Do you believe there's only one way to God? Tim Keller at Columbia University

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • Don't Christians believe there's only one way to God? Isn't that narrow? Tim Keller argues that it all depends on whether or not Jesus is who he says he is. | Columbia University, 2008 | View full forum at • Reason for God? Belief... | Explore more at
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Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @antegrizelj1590
    @antegrizelj1590 2 года назад +69

    I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE. NO ONE! Comes to the FATHER, except through me. GODS words.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 Год назад +5

      Amen. John 14:6. Apparently Tim didn't believe these words because when you do, they come out automatically whatever the context or circumstance or who's asking you or where.

    • @vincentanoe
      @vincentanoe Год назад +1

      Those would be the Holy Spirit's words, spoken through Jesus Christ.

    • @lindajohnson4204
      @lindajohnson4204 Год назад +1

      The fact that he was trying to explain it so people who do not yet believe can understand it, does not mean that he did not believe. That words come out "automatically" or not is meaningless. If you were not looking for an excuse to condemn, you would have heard him saying that without belief in Jesus, you do not have God. But anyone can carelessly say "automatically" whatever gets them brownie points, approval of those who stand in judgment of them, whether they actually believe or not. Apparently a bunch of you people just want to condemn.
      Read the story by the Vietnam veteran.. Is he pretending in order to deny Jesus? No. And what about the many Muslims who always knew that it was Isa, the Quran version of Jesus, whom they needed to know more about, yet at that time, they can't be said to have known enough about the true Jesus to have believed in Him. God, the Holy Spirit was drawing them to Jesus to believe. But for any of us, even those of us raised in church, there is a process by which the Holy Spirit brings us into a knowledge of Jesus, so we can meaningful believe.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 Год назад +2

      @@lindajohnson4204 There's a big difference between discernment i.e judging righteously (as Jesus commands in John 7:39) and condemnation.
      If you haven't realized that then I assume you think that Jesus and the disciples went around "condemning" others.
      I suggest too that you read about the Maids Moreton murders in a Church of England environment from a few years ago because what happened there is an inevitable consequence of being unwilling to discern for fear of looking "condemnatory".
      In Keller's case, it's not about "wanting to condemn" at all and that is a false accusation. And added to that, you make a false assumption about "young people".
      I am in my 50s and I go a long way towards giving people the benefit of the doubt but over the years, I saw Keller get more and more "off".
      I once got sent a sermon of his and there were about ten things "off" about what he was saying in the first ten minutes.
      Add to that his public congratulations to Greg Epstein when he was made Harvard University head chaplain. Epstein is humanist, atheist, pro-LGBT and pro-abortion.
      When you view people as Christ does (i.e concern for their eternal souls) you do not do as the world does and send congratulations when you don't mean it.
      (And if Keller did mean it then it's extremely worrying).
      Too many people make idols of men and by your defense of him, it sounds like he's an idol of yours.
      Because it's a FACT that when the Holy Spirit indwells, we are instinctive and bold about sharing the Truth (exactly as the disciples are in Acts) and we do not hesitate or hold back from quoting verses to back us up
      Keller hesitates here and elsewhere: he's all about being diplomatic in order "not to offend" i.e he's being the opposite of Christ-like.
      [And the Apostle Paul rightly called the cross "an offense" to most].
      Keller's issue seemed to be that he wanted to be a friend to the world and popular with everyone.
      Jesus had a few things to say about that:
      "And he said to them all: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
      For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
      For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in the Father's, and of the holy angels" (Luke 9:23-26)

    • @johnpro2847
      @johnpro2847 Год назад +1

      no.. not god's words..some unknown writers words saying what he thought a god might say (just made up )

  • @YankeeStacking
    @YankeeStacking Год назад +3

    Q: Is Jesus the only way?
    A: Yes. Because Jesus is who he said he is. And the Gospel-the good news-is that there IS a Way to God!
    Q: What about everyone else? Are they wrong and lost?
    A: Yes. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven, given to man, by which we must be saved.
    Q: How is your position fair and rational?
    A: How is it fair and rational that God should even GIVE us a way to him? We are sinners. God is holy. It wasn’t fair nor rational that God would so love the world that he gave is only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life!
    What a bunch of intellectual gobbledygook spewed from Tim Keller in an attempt to tippy toe over the Gospel.

  • @denissutherland3653
    @denissutherland3653 5 лет назад +28

    Ephesians 2 : 8 " For it is by grace that you are saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works so that no one can boast."

  • @warrenhunt1642
    @warrenhunt1642 Год назад +9

    What is so difficult about these questions?! Keller talks around the association of the gospel and the scriptures. "I am the way, the truth and the life NO ONE comes to the Father BUT BY ME." Jesus was EXTREMELY clear about this. Tim understands this now more than ever as he sits at the feet of Jesus.

    • @luckyduck1985
      @luckyduck1985 6 месяцев назад

      I think you're forgetting the audience. Tim basically is saying the verse you quoted, but contextualizing it in a way that makes sense to an audience largely of skeptics and non-christians. Simply quoting scripture is not persuasive in such a situation when trying to address such a broad audience.
      But using that truth of scripture and extrapolating it intellectually (as he does here) is an incredibly wise course.

  • @papabear9268
    @papabear9268 2 года назад +25

    I am the truth, the way and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me John 14:6

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад

      You are assuming everything written in the Bible is true.
      Assuming is generally a foolish thing to do.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 Год назад +2

      @@peterblock6964 "Sanctify them through your Truth. Your word is Truth" (Jesus while praying to God in John 17:17).
      Jesus wasn't a liar. The Word of God is true. The "Spirit of Truth" (Holy Spirit) also confirms that fact to those who put their faith in Christ.

