I wonder how many people that subscribed from that video expecting me to be all serious and moody are now going to find out my sense of humour and think "wait this guy is an idiot"
But your humor makes you the best kind of idiot. A relatable one. You are a complete person, not just this moody singer. Your humor is why I subscribed.
Quote for 'Don't Stay in School' "Teach the kids to parent nad thats the promblem solved then." It's surprising how many people ignore that this line exsists, covering and proving the point.
I hate how teachers say "don't talk back to me" when students actually try to give a valid argument, which just makes students think their opinion is useless.
@@Zyukayi I hated art in secondary school, mostly because I never found it intriguing. It was odd when my biology teacher said if we finish our test early, we could draw, there I am drawing steam locomotives with quite good detail, my biology teacher asked why didnt I pick art, I said I didnt want to.
Same, almost all of my lesson time is learning stuff I’ve already learned (talk about education standards and doodle on my desk and hand, and then come home to a dad shouting at me bc I’ve drawn on my arm, because I’m nervous and having anxiety attacks in class
I'm still in secondary school in England and we have a lesson called PSHE (physical, social, health education) which is meant to teach you things like tax, parenting and other things like that. So I certainly think it's starting to get better, though there are still mandatory lessons for the first three years before you take your options.
we have that too in my school (from grades 1-9) and yet all we ever did in those lessons was learn nothing useful. last year (I'm in y10) we were told to write a freaking song for our best friend ._. like that was supposed to do shit. sure they act like they are trying to change the system but really in all my years of learning I have never once learnt anything about tax, how to help someone when they are in danger, how to take care of myself mentally and physically and how to cope with various mental disorders and illnesses. and if you look at it right, yes you get to pick which subjects you want to continue learning but it IS MANDATORY to take maths, at leas 2 science topics and English, all of which (especially english) are incredibly hard. i myself struggle with maths, chemistry and at times English, none of which i see of future for myself in (besides english cuz i like to write books) the system wont change until people who see the fault in it get in power, at least that's how far i see it, sure we can protest and argue but we do it with our schools, not with the people in charge of the actual syllabus, people who can alter. i of course can be wrong cuz i only know so much but i hope i got my point across lmao
We had that, but mine specifically was replaced with biology. I think we did one tax lesson, a few very basic human rights lessons (usually only on the education right in a very very basic form) and then watched a few videos on other cultures where the teacher would just sit back and watch like the students were.
My math was a collage course in grade 10 :T We spent like a day on real world stuff and then went to like grade 8 stuff (I'm in g11) My school also has this thing where if you get 2+ technology courses (that are optional) you get auto-inrolled into a first aid course So they are trying but also not
PSHE in my secondary was just sex ed not once did they say anything to us about taxes or parenting only how to create and prevent creation of cretinous children
@@Maya-qs6nv I’m in seventh grade and I always find those science-ey videos on youtube entertaining. I learn a lot from them. One time I was telling my mom what I learned that day she said “what class” I said “youtube”
Honestly i dont see how anyone would think he's not intelligent. you can tell just by listening to him talk how intelligent he is. I love his point of view on things and i really wish other people would stop and think about things before they judge... but this was funny.
I'm obviously hearing about all of this years late [present is 2021] but I like you so damn much and literally cheered and exclaimed stuff like "EXACTLY!" through this entire video, to an empty room. I'll be looking around at your stuff to see what's up more recently, when I'm in a better mindset for it. Fucking fantastic, though, brother. Keep fighting the good fight.
Boyinaband Thank you for making this video. I no longer look like this weird kid who randomly expresses my views now.In fact loads of my friends agree and even some teachers.Because I'm just a teenager -because of my age- people don't really listen and because someone who has been through the school system before says it, people listen.So again thanks.Also sorry for the people who just saw the title and raged and didn't even listen to the lyrics.Cheers.
What really ticks me off is how all these angry parents assumed that kids would take it the wrong way, but in reality, it's them who are taking it the wrong way. If you think kids are stupid, well, where are they getting taught? Oh yeah, school. Why are schools paying so much attention to STEM subjects? Sure, the lower ones (basic math and science) are important, but if a kid wants to be something like an author or something, when are they going to use higher maths? And don't tell me it's to "figure out economics" or "so they can manage their income". If school should have classes on how to manage your earnings.
All these parents underestimate their kids, we as a society underestimate children. We always pass them off but it would be very valuable to listen to them and their opinions. Children are the ones who are currently in the school system so they should have a voice on how they are taught. One of my teachers made sure that we could choose what we wanted to do and have a voice in what we were taught. She was one of the best teachers I have had plus all of us really enjoyed her class, which was English.
@@spongebob4 Yes! Multiple times I tell adults another method of fixing a situation but they refuse to listen. More times than not their method didnt work and my input was actually valuable but then the blame is put on me for not speaking up. I'm sorry you REFUSED to listen to what I was saying the first time
@Olivia Bailey (student) In Ireland we have those subjects! We have an optional Home Economics class which teaches us how to cook, sew, and other stuff that is useful. Business class also teaches us how to manage household finances and taxes. (Even though the tax is automatically taken out of your wages and is added on to the products label)
Olivia Bailey (student) Yeah, even with the classes here school still has a way to go. It still doesn’t teach stuff that we need to know. Like how to deal with mental disorders, raising a child, etc, etc. The amount of people that end up depression in school is way higher than it should be. School tells you to learn several things in each class and then put up a poster saying “don’t be stressed” and expect it to work.
@Lodders school isn’t useless per se, it never will be, unless everyone can start homeschooling, but I doubt this happening, but, the school system, at least the American one, needs a large rework
@@iamacatperson7226 that's probably an exaggeration, but mental health issues are mostly caused by school, or they're at least a HUGE factor for what causes them.
I love my schools science teacher, she knows what to do when the kids are getting bored and she has a great personality/not yelling at everyone all the time. We not only need a change in syllabus but an evaluation of teachers so the ones that absolutely hate kids are not around kids and making them hate the subject.
As a teacher myself I full heartedly agree with you. I often try to find loopholes in the syllabus to teach the kids things they actually want to learn about which is quite frankly pretty exhausting but even more so rewarding when you see the results. Sadly many teachers are disillusioned by the system after only a few years and stop fighting the system, quit or feel stuck and start to lash out at their pupils (also there are way too many idiots that are teachers).
@@Beat105k I have an English teacher (I'm a Junior in highschool) and she honestly just does NOT deserve to be a teacher. She gets really upset like SUPER easily at a bunch of 16-17 year old's when they get chatty because she is the most boring and honestly idiotic teacher I know. She doesn't grade how she should but grades off her opinion and on how SHE wants US to be like. She wants us to be carbon fucking copies of her and be completely all knowing about what to do for things. With this, I already noticed it because I had the same amount of missing homework as other students (My fault for not doing it cause I was worried about the classes I actually liked rather than being bored for an hour doing homework) and the same assignments as others, Yet I had a 70% while others were at low 60's or 50's. This has not changed, The entire class I'm in is pretty much failing (some not just in that class so not blaming her for those few) but still. She doesn't deserve to be a teacher for high schoolers when she cant even handle teenagers. We get chatty when she's boring, she cant at ALL handle a couple swear words (I sort of understand but she is like an overbearing parent and will stare you down until you apologize or 'Fix' what you said and replace Fuck with Frick.) that are only few. I wish the main school system wasn't so shit and actually helped kids especially teenagers get ready for the real world. I'm learning Personal Finance at the moment which is about the only eligible thing there. And a few things that could earn me a job like Digital Media (Photoshop and such which I REALLY enjoy) and other computer / tech related things that I also enjoy. Other than that the school system in general is really bad if its like a Public school, There are schools that are good but most of them cost THOUSANDS to even get into and most people might not even have that amount to dump for their kid, especially my parents. We're no where near stable enough right now to do anything like that...
@@VegaVermilionVODS I have a science teacher like that kind of He is a mess He is good don't get me wrong but it's all work work work Like one time I was having a panic attack and needed to go for a walk (like I was full on crying and shaking) so I raised my hand to go for a walk "Uh actually I need you to do this review for a test on Monday *taps paper* so if you uh could do that" I just looked at him like he was crazy,got up with all my stuff and walked to student services, got called to the office (they took teach's side) so I sat in student services in a privet room just drawing Thankfully the people there are normal freaking humans and let me do what I needed to do to calm down
Because he is not in the field that has the knowledge to design a good educational system. For that matter no one currently does as seen by the flawed system we currently have.
Heather I know right, they’ll spend weeks going over something you learned 5 years ago and then glaze over what you need to know to not die. Also, what are human rights?
I didn't learn my human rights at all. I think the reasoning is that if we all knew our human rights the entire education system would be sued and the majority of teachers arrested for abuse.
Aragorn Son Of Arathorn Yeah probably or they’d continue to ignore children rallying together and speaking their opinions and parents will just think it’s dumb kid stuff or that we need school
Kid: I'm depressed... Schools: no you're not Kid: I'm being bullied Schools: just ignore it Kid: I think the schools should- Schools: YOU'RE BEING DISRESPECTFUL Ps: just remember that a few years ago, a girl in my classroom was doing that jumping rope thing during PE class and fell to the ground, she started crying and she COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING MOVE, the PE teacher fucking started LAUGHING while some other teacher and our classmates went help her (I was so flipping mad at that guy)
One time in PE just a couple of kids didn’t play a game by the rules and the whole class had to do jumping jacks for the rest of the class period. This happened in 3rd or 4th grade, and I’m currently in 6th grade.
My friend has been getting bullied but they keep ignoring it even when we told the school...then, it went really far that apperently, its my friends fault for not telling the teacher...we told the teacher many times yet they ignored it until it got too far My friend had to get counselling(so as the bully) but it seemed like my friend is in more trouble, they don't really care :(
Dave, we need you now more than ever to come back from the dead and bring this issue back in full force. It seems to be slipping back into the pile of things we only dream about and never act on.
That is the problen with complaining about the education system. Unless someone higher up magically decides to listen we will be stuck with people complaining for the next few decades and see whether the generation that has critisised the education system can in fact fix it.
@@seriousgamer4202 Well i hope I may be that higher one. I’m still in 6th grade but throughout my little time in school I have influenced what our teachers spender the spare time on. In 5th grade I manipulated a teacher into learning us about what to do when some one goes unconscious or is suddenly dying, which I found out became useful because in the school yard a boy fell unconscious and because only one teacher was near it was hard because said teacher isn’t know what to do others than call 112 (danish version of 911) so a kid got the unconscious boy conscious again and then the abulnace came and genuinely saved a kids life. Now that’s what happens when the school system is flawed, and the teachers don’t give a fuck and don’t believe the kids. (Turns out the boy who fell unconscious had some serious nut allergies and the children he were close to ate peanuts, just the smell would make it hard for him to breathe)
No we don't. This guy is an idiot trying to pretend he is some modern day philosopher. He's cringey as hell also. If you listen to this guy and take his advice you're gonna have a bad time.
@@devilofcolor7004 you manipulated what your teachers were learning you huh? Well going off that sentence I'm guessing you should have let them actually teach you what they were supposed to and maybe you would know how to write correctly by this point.
I showed my teacher the don't stay in school video and she she spent 2 hours talking to us about our human rights in school, at home and what we can legally do at 14 years old. She is super cool.
I would like to say, as a teacher, thank you so much for your video and I can't believe I have only seen it now. You say so much better all that I have been thinking and trying to say (and so many other teachers and educationalists as well) about our system. People are threatened by change or being told their experience was "wrong" or "damaging" and so they react. These are generally people who have little imagination for the experiences of others or can't cope with things being challenged. Please don't take it personally and keep up the fight - they just really don't know.
Person: Well , you probably made it it because you dropped out yourself. Dave: I got 12 GCSEs , 3 A levels in math, physics , and computing as well as a university degree *Destruction 100*
The irony here is that for all the effort those people went to to attack Dave for his points (not actually his points but rather his look, but it's obvious they disagreed with him), those lessons they defend never included "don't judge a book by its cover." "hE hAs LoNg HaiR hE mUsT bE a DrOpOuT."
Keep up the good work. I dont really Care for rap Music but the message is absolutely spot on, and defenately something that should raised as topic and constructively be questioned and discussed openly in order for things to change for the better. Props to you both for the song and for backing up your views.
@Alexandra Salusbury yeah! And when people say insults like "are you ten!?" I knew about grape without the g, people being homophobic, mental problems, depression, sucide, murder, sexism, rasistim, and SO MANY MORE WHEN I WAS TEN AND ...what the heck did I just type!? Well, thank you for replying to my comment early!!
I am a teen and I learn things in school that I need, but not everyone will. I wanna be a programmer one day, so I'm gonna use programming, but in my middle school, everyone who did the ECDL (European Certificate of Digital Literacy) were forced to learn some stuff in Phyton (a programming language), which I don't think is bad, but I'm the only one of us who could actually use this. Also, what we learnt can't even really be put to use without further information. We only did variables, prínt and scan something.
