificially inflate medicine and procedures because they are basically paying themselves., making it impossible to get healthcare without insurance unless you want to be in debt for life. This also makes it hard for independent hospitals to stay afloat because they dont have the insurance revenue stream to fall back on. Insurance companies influence what drugs and ops are used and its never in the interest of the patient. We need to abolish big insurance, but that will never happen since they are in bed with government.
my towns hospital has already been closed. recently it was reopened during the pandemic. wouldnt surprise me if they closed it again. i almost died having to travel two counties away when i needed surgery several years ago. america needs universal healthcare. open hospitals when people need them are a part of that.
Man, just hearing Byron's story made me cry. I can't imagine how much pain and heartache he felt. Our hospital system completely failed him and his family.
We've spent so much time figuring out how to extract more and more money from every possible product or service that we've forgotten to actually provide real goods and practical services. Medicine should never operate at a profit, it should simply be funded the way every other industrialized nation has, by taxes, instead of by greed. Greed destroys everything.
infinite growth isn't sustainable but the vultures in the stock trade refuse to accept plateaus so lobbying steadily cannibalizes every industry and every walk of life until eventually, it will all collapse if nothing is done. Think of money like water in the water cycle, sure it evaporates into the sky and falls back as rain, always replenishing and the amounts stay roughly the same in a normal scenario, here in the states, once it's in the top of the chain, it just stays there, and everything's slowly drying up as a result.
@@SlavTiger Man, you and I are on the same wavelength. I've equated money to water, except I liken it to the ultra-wealthy hoarding it in pools and private lakes (the size of the great lakes), wasting it on foolish things like boating and swimming while the rest of us are dying of thirst. They won't even begrudgingly give us enough to keep from dying of thirst because they want their pleasure fountains. And to your first sentence, about infinite growth, I remember a quite from David Attenborough (though I think he was quoting someone else), "Anyone who thinks that you can have infinite growth in a finite environment is either a madman or an economist."
We just need to get rid of the insurance companies and the leeches that dry up the funds in gov assistance for the ppl that actually need it. With pricing competition you will see prices drop and quality go up, thats just how its supposed to work however since insurance companies keep that from being fully utilized its just gonna get worse
@@intuitionz1198what they are talking about is enforcing the laws regarding corporate monopolies. Corporate owned insurance agencies that own the majority of insurance, corporate monopolies that own the majority of healthcare systems including hospitals. That are driving small private hospitals, not for profit hospitals, private practices, out of business. Let's not forget about big pharma. This video leaves a ton out. It is very clearly a politically biased video.
David Cay Johnston has reported extensively over the years on this issue. "The Fine Print" lays it all out. Example: Boulder Creek, in the Santa Cruz mountains 30 minutes from Silicon Valley sold their water utility to a a German conglomerate that promised them all the same BS lies as usual: "Better service at lower cost!" Soon, the residents noticed their water bills rising with no end in sight. They realized that their bad decision would saddle their kids, grand kids and all future generations with usurious water bills. Residents got together to purchase back their utility at some outrageous price like $34k per resident. They all took a HUGE financial hit, but it was the smart decision in the long run. This is what health care is doing to us. And for those of us who can't pay bills or get insurance, we can choose death as a cheaper alternative. Fun stuff.
I've experienced this first hand, living in a rural area where the closest trauma center is 35 minutes away, luckily it wasn't life threatening to me but I do plan to move to an area with better healthcare overall since I live in a 'healthcare desert' that has too few specialists (my doctors are nearly an hour away!) and no hospital / urgent care facility and one day that could cost me my life. I feel really bad for the gentleman who lost his wife & newborn daughter, this is a senseless tragedy that should not have happened.
Its amazing how Ronald Reagan's name comes up for every historic bad decision especially decisons that affect everyday people. Someone should write a book about this. " Ronald Reagan; how not to be a president"
That's how I felt even when I was still a republican and have no idea still why they loved/live him. I think he was hugely incompetent and should be remembered this way.
I remember George HW Bush being his biggest critic during the primaries. Had he won, the USA would be a completely different country with a strong middle class and a Healthcare system that wouldn't bankrupt patients. And our debt wouldn't be so high. Yes. It really is that simple.
in a matter of 3 weeks my daughter broke her leg, got an ambulance, had surgery, full SPICA cast, 4 sets of xrays 6 follow ups, my wife delivered our second child with a midwife, suffered a grade 3 tear, got stiches, painkillers, and 2 days recovery in the hospital...our medical bill that month was the highest its been in my whole life $45 for the ambulance ride for my daughter...America, please please get your healthcare right, its possible note: we live 25 minutes from the US border
Its interesting how we're able to practically fund a police force in every city, some even getting military equipment. Meanwhile we're somehow unable to keep a rural emergency hospital or a non-profit EMS station within proximity of every population, let alone operate fire department without volunteer workforce. This isn't down to a funding issue, its entirely a profit driven or redirection of fund sourcing, and it shouldn't be. Essential medical centers and services shouldn't be about profits or costs
One time a CFO of a local hospital chased me down the road with a check as I hauled away our MRI machine that he consistently failed to make payments on. He was very fat and it was incredible to see him running. It was too late we had already sold the unit.
This is not just a rural problem. I live in an urban area on the west coast with a population of around 300,000 people. Our downtown hospital has just announced that it is going to close because it is not "profitable enough." This hospital has been there since the 1930s. This leaves us only two hospitals in the area with emergency rooms, both of which are far away on the outskirts of town (meaning many people who live in town will now be as much as 20 miles away from the nearest emergency room).. This means there will be no in town emergency services for a population of 300,000 people! This is going to cause a local crisis in our community.
Why is it legal to close a hospital? Don’t people need them in order to like not die? I heard that other countries have free healthcare. But here millions of people can’t afford it. I don’t know a lot about this but it just seems ridiculous.
Canada has free medical treatment but every person that works pays a 54 an up percent taxable income a yearly an this was in 2012 I visited Canada an asked .so it isn't free just be ready to lose 1/2 or more of your yearly income to pay for free medical treatment. With your money.nothing is free
Please consider covering how private industry is taking over more and more of functions of VA healthcare, and how those services are worse than when they were handled by the VA.
FACT...Iam a veteran, 11 hours in the ER , treatment in lobby basically. Ct tech pulled me up by the arm causing another fracture. Turned them into the stste, state will not do anything about it....Flint McLaren
I need to correct you. There is a huge difference between private and corporate. Corporate Monopolies are taking over the industry and demolishing the private sector. Which in turn is making costs inflate, quality of care go down, and creating a physician shortage.
Winston Salem N.C. Is A Hospital . When a person walks in they just write a Blank Check To The Hospital. Everything a person works for in life they just turn it over to the hospital to live a few more months.
Whoa. I had to study Medicare and its history, when I was studying to be a medical coder. It sounds like what caused the payments to go down for these rural hospitals was the Prospective Payment system that was implemented around 1983, a system that was nearly 15 years in the making. Now, I realize that this system that was supposed to save money for Medicare is the kiss of death for rural hospitals. The later rural hospital funding didn't help. And Medicare (Dis)Advantage plans are money-makers for private insurers (who also do everything possible to deny claims to fatten their profits at our expense), and people don't realize this.
I used to think the same thing, but my position has changed somewhat. Some people clearly do not want health services in their communities. My feelings are now that any County that votes to cut or eliminate expenditures on hospitals should have most of it's clinics shut down, and any existing hospitals closed. And maybe close any Schools while we're at it, if there are any schools, that is. And curtail aid to farmers and ranchers as well. If they don't desire to be a part of a larger society, then let's grant their wish, and see how long they survive.
My friend's son is almost done with his RN nursing education. He worked a shift and responded to a woman in her home whom had a stroke. It took 30 mins to get to the hospital. They then didn't see her for 3 hours in the ER. Mind you he was taught 30 mins after a stroke is the most important for a positive outcome. Mind you, we have some of best hospitals in the US. Unfortunately not being soon enough, left with permanent damage. If you are dying, good luck. I've never seen it this bad in my life. Our daughter was recently hospitalized at one of the top 3 children's hospital in the US. What I seen was horrific. All common sense is gone, and only care about charting and covering their butts. I couldn't wait to get her home. It's insane these days what's happening to our Healthcare system.