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 Год назад

      You are repeating human beliefs and human claims, @@leenieledejo6849.
      Jesus Christ himself chose to NOT write down one single word of definitive instruction.
      That is a supremely significant fact.
      The bible is entirely a human creation, and ALL claims made in it, and/or about it are nothing more than entirely human claims.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 Год назад

      @@peterblock6964 If you ever read the Gospels and the book of Acts, you will see that Jesus certainly DID speak in an instructive manner.
      You will also see that, unlike other religious books, the Bible speaks with authority.
      It has nothing in common with the Qu'ran but most people are too lazy to look into the matter themselves.
      So they rehash old atheists' statements.
      You're entitled to your opinion but the fact is that the Bible is the Word of God, miraculously preserved over nearly 4,000 years (Old Testament) and 2,000 years (New Testament).
      It reads like nothing else that was written before or has been written since.
      It has shaped culture, laws, behaviours and societies in every single country and its a tragedy that people live their lives in countries which have a Christian heritage especially and they enjoy all that that brings them and yet they spend their lives avoiding the source of it all.
      One example is Christ's words below. These verses and the rest of the Sermon on the Mount (Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5 thru 7) were revolutionary. The instinct in human beings is to get even with their adversaries and anyone who has lived in a country with no Christian heritage has seen that every day.
      I know Muslims who have come to trust in Jesus who say it was precisely the passage below that first blew their minds and attracted them to him.
      Jesus is alive, the son of the living God and has been healing and transfofming people's minds and hearts for 2,000 years.
      "But I say unto you: do not resist evil: but whosoever shall strike you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue you at the law, and take away your coat, let him have your cloke also.
      And whoever compels you to go a mile, go with him two.
      Give to him that asks you, and do not turn away from him that wants to borrow from you.
      You have heard that it has been said that you should love your neighbour, and hate your enemy".
      But I say unto you: Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you; so that you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:39-45)

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 Год назад

      @@leenieledejo6849, Nice job repeating standard apologetics talking point propaganda.
      Why don't YOU read my post again.
      I wrote the truth: Jesus did NOT WRITE DOWN one single word.
      Of ANY kind whatsoever.
      You have nothing but second hand (at best) recollections by unqualified followers.
      vladimir putin "speaks with authority."
      donald trump "speaks with authority."
      So what if the Bible writers "spoke with authority."
      "Speaking with authority" is utterly meaningless.
      Actors act "with authority."
      That's why people can suspend disbelief and enjoy films AS IF they were reality.
      Pet owners "speak with authority" to their pets.
      Stop being the pet sheep of a cult.
      I can agree that SOME lines of the Bible contain useful spiritual instruction,
      but "authoritative word of God" is B.S.

  • @TheGeonam
    @TheGeonam 5 лет назад +98

    I was wounded in Vietnam and at the point of that impact I didn't know what happened but knew I could no longer breath. I screamed out in my mind " God don't let me die". I felt this great peace come over me and knew it was good and the fear left my body. I had been hurt bad enough that I spent a year and a half recovering. ( today would probably be more like six months ). After all the months laid up I was finely let go to start living my life in a wheelchair. I was using any kind of drugs I could get my hands on. I hated this new life I was given , but I wasn't upset at God over it. As time went along I would get sick and end up back in the v.a. hospital time and time again. It was like a revolving door and I decided I was going to kill myself because I had a bad infected sore that was making me sick. I put a loaded gun to my head but could not pull the trigger. I broke out crying outload and yelled , "God I can handle this but I need someone to help me"). I went to the v.a. again and met the nurse who would become my wife the next day. We have been married going on 45 years and she taught me about Jesus and believing in him. Our marriage produced one amazing ER doctor and another amazing h.s. math teacher with a masters degree. They both grew up with Jesus and have him as their savior. I guess the point I want to make is that in Vietnam and when I was going to kill myself I called out to God and not Jesus because I really didn't know about him. He is both God and Jesus because with the acceptance of Jesus in my life I have seen one miracle after another. God gave me a nurse to help me and later on a doctor . I know I don't write that great but I hope this will help someone. For those of you who are judging pastor Keller just know that God works in mysterious ways.

    • @milels6917
      @milels6917 3 года назад +4

      Wonderful testimony yes I have experienced wonderful things through prayer I don’t know about Muslims but they don’t seem to experience the power of miracles or the supernatural in their lives the worship is very ritualistic more so than the Christian so without being disrespectful too them they don’t know the power of Christ in their lives but we must love them as they in return us we all have to live in this world

    • @kagakai7729
      @kagakai7729 2 года назад

      @@milels6917 I believe they do, it's just that they'll have a harder time pinning where the miracle is coming from, and the nature of the one sending it.

    • @michaeldibben4582
      @michaeldibben4582 Год назад +3

      Some of like you have gone through significant pain and suffering, your life story should encourage others ion thru chronic pain. I will not condemn Keller but he has been over the years hard to tell if he is a good teacher or a deceptive one. Of course everyone has opinions, I chose to not listen to Tim and Rick Warren years ago as there as just something I felt was deceptive. My choice has been John MacArthur, John Barnett, Paul Washer and Ray Comfort. Again hearing your story and your Christianity is also encouraging. There are few true Christians,

    • @ToriLynnH
      @ToriLynnH Год назад +1

      Amen, brother!

    • @peterbarker8249
      @peterbarker8249 Год назад +1


  • @Airjeam
    @Airjeam 4 года назад +72

    I can understand why a lot of christians in the comments think he was dodging the question. He really wasn’t though, and presented the answer while respecting other world views. As an ex-atheist myself.. THANK GOD for people like Tim who speak in this way, as talks like this led me to Christ. He reaches more skeptics like this, and you guys have to remember the setting of this talk. He’s speaking to a full room of skeptics.. while being questioned by somebody repeatedly trying to trap him with his words.
    If he was speaking in a church to a room full of christians on Sunday morning, the talk would be different.
    Skeptics are more likely to listen if the person speaking demonstrates they have an open mind. I’ve typically found that christians who’ve been in the faith their entire life don’t seem to understand this, and the disagreements in the comments section here is an example of why it’s more common for atheists to de-convert christians far more than we hear about christians effectively leading skeptics to Christ. God bless you Tim!

