linamisanthropy It sounded that way to me as well.. Honestly many tourist don't just instantly learn languages.. They just enjoy a country or have the joy to visit it. As humans we get so accustomed to our own human nature that we don't really care about others differences (this is not all people) In general if one is going outside of there known, it is to be expected for them to behave, I am so glad that I was raised to appreciate other people languages and culture my grandmother always taught me that there are different people in this world and if you would like to be social like you are try speaking to them and their native language break down the language barrier make new friends I have friends that barely speak English we teach each other we love talking where there was no words at first there was hugs laughter and acting out gestures making new friends from different places is a wonderful thing!!
Japan has extremely few Westerners (europeans Americans) as actual immigrants or long term residents. All western people put together would amount to about 100,000 which is less than 0.1% of Japan's population. The vast majority are chinese and koreans who are difficult to even distinguish if they speak Japanese and have adopted Japanese manners and culture. Recently there has been a wave of immigrants from SE Asia (Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam etc) but still Japan's foreign population is only about 2%, and in Tokyo it's about 4%.(London is 55% if you include ethnic minorities). In Shinjuku, Akihabara it might be 10-20% but thats because the vast majority of these are tourists. And tourists are never counted into these statistics since then leave within max 90 days of their arrival.
There are a lot of foreigners in Japan on work visas. Also, there were 20 million tourists in Japan last year. It's understandable why they would get the impression there are more than 2%.
"If they are going to live in Japan, they should adapt to the culture"----absolutely, and I think that speaks true of any country someone may wish to move to.
@@justsumguy2u what do you think. There is no right or wrong, there are only consequences. Keep traditions with the intent of expansion and get shamed for human rights abuses or be more like Canada, a place where culture's can flourish like a mosaic of justinian
The one guy was talking about how English speaking people moving to Japan should learn to speak Japanese. I agree! If I go to live in Japan I should be expected to learn to speak Japanese, just like people moving to the US from other countries should learn to speak English.
still his points are kinda retarded he was talking about tourists that ask for directions in english .THEY ARE TOURISTS , they dont need to learn the language if they gonna stay there for 1 or 2 weeks .
I’m an Indian staying in Japan since 2 years. I can speak basic Japanese, say the level of a 10 year old Japanese kid. And my experience is that 80% Japanese people welcome you if you can talk Japanese and are well behaved. All they want is people who can understand Japanese and not be a nuisance to others.
Reginald Jones Lmao. Neither are you. PanQuakes you ignorant dumbass. Reginald Jones is an immigrant american black living in japan. He constantly promotes diversity and multiculturalism in Japan despite not being Japanese himself. If you have a problem with non-japanese people "having a say" in Japan, then direct your anger at that piece of shit.
They might welcome a few immigrants, but once the racial demographics of Japan start changing more and more, you will most certainly see them say enough is enough if it gets to 10%+! Bring in millions of Muslims and Africans to Japan, and you will see them get scared for the future of their people!
People like me go to other countries to leave our past life behind. You dont need to do the buddhist thing and shed your old life but sometimes its best to become a new person and a new citizen. But not all have the strength to sever them ties
I thought that too when I first moved to Japan and the first couple of years were very stressful. I tried to do everything the Japanese way, but some things were simply incompatible with my own beliefs. It took that long for me to realise it's better to take the best parts from your own culture and from the new one. But of course you must follow the rules and etiquette of the new country. No matter how Japanese you behave and how long you live here, you will always be viewed as a foreigner. It may not be nice, but it does make sense.
Exactly ! It's pointless trying to behave and look like a Japanese since the Japanese discriminate even half-Japanese people or third generation people born from Japanese parents with Korean/Chinese ancestry anyway. As a foreigner in Japan, you'll always be a foreigner first, so might as well stay true to yourself and forget about assimilation altogether (while still respecting Japanese laws and be a good citizen obviously).
I've been here, in Japan for 30 years, my entire adult life. I'm a gaijin but I'm no "outsider" to my family, colleagues and close friends. I'm not Japanese, I don't want to be Japanese. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just not who I am. I've always been treated with genuine kindness and generosity of spirit by the Japanese. There's no denying there are right wing nut jobs who hate foreigners but they are an insignificant few who are mainly losers mad at the world for their own miserable state in life. I agree that it's best to maintain those things which are of value from your own culture, but that you should at the very least learn the language and follow the customs in the work environment and social settings. It's actually an easy thing to do in Japan.
The dude with the leather jacket seemed the most informed to me. Everyone else gave very speculative answers and didn’t really go in too deep. But he really took the time to analyze the situations and information presented and gave thorough answers. I agree with a lot of what he said, especially about wanting to keep traditions and how English speakers tend to think the world will adjust to them without them adjusting to the world. Main tourists cities in Mexico are more likely to have English speakers who can communicate with tourists, but it would make me pretty sad if someday the amount of foreigners increased so much that Mexican culture and life began to change. It’s such a beautiful country as it is, a lot of beauty you can’t find in America. I’m sure he feels the same way about Japan.
@@punxOiOi13 And that is exactly the problem when too many of the same culture immigrate to a country with a specific culture. The culture of that country will gradually disappear. Can be seen well in old cultures. Native amaricans for example. European culture was too strong / violent. Islamic culture is currently willing to spread and most followers are conservative Muslims & they have no respect for other cultures.
Fran Retep I’ve met many Muslims who are very respectful of other cultures. The thing is Islamic culture doesn’t pertain to a place. It pertains to beliefs. Not participating in a culture because you don’t believe in it and it doesn’t align with your own beliefs isn’t disrespectful. Trying to make others bend to yours, especially when you are in their home, is disrespectful. But I have never met a Muslim who has tried to make me partake in their customs or beliefs, not even when I am in their homes. Islamic people are just as kind as people from all other religions, in my experience.
@@punxOiOi13 Google translator: It depends on where you live. In Germany, attempts are being made to integrate the Islamic lifestyle. If you don't want to, you will be forced. It also depends on where conservative Islam rules. Other religions are tolerated as much as possible, but many do not want another culture to displace their culture. As soon as conservative Islam rules, everyone else has to submit. It so happens that countries have up to 99% only muslims in the country. It is certainly not voluntary. Rather, if you have Muslim parents, you must also follow Islam 100%. See also the re-Islamization of the Orient in 1970. Hospitality doesn't say much. Of course you don't want to be a bad person in front of the stranger. Anyway, I remain skeptical about Islam.
I found that surprising too. The guy in the black jacket was basically talking about a certain type of tourist, not people living there. Yuta, the people you got for your interviews this time around aren't very bright. Sorry but it's true.
most people live in a bubble. They do not realize the office buildings are probably filled with people while walking the streets that are on the contrast filled with tourists. So it seems like the amount of foreigners compared to the native population is much higher.
I speak Japanese and when I got lost and needed help I always asked in Japanese, but a lot of people would think: "Oh, she is a foreigner, I have to speak English" and they would continue speaking English even if I reply in Japanese.
I feel like the foreigners they don’t like are tourists. I don’t think many people bother learning much of a language when they’re only going to a country for a week long tour. I see that in the US. I’m from Florida originally but also lived in DC and I saw lots of tourists that only knew a few phrases of English. It didn’t bother me they are there to see the beach or some monuments and spend money on a hotel and food. They’ll be going home when they’re done and it doesn’t really affect me.
Absolutely. I have no expectation that people have gone and tediously studied English before visiting as a tourist for two weeks. Communication through hand signals and translation devices works well. Despite that you learn the common terms very fast from being forced to interact with them.
I had many encounters in my germany, where I live, with americans and they always speak in english to you when the ask for directions or anything else. It seems a bit odd to me that they expect everyone to speak english even in their own countries and dont bother to learn german. It is espaciall odd since most of them I met at university and they were foreign students.
+ReviewGameX I think it's different to be a foreign student than a tourist, though. I agree with you that, in that case, they should at least learn the basics. However, as to tourists talking in English.. I feel like, for better or worse, English is commonly thought of as the most probable to be known if you don't know the native language. Maybe that's why? Even people who's native tongue isn't English (like me) think this.
mojabaka so true. It doesn’t bother me when someone doesn’t speak my language. I just try and help them as best as I can. I ran into it a lot when I lived in DC tourists from all over the world and they only knew maybe four or five English words. I used to take them to the smithsonian maps that are around on the sidewalks and just point at things
I agree with the guy at 5:23. Foreigners who come to live in Japan should expect to learn the Japanese language and culture. English-speaking people shouldn't come to Japan and expect the Japanese to know English. I can understand why Japanese people would be bothered by foreigners who expect them to know English. Tourists who don't know Japanese and try to use English to navigate are fine since it's all they know. It's only a problem when a foreigner expects everyone to know English just because it's a popular language around the world. Yuta also brings up a great point about how the vast majority of foreigners (made up mostly by Chinese) know the Japanese language and culture. The number of foreign residents in Japan seems to be overestimated very often by the Japanese and people outside Japan. I like that this video pointed out that a couple of people hardly noticed the Chinese people in Japan, since they integrated so well into Japanese culture. I wonder if Japan's culture is truly threatened by foreign influences, or if it's only a fear caused by a false perception.
CottonCube still the only language they learn is japanese and since the education level in japan is very high they still can speak only japanese and the second language you probably learn around the globe is english
Why do you think that people who speak English abroad only know that? I personally am Italian, but I also know French and English. When travelling abroad, to a country I'm quite sure doesn't have a high level of English, I learn a few phrases in the local language, but that is going to take me only so far. Sometimes you have to say something other than "where's the bathroom", "can I pay my bill" etc. and I can't learn a completely new language every time I go abroad to be able to deal with unforeseen circumstances. Just make sure you know where your local embassy is, in case you have problems with justice or police. You have to differentiate between native English speakers who expect others to speak English out of naiveness, from non-native English speakers who expect to use English as a lingua franca because that's exactly why they learnt English in the first place. English undoubtedly is today's international language, and if it weren't so, we wouldn't be studying it. We don't study it because "it's nice", but because it's useful. Not everyone knows it, of course, but people need to find a common ground.
Iam from austria and of course you shouldnt rely ONLY on english but the fact that 5 percent of them maybe can speak english so they can communicate with people is ridicolous eventhough they are one of the best students in the world
actually... you arn't really a true japanese citizen unless you have japanese blood. really. not even 4th generational koreans (pulled from occupied korea)are...
I visited Japan 3 years ago, I found it funny that several times, Japanese people initiated conversation with me in English, I felt that they wanted to practice, I like it a lot since I was with the mindset that they don't speak with tourists, also I found a Japanese girl working on a Pokémon center who speak Spanish (I'm native Spanish speaker) that was cool
@@andreycastrosandoval2258 yes sir.. i really want to change westerner perspective about muslim...because im muslim too...i want to tell them that in our religion suicide is a sin...suicide bomber is sin or kil the good non muslim is Prohibite by Allah SWT (God) so someone do that they will get into hell and they are not muslim when they do that... They out of islam when they do that... Also i think you know islam call non muslim with kafir right.. so there are 2 kind of kafir (non believer) in our religion kafir dzimmi (non muslim that are good,kind,not insult,harras or violent to muslim they should not be attacked in our religion because our prophet tell that if muslim attack the good non muslim that mean the muslim insult,harras,violent to our prophet Muhammad SAW) and kafir harbi (non muslim that insult,harras,violent to muslim..for example like when france invade middle east,america bombing iraq or muslim get rape,insult by non muslim they are the bad non muslim and we can fight them.. in mean they enemy that kafir harbi the bad one) i hope you understand..
It feels like they mixed up people who actually live in Japan and tourists? Becuase why would a tourist learn the Japanese language for a 2 week trip when they can survive with English. Of course the people who come asking for directions ask in English, the vast majority of foreign people in Japan are tourists. Also, with the whole being loud and not following the social rules, is probably mostly tourists as well, and those people probably don't know the rules. Of course there's always a minority who will behave badly in any country, but I still believe that most foreigners who live or want to live in Japan, try their best to fit in.
whuzzzup I meant as a tourist :) of course if you're going to live there it will require some level of Japanese. My parents travelled to Japan with me and while I asked things in Japanese when they were with me, they were on their own most of the time and had no trouble finding and asking things in English.
My grandparents visited there as a tourists, and since they didn't receive any English education, their English weren't very good, they only learn to speak English when western foreigners came to their shop and western foreigners normally understands them, but of course not to the Japanese. And oh boy it turns out sign language is very important to learn if you want to survive in Japan as a tourist.
Yes, but as a tourist, you shouldn't expect a random native you ask on the street for directions to understand you. Plenty of American tourists are this way. They think and sometimes expect every country to know English. I don't know about you, but whenever I visit a different country, I try to brush on some basic phrases at least. That, or bring a translator app with me. Google Translate is great for offline use.
Specs guy know what's up. Leather jacket guy has a point but I think it's absolutely stupid to go to Japan and not learn at least a little bit of Japanese.
Norzafi Mizan agreed, there's such a thing as foolish pride something westerners are guilty of. Japan is a country that embraces the new while refining the old.
Hmmm I have been to japan twice without barely knowing any Japanese. Altho I knew I could not expect much in terms of interaction, it did not block my enjoyment at all. But I have to admit I understood quite a bit of Japanese culture that helped me more then a few lines of broken Japanese.
Why on earth would an average western sight-seer need to learn Japanese on a two week holiday and say this is a bone of contention if they don't and show up? Their tourist dollars speak the same language.
Norzafi Mizan nobody but tourist do that so I think it’s stupid to blow that out of proportion. Any intelligent person would think to learn Japanese before a long term stay
I'm Japanese and don't want multiculturalism in Japan. World have a lot of culture, and that's good enough.Putting a lot of culture into one country is not a good idea. I think multiculturalism is not the ideal which made to make country better, but the mere purpose to affirm some histories and current status in some countries.