That man listened to 911 instead of his own instincts and ended up stopping two minutes away from the hospital. When will people learn to not trust "officials" and to just get the help you need on your own, how many Lahainas do we need before that's common sense?
But if our politicians focus on this, a school kid might read a library book, or worse, someone might pee in a public toilet without hearing my opinion on which one they should use!!! Can you imagine such a horrible world??? No no, politicians have much more important things to do.
I think we need a federal rural hospital program, to include a hospital, full-spectrum mental healthcare, low-income medical clinics, and discount pharmacies, all under the same roof. ...We should put one in as many rural counties as possible.
Thank you so much for covering this. It’s even worse for mental health care. I’ve been in a mental hospital several times in my life and over the course of my life people have had to come from further and further away. Sometimes as much as 12 hours away to get care. Also, growing up in the 80s without healthcare before Ronald Reagan got to it, I walked in to my local hospital, unable to pay and nobody even gave me a bill. I found people incredibly forgiving in those days and these days not at all.
When you let medical care become an almost solely profit-driven enterprise, this is EXACTLY what you get. Over-priced for LESS service. All the economic indicators show how ripped off Americans are on health care. (Just picked up Lumigan glaucoma meds overseas. $7.80 per box OTC and at retail that would cost $350 here - and it's NOT OTC!) If we ran utilities like health care, almost every red state in America would have no: 1) Electricity 2) Water 3) Sewer 4) Roads, highways & freeways 5) Mail service 6) Internet Et cetera... Save for their urban centers, the rest of 'em would be SOL! The US let the telecom and high tech industries "roll out" broadband nationwide. They were told they needed to provide service to EVERYONE, but they didn't. They chose to focus on urban areas where you have FAR more revenue and hardly any miles to cover. Surprise. Many rural communities still suffer from substandard internet access. The US spends FOUR times as much for internet and has speeds half as fast as France.
Why should rural areas have fast internet and top-service hospitals? Almost all rural areas in America are populated by Trump voters, and are anti-tax to the core. They hate the government. They despise those who live in cities, because, you know, we are all godless heathens. They hate anybody who does not drive a diesel-spewing Dodge Ram pickup. Tell me again just why these morons deserve health care? I'm listening....
We live in a divided country, and half of all Americans think health care is a communist plot to take away our rights. So: I think that 'Medicare for All' ought to be an opt-in system, and, if you don't opt-in, you don't get any services at all (unless you pay cash for them). We could set aside a 2-week period where anyone who wanted to be part of the system could join; after the end of the enrollment period, if you are not in the system, then no Medicare for you. You can pay cash for health services, or go without. Or pray, that always works! You don't want health care? Fine with me. With a system like this one, you don't have to have it.
@@SeattleMartin It could be like the public school system where the taxes pay for it, but you have a choice. A problem is that if you provide vouchers, the money gets drained out of the tax base and there's a deliberate two tiered system of healthcare, which is not a very ethical approach.Like in military medicine, where officers get finer and better cosmetic suturing of wounds than the enlisted.Public providers refusing healthcare to a uninsured person isn't going to fly ethically or liability-wise with family.
@@SandfordSmythe Good points all. I'm not against a 'two-tiered' approach in theory, I know this happens in real life in hospitals all over the country. For example, if a person smokes, hospitals often refuse full medical services until a person quits, or at the very least, they provide minimal services, as they 'go through the motions' of providing care. There is some logic in this approach. It's a very complicated situation.
@bonnieweeks7601 a nurse who refused the covid vaccine is sus. Are you against other vaccines? Are you a conspiracy theorist? Did you tell patients to take alt methods to cure them from covid? These are legit questions
When health insurance and healthcare providers are profit-driven, they aren't motivated by providing healthcare, but driving profit margins. The patient is left at the mercy of the insurance/healthcare companies, when they're in the "red", they will deny coverage, or even throw your ass out on the street if you live in KY.
Few things that this video leaves out for some reason. 1) Politicians are not anti expanding Medicaid because they are "petty" and "political". It's because they get money from health insurance companies. A politician's job is to protect the profits of big business. Politicians that genuinly threaten their profits are not funded. 2) How was explaining how a universal government paid health care system would avoid all these problems not mentioned? We can't rely on individual states making tiny incremental reforms. These little reforms always have a convenient way to keep profits high by screwing someone else over. Because that's what all politicians are actually paid to do. As long as the profit motive is left intact, the poor and marginalized will continue to not have access to or be denied medical care.
When medicine went to Wall Street and had to compete with all the other stocks and investments for investor dollars the system became like any other commodity bought and sold
"Good thing we're not nationalizing healthcare cuz that would just make the fly over and rural areas have to close hospitals." Demand means nothing when people are priced out.
Most of these 'fly-over' residents vote Republican, and are huge Trump supporters. They continually vote against any expansion of health care services. They don't deserve to have hospitals because of this.
To all docs: open a practice, let folks pay out of pocket, teach self care habits and only invite in insurance pharma if it suits YOU and your PATIENT'S needs. That's how it used to function until mommy gov't ruined it. Can't even get an appt with a primary anyway nowadays without waiting months and months..
We're not even paying for the border, either. The wait time is YEARS to get a hearing and the wait time to get a green card for someone who is a first generation immigrant is approaching infinity. We are still processing requests made in the 90's. **We don't fund the border at all, we use it to blame the other side.** So where's all the money going? Into the pockets of the RICH. Because they bribe politicians. We call it "lobbying" but in the rest of the developed world it's bribery. Citizens United gave the rich the ability to give UNLIMITED MONEY to political campaigns. When most of a candidate's campaign money is funded by the rich, who will he listen to? Our taxpayer dollars go to paying health insurance companies and oil companies and big tech companies and defense contractors. We could also have more taxpayer dollars but our government won't CLOSE TAX LOOPHOLES. Amazon didn't pay a CENT in taxes in 2018. Fucking Amazon paid nothing in taxes, but you and I don't get that privilege. **Our government, our Two-Party System, works for the RICH, and blames the other side, and now trans people, for your life getting worse.**
The local hospital here bought the other hospital which was later found to violate some type of rules/laws but too late to reverse. Now they are trying to block another small hospital from opening up the county over. And it's a non-profit lol.
Great video! I have ti point out that you completely missed the fourth leading factor of healthcare costs and hospital closures; overpriced medical equipment and lack of affordable repair options for said devices. Right to repair could have just as big of an effect as the proposals mentioned in this video, yet goes completely ignored most of the time
I'm a current MS resident and nearly died three years ago due to something similar. Our nearest hospital is 40 mins away. Can't imagine even less hospitals in the state than there already are - this has to be amended.
Hospitals are closing to keep 1 hospital functioning. Over paying executives is why hospitals run out of money. People want to drink beer and smoke Marijuana instead of buying Medical Insurance...
There's another factor to consider. The interpretation of patient rights is mercurial and entirely dependent on the medical staff in charge, on the scene. The truth is that there aren't any specific laws behind that besides the protection of patient information, otherwise healthcare workers are left to their own implementation of that protection. Oftentimes, what this amounts to is treating someone in an inpatient unit like a prisoner unless they waive responsibility of care from the staff treating them, whether willingly or not. Modern healthcare environments are so terrified of litigation that it takes precedence over proper treatment of the patients. I've seen inpatient behavioral health patients answer incoming phone calls for each other because the nursing staff didn't want to deal with it. That's verbatim from a charge nurse, in the unit. And even in other contexts, when you bring yourself to any hospital in the United States, what you're doing is surrendering your civil rights to several professionals who are already badly overworked and underpaid. You can trust them to save your life and preserve your well being, but the overall system works against everyone involved in hideously maglignent ways.
As long as the politicians are going to continue to get money from them they could care less what happens to us. It doesn't matter because they still get paid by the healthcare industry.