    • @josephpitts7766
      @josephpitts7766 2 года назад +2

      congrats on converting! welcoming to the club:)

    • @itsbrianchen
      @itsbrianchen 2 года назад +1

      I love it!

    • @joshuemerizalde8062
      @joshuemerizalde8062 Год назад +15

      Man I doubt you came to Christ because someone said they were open-minded about your eternal punishment and the eternal life Christ offered. It's not open-mindedness that wins people but conviction and certainty of the truth. You can speak the truth in love with patience, but you can't "respect other worldviews" without sinning. Does anything like you're describing sound like the preaching of the apostles? Were they respectful of the idolatry of Athens or the hardness of heart in Israel. It's sad to see how our post-modern culture that thinks there's no objective truth has influenced the church. Open-mindedness is a euphemism for doubt in our day. May God purify the church from it.

    • @Jesusandcoffee3382
      @Jesusandcoffee3382 Год назад

      Glad you finally saw the "LIGHT", brother.

    • @PASTORJ880
      @PASTORJ880 Год назад +3

      @@joshuemerizalde80621 Corinthians 9:19-23

  • @lorenzowilliams3123
    @lorenzowilliams3123 8 лет назад +114

    Keller is giving a complicated answer,to a very easy question.I often wonder why He did that?

    • @bballwarrior12
      @bballwarrior12 5 лет назад +24

      ​@@morganwood8430 Exactly. In this day and age, anyone can google a simple answer to any question about the Bible they want. What Keller is doing is what all smart communicators do and that is to understand the heart of the question and what is underneath the question. He's not being evasive: he's speaking to the mind and heart of someone who is not a Christian and explaining why it is ultimately true.

    • @elisabethcastle2475
      @elisabethcastle2475 4 года назад +12

      Maybe he is answering the questions like this because he is trying to reach non believers?

    • @g_unit6773
      @g_unit6773 4 года назад +5

      @@bballwarrior12 wrong, he's a heretic

    • @dannysze8183
      @dannysze8183 3 года назад +6

      because the question is a very narrow minded question with many presumptions

    • @bonniemoerdyk9809
      @bonniemoerdyk9809 3 года назад +6

      @@elisabethcastle2475 ... while we should all seek to show Jesus to unbelievers, this is Not the way to do it....according to the Bible. If we do our part, then we leave it up to the Holy Spirit to save them. May not happen that day ..or a year later, but we do our part and share Christ as the Bible says to. Every human that is supposed to spend eternity with God ~ will.

  • @antb2u
    @antb2u 8 лет назад +140

    He could have quoted Jesus’ famous statement: “I am the way, the truth,
    and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14.6).
    He could have quoted the apostle Peter: “Nor is there salvation in any
    other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which
    we must be saved” (Acts 4.12).

    • @carolmaraj8700
      @carolmaraj8700 6 лет назад

      antb2u emt?

    • @BeyondSkys09
      @BeyondSkys09 6 лет назад +9

      Simply quoting scripture wouldn't work because other religions make equally exclusivistic claims.

    • @abuelb
      @abuelb 5 лет назад +8

      @@BeyondSkys09 except Keller is supposed to be a Christian and Christians have the Bible to claim Jesus Christ is the only way.

    • @BeyondSkys09
      @BeyondSkys09 5 лет назад +4

      @@abuelb in the same way Muslims have the quran to claim Mohammed has the final undistorted truth about god

    • @therealgoodnews4804
      @therealgoodnews4804 5 лет назад

      @Jay jay You are right Jay jay. It is all a lie. He cannot and will not torture anyone, not for one minute, certainly not forever. Their "gospel" is laughable, because it is false. Only the true Gospel sets one free. He wouldn't be a "bully", He would be an infinitely evil, wicked tyrant and sinner that makes the devil look good. That is how the Church presents Yahweh to the world, but it is all a lie of course. The Good News is that you are saved Jay jay, whether you believe it or not, and so is everyone else He ever created. HalleluYah!

    @EPESDART 10 лет назад +14

    Why is it that secular interviewers always ask about the eternal destiny of people in other religions if Christianity is right, but not vise-versa? Jesus is the ONLY way! The tremendous love of God makes it possible for everyone to know Him through Jesus!

    • @Magnulus76
      @Magnulus76 5 лет назад +5

      Other religions do not necessarily preach that people following other religions spend eternity in torment, I would guess that is why.

  • @gmollster
    @gmollster 8 лет назад +210

    Im really surprised at Tim's unwillingness to speak The Truth directly. The Bible is 100% clear on the answers to the questions.

    • @jessewallace12able
      @jessewallace12able 6 лет назад +31

      gmollster Your understanding of what Tim is doing is misguided. He is helping. Calm yourself down tough guy.

    • @revealingtruth3329
      @revealingtruth3329 5 лет назад +42

      @@jessewallace12able No he isn't. He's dancing around questions and attempting to ride the fence. Anytime a so called Christian is asked if Jesus is the one and only way......and then he proceeds to take a long pause and then uses an "IF Jesus is who he says he is........smh that's a wolf in sheep's clothing for ya. Tim is dancing and riding the fence and not proclaiming God's truth. God makes it pretty simple and as a follower of Jesus......we should too. Just stick to the Word and u can't go wrong bcuz God answered all these questions already.

    • @bballwarrior12
      @bballwarrior12 5 лет назад +43

      Then you probably would have been frustrated with Jesus too. Simply answering a question exactly as presented is fraught with problems, namely that you don't understand all the personal and cultural implications the person is bringing to that question. You must first provide the foundation for the answer and then provide it once the foundation has been laid.