I need more RUclipsr's like Dave he taught me tolerance and civil discussion. And he started the conversation of Dark Academia before tiktok. This an important topic that needs to be given attention.
What we should learn 1. Normal math so we can still function as humans 2. Reading and writing 3. Basic 1st aid 4. Science that actually helps you 5. Political topics such as voting 6. Taxes 7. Home ec. 8 . Optional classes that you can choose for your interests 9. Field trips that are interactive and teach us more everyday things 10. Meantly illness classes to raise awareness and to help students with it like me
Omg couldn't agree more ESPECIALLY on that last one. I live in a small town and in the past 2 years 7 students have committed suicide. And guess what? The school district is trying to COVER IT UP as oppose to talking about it, working on solutions, and spreading awareness through out the schools. How fucked up is that?
@Eric Haynes 1 idk what u are trying to tell me?? 2 what im trying to say is, if they didnt teach the parents how to do this stuff correctly either, how can they teach us as we should our future kids?
A few years late to this, but I was born in the late 70's looking back at my young years I wish I would have buckled down and learned more. I also looked to why I didn't. That reason is addressed in this music video. I was forced to learn stuff I didn't care about. Thus when I found stuff I did care about I didn't want to learn it. I know this to be true because my high-school basically let us all form our curriculum in what we wanted to learn. I hit all of the essentials, but vastly Improved in grades because I got to choose what interested me. The school system needs to change to make kids want to learn more
i saw a funny text thingy it went like this: kid:"hi" teacher:"why r u up so early?!?!" kid:"still doing the homework u gave us" and ur comment made me think of it
My teacher got mad at me for drawing in class once. It was art class. Edit: admittedly, it was because of some other reason too, like, i guess i didnt put my computer in the spot we were supposed to put them in because it was a bunch of bullcrap, but the statement is still true. Edit: thanks for the likes uwu There, i look like a douchebag now and i feel good about it.
@@robbhoyt8276 Even still, those six years will massively impact the future generation. Six years of our lives going down the drain for things that do not matter. Six years in secondary school is basically your entire school career (Year 7 - Year 11) plus one, so an entire generation has been prepared for a society that does not currently exist and has been replaced with a more modern one
Damn, this guy even highlighted the important details on the paragraph rants efficiently, i still have trouble labeling important details of information- thanks science class. Although on the bright side i'm good at summing things up, but school didn't teach me that, i had to learn that on my own that people don't like information overloaded content.
@@matttheman9740 you can get places without schooling, even if you were to pass math, English and science GCSEs with a c you can then go on to do anything, and they're ready easy to achieve it's literally half marks so if there were 120 marks, you only have to get 60 to pass and go on to do whatever you want because colleges accept whoever passes them GCSEs. British schooling is fucked up
@@bigdawg6734 no I'm not getting heated at them I'm literally just stating facts it's wasn't directed at them it's literally saying how stupid England's schooling system is
I had the same problems. I used to be a "weird" kid , but supposedly was highly intelligent , but unfortunately a bit different. I had my own ways of learning , calculating maths and other things, but the schools I went to always tried their hardest to force me into "by the book" calculations and learning... while also presenting me with many topics I just simply wasn't interested in. Nowadays I prettymuch work in a workshop for handicapped people as I'm depressed af and never managed to get anywhere , despite supposedly being highly intelligent which was measured by all kinds of tests by psychologists when I was younger. I honestly never had a clear direction in life... and school sure as hell didn't help me get one but rather push me away from it. Granted it isn't just the schools fault, but it plays a big part in it... they are just in many cases massively underfunded and don't have the time or nerve to help spark the talents of every student and adapt to their quirks. I was also falsely medicated which made it worse but that's another story.
Dude, same here! I'm supposed to be highly intelligent when I was tested as a kid. When I was little people thought I would be the best and go to the best unis and stuff, because it was very obvious I did things much faster than my peers. However, because I went to a public school, even though I was finished with work, teachers never did anything. I developed the habit of spacing out and doing things slowly until I was only better moderately, not to a point of standing out, and only displayed the more noticable faster learning speeds when I did stuff outside of school. I distinctly remember I was moved up classes once when teachers finally decided to do something about my boredom, but I was terrified of the older kids and I performed really badly that lesson, so they moved me back. Now my less smart peers are doing better than me, I got a U in my A level end of year maths mock (i used to be good at maths before I kinda gave up and stopped concentrating at all) and I need support to learn. Thankfully I turned stuff around and now my grades are better but the damage is sort of done already. My concentration is terrible and my memory isn't even that good (do you ever consider yourself stupid even if you're moderately better than most people your age? Another thing schools do. They call you a genius, and when you do something thst isn't 'genius', you think you're stupid, even if you're still 'better' than the average person) I swear very intelligent kids get shat on by schools. Not all intelligent kids blurt out maths at age 3 and if intervention isn't made, you sometimes end up worse than everyone.
@@user-id3my6cr1r Unfortunately intellect comes with a very harsh sideeffect... One tends to observe and analyse much more , also getting a considerably more clear picture of ones surroundings and situation. This can be a good or a bad thing... If the people around you are pretty positive and supportive one can achieve a lot, if however the surroundings are toxic one gets affected heavily by it while also starting to "learn" the wrong things. Instead of spending brain capacity on useful stuff like a higher education and making a difference in the world one just ends up not giving a damn, as one can see quite clearly how rotten the world truly is at its core. Things like that can scar for life , especially if one feels constantly misunderstood or misinterpreted. Most of my "intellect" went into finding ways to not go batshit crazy :P It was especially bad in my case ... as I'm prettymuch an observer ... I observe and analyse ... taking things apart and looking at their core-functions and buildup. I unfortunately looked far too deep for my own good :P
@@Kiiltec Honestly, this. I don't think it's intentional, it just happens. Though being observant dosen't guarentee intelligence ofc, intelligent people are often observant. If you have an intelligent child who is placed in a toxic environment... Well. 😔 It dosen't even have to be an environment. Kids are kids, even intelligent kids brains sometimes aren't mature in the adult sense (like being able to enjoy cynical works without becoming a jaded cynic) I read a lot of adult books when I think I was way too young for it. My parents bought them for me so I read them. For some reason, a lot of books speculating about the futures of machines and artificial intelligence - oh, and also this quite old one which was scaremongering. That was a bad example lol but those sorts of books can leave a kid being paranoid amd way too cynical for his age. And idk even know why I get these vibes from a lot of classics, but you know books like the Clockwork Orange? (I didnt read THAT one as a kid thank god) Those can make an adult depressed reading it. They make the reader feel uncomfortable after reading them and generally kinda depressed and sad. Kids shouldnt be touching those, they may be intellectually capable of understanding what's happening and the different meanings and stuff, but I don't think theyre mentally capable of dealing with all the bad vibes. Maybe I'm not smart enough to be able to read books like that as a child and be able to learn life lessons while not being depressed? Maybe people smarter than me can do it idk, well, I can't. Not saying 'don't let kids touch classics'. Just be in a safe environment with adults when doing so. Also, when I say kid I mean kids around 6-7. Kids over 10 might be able to deal with it. Also, when books are your escape from being bullied at school, depressing and cynical books shouldn't be the ones to be turned to. I went so off tangent there. Hope that made a bit of sense and added something to the conversation.
I started pulling my hair out from stress at school I had to go to therapy for it I have anxiety At my old school, when I didn’t get an answer right, a teacher would swat me with a fly swatter I tried to say something, and the principal told me I was making things up. I’ve cried myself to sleep over schoolwork I can complete an hour of homework from each class everyday and wake up at an ungodly hour and the second I slip up I get yelled at But sure, the education system is perfect.
@@conner3626 it’s not my parents yelling at me, but rather I can tell everyone is disappointed I cant do much about that teacher, though she’s probably already gone
Fuckin' hate it that teachers tell us to take the weekends or holidays as opportunities to do our requirements when it should be rest day or spending time with family.
Me: I wanna be a clothing person who reads everyone books, and gives people free books, like Mrs. Paré. School and Society: That is not a category. That does not fit into a box. You can't just make a job, you have to pick one that will make you money, so you can support a children as a good mom and you're husband won't have to carry all the financial weight. Me, last Monday: *wears snapped hand-cuffs to school as a fashion statement* fuck you society. You iz a bitch. And an assuming one, too. How do YOU know I can't? How do YOU know I care about the financial system where people give away their souls, lives, and happiness for used paper? How do YOU know that I even FIT into a box myself? How do YOU know that I want a family? How do YOU know that I am a girl? How do YOU know I like guys, or have feelings for people in general? How do YOU know I wanna get married? News flash bitch! I CAN! I DON'T! I WILL NOT! I DEFINITLY DON'T! I'm NOT! I am QUEER bitch! I DON'T EVEN KNOW OR CARE!. Society: *be like* daaaaammmmnnn! this bitch stood up! Oh, we on, fool!
me, a 5th grader, knows his point. a lot of the same happens to me. you are very logical, and that outweighs the level of smarts. 1 logic> 1 smart point. you are a great person, and that should be credited more than smarts. you are smart as well ignore the hate, and listen to inspiration and potential ideas
“I’m constantly stressed, I’m being bullied, I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future and know how things work because no one is helping me learn it” Schools: *“well lava underground is called magma”*
@@golanshahar6256 He was trying to spread the message that the system needs change. I'm currently being shown the wavelengths of different hues of light. They still don't teach kids human rights. Oh and I know ignius, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, but I don't know squat about trading stocks. And everything I know about how money works at all I had to figure out myself.
kid: *being bullied and tells a teacher* teacher: "oh, just ignore it" _you know, karen, it's pretty hard to ignore someone slamming your face into a locker._
When billions of kids are happy about a global pandemic (even though there are millions of deaths) because they get a few weeks or months off school clearly says something about the education system.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 you sound like a teacher i would be terrified of in school... Therefore would be glad i can learn the subject on my own without person shouting at me how im stupid and should know this thing
@@somedumbguyand14others28 Its a tiny flaw because these aren't supposed to be factual statements. It's only supposed to be a way to share your opinion but even then there are now 1.5 billion estimated children so saying billions is still technically correct even if you round.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 Also you took the time to make sure that this specific opinion could be discredited therefore your education specifically HAS to be better than most of the education 60% (opinion) of children in the U.S. Also, the thing about school is that the people like you WANT to be at school, not because of the work, but because of the social skills you gain from being at school. Though school suppressed social teenagers so that they could pay attention to how a verb is also called a predicate. Also people are individuals. Student body ISN'T THE MIND OF THE AVERAGE STUDENT.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 My point is that WHY did you have to point out incorrect things about his comment. What was the point behind it. A small little exaggeration doesn't deserve this much disproving or invalidation. Either way thank you for acknowledging that you might've come off as rude.
My schools teachers: "No gum because you put it on the tables and we don't clean our tables" The desks: "1. COVID people, COVID! 2. I only have like 2-3 pieces of gum"
I'm 17, and while I am nearly an adult, I find it really frustrating how a lot of the people in charge of our education, or essentially our lives until we start working(Not talking about parents in my case, but I know people who's parents are absolutely terrible people. Love you Mom and Dad), think we know nothing about the world, and yet, we are perfectly capable of debating the sh** out of them outside the classroom when all they can do is scream and rant. My government teacher has opened up the floor to us multiple times over controversial issues, and the discussion is far more constructive than half of the big news companies out there, and you say we can't think for ourselves? Hell are you on? I get that there are plenty of exceptions on both sides, but, I'm going to be honest, I find it highly unlikely that I'll ever use Calculus, or Physics, or Chemistry in my life, considering I want to go into Journalism and/or Psychology, but they were requirements for me because I already took all the low level classes, and we need a certain amount of time spent on different subjects to graduate. Please education leaders, redo the whole f***ing system, because it's wasting time for a lot of people, making them study subjects that they'll never use in day to day life for the most part, but not teaching us how to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and financially. But no, because these same people are profiting off of the money we have to spend to get help when we struggle to do things like taxes, or cook, or invest, so why should they fix things? I'm in California, and I don't know about other countries, but the education system we have is broken. Sorry for the essay, but I had to rant a bit after hearing the song and this video.
@@dot2382 really because I have a lot less work now. I’d have a project per class like every week and tests all the time so to me online school is a breeze in comparison.
I like learning for the point of learning. But I’m a stone cold procrastinator. I want to know these things. But I’m bad at it. I’m a very slow learner. Not every one is able to learn the same way or the same pace. Incredible amounts of things are mandatory when they should be optional. The only things that I believe should be taught are how to use money, do taxes, live properly, etc. We have short lives, most of which is wasted on our school systems and the other parts on our f***ed up society.