+ Reginald Jones Multiculturalism is the reason for the decline and demise of all empires in history. Best example is the Roman empire or the USA in the coming decades ... the Romans became completely "multicultural" in 212 AD under Caracalla (Lex Antoniniana) ... only two centuries later Romans were completely vanished in the chaos of peoples and races. When all countries in the world became multicultural then all cultures will be destroyed and we have a world culture, defined by the needs and capacities of the least productive human elements ... it would be hell on earth or even worse: global "communism". Look at the bible, the confusio linguarum in ancient Babel, the tale about Sodom and Gomorrah ... all they show the destructive character of "multiculturalism".
White Powder Thank you. Japanese left wings get mad when someone say Japan belongs to Japan. Reginald Jones is a typical left wing. Japanese left wings has been destroying Japan in a lot of way and multiculturalism is also one of that.Japanese left wings have a connection with Japanese-Korean who are composed of many illegal immigrant. They come to Japan illegally and they insist that they are kidnapped by Japanese.They are shameless rubbish. Many people say Japan don't have bad immigrant, but it's not true.Japan has been bothered by a lot of criminal activity by Korean immigrant who behave like a victim by telling a lie.
Having foreigners does not mean that you are multicultural. Foreigners must respect and integrate into Japans culture. You have great culture and in order to preserve it, stay monocultural. Like i said, that does not mean that you need to have no foreigners etc... Best regards.
I suppose there are pros and cons. Homogeneity ensures stability and peace (cultural or ethnically, both have the same effect), while diversity offers different thoughts that keeps the country productive, but it can also easily make the country divided.
@Bilo correct. diversity like Yugoslavia and Lebanon have resulted into war, genocide and hatred. and even to this day, Lebanon is a almost a failed state filled with corruption and hatred amongst religious groups. same thing happened with most former empires that had colonies in human history. there was "multiculturalism" but obviously there also was a hierarchy of one privileged race/ethnic group ruling over the oppressed race/ethnic groups. Ottoman Empire comes to my mind and how Turks ruled over the Greeks, Armenians and the Slavic people in the Balkans for centuries. this has resulted into movements of independence because nobody wants to be ruled like a colony.
It’s generally divided. A deep resentment; distrust and disconnect builds between countrymen which, obviously, is the least desirable thing for a peoples.
僕わユダヤ人です that’s RAYCIST! We need Africans to program their JavaScripts; Muslims to spread their peaceful religion; and Indians to teach them how to become Astronauts.
In all honesty, Japan should stay as Japan. I really don't wanna see Japan turn into another USA, that would be BAD. In addition to that, it just means more racism if Japan keeps accepting all kinds of foreigners onto the land of Japan (NOT saying that the Japanese people are the racist ones).
Maximum FaggotBergStien why do you just judge the iq of a religion and of a country/ continent ? Isn’t that stupid ? Btw in Japan there are Muslims and „arfrican“ people and they aren’t stupid. Please don’t judge by the covers book and look at the person itself not the religion and the country.
I think cultural protect is a VERY important thing. Especially for Japan, I hope they manage to keep their culture, Since it's very beautiful. If they're able to be respectful and adapt to the society I think it's fine, But otherwise if they're rude and such then they really shouldn't be there. I worry for how Japan is going to be during and after the Tokyo Olympics.
As a non japanese person I'd prefer it if Japan (since it's one of the few countries I'm interested in and care about, but it applies to any country) stayed mostly homogeneous. Having see and experiences multiulcuralism it just seems like a hot mess, people segregate inside a country they're supposed to integrate into and refuse to learn the language, and even bring a lot of crime with them. In general when I wish to visit a place I also wish to visit the people, so if I came to japan and could barely see any japanese people I'd be very disappointed. Tl;dr: I think to some degree most people, me included, prefer a mostly homogeneous populace, both to live in and to visit.
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 it completely goes against the ideals of their society. Muslims would segregate very easily since most I’ve met don’t tend to assimilate. It would be a terrible situation for everybody.
@Blackout987 You are 100% correct. I'm not Japanese and maybe it's hypocritical of me to say this when I would love to live in Japan myself, but Japan really should stay homogeneous. Being multicultural like London or Amsterdam would completely ruin the uniqueness of Japan's society and change it in completely uncontrollable and unpredictable ways. We'll see what the future brings but I hope that even 100 years from now it's still at least 90% Japanese.
The biggest thing you might notice when you first go to Japan is the noise level, its really quite low compared to my country and people generally don't shout over each other to much in public , even in very touristy areas. However one thing you might notice and one of the women mentioned it in the video is that a lot of Chinese tourists can be loud and/or disrespectful. This was not to bad in Tokyo but in Kyoto many of the Parks and gardens relaxed atmosphere was broken up by people talking at a rude level. This I think can really go a long way to create a negative image of Foreigners to Japanese people.
Im English and I respect Japan enough to say that I dont want Japan to be a multiculture. I want Japan to remain Japanese. Its a mistake to think that you can change the demographic without changing the culture. It would be deeply sad to see yet another unique culture like japan to become another un distinct multiculture. I want the world to have different colours and shades, I dont want the world to be one unifrom thing where the only culture is multiculture. How incredibly bland. Europe is losing what makes it feel european and that is a tragedy. I hold no malice towards people of any race, but I just think that its incredibly sad that people are basically being bullied into accepting mulitculture as a positive, and told they are racist if they see its flaws. A multi culutural world would mean all countries are the same, there is nothing unique about each place, everywhere is the same. Especially sad because smaller cultures which have less people will just end up becoming extinct. The world is more exciting when there are different places to go and see, I dont want go to kyoto and see a million indians and arabs everywhere, practing indian and arab culture, when I visit japan I want to see the Japanese culture and people, the same is true if I went to New Delhi, I wouldnt want to see Delhi filled with chinese, doing chinese things... When in India i want to see indian culture. This multi culture thing is a big lie I think, the governments know they can control us more easily if we lose our sense of cultural identity. Keep countries unique and special, making everywhere the same is not a good thing.
I agree. If every country in the world adopted multicultural policies, a single culture would remain in the world. Multiculturalism destroys the cultural diversity that humanity has built up over thousands of years.
@@explosivebest3703 Probably the reason behind not speaking an Asian language, such as Japanese or Mandarin is because the western world thinks it is not as important as learning a language that is generally pretty international, such as English, in comparison to Japanese. At least that is my thinking behind that.
Japan is the safest country in the world and the 3rd biggest economy with a good quality of life and a strong culture. The main reason is because Japan is homogenous. They certainly don't need immigration, but I do think the people interviewed should learn the difference between tourists and immigrants.
Justine, I live in Japan and homogeneity is definitely not the reason. Most of the reason there is no crime here is that people are so scared of the police because they have so much more power here than in the west. They can detain you for long periods of time without needing any evidence, for example... and if you are in trouble your life is totally messed up for the rest of your life. As far as the 3rd biggest economy goes, most of that is due to capitalistic stimulus after world war two and focusing the national budget on the economy and not defense because the US Japan national defence pact allowed them to do so. Most immigrants don''t hope to change Japan's culture, and Japan is definitely in need of immigration... in fact most news programs here talk about it. Japan is in desperate need of foreign workers to support the economy due to an ageing population... The people interviewed in this video represent the rank and file (in my opinion), and most of these people are NOT smart and understanding like Yuta, many of them are too xenophobic to make or agree to effective immigration policies and are too slow to change, supporting mostly half baked solutions. If something is not done about this economic issue, Japan will further decline economically and consequently will be more vulnerable to invasion because their deterrence through projection of force will decrease. If they were to be invaded, they could be forced to change the hard way just like they were forced to in the past.
L'Homme Éveillé Immigration is definitely the subject I was replying to and immigration is connected to the economy and the economy heavily influences co-dependence with other nations (which in turn influences the strength of defense pacts and alliances) and determines the national budget (which is connected to defense spending). Japan heavily relies on these things for their national defense because of their population size, history, and geographical location. These two things are essential. Japan is projected to have a huge, huge problem resulting from a low birth rate and a growing elderly population with less and less people around to take care of them. This will damage the economy severely and many Japanese (including the prime minister) believe immigrants are extremely necessary to solve the problem. This immigration issue appears on TV repeatedly, and the reason is not just because people are worried they won’t be able to buy their next iPhone or big screen TV. It’s about defense too. How can a future Japan with mostly old people (which means not so many soldiers too) and a small economy guarantee it’s safety from it’s neighbors? (Which even already their relationships are relatively volatile).
Joe S Very interesting comment. Very pleasant to read. I love the unbiased opinion. Very different from the typical "blame the non Whites/Muslim immigrant" comments. My Dad lived in Japan. Most of what you commented on, He also mentioned. Any Nation of origin, such as Japan, needs to be cautious about their immigration selection. Unlike other Countries that "forced" their ways onto Nations, that they are NOT "native" to.
Yh some people in this comment section are idiots like Artymus Prime etc. I respect that people want to be with their own culture and those who look like them. I respect the more conservative views that people have, but people like Artymus Prime take it way too far. Part of the problem is with the PC culture, we need to soften it a bit more and correct people in a better way instead of an always patronising, aggressive and closed minded way. Political correctness has many strengths but also many weaknesses. One of it's weaknesses is to lampoon people who have conservative views. it's a psychological fact that people, especially kids, if something is being asked of them unpleasantly or unfairly, they are going to do the exact opposite. We are literally creating the very people, we're trying to stop. We're encouraging extremists, we need to stop, it's counter- productive.
*Jonny you're missing the point. It's not about being tall only. Japanese are very courteous and gentle people in public places. Europeans and Americans don't have the same standards, they are noisy, pushing people around, yelling, complaining like bitches, threatening and generally uncaring about others in public. Being "though" individually is a value in the western world, but it is not Japan if you distrub others. They prefer to be though as a society, not individually. Please think about what I said before being a thick-headed "Jonny the Yankee"*
My grandfather was bless to have live pass a century. He was a wise traveling man. When I ask why he travel? His words to me was I quote " If you just look at the sea shores, you will "NEVER" discover other oceans." These words hold true today, if you do not know other cultures and people, your world become a world of isolation and fear of the unknown. Fear keep you at the "Sea Shores."
Peggy Royster japanese education is at elite level,average iq top 3 as well, now you go tell their culture is bad bcs they hold on to what their ancestors passed onto them. because they are like that they are able to accomplish so much.
Getting to know them? yes inviting some of them may be under strict rule , letting them mirage into your house? no because sooner or later they will cause trouble whether you like it or not dont believe me? Ask native american how they 1st feel about the white man with weird stick that spit fire come and say we are peaceful then ask them 100 years later
+Il Principe You missed his point, he's just referring about knowing other cultures, nobody asked you to leave your beliefs because someone came to check what's going on in your country. Same as you are not triggering a cultural loss just because you are visiting or working in a country ... that would be non sense xD
Cultures do NOT mix well and is why they should be kept separated. Visiting cultures as a tourist to see new places and to learn about other cultures, but immigration is no good. Europe is already starting it's downfall because of multiculturalism
It'd be nice if each country could retain its culture while still being friendly to foreigners. I think a borderless, globalized world would be very grey indeed.
@@danielshilling2058 maybe because that's the exact opposite of being open-minded? What you're saying is what CONSERVATIVES have been saying since forever. Not very modern and contemporary.
Stalin Jiménez not everything modern and contemporary is good. Some things are, but not all. Some people seem to think that a movement in any direction is progress. Can’t be so open minded that your brain falls out
Japan is so unique so it'd be sad to see any of that culture disappear. I'm of the opinion that if you -- as a foreigner -- choose to live/work in Japan, you should adapt to Japanese customs. If I ever plan to live in Japan, that's definitely what I would do. One reason I'm enamored with the country is because of how their customs and traditions work. I wouldn't ever try to go against that if I had the privilege of moving there.
I found what she said about chinese being loud and cutting queues is something i hear alot from many people around the world. Even here it is common knowledge unfortunately
Well, I'm Chinese. When I travelled to Japan 2 years ago, I was cut queue by a Latino looking young boy. Thankfully he was stopped by a Japanese security guy. The Mainland Chinese who cut queues are mainly old people who come from country sides.
I am Canadian. My mom was born in Italy, and my dad in Korea. Most people I see, know, and talk to have ancestry from another country (not Canada). In fact over 50% of my class is "mixed" (me included). Multiculturalism gives my country its identity, and it is celebrated. If Japan wants to keep foreigners out, that is fine. Multiculturalism was never really a part of their history and culture, so it makes sense that they don't want to change. Canada's history involves a lot of immigration, and Japan... not so much. Multiculturalism and immigration are things that your country must already have in order for you to accept them.
I am Canadian too, but I still dislike the idea of multiculturalism because it simply doesn't work. It could only ever really function if the immigrants come from similar backgrounds, but it's hard to call it multiculturalism at that point. I don't mind western immigrants in Canada, I do mind immigrants from African, Middle eastern or islamic cultures simply because they don't mix with the western mindset. Japan, being as unique as it is, should never follow in Canada's footsteps.
@@bm4114 Honestly I've seen those black guys selling clothes he's talking about and to Japanese people I can see why they'd be scary. Their sales method is very intrusive, whereas most people selling stuff on the side of the road in Japan stay completely out of your way. As a small Japanese man not used to people interrupting your day, suddenly being approached by a large 'foreign' man would be shocking. Even I was shocked because I wasn't expecting it in Japan of all places.
@Akar Acharya No, he's talking about black people hired to promote 'urban' clothing stores on the street. It was a long time ago that I was there but I remember them having African accents.
I like their mindset. Multiculturalism is suicide, i live in europe, our politicians destroyed some contries. The Problem are definitely immigrants from africa and the muslim countries. We have no problems with Asia people. They are not violent and respect woman. So please japanese people, be critical to migration a select national politicians in your country.