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger 5 лет назад +2

      @@revealingtruth3329 amen

    • @Calvin375
      @Calvin375 5 лет назад +13

      @@bballwarrior12 The foundation of the Word of GOD is already laid out for the world. You do not have to wonder nor question why. Jesus already gave us the answers. All we have to do is speak the Word of GOD. All the personal and cultural implications is not for you to worry and ponder over. You just give them the Word of GOD and let GOD handle the rest. You are not their Savior. His Word and Grace is sufficient for all.

  • @conservativesoftexas.2019
    @conservativesoftexas.2019 2 года назад +49

    Why is he so careful. Truth is simply truth.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад +11

      Because Tim Keller is a false teacher. He doesn’t want to offend.

    • @DepDawg
      @DepDawg Год назад +1

      @@patrickc3419 🎯

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад +6

      @@DepDawg His convoluted answers to everything speak volumes. No direct answer regarding abortion of the unborn, sodomite marriage, evolution, the social justice movement. He’d rather not offend anyone than be an ambassador for the Gospel.

    • @DepDawg
      @DepDawg Год назад +3

      @@patrickc3419 some leaders in my church are reading his books and introducing social justice, systemic inequalities, and the “attractive gospel”. When I do outreaches, they give me cards with the church contact info but no gospel message. I was buying my own tracts, but they told me to stop giving them out. I don’t blindly give out tracts; I use them to explain the Gospel, answer questions or objections that come up, and to offer them the opportunity to take it with them and think about what we’ve discussed later. I’m sick in my gut and agonizing in prayer that they turn from this and repent.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад +3

      @@DepDawg We are graced enough to now be a part of a very solid Reformed church, but the pastor at our previous church did not have very good discernment and also was a huge fan of Tim Keller.
      My wife and I are very picky with what tracts as well. That is very concerning that they would discourage you from passing out your own tracts. If they clearly share the Gospel, and do not lead people in the “sinners prayer” (which is found no where in scripture) they should be encouraging you.
      God is sovereign, and He can and does supernaturally transform hearts (Ezekiel 36:26).

  • @MarioMartinez-bf7um
    @MarioMartinez-bf7um 5 лет назад +26

    He seems like he's trying to spare the feelings of other denominations.. good grief.. just be bold and tell them the truth. Jesus is the way! Only one God.. serve no other.

  • @JustinPetersMin
    @JustinPetersMin Год назад +2

    In light of Tim's passing just yesterday, I rewatched this interview. It is utterly painful and cringeworthy. This is Joel Osteen level bad. Keller was ashamed of the Gospel in this interview.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад

      He was basically a 20th & 21st century CS Lewis: Believed in evolution, the philosophical talking-in-riddles, never wanting to offend.
      From what I understand also, refused to condemn homosexuality.

  • @mylesjs5326
    @mylesjs5326 8 лет назад +60

    Shortly before the 5 minute mark, he seems to suggest there might be "a trap door" for those who die in unbelief. It sounds like he's afraid to admit the reality of eternal hell for those who die in their sins.

    • @owellnessadvocate733
      @owellnessadvocate733 8 лет назад +2

      replied to your lack of nuance above bro. Can we have a civil discussion and extend grace to each other btw?

    • @fromanabe8639
      @fromanabe8639 4 года назад +1

      Hell is not eternal. Once it has accomplished its purpose it's done. See Edward Fudge on that point:видео.html

    • @prayunceasingly2029
      @prayunceasingly2029 3 года назад +9

      Jesus said hell is eternal

    • @yveje9720
      @yveje9720 3 года назад +1

      @@fromanabe8639 I always thought this how do we know hell is eternal? I read it as hell is where everyone who is judged goes to die a "second death".

    • @fromanabe8639
      @fromanabe8639 3 года назад +1

      @@yveje9720 Watch this video.....
      Hell is permanent, but not eternal....
      Watch this video....видео.html
      In other words, for the unsaved, hell (or the Lake of Fire) is the destination. But it isn't eternal torment.

  • @evelync177
    @evelync177 Год назад +2

    I deeply miss my Pastor Timothy Keller, whom I was blessed for 27 years in the NYC church he founded to have been inspired by the gospel and beauty of Jesus as he so eloquently enjoyed expressing on both the pulpit and world stage. We've been blessed to have shared in our time the gift of this great spiritual thinker.

  • @jonanthony1686
    @jonanthony1686 5 лет назад +14

    I will never listen to Tim again. If you cant answer that simple question then u need to check yourself Tim. Jesus said, i am the way, the truth and the life. No one gets to heaven but thru me. Why didn't u just say that Tim? Whats with the ifs?

    • @JacobFrederick23
      @JacobFrederick23 Год назад +3

      This whole interview is Tim being weak and embarrassing. He refused to take a stand for the truth multiple times.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад +1

      Agreed. He also regularly would refuse to condemn homosexuality, and believed in evolution.

    • @ClansmanK
      @ClansmanK Год назад

      I you have to ask.........

    • @ClansmanK
      @ClansmanK Год назад

      An repentant sinner will gamble on the "trap door"

  • @weldapurba6044
    @weldapurba6044 8 лет назад +65


    • @caspersok7129
      @caspersok7129 5 лет назад +2

      He have doubt he should stop preaching

    • @ramsaval
      @ramsaval 5 лет назад +4

      @@caspersok7129 He's sitting there and answering academics. You think you understand how it is? And, what are you doing?

    • @whoeverknew5607
      @whoeverknew5607 5 лет назад

      Jesus was NEVER REAL! You need to recheck your history, name definition, and read study the Bible
      Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

    • @jonopearce5934
      @jonopearce5934 4 года назад +2

      @@whoeverknew5607 Jesus was never real? I put it to you you need to check your history and study Bible.Jesus is accepted as living by Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians. I don't think there is any doubt Jesus lived. The doubt is whether he was the son of God. I have no issue with this question as the Bible clearly says Jesus was the son of God. John 1 the chapter explains this very clearly.