I agree but I think we should also learn things like reading, writing, English, basic math and a secondary language There are probably others but these are things I think are actually useful to most people
@Dr. Boring idk i look on news or websites seeing what it’s going extinct and what previously became. I think there are about 4 or 2 thousand tigers left
Notice that a lot of kids were the commenters who know how shitty the school system is. Adults think we're "being self-entitled" and "need to grow up." Google school makes me....and the first suggestions are "makes me depressed" "sad" and "cry." Gee, I wonder why
norseMonkey I get angry when I think about how I wasn't lucky enough to be homeschooled lol I got a failed public education. I think you really see the difference in college. A friend, who was homeschooled, I made in my programming classes is absolutely brilliant. He just knows things I feel like I should, even basic every day things (he had to help me with figuring out how to set a credit card up and how to get a loan for a car). He's always like how do you not know this, and I always just respond with "I went to public school." Lmfao there is this sixteen year old in our linear algebra class who was homeschooled and knows three languages!
Im homeschooled but I've been in school for 5 (useless) years of my life. I learnt more in one year of homeschooling than I did in my 5 years. School made me uninterested in learning because I was forced to study things I wasnt interested in, and took away all my time with homework when I wanted to be doing my favorite things to do (writing, drawing, etc). Dont get the wrong message; the things you might not be interested in are important too. But you should be able to spend more time learning things you want than learning things you hate. Even though its necessary doesnt mean you should study it more than your passions.
Master of science here. I am with you, I need to teach my kids this stuff myself even though our school teach kids these things somewhat. But I don't trust the system.
Kai Mason Did he physically hurt you first? If not, then that's your fault. You can't go around shoving people because they're annoying you. That's called battery.
someone in my class said I couldn't fight because I'm a girl, I kicked him in the leg and he dropped to the ground in a matter of seconds making noises of pain, the teacher saw it and did nothing. XD
Them: Just calm down and don't take it too seriously. Dave: Yeah, it's only wasting years of time from every educated human being on the planet. nO BiG dEaL
He is extremely right , most schools have us site in rows which was mandatory in the 1940s to help kids get used to site in factories and as a student it’s hard to site in a Seat for 45 minutes at a time and have someone yell facts at me and then give me a quiz rinse wash repeat until a major state test when we have to relearn everything in a month because we all forgot due to the amount of stuff they want to cram into us in a day and then proceed to give us more to take home and stay up well into the night trying to get done .
My teacher when I told her school made me depressed said its because all I do is just sit and play video games and lock everyone out. I play video games because book are ruined by teachers and I lock everyone else out because I have trust issues
Trust issues is a blanket term and should not be used here, be patient with others treat yourself as a fisherman and the opportunity to trust like fish in a river, if you do not cast a net at all how can you eat. Instead be patient and leave your net in the water and let the fish come to you, in time you will catch many fish as much fish as you want. All you have to do is cast your net
@@alexmatheson3860 I get that's an expression but you sound like you think this is a comment about not liking fishing Also how the hell does letting fish come to you relate to having trust issues
JPopRoxz what he means is over time you can build up a strong relationship to help get over the trust issues, that’s how I got over mine I just had to be patient and open to people it was hard but it’s definitely worth it
Teacher: Be quiet in the hall class! We don't want to disrupt other classes. Two Kids: *whisper* Teacher: BE QUIET JEREMY! (while completely disrupting the other classes)
Based off of what my mom remembers, in the past like 50 years: science when it comes to cells at least was slightly improved and apparently they made the method of teaching math in like preschool and kindergarten so annoying that it made me cry as a little kid. (talking about how shiz school is when it comes to mental health, my mom never really said anything about this but based off her reactions it had gotten worse. Lot of text, don't read if you don't want to) It also either still offers shiz mental health handouts or that is a newer addition considering I remember when I broke bones in 1st grade they didn't tell my parents until my mom picked me up at the end of the day. The teachers also didn't try and help me up when I got trampled one time during recess, two other kids did after most of the other students when inside. Plus there was a time in 5th grade where we were being tested on our states and capitals for the 4th time in like 2-3 months and I knew I was going to fail it cause she only taught us them once in-between the tests. After that class while walking out I hyperventilated, got to my homeroom teacher, got half way towards the nurse, then blacked/passed out because I had an asthma attack. I was then put in a 'club' during my lunch period that taught us how to use an inhaler (we weren't aloud to carry them with us in school ._.) In 8th grade about half way through the year I started to get a weaker stomach to the point that if I ate ~1 hour before running I would throw up. At first the school tried to see if using an inhaler before gym would work (obviously didn't work). So I then stopped eating breakfast cause after that was homeroom and gym and that worked. However because that was only a few days after the school's method they thought they were correct then continued to make me use my inhaler right before gym. Even when I said that wasn't why it stopped.. I also found out like a week or two ago that my high school has a program for kids who harm themselves or have tried to commit. I found this out by over hearing a junior telling their friend to quite down before the teacher signs them up for it because they said that they want to die because of the math work. I had just learned about this as a sophomore. I'm not even sure if that is sad that it has come to that point or if it's a good thing that it exists. Not sure what the program does, just now know it exits and there is roughly at least 10 people in it.
Math you won’t use:MANDATORY Cooking class, something you’ll use almost everyday:Optional for half a semester in middle school (or that’s how it worked in my school at least)
Interesting isn't it? Cooking should be more mandatory then advanced maths. However, Mathematics definitely does have many useful aspects pragmatically speaking, it's just the way it's administered is the problem, but Mathematics education is a whole other topic that would take me an essay to explain. If we are specifically talking about basic maths though, then the average person definitely uses it in their everyday lives.
I studied at a school that cooking was "mandatory" for the second semester, but, the school didn't teach us crap, we literally had 2 classes in the entire semester and we just learned how to cook a flipping egg
My suggestion would be compile a list of the essential information that everyone should be taught, give it a name and start a trend of asking politicians why they aren't being taught. A clear list gives an actionable solution.
@Spin Lock Like basic financial management, how the voting systems of your country works, how taxes work, what financial aid exists that you might need one day but will only get if you know to apply for it, what a CV should look like, basic first aid skills. Basically, universal life skills that are potentially useful to literally anyone which are inexplicably not taught, or at least not taught consistently and reliably with a proper curriculum to make sure that everything is covered and children have actually learnt them. A good chunk of which was listed in the actual song, dumbass.
I really hate the kind of logic some of those people had. "I learned in my school so that must mean that EVERYONE had this potential as well and simply squandered it and there is no other reason why people in different schools in different states or different countries should be whining about school because my schooling was great and that means everyone's is." No, that doesn't mean it at all. You were just lucky you had good enough schooling as well as several other factors that allowed you to have that useful education. Others aren't so lucky and get screwed over by the school system, learning things pointless to them instead of things they could actually use in their lives. That one guy Boyinaband showed on that TV show, what he said was also idiotic because he ignored other possible factors. Kids questioned the usefullness of what they were being taught and then became dead beats so that can ONLY mean they simply sucked at learning, right? Couldn't possibly mean that the things they were being taught were actually useless and didn't prepare them for life, making it hard for them to succeed and thus they unfortunately become deadbeats and drunks. Just because you succeeded, doesn't mean everyone else could the same way as you. There are various factors involved here and your school life won't be someone else'.
MysteriousTomJenkins Also, the Google argument is rather stupid as well. "It's you're own fault that the people who are in charge of educating you and preparing you for life didn't do a very good job. You should just use google and the internet to educate yourself if you want to learn something so there is no reason to complain about a flawed system that SHOULD be responsible for teaching you the things you want to learn about and need to learn about to survive in life." Makes me think of the parents who complain about other things like songs, cartoons and videogames teaching their kids bad things when the person who should be teaching them is the fucking parent themselves. The internet is a good way to learn about things, not denying that but just because you can learn from it, doesn't mean the argument of a flawed school system is no longer valid. Schools are meant to teach you things and set you up to where you can survive adult life and make a life of your own, not the internet. If the school fails at doing that then it is a problem and it doesn't vanish if you decide to google something to learn about it. Learning valuable things from the internet should be optional, learning them from the place that should be the one to teach you should be mandatory.
MysteriousTomJenkins In the bronx (the borough I live in) has a 40% drop out rate, which is better represented by 50% because all of the good high schools are attended by richer family. Which basically means the either you or the guy next to you will not finish high school. And I'm near the worst of it being that some high schools near where I live have dropout rates nera 75%. Now to my point, the best way to help schools that don't offer these things is to elect a representative who'll raise taxes to give to schools or lower class families. Changing the school system will not some how make the families who can't afford letting their children attend school be able to attend school.
MysteriousTomJenkins Correct, it's not great for everyone but there are good reasons to learn various subjects. Schools should teach people how to live in the world as well but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be taught history, science, literature/english/writing/whatever, and math. TLDR the TLDR: They're necessary for everything in our modern world to keep working. The shitty outline that the educational system works on in regards to training for adulthood is that the indirect effect of going to school and doing well will prepare you for being an adult, which it doesn't really do. TLDR: They're necessary for a lot of things, history for understanding why everything is so shitty so we can fix things. Science so we won't take everything at face value and so we can better understand the probable research we'd be doing into various products we'd be buying that could kill us (we also need a general understanding of politics so we can understand that lots of things that are bad for us are lobbied and championed by politicians and doctors). Literature/writing so we can raise generations of creative writers who won't be writing shit like Scary Movie 8, trust me, you don't want to live in a world where everything is fart jokes. We also need it to give us a satirical perspective of the historical, present, and possible future world. And we need math because nobody wants to take it and it's central to everything we do. If nobody's forced to take a math class (or science class), it's highly likely nobody ever will, meaning nobody's gonna ever find out if they're capable of solving the inevitable internet problems we will face, or be able to troubleshoot your tech, or build the next big tech or make the next big medical discovery (like curing AIDS and cancer), etc. Our society will collapse if these subjects aren't requirements. Most people who become doctors, scientists, engineers, writers, etc. were inspired by their teachers or others in those fields, they won't be able to be inspired if they never meet those teachers or learn about people in those fields. So, we also need good teachers. History teaches us everything that was right and wrong in the past, we need current events classes to teach us that we're not that far ahead even though we think we are and it even allows us to understand the roots of the issues (if the class and curriculum is any good). Science classes give us a basic understanding of the various scientific fields which is essential for us to understand whether or not what we're being fed by various corporations is good for us. A good science class will teach you to question EVERYTHING and to never settle for answers without evidence. People who are atleast a little scientifically literate aren't easily swindled by the modern snake oil salesmen and they often will try to research the foods, dietary supplements, and various other health products that are constantly being shoved in our faces. People who aren't scientifically literate will just take it at face value and accept that those things will help them because an ad said that doctors approved of them. Literature, like history, can give us a perspective on the world that we wouldn't otherwise have. A good course in literature will introduce you to the great satirists and possibly the great political novels of writers like Mark Twain and George Orwell, allowing us to understand different aspects of society and its pitfalls in an entertaining way. The better we understand, the better we can work towards improving society. Side note, there's a funny joke about 1984, "I love 1984, I think kids should be forced to read it". I don't really think learning poetry and Shakespeare is necessary, but it's good that it's there since they serve as the basis for so many other things. Poetry and creative writing classes in general often get people to become interested in doing similar things for a living, and believe it or not, people get paid for things like that. Poetry leads to song writing, which isn't in the best state right now since lyricism is all but dead in the mainstream save a few artists (talking hip-hop here) and creative writing gets people to want to become writers for television and film. Basic math is a necessity, higher levels of math aren't required but it's good that we have access to it. This goes for every other subject as well, the fact that we have access to it allows us to possibly get into careers we'd otherwise be locked out of. People complain all of the time that "what is algebra going to help me with if I want to become a firefighter", well, it probably won't help you but your future isn't decided for you yet even if you think you know what you want to do. People change and our desired career paths or lack thereof will also change. The fact that you're learning it now, and hopefully you have a good teacher who's set a good curriculum and is trying to help you can set you up with a good future you didn't expect to see yourself in. Most people who become engineers, scientists, etc. didn't start out wanting to do any of that, they tended to be inspired by a teacher and/or they found out they had a knack for those subjects. You can't find out any of that stuff or be inspired by a teacher if the classes aren't a requirement and that would be as much a detriment as not learning the basics of adult life to you and society as a whole. Pretty much nobody wants to take math classes, imagine we didn't have to. Imagine how many engineers we'd have building things so our economy doesn't go in the shitter, or scientists (preferably with a good moral compass) to research the various solutions to our many problems ranging from cures to diseases to alternative energy, etc. We'd have virtually nobody in those fields especially since much of the teen culture revolves around "fuck school". I'm not going to lie, fuck school indeed, but I don't want to ruin it for everyone else because I'm a shithead literal deadbeat hypocrite. We need both core subjects and training for adulthood, but for some reason, we're focused only on core subjects. The reasoning is we'll figure it out like everyone else and we don't need to devote school time to it since school is indirectly supposed to make us become responsible people, the pillar of being an adult and that's not a very good base to start from.