@@summersucks1579Europe is more than German, Europeans (not just EU) should stand together and avoid immigration! Europe should be a fortresses! And just select people with positive averaged income (=education)
@@jakephillips5140 why so ignorant? Many of the learned doctors, scientists and physicians, first responders we depend on are immigrants. My children are third generation Canadians and serve the community in health care. What do you do?
@@jakephillips5140 I was being a little snarky for which I apologize but really your reply was way out of line. All people are equal in God’s sight ... regardless of colour, health or ability. That is the highest moral we should strive for. Canada needs more people because our population and our economy will tank without immigration.... those are the facts.
@@melodykim425 none of my points were addressed by your reply. The economic growth Canada has experienced in recent decades is due in large part of mineral, oil and gas exploration (a relatively small and labour efficient sector). A similar story to Australia. Foreigners flock to these regions hearing of good fortune but are in the end nothing more than parasites ballooning the cost of living and suppressing wages via the supply and demand mechanism of the market. You and your kind are responsible for the alienation of local populations and the steady decline of once burgeoning nations without the need of migration. You fundamentally misunderstand the economics of population growth.
Japan is one of the remaining nations I have hope on to not be ruined by multiculturalism Which is also why I love their ‘meh’ stance towards foreigners
@@Pantano63 I totally agree. They should even do more. Such as sending non Japanese to re education camps, so to assimilate them. Therefore they won't corrupt the Japanese majority. 😁
Some interesting opinions! Thanks for the video, Yuta! It's interesting to see how they typically answer in broad, vague statements, but if you persist a little bit, you can squeeze some real answers out of them... You definitely have the soft-skills to be an interrogator...haha :D
By the way... I'm German and most of this comment section disgusts a funny way. Nazi-Weeaboos... Can't think for themselves and regurgitate false facts to the point that they get butt-hurt about them. They are even worse than those Japanese who claim that 20-40% of Japanese people are foreign XD So don't even think twice about the dung they write. :3
Yeah. It was just a weird way of giving you a compliment. :D Anyway, thanks for getting some real answers out of people. All things aside these videos are really interesting! :3
Broke my heart when a little kid started staring at me and then started crying when I smiled back and waved.I hope he doesn't grow up scared of foreigners.
Don't worry, you were just creepy or the kid was just a kid. He is not going to hate foreigners for something stupid like that, he probably even forgets you in a year.
anon 000000 Dudes like you must relish being inbred, because thats the only real way to avoid genetic diversity. Also your claim that diversity has 'never worked' is as false as your expletive ridden diatribe. If you'd care to drop your arsenal of infantile "alternative facts", you'd find out the very existence of various races in human species is owed to population interminglings across the history of human evolution. Also your naive idea of racist insularity is a 19th century construct, before that various races have always lived and worked together, otherwise you wouldn't be using Arabic numerals and a Germanic grammar. Also judging from your inability to frame an argument without descending into furious cursing, I'd assume you have been bitten with psychosis even without that much hated diversity. Good luck being a successful person.
Solunous Refugees are a serious problem. Because it isn't their fault but what other choice do they have yet they are met with backlash. Truly depressing.
@@tvidenbe its mostly the first generation which doesnt speak the language (because its too difficult or because they just dont want to bother). every kid born in germany learns the language and can speak it fluently
Lol don’t fall. They are losing more than a million people a year to natural death and the population is not being replaced. Japan is already multicultural just to a smaller degree than many western countries. It won’t “fall” for multiculturalism it will evolve that way. Or it will watch it’s population and economy plummet and shrink. The Japanese who are against it just have to give up this outdated idea that they and they alone are entitled to live on this collection of rocks. They have to accept and guide society towards it, even if it means change. Fighting this evolution will only breed unhappiness and anger and frustration. We don’t need another Trump here in Japan.
Japan your culture is beautiful, as are your people, don't ever change!!! People need to live in cultural homogeneity. Multiculturalism, like we have in America, divides people since no one seems to want to assimilate to like minded ideals or principles. Instead its all I'm a democrat/republican so I know best, lol. The people of the US are as individual as grains of sand on a beach, when we should be together like the water in the ocean. So much division, so sad.
im not sure I entirely agree with that.. you should respect the culture and speak the language obvs but I dont think you should be forced to completely homogenise and give up your heritage.. I dont expect asian people who come and study in the uk to suddenly adopt a british sensibilities/mannerisms and culture.. most of the Japanese ppl who are in my university are VERY Japanese and don't act British at all.. and thats a good thing - our differences make us unique and interesting.. who wants a completely homogeneous society apart from North Koreans.. differences in heritage and culture should be celebrated not shunned. In the uk if we told black ppl to completely get rid of their culture or go back to Africa you would be considered extremely racist.
@@roro-mm7cc It also has to do with the way your country was developed. Most western countries are bordered by at least one or more neighbors meaning cultural diffusion is a natural byproduct. And many western countries also participated in imperialism meaning that their cultures spread and they adapted other cultures in turn. I think Japan has a beautiful and rich history and culture however they have been isolated for so long that they have developed this mindset, for the most part, against foreigners and immigrants. For the most part, the west values the individual and how they can be beneficial to society while eastern culture values the collective sum. That being said the US is a fu**ing mess
I plan a trip to Japan. Of course I will not learn Japanese for a 10 days trip. But I try to memorize a few basic sentences . Out of respect. If I would move there, of course I would learn Japanese. Like I did with French in France. ❓One question: How do Japanese feel about Germany? I feel a kind of bond between us. We have both high work ethics, quality of products, we both rised from total destruction after WW2 to powerful, successful countries,...
Isn't Japan already multicultural? Just to give a few examples: Kanji originally came from China; there are enough foreign words adopted into Japanese that it was worth creating a whole new alphabet for them (katakana); 'western' style clothing is much more common than traditional Japanese clothing; baseball (invented in the UK, popularised in the USA) is pretty much the national sport (although officially I think it's still sumo); and there's a lot of Buddhism (originally Indian) alongside the Shinto.
4:03 I've seen two medias from Japan (Durarara, Persona 5) depict a black person trying to sell you something. And I'm wondering how common that is. Or is it just something that really stands out when you see it?
you probably dont care anymore, but it is pretty common in large cities. if you look unique youll probably catch attention in a homogeneous society, so many clubs/restaurants want foreigners to advertise their stores
Watch all the weeboos move there in the next 2 decades and it’ll be super divided from real Japanese and larpers. I pray that Japan and China do not become like Europe and North America.
@@-xnnybimb-9398 but that's the trick, the small hats will subvert your country, not attack it with a full blown war. They will infiltrate your universities and schools, then take over your media and banking system, buy your politicians and slowly manipulate the minds of generations to come.
@@Zdamaneta I mean defend from subversion, I know exactly what you mean. But they’ve already been conquered by the small hats, they just aren’t the number one priority of them, the west is. For them, it isn’t as bad, and that’s why I say they could “fight back”.
If you're going to live and work in another country, do as best as you can to assimilate to that country's language, customs, and way of life. It'll make your stay there much more enjoyable and you won't stick out - especially if you are in a collectivist culture like that of Japan.
Why? That's just identity politics. You should be able to do whatever you please, so as long as it isn't against the law. If Japan changes, that's fine.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn no it isn’t. That is their homelands and their culture. They built the great nation of Japan to their liking, not your bud. Everyone deserves a homeland, multiculturalism is death. Respect their culture and their lands and you will deserve their respect
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn i hope Japan NEVER lets you and your kind bring their liberal MADNESS to the great nation of Japan . Youve DESTROYED western culture freedom and core values .
My grandfather went to Japan in either the 60s or 70s. He met the President of Honda while he was there and became partially responsible for Honda expanding into Mississippi.
Hedgeyy It's fine to think that you yourself would be totally willing to learn Japanese, and I'm sure there are some others who would as well. But the Japanese people that think the English language will eventually be imposed on them if they let more foreigners in are not wrong at all. They are absolutely right, and you only need to look at America as a perfect example of this. Mexicans who come here, illegally or not, most of the time do not learn our language. In fact WE are told WE should learn Spanish, and increasingly more of our signs, product packaging, etc. have Spanish on them for the simple reason that there is such a huge influx of Spanish speaking people living here now who do not try to assimilate or even want to assimilate. It could just as easily happen to Japan if they let it happen.
Any statistics on that point (most Mexican immigrants to the US not learning English)? Even if that were true, their kids generally go either to English-speaking schools or to multilingual schools that aim to help them learn English and ease into getting an English-language education. Americans who know English and don't know Spanish don't have it bad at all. In most states, learning Spanish is not a required part of K-12 education (though learning a foreign language in general might be, and the most commonly chosen foreign language to study is Spanish). It is true that a lot of signs in the US are bilingual, but I fail to see how that counts as "imposition", given that your language is still the top language used on the sign. Also, there are far fewer multilingual signs in the US than in a lot of Asian countries. I can't speak for Japan specifically, but when I was in China, it was common to see Chinese/English signs already, and far from unheard of to see Chinese/Korean/English signs. In Thailand, I saw a ton of Thai/English and Thai/Chinese/English signs. And this is in relatively homogeneous countries whose people hardly think about multiculturalism. Do you think there are fewer such signs in Japan? Do you find it odd that none of the Japanese people interviewed gave a shit about having signs in both Japanese and English?
rosethorn0232 those signs are for first generation immigrants and they die out eventually, they usually don't learn the language very well and it's always been that way. Second generation always speaks the language so if that is what you're worried about then don't be. I always thought it was dumb to tell the average american that he should learn spanish given that spanish will _never_ be the dominant language in the US, in large part because of the reason I mentioned before. Now, you should try to stop the endless flow of illegal immigration. The wall is a dumb way to go about it though.
As far as the "endless flow of illegal immigration", remember that both now and for a while before Trump's election, the number of Mexicans leaving the US has been greater than the number coming to the US. So while yes, there are still people coming here illegally, speaking about an "endless flow" makes it seem as though we're worried about an unwanted boom in our Latino/a population due to migration, when in reality, the opposite is happening and has been happening for a while (this does not mean that the Latino/a population is decreasing, though, because looking only at migration doesn't account for the effect of Latinos in the US having kids).
Hey Yuta! Thanks for creating such insightful content! I came to Japan with hopes of working, learning Japanese, and most importantly understanding what Japanese people think about their own Japan. So far I've been able to accomplish 1.5 of those 3 things (My Japanese is okay and my job is...a job). Thanks for helping me complete my third task! The individuals you interview had interesting responses. Sometimes infuriating lol but interesting. I was gonna write a long-winded comment about the importance of cross-cultural communication for Japanese people but I change my mind. Just know that there are many foreigners who try to adopt Japanese manner and adapt to the culture every day. We've all heard the "This is Japan" statement many times. We know! With all that being said I wish more people would take the opportunity to learn more about foreign culture and work towards reducing their fears about interaction with people from other countries. "I'm not dangerous!" -Peace!
My American daughter attended Kyushu University & is fluent in Japanese. She has thought of working and living there. She is very short and fits in well. When I visited her there, not speaking Japanese, it was difficult and people were not nice to me. Her experience was very different from mine. I felt like an outcast, but she fit in.
If shes not japanese by blood or at least closely related, she does not fit in there. Same goes for Europe, each race belong in their own natural habitat.
I noticed on your "channel" that you have nothing there. It is hard to take you seriously. There were people who thought she was Japanese - she didn't stick out like a sore thumb. You don't know what her background is. We look different from each other. You assume too much. You are just rude. You weren't there.
Very informative. I've been several times in Japan and I must say I love the culture, the people and food. I wouldn't mind following the culture cause the culture itself is very acceptable.
It's a nice place. It has problems, just like everywhere else, but nothing too bad...unless you work for a normal Japanese company and have to work 12+ hours a day, but I digress.
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 not all Muslims are kind but I understand you. It's just mainstream media portrayed so many bad things about Muslims but not when it comes to Dubai. That's why Japanese are sceptical when it comes to Muslims
I felt like they were mostly referring to tourists rather than foreigners. I wrote my dissertation on multiculturalism in the UK and it's such a contested term. It usually becomes a word to describe everything people find negative about migration.
Multiculturalism is not a good thing especially if it being forced upon its local citizen to bow down and to comply, at the risk of losing one’s national identity and culture...
In that scenario, yes. But multiculturalism in general is usually a good thing. So many good things can come out of it such as different viewpoints and concepts. Japan is really missing out. Yes, there will be some bumps along the way, but, if Japan wants to stay afloat, they’ll have to take in more immigrants. The latter should still learn the language and customs as they would any other country, but at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt for the natives to open their eyes a bit more. Someone’s beliefs should never be forced on another, though.
@@benjackson7872 lol it is bad thing due to multiculturalism and diversity in my country ( India) many States have different views and politicians always point difference so they can get profit and people fight easily. This cause hindrances in many govt project and infrastructure
@@thehoper3439 ??? Everytime i listen to a sjw like you speak i roll my eyes shut up please mate you just want to cause problems all people around the world want to migrate to this colonized lands so i could care less about native americans..
Happend actually to me as well. The Takeshita road he was talking about is a famous shopping street for young people. And there are some shops owned by african americans (I talked to some of them) and they advertise their products more directly compared to japanese people, e.g. some of their staff is standing on the street and trying to actually push people into their store. Japanese staff would never touch you without your permission. I think thats what he meant
I think it's weird that the guy was saying that those who come for sightseeing should learn the language. Yes, tourists should make an attempt to learn some basic phrases of the language of the country they are visiting, but it seems ridiculous to ask them to become fluent in a language just to visit a country. Tons of Japanese people go overseas for sightseeing, and they don't all try to learn the language before they go.