"Don't worry about your local hospital closing. This is just an indication that the marketplace is adjusting to be able to provide you better, more affordable healthcare." -Adam Smith
If hosptals lose money they close. THAT'S JUST GOOD CAPITALISM, McMAHON! Seriously, healthcare is s human right, it should not be subject to the whims of the economy.
I am so sorry about this man’s loss. I can’t imagine what that was like for him in his car. This is really unnecessary in my view. I am a nurse and I love small hospitals. They ARE dying though. A nurse, who doesn’t work in the south, makes as much as $50/hr, less in the south. Over a full time year they make $80,000.00 to $100,000.00! At a million dollars a hospital can afford to operate with ten nurses (not travel nurses) if they have nothing else to spend money on. I have not included the ten nurses employment benefits, which is another 30% to 40% more than their hourly wage. That is just ten nurses, only the beginning. I don’t think throwing more money at the problem though is going to fix it. I have worked in small hospitals that are miles, hours of travel from the next hospital where obstetrics is no longer provided because they couldn’t afford to continue it for the very few deliveries they had. Malpractice insurance is a terrible expense for these hospitals. There is a system set up by the federal government years ago called Critical Access to describe hospitals in small communities that are far from medical centers who were given a healthy stipend for providing all aspects of care. That system is no longer able to keep these hospitals with obstetric departments open. I don’t think throwing more money at this problem or being political about it is an answer. If money could fix it it would be fixed! There is always someone grifting money off the side. Creative accounting needs to stop!! We need to stop demanding to be paid for lives. Malpractice lawsuits are great except they have closed more than one department. Too expensive. I will say this, especially if you have had Covid or been immunized, and especially if you are black, make very sure when you get care that there is a plan for if you become very ill. Sometimes when we have a very ill patient in a small facility and we are far away from help there is no way to get the person to the other place, storms, road closures, etc. Make sure you can deliver at the local hospital or that you have a plan if you are not able to do so. If a safe cesarean section can not be done within half an hour of your arrival then please, please get a different plan. In Alaska’s native health care system you stay in your own community/village, even on an island until you develop symptoms of illness or get close to delivery then you are transported to a house in the city near a hospital where you will deliver. If you don’t feel well see your doctor or see any doctor, get a blood pressure check, learn how to check your own. Go to an emergency room. Don’t let yourself get pushed around.
I was looking into moving to and buying a house in a rural PA town. A big selling point of the town is the presence of a local hospital, and I acknowledged that it is one of the few things keeping the town alive/ attracting young families. I had no idea rural hospitals are at such great risk Really goes to show how important research is before buying real estate.
Please investigate the proliferation of nurse practitioners treating patients without supervision and the patients they are hurting because hospitals and insurance companies are cheap!
I am from a former "communist" country. I remember that back then ALL medical services and medicines were free. Although we had a much lower standard of living than in the West, the state provided everything. When I was little and I had a simple flu, I would come back from the doctor with 5-6 boxes full of medicine - all for free. Since we switched to capitalism, the situation has become very bad. And I understand that we are also in danger of ending up where you ended up. Why? Because many good and necessary things cannot be equated in money. A health system or an education must be supported by the whole society through the state, not by private companies, whose operation is based on profit. When you raise the issue of profitability, inevitably the patient will be on the second plan. I think that you are trying in vain to make better health insurance - that you will not succeed. Insurance companies and politicians must survive first. Citizens? Maybe they'll get some pennies.
Another great investigative piece, thank you. I'm (stuck) in Mississippi, and I heard Brandon Presley speak this week here in our (majority black) small town. He is so worth supporting!
Let's talk about a small northern wi hospice who's director, ceo and cfo made a combined 3+ million $ per year. Let's talk about hospitals getting fat off covid and channeling their money outside the hospital.
In 2023, things ARE DIFFERENT than what you say happened back in the 80's. Most hospitals ARE CORPORATIONS now that ARE BEHOLDING to Insurance companies AND the Government. YOU are missing the problem!! The answer IS NOT bigger Government, the answer IS, IF these VERY profitable hospital corporations WANT to do business in large population centers, THEY MUST BY LAW, service smaller communities!! Most of these hospitals corporations ARE set up as NON-PROFIT corporations, meaning minimal or no taxes, they make multiple millions in profits! Don't push, Government growth, push the hospital corporations to service all communities, and other things as well. Peace & good health 🙏
Reagan fuck some shit up ... Rather you like it or not 😂... We just now starting to really see the ripple effects of his administration.... he got the bullshit ball rolling...
signed legislation mandating coverage for children and pregnant women receiving cash assistance, mandating emergency treatment of illegal immigrants who would otherwise be eligible for Medicaid, and expanding the low-income populations that states could choose to cover, among other expansions i ❤ puke
As a RN of 30 years I watched the patient care standard go from 5 days in the hospital post surgical to booted out the same day. It's all about the money, for the surgery...but the surgical outcomes are had at home, and people die.
Whenever I feel like my own country is going in the wrong direction, I come and watch one of these videos about the "best country in the whole universe" and get some comfort in knowing that things over there are sooooooo much worse 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Yes it's very bad here in so many ways. The military is basically pulling the strings backstage & they have done a fine job deceiving the rest of the world into believing we're still somehow the "land of the free". And our military won't stop now, already covertly taking over other countries...
As a registered nurse of 10 years, I can confidently tell you that the priority of hospital administrators is NOT positive patient outcomes 💰💰💰💰💰
Overpaid nurses and doctors.
@@deborahwhit9583 don't forget to include the overpaid CEOs!
As a person whos given up on doctors, hosptials. I rather die comfy at home than die waiting in the waiting room. Broken bones, nerve damage, malpractice, etc. Its all common day stuff.
Being given meds I am allergic to and then never being told what the name of the med is. 4 out of 5 docs did not notice I had broken ribs. The 5th doc said "There is nothing to do for broken ribs"
Supposedly the phrase "It can always be worse" is a phase. Seems more like a motto for modern life at this point
@deborahwhit9583 why are the doctors and nurses overpaid, but never the hospital administrators and CEO's?
@CorpsesReborn that's unfortunate that you did not receive the care you deserve.
Now, it is possible that your hospital system wanted to pinch pennies and hired the cheapest and least qualified doctors.
This happens when you live in country whose healthcare system is more concern about profit margins than positive patient outcomes.
I live in Florida and its not just rural hospitals that are closing to. Florida really needs major anti monopoly laws, because I used to work for an franchise hospital and the standards I saw there outright disgusted me. The franchise hospital buys up everything around the local ones, then when the locals cant afford anything the franchise hospital swoops in and buys it up. The practices I saw were gross, it was pretty much akin to a prison. But for them what really annoys me is their mistreatment of seniors because they really didnt care if they got better or not. If they died who cares? Its not like their relatives can prove they were the ones that killed them. The USA really needs to upheave the healthcare system from the ground up.
The 2 near me, one got rid of the entire maternity ward. The other bigger hospital doesn't... Do surgery? My mom fell and the ambulance made sure she knew if she needed surgery she'd be scheduled elsewhere.
Corporate consolidation has ruined every economic sector.
@@ianashmore9910corporate greed!! 😢
That’s what happens when you elect an HCA exec for a governor
@@geewillikers5342 I can promise you my vote wasn't for him.
American healthcare is a racket.
They are CARTELS. Per: Webster dictionary
the more research I do, the more I think that our entire economy is predicated on lies, exploitation, monopolization, greed, etc. Its horrible! Why cant business owners see that lifting up their employees and treating people good will make them loyal employees? isnt that what businesses want?
I guess this is what happens when everyone is a number in a spreadsheet. When you break down every role to the point that it is someone's 40 hour a week job to figure out how to make more money by paying people less, what chance do the workers have unless they are unionized? Every business is being subscriptionized, "rent everything", increase prices and decrease size and value, etc etc.
And they should NEVER be.
It is unregulated capitalism.