TheJoggingJolt I don't know how old you are, what country and or state you're from, but there is a flaw in your theory. Yes you are correct that all those subjects need to be taught. But what is the point? None of my adult children know anything about history. Especially my 22 year old. She doesn't know any firmer presidents, no wars, civil rights, the Alamo, nothing. Because our state governor came up with a standardized test called an FCAT that passing or failing determined if the students passed to the next level and it wasn't even based on a regular school curricula such as you speak of. So the teachers spent half the year, every year, tutoring on a test that maybe a third to half were capable of passing. The stress on the kids was unbearable. You had straight A students failing to pass on to the next level because they were so stressed out they were physically I'll and would screw up on only one section of the test and that was it. My children are extremely intelligent but each handle stress differently. Fortunately my son was exempt from FCAT, he wouldn't have survived them. 1st daughter did fine. Youngest, well, she stressed, I received a few calls from school, but she always passed. Until she was a sophomore, said screw it, and dropped. She was tired of useless classes and tests where she was bored, bullied, and didn't learn anything interesting. How many schools are like that today? And only the best "A" rated schools get funding, so all the C, D, &, F schools are left to rot in their own inadequacies?
Celeste Matthews I don't know how old you are, what country and or state you're from but,I live in New York City, and in one of the less fortunate boroughs being the Bronx. Because you want me to better explain our school system I will. So New York City there are different kind of schools public schools, specialized high schools, and catholic schools (there are private schools but the system for them I doubt I need to explain). Public schools are public, well kinda because all the ones with a graduation rate worth to write home about are difficult to get into even if you're a good student and even then if you don't live in manhattan (a generally more fortunate borough minus a few neighborhoods) then you will have the chance of a fart in the winds chance of getting in and even when you do because all the good public schools are in manhattan you'll have a 1-2 hour commute on the subway when you're only 14. Tell me that's not crazy. Catholic schools cost money to get into and most base you on your grades to get in and while this may seem unfair many want you to be catholic. Hence the name many of the people in my area can't afford them especially when the closest one for me is 18,000 dollars a year and even if you get a scholarship you better keep those grades up because they can pull that away at anytime, and that can ruin some people. And now one of the weirdest ones the specialized high schools. These high schools are the best in the city and some the best in the state, they're technically public schools, and the only thing that gages whether or not you get in is the grade on the test called the shsat, everything else matters jack squat. So at first glance you would think that this is great for lower class families and for some yes, but because of how hard the test is it takes massive amounts of prepping to get into. Most lower class families can't afford it so despite the fact that these families are living right next to them they can't attend. This was obviously not a complete view of the system but I hope it's enough for you to understand. I will give you that from how you described it your school system needs changing but not close to the amount that the guy in this video wants. None of your children know much about history ok but you can't stop teaching history while it may seem useless in your everyday lives you can't be selfish because without history voters will be less informed history will repeat itself the fact that the school didn't teach it well enough could easily be contributed to my point. Tests are necessary no matter how you look at it because they're the way to look at a students grades with the least bias. But that said the difficulty of these tests by your accounts seem overwhelming and should be changed. But I don't see how that in anyway corresponds to this videos message being that they should stop teaching history and apparently 8th grade math. Compared to what he was saying your demands seem small and doesn't seem worth disregarding the education of lower class families just because of how difficult some of the tests are, but please enlighten me on how your problem is so gravely worse than there's and you should obviously get the spotlight. Please.
That's a little over exaggerated but yeah.... That happens. You can't ask questions when you need to and other dumb stuff. You can't learn about what you want to learn about etc etc
I wonder how many people that subscribed from that video expecting me to be all serious and moody are now going to find out my sense of humour and think "wait this guy is an idiot"
But your humor makes you the best kind of idiot. A relatable one. You are a complete person, not just this moody singer. Your humor is why I subscribed.
You are so funny Dave, and very smart! I'm always surprised by your intelligence. Thank you for sharing your ideas and views.
:D I study in a specialized school for programmers. There should be more such schools (specialized in a certain area).
haha wouldn't be surprised but you're funny and amazing and maybe some new people who subscribed will see that :)
humour shows intelligence, showing that you can rise above it anyway thats what people won't not an old moody fuck that is moaning about shit
Boyinaband: *has long hair*
Hate commenters: "And I took that personally"
😂 lol
@@insertname1244 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think it's normal because my 30 year old brother has the longest hair in my family (Idk why I said his age)
long hair is badass.
Science: children should have *at least* 8-10 hours of sleep
Schools: we ride at dawn
Bitch,(just completing meme)
I get 4-7
Start at 9 in elementary start at 8 in middle and start at 7 IN HIGH SCHOOL Yeah bullshit school system
This is accurate to Pasco county
{Galaxy Girl} your on
"That's what your parents are for"
...Parents who also learned from practically the exact same education system
you have an extremely good point
Quote for 'Don't Stay in School' "Teach the kids to parent nad thats the promblem solved then." It's surprising how many people ignore that this line exsists, covering and proving the point.
If your parents are worthless piles of cartilage, and the same can be said for your teachers, what then? Are you simply well and truly hosed?
Underrated comment. Hands down
I hate how teachers say "don't talk back to me" when students actually try to give a valid argument, which just makes students think their opinion is useless.
So true
And that's the reason I don't raise my hand
TheDoninator it’s true though lol. Kids get no say in anything whatsoever in public
Yup, it's basically like saying, "Don't try and stand up for yourself because it's bad"
@@ahaokatano3153 and when a person grows up then they are asked why aren't you standing ?
I totally agree with the fact that school discourages curiosity. I love music but music lessons would give me anxiety attacks, isn’t that weird huh.
@@Zyukayi I hated art in secondary school, mostly because I never found it intriguing. It was odd when my biology teacher said if we finish our test early, we could draw, there I am drawing steam locomotives with quite good detail, my biology teacher asked why didnt I pick art, I said I didnt want to.
Same, almost all of my lesson time is learning stuff I’ve already learned (talk about education standards and doodle on my desk and hand, and then come home to a dad shouting at me bc I’ve drawn on my arm, because I’m nervous and having anxiety attacks in class
@@Zyukayi SAME
At this point, school has gone from learning things to just trying to pass.
I can't even exaggerate how true your statement is right now
For you... That happens when you don't pay attention
@@elluchadoresrojo5098 Damn boomers don't understand jack nowadays
@@darienxd Do you even know what a boomer is?
@@elluchadoresrojo5098 I bet you're gonna give me a 15 minute lecture about it
I'm still in secondary school in England and we have a lesson called PSHE (physical, social, health education) which is meant to teach you things like tax, parenting and other things like that. So I certainly think it's starting to get better, though there are still mandatory lessons for the first three years before you take your options.
we have that too in my school (from grades 1-9) and yet all we ever did in those lessons was learn nothing useful. last year (I'm in y10) we were told to write a freaking song for our best friend ._. like that was supposed to do shit. sure they act like they are trying to change the system but really in all my years of learning I have never once learnt anything about tax, how to help someone when they are in danger, how to take care of myself mentally and physically and how to cope with various mental disorders and illnesses. and if you look at it right, yes you get to pick which subjects you want to continue learning but it IS MANDATORY to take maths, at leas 2 science topics and English, all of which (especially english) are incredibly hard. i myself struggle with maths, chemistry and at times English, none of which i see of future for myself in (besides english cuz i like to write books) the system wont change until people who see the fault in it get in power, at least that's how far i see it, sure we can protest and argue but we do it with our schools, not with the people in charge of the actual syllabus, people who can alter. i of course can be wrong cuz i only know so much but i hope i got my point across lmao
We had that, but mine specifically was replaced with biology. I think we did one tax lesson, a few very basic human rights lessons (usually only on the education right in a very very basic form) and then watched a few videos on other cultures where the teacher would just sit back and watch like the students were.
Ye we got that too
My math was a collage course in grade 10 :T
We spent like a day on real world stuff and then went to like grade 8 stuff
(I'm in g11)
My school also has this thing where if you get 2+ technology courses (that are optional) you get auto-inrolled into a first aid course
So they are trying but also not
PSHE in my secondary was just sex ed not once did they say anything to us about taxes or parenting only how to create and prevent creation of cretinous children
“It’s in our Human Rights”
what, the humans rights we never learned about?
•Infinty *five reasons why Canada actually has a good school system*
What, the human rights he had to google to learn about??
@•Infinty Also in Poland's 8th class of primary school (14-15 year olds) minus Poland's role in world organizations
We got ONE class to learn our human rights.
2015: Don't stay in school
2020: Can't stay in school
Me who’s going to school when it’s Tuesday.
We will just wasn't 12 years for 2 percentage things what is THE PURPOSE OF 12 YEARS FOR THAT
Come back to school when the situation is getting worse
2021 government can’t decide to stay or not stay so we go back everyother week
When you have to rely on google to learn how to be a human, school is doing something wrong
O⅄ tru doe
I have learned more from dont hug me I'm scared then frickin school
Fun fact: I learned more about psychology from RUclips and Google than my school or parents will ever teach me. And I’m only 11.
That is literally what school was made for, but the curriculum needs to change. Society has changed, and so does school
@@Maya-qs6nv I’m in seventh grade and I always find those science-ey videos on youtube entertaining. I learn a lot from them.
One time I was telling my mom what I learned that day
she said “what class”
I said “youtube”
man we should do a sequel to this video
Boyinaband: I don’t like the school system
Random hater: *sexy gril*
sexy gril
@@Yeetntxgril is very sexy
@@Zytek. 1000/1 reccomend
@@Yeetntx birb sexy gril very
@@Zytek. mmmmmmm yes
Honestly i dont see how anyone would think he's not intelligent. you can tell just by listening to him talk how intelligent he is. I love his point of view on things and i really wish other people would stop and think about things before they judge... but this was funny.
Joni Templer lool he sounds intelligent becuase he has that British accent xD but still i know what u mean
Joni Templer I actually was just going to type that!
I Highly Agree guys lol did we came from Idubbz's channel?
Joni Templer
Would he be talking like this if he didn’t have education?
Agreed! You can hear the intelligence and passion in the way that he talks.
Dave: _”Ah, it’s frickin cold out here.”_
*English auto-generated subtitles:* _”I, threatened cult artists through.”_
Me too. I did that
Through what Dave???
Ur right I tested it 😂😂😂😂😂
I'm obviously hearing about all of this years late [present is 2021] but I like you so damn much and literally cheered and exclaimed stuff like "EXACTLY!" through this entire video, to an empty room. I'll be looking around at your stuff to see what's up more recently, when I'm in a better mindset for it. Fucking fantastic, though, brother. Keep fighting the good fight.
Most polite RUclipsr ever
Jiffy Blue true
David Halls
And I'm just playing
Great job Dave, glad you got this video done at last! Can't wait to see what you do to continue this line of videos!
Actually Dave reminds me a little bit of you...
I've seen the original rap,it was good but,why do they had hate comments? v_v
Boyinaband Thank you for making this video. I no longer look like this weird kid who randomly expresses my views now.In fact loads of my friends agree and even some teachers.Because I'm just a teenager -because of my age- people don't really listen and because someone who has been through the school system before says it, people listen.So again thanks.Also sorry for the people who just saw the title and raged and didn't even listen to the lyrics.Cheers.
Please tell me you two know each other. PLEASE TELL ME YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER!!
I feel like he knows all the world's depressing facts off by heart
Michael Farrington odd, cuz he didn’t my existence
Michael Farrington he does
@@jut1n89 I'll make your reply understandable:
Odd, because he doesn't know my existence.
I mean, I know some too ;w;
He made a song with it all
He’s gonna have to react to a lot more hate comments now
More like one comment over and over again
@Jared Jams yeah but now that I think about also "boyinachild"
More like spammed overused law jokes that are filling the entire comment section everyday.
@@agamerdude7596 right, going to 10+ year old videos to make corny ass jokes ain't funny, people just jump the gun on things and it's very irritating
What really ticks me off is how all these angry parents assumed that kids would take it the wrong way, but in reality, it's them who are taking it the wrong way. If you think kids are stupid, well, where are they getting taught? Oh yeah, school. Why are schools paying so much attention to STEM subjects? Sure, the lower ones (basic math and science) are important, but if a kid wants to be something like an author or something, when are they going to use higher maths? And don't tell me it's to "figure out economics" or "so they can manage their income". If school should have classes on how to manage your earnings.
All these parents underestimate their kids, we as a society underestimate children. We always pass them off but it would be very valuable to listen to them and their opinions. Children are the ones who are currently in the school system so they should have a voice on how they are taught. One of my teachers made sure that we could choose what we wanted to do and have a voice in what we were taught. She was one of the best teachers I have had plus all of us really enjoyed her class, which was English.