As a German, I can say we destroyed our country and culture by letting others change us. Japan must not make the same mistake, of course we didn't have a choice
Thank you for your very enlightening videos! But I'm sad to say the more I watch them, the more I find myself thinking that Japanese people really need to educate themselves.
How did you get to the conclusion that many Japanese folks think of "foreigners" as English-speaking, non-Asian people? The interviewees here named Chinese among others and talked a lot about them. They also named Cebu and Taiwan when asked where they've been "abroad."
that one guy who says that foreigners are scary LOL I guess it doesn't take too much to scare him huh? well, I don't necessarily think multiculturalism is bad, but it depends how a country works with it. As many comments have mentioned, strongly different cultures will cause conflict and tension. The United States is a good example (sadly) but the country isn't dying because of it. Throughout history, I don't think the US has made a good effort to integrate everyone together. There seems to be a constant need to label everything and to make sure anything that is different has a distinct name that separates it from everything else. I feel like that's the only reason multiculturalism isn't really working all that well in the United States. Even though we have the whole "melting pot" ideology, we are far from it. Also, from listening to everyone's perspectives in the video, they seem to not fully understand the concept of multiculturalism since they are so homogeneous. They seem to be confusing a country built upon different cultures versus a country with a well established culture being introduced to a new culture. Hence why they seem to mixing up immigrants and tourists.
The Japanese men are easily scared (intimidated is the right word probably) because of their personalities (and extremely fragile masculinity in Japan is also a factor)
It's story time, kids (read: Rant ahead). Hope someone has the patience to read it all, hahaha! I've been fascinated with the Japanese language for many years (still am), but I'm not sure I'd ever want to even visit the country for a vacation, let alone live there. This video, and many others I've seen (and stories I've heard) over the years, reinforces that feeling. I watched this video hoping to see some degree of change in people's attitudes. Nope! Now, it's worth remembering that WHEREVER YOU GO in the world, if you're a foreigner, there will always be people who'll discrimate against you (openly or not) simply for being a foreigner, even if you speak their language and adhere to their customs. Every country in the world. It's happened to me on several occasions, despite me trying to be the most polite, culturally sensitive foreigner imaginable. Having English-fluent friends from several of the countries I visited, I found out first hand that many people we met who were being sweet as pie to me in English would turn to their own friends and outright insult me in their native language, despite me never been anything but friendly and respectful to them. Some would even ask my friends why [my friends] were hanging around with someone like me-and these were European or at least Westernized countries. I wasn't obnoxious and loud; I learned enough of their language to try and get by; and I never tried to enforce my customs onto them. Yet, I was immediately deemed persona non grata by many people for nothing more than my nationality. It really soured my experience of traveling. But it seems, never is such a xenophobic attitude more prevalant than in Japan. If even "haafu" people raised in Japan are frequently bullied, and zainichi Korean and Chinese living there are given a hard time, what chance do non-Asian gaijin stand? THAT'S NOT TO SAY there aren't genuinely nice, open-minded, welcoming people in Japan-genuinely nice people do exist-but their number seems dwarfed by prejudiced ones. Perhaps it's the prejudiced ones who shout the loudest, as it were, and the less xenophobic ones are afraid to speak up? Japan is a country where toeing the line is crucial, lest you be shunned. It's so ingrained in the country's mindset that it'll take a long time to change, if ever. Therefore, it wouldn't surprise me if many people want to embrace a more multi-cultural approach, but are held back for fear of retaliation. I reiterate that there are plenty of good natured Japanese; I just wish there was more of a forum for them to speak up. Hope someone made it to the end of this essay, lol.
I think learning english is a very important thing to do, not only for japanese but for everyone from other countries that dont speak english, it is one of the most used languages and in some fields it is fundamental, for example in the science field, if u want to read a science article most of them are in english, or imagine u have to give a conference and there are people from other countries different that yours, or for example u go to other countries for tourism and to work, english is a good base for communicating with each other. Here in spain it is more and more common to see that when you apply for a job, they ask for a certain level of english. Of course if youre going to stay in certain country for a long time the best thing to do is to learn their language but regardless of that, knowing english is really important these days and it will be even more important in the future in my opinion.
UnorthodoxThinker exactly they only think in ways that benefits themselves, the truth is too hard, so they think in a way where they always can get what they want.
UnorthodoxThinker I'm not a total leftist but belive to have also some realistic views on violence and such like (hard) punishment and enforcal of values if neccessary. but the thing that I dont like on the right wing part is being inflexibile, not understanding and not analyzing. theres the tendency to solve complicated problems with easy solutions without looking twice e.g. obamacare opponents or e.g. the ghettoization that causes hate towards those who live there. however the mis-developments were propelled by ignorance, bias and no family/social and educational support. I dont know the reason but You dont have as much as deadly gangs in europe and perhaps canada(?) than in the usa, even though there are ghetto like structures.
Yuta I just stumbled upon your videos for the first time and man I am really impressed with your stuff. It's short and simple and really demonstrates a point. One thing that your videos may miss is that with each video you only talk to about 10 people or less, so it's hard to tell what the overall feeling is like. The other main issue is that you are always surveying in fairly metropolitan areas, and as we all know, metropolitan areas are almost always farther left leaning on a number of issues. Not much you can do about either of these problems, though. Overall, very excited and happy to have seen your videos.
3:11 said she's been in the (Cebu) Philippine. I'm a Filipino! Glad she try to visit my country.. I'm doin my best to learn nihonggo because I really want to stay in Japan someday ❤
4:52 - I don't understand why she only *just* sense a shift with the foreign influences when she wears Western clothes and basically have a Western lifestyle, albeit in Japan.
its hard to be a citizen in Japan and a lot of people who go to Japan eventually leave. Its a great country but I don't think the foreign population will grow over 20% any time soon unless they make their foreign laws less strict.
This is a very difficult topic to discuss. I can see some of the points they are making. Who doesn't want to preserve their culture? A balance would just have to be found when allowing foreigners so Japan can preserve it's cultural identity. Either way it's sad to see how this topic brings out all the inner prejudices and animosity people can have towards those of different backgrounds. I get why some people may not like the idea of immigrants in their country, but it seems a bit excessive to go full on alt-right about it. Shit if someone lives in a war torn or very poor country, is it so hard to see why they would want to leave? Sucks to know, you won't be accepted anywhere else though. That said, if people do choose to immigrate they should at least get accustomed to the culture of where their immigrate to as well as obey the laws. Only problem is, not all immigrants do that sadly, which gives rise to the prejudice and animosity.
'' accustomed to the culture'' no, they should be free to preach what they wish no matter where. The only alt-right rhetoric being spouted is from your post.
Why allow immigrants at all? I'm serious. If every nonJapanese person was kicked out of Japan today, what would they lose? Not much. It seems like ppl who want multiculturalism can never give a good reason for it.
People shouldn't force Japan to accept multiculturalism. The reason why it is so successful is because it is a racially homogenous country and everyone abides by the same social rules.
I see what you did there. At least one problem is that some people have a very strange definition of 'communicate'. Perhaps throwing shoes at people is communication? Perhaps driving cars onto the sidewalk is communication? Perhaps those airplanes were communication? You know what? Communication received and we'll have something to 'communicate' too.
I don't dispute anything that these natives have to say. They like their language, society, and culture, and they want to keep it. What they will not tolerate is the war that is raging in the USA, where traditional American society is being ripped apart by illegal immigrants who don't want to blend in with America. Yuta, you should ask Japanese "what if immigrants entered your country and then demanded welfare benefits, the right to vote, and that your schools speak their language rather than Japanese." We both know what their answers will be!
Idk why Americans think that every country should be multicultural just because America is Do they not respect the culture of those who aren't American or something..?
I think most of them confuse immigrants with tourists
That's exactly what they are doing and Yuta does a decent job of sort of bringing that up by breaking down who the majority of foreign residents are.
linamisanthropy It sounded that way to me as well.. Honestly many tourist don't just instantly learn languages.. They just enjoy a country or have the joy to visit it. As humans we get so accustomed to our own human nature that we don't really care about others differences (this is not all people) In general if one is going outside of there known, it is to be expected for them to behave,
I am so glad that I was raised to appreciate other people languages and culture my grandmother always taught me that there are different people in this world and if you would like to be social like you are try speaking to them and their native language break down the language barrier make new friends I have friends that barely speak English we teach each other we love talking where there was no words at first there was hugs laughter and acting out gestures making new friends from different places is a wonderful thing!!
A foreigner is a foreigner Thats the bottom line.
Japan has extremely few Westerners (europeans Americans) as actual immigrants or long term residents. All western people put together would amount to about 100,000 which is less than 0.1% of Japan's population. The vast majority are chinese and koreans who are difficult to even distinguish if they speak Japanese and have adopted Japanese manners and culture. Recently there has been a wave of immigrants from SE Asia (Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam etc) but still Japan's foreign population is only about 2%, and in Tokyo it's about 4%.(London is 55% if you include ethnic minorities). In Shinjuku, Akihabara it might be 10-20% but thats because the vast majority of these are tourists. And tourists are never counted into these statistics since then leave within max 90 days of their arrival.
There are a lot of foreigners in Japan on work visas. Also, there were 20 million tourists in Japan last year. It's understandable why they would get the impression there are more than 2%.
"If they are going to live in Japan, they should adapt to the culture"----absolutely, and I think that speaks true of any country someone may wish to move to.
Good old assimilation. 😁
@@moosemuffins2191 It's the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it.
@@justsumguy2u other sarcastic comments I made was about keeping itself han, which means putting every uyghurs in concentration camps
@@moosemuffins2191 That's bad, right?
@@justsumguy2u what do you think. There is no right or wrong, there are only consequences. Keep traditions with the intent of expansion and get shamed for human rights abuses or be more like Canada, a place where culture's can flourish like a mosaic of justinian
The one guy was talking about how English speaking people moving to Japan should learn to speak Japanese. I agree! If I go to live in Japan I should be expected to learn to speak Japanese, just like people moving to the US from other countries should learn to speak English.
This so much.
still his points are kinda retarded he was talking about tourists that ask for directions in english .THEY ARE TOURISTS , they dont need to learn the language if they gonna stay there for 1 or 2 weeks .
The US has no official language so why English? Why not Spanish? or Cantonese?
@@coldteamzx6411 maybe learn just a few phrases then
@@Rikard_Nilsson Because the majority of the people in the US speak English. Pretty simple, huh?
I’m an Indian staying in Japan since 2 years. I can speak basic Japanese, say the level of a 10 year old Japanese kid. And my experience is that 80% Japanese people welcome you if you can talk Japanese and are well behaved. All they want is people who can understand Japanese and not be a nuisance to others.
I'm a Canadian who has been in Japan for 30 years. I've found it to be exactly as you say, Sanket.
Reginald Jones Lmao. Neither are you.
PanQuakes you ignorant dumbass. Reginald Jones is an immigrant american black living in japan. He constantly promotes diversity and multiculturalism in Japan despite not being Japanese himself. If you have a problem with non-japanese people "having a say" in Japan, then direct your anger at that piece of shit.
you're not eligible for japanese citizenship. you will never be mate.
cough -logan paul- cough
They might welcome a few immigrants, but once the racial demographics of Japan start changing more and more, you will most certainly see them say enough is enough if it gets to 10%+! Bring in millions of Muslims and Africans to Japan, and you will see them get scared for the future of their people!
If you wish to live in another country, you need to adopt their culture.
That's all it should ever be.
People like me go to other countries to leave our past life behind. You dont need to do the buddhist thing and shed your old life but sometimes its best to become a new person and a new citizen. But not all have the strength to sever them ties
I thought that too when I first moved to Japan and the first couple of years were very stressful.
I tried to do everything the Japanese way, but some things were simply incompatible with my own beliefs.
It took that long for me to realise it's better to take the best parts from your own culture and from the new one.
But of course you must follow the rules and etiquette of the new country.
No matter how Japanese you behave and how long you live here, you will always be viewed as a foreigner.
It may not be nice, but it does make sense.
Exactly ! It's pointless trying to behave and look like a Japanese since the Japanese discriminate even half-Japanese people or third generation people born from Japanese parents with Korean/Chinese ancestry anyway. As a foreigner in Japan, you'll always be a foreigner first, so might as well stay true to yourself and forget about assimilation altogether (while still respecting Japanese laws and be a good citizen obviously).
I've been here, in Japan for 30 years, my entire adult life. I'm a gaijin but I'm no "outsider" to my family, colleagues and close friends. I'm not Japanese, I don't want to be Japanese. Not that there's anything wrong with it. It's just not who I am. I've always been treated with genuine kindness and generosity of spirit by the Japanese. There's no denying there are right wing nut jobs who hate foreigners but they are an insignificant few who are mainly losers mad at the world for their own miserable state in life. I agree that it's best to maintain those things which are of value from your own culture, but that you should at the very least learn the language and follow the customs in the work environment and social settings. It's actually an easy thing to do in Japan.
Fuck that, I'm fucking their women, acting badly, and impressing my culture on theirs
The guy with the hat and glasses seems really smart and chill. Wish there were more people like him.
The dude with the leather jacket seemed the most informed to me. Everyone else gave very speculative answers and didn’t really go in too deep. But he really took the time to analyze the situations and information presented and gave thorough answers. I agree with a lot of what he said, especially about wanting to keep traditions and how English speakers tend to think the world will adjust to them without them adjusting to the world. Main tourists cities in Mexico are more likely to have English speakers who can communicate with tourists, but it would make me pretty sad if someday the amount of foreigners increased so much that Mexican culture and life began to change. It’s such a beautiful country as it is, a lot of beauty you can’t find in America. I’m sure he feels the same way about Japan.
@@punxOiOi13 And that is exactly the problem when too many of the same culture immigrate to a country with a specific culture. The culture of that country will gradually disappear. Can be seen well in old cultures. Native amaricans for example. European culture was too strong / violent. Islamic culture is currently willing to spread and most followers are conservative Muslims & they have no respect for other cultures.