@@matthewsaxe6383it's capitalism in general, even with regulations it's only a temporary fix. It's always just a matter of time before the wealthy buy their power back, we've seen it play out here in the US with the rise of neoliberalism it's happening in Europe right now too. That's just the nature of capitalism, the entire system is bad
You can tell the true nature of a society by how its treats its most vulnerable.
Oooh damn, your point on
That's hard to do if you don't have money . Maybe we should ask the government to steal from those that have legally earned their money and give it to the bums .
Can you imagine if your local fire department or your local police department closed due to “not being profitable“? People would lose their minds.
Please people STOP putting police alongside with firefighters.!
Not meant for handful of real men protecting tha Village who already know that all too well.
Perfect analogy 🤌🏼
He lost wife and daughter two-ducking-minutes from the hospital because the ambulance couldn’t get their rear in gear?
No one thought to grab oxygen and cover those two flipping minutes to meet him and finish transporting her by car to see if at least the baby could be saved?
And this is the land of freedom, the shining example that everyone else wants to be like, the world’s policeman, big brother and good example?
Excuse me while I go cry until I throw up. America, you need to do some soul-searching and self-reflection.
I am a nursing student and it’s not hard at all. You can float by with chatGPT. Schools pass you because it makes them look good. I’ve been interviewing for positions and I’m interviewed but the dumbest people. I haven’t been getting hired because I ask questions that go above their head and indirectly call people fat that should be living a health life style to set an example in health care. 😂 the people in health care can pass exams but can’t think critically or logically.
@@Specialcowgirl69 Even better is physiotherapy since you don't have the hassles nurses do. No one dies for lack of PT/OT so there's far less stress and less liability.
My sister is raking in bank working in a high end hospital on the west coast. Medicine will remain wide open so never stop building your skill set. There's no reason a competent nurse couldn't retire young and well off if they use wise financial management. (Key to early retirement is living BELOW your financial means which also gives you an emergency cash cushion.
Never listen to the advice of a 911 dispatcher. Half the time they don't even know where they are in relation to where you are. You'd be lucky to get one that knows how to read a map.
Don't they have navigation set up to guide them without having to know how to read a map (I know it would be better if they did know)
Take profits out of healthcare, and stuff like this would NEVER happen!
Right ❤
Exactly! Not every business should be run for profit, ask physicians because as soon as they were taken over by for profit corporations, things went downhill for them because it became about numbers not true medical care … its sad
You are speaking the gospel my friend!
exactly :(
I get doctored at the VA. My wife gets medicare.
America should do that for everybody.
Healthcare is a human right. I always find it nuts that people think "free markets" can provide essential services. They basically never do. When they do it's usually based on government infrastructure that they pay rock bottom rents for but still charge astronomical prices to customers. It's no surprise that rural hospitals close because they can't make enough "profit" off the sparse and impoverished populations there. Even if the hospital itself is run humanely, allowing private insurers to control the market results in much the same.
The results of Medicare Advantage(free-market health care) is that people are dying due to poor health coverage. Coverage that regular Medicare(government run) is providing to seniors that chose that route. Greed does not lead to good health care.
You are mistaken. Healthcare is a human right in most nations that provide universal healthcare - Canada, UK, France - Basically 99% of Western Europe, most of Asia, etc. It is NOT a human right in the US. If it were, it would've joined the rest of the civilized worlds 30+ years ago and adopted universal health care for a citizens like the majority of the developed world which has done so for decades. The US frankly is a primitive backwater shithole in this regard and is no surprise Americans live 8 years shorter on average than their northern neighbors.
We’ll never know if the free market will work for healthcare under the current economic system because it’s pretty obvious that what we call “free market capitalism” is anything but a free market.. we need laws in place to protect the free market if we ever decide to make corporations illegal and try to create a free market. So when someone does something shady that’s technically legal, the sole fact that it’s not in the spirit of a free market since it’s gaining an unfair advantage would allow legal action to be taken.
Hmm, but even with the corporations outlawed, it doesn’t quite feel like a free market yet.. what’s this thing that’s making it feel like slavery instead of freedom? Oh yeah it’s money. We need to outlaw money, or at the very least get money out of economics and business. Competition is good, it’s healthy, it promotes innovation, and it’s fun! But you know what’s not fun? When you’re competing for your life. If you lose in this current game we call “free market economics” or in this hypothetical game free of corporate influence, you still end up on the streets, or in deep poverty. People need to be able to compete in a healthy way without it being tied to their ability to live, to have a quality of life.
Even in Russia... a nation run by a Stalinist dictator... has free top notch health care for its citizens.
I had good insurance until obama care now I pay through the nose for crap insurance and I work in a hospital
I was working at a hospital when the system really began to change. Hospitals were fully staffed, and we had good benefits and regular pay increases. Then in the early '90's (I can't recall the exact year), we were notified of cutbacks. When the time came, employees were laid off, benefits were cut, and raises became rare or minuscule for most employees. Smaller hospitals cut services and either merged with large ones or closed permanently. The trend has only accelerated since then.
We all need to eat right, exercise and take responsibility for our own health. Healthcare has gone downhill. I avoid doctors "healthcare". Many medical people are leaving their fields and going into other things.
I believe you.
ALL INDUSTRIES IN THE US ARE MONOPOLIES, they have all consolidated to the point only one or two corporations control them, they are run by investment firms hedge funds who don't care if they actually function and they control prices, they just want to squeeze as much profit as possible, and both parties in Congress led to this by not using our Anti-Trust laws for DECADES, only the Biden Admin was beginning to address it.
@@inquiringmind9595 brother, you can’t just take care of yourself if you have cancer or a gunshot wound. We need doctors and we need healthcare.
My condolences to this father for the senseless loss of his wife and daughter.
It's horrible to see that the insurance grip on healthcare costs means no healthcare at all for rural communities. It also means significantly diminished care in large hospitals in cities. My local hospital refused to take my insurance, instead asking me to submit a hardship and get Medicaid so they could get increased billing through government funds. I have been continuously employed and pay insurance premiums and deductibles. The biggest mistake in "low/no cost healthcare" is allowing insurance companies to continue to determine payments when they are receiving premiums and deductibles.
The next time I landed in the emergency room, a finance representative interrupted my doctor's care to ask how I would pay for my healthcare. Again, I had active insurance. We were at a stand off until I asked the representative if she intended to continue interrupting my healthcare and the doctor offered insufficient mediation. I listened to the evaluation the doctor was able to give up until that point and left. I continued to receive bills from the hospital for over a year which I had to redirect to my insurance. This happens often with many of my healthcare providers, until I make repeated calls to intervene in the billing process.
This year, another local emergency room required me to sign a waiver. When asked why, they told me the emergency room doctors are contractors. I have to think, this relieves hospitals of responsibility for supervision and failed care.
At a point I required prescriptions for continued care. The cost of these were upwards of thousands a month. I carried two insurance policies. Both coverages denied the prescriptions though I paid Premiums and completed deductibles for both. I work to keep both coverages. Instead, insurance company doctors reviewed my medical records and concluded there were alternatives. I started getting calls from my insurance company offering me a "Service" in which I would meet with a Nurse provided by insurance company who would evaluate my health and "help" me navigate care. The line between healthcare and insurance coverage is becoming more than blurred. It is interfering with the quality of healthcare in what used to be the best hospitals.
Also, look more into the purchase of hospital purchased as real estate investments and liquidated. As well as local healthcare centers that are opening up with contracted doctors that are not well managed. And the preference these centers have for patients that will participate in pharma clinical trials.
Let me guess, money. We have little to no money for our people, healthcare, education, food. But, hey, 100 billion for war every other month. We can always find money for the military industrial complex. We can always find money to send to other countries.
And one party is all about, and ONLY about cutting taxes on the rich. And it's not the party that came up with Obama care.
Yep, love that. Deficit-hawks are all about cutting spending on basic needs, but the military must get trillions!
1.7T for a military plane... get angry
We always have more money to support these tech and engineering companies to bail them out as well. As they pay their people with the same amount of education as these workers 100k minimum to 400k minimum. More strikes need to happen, more shutdowns need to happen. We need to start holding these employers and politicians accountable.