@@spongebob4 Yes! Multiple times I tell adults another method of fixing a situation but they refuse to listen. More times than not their method didnt work and my input was actually valuable but then the blame is put on me for not speaking up. I'm sorry you REFUSED to listen to what I was saying the first time
@Olivia Bailey (student) In Ireland we have those subjects! We have an optional Home Economics class which teaches us how to cook, sew, and other stuff that is useful. Business class also teaches us how to manage household finances and taxes. (Even though the tax is automatically taken out of your wages and is added on to the products label)
Olivia Bailey (student) Yeah, even with the classes here school still has a way to go. It still doesn’t teach stuff that we need to know. Like how to deal with mental disorders, raising a child, etc, etc. The amount of people that end up depression in school is way higher than it should be. School tells you to learn several things in each class and then put up a poster saying “don’t be stressed” and expect it to work.
Thats the point, the one that are teaching are stupid, so they are technically spreading their stupidness.
"Why shouldn't we google the quadratic equation?"
200% valid point.
300 iq
Because you won't think to do it, that's what school is for
The Meme Orb I literally did not say that, the fuck?
@@orfe5537 when did he say that?????
“Upto your parents to teach you” literally states in the song that this could work if teachers taught you how to parent in school
@Lodders school isn’t useless per se, it never will be, unless everyone can start homeschooling, but I doubt this happening, but, the school system, at least the American one, needs a large rework
@@iamacatperson7226 50% percent of deaths are from school or because of school
@@chickentendiessa link/source? Also, 50% of what deaths, where? I sincerely doubt that half of the deaths in the word are due to school
@@iamacatperson7226 that's probably an exaggeration, but mental health issues are mostly caused by school, or they're at least a HUGE factor for what causes them.
@@2_OP that does sound more accurate
I love my schools science teacher, she knows what to do when the kids are getting bored and she has a great personality/not yelling at everyone all the time. We not only need a change in syllabus but an evaluation of teachers so the ones that absolutely hate kids are not around kids and making them hate the subject.
As a teacher myself I full heartedly agree with you. I often try to find loopholes in the syllabus to teach the kids things they actually want to learn about which is quite frankly pretty exhausting but even more so rewarding when you see the results.
Sadly many teachers are disillusioned by the system after only a few years and stop fighting the system, quit or feel stuck and start to lash out at their pupils (also there are way too many idiots that are teachers).
@@Beat105k I have an English teacher (I'm a Junior in highschool) and she honestly just does NOT deserve to be a teacher. She gets really upset like SUPER easily at a bunch of 16-17 year old's when they get chatty because she is the most boring and honestly idiotic teacher I know. She doesn't grade how she should but grades off her opinion and on how SHE wants US to be like. She wants us to be carbon fucking copies of her and be completely all knowing about what to do for things. With this, I already noticed it because I had the same amount of missing homework as other students (My fault for not doing it cause I was worried about the classes I actually liked rather than being bored for an hour doing homework) and the same assignments as others, Yet I had a 70% while others were at low 60's or 50's. This has not changed, The entire class I'm in is pretty much failing (some not just in that class so not blaming her for those few) but still. She doesn't deserve to be a teacher for high schoolers when she cant even handle teenagers. We get chatty when she's boring, she cant at ALL handle a couple swear words (I sort of understand but she is like an overbearing parent and will stare you down until you apologize or 'Fix' what you said and replace Fuck with Frick.) that are only few. I wish the main school system wasn't so shit and actually helped kids especially teenagers get ready for the real world. I'm learning Personal Finance at the moment which is about the only eligible thing there. And a few things that could earn me a job like Digital Media (Photoshop and such which I REALLY enjoy) and other computer / tech related things that I also enjoy. Other than that the school system in general is really bad if its like a Public school, There are schools that are good but most of them cost THOUSANDS to even get into and most people might not even have that amount to dump for their kid, especially my parents. We're no where near stable enough right now to do anything like that...
@@VegaVermilionVODS I have a science teacher like that kind of
He is a mess
He is good don't get me wrong but it's all work work work
Like one time I was having a panic attack and needed to go for a walk (like I was full on crying and shaking) so I raised my hand to go for a walk
"Uh actually I need you to do this review for a test on Monday *taps paper* so if you uh could do that"
I just looked at him like he was crazy,got up with all my stuff and walked to student services, got called to the office (they took teach's side) so I sat in student services in a privet room just drawing
Thankfully the people there are normal freaking humans and let me do what I needed to do to calm down
Why is this guy not the president of all the school boards?
He is more than that.
Because then the school system will really educate student instead of making profit and why would someone do better to othets at his own loss
Because he is not in the field that has the knowledge to design a good educational system. For that matter no one currently does as seen by the flawed system we currently have.
Kid: *Dying*
Other kids: “TEACHER!!”
Teacher: Pay attention to the math problem and stop talking!
Lol what a joke
This is literally all of my classes
This is normal in asia how is it a joke
Yes, exactly. Totally agree with you.
but they are dying
"I looked like Harry Potter if he was a serial killer" LMAO
I actually burst out laughing at that
What would Ron and Hermione look like in that world?
I would like but it’s at 569
We need a part 2 of this. I wonder what silly things “haters” are saying now
he really needs to be taught those laws
He really needs to lose 2 million subs
@@beefbossthehamburgur3923 bro that means he would still have 1M subs
@@ELmannnooo stopppp im on the floor dying 💀
Redditors who think they're geniuses... Oh God I can only imagine rn
Learning the watercycle for the seventh time. learned my human rights once.
Heather I know right, they’ll spend weeks going over something you learned 5 years ago and then glaze over what you need to know to not die. Also, what are human rights?
I didn't learn my human rights at all. I think the reasoning is that if we all knew our human rights the entire education system would be sued and the majority of teachers arrested for abuse.
Aragorn Son Of Arathorn Yeah probably or they’d continue to ignore children rallying together and speaking their opinions and parents will just think it’s dumb kid stuff or that we need school
@Little Turtle if you want to learn something else helpful you could try learning a second language
@@thatguy4996 yeah that's true
Kid: I'm depressed...
Schools: no you're not
Kid: I'm being bullied
Schools: just ignore it
Kid: I think the schools should-
Ps: just remember that a few years ago, a girl in my classroom was doing that jumping rope thing during PE class and fell to the ground, she started crying and she COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING MOVE, the PE teacher fucking started LAUGHING while some other teacher and our classmates went help her (I was so flipping mad at that guy)
Exactly what happened to me with my assistant principals.
Word for word!!!
oof i kinda felt that
Ngl that is pretty accurate lol
One time in PE just a couple of kids didn’t play a game by the rules and the whole class had to do jumping jacks for the rest of the class period. This happened in 3rd or 4th grade, and I’m currently in 6th grade.
My friend has been getting bullied but they keep ignoring it even when we told the school...then, it went really far that apperently, its my friends fault for not telling the teacher...we told the teacher many times yet they ignored it until it got too far
My friend had to get counselling(so as the bully) but it seemed like my friend is in more trouble, they don't really care :(
Science: Children needs 8-9 hours of sleep
School: According to math, deduct that by 4
Actually 8-9=-1 so that means you never get to sleep
@@hugo57k91... :'((
Also gives us 5 page and essays to hand in the next day “you should sleep
Ik- like i get 3-4 hours of sleep
We ride at dawn bitches
Dave, we need you now more than ever to come back from the dead and bring this issue back in full force. It seems to be slipping back into the pile of things we only dream about and never act on.
That is the problen with complaining about the education system. Unless someone higher up magically decides to listen we will be stuck with people complaining for the next few decades and see whether the generation that has critisised the education system can in fact fix it.
@@seriousgamer4202 Well i hope I may be that higher one. I’m still in 6th grade but throughout my little time in school I have influenced what our teachers spender the spare time on. In 5th grade I manipulated a teacher into learning us about what to do when some one goes unconscious or is suddenly dying, which I found out became useful because in the school yard a boy fell unconscious and because only one teacher was near it was hard because said teacher isn’t know what to do others than call 112 (danish version of 911) so a kid got the unconscious boy conscious again and then the abulnace came and genuinely saved a kids life. Now that’s what happens when the school system is flawed, and the teachers don’t give a fuck and don’t believe the kids. (Turns out the boy who fell unconscious had some serious nut allergies and the children he were close to ate peanuts, just the smell would make it hard for him to breathe)
No we don't. This guy is an idiot trying to pretend he is some modern day philosopher. He's cringey as hell also. If you listen to this guy and take his advice you're gonna have a bad time.
@@devilofcolor7004 you manipulated what your teachers were learning you huh? Well going off that sentence I'm guessing you should have let them actually teach you what they were supposed to and maybe you would know how to write correctly by this point.
I showed my teacher the don't stay in school video and she she spent 2 hours talking to us about our human rights in school, at home and what we can legally do at 14 years old. She is super cool.
max max
Eh, I wouldn't trust a teacher about what you can "legally" do at fourteen. Ask a humans rights lawyer.
max max I may have to give that a try with one of my teachers when school starts up again
School: oh you’re depressed? Here, learn some pointless calculus.
Let me put a bandage on that!
I make videos oh, you were beaten up and severely injured? Put some ice on that you pansy!
@@tio4973 Have a wet paper towel!
Oh, you defended yourself well now your suspended, should’ve let yourself get beaten up
Oh your classmate bullies you and threatens you with a knife?
Say sorry!
_"Yeah it's only wasting years of time from every educated human on the planet no big deal"_
Pretty much
Dude. You're everywhere.
98% of what you learn is a waste
-dave from life is fun
This is the 6th time I have seen you. Is your goal to be on every video ever?
Dude, LITERALLY stop following me!!!
You.... You again
I would like to say, as a teacher, thank you so much for your video and I can't believe I have only seen it now. You say so much better all that I have been thinking and trying to say (and so many other teachers and educationalists as well) about our system. People are threatened by change or being told their experience was "wrong" or "damaging" and so they react. These are generally people who have little imagination for the experiences of others or can't cope with things being challenged. Please don't take it personally and keep up the fight - they just really don't know.
Hater : " get a hair cut "
Boyinaband : sorry can't hear you my hair is covering my ears from all the haters
sloth girl Boyinaband : Bitch my hair is fabulous
Me : well it’s much much better then mine cause his hair onnn fleakkk
Dave with his hair over his ears:
Sorry I was too busy mmmmmm blocking out the haters
His hair is just fabulous
And I'm the opposite of him, I shaved most of my hair and I'm a girl
Person: Well , you probably made it it because you dropped out yourself.
Dave: I got 12 GCSEs , 3 A levels in math, physics , and computing as well as a university degree
*Destruction 100*
More than the haters could dream of XD
The irony here is that for all the effort those people went to to attack Dave for his points (not actually his points but rather his look, but it's obvious they disagreed with him), those lessons they defend never included "don't judge a book by its cover." "hE hAs LoNg HaiR hE mUsT bE a DrOpOuT."
he got 12 gcses... i only got 10 😬
The guy who wrote prolbey feels stupid
I have dislexea,
I'm being taught laws.
For the 13 freaking colonies.
yeah the laws over 500 years ago or something like that
I'm being taught how my ancestors got their rights to vote
it's ok to use fuck, no one's going to arrest you, its the internet
@Scarlet King Same, in NY.
Yay America!
I am someone who knows how to do multiplication. But don’t know the rights.
Keep up the good work. I dont really Care for rap Music but the message is absolutely spot on, and defenately something that should raised as topic and constructively be questioned and discussed openly in order for things to change for the better.
Props to you both for the song and for backing up your views.
I like how Dave knows that kids are actually smart, capable, mostly reasonable human beings and not 2 month old babies
Most of them... At least the ones who were willing to watch the video..
True!! I'm 11 and probably the smartest...sorry.
@Alexandra Salusbury yeah! And when people say insults like "are you ten!?" I knew about grape without the g, people being homophobic, mental problems, depression, sucide, murder, sexism, rasistim, and SO MANY MORE WHEN I WAS TEN AND ...what the heck did I just type!? Well, thank you for replying to my comment early!!
@Alexandra Salusbury adults are probably more stupid than children tbf
@Alexandra Salusbury honestly proud. Us teens and older people really do look down on you guys and it's really not helping is it lmao.
Dad: *I was a teen once* Me: that was 35 years ago times change
I was a teen 25 years ago, apart from less computer lessons the school system was still outdated even back then
I am a teen and I learn things in school that I need, but not everyone will. I wanna be a programmer one day, so I'm gonna use programming, but in my middle school, everyone who did the ECDL (European Certificate of Digital Literacy) were forced to learn some stuff in Phyton (a programming language), which I don't think is bad, but I'm the only one of us who could actually use this. Also, what we learnt can't even really be put to use without further information. We only did variables, prínt and scan something.
@@imagination_nub what the bloody hell is an ecdl
The best video intro ever
I need more RUclipsr's like Dave he taught me tolerance and civil discussion. And he started the conversation of Dark Academia before tiktok. This an important topic that needs to be given attention.
What we should learn
1. Normal math so we can still function as humans
2. Reading and writing
3. Basic 1st aid
4. Science that actually helps you
5. Political topics such as voting
6. Taxes
7. Home ec.
8 . Optional classes that you can choose for your interests
9. Field trips that are interactive and teach us more everyday things
10. Meantly illness classes to raise awareness and to help students with it like me
Omg couldn't agree more ESPECIALLY on that last one. I live in a small town and in the past 2 years 7 students have committed suicide. And guess what? The school district is trying to COVER IT UP as oppose to talking about it, working on solutions, and spreading awareness through out the schools. How fucked up is that?