Fran Retep I’ve met many Muslims who are very respectful of other cultures. The thing is Islamic culture doesn’t pertain to a place. It pertains to beliefs. Not participating in a culture because you don’t believe in it and it doesn’t align with your own beliefs isn’t disrespectful. Trying to make others bend to yours, especially when you are in their home, is disrespectful. But I have never met a Muslim who has tried to make me partake in their customs or beliefs, not even when I am in their homes. Islamic people are just as kind as people from all other religions, in my experience.
@@punxOiOi13 Google translator: It depends on where you live. In Germany, attempts are being made to integrate the Islamic lifestyle. If you don't want to, you will be forced. It also depends on where conservative Islam rules. Other religions are tolerated as much as possible, but many do not want another culture to displace their culture. As soon as conservative Islam rules, everyone else has to submit. It so happens that countries have up to 99% only muslims in the country. It is certainly not voluntary. Rather, if you have Muslim parents, you must also follow Islam 100%. See also the re-Islamization of the Orient in 1970. Hospitality doesn't say much. Of course you don't want to be a bad person in front of the stranger. Anyway, I remain skeptical about Islam.
Hes a true xenophile and I'm digging it
I find it interesting that most Japanese folks conflate tourists with immigrants.
I don’t find it interesting… it just goes to show that like in any other country, even in Japan the general populace is fucking stupid.
I found that surprising too. The guy in the black jacket was basically talking about a certain type of tourist, not people living there. Yuta, the people you got for your interviews this time around aren't very bright. Sorry but it's true.
ALAKTORN I think you're making them out to be more stupid than they actually are.
Edgy Atheist It's pretty amusing
most people live in a bubble. They do not realize the office buildings are probably filled with people while walking the streets that are on the contrast filled with tourists. So it seems like the amount of foreigners compared to the native population is much higher.
I love that little spin he does at the beginning.
I speak Japanese and when I got lost and needed help I always asked in Japanese, but a lot of people would think: "Oh, she is a foreigner, I have to speak English" and they would continue speaking English even if I reply in Japanese.
Julia Cherenkova
That's because you're Russian, not amurikan fundie.
Julia Cherenkova
Maybe you should be true to yourself first.. japanese people ain’t stupid after all.
@@oOBlueBubbleOo well actually they are probably the dumbest race in the world, people admire their hardworking not their intelligence lol
@@鈴木陽子-h9k ってなんでそう思うのかな? そんな考え方で価値がないだろう。。。
I feel like the foreigners they don’t like are tourists. I don’t think many people bother learning much of a language when they’re only going to a country for a week long tour. I see that in the US. I’m from Florida originally but also lived in DC and I saw lots of tourists that only knew a few phrases of English. It didn’t bother me they are there to see the beach or some monuments and spend money on a hotel and food. They’ll be going home when they’re done and it doesn’t really affect me.
Absolutely. I have no expectation that people have gone and tediously studied English before visiting as a tourist for two weeks. Communication through hand signals and translation devices works well. Despite that you learn the common terms very fast from being forced to interact with them.
I had many encounters in my germany, where I live, with americans and they always speak in english to you when the ask for directions or anything else. It seems a bit odd to me that they expect everyone to speak english even in their own countries and dont bother to learn german. It is espaciall odd since most of them I met at university and they were foreign students.
+ReviewGameX I think it's different to be a foreign student than a tourist, though. I agree with you that, in that case, they should at least learn the basics. However, as to tourists talking in English.. I feel like, for better or worse, English is commonly thought of as the most probable to be known if you don't know the native language. Maybe that's why? Even people who's native tongue isn't English (like me) think this.
ReviewGameX I got the same with Chinese and Korean students in America. I think it’s when people don’t plan on staying somewhere they don’t care.
mojabaka so true. It doesn’t bother me when someone doesn’t speak my language. I just try and help them as best as I can. I ran into it a lot when I lived in DC tourists from all over the world and they only knew maybe four or five English words. I used to take them to the smithsonian maps that are around on the sidewalks and just point at things
I agree with the guy at 5:23. Foreigners who come to live in Japan should expect to learn the Japanese language and culture. English-speaking people shouldn't come to Japan and expect the Japanese to know English. I can understand why Japanese people would be bothered by foreigners who expect them to know English. Tourists who don't know Japanese and try to use English to navigate are fine since it's all they know. It's only a problem when a foreigner expects everyone to know English just because it's a popular language around the world.
Yuta also brings up a great point about how the vast majority of foreigners (made up mostly by Chinese) know the Japanese language and culture. The number of foreign residents in Japan seems to be overestimated very often by the Japanese and people outside Japan. I like that this video pointed out that a couple of people hardly noticed the Chinese people in Japan, since they integrated so well into Japanese culture. I wonder if Japan's culture is truly threatened by foreign influences, or if it's only a fear caused by a false perception.
CottonCube still the only language they learn is japanese and since the education level in japan is very high they still can speak only japanese and the second language you probably learn around the globe is english
Why do you think that people who speak English abroad only know that? I personally am Italian, but I also know French and English. When travelling abroad, to a country I'm quite sure doesn't have a high level of English, I learn a few phrases in the local language, but that is going to take me only so far. Sometimes you have to say something other than "where's the bathroom", "can I pay my bill" etc. and I can't learn a completely new language every time I go abroad to be able to deal with unforeseen circumstances. Just make sure you know where your local embassy is, in case you have problems with justice or police.
You have to differentiate between native English speakers who expect others to speak English out of naiveness, from non-native English speakers who expect to use English as a lingua franca because that's exactly why they learnt English in the first place. English undoubtedly is today's international language, and if it weren't so, we wouldn't be studying it. We don't study it because "it's nice", but because it's useful. Not everyone knows it, of course, but people need to find a common ground.
Iam from austria and of course you shouldnt rely ONLY on english but the fact that 5 percent of them maybe can speak english so they can communicate with people is ridicolous eventhough they are one of the best students in the world
Japan copied China a lot so for the Chinese it'd be like walking into a land that's a slightly modified copy of China :p
actually... you arn't really a true japanese citizen unless you have japanese blood. really. not even 4th generational koreans (pulled from occupied korea)are...
I visited Japan 3 years ago, I found it funny that several times, Japanese people initiated conversation with me in English, I felt that they wanted to practice, I like it a lot since I was with the mindset that they don't speak with tourists, also I found a Japanese girl working on a Pokémon center who speak Spanish (I'm native Spanish speaker) that was cool
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 I haven't met a muslim yet, but I would think they are kind polite and kind again :)
@@andreycastrosandoval2258 yes sir.. i really want to change westerner perspective about muslim...because im muslim too...i want to tell them that in our religion suicide is a sin...suicide bomber is sin or kil the good non muslim is Prohibite by Allah SWT (God) so someone do that they will get into hell and they are not muslim when they do that... They out of islam when they do that... Also i think you know islam call non muslim with kafir right.. so there are 2 kind of kafir (non believer) in our religion kafir dzimmi (non muslim that are good,kind,not insult,harras or violent to muslim they should not be attacked in our religion because our prophet tell that if muslim attack the good non muslim that mean the muslim insult,harras,violent to our prophet Muhammad SAW) and kafir harbi (non muslim that insult,harras,violent to muslim..for example like when france invade middle east,america bombing iraq or muslim get rape,insult by non muslim they are the bad non muslim and we can fight them.. in mean they enemy that kafir harbi the bad one) i hope you understand..
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 tbh thats them and how they think i dont think that will change their mindset since most of them believe in Shinto
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 Islam is atrocious
It feels like they mixed up people who actually live in Japan and tourists? Becuase why would a tourist learn the Japanese language for a 2 week trip when they can survive with English. Of course the people who come asking for directions ask in English, the vast majority of foreign people in Japan are tourists. Also, with the whole being loud and not following the social rules, is probably mostly tourists as well, and those people probably don't know the rules. Of course there's always a minority who will behave badly in any country, but I still believe that most foreigners who live or want to live in Japan, try their best to fit in.
You can survive with english in Japan? This chan thaught me otherwise :)
whuzzzup I meant as a tourist :) of course if you're going to live there it will require some level of Japanese. My parents travelled to Japan with me and while I asked things in Japanese when they were with me, they were on their own most of the time and had no trouble finding and asking things in English.
My grandparents visited there as a tourists, and since they didn't receive any English education, their English weren't very good, they only learn to speak English when western foreigners came to their shop and western foreigners normally understands them, but of course not to the Japanese.
And oh boy it turns out sign language is very important to learn if you want to survive in Japan as a tourist.
There are a lot of people in Japan on work visas. I think it's them and not tourist they are talking about.
Yes, but as a tourist, you shouldn't expect a random native you ask on the street for directions to understand you. Plenty of American tourists are this way. They think and sometimes expect every country to know English. I don't know about you, but whenever I visit a different country, I try to brush on some basic phrases at least. That, or bring a translator app with me. Google Translate is great for offline use.
Specs guy know what's up. Leather jacket guy has a point but I think it's absolutely stupid to go to Japan and not learn at least a little bit of Japanese.
Norzafi Mizan yeah. I have nothing wrong with immigrants as long as they’re legal, civilised and bother to learn the language.
Norzafi Mizan agreed, there's such a thing as foolish pride something westerners are guilty of.
Japan is a country that embraces the new while refining the old.
Hmmm I have been to japan twice without barely knowing any Japanese. Altho I knew I could not expect much in terms of interaction, it did not block my enjoyment at all.
But I have to admit I understood quite a bit of Japanese culture that helped me more then a few lines of broken Japanese.
Why on earth would an average western sight-seer need to learn Japanese on a two week holiday and say this is a bone of contention if they don't and show up? Their tourist dollars speak the same language.
Norzafi Mizan nobody but tourist do that so I think it’s stupid to blow that out of proportion. Any intelligent person would think to learn Japanese before a long term stay
I'm Japanese and don't want multiculturalism in Japan.
World have a lot of culture, and that's good enough.Putting a lot of culture into one country is not a good idea.
I think multiculturalism is not the ideal which made to make country better, but the mere purpose to affirm some histories and current status in some countries.
Reginald Jones uh you know Ainu people were living in Japan way before Japanese people invaded the island right?
+ Reginald Jones Multiculturalism is the reason for the decline and demise of all empires in history. Best example is the Roman empire or the USA in the coming decades ... the Romans became completely "multicultural" in 212 AD under Caracalla (Lex Antoniniana) ... only two centuries later Romans were completely vanished in the chaos of peoples and races.
When all countries in the world became multicultural then all cultures will be destroyed and we have a world culture, defined by the needs and capacities of the least productive human elements ... it would be hell on earth or even worse: global "communism".
Look at the bible, the confusio linguarum in ancient Babel, the tale about Sodom and Gomorrah ... all they show the destructive character of "multiculturalism".
Freckle47 so basically you prefer to marry cousins ans half-sis? Lol typical white person
White Powder Thank you.
Japanese left wings get mad when someone say Japan belongs to Japan. Reginald Jones is a typical left wing. Japanese left wings has been destroying Japan in a lot of way and multiculturalism is also one of that.Japanese left wings have a connection with Japanese-Korean who are composed of many illegal immigrant.
They come to Japan illegally and they insist that they are kidnapped by Japanese.They are shameless rubbish. Many people say Japan don't have bad immigrant, but it's not true.Japan has been bothered by a lot of criminal activity by Korean immigrant who behave like a victim by telling a lie.
@Reginald Jones Don't pound your chest too hard there leftest, you might break those limp wrists of yours!
Having foreigners does not mean that you are multicultural. Foreigners must respect and integrate into Japans culture. You have great culture and in order to preserve it, stay monocultural.
Like i said, that does not mean that you need to have no foreigners etc... Best regards.
I suppose there are pros and cons. Homogeneity ensures stability and peace (cultural or ethnically, both have the same effect), while diversity offers different thoughts that keeps the country productive, but it can also easily make the country divided.
@Bilo correct.
diversity like Yugoslavia and Lebanon have resulted into war, genocide and hatred. and even to this day, Lebanon is a almost a failed state filled with corruption and hatred amongst religious groups.
same thing happened with most former empires that had colonies in human history. there was "multiculturalism" but obviously there also was a hierarchy of one privileged race/ethnic group ruling over the oppressed race/ethnic groups.
Ottoman Empire comes to my mind and how Turks ruled over the Greeks, Armenians and the Slavic people in the Balkans for centuries. this has resulted into movements of independence because nobody wants to be ruled like a colony.
It’s generally divided. A deep resentment; distrust and disconnect builds between countrymen which, obviously, is the least desirable thing for a peoples.
multiculturalism only work if your country have little pre-established history or tradition. That why is work North America.
I think it would be a big problem if Multiculturalism became a thing in Japan...
僕わユダヤ人です that’s RAYCIST! We need Africans to program their JavaScripts; Muslims to spread their peaceful religion; and Indians to teach them how to become Astronauts.
In all honesty, Japan should stay as Japan. I really don't wanna see Japan turn into another USA, that would be BAD. In addition to that, it just means more racism if Japan keeps accepting all kinds of foreigners onto the land of Japan (NOT saying that the Japanese people are the racist ones).
Vorgx Any person with commonsense would agree with you. None wants their nation too turn into a Le 56%.
Maximum FaggotBergStien why do you just judge the iq of a religion and of a country/ continent ?
Isn’t that stupid ?
Btw in Japan there are Muslims and „arfrican“ people and they aren’t stupid.
Please don’t judge by the covers book and look at the person itself not the religion and the country.
I think cultural protect is a VERY important thing. Especially for Japan, I hope they manage to keep their culture, Since it's very beautiful.