    • @ASLunar
      @ASLunar Год назад +2

      Please remember that he's not preaching to a church here, he's speaking at a seminar filled with people who may not be Christians.
      Starting where the audience is with "IF Jesus etc..." is going to be a lot more winsome than starting with a position they don't believe yet.

  • @davidpremkumar352
    @davidpremkumar352 Год назад +42

    In my opinion, Tim Keller is great theologian as I have listened to his sermons. I think he's right when he says there will be many going to church who will not go to heaven. I am a 7th generation Christian from India. I thought I would make it to heaven. But when I was born again, I realised I wouldn't have made it heaven otherwise. That moment I understood the cross of Christ washed all my sins, I have a heavenly Father and Holy Spirit living in me.

    • @johnrborges2363
      @johnrborges2363 Год назад +3

      Amen, brother David. See you soon. The Lord is coming to get us. Peace in Christ! JB 🧑🏻

    • @terristraub-nv1oc
      @terristraub-nv1oc Год назад

      I think Jesus’ parable of the bridesmaids evidences that all those who claim to be the church, in fact, are not. In Jesus’ parable, only half of the bridesmaids are recognized by the bridegroom. That could mean half of the Church is apostate.

    • @spartybuck7215
      @spartybuck7215 Год назад +1

      I am born again and TERRIFIED of how lost I was without even knowing it. I thought I believed in Jesus and now I see how lost I was and need to help guide the rest of my "christian" family

    • @reverentialrock
      @reverentialrock 9 месяцев назад +3

      The problem is that you DIDN'T KNOW you needed to be born again from this confusing and ridiculous answer. Sounded like a man not wanting to offend anyone and lose his popularity. Well, the Gospel offends and is meant to.

    • @wataboutya9310
      @wataboutya9310 8 месяцев назад

      Do you still sin?

  • @JV-qn6ys
    @JV-qn6ys 6 лет назад +15

    To me, the strongest proof of God in this video is the grace and love that Keller shows his interviewer regardless of how condescending he is.

    • @conservativesoftexas.2019
      @conservativesoftexas.2019 2 года назад +2

      If anything he’s being rude and dishonest. Tell the truth Tim. It would be like a dr. Telling a patient a lie to not to hurt their feelings.

    • @dkroll144
      @dkroll144 2 года назад +1

      @@conservativesoftexas.2019 amen. He’s doing this man, and the viewers, zero favors by dancing around the question trying to be politically correct.

  • @ToshiroHoshi
    @ToshiroHoshi 10 лет назад +61

    I wish John MacArthur was being interviewed instead of Keller (as much as I have benefited from some of Keller's teachings). J. Mac would've given the appropriate scriptures for each question which don't allow wiggle room for speculation. Also, it's a pretty simple matter to state that God is not obligated to save anyone since we ALL made our decision in the Garden of Eden (Romans 5:12-21). To save even one person is non-just in that, justice would be to allow us all to go to hell. For anyone to go to Heaven, justice was done as Jesus took our punishment upon Himself. If we died for our sins, it would take eternity to pay for them and we would never make it into Heaven.......

    • @mtbohlman
      @mtbohlman 10 лет назад

      MacArther and Keller are both Calvinists. They believe God UNCONDITIONALLY predetermined everything that occurs. They both believe God decreed the fall. That is to say God chose before men chose that men ought to fall into sin. So no-- in a Calvinist worldview it is not just for God to send men to hell given that he not only decreed for them to be sinners but withdrew all grace to enable them to respond to redemptive love. Robust Arminian theology allows your answer to have more weight since Arminians believe we sin freely...God did not sovereignly ordain all our sins via divine fiat.

    • @ToshiroHoshi
      @ToshiroHoshi 10 лет назад +3

      Actually, I've heard MacArthur say that the Bible teaches both; responsibility of man to choose and that God chose. How do we bring those 2 things together? You can't.... within the confines of time and space that is. God is transcendent so, these 2 lines of truth run in parallel until they escape the limits of time and space thus converging in transcendence. That's why seemingly contradictory truths can exist side by side. Romans ch. 9 clearly teaches God's sovereign choice and then Paul simply says in vs. 20, to those who protest, "But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” There is no free will apart from the sovereignty of God.

    • @hectorjl
      @hectorjl 6 лет назад +1

      There is a convergence in the scripture. That is biblical truth and reality. Both the doctrines of grace which involves divine election along with a convergence are both biblical truths. These are both coming from inspired scripture which is God breathed and therefore could not be contradictory. God breathed out all scripture and therefore you cant have any contradictions. So, accept the mystery of both divine election and the convergence.

    • @bobhutton1409
      @bobhutton1409 6 лет назад +1

      If God is sovereign, and He is, then He is able to get the Gospel to ALL His elect, wherever they are. That is the simple answer but Keller sidesteps it.

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 6 лет назад +2

      ToshiroHoshi God is not a decision.

  • @TheUkulelegal
    @TheUkulelegal Год назад +1

    I wish Pastors weren't so afraid to answer this question. Just quote Scripture. God's Word. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through me." Period. No need to apologize or tap dance around it.