13.How to Motivate People with Depression.
16. How to survive the zombie apocalypse
17. How to attacc but most importantly protecc
18. What the fox says
19. but most importantly how to respond to russian on the voice chat
Hate comments: "It's the parents fault. That's what parents are for"
How do I retweet a youtube comment
And this advice about using a condom, but now when you actually have a kid, when you want one
How can we teach our future kids, if our parents "should have taught us this"
@Eric Haynes 1 idk what u are trying to tell me?? 2 what im trying to say is, if they didnt teach the parents how to do this stuff correctly either, how can they teach us as we should our future kids?
Royal R 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
“Much appreciated insight there *ToiletDuck* “ that had me dead omg the shadeee😂
lou it’s “toyletduck”
only toyletduck can go to school
They didn't even spell it correctly... 😪
Title truck is the auto correct version lol toyletduck
I’m aware it’s spelt “toyletduck”
I just have way too much ocd to spell it incorrectly on purpose when I have the choice to spell it correctly.
A few years late to this, but I was born in the late 70's looking back at my young years I wish I would have buckled down and learned more. I also looked to why I didn't. That reason is addressed in this music video. I was forced to learn stuff I didn't care about. Thus when I found stuff I did care about I didn't want to learn it. I know this to be true because my high-school basically let us all form our curriculum in what we wanted to learn. I hit all of the essentials, but vastly Improved in grades because I got to choose what interested me. The school system needs to change to make kids want to learn more
*tired and stressed from just taking a 2 and a half hour test*
Teacher : *gO tO slEeP eArLiEr*
Why does this have 69 years of age
@@crusty_queso wait till this guy realizes how YT works
Plus homework or studying and any extracurricular activity, and required community service hours.
It's kind of hard to go to sleep earlier when you have a 5 page essay due the next day, assigned by the same teacher.
i saw a funny text thingy it went like this: kid:"hi" teacher:"why r u up so early?!?!" kid:"still doing the homework u gave us" and ur comment made me think of it
My teacher got mad at me for drawing in class once. It was art class.
Edit: admittedly, it was because of some other reason too, like, i guess i didnt put my computer in the spot we were supposed to put them in because it was a bunch of bullcrap, but the statement is still true.
Edit: thanks for the likes uwu
There, i look like a douchebag now and i feel good about it.
#Phantaminate nice
Best school ever.
What the actual hell
Student: brings up fair and valid argument
Sooo true
Longer form of this comment:
Kid: wins over an argument with valid evidence
Teacher: - sips tea - _Tastes like _*_DISRESPECT_*
Funny how this applies to parents too
Anyone else get told not to talk back when you objected to what you thought was unfair? Yeah.
Me whenever it bring up a fair, valid and backed up argument to anyone
Can you do this again now 💀
nah bro he's in fking jail
@@ahhhbalalalallaalalallagenuinely doubt that
It's sad how the song was made 6 years ago and there is still no change...
6 years isn’t that long in the grand scheme of the educational system
@@robbhoyt8276 Even still, those six years will massively impact the future generation. Six years of our lives going down the drain for things that do not matter. Six years in secondary school is basically your entire school career (Year 7 - Year 11) plus one, so an entire generation has been prepared for a society that does not currently exist and has been replaced with a more modern one
My school has boces
Well not necessarily, after covid many schools got an overhaul of change, but that’s in the U.S.
I have SERIOUSLY learnt and ACTUALLY remembered stuff on RUclips than in school..
me too lmao
I learned a whole language lol
The indian guy on youtube does teach a lot
@@corry76 me to
@@arcanev4 True
Edited: he is very knowledgeable and intelligent young man .
You sure that's not the British talking?
Just kidding he is (most likely, I can't speak for him)
AlolanGoreMagala7 he really is very smart ..
who cares eat pizza and get fat I need you're username
This word is so *Stellar* guys
You should use the word stellar more it'll make you smart :)
DragonDuelist .____. can I have you're autograph for smartest person in the world?
Damn, this guy even highlighted the important details on the paragraph rants efficiently, i still have trouble labeling important details of information- thanks science class.
Although on the bright side i'm good at summing things up, but school didn't teach me that, i had to learn that on my own that people don't like information overloaded content.
Me: I am not here to learn, I am here so my parents don’t get fined.
And to get a diploma so you can get jobs and live
@@matttheman9740 no just so the parents don't get fined
@@matttheman9740 you can get places without schooling, even if you were to pass math, English and science GCSEs with a c you can then go on to do anything, and they're ready easy to achieve it's literally half marks so if there were 120 marks, you only have to get 60 to pass and go on to do whatever you want because colleges accept whoever passes them GCSEs. British schooling is fucked up
@@sallen5686 it was only a joke no need to get so heated at them
@@bigdawg6734 no I'm not getting heated at them I'm literally just stating facts it's wasn't directed at them it's literally saying how stupid England's schooling system is
“Sexy grill”
Dave: *wholesome laughing*
School isn't about how smart you are. Its about how well you can remember things.
They don’t teach you to learn. They teach you to memorize, test, forget.
@@LilSigmaRatThing so true
@@LB63140 thE rEVoluTiON hAs BegUn
@@boazcohen7992 yeah fuck you
I had the same problems.
I used to be a "weird" kid , but supposedly was highly intelligent , but unfortunately a bit different.
I had my own ways of learning , calculating maths and other things, but the schools I went to always tried their hardest to force me into "by the book" calculations and learning... while also presenting me with many topics I just simply wasn't interested in. Nowadays I prettymuch work in a workshop for handicapped people as I'm depressed af and never managed to get anywhere , despite supposedly being highly intelligent which was measured by all kinds of tests by psychologists when I was younger.
I honestly never had a clear direction in life... and school sure as hell didn't help me get one but rather push me away from it.
Granted it isn't just the schools fault, but it plays a big part in it... they are just in many cases massively underfunded and don't have the time or nerve to help spark the talents of every student and adapt to their quirks.
I was also falsely medicated which made it worse but that's another story.
Dude, same here! I'm supposed to be highly intelligent when I was tested as a kid. When I was little people thought I would be the best and go to the best unis and stuff, because it was very obvious I did things much faster than my peers. However, because I went to a public school, even though I was finished with work, teachers never did anything. I developed the habit of spacing out and doing things slowly until I was only better moderately, not to a point of standing out, and only displayed the more noticable faster learning speeds when I did stuff outside of school.
I distinctly remember I was moved up classes once when teachers finally decided to do something about my boredom, but I was terrified of the older kids and I performed really badly that lesson, so they moved me back.
Now my less smart peers are doing better than me, I got a U in my A level end of year maths mock (i used to be good at maths before I kinda gave up and stopped concentrating at all) and I need support to learn. Thankfully I turned stuff around and now my grades are better but the damage is sort of done already. My concentration is terrible and my memory isn't even that good (do you ever consider yourself stupid even if you're moderately better than most people your age? Another thing schools do. They call you a genius, and when you do something thst isn't 'genius', you think you're stupid, even if you're still 'better' than the average person)
I swear very intelligent kids get shat on by schools. Not all intelligent kids blurt out maths at age 3 and if intervention isn't made, you sometimes end up worse than everyone.
@@user-id3my6cr1r Unfortunately intellect comes with a very harsh sideeffect... One tends to observe and analyse much more , also getting a considerably more clear picture of ones surroundings and situation. This can be a good or a bad thing... If the people around you are pretty positive and supportive one can achieve a lot, if however the surroundings are toxic one gets affected heavily by it while also starting to "learn" the wrong things. Instead of spending brain capacity on useful stuff like a higher education and making a difference in the world one just ends up not giving a damn, as one can see quite clearly how rotten the world truly is at its core. Things like that can scar for life , especially if one feels constantly misunderstood or misinterpreted. Most of my "intellect" went into finding ways to not go batshit crazy :P
It was especially bad in my case ... as I'm prettymuch an observer ... I observe and analyse ... taking things apart and looking at their core-functions and buildup.
I unfortunately looked far too deep for my own good :P
@@Kiiltec Honestly, this. I don't think it's intentional, it just happens. Though being observant dosen't guarentee intelligence ofc, intelligent people are often observant. If you have an intelligent child who is placed in a toxic environment... Well. 😔 It dosen't even have to be an environment. Kids are kids, even intelligent kids brains sometimes aren't mature in the adult sense (like being able to enjoy cynical works without becoming a jaded cynic) I read a lot of adult books when I think I was way too young for it. My parents bought them for me so I read them. For some reason, a lot of books speculating about the futures of machines and artificial intelligence - oh, and also this quite old one which was scaremongering. That was a bad example lol but those sorts of books can leave a kid being paranoid amd way too cynical for his age. And idk even know why I get these vibes from a lot of classics, but you know books like the Clockwork Orange? (I didnt read THAT one as a kid thank god) Those can make an adult depressed reading it. They make the reader feel uncomfortable after reading them and generally kinda depressed and sad. Kids shouldnt be touching those, they may be intellectually capable of understanding what's happening and the different meanings and stuff, but I don't think theyre mentally capable of dealing with all the bad vibes. Maybe I'm not smart enough to be able to read books like that as a child and be able to learn life lessons while not being depressed? Maybe people smarter than me can do it idk, well, I can't.
Not saying 'don't let kids touch classics'. Just be in a safe environment with adults when doing so. Also, when I say kid I mean kids around 6-7. Kids over 10 might be able to deal with it.
Also, when books are your escape from being bullied at school, depressing and cynical books shouldn't be the ones to be turned to.
I went so off tangent there. Hope that made a bit of sense and added something to the conversation.
Hopefully you know the laws from your country
I started pulling my hair out from stress at school
I had to go to therapy for it
I have anxiety
At my old school, when I didn’t get an answer right, a teacher would swat me with a fly swatter
I tried to say something, and the principal told me I was making things up.
I’ve cried myself to sleep over schoolwork
I can complete an hour of homework from each class everyday and wake up at an ungodly hour and the second I slip up I get yelled at
But sure, the education system is perfect.
uncreative vegetarian I’m so sorry to hear that
well that sounds like child abuse you should probably call the cops for that one
@@conner3626 it’s not my parents yelling at me, but rather I can tell everyone is disappointed
I cant do much about that teacher, though
she’s probably already gone
Jesus Christ. I hope that never happens to you and that you're in a better state now🖤
@@tunaloverboy thank you ♥️ I have been getting a lot better, but online school is stressing me out a lot. Luckily I only have a a couple days left.
Breaks like weekends and holidays are not breaks if you have to work through the whole thing on projects and homework.
Ocean love him or hate him he’s spitting facts
This is so true
Fuckin' hate it that teachers tell us to take the weekends or holidays as opportunities to do our requirements when it should be rest day or spending time with family.
My school is great and actually doesn't make us take home homework, which makes us have less weight on our shoulders and feel better about school.
me: i love learning about space and reading books
school: i am about to end this child's hobbies
Ar and i get to build a rocket
@Gtaberr_Luna that is excatly what means that you have to be what THEY want you to be
Me: I wanna be a clothing person who reads everyone books, and gives people free books, like Mrs. Paré.
School and Society: That is not a category. That does not fit into a box. You can't just make a job, you have to pick one that will make you money, so you can support a children as a good mom and you're husband won't have to carry all the financial weight.
Me, last Monday: *wears snapped hand-cuffs to school as a fashion statement* fuck you society. You iz a bitch. And an assuming one, too. How do YOU know I can't? How do YOU know I care about the financial system where people give away their souls, lives, and happiness for used paper? How do YOU know that I even FIT into a box myself? How do YOU know that I want a family? How do YOU know that I am a girl? How do YOU know I like guys, or have feelings for people in general? How do YOU know I wanna get married?
Society: *be like* daaaaammmmnnn! this bitch stood up! Oh, we on, fool!
@@different.kind.of.nothing r/im14andthisdeep
Ik this was six years ago now, but I love how logically dave goes about this, acknowledging other peoples opinions, and giving his.
I have learned more in quarantine than I have in school this year
Same bro
Me too
Me to
The fact that he is able to back up his point against every negative comment is awesome
Some of them got roasted so hard lol
Yes exactly and he is super civil about it. I can respect that♡
He's awesome
Lol luv the comment which Dave said it was talking about itself. “Useless” lol
Me: "makes fair point on why 90% of school is useless"
My mum: "it's that stupid boy band person"
Reddit users that are desperate for karma: "They used facts and logic to prove that the school system is flawed therefor(e) they're edgy"
@@frozenfoxgames5300 Tell noone
Redstone Creations quite literally
me, a 5th grader, knows his point. a lot of the same happens to me.
you are very logical, and that outweighs the level of smarts. 1 logic> 1 smart point.
you are a great person, and that should be credited more than smarts. you are smart as well
ignore the hate, and listen to inspiration and potential ideas
" I looked liked harry potter if he was a serial killer!"