If they're able to be respectful and adapt to the society I think it's fine, But otherwise if they're rude and such then they really shouldn't be there. I worry for how Japan is going to be during and after the Tokyo Olympics.
Brown mofos running around all over the place
@Schwarzer Haufen you are the intolerant here, it's their culture, why destroy it?
Schwarzer Haufen I do hope your being sarcastic. Islam leaves havoc wherever it goes.
Does this mean China can assimilate the uyghurs. Gotta keep that majority culture. 😁
Schwarzer Haufen You sound like a extremist
5:47 That my friends is one of the most critically endangered species, a Japanese jaywalker.
As a non japanese person I'd prefer it if Japan (since it's one of the few countries I'm interested in and care about, but it applies to any country) stayed mostly homogeneous. Having see and experiences multiulcuralism it just seems like a hot mess, people segregate inside a country they're supposed to integrate into and refuse to learn the language, and even bring a lot of crime with them. In general when I wish to visit a place I also wish to visit the people, so if I came to japan and could barely see any japanese people I'd be very disappointed.
Tl;dr: I think to some degree most people, me included, prefer a mostly homogeneous populace, both to live in and to visit.
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 it completely goes against the ideals of their society. Muslims would segregate very easily since most I’ve met don’t tend to assimilate. It would be a terrible situation for everybody.
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 And then you woke up.
@Blackout987 You are 100% correct. I'm not Japanese and maybe it's hypocritical of me to say this when I would love to live in Japan myself, but Japan really should stay homogeneous. Being multicultural like London or Amsterdam would completely ruin the uniqueness of Japan's society and change it in completely uncontrollable and unpredictable ways. We'll see what the future brings but I hope that even 100 years from now it's still at least 90% Japanese.
The biggest thing you might notice when you first go to Japan is the noise level, its really quite low compared to my country and people generally don't shout over each other to much in public , even in very touristy areas. However one thing you might notice and one of the women mentioned it in the video is that a lot of Chinese tourists can be loud and/or disrespectful. This was not to bad in Tokyo but in Kyoto many of the Parks and gardens relaxed atmosphere was broken up by people talking at a rude level. This I think can really go a long way to create a negative image of Foreigners to Japanese people.
Im English and I respect Japan enough to say that I dont want Japan to be a multiculture. I want Japan to remain Japanese. Its a mistake to think that you can change the demographic without changing the culture. It would be deeply sad to see yet another unique culture like japan to become another un distinct multiculture. I want the world to have different colours and shades, I dont want the world to be one unifrom thing where the only culture is multiculture. How incredibly bland. Europe is losing what makes it feel european and that is a tragedy. I hold no malice towards people of any race, but I just think that its incredibly sad that people are basically being bullied into accepting mulitculture as a positive, and told they are racist if they see its flaws. A multi culutural world would mean all countries are the same, there is nothing unique about each place, everywhere is the same. Especially sad because smaller cultures which have less people will just end up becoming extinct. The world is more exciting when there are different places to go and see, I dont want go to kyoto and see a million indians and arabs everywhere, practing indian and arab culture, when I visit japan I want to see the Japanese culture and people, the same is true if I went to New Delhi, I wouldnt want to see Delhi filled with chinese, doing chinese things... When in India i want to see indian culture. This multi culture thing is a big lie I think, the governments know they can control us more easily if we lose our sense of cultural identity. Keep countries unique and special, making everywhere the same is not a good thing.
I agree.
If every country in the world adopted multicultural policies, a single culture would remain in the world. Multiculturalism destroys the cultural diversity that humanity has built up over thousands of years.
I really want to live in Japan, however I'd learn Japanese before moving in order to understand their culture and so I can respect it.
They should learn to speak English
@@twizzy4285 but it's their country 😂
@@twizzy4285 they likely do. Many Asian countries learn English from a young age. The same cannot be said for many western countries however
@@explosivebest3703 Probably the reason behind not speaking an Asian language, such as Japanese or Mandarin is because the western world thinks it is not as important as learning a language that is generally pretty international, such as English, in comparison to Japanese. At least that is my thinking behind that.
@@twizzy4285 I hope you're joking about that.
Japan is the safest country in the world and the 3rd biggest economy with a good quality of life and a strong culture. The main reason is because Japan is homogenous. They certainly don't need immigration, but I do think the people interviewed should learn the difference between tourists and immigrants.
Justine, I live in Japan and homogeneity is definitely not the reason. Most of the reason there is no crime here is that people are so scared of the police because they have so much more power here than in the west. They can detain you for long periods of time without needing any evidence, for example... and if you are in trouble your life is totally messed up for the rest of your life. As far as the 3rd biggest economy goes, most of that is due to capitalistic stimulus after world war two and focusing the national budget on the economy and not defense because the US Japan national defence pact allowed them to do so.
Most immigrants don''t hope to change Japan's culture, and Japan is definitely in need of immigration... in fact most news programs here talk about it. Japan is in desperate need of foreign workers to support the economy due to an ageing population... The people interviewed in this video represent the rank and file (in my opinion), and most of these people are NOT smart and understanding like Yuta, many of them are too xenophobic to make or agree to effective immigration policies and are too slow to change, supporting mostly half baked solutions. If something is not done about this economic issue, Japan will further decline economically and consequently will be more vulnerable to invasion because their deterrence through projection of force will decrease. If they were to be invaded, they could be forced to change the hard way just like they were forced to in the past.
L'Homme Éveillé definitely, war would be horrible.
L'Homme Éveillé Immigration is definitely the subject I was replying to and immigration is connected to the economy and the economy heavily influences co-dependence with other nations (which in turn influences the strength of defense pacts and alliances) and determines the national budget (which is connected to defense spending). Japan heavily relies on these things for their national defense because of their population size, history, and geographical location. These two things are essential.
Japan is projected to have a huge, huge problem resulting from a low birth rate and a growing elderly population with less and less people around to take care of them. This will damage the economy severely and many Japanese (including the prime minister) believe immigrants are extremely necessary to solve the problem. This immigration issue appears on TV repeatedly, and the reason is not just because people are worried they won’t be able to buy their next iPhone or big screen TV. It’s about defense too. How can a future Japan with mostly old people (which means not so many soldiers too) and a small economy guarantee it’s safety from it’s neighbors? (Which even already their relationships are relatively volatile).
Joe S
Very interesting comment. Very pleasant to read. I love the unbiased opinion. Very different from the typical "blame the non Whites/Muslim immigrant" comments.
My Dad lived in Japan. Most of what you commented on, He also mentioned.
Any Nation of origin, such as Japan, needs to be cautious about their immigration selection. Unlike other Countries that "forced" their ways onto Nations, that they are NOT "native" to.
Yh some people in this comment section are idiots like Artymus Prime etc. I respect that people want to be with their own culture and those who look like them. I respect the more conservative views that people have, but people like Artymus Prime take it way too far.
Part of the problem is with the PC culture, we need to soften it a bit more and correct people in a better way instead of an always patronising, aggressive and closed minded way. Political correctness has many strengths but also many weaknesses. One of it's weaknesses is to lampoon people who have conservative views. it's a psychological fact that people, especially kids, if something is being asked of them unpleasantly or unfairly, they are going to do the exact opposite. We are literally creating the very people, we're trying to stop. We're encouraging extremists, we need to stop, it's counter- productive.
Lol! I've been called a "tall, scary foreigner" by a child before, but never heard that description from a grown man.
Well, he did call himself an idiot...
A lot of grown Japanese men think that but they dont vocalise it. Especially not to foreigners themselves.
its your problem that you're tall. why dont you try shaving off your feet or something
"grown man" Well, asian people are smaller compared to blacks. So that makes it reasonable to say it that way, obviously.
*Jonny you're missing the point. It's not about being tall only. Japanese are very courteous and gentle people in public places. Europeans and Americans don't have the same standards, they are noisy, pushing people around, yelling, complaining like bitches, threatening and generally uncaring about others in public. Being "though" individually is a value in the western world, but it is not Japan if you distrub others. They prefer to be though as a society, not individually. Please think about what I said before being a thick-headed "Jonny the Yankee"*
My grandfather was bless to have live pass a century. He was a wise traveling man. When I ask why he travel? His words to me was I quote " If you just look at the sea shores, you will "NEVER" discover other oceans." These words hold true today, if you do not know other cultures and people, your world become a world of isolation and fear of the unknown. Fear keep you at the "Sea Shores."
Peggy Royster japanese education is at elite level,average iq top 3 as well, now you go tell their culture is bad bcs they hold on to what their ancestors passed onto them. because they are like that they are able to accomplish so much.
Getting to know them? yes inviting some of them may be under strict rule , letting them mirage into your house? no because sooner or later they will cause trouble whether you like it or not dont believe me? Ask native american how they 1st feel about the white man with weird stick that spit fire come and say we are peaceful then ask them 100 years later
weird my grandpa was drafted to storm iwo jima hes just said "no war is good"
+Il Principe
You missed his point, he's just referring about knowing other cultures, nobody asked you to leave your beliefs because someone came to check what's going on in your country.
Same as you are not triggering a cultural loss just because you are visiting or working in a country ... that would be non sense xD
Cultures do NOT mix well and is why they should be kept separated. Visiting cultures as a tourist to see new places and to learn about other cultures, but immigration is no good. Europe is already starting it's downfall because of multiculturalism
I sure don't
Guy in the tan jacket is hella cool
IKR. lol
The Universe Teacher of Truth what?
i see you are a person of culture as well
Kira he sounds like a liberal
Ha, so true. His friend said some BS and he looked at him and was like, "Alright, I have to carry this interview or else we'll both look like idiots."
It'd be nice if each country could retain its culture while still being friendly to foreigners. I think a borderless, globalized world would be very grey indeed.
Thank you! My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately a lot of people on the internet aren’t very open minded to ideas like that
They are friendly to foreigners
@@danielshilling2058 maybe because that's the exact opposite of being open-minded? What you're saying is what CONSERVATIVES have been saying since forever. Not very modern and contemporary.
Stalin Jiménez not everything modern and contemporary is good. Some things are, but not all. Some people seem to think that a movement in any direction is progress. Can’t be so open minded that your brain falls out
I agree.
I love how Yuta can always tie the topic back to his japanese lessons at the end
Japan is an awesone country. . . The history, culture & customs - wow! Love it, would love to visit 1 day.
Preace from UK...
Japan is so unique so it'd be sad to see any of that culture disappear. I'm of the opinion that if you -- as a foreigner -- choose to live/work in Japan, you should adapt to Japanese customs. If I ever plan to live in Japan, that's definitely what I would do. One reason I'm enamored with the country is because of how their customs and traditions work. I wouldn't ever try to go against that if I had the privilege of moving there.
This happened to every European country
I found what she said about chinese being loud and cutting queues is something i hear alot from many people around the world. Even here it is common knowledge unfortunately
Well, I'm Chinese. When I travelled to Japan 2 years ago, I was cut queue by a Latino looking young boy. Thankfully he was stopped by a Japanese security guy. The Mainland Chinese who cut queues are mainly old people who come from country sides.
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
I am Canadian. My mom was born in Italy, and my dad in Korea. Most people I see, know, and talk to have ancestry from another country (not Canada). In fact over 50% of my class is "mixed" (me included).
Multiculturalism gives my country its identity, and it is celebrated. If Japan wants to keep foreigners out, that is fine. Multiculturalism was never really a part of their history and culture, so it makes sense that they don't want to change. Canada's history involves a lot of immigration, and Japan... not so much. Multiculturalism and immigration are things that your country must already have in order for you to accept them.
Nadi Mairi
You're not welcome
@Blue Crusader ooofff
I am Canadian too, but I still dislike the idea of multiculturalism because it simply doesn't work. It could only ever really function if the immigrants come from similar backgrounds, but it's hard to call it multiculturalism at that point. I don't mind western immigrants in Canada, I do mind immigrants from African, Middle eastern or islamic cultures simply because they don't mix with the western mindset. Japan, being as unique as it is, should never follow in Canada's footsteps.
4:04 , I like how his friend on the left start to laugh at him for being scared of foreigners.
DalaiLamaNYF that same guy who was scared of the black guys trying to sell him clothes also called himself stupid. 😂
@@bm4114 Honestly I've seen those black guys selling clothes he's talking about and to Japanese people I can see why they'd be scary. Their sales method is very intrusive, whereas most people selling stuff on the side of the road in Japan stay completely out of your way. As a small Japanese man not used to people interrupting your day, suddenly being approached by a large 'foreign' man would be shocking. Even I was shocked because I wasn't expecting it in Japan of all places.
@@IndefinableSin a small Japanese man lol
@Akar Acharya No, he's talking about black people hired to promote 'urban' clothing stores on the street. It was a long time ago that I was there but I remember them having African accents.
Nah, he just found the "black guys pushing me to buy clothes" line amusing.
I like their mindset. Multiculturalism is suicide, i live in europe, our politicians destroyed some contries. The Problem are definitely immigrants from africa and the muslim countries. We have no problems with Asia people. They are not violent and respect woman. So please japanese people, be critical to migration a select national politicians in your country.
we are and always will be
Von deinem Namen aus kann ich schließen, dass du wahrscheinlich deutsch bist. Also sind die Neonazis immer noch aktiv…traurig
@@summersucks1579Europe is more than German, Europeans (not just EU) should stand together and avoid immigration! Europe should be a fortresses!
And just select people with positive averaged income (=education)
*like how he uses Canada as the multicultural country example*
rip canukistan
@@jakephillips5140 why so ignorant? Many of the learned doctors, scientists and physicians, first responders we depend on are immigrants. My children are third generation Canadians and serve the community in health care. What do you do?
@@melodykim425 I carry on the legacy of my people through my hard work and love of kin rather than abandoning them for a foreign land.