Understand 1 thing: evil forces are ruling. As long as that is happening don't expect any improvement, on the conyrary the worse is yer to come!😢
Greed is not the desire for more, it's the desire for more at the expense of others.
ESPECIALLY in the context of LIFE AND DEATH, this should NEVER be allowed!! 😤😤
It's actually even more specific. It's taking what you don't need from someone who does need it.
@@MrMarinus18 What if someone needs it, but doesn't want it? (Or doesn't want to help pay for it?) Lots of folks in the South need health care services, but don't want them, since they are 'unAmerican' and communist. My thoughts are that, in a case like this, health services probably ought not be offered to them.
@@SeattleMartin A problem in America though is the two party system. So if you vote for a party cause of an issue there are usually a ton of other issues that come with that, that you don't agree with.
@@MrMarinus18 That's a good point. That cramming several unrelated issues into one legislative bill is a crime against our society, imo. This is what the Republican law group ALEC is known for promoting. They have hijacked the legislative process, and the Democrats have let them do it.
As someone who lives rural because I'm too poor to move, thanks.
Your empathy and compassion has really changed the world here.
Good job./s
Seriously, though, the gerrymandered dirt that steals my votes doesn't deserve a lack of healthcare, let alone me.
Up yours.
I live in Maryland and that did not make a difference for our Rural Hospital in Cambridge MD. Our hospital was replaced with an understaffed "Emergency Room" Recently my husband had a medical emergency. I drove him the 3 miles to the "Emergency Room" where he was told the wait would be over an hour. I put him back in the care and rushed him another 15 miles down the road the the hospital in Easton MD where he was treated almost immediately as they had the staff to take care of him. We were lucky that we had the time to get to the hospital - Where we are some people would have to drive almost an hour for care - they will die due to circumstances beyond their control. Profits will always come before people, make no mistake about that. People try to eat right and exercise and do all you can to stay healthy because our healthcare system is beyond broke
Thank you for your advice! I'll definitely work hard to be mentally and physically healthy. 💝💪
And it'll get worse with open borders and extra 6 million who never contributed,won't pay ,but will get medical care.
Delaware is the same. Health care is not good on any level of care anywhere any more.
honey, that doesn't matter if a truck hits you
I cannot imagine losing my wife and child like this… this is beyond heartbreaking
Every city should be required to have a government run hospital that is paid for by the state.
Privatization : " do u forget me? "
@@Mr.H333 may privatization die due to complications of a preexisting condition.
All hospitals should be owned by the government. Healthcare should not be privatized. Charging people a profit in exchange for good health will always lead to corruption
Go make it happen.
Oh I hardcore agree, but the republicants would lose their 💩 and never allow that, sadly.
That's an obvious side effect of privatizing PUBLIC services. Rural areas should have public (free) hospitals.
Learn from Mexico, we have private hospitals but also PUBLIC hospitals (free, paid by taxes). This also creates competitions and force private hospitals to improve their services to make it worth it for consumers.
That's why it's cheaper to pay out-of-pocket on a private hospital in Mexico than the co-payment with USA insurance.
In Mexico we also have public insurance hospitals and private insurance usually covers 100% of private hospital bills. You can optionally pay out-of-pocket to access a bigger room.
I now live and work in Manhattan and I can tell you USA health service is a scam. Even Colombia has better health service (access) than the USA.
Although our healthcare system is not perfect either, I prefer it over the American healthcare system.
UGH! Free in Meheco, 'Well go then!
I heard it is better in Brazil than in the US. I am from Poland and we have universal Healthcare. Not perfect but it is. USA citizens has Third World Healthcare access and even some Third World have universal Healthcare. Happy that I never moved to the US.
So are we .@@Erintii
@@frankmorris4790 it's spelled Mexico, be respectful.
It's only free if you are Mexican and it's a public hospital. You could go too but there will be a very small bill.
Thousands of Americans travel each year to Mexico for health tourism, specially for dental services.
Look it out, there are lots of videos about this.
The hospital in our small town continues to close and reduce services. Why have health insurance when the hospital cannot treat anyone anymore?
Insurance is a huge rip off, best people can pray for is some good hearted doctor providing services to their small town like back in the day...
Ban insurance companies. Seriously. They are an unnecessary middle man.
Are you nuts? I couldn't afford to pay a $300,000 doctor bill without insurance, could you?
@@nancyselzer628 Look up Public Healthcare systems.
Insurance is just legalized gambling. Prove me wrong, lol
@@nancyselzer628LOL, Insurance is why it costs 300k to begin with!
@@nancyselzer628please educate yourself
Insurance companies own most hospitals. They artificially inflate medicine and procedures because they are basically paying themselves., making it impossible to get healthcare without insurance unless you want to be in debt for life.
This also makes it hard for independent hospitals to stay afloat because they dont have the insurance revenue stream to fall back on. Insurance companies influence what drugs and ops are used and its never in the interest of the patient. We need to abolish big insurance, but that will never happen since they are in bed with government.
Or how about we don’t insert a third-party for-profit company in between patients and their medical care?
How about forgetting about the people with no ready cash?
my towns hospital has already been closed. recently it was reopened during the pandemic. wouldnt surprise me if they closed it again. i almost died having to travel two counties away when i needed surgery several years ago. america needs universal healthcare. open hospitals when people need them are a part of that.
Man, just hearing Byron's story made me cry. I can't imagine how much pain and heartache he felt. Our hospital system completely failed him and his family.
We've spent so much time figuring out how to extract more and more money from every possible product or service that we've forgotten to actually provide real goods and practical services. Medicine should never operate at a profit, it should simply be funded the way every other industrialized nation has, by taxes, instead of by greed. Greed destroys everything.
infinite growth isn't sustainable but the vultures in the stock trade refuse to accept plateaus so lobbying steadily cannibalizes every industry and every walk of life until eventually, it will all collapse if nothing is done. Think of money like water in the water cycle, sure it evaporates into the sky and falls back as rain, always replenishing and the amounts stay roughly the same in a normal scenario, here in the states, once it's in the top of the chain, it just stays there, and everything's slowly drying up as a result.
@@SlavTiger Man, you and I are on the same wavelength. I've equated money to water, except I liken it to the ultra-wealthy hoarding it in pools and private lakes (the size of the great lakes), wasting it on foolish things like boating and swimming while the rest of us are dying of thirst. They won't even begrudgingly give us enough to keep from dying of thirst because they want their pleasure fountains. And to your first sentence, about infinite growth, I remember a quite from David Attenborough (though I think he was quoting someone else), "Anyone who thinks that you can have infinite growth in a finite environment is either a madman or an economist."
We just need to get rid of the insurance companies and the leeches that dry up the funds in gov assistance for the ppl that actually need it. With pricing competition you will see prices drop and quality go up, thats just how its supposed to work however since insurance companies keep that from being fully utilized its just gonna get worse
SMH you will never learn. you missed the point of the entire video.
By "leeches" I take it you don't mean corporations, as would be the correct take?
The most that costs can theoretically drop is the point of profit, and this will still leave many out of luck.
@@intuitionz1198what they are talking about is enforcing the laws regarding corporate monopolies. Corporate owned insurance agencies that own the majority of insurance, corporate monopolies that own the majority of healthcare systems including hospitals. That are driving small private hospitals, not for profit hospitals, private practices, out of business. Let's not forget about big pharma. This video leaves a ton out. It is very clearly a politically biased video.
David Cay Johnston has reported extensively over the years on this issue. "The Fine Print" lays it all out.
Example: Boulder Creek, in the Santa Cruz mountains 30 minutes from Silicon Valley sold their water utility to a a German conglomerate that promised them all the same BS lies as usual: "Better service at lower cost!" Soon, the residents noticed their water bills rising with no end in sight. They realized that their bad decision would saddle their kids, grand kids and all future generations with usurious water bills. Residents got together to purchase back their utility at some outrageous price like $34k per resident. They all took a HUGE financial hit, but it was the smart decision in the long run.