  • @Thorgnytoo
    @Thorgnytoo 8 лет назад +10

    For those who are having trouble grasping Tim's use of the word "IF", it is a common formulation of a statement, presented as an intellectual exercise, for the sake of inviting unbelievers into the discussion without forcing ascent at the outset. He is giving an Orthodox answer using more culturally accessible terms, and for every person here pining for him to be more "Biblical" in his approach, I would present two examples from Paul.
    First, in Athens, Paul "preaches the Gospel" by first quoting and referencing secular poets and statues (Acts 17). He assuredly does this in order to build upon common ground and shared understanding, and it is clear that Keller is doing the same here with his use of the word "IF".
    Second, in Paul's own words in 1 Cor 9:20-22, he describes his approach of tailoring the presentation of the Gospel to his audience, which again, is exactly what Keller is doing here and is exactly the approach that Keller so consistently champions.
    All of which is to say that Keller is, indeed, being Biblical.
    For more evidence of his clarity, pay attention to Martin Bashir's responses. He responds to Keller's statements in exactly the manner one would expect from someone who is playing Devil's advocate to a presentation of the uniqueness of Jesus and the exclusivity of the Gospel message. Bashir doesn't say, "wow, Keller, that's pretty wishy-washy of you!" No, instead he says things like, "are you actually saying that all the good Muslims are going to hell?", which is just what people ask when they clearly hear that Jesus is the only Way.

    • @noelmojica
      @noelmojica 7 лет назад +1

      Not sure if he was effective

  • @BornAgain490
    @BornAgain490 Год назад +3

    Tge answer is YES! Tim is wishy-washy iffy this and iffy that. Conviction: where is it? Always be ready to give a defense for the hope in you.

  • @phealingood
    @phealingood Год назад +25

    translation: "if you believe who Jesus said He is and that He rose from the grave, it really doesn't matter what you and I think....or what anyone else thinks". -Seems like the late Keller articulated this quite gracefully and truthfully for the audience at hand.

  • @transformingprayersministry
    @transformingprayersministry 3 года назад +2

    It is by faith that we are saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ!

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад

      ¿Saved from what?
      You people believe in a protection racket with Jesus as the mob boss.
      Spiritually speaking: "Grow Up"

    • @authorvaleriec
      @authorvaleriec 2 года назад

      @@peterblock6964 you have your beliefs and I have mine. I respect yours so respect mine. Blessings to you!

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад

      Well, you haven't stated your beliefs. But regardless what they might be:
      My God bless you, @@authorvaleriec, every member of your extended family and circles of friends, and every being any of you interact with in any way, with a thousand orders of magnitude acceleration of your spiritual evolution.

  • @adriaanvanthof7001
    @adriaanvanthof7001 3 года назад +5

    Dear friends, brothers and sisters. Tim is not answering questions to someone already accepting the 'basics' of christianity. Please try to understand what he says in the last 30 seconds of the video before you judge some of his remarks because you review them from a your classical christian point of view (which I share, but which is not the topic here).
    Do you really think the interviewer would have been helped when Tim would have said 'yes they indeed all go to ...'? The interviewers' pre-occupied opinion is that christianity then must be unfair, but as Tim says that is an individualistic, western, post-modern point of view. That needs to go first before it makes sense to give an answer at all.

  • @ingridfindleter4674
    @ingridfindleter4674 10 лет назад +96

    Get to the point, are you a man of God are not. You are answering the questions like you are treading on eggshell, the gospel will bring offence. What do you mean when you say if Jesus is who he says He is, you either believe or you don't believe.

    • @rjminns
      @rjminns 9 лет назад

      Ingrid Findleter Listen to this one:

    • @tomcullen7580
      @tomcullen7580 5 лет назад +1


    • @dontimberman5493
      @dontimberman5493 5 лет назад

      Oh so just beat them over the head with it and if they don’t believe it’s their problem.... but it’s your fault and you will have to answer for pushing your brouthers and sisters away from him.

    • @MumT05
      @MumT05 5 лет назад +9

      @@dontimberman5493 Jesus was pretty cut and dried, He didn't mince words, he simply told the truth. We could just do the same and believe that the Holy Spirit will do the rest

    • @jeffbieber2243
      @jeffbieber2243 5 лет назад +2

      @@dontimberman5493 beat them over the head with it is that what you say the Bible does beats them over the head all we do is quote the scripture and let God work in their heart if that's beating them over the head then so be it

  •  6 лет назад +11

    "... don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." James 4.4

  • @jaqtin689
    @jaqtin689 4 года назад +1

    Very good and gracious discussion but really bad camera focus - makes me wonder where will the camera focus next! 🙄 it’s a good thing I am quite used to Keller’s way of explaining the Scripture that even when I’m quite distracted with the camera focus, I still understood what Keller was saying. And He did say Jesus is the ONLY way, but in a very gracious and respectable manner (he did not bite on the Interviewer’s bait to attack other religion, but still able to say his piece). We have to remember and consider that the audience of this interview are college students - and being “too strong” may not sit well with these young people (whom many may have turned away or been discouraged with christianity with what they see in the family) - that instead of “winning” them over, may lose the chance. Good job! God bless you Ptr Keller!

  • @roblakov
    @roblakov 9 лет назад +98

    I'm really disappointed in Keller's decision to not simply and openly declare the truth when he's asked for it.

    • @privateGOAWAY24
      @privateGOAWAY24 9 лет назад +5

      Me too!

    • @LightWthoutTheStatic
      @LightWthoutTheStatic 9 лет назад +9

      roblakov I'm sure a lot of people said the same thing to Jesus. But his responses were nonetheless fully correct and the more necessary ones. I think Keller's words were both gracious and correct. No need to tell someone they're wrong before they've had the chance to accurately understand or hear out their problem.
      John 16:8-11 "And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged."

    • @roblakov
      @roblakov 9 лет назад +9

      Micah Lindstrom The question that really got me was when Keller was asked, "What about the millions of Sikhs, Muslims and Jews who have heard about Jesus. What will happen to them?" Keller responded by saying that God only gives him information on a need to know basis and that about the fate of those people he "doesn't know". That's disappointing. And that response is not "fully correct" or the "necessary" one. We, as Christians, do know what happens to those who don't believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. And it was disappointing to watch Keller give in to his fear of man on this occasion.