@@jakephillips5140 I was being a little snarky for which I apologize but really your reply was way out of line. All people are equal in God’s sight ... regardless of colour, health or ability. That is the highest moral we should strive for. Canada needs more people because our population and our economy will tank without immigration.... those are the facts.
@@melodykim425 none of my points were addressed by your reply. The economic growth Canada has experienced in recent decades is due in large part of mineral, oil and gas exploration (a relatively small and labour efficient sector). A similar story to Australia. Foreigners flock to these regions hearing of good fortune but are in the end nothing more than parasites ballooning the cost of living and suppressing wages via the supply and demand mechanism of the market. You and your kind are responsible for the alienation of local populations and the steady decline of once burgeoning nations without the need of migration. You fundamentally misunderstand the economics of population growth.
Japan is one of the remaining nations I have hope on to not be ruined by multiculturalism
Which is also why I love their ‘meh’ stance towards foreigners
That "meh" is bad. They should say "no."
leonardo h fair
@@Pantano63 I totally agree. They should even do more. Such as sending non Japanese to re education camps, so to assimilate them. Therefore they won't corrupt the Japanese majority. 😁
@Bilo listing russia and china as non multi cultural just shows how uneducated you are
except Japanese culture is literally the result of multiculturalism, but you guys don't care about that, you're too busy whining
Some interesting opinions! Thanks for the video, Yuta!
It's interesting to see how they typically answer in broad, vague statements, but if you persist a little bit, you can squeeze some real answers out of them... You definitely have the soft-skills to be an interrogator...haha :D
By the way... I'm German and most of this comment section disgusts a funny way. Nazi-Weeaboos... Can't think for themselves and regurgitate false facts to the point that they get butt-hurt about them. They are even worse than those Japanese who claim that 20-40% of Japanese people are foreign XD So don't even think twice about the dung they write. :3
+Daelaron as an interviewer, you sometimes have to be a little aggressive when people are giving you generic answers
Yeah. It was just a weird way of giving you a compliment. :D Anyway, thanks for getting some real answers out of people. All things aside these videos are really interesting! :3
Broke my heart when a little kid started staring at me and then started crying when I smiled back and waved.I hope he doesn't grow up scared of foreigners.
Many japanese are not fond of foreigners
Don't worry, you were just creepy or the kid was just a kid.
He is not going to hate foreigners for something stupid like that, he probably even forgets you in a year.
Any japanese person who wants multiculturalism should take a look at London.
Multiculturalism can work as long as foreigners assimilate to the culture and learn the language.
anon 000000 notice I said foreigners not refugees from 3rd world countries you dunce.
anon 000000 Dudes like you must relish being inbred, because thats the only real way to avoid genetic diversity.
Also your claim that diversity has 'never worked' is as false as your expletive ridden diatribe. If you'd care to drop your arsenal of infantile "alternative facts", you'd find out the very existence of various races in human species is owed to population interminglings across the history of human evolution.
Also your naive idea of racist insularity is a 19th century construct, before that various races have always lived and worked together, otherwise you wouldn't be using Arabic numerals and a Germanic grammar.
Also judging from your inability to frame an argument without descending into furious cursing, I'd assume you have been bitten with psychosis even without that much hated diversity. Good luck being a successful person.
Solunous Refugees are a serious problem. Because it isn't their fault but what other choice do they have yet they are met with backlash. Truly depressing.
Muslim will never do that. Look at Germany. Turkish living there 40 plus year but cannot speak German
@@tvidenbe its mostly the first generation which doesnt speak the language (because its too difficult or because they just dont want to bother). every kid born in germany learns the language and can speak it fluently
"The ones with bad manners are mostly tourists" - well.... Now I feel offended.
Jokes aside: Cool video!
And nobody cares...
maybe cuz ur one of them, well can't help if ur that guilty
It is true though, I've heard Chinese tourists tend to be pretty disrespectful in Japan.
Dr. Memes those Chinese people are mostly mainland China people
Don’t fall for multiculturalism Japan, you and Korea are really unique places.
Khalid AlAli look a muslim is saying
Japan/Korea are wonderful exactly as they are. 'Nuff said.🐼🇯🇵
but yet, nihons and koreans go to other countries :S
Khalid AlAli yes i agree, greetings from destroyed Germany
Lol don’t fall.
They are losing more than a million people a year to natural death and the population is not being replaced.
Japan is already multicultural just to a smaller degree than many western countries. It won’t “fall” for multiculturalism it will evolve that way. Or it will watch it’s population and economy plummet and shrink.
The Japanese who are against it just have to give up this outdated idea that they and they alone are entitled to live on this collection of rocks. They have to accept and guide society towards it, even if it means change. Fighting this evolution will only breed unhappiness and anger and frustration. We don’t need another Trump here in Japan.
Japan your culture is beautiful, as are your people, don't ever change!!! People need to live in cultural homogeneity. Multiculturalism, like we have in America, divides people since no one seems to want to assimilate to like minded ideals or principles. Instead its all I'm a democrat/republican so I know best, lol. The people of the US are as individual as grains of sand on a beach, when we should be together like the water in the ocean. So much division, so sad.
im not sure I entirely agree with that.. you should respect the culture and speak the language obvs but I dont think you should be forced to completely homogenise and give up your heritage.. I dont expect asian people who come and study in the uk to suddenly adopt a british sensibilities/mannerisms and culture.. most of the Japanese ppl who are in my university are VERY Japanese and don't act British at all.. and thats a good thing - our differences make us unique and interesting.. who wants a completely homogeneous society apart from North Koreans.. differences in heritage and culture should be celebrated not shunned. In the uk if we told black ppl to completely get rid of their culture or go back to Africa you would be considered extremely racist.
@@roro-mm7cc It also has to do with the way your country was developed. Most western countries are bordered by at least one or more neighbors meaning cultural diffusion is a natural byproduct. And many western countries also participated in imperialism meaning that their cultures spread and they adapted other cultures in turn. I think Japan has a beautiful and rich history and culture however they have been isolated for so long that they have developed this mindset, for the most part, against foreigners and immigrants. For the most part, the west values the individual and how they can be beneficial to society while eastern culture values the collective sum. That being said the US is a fu**ing mess
Yeah. Japan should also copy what China is doing to the uyghurs, in order to keep a strict central culture. Assimilate or else. 😁
It's hard to understand Japanese speaking in English. I talked with them for 30 seconds then found out they were speaking in English
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
If they become as open as Germany, then they will not learn Japanese. Most didn't learn German in Germany and many think Germany must change for them.
I plan a trip to Japan. Of course I will not learn Japanese for a 10 days trip. But I try to memorize a few basic sentences . Out of respect.
If I would move there, of course I would learn Japanese. Like I did with French in France.
❓One question: How do Japanese feel about Germany?
I feel a kind of bond between us. We have both high work ethics, quality of products, we both rised from total destruction after WW2 to powerful, successful countries,...
Your bond is USA giving you money after the war and having military bases in your countries lol
@@Србомбоница86 correct
Well.. surely there's another reason
I hope they don't. What makes Japanese special is their personality and uniqueness
Isn't Japan already multicultural? Just to give a few examples: Kanji originally came from China; there are enough foreign words adopted into Japanese that it was worth creating a whole new alphabet for them (katakana); 'western' style clothing is much more common than traditional Japanese clothing; baseball (invented in the UK, popularised in the USA) is pretty much the national sport (although officially I think it's still sumo); and there's a lot of Buddhism (originally Indian) alongside the Shinto.
I've seen two medias from Japan (Durarara, Persona 5) depict a black person trying to sell you something.
And I'm wondering how common that is. Or is it just something that really stands out when you see it?
you probably dont care anymore, but it is pretty common in large cities. if you look unique youll probably catch attention in a homogeneous society, so many clubs/restaurants want foreigners to advertise their stores
I hope Japan stays like Japan. God, I would never want to see Japan like the United States.
Watch all the weeboos move there in the next 2 decades and it’ll be super divided from real Japanese and larpers. I pray that Japan and China do not become like Europe and North America.
@@-xnnybimb-9398 do you think the small hats will leave Japan and China alone after they destroy Europe and North America?
@@Zdamaneta not really, but if they defend themselves then they could win
@@-xnnybimb-9398 but that's the trick, the small hats will subvert your country, not attack it with a full blown war. They will infiltrate your universities and schools, then take over your media and banking system, buy your politicians and slowly manipulate the minds of generations to come.
@@Zdamaneta I mean defend from subversion, I know exactly what you mean. But they’ve already been conquered by the small hats, they just aren’t the number one priority of them, the west is. For them, it isn’t as bad, and that’s why I say they could “fight back”.
Whether i live in Japan or not. I follow Japanese because of my heart & soul.
If you're going to live and work in another country, do as best as you can to assimilate to that country's language, customs, and way of life. It'll make your stay there much more enjoyable and you won't stick out - especially if you are in a collectivist culture like that of Japan.
Why? That's just identity politics. You should be able to do whatever you please, so as long as it isn't against the law. If Japan changes, that's fine.
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn no it isn’t. That is their homelands and their culture. They built the great nation of Japan to their liking, not your bud. Everyone deserves a homeland, multiculturalism is death. Respect their culture and their lands and you will deserve their respect
@@JohnSmith-hs1hn i hope Japan NEVER lets you and your kind bring their liberal MADNESS to the great nation of Japan . Youve DESTROYED western culture freedom and core values .
@@sundial6919 I hope Europe gets billions of African and Muslims migrants. Deal with it hahahahahahahaha
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
My grandfather went to Japan in either the 60s or 70s. He met the President of Honda while he was there and became partially responsible for Honda expanding into Mississippi.
If that's true then that's slick
Great vid yuta! I think this provides a lot of perspective on the subject. That's how we become more open minded. Big thumbs up!!
Yo, Yuta. I love how aggressive you are with the people who don't think foreigners will ever want to learn Japanese.
Honestly my hero lmao
Hedgeyy It's fine to think that you yourself would be totally willing to learn Japanese, and I'm sure there are some others who would as well. But the Japanese people that think the English language will eventually be imposed on them if they let more foreigners in are not wrong at all. They are absolutely right, and you only need to look at America as a perfect example of this. Mexicans who come here, illegally or not, most of the time do not learn our language. In fact WE are told WE should learn Spanish, and increasingly more of our signs, product packaging, etc. have Spanish on them for the simple reason that there is such a huge influx of Spanish speaking people living here now who do not try to assimilate or even want to assimilate.
It could just as easily happen to Japan if they let it happen.
Any statistics on that point (most Mexican immigrants to the US not learning English)? Even if that were true, their kids generally go either to English-speaking schools or to multilingual schools that aim to help them learn English and ease into getting an English-language education.
Americans who know English and don't know Spanish don't have it bad at all. In most states, learning Spanish is not a required part of K-12 education (though learning a foreign language in general might be, and the most commonly chosen foreign language to study is Spanish). It is true that a lot of signs in the US are bilingual, but I fail to see how that counts as "imposition", given that your language is still the top language used on the sign. Also, there are far fewer multilingual signs in the US than in a lot of Asian countries. I can't speak for Japan specifically, but when I was in China, it was common to see Chinese/English signs already, and far from unheard of to see Chinese/Korean/English signs. In Thailand, I saw a ton of Thai/English and Thai/Chinese/English signs. And this is in relatively homogeneous countries whose people hardly think about multiculturalism. Do you think there are fewer such signs in Japan? Do you find it odd that none of the Japanese people interviewed gave a shit about having signs in both Japanese and English?
rosethorn0232 those signs are for first generation immigrants and they die out eventually, they usually don't learn the language very well and it's always been that way. Second generation always speaks the language so if that is what you're worried about then don't be. I always thought it was dumb to tell the average american that he should learn spanish given that spanish will _never_ be the dominant language in the US, in large part because of the reason I mentioned before. Now, you should try to stop the endless flow of illegal immigration. The wall is a dumb way to go about it though.
As far as the "endless flow of illegal immigration", remember that both now and for a while before Trump's election, the number of Mexicans leaving the US has been greater than the number coming to the US. So while yes, there are still people coming here illegally, speaking about an "endless flow" makes it seem as though we're worried about an unwanted boom in our Latino/a population due to migration, when in reality, the opposite is happening and has been happening for a while (this does not mean that the Latino/a population is decreasing, though, because looking only at migration doesn't account for the effect of Latinos in the US having kids).
JustAnotherGamer your immigration policy can't be set by the whims of the illegal immigrants it is supposed to regulate.
Hey Yuta! Thanks for creating such insightful content! I came to Japan with hopes of working, learning Japanese, and most importantly understanding what Japanese people think about their own Japan. So far I've been able to accomplish 1.5 of those 3 things (My Japanese is okay and my job is...a job). Thanks for helping me complete my third task!
The individuals you interview had interesting responses. Sometimes infuriating lol but interesting. I was gonna write a long-winded comment about the importance of cross-cultural communication for Japanese people but I change my mind. Just know that there are many foreigners who try to adopt Japanese manner and adapt to the culture every day. We've all heard the "This is Japan" statement many times. We know! With all that being said I wish more people would take the opportunity to learn more about foreign culture and work towards reducing their fears about interaction with people from other countries. "I'm not dangerous!" -Peace!
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150no, we don't accept mus and N
My American daughter attended Kyushu University & is fluent in Japanese. She has thought of working and living there. She is very short and fits in well. When I visited her there, not speaking Japanese, it was difficult and people were not nice to me. Her experience was very different from mine. I felt like an outcast, but she fit in.
If shes not japanese by blood or at least closely related, she does not fit in there. Same goes for Europe, each race belong in their own natural habitat.
I noticed on your "channel" that you have nothing there. It is hard to take you seriously. There were people who thought she was Japanese - she didn't stick out like a sore thumb. You don't know what her background is. We look different from each other. You assume too much. You are just rude. You weren't there.