This is what health care is doing to us. And for those of us who can't pay bills or get insurance, we can choose death as a cheaper alternative. Fun stuff.
Insurance is a parasite.
@@michellem4287 In a functioning society, insurance plays an important role-spreading out risk among the insured.
Our healthcare should NEVER have gone CORPORATE!!!!!
Thanks Nixon
I've experienced this first hand, living in a rural area where the closest trauma center is 35 minutes away, luckily it wasn't life threatening to me but I do plan to move to an area with better healthcare overall since I live in a 'healthcare desert' that has too few specialists (my doctors are nearly an hour away!) and no hospital / urgent care facility and one day that could cost me my life. I feel really bad for the gentleman who lost his wife & newborn daughter, this is a senseless tragedy that should not have happened.
You have a Trauma Center? They have to fly us to El Paso, it'll use up the "golden Hour' and you might die. It'll still cost $60K
Its amazing how Ronald Reagan's name comes up for every historic bad decision especially decisons that affect everyday people. Someone should write a book about this. " Ronald Reagan; how not to be a president"
That's how I felt even when I was still a republican and have no idea still why they loved/live him. I think he was hugely incompetent and should be remembered this way.
I remember George HW Bush being his biggest critic during the primaries.
Had he won, the USA would be a completely different country with a strong middle class and a Healthcare system that wouldn't bankrupt patients. And our debt wouldn't be so high.
Yes. It really is that simple.
Because he was an actor, a charmer and people are super gullible and just like hearing a hero story and believing it...
Now we have Donald Trump'
@@AA-iy4gmthose who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it
in a matter of 3 weeks my daughter broke her leg, got an ambulance, had surgery, full SPICA cast, 4 sets of xrays 6 follow ups, my wife delivered our second child with a midwife, suffered a grade 3 tear, got stiches, painkillers, and 2 days recovery in the hospital...our medical bill that month was the highest its been in my whole life
$45 for the ambulance ride for my daughter...America, please please get your healthcare right, its possible
note: we live 25 minutes from the US border
Wow, only $45.00 for ambulance ride?! They charged over 1k for ambulance ride 5 mins away for my sister!
I was waiting for the $1,000,000 bill. Then you dropped the civilized country part.
$45 might get you a Tylenol.
Its interesting how we're able to practically fund a police force in every city, some even getting military equipment. Meanwhile we're somehow unable to keep a rural emergency hospital or a non-profit EMS station within proximity of every population, let alone operate fire department without volunteer workforce.
This isn't down to a funding issue, its entirely a profit driven or redirection of fund sourcing, and it shouldn't be. Essential medical centers and services shouldn't be about profits or costs
Waaa, then stay on the pavement, or move back there.
With speed traps and civil asset forfeiture, police departments practically fund themselves. 😅😅
One time a CFO of a local hospital chased me down the road with a check as I hauled away our MRI machine that he consistently failed to make payments on. He was very fat and it was incredible to see him running. It was too late we had already sold the unit.
This is not just a rural problem. I live in an urban area on the west coast with a population of around 300,000 people. Our downtown hospital has just announced that it is going to close because it is not "profitable enough." This hospital has been there since the 1930s. This leaves us only two hospitals in the area with emergency rooms, both of which are far away on the outskirts of town (meaning many people who live in town will now be as much as 20 miles away from the nearest emergency room).. This means there will be no in town emergency services for a population of 300,000 people! This is going to cause a local crisis in our community.
It is happening on Long Island as well
Serenity now right
Why is it legal to close a hospital? Don’t people need them in order to like not die? I heard that other countries have free healthcare. But here millions of people can’t afford it. I don’t know a lot about this but it just seems ridiculous.
Canada has free medical treatment but every person that works pays a 54 an up percent taxable income a yearly an this was in 2012 I visited Canada an asked .so it isn't free just be ready to lose 1/2 or more of your yearly income to pay for free medical treatment. With your money.nothing is free
Please consider covering how private industry is taking over more and more of functions of VA healthcare, and how those services are worse than when they were handled by the VA.
FACT...Iam a veteran, 11 hours in the ER , treatment in lobby basically. Ct tech pulled me up by the arm causing another fracture. Turned them into the stste, state will not do anything about it....Flint McLaren
I need to correct you. There is a huge difference between private and corporate. Corporate Monopolies are taking over the industry and demolishing the private sector. Which in turn is making costs inflate, quality of care go down, and creating a physician shortage.
Winston Salem N.C. Is A Hospital . When a person walks in they just write a Blank Check To The Hospital. Everything a person works for in life they just turn it over to the hospital to live a few more months.
Whoa. I had to study Medicare and its history, when I was studying to be a medical coder. It sounds like what caused the payments to go down for these rural hospitals was the Prospective Payment system that was implemented around 1983, a system that was nearly 15 years in the making. Now, I realize that this system that was supposed to save money for Medicare is the kiss of death for rural hospitals. The later rural hospital funding didn't help. And Medicare (Dis)Advantage plans are money-makers for private insurers (who also do everything possible to deny claims to fatten their profits at our expense), and people don't realize this.
I immediately clicked this video because my town's go to hospital closed. This means a 1hr drive to a hospital and this is in Illinois!
The sooner we have universal healthcare, the better..
In an ideal world, yes. Too many Americans honestly believe that healthcare is a communist plot, and this prevents us from advancing as a society.
I live in a county of 50k. In March of 2020 one of two hospitals shut down without notice.
Take away Hospitals “for profit” and make the State and Federal governments run them. The federal government needs to provide health insurance to all!
I used to think the same thing, but my position has changed somewhat. Some people clearly do not want health services in their communities. My feelings are now that any County that votes to cut or eliminate expenditures on hospitals should have most of it's clinics shut down, and any existing hospitals closed. And maybe close any Schools while we're at it, if there are any schools, that is. And curtail aid to farmers and ranchers as well. If they don't desire to be a part of a larger society, then let's grant their wish, and see how long they survive.
More controversial take: All hospitals should be university hospitals
A problem is that Obama Care's Medicaid expansion was going to help, but many states refused to give these payments to hospitals.
Lol we had that in the early 1800s lol guess what changed it
@@erkinalpthe government doesn’t care .. you see how they spend money.. Uuuhh I mean how they keep it .. we aré screwed either way ..
My friend's son is almost done with his RN nursing education. He worked a shift and responded to a woman in her home whom had a stroke. It took 30 mins to get to the hospital. They then didn't see her for 3 hours in the ER. Mind you he was taught 30 mins after a stroke is the most important for a positive outcome. Mind you, we have some of best hospitals in the US. Unfortunately not being soon enough, left with permanent damage. If you are dying, good luck. I've never seen it this bad in my life. Our daughter was recently hospitalized at one of the top 3 children's hospital in the US. What I seen was horrific. All common sense is gone, and only care about charting and covering their butts. I couldn't wait to get her home. It's insane these days what's happening to our Healthcare system.
I recommend if you have to bring hospitalized have someone camp out with you at the hospital,so much can happen.
That man listened to 911 instead of his own instincts and ended up stopping two minutes away from the hospital.
When will people learn to not trust "officials" and to just get the help you need on your own, how many Lahainas do we need before that's common sense?
But if our politicians focus on this, a school kid might read a library book, or worse, someone might pee in a public toilet without hearing my opinion on which one they should use!!! Can you imagine such a horrible world??? No no, politicians have much more important things to do.
Oh, no!!!!! Won't somebody please think of the children and the families? *Starts to cry hysterically.*
Cut out the middle man. Universal healthcare without insurance companies in the middle. M4A
Wait, what? Insurrance companies can chose what they pay to the hospitals ? The US health system is so malfunctionning, it's really distopian.
It's negotiable
@@SandfordSmythe I gave my answer ya goofball. You're too dense to figure it out
@@JoeyJoe-JoeJrShabadoo huh?
I think we need a federal rural hospital program, to include a hospital, full-spectrum mental healthcare, low-income medical clinics, and discount pharmacies, all under the same roof.
...We should put one in as many rural counties as possible.