    • @sheenary730
      @sheenary730 4 года назад +3

      A gentle answer turns away wrath,
      but a harsh word stirs up anger.
      Proverbs 15:1 | NIV
      Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
      Colossians 4:5-6 | NIV

    • @th6252
      @th6252 3 года назад +3

      A little late to the party with this, but when first watching this video, I also felt very frustrated with Tim not coming and saying what we all know as Christians to be the truth...yes, those from other beliefs will not inherit the kingdom of God. But when I watched and listened to the video again, I started to understand the wisdom in the answer he gave(although the "trap door" comment still bothers me)
      The way the question was worded was leading and a trap in and of itself. It's basically a microcosm of what mainstream media does asks a question with a presupposition. Pastor Tim was able to recognize that immediately and answered with grace. Particularly when he responded by giving the example of someone who's a churchgoer out in Indiana who will also not inherit the kingdom just as well.
      The interviewer was trying to get a rise out of the audience trying to create outcry by targeting a group of people with differing beliefs. While the truth, that we know as Christians, is that any person who does not believe in salvation through Jesus Christ will suffer the consequences of a real hell...the Jesus was clear even that many so-called "believers" will also not inherit the Kingdom as it is written in Matthew 7:21-23 (ESV):
      21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

  • @andrewgarcia6107
    @andrewgarcia6107 10 лет назад +10

    The responses in these comments about how he is being "soft" or "scared" to "say the real truth" are the reasons why people don't want to believe in God. You people want to cram the bible down people's throats when you are only asked to witness to others and let them choose. God isn't asking you to convert people into Christians against their will. That's what this guy is trying to do. He's trying to be respectful and he's being "soft" because he doesn't want the CHRISTIAN IMAGE that everybody hates to discredit what he is trying to say.

    • @smokesykes1338
      @smokesykes1338 9 лет назад +3

      People keep saying Keller is saying these things so he doesnt come off as just another christian slamming the bible down peoples throats. Have we forgotten that Jesus is the way the truth and the life? No one goes to the father except through him. Why isnt keller quoting this scripture? A true christian would say that without Jesus you are GOING TO HELL. IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE THATS WHAT IT SAYS. If thats offensive to you... FINE. But that is the truth that I and many many others believe and if you are trying to figure out what we believe is going to happen when you die... GUESS WHAT! JESUS=HEAVEN. NO JESUS = HELL. Not this "if this is true" stuff keller is saying. No matter your opinion on what i just wrote i wanna say that God loves you and he has taught me to love others.. Jesus is the way guys the only way. Read the gospels and see the truth. Dont rely on a human being to tell you what is true and what isnt. The word of God is the truth and the only truth. John 14:6

      @MISNEGRASLINDAS 9 лет назад

      Well sad, bien dicho

    • @Magnulus76
      @Magnulus76 5 лет назад

      @@smokesykes1338 Using Jesus to bludgeon peoples sensibilities is crass and stupid. Don't make Jesus name a scandal and a byword.

  • @FanofAslan
    @FanofAslan 5 лет назад +3

    A lot of remarks critical of Tim here. I think he speaks the truth in love. And I think his gentleness and respect will inspire some non-believers to discover Jesus. Tim DID speak the truth, that Jesus is the only way to eternal bliss, the Sovereign King, the Creator, the Saviour, the Lord of all; and he said that if you believe this, your perspective is radically different from non-believers in Jesus, which is also true. He could have just said, "Christians are right, everybody else is wrong because Jesus said so and The Holy Spirit-inspired Biblical writers said so"; but we as Christians are called to spread the gospel with respect, not use it as a "We're in the Club and you're not, so good luck with that in eternity, bud."

  • @ungmd21
    @ungmd21 Год назад +8

    Tim Keller died yesterday. 5/19/2023. He is now with the Lord. We all have the chance to be with the Lord as well. He fought the good fight.

    • @nathanqi1998
      @nathanqi1998 7 месяцев назад +2

      The answer is troubling. While I hope Keller was saved, the problem is that right here, he outright denies Jesus as the only way.
      Why is he dancing around and avoiding a direct answer? Beating around the bush? Why?

    • @skrenson1
      @skrenson1 2 месяца назад

      @@nathanqi1998 Don't need to put words in someone else's mouth. "If jesus is who he says he is, that's the only way."

    • @biffalobull2335
      @biffalobull2335 Месяц назад

      Well, He is who He says He is
      We can proclaim that.
      Not some ‘trap door’ as Keller suggests

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 24 дня назад

      He’d rather please man than God.

  • @callofdutyguy9
    @callofdutyguy9 6 лет назад +12

    There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved!

  • @1tmagda
    @1tmagda 5 лет назад +24

    Here's the problem with answering the questions "short and direct" as many think Tim "should". Remember, Tim knows he is in an environment where many people already have stonewalled any notion of the exclusivity of Christ, and are ready to jump all over him, b/c of "THAT short exclusive answer", so he's articulating it in a way to break down the biased wall and to make them ponder and hopefully accept what he says. His goal is to get through to them, not argue with a mob. I wish I could only be as bold as Tim in that given position. God bless him and everyone else who listened for his grace and wisdom.

    • @jonathan-d4d
      @jonathan-d4d 4 года назад +6

      Keller’s answers are evasive, and he’s squirming. Martin Bashir openly refers to hell, where Keller uses the euphemistic “Christless eternity.” His answers didn’t need to be simplistic, but there’s a difference between articulating the truth with grace and being ashamed of the gospel.

    • @maamrb5
      @maamrb5 2 года назад +3

      Stop making excuses for someone who refused to give a theologically accurate representation of the Gospel, salvation and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

    • @ASLunar
      @ASLunar Год назад +2

      ​@@maamrb5 Would you say the same about Christ who numerous times in the Bible was given a direct question and refused to give a simple yes or no answer?