I cant stop laughing.
Voldemort Potter
“I’m constantly stressed, I’m being bullied, I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future and know how things work because no one is helping me learn it”
Schools: *“well lava underground is called magma”*
This is too true.
@@allerasthesphinx7184 from where?
*atlease I know what the atom looks like* :)
Me who's watching this 5 years later still seeing no changes: Visible Confusion.
@@golanshahar6256 He was trying to spread the message that the system needs change.
I'm currently being shown the wavelengths of different hues of light.
They still don't teach kids human rights.
Oh and I know ignius, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, but I don't know squat about trading stocks.
And everything I know about how money works at all I had to figure out myself.
COVID and shit thi
Damn not even the hate comments could teach him what laws there are
kid: *being bullied and tells a teacher*
teacher: "oh, just ignore it"
_you know, karen, it's pretty hard to ignore someone slamming your face into a locker._
I love how you refer to the teacher by name. It makes it even funnier.
@Xaryonx and she's a Karen.
(Although I'm not sure it's supposed to be funny)
When billions of kids are happy about a global pandemic (even though there are millions of deaths) because they get a few weeks or months off school clearly says something about the education system.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 you sound like a teacher i would be terrified of in school... Therefore would be glad i can learn the subject on my own without person shouting at me how im stupid and should know this thing
@@cucoriedka1929 ok
@@somedumbguyand14others28 Its a tiny flaw because these aren't supposed to be factual statements. It's only supposed to be a way to share your opinion but even then there are now 1.5 billion estimated children so saying billions is still technically correct even if you round.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 Also you took the time to make sure that this specific opinion could be discredited therefore your education specifically HAS to be better than most of the education 60% (opinion) of children in the U.S. Also, the thing about school is that the people like you WANT to be at school, not because of the work, but because of the social skills you gain from being at school. Though school suppressed social teenagers so that they could pay attention to how a verb is also called a predicate. Also people are individuals. Student body ISN'T THE MIND OF THE AVERAGE STUDENT.
@@somedumbguyand14others28 My point is that WHY did you have to point out incorrect things about his comment. What was the point behind it. A small little exaggeration doesn't deserve this much disproving or invalidation. Either way thank you for acknowledging that you might've come off as rude.
me: eats gum
teacher: gets hella mad
me:gets bullied
:teacher ignore him and he wont bully you anymore
My schools teachers: "No gum because you put it on the tables and we don't clean our tables"
The desks: "1. COVID people, COVID!
2. I only have like 2-3 pieces of gum"
so theres a kid in my class who always gets bullied. some of my teachers actually Gstart bullying him, too! its horrible
@@apisen7161 Omg I forgot there are teachers like that, feel bad for him
*bully stops bullying and teacher starts shaming you for heaven knows what like wtaf
I'm 17, and while I am nearly an adult, I find it really frustrating how a lot of the people in charge of our education, or essentially our lives until we start working(Not talking about parents in my case, but I know people who's parents are absolutely terrible people. Love you Mom and Dad), think we know nothing about the world, and yet, we are perfectly capable of debating the sh** out of them outside the classroom when all they can do is scream and rant. My government teacher has opened up the floor to us multiple times over controversial issues, and the discussion is far more constructive than half of the big news companies out there, and you say we can't think for ourselves? Hell are you on? I get that there are plenty of exceptions on both sides, but, I'm going to be honest, I find it highly unlikely that I'll ever use Calculus, or Physics, or Chemistry in my life, considering I want to go into Journalism and/or Psychology, but they were requirements for me because I already took all the low level classes, and we need a certain amount of time spent on different subjects to graduate. Please education leaders, redo the whole f***ing system, because it's wasting time for a lot of people, making them study subjects that they'll never use in day to day life for the most part, but not teaching us how to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and financially. But no, because these same people are profiting off of the money we have to spend to get help when we struggle to do things like taxes, or cook, or invest, so why should they fix things? I'm in California, and I don't know about other countries, but the education system we have is broken.
Sorry for the essay, but I had to rant a bit after hearing the song and this video.
School was made inthe 90's to make most people go to factory's its made corectly for the past but awfull for this times
Did they teach you what laws there are?
You know shcools are bad when kids are happy staying home
Indeed stickmin indeed
empty potion ( does thank you distraction)
@Aaron AFK don't know how you think it's shit, it's probably the best animated superhero besides the Incredibles.
Online School Sucks! The frickin modules are harder then any test that an normal school will give and u have to do alot of them
@@dot2382 really because I have a lot less work now. I’d have a project per class like every week and tests all the time so to me online school is a breeze in comparison.
toyletduck: this guy is an idiot
dave: quietly takes out uno reverse card
Then toyletduck pulls a skip card and then he says it's a block card proving Dave's point,relying on a card game and common sense
I have been summoned.(my Roblox character is an uno reverse card so i kinda identify as one on yt and stuff)
Jaclyn Hartman your name too because uh... you have a hart
Yeah, roasted
No Dave be like:
_slowly taking out infinites of No u_
he started the trend
I like learning for the point of learning.
But I’m a stone cold procrastinator.
I want to know these things.
But I’m bad at it. I’m a very slow learner.
Not every one is able to learn the same way or the same pace. Incredible amounts of things are mandatory when they should be optional. The only things that I believe should be taught are how to use money, do taxes, live properly, etc.
We have short lives, most of which is wasted on our school systems and the other parts on our f***ed up society.
Well said.
same here. i'm actually procrastinating rn lmao
I can understand your feelings. When I started 1st - 3rd, I could BARELY learn.
I agree but I think we should also learn things like reading, writing, English, basic math and a secondary language
There are probably others but these are things I think are actually useful to most people
"The syllabus has inefficient aspects to it" but Dave, it's such a good title! LOL, I love you, man! Maybe it could be your follow-up.
Description : "There were LOADS of comments, but I tried to pick the most representative ones!"
Comment : "Sexy gril"
something wrong with that?
I never said that there was.
Oh my
@@SuperBelguaMonke good
@@meabh2270 no, the comment was purposely written that way in the video.
Friend: Hey dude, what's your favourite song?
Me, an intellectual: The Syllabus has Inefficient Aspects to it.
Macawesome Bird when did you make that RUclips account because blue macaws are now extinct. Cute macaw tho
Norma Diaz that’s a hyacinth macaw, the Spix Macaw was the one that went extinct.
Just wing it oh I looked it up and yeah your right. Someone told me that blue macaws became extinct but they are near the brink of extinction
@@normadiaz1779 Where did yall gain the interest to learn about this topic?
@Dr. Boring idk i look on news or websites seeing what it’s going extinct and what previously became. I think there are about 4 or 2 thousand tigers left
Notice that a lot of kids were the commenters who know how shitty the school system is. Adults think we're "being self-entitled" and "need to grow up." Google school makes me....and the first suggestions are "makes me depressed" "sad" and "cry." Gee, I wonder why
norseMonkey I get angry when I think about how I wasn't lucky enough to be homeschooled lol I got a failed public education. I think you really see the difference in college. A friend, who was homeschooled, I made in my programming classes is absolutely brilliant. He just knows things I feel like I should, even basic every day things (he had to help me with figuring out how to set a credit card up and how to get a loan for a car). He's always like how do you not know this, and I always just respond with "I went to public school." Lmfao there is this sixteen year old in our linear algebra class who was homeschooled and knows three languages!
It's also bad when I get anxiety from math because yay! I wanted to die in 4th grade because I wanna die YAY
Im homeschooled but I've been in school for 5 (useless) years of my life. I learnt more in one year of homeschooling than I did in my 5 years. School made me uninterested in learning because I was forced to study things I wasnt interested in, and took away all my time with homework when I wanted to be doing my favorite things to do (writing, drawing, etc). Dont get the wrong message; the things you might not be interested in are important too. But you should be able to spend more time learning things you want than learning things you hate. Even though its necessary doesnt mean you should study it more than your passions.
Master of science here. I am with you, I need to teach my kids this stuff myself even though our school teach kids these things somewhat. But I don't trust the system.
Did they teach you what laws there are?
I love your long hair don't not let anyone make fun of your hair
You seem kinda weird for saying that
I like your profile picture. It looks funny
@@ishmaelyellow4138 thats not weird at all. It's called being friendly, i know its a strange concept but some of hoooomans practice this.
trash panda
I think that they’re an empathetic and caring person, and are coming from a place of humanity. There’s nothing weird about that.
Hobi look at the pfp of the guy that said that thats why its weird
Oml how could someone not like your majestic hair ._.
Ur face is Connor so ur awesome by default
@@vangdit0668 oml YAS
@@vangdit0668 thanks buddy
@@thesong6984 👌🏻
My school encourages us to defend ourselves, when we do, even when we are not at school, detention.
Kai Mason Did he physically hurt you first? If not, then that's your fault. You can't go around shoving people because they're annoying you. That's called battery.
I'm a TurtleCat yep
someone in my class said I couldn't fight because I'm a girl, I kicked him in the leg and he dropped to the ground in a matter of seconds making noises of pain, the teacher saw it and did nothing. XD
KatDoesStuff :p Well lucky you.
Them: Just calm down and don't take it too seriously.
Dave: Yeah, it's only wasting years of time from every educated human being on the planet.
nO BiG dEaL
He is extremely right , most schools have us site in rows which was mandatory in the 1940s to help kids get used to site in factories and as a student it’s hard to site in a Seat for 45 minutes at a time and have someone yell facts at me and then give me a quiz rinse wash repeat until a major state test when we have to relearn everything in a month because we all forgot due to the amount of stuff they want to cram into us in a day and then proceed to give us more to take home and stay up well into the night trying to get done .
Not even just 45 minutes. At my school its 85 minutes in one class.
And then wake us up at the crack of dawn
Artistic random , I feel that I hate that my first class is at 7 am it’s the worst
@@madnesskitty2774 wait, and how many classes in a day?
My teacher when I told her school made me depressed said its because all I do is just sit and play video games and lock everyone out. I play video games because book are ruined by teachers and I lock everyone else out because I have trust issues
Damn what a bitch I totally get what your saying I lock everyone out because of trust issues and anxiety
Trust issues is a blanket term and should not be used here, be patient with others treat yourself as a fisherman and the opportunity to trust like fish in a river, if you do not cast a net at all how can you eat. Instead be patient and leave your net in the water and let the fish come to you, in time you will catch many fish as much fish as you want.
All you have to do is cast your net
@@alexmatheson3860 cast your net, and once they take the bait, gut them and eat them
@@alexmatheson3860 I get that's an expression but you sound like you think this is a comment about not liking fishing
Also how the hell does letting fish come to you relate to having trust issues
JPopRoxz what he means is over time you can build up a strong relationship to help get over the trust issues, that’s how I got over mine I just had to be patient and open to people it was hard but it’s definitely worth it
Teacher: Be quiet in the hall class! We don't want to disrupt other classes.
Two Kids: *whisper*
Teacher: BE QUIET JEREMY! (while completely disrupting the other classes)
True that
Lmao yep
I’m amazed when I learned that what I’m learning in school right now is what my grandpa was taught and in roughly the same way.
yes it is irrelevant now
Based off of what my mom remembers, in the past like 50 years: science when it comes to cells at least was slightly improved and apparently they made the method of teaching math in like preschool and kindergarten so annoying that it made me cry as a little kid.
(talking about how shiz school is when it comes to mental health, my mom never really said anything about this but based off her reactions it had gotten worse. Lot of text, don't read if you don't want to)
It also either still offers shiz mental health handouts or that is a newer addition considering I remember when I broke bones in 1st grade they didn't tell my parents until my mom picked me up at the end of the day. The teachers also didn't try and help me up when I got trampled one time during recess, two other kids did after most of the other students when inside.
Plus there was a time in 5th grade where we were being tested on our states and capitals for the 4th time in like 2-3 months and I knew I was going to fail it cause she only taught us them once in-between the tests. After that class while walking out I hyperventilated, got to my homeroom teacher, got half way towards the nurse, then blacked/passed out because I had an asthma attack. I was then put in a 'club' during my lunch period that taught us how to use an inhaler (we weren't aloud to carry them with us in school ._.)
In 8th grade about half way through the year I started to get a weaker stomach to the point that if I ate ~1 hour before running I would throw up. At first the school tried to see if using an inhaler before gym would work (obviously didn't work). So I then stopped eating breakfast cause after that was homeroom and gym and that worked. However because that was only a few days after the school's method they thought they were correct then continued to make me use my inhaler right before gym. Even when I said that wasn't why it stopped..
I also found out like a week or two ago that my high school has a program for kids who harm themselves or have tried to commit. I found this out by over hearing a junior telling their friend to quite down before the teacher signs them up for it because they said that they want to die because of the math work. I had just learned about this as a sophomore. I'm not even sure if that is sad that it has come to that point or if it's a good thing that it exists. Not sure what the program does, just now know it exits and there is roughly at least 10 people in it.