Japan is just fine with its own culture, keep Japan Japanese. Multiculturalism does not work as advertised
the most of japanese people dont want multiculturalism.
Very informative. I've been several times in Japan and I must say I love the culture, the people and food. I wouldn't mind following the culture cause the culture itself is very acceptable.
It's a nice place. It has problems, just like everywhere else, but nothing too bad...unless you work for a normal Japanese company and have to work 12+ hours a day, but I digress.
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
@@xiagm-kemasmfadlic150 not all Muslims are kind but I understand you. It's just mainstream media portrayed so many bad things about Muslims but not when it comes to Dubai. That's why Japanese are sceptical when it comes to Muslims
Very interesting video Yuta, I really enjoy your videos.
Ok, I will study Japanese for 3 years for a 2 week holiday in Tokyo. Perfect!
I felt like they were mostly referring to tourists rather than foreigners. I wrote my dissertation on multiculturalism in the UK and it's such a contested term. It usually becomes a word to describe everything people find negative about migration.
Multiculturalism is not a good thing especially if it being forced upon its local citizen to bow down and to comply, at the risk of losing one’s national identity and culture...
It will be forced on the japanese because of greedy globalist scum
In that scenario, yes. But multiculturalism in general is usually a good thing. So many good things can come out of it such as different viewpoints and concepts. Japan is really missing out. Yes, there will be some bumps along the way, but, if Japan wants to stay afloat, they’ll have to take in more immigrants. The latter should still learn the language and customs as they would any other country, but at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt for the natives to open their eyes a bit more. Someone’s beliefs should never be forced on another, though.
@@benjackson7872 lol it is bad thing due to multiculturalism and diversity in my country ( India) many States have different views and politicians always point difference so they can get profit and people fight easily. This cause hindrances in many govt project and infrastructure
@@benjackson7872 soy
@@benjackson7872 Are you Jewish?
Lol, observation about Chinese tourists is spot on and worldwide. In Australia we’d describe that as ‘just plain rude’.
Asnl45 Yea somethings wrong with them, but its usually Chinese from mainland China who does that
Yeah I know, I bet your ancestors were civil, and nice, especially to the native americans, australians, so on an so forth.
@@thehoper3439 ??? Everytime i listen to a sjw like you speak i roll my eyes shut up please mate you just want to cause problems all people around the world want to migrate to this colonized lands so i could care less about native americans..
Your Interviews seem very honest, I appreciate that. Other youtuber tend to cut out the statements which don’t fit their view. I suscribed :)
Keep Japan Japanese.
build a sea Wall lol
I don’t even know what that even means, “keep Japan Japanese”.
@R B J nationalism is good for the country's future but they are going to be ignorant, I'm aware of that.
@R B J Thank you Mr Goldstein
@Dragon Of The West what? The siberians? People of color are not native to the western world
I don't even live in Japan and I thought them thinking 20% of Japan's population being foreign was absolutely preposterous lol.
Thanks for making this video, really great video topic and it was very insightful.
''because black guys try to push me to buy clothes'' LMAO???
There are Nigerians who go there to sell cheap and sketchy shit on the streets.
88pie88 how do we know they’re not Somalian?
88pie88 here in argentina too hahaha they're everywhere
Happend actually to me as well. The Takeshita road he was talking about is a famous shopping street for young people. And there are some shops owned by african americans (I talked to some of them) and they advertise their products more directly compared to japanese people, e.g. some of their staff is standing on the street and trying to actually push people into their store. Japanese staff would never touch you without your permission. I think thats what he meant
In the red light district too
I think it's weird that the guy was saying that those who come for sightseeing should learn the language. Yes, tourists should make an attempt to learn some basic phrases of the language of the country they are visiting, but it seems ridiculous to ask them to become fluent in a language just to visit a country. Tons of Japanese people go overseas for sightseeing, and they don't all try to learn the language before they go.
Keep it at 1.8% mate. It's much more peaceful that way.
I’m scottish and I love Japan and it’s people. please don’t ever lose your culture. If we’re all the same this planet would be sooo boring 😑
As a German, I can say we destroyed our country and culture by letting others change us. Japan must not make the same mistake, of course we didn't have a choice
@Mabus Nero Over 70 years of American control and propaganda will do that
Thank you for your very enlightening videos! But I'm sad to say the more I watch them, the more I find myself thinking that Japanese people really need to educate themselves.
How did you get to the conclusion that many Japanese folks think of "foreigners" as English-speaking, non-Asian people? The interviewees here named Chinese among others and talked a lot about them. They also named Cebu and Taiwan when asked where they've been "abroad."
that one guy who says that foreigners are scary LOL
I guess it doesn't take too much to scare him huh? well, I don't necessarily think multiculturalism is bad, but it depends how a country works with it. As many comments have mentioned, strongly different cultures will cause conflict and tension. The United States is a good example (sadly) but the country isn't dying because of it. Throughout history, I don't think the US has made a good effort to integrate everyone together. There seems to be a constant need to label everything and to make sure anything that is different has a distinct name that separates it from everything else. I feel like that's the only reason multiculturalism isn't really working all that well in the United States. Even though we have the whole "melting pot" ideology, we are far from it.
Also, from listening to everyone's perspectives in the video, they seem to not fully understand the concept of multiculturalism since they are so homogeneous. They seem to be confusing a country built upon different cultures versus a country with a well established culture being introduced to a new culture. Hence why they seem to mixing up immigrants and tourists.
because they're tall.......
Amy Chang
At the end of the day: It’s still the best for Japan and any other asian country to stay pure as hell to live in eternal peace!
The Japanese men are easily scared (intimidated is the right word probably) because of their personalities (and extremely fragile masculinity in Japan is also a factor)
Multiculturalism will never work
It's story time, kids (read: Rant ahead). Hope someone has the patience to read it all, hahaha!
I've been fascinated with the Japanese language for many years (still am), but I'm not sure I'd ever want to even visit the country for a vacation, let alone live there. This video, and many others I've seen (and stories I've heard) over the years, reinforces that feeling. I watched this video hoping to see some degree of change in people's attitudes. Nope!
Now, it's worth remembering that WHEREVER YOU GO in the world, if you're a foreigner, there will always be people who'll discrimate against you (openly or not) simply for being a foreigner, even if you speak their language and adhere to their customs. Every country in the world.
It's happened to me on several occasions, despite me trying to be the most polite, culturally sensitive foreigner imaginable. Having English-fluent friends from several of the countries I visited, I found out first hand that many people we met who were being sweet as pie to me in English would turn to their own friends and outright insult me in their native language, despite me never been anything but friendly and respectful to them. Some would even ask my friends why [my friends] were hanging around with someone like me-and these were European or at least Westernized countries. I wasn't obnoxious and loud; I learned enough of their language to try and get by; and I never tried to enforce my customs onto them. Yet, I was immediately deemed persona non grata by many people for nothing more than my nationality. It really soured my experience of traveling.
But it seems, never is such a xenophobic attitude more prevalant than in Japan. If even "haafu" people raised in Japan are frequently bullied, and zainichi Korean and Chinese living there are given a hard time, what chance do non-Asian gaijin stand? THAT'S NOT TO SAY there aren't genuinely nice, open-minded, welcoming people in Japan-genuinely nice people do exist-but their number seems dwarfed by prejudiced ones. Perhaps it's the prejudiced ones who shout the loudest, as it were, and the less xenophobic ones are afraid to speak up? Japan is a country where toeing the line is crucial, lest you be shunned. It's so ingrained in the country's mindset that it'll take a long time to change, if ever. Therefore, it wouldn't surprise me if many people want to embrace a more multi-cultural approach, but are held back for fear of retaliation.
I reiterate that there are plenty of good natured Japanese; I just wish there was more of a forum for them to speak up.
Hope someone made it to the end of this essay, lol.
I think learning english is a very important thing to do, not only for japanese but for everyone from other countries that dont speak english, it is one of the most used languages and in some fields it is fundamental, for example in the science field, if u want to read a science article most of them are in english, or imagine u have to give a conference and there are people from other countries different that yours, or for example u go to other countries for tourism and to work, english is a good base for communicating with each other. Here in spain it is more and more common to see that when you apply for a job, they ask for a certain level of english.
Of course if youre going to stay in certain country for a long time the best thing to do is to learn their language but regardless of that, knowing english is really important these days and it will be even more important in the future in my opinion.
This comment section is gonna be WW3 lol
And it's gonna be great!
If anything, it will be the leftists.They just don’t accept facts for what they are.
UnorthodoxThinker exactly they only think in ways that benefits themselves, the truth is too hard, so they think in a way where they always can get what they want.
Well I have cancer now, after reading the comments.
I'm not a total leftist but belive to have also some realistic views on violence and such like (hard) punishment and enforcal of values if neccessary. but the thing that I dont like on the right wing part is being inflexibile, not understanding and not analyzing.
theres the tendency to solve complicated problems with easy solutions without looking twice e.g. obamacare opponents or e.g. the ghettoization that causes hate towards those who live there.
however the mis-developments were propelled by ignorance, bias and no family/social and educational support. I dont know the reason but You dont have as much as deadly gangs in europe and perhaps canada(?) than in the usa, even though there are ghetto like structures.
wow, this comment section makes me sad
Cry about it
That was a very informative and respectful, yet challenging discussion. Well done Yuta!
Japaneses are brave, never apply multiculturalism !
Stay Japanese with your beautiful culture !
Just don't be like America the crime rate will sky rocket in Japan.
Yuta I just stumbled upon your videos for the first time and man I am really impressed with your stuff. It's short and simple and really demonstrates a point. One thing that your videos may miss is that with each video you only talk to about 10 people or less, so it's hard to tell what the overall feeling is like. The other main issue is that you are always surveying in fairly metropolitan areas, and as we all know, metropolitan areas are almost always farther left leaning on a number of issues. Not much you can do about either of these problems, though.
Overall, very excited and happy to have seen your videos.
3:11 said she's been in the (Cebu) Philippine. I'm a Filipino! Glad she try to visit my country.. I'm doin my best to learn nihonggo because I really want to stay in Japan someday ❤
@CCP CORONAVIRUS He/she can do whatever he/she wants. If his/her plan is staying in Japan forever then what? It's not your problem
@CCP CORONAVIRUS even if that's true, you can't stop people doing what they want so 🤷♀
4:52 - I don't understand why she only *just* sense a shift with the foreign influences when she wears Western clothes and basically have a Western lifestyle, albeit in Japan.
Really inteteresting interviews 👍ありがとうございますゆたさん
Why would you want Multiculturalism?
You want to see another culture? Go to another country.
Not if they want to keep their society intact.
This video is so rich in information... great stuff!
its hard to be a citizen in Japan and a lot of people who go to Japan eventually leave. Its a great country but I don't think the foreign population will grow over 20% any time soon unless they make their foreign laws less strict.
Why would they. Foreign population growth is bad for a homogenous society. GTFOH.
No defend your country, culture and tradition. Learn from downfall of the west (france, germany, uk and canada)
Nice work on showing some of these perspectives and educating some of them about the actual numbers 🙏
This is a very difficult topic to discuss. I can see some of the points they are making. Who doesn't want to preserve their culture? A balance would just have to be found when allowing foreigners so Japan can preserve it's cultural identity. Either way it's sad to see how this topic brings out all the inner prejudices and animosity people can have towards those of different backgrounds. I get why some people may not like the idea of immigrants in their country, but it seems a bit excessive to go full on alt-right about it.
Shit if someone lives in a war torn or very poor country, is it so hard to see why they would want to leave? Sucks to know, you won't be accepted anywhere else though. That said, if people do choose to immigrate they should at least get accustomed to the culture of where their immigrate to as well as obey the laws. Only problem is, not all immigrants do that sadly, which gives rise to the prejudice and animosity.
'' accustomed to the culture'' no, they should be free to preach what they wish no matter where. The only alt-right rhetoric being spouted is from your post.
@@espresso4239 lol
@@espresso4239 he said accustomed, not adopt. You dumb fuck.
Why allow immigrants at all? I'm serious. If every nonJapanese person was kicked out of Japan today, what would they lose? Not much. It seems like ppl who want multiculturalism can never give a good reason for it.
@Gluepops Immigrants aren't tourists you melon.
People shouldn't force Japan to accept multiculturalism. The reason why it is so successful is because it is a racially homogenous country and everyone abides by the same social rules.
anime it's not for americans
Funny thing is.. only white western people wants japan to accept multiculturalism.
The western world is indeed pure evil!!!
@@oOBlueBubbleOo You mean the Liberal minority?
I’ve been binge watching your videos yuta, they’re very interesting! please keep the videos coming 🙏🏽💕
god created us into nations and tribes so that we may know each other and communicate.
I see what you did there. At least one problem is that some people have a very strange definition of 'communicate'. Perhaps throwing shoes at people is communication? Perhaps driving cars onto the sidewalk is communication? Perhaps those airplanes were communication? You know what? Communication received and we'll have something to 'communicate' too.
They should accept muslim immigrant... Because muslim is kind,polite,kind
I don't dispute anything that these natives have to say. They like their language, society, and culture, and they want to keep it. What they will not tolerate is the war that is raging in the USA, where traditional American society is being ripped apart by illegal immigrants who don't want to blend in with America. Yuta, you should ask Japanese "what if immigrants entered your country and then demanded welfare benefits, the right to vote, and that your schools speak their language rather than Japanese." We both know what their answers will be!
How dare you criticize refugees and immigrants, you racist xd
Only half of the US believes this. Don't get the wrong impression comment viewers :3
Idk why Americans think that every country should be multicultural just because America is
Do they not respect the culture of those who aren't American or something..?
Drew Senna multiculturalism is inevitable with globalization and globalism is 100x better than nationalism.
@@neetfreek9921 Yeah I agree with this. A lot of the people that push for nationalism are most of the time racist.