But that would be "Socialisms!" and Republicans hate that.
Thank you so much for covering this. It’s even worse for mental health care. I’ve been in a mental hospital several times in my life and over the course of my life people have had to come from further and further away. Sometimes as much as 12 hours away to get care.
Also, growing up in the 80s without healthcare before Ronald Reagan got to it, I walked in to my local hospital, unable to pay and nobody even gave me a bill. I found people incredibly forgiving in those days and these days not at all.
What's changed? you walk into an ER as a destitiute turd worlder, they roll out the red carpet. I live in the border country, I have pictures!
@@frankmorris4790Take your meds grandpa
When you let medical care become an almost solely profit-driven enterprise, this is EXACTLY what you get. Over-priced for LESS service. All the economic indicators show how ripped off Americans are on health care.
(Just picked up Lumigan glaucoma meds overseas. $7.80 per box OTC and at retail that would cost $350 here - and it's NOT OTC!)
If we ran utilities like health care, almost every red state in America would have no:
1) Electricity
2) Water
3) Sewer
4) Roads, highways & freeways
5) Mail service
6) Internet
Et cetera...
Save for their urban centers, the rest of 'em would be SOL!
The US let the telecom and high tech industries "roll out" broadband nationwide. They were told they needed to provide service to EVERYONE, but they didn't. They chose to focus on urban areas where you have FAR more revenue and hardly any miles to cover. Surprise. Many rural communities still suffer from substandard internet access.
The US spends FOUR times as much for internet and has speeds half as fast as France.
Why should rural areas have fast internet and top-service hospitals? Almost all rural areas in America are populated by Trump voters, and are anti-tax to the core. They hate the government. They despise those who live in cities, because, you know, we are all godless heathens. They hate anybody who does not drive a diesel-spewing Dodge Ram pickup. Tell me again just why these morons deserve health care? I'm listening....
We need to stop this piecemeal BS. we need Medicare for all and get for profit entities out of health care.
We live in a divided country, and half of all Americans think health care is a communist plot to take away our rights. So: I think that 'Medicare for All' ought to be an opt-in system, and, if you don't opt-in, you don't get any services at all (unless you pay cash for them). We could set aside a 2-week period where anyone who wanted to be part of the system could join; after the end of the enrollment period, if you are not in the system, then no Medicare for you. You can pay cash for health services, or go without. Or pray, that always works! You don't want health care? Fine with me. With a system like this one, you don't have to have it.
@@SeattleMartin It could be like the public school system where the taxes pay for it, but you have a choice. A problem is that if you provide vouchers, the money gets drained out of the tax base and there's a deliberate two tiered system of healthcare, which is not a very ethical approach.Like in military medicine, where officers get finer and better cosmetic suturing of wounds than the enlisted.Public providers refusing healthcare to a uninsured person isn't going to fly ethically or liability-wise with family.
@@SandfordSmythe Good points all. I'm not against a 'two-tiered' approach in theory, I know this happens in real life in hospitals all over the country. For example, if a person smokes, hospitals often refuse full medical services until a person quits, or at the very least, they provide minimal services, as they 'go through the motions' of providing care. There is some logic in this approach. It's a very complicated situation.
You think healthcare is expensive now, just wait till it's 'free"...
@@frankmorris4790 Explanation ?
I was let go for not taking the covid shot. 30years as an RN. I was able to retire. Things have changed so drastically.
Didn't take the covid shot? I think your 30 years as an RN is up to scrutiny
@@JoeyJoe-JoeJrShabadoo Why do people these days feel like it's ok to be so rude and judgemental. I don't give a crap what you have done.
@bonnieweeks7601 a nurse who refused the covid vaccine is sus. Are you against other vaccines? Are you a conspiracy theorist? Did you tell patients to take alt methods to cure them from covid? These are legit questions
Private equity. Also, hospitals didn't have CEO's forty years ago.
When health insurance and healthcare providers are profit-driven, they aren't motivated by providing healthcare, but driving profit margins. The patient is left at the mercy of the insurance/healthcare companies, when they're in the "red", they will deny coverage, or even throw your ass out on the street if you live in KY.
Few things that this video leaves out for some reason.
1) Politicians are not anti expanding Medicaid because they are "petty" and "political". It's because they get money from health insurance companies. A politician's job is to protect the profits of big business. Politicians that genuinly threaten their profits are not funded.
2) How was explaining how a universal government paid health care system would avoid all these problems not mentioned? We can't rely on individual states making tiny incremental reforms. These little reforms always have a convenient way to keep profits high by screwing someone else over. Because that's what all politicians are actually paid to do. As long as the profit motive is left intact, the poor and marginalized will continue to not have access to or be denied medical care.
Universal healthcare NOW! 😤😤
The government would make it worse.
The issue is actually big hospitals are leveraging U.S. laws to remove competition, adding more laws is exactly the issue.
@@toddmichael4271 Only if republicans were running the federal government!
@@toddmichael4271 The highest rated health care is Medicare.
@@talmagebalinski2900 Who makes the laws? Could it be those very same corporations? hmmmm
When medicine went to Wall Street and had to compete with all the other stocks and investments for investor dollars the system became like any other commodity bought and sold
This kind of content is very important and a lot more people need to see this.
Very good video!
"Good thing we're not nationalizing healthcare cuz that would just make the fly over and rural areas have to close hospitals." Demand means nothing when people are priced out.
Universal HealthCare is for ALL including rural areas ( like Europe & Australia) !
#Take Profit Out of Healthcare
Look at the USPS before DeJoy. No matter how remote, there's a postal office there. We need do the same for hospitals, but maybe not to that degree.
Most of these 'fly-over' residents vote Republican, and are huge Trump supporters. They continually vote against any expansion of health care services. They don't deserve to have hospitals because of this.
To all docs: open a practice, let folks pay out of pocket, teach self care habits and only invite in insurance pharma if it suits YOU and your PATIENT'S needs. That's how it used to function until mommy gov't ruined it. Can't even get an appt with a primary anyway nowadays without waiting months and months..
Maybe stop paying for the border crap and use that money for hospitals...
We're not even paying for the border, either. The wait time is YEARS to get a hearing and the wait time to get a green card for someone who is a first generation immigrant is approaching infinity. We are still processing requests made in the 90's. **We don't fund the border at all, we use it to blame the other side.**
So where's all the money going? Into the pockets of the RICH. Because they bribe politicians. We call it "lobbying" but in the rest of the developed world it's bribery.
Citizens United gave the rich the ability to give UNLIMITED MONEY to political campaigns. When most of a candidate's campaign money is funded by the rich, who will he listen to?
Our taxpayer dollars go to paying health insurance companies and oil companies and big tech companies and defense contractors.
We could also have more taxpayer dollars but our government won't CLOSE TAX LOOPHOLES. Amazon didn't pay a CENT in taxes in 2018. Fucking Amazon paid nothing in taxes, but you and I don't get that privilege.
**Our government, our Two-Party System, works for the RICH, and blames the other side, and now trans people, for your life getting worse.**
Last time I went to ER for uti treatment the bill was about what I made for a whole year just a few years back .
The local hospital here bought the other hospital which was later found to violate some type of rules/laws but too late to reverse. Now they are trying to block another small hospital from opening up the county over. And it's a non-profit lol.
Our local hospital is all about $. They have raised all their prices and they push tests on you to make bank.
Once again, thanks Regan.
The reporting on this channel is fantastic, and this video and the prior one on inequality in Puerto Rico are two great examples.
Truly a tragedy. I'm sorry for your loss.
Great video! I have ti point out that you completely missed the fourth leading factor of healthcare costs and hospital closures; overpriced medical equipment and lack of affordable repair options for said devices. Right to repair could have just as big of an effect as the proposals mentioned in this video, yet goes completely ignored most of the time
I'm a current MS resident and nearly died three years ago due to something similar. Our nearest hospital is 40 mins away. Can't imagine even less hospitals in the state than there already are - this has to be amended.
I feel like, whenever we look at how a service has declined over the last few decades, at least one of the root causes can be traced back to Reagan...