Lmao no it's not what your grandpa was taught and whoever told you that lied to you
@@abbiebamboozler3090 And if they asked their grandpa?
Did they teach you what laws there are?
I've learned so much more just by watching RUclips videos than I ever did in school.
That's fully true, I'm the same way, school really sucks
The only reason I passed is RUclips
This dude has better hair than me and I'm a girl...
That's exactly what I thought.
Amy Zero His hair is 3x the size of mine o-e
Amy Zero Insecurities insecurities INSECURITIES!!!!!! XD
Amy Zero IKR me too.
Math you won’t use:MANDATORY
Cooking class, something you’ll use almost everyday:Optional for half a semester in middle school (or that’s how it worked in my school at least)
Interesting isn't it? Cooking should be more mandatory then advanced maths. However, Mathematics definitely does have many useful aspects pragmatically speaking, it's just the way it's administered is the problem, but Mathematics education is a whole other topic that would take me an essay to explain. If we are specifically talking about basic maths though, then the average person definitely uses it in their everyday lives.
I studied at a school that cooking was "mandatory" for the second semester, but, the school didn't teach us crap, we literally had 2 classes in the entire semester and we just learned how to cook a flipping egg
Cooking for me was not available unless you asked for it
Same here, take it from me, a 7th grader
This year(2019) I'm going to grade 7 and the school I'm going to you can take cooking class in grade 8 ...
My suggestion would be compile a list of the essential information that everyone should be taught, give it a name and start a trend of asking politicians why they aren't being taught. A clear list gives an actionable solution.
@Spin Lock Like basic financial management, how the voting systems of your country works, how taxes work, what financial aid exists that you might need one day but will only get if you know to apply for it, what a CV should look like, basic first aid skills.
Basically, universal life skills that are potentially useful to literally anyone which are inexplicably not taught, or at least not taught consistently and reliably with a proper curriculum to make sure that everything is covered and children have actually learnt them.
A good chunk of which was listed in the actual song, dumbass.
When I was in school in the 80s, they had this class, but only for students living on their own
“Was I the only one who though he was a girl?” It’s BOYinaband
@Fido Zhang no, *sexygril*-inaband
I love eating Sexy Grills.
@@RandiePro I just imagined a grill wearing a sexy outfit and now I hate my self
@@elainad6728 thanks man
@@RandiePro gril*
I really hate the kind of logic some of those people had.
"I learned in my school so that must mean that EVERYONE had this potential as well and simply squandered it and there is no other reason why people in different schools in different states or different countries should be whining about school because my schooling was great and that means everyone's is."
No, that doesn't mean it at all. You were just lucky you had good enough schooling as well as several other factors that allowed you to have that useful education. Others aren't so lucky and get screwed over by the school system, learning things pointless to them instead of things they could actually use in their lives. That one guy Boyinaband showed on that TV show, what he said was also idiotic because he ignored other possible factors. Kids questioned the usefullness of what they were being taught and then became dead beats so that can ONLY mean they simply sucked at learning, right? Couldn't possibly mean that the things they were being taught were actually useless and didn't prepare them for life, making it hard for them to succeed and thus they unfortunately become deadbeats and drunks. Just because you succeeded, doesn't mean everyone else could the same way as you. There are various factors involved here and your school life won't be someone else'.
MysteriousTomJenkins Also, the Google argument is rather stupid as well.
"It's you're own fault that the people who are in charge of educating you and preparing you for life didn't do a very good job. You should just use google and the internet to educate yourself if you want to learn something so there is no reason to complain about a flawed system that SHOULD be responsible for teaching you the things you want to learn about and need to learn about to survive in life."
Makes me think of the parents who complain about other things like songs, cartoons and videogames teaching their kids bad things when the person who should be teaching them is the fucking parent themselves. The internet is a good way to learn about things, not denying that but just because you can learn from it, doesn't mean the argument of a flawed school system is no longer valid. Schools are meant to teach you things and set you up to where you can survive adult life and make a life of your own, not the internet. If the school fails at doing that then it is a problem and it doesn't vanish if you decide to google something to learn about it. Learning valuable things from the internet should be optional, learning them from the place that should be the one to teach you should be mandatory.
MysteriousTomJenkins In the bronx (the borough I live in) has a 40% drop out rate, which is better represented by 50% because all of the good high schools are attended by richer family. Which basically means the either you or the guy next to you will not finish high school. And I'm near the worst of it being that some high schools near where I live have dropout rates nera 75%. Now to my point, the best way to help schools that don't offer these things is to elect a representative who'll raise taxes to give to schools or lower class families. Changing the school system will not some how make the families who can't afford letting their children attend school be able to attend school.
MysteriousTomJenkins Correct, it's not great for everyone but there are good reasons to learn various subjects. Schools should teach people how to live in the world as well but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be taught history, science, literature/english/writing/whatever, and math.
TLDR the TLDR: They're necessary for everything in our modern world to keep working. The shitty outline that the educational system works on in regards to training for adulthood is that the indirect effect of going to school and doing well will prepare you for being an adult, which it doesn't really do.
TLDR: They're necessary for a lot of things, history for understanding why everything is so shitty so we can fix things. Science so we won't take everything at face value and so we can better understand the probable research we'd be doing into various products we'd be buying that could kill us (we also need a general understanding of politics so we can understand that lots of things that are bad for us are lobbied and championed by politicians and doctors). Literature/writing so we can raise generations of creative writers who won't be writing shit like Scary Movie 8, trust me, you don't want to live in a world where everything is fart jokes. We also need it to give us a satirical perspective of the historical, present, and possible future world. And we need math because nobody wants to take it and it's central to everything we do. If nobody's forced to take a math class (or science class), it's highly likely nobody ever will, meaning nobody's gonna ever find out if they're capable of solving the inevitable internet problems we will face, or be able to troubleshoot your tech, or build the next big tech or make the next big medical discovery (like curing AIDS and cancer), etc. Our society will collapse if these subjects aren't requirements. Most people who become doctors, scientists, engineers, writers, etc. were inspired by their teachers or others in those fields, they won't be able to be inspired if they never meet those teachers or learn about people in those fields. So, we also need good teachers.
History teaches us everything that was right and wrong in the past, we need current events classes to teach us that we're not that far ahead even though we think we are and it even allows us to understand the roots of the issues (if the class and curriculum is any good).
Science classes give us a basic understanding of the various scientific fields which is essential for us to understand whether or not what we're being fed by various corporations is good for us. A good science class will teach you to question EVERYTHING and to never settle for answers without evidence. People who are atleast a little scientifically literate aren't easily swindled by the modern snake oil salesmen and they often will try to research the foods, dietary supplements, and various other health products that are constantly being shoved in our faces. People who aren't scientifically literate will just take it at face value and accept that those things will help them because an ad said that doctors approved of them.
Literature, like history, can give us a perspective on the world that we wouldn't otherwise have. A good course in literature will introduce you to the great satirists and possibly the great political novels of writers like Mark Twain and George Orwell, allowing us to understand different aspects of society and its pitfalls in an entertaining way. The better we understand, the better we can work towards improving society. Side note, there's a funny joke about 1984, "I love 1984, I think kids should be forced to read it". I don't really think learning poetry and Shakespeare is necessary, but it's good that it's there since they serve as the basis for so many other things. Poetry and creative writing classes in general often get people to become interested in doing similar things for a living, and believe it or not, people get paid for things like that. Poetry leads to song writing, which isn't in the best state right now since lyricism is all but dead in the mainstream save a few artists (talking hip-hop here) and creative writing gets people to want to become writers for television and film.
Basic math is a necessity, higher levels of math aren't required but it's good that we have access to it. This goes for every other subject as well, the fact that we have access to it allows us to possibly get into careers we'd otherwise be locked out of. People complain all of the time that "what is algebra going to help me with if I want to become a firefighter", well, it probably won't help you but your future isn't decided for you yet even if you think you know what you want to do. People change and our desired career paths or lack thereof will also change. The fact that you're learning it now, and hopefully you have a good teacher who's set a good curriculum and is trying to help you can set you up with a good future you didn't expect to see yourself in.
Most people who become engineers, scientists, etc. didn't start out wanting to do any of that, they tended to be inspired by a teacher and/or they found out they had a knack for those subjects. You can't find out any of that stuff or be inspired by a teacher if the classes aren't a requirement and that would be as much a detriment as not learning the basics of adult life to you and society as a whole. Pretty much nobody wants to take math classes, imagine we didn't have to. Imagine how many engineers we'd have building things so our economy doesn't go in the shitter, or scientists (preferably with a good moral compass) to research the various solutions to our many problems ranging from cures to diseases to alternative energy, etc. We'd have virtually nobody in those fields especially since much of the teen culture revolves around "fuck school". I'm not going to lie, fuck school indeed, but I don't want to ruin it for everyone else because I'm a shithead literal deadbeat hypocrite. We need both core subjects and training for adulthood, but for some reason, we're focused only on core subjects. The reasoning is we'll figure it out like everyone else and we don't need to devote school time to it since school is indirectly supposed to make us become responsible people, the pillar of being an adult and that's not a very good base to start from.
TheJoggingJolt I don't know how old you are, what country and or state you're from, but there is a flaw in your theory. Yes you are correct that all those subjects need to be taught. But what is the point? None of my adult children know anything about history. Especially my 22 year old. She doesn't know any firmer presidents, no wars, civil rights, the Alamo, nothing. Because our state governor came up with a standardized test called an FCAT that passing or failing determined if the students passed to the next level and it wasn't even based on a regular school curricula such as you speak of. So the teachers spent half the year, every year, tutoring on a test that maybe a third to half were capable of passing. The stress on the kids was unbearable. You had straight A students failing to pass on to the next level because they were so stressed out they were physically I'll and would screw up on only one section of the test and that was it. My children are extremely intelligent but each handle stress differently. Fortunately my son was exempt from FCAT, he wouldn't have survived them. 1st daughter did fine. Youngest, well, she stressed, I received a few calls from school, but she always passed. Until she was a sophomore, said screw it, and dropped. She was tired of useless classes and tests where she was bored, bullied, and didn't learn anything interesting.
How many schools are like that today? And only the best "A" rated schools get funding, so all the C, D, &, F schools are left to rot in their own inadequacies?
Celeste Matthews I don't know how old you are, what country and or state you're from but,I live in New York City, and in one of the less fortunate boroughs being the Bronx. Because you want me to better explain our school system I will. So New York City there are different kind of schools public schools, specialized high schools, and catholic schools (there are private schools but the system for them I doubt I need to explain). Public schools are public, well kinda because all the ones with a graduation rate worth to write home about are difficult to get into even if you're a good student and even then if you don't live in manhattan (a generally more fortunate borough minus a few neighborhoods) then you will have the chance of a fart in the winds chance of getting in and even when you do because all the good public schools are in manhattan you'll have a 1-2 hour commute on the subway when you're only 14. Tell me that's not crazy. Catholic schools cost money to get into and most base you on your grades to get in and while this may seem unfair many want you to be catholic. Hence the name many of the people in my area can't afford them especially when the closest one for me is 18,000 dollars a year and even if you get a scholarship you better keep those grades up because they can pull that away at anytime, and that can ruin some people. And now one of the weirdest ones the specialized high schools. These high schools are the best in the city and some the best in the state, they're technically public schools, and the only thing that gages whether or not you get in is the grade on the test called the shsat, everything else matters jack squat. So at first glance you would think that this is great for lower class families and for some yes, but because of how hard the test is it takes massive amounts of prepping to get into. Most lower class families can't afford it so despite the fact that these families are living right next to them they can't attend. This was obviously not a complete view of the system but I hope it's enough for you to understand.
I will give you that from how you described it your school system needs changing but not close to the amount that the guy in this video wants. None of your children know much about history ok but you can't stop teaching history while it may seem useless in your everyday lives you can't be selfish because without history voters will be less informed history will repeat itself the fact that the school didn't teach it well enough could easily be contributed to my point. Tests are necessary no matter how you look at it because they're the way to look at a students grades with the least bias. But that said the difficulty of these tests by your accounts seem overwhelming and should be changed. But I don't see how that in anyway corresponds to this videos message being that they should stop teaching history and apparently 8th grade math. Compared to what he was saying your demands seem small and doesn't seem worth disregarding the education of lower class families just because of how difficult some of the tests are, but please enlighten me on how your problem is so gravely worse than there's and you should obviously get the spotlight. Please.
You are absolutely correct in your song, thank you for acknowledging and championing this cause!
Teacher: wanna learn about the Boston tea party?
Me: what no my frie-
Teacher: yes you do!
That's a little over exaggerated but yeah.... That happens. You can't ask questions when you need to and other dumb stuff. You can't learn about what you want to learn about etc etc
When a teacher is REALLY excited to teach history.
Lol i really dont care about the tea party deal with it its my opinion