It's simple.Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements are too low. Just look at the low quality care at the VA due to government administratin
Thanks for keeping us in touch.
Hospitals are closing to keep 1 hospital functioning.
Over paying executives is why hospitals run out of money.
People want to drink beer and smoke Marijuana instead of buying Medical Insurance...
There's another factor to consider.
The interpretation of patient rights is mercurial and entirely dependent on the medical staff in charge, on the scene. The truth is that there aren't any specific laws behind that besides the protection of patient information, otherwise healthcare workers are left to their own implementation of that protection.
Oftentimes, what this amounts to is treating someone in an inpatient unit like a prisoner unless they waive responsibility of care from the staff treating them, whether willingly or not. Modern healthcare environments are so terrified of litigation that it takes precedence over proper treatment of the patients.
I've seen inpatient behavioral health patients answer incoming phone calls for each other because the nursing staff didn't want to deal with it. That's verbatim from a charge nurse, in the unit. And even in other contexts, when you bring yourself to any hospital in the United States, what you're doing is surrendering your civil rights to several professionals who are already badly overworked and underpaid. You can trust them to save your life and preserve your well being, but the overall system works against everyone involved in hideously maglignent ways.
My local hospital is open but has been gutted. Thanks free market. Now, how about some governance?
As long as the politicians are going to continue to get money from them they could care less what happens to us. It doesn't matter because they still get paid by the healthcare industry.
Let me guess, they borrowed money at low interest, gave the executive large bonuses and now the loans are rolling over to higher interest rates.
"Don't worry about your local hospital closing. This is just an indication that the marketplace is adjusting to be able to provide you better, more affordable healthcare."
-Adam Smith
Pharma, Insurance and gov't have strangled out any aire of caring and healing. Check boxes, shuffle people and collect $$$.
If hosptals lose money they close. THAT'S JUST GOOD CAPITALISM, McMAHON! Seriously, healthcare is s human right, it should not be subject to the whims of the economy.
It should be a human right, but the US of course didn't ratify that UN declaration
This nation has so much blood on it's hands. Judgement is upon these wicked politicians.
I am so sorry about this man’s loss. I can’t imagine what that was like for him in his car. This is really unnecessary in my view. I am a nurse and I love small hospitals. They ARE dying though. A nurse, who doesn’t work in the south, makes as much as $50/hr, less in the south. Over a full time year they make $80,000.00 to $100,000.00! At a million dollars a hospital can afford to operate with ten nurses (not travel nurses) if they have nothing else to spend money on. I have not included the ten nurses employment benefits, which is another 30% to 40% more than their hourly wage. That is just ten nurses, only the beginning. I don’t think throwing more money at the problem though is going to fix it. I have worked in small hospitals that are miles, hours of travel from the next hospital where obstetrics is no longer provided because they couldn’t afford to continue it for the very few deliveries they had. Malpractice insurance is a terrible expense for these hospitals. There is a system set up by the federal government years ago called Critical Access to describe hospitals in small communities that are far from medical centers who were given a healthy stipend for providing all aspects of care. That system is no longer able to keep these hospitals with obstetric departments open. I don’t think throwing more money at this problem or being political about it is an answer. If money could fix it it would be fixed! There is always someone grifting money off the side. Creative accounting needs to stop!! We need to stop demanding to be paid for lives. Malpractice lawsuits are great except they have closed more than one department. Too expensive. I will say this, especially if you have had Covid or been immunized, and especially if you are black, make very sure when you get care that there is a plan for if you become very ill. Sometimes when we have a very ill patient in a small facility and we are far away from help there is no way to get the person to the other place, storms, road closures, etc. Make sure you can deliver at the local hospital or that you have a plan if you are not able to do so. If a safe cesarean section can not be done within half an hour of your arrival then please, please get a different plan. In Alaska’s native health care system you stay in your own community/village, even on an island until you develop symptoms of illness or get close to delivery then you are transported to a house in the city near a hospital where you will deliver. If you don’t feel well see your doctor or see any doctor, get a blood pressure check, learn how to check your own. Go to an emergency room. Don’t let yourself get pushed around.
The hospitals are pricing them self's out of business.
I was looking into moving to and buying a house in a rural PA town.
A big selling point of the town is the presence of a local hospital, and I acknowledged that it is one of the few things keeping the town alive/ attracting young families.
I had no idea rural hospitals are at such great risk
Really goes to show how important research is before buying real estate.
Please investigate the proliferation of nurse practitioners treating patients without supervision and the patients they are hurting because hospitals and insurance companies are cheap!
Now do one on EMS.
I am from a former "communist" country. I remember that back then ALL medical services and medicines were free. Although we had a much lower standard of living than in the West, the state provided everything. When I was little and I had a simple flu, I would come back from the doctor with 5-6 boxes full of medicine - all for free. Since we switched to capitalism, the situation has become very bad. And I understand that we are also in danger of ending up where you ended up. Why? Because many good and necessary things cannot be equated in money. A health system or an education must be supported by the whole society through the state, not by private companies, whose operation is based on profit. When you raise the issue of profitability, inevitably the patient will be on the second plan. I think that you are trying in vain to make better health insurance - that you will not succeed. Insurance companies and politicians must survive first. Citizens? Maybe they'll get some pennies.
Capitalism's fault, as usual
I don't even call them Hospitals anymore I Call them Death House's.
Another great investigative piece, thank you. I'm (stuck) in Mississippi, and I heard Brandon Presley speak this week here in our (majority black) small town. He is so worth supporting!
Let's talk about a small northern wi hospice who's director, ceo and cfo made a combined 3+ million $ per year. Let's talk about hospitals getting fat off covid and channeling their money outside the hospital.
In 2023, things ARE DIFFERENT than what you say happened back in the 80's. Most hospitals ARE CORPORATIONS now that ARE BEHOLDING to Insurance companies AND the Government. YOU are missing the problem!! The answer IS NOT bigger Government, the answer IS, IF these VERY profitable hospital corporations WANT to do business in large population centers, THEY MUST BY LAW, service smaller communities!!
Most of these hospitals corporations ARE set up as NON-PROFIT corporations, meaning minimal or no taxes, they make multiple millions in profits! Don't push, Government growth, push the hospital corporations to service all communities, and other things as well. Peace & good health 🙏
Greed kills.
It somehow always leads back to Reagan administration
No sh**t, if I hear one more person say how great Regan was I'm going to scream and then puke on them!! 😡
Reagan fuck some shit up ... Rather you like it or not 😂... We just now starting to really see the ripple effects of his administration.... he got the bullshit ball rolling...
I think Clinton did more damage. NAFTA, repealed Glass-Stegal, crime bill, Tele-Communications Act. But no doubt Reagan sucked as well.
signed legislation mandating coverage for children and pregnant women receiving cash assistance, mandating emergency treatment of illegal immigrants who would otherwise be eligible for Medicaid, and expanding the low-income populations that states could choose to cover, among other expansions
i ❤ puke
The first thing to do when a Time Machine is built:
Make sure Reagan, Thatcher, & Milton never be in power & expose them for who they really are.
As a RN of 30 years I watched the patient care standard go from 5 days in the hospital post surgical to booted out the same day. It's all about the money, for the surgery...but the surgical outcomes are had at home, and people die.
So many billions of our tax dollars went to Ukraine. Imagine if the American government prioritized American lives first.
As long as there is corporate profits at stake a nd Corporate Greed on the line
This country will continue to destroy itself.
Thank lobbyists and politicians
It's as if Healthcare for profit is a conflict of interests.
Sounds like we need to keep our tax money here, and limit all the billions going overseas...
Whenever I feel like my own country is going in the wrong direction, I come and watch one of these videos about the "best country in the whole universe" and get some comfort in knowing that things over there are sooooooo much worse 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Yes it's very bad here in so many ways. The military is basically pulling the strings backstage & they have done a fine job deceiving the rest of the world into believing we're still somehow the "land of the free". And our military won't stop now, already covertly taking over other countries...