    • @maamrb5
      @maamrb5 Год назад +2

      @@ASLunar it appears that you are attempting to equate Tim Keller to Christ. What Jesus Christ never did was mince words in relation to the Gospel or how to follow him. His "indirect" answers spoke to the heart and hid the answers from those that do not and/or did not know Him.

    • @ASLunar
      @ASLunar Год назад +2

      @@maamrb5 Yes but like Christ you could argue, as many people in this comments section has done, they might've know Him if He simply gave a "yes" anytime someone asked if He was the Christ. I think you're right in saying Christ was speaking to the heart, and I think Keller was doing the same here. If you're trying to reach someone who believes the Bible is fallible, simply quoting a Bible verse isn't going to convince them. In the same way, a Muslim quoting the Quran isn't going to make you any more likely to believe in Islam. Keller's talking to the attitude and assumptions behind the very question that need to be addressed first.

  • @php4194
    @php4194 8 лет назад +25

    Veritas means truth. I really wanted it to be spoken clearly.

  • @glenw-xm5zf
    @glenw-xm5zf Год назад +1

    1 Tim 2:5 “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”

  • @wayfarer1101
    @wayfarer1101 6 лет назад +28

    I like the response l heard from Bill Johnson:
    "If there is any way to heaven apart from Jesus, the Father would have been very cruel to the Son."
    Put another way:
    If mankind was not as lost as Jesus implied, why would Jesus endure the horrors of the cross necessary to save it?

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould Год назад

      Bill Johnson shows a lack of understanding of the triune God in his remark; as though the son and the father were not the one god (with the Spirit) but separate gods. It verges on henotheism.

    • @wayfarer1101
      @wayfarer1101 Год назад +2

      Fancy word...
      But it doesn't change the validity of Bill's comment.

    • @frankregg9048
      @frankregg9048 Год назад +1

      Bill Johnson is a false teacher

    • @wayfarer1101
      @wayfarer1101 Год назад +2

      @@frankregg9048 A "false teacher"? Tell that to God one day!

    • @frankregg9048
      @frankregg9048 Год назад

      @@wayfarer1101 why do I need to tell God? He already told me Bill Johnson is a false teacher, don’t you read the Bible? 🤔
      I like how you give yourself a thumb up, and here’s another one 👍 You needed this.

  • @dbonhoeffer
    @dbonhoeffer 10 лет назад +27

    Mr. Keller seems almost embarrassed about his faith. He's obviously uncomfortable trying to explain what the bible clearly explains. " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me"
    He keeps talking about getting Christ and if Jesus is who he says he is. I almost feel sorry for the guy. In spite of his numerous books and articles on the Christian faith he obviously lacks the courage to defend the gospel. John 12:43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

    • @LightWthoutTheStatic
      @LightWthoutTheStatic 9 лет назад +5

      dbonhoeffer It's a little sickening your youtube channel is named after Bonhoeffer. It feels disrespectful. Keller never backs down on the belief that is Jesus alone. Bonhoeffer understood that well enough and he knew how to relate to it.

    • @pantheon777
      @pantheon777 7 лет назад +3

      I'm not sure what you would consider a better defense of the gospel, really.

    • @ianthompson1667
      @ianthompson1667 6 лет назад +3

      I respectfully disagree with you.... Tim Keller doesn't sound like an arrogant, self-righteous Christian but a thoughtful caring, and respectful Christian who deliberates on serious questions and issues. C.S. Lewis answered this question, and it is the most fundamental question we need to ask, with a similar answer " If Jesus is who He says He is and if we believe the resurrection to be true " Both Lewis and Keller have expressed very strong faith in my opinion, and done so in a humble and respectful manner.

    • @kennethflores93
      @kennethflores93 6 лет назад

      Wasn’t Dietrich a german preacher who was killed by being placed on hooks by the nazis?

    • @greg9890
      @greg9890 5 лет назад

      @@LightWthoutTheStatic how do you explain the statement by T. Keller at a 4:59 mark in the video i.e. " I'm on the need to know basis and maybe there is a trap door I haven't been told about"...??
      I wish he straight up told him that I have all I need to know it is in the final revelation God gave us it's called the Bible... But you know Tim had a book to sell...

  • @ryanbuikema2137
    @ryanbuikema2137 7 лет назад +33

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truthand the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.--John 14:6.

    • @deborahelle4801
      @deborahelle4801 5 лет назад +2

      Ryan Buikema he was referring to his teachings. the truth, THE WAY.
      He came as an example of how to live.
      follow Jesus’ teaching and example, you will reach the Father.
      why is this over complicated.
      it’s pretty simple

    • @ASLunar
      @ASLunar Год назад +1

      ​@@deborahelle4801 That's literally legalism, the very thing Christ and the apostles denounced. It's also something that nearly every branch of Christianity at least claims is not true Christianity, so clearly it's not as "simple" as you suggested.

    • @memecity4949
      @memecity4949 Год назад

      @@deborahelle4801 He came to be THE Saviour of the world. His primary mission was to rescue sinners.

  • @trayking1852
    @trayking1852 8 лет назад +12

    God makes it plainly clear salvation through Jesus Christ. Everyone believes in god and Christ Jesus they just don't like their rules I'm a born again christian and I love Jesus Christ he change my life completely.

    • @petergaal6489
      @petergaal6489 3 года назад

      And you are delusional and ignorant....

    • @Jesusandcoffee3382
      @Jesusandcoffee3382 Год назад

      Our "rules" are to Love God and love others as we love ourselves. We are saved by Grace, thru faith, not of works, lest anyone boast. There are no "rules" or requirements to being saved except to believe in Jesus - who He is and what HE did for you. When you believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of you and causes you to change over time when you spend time with God, praying, worshipping, and reading your Bible. When you submit to the Holy Spirit, you will become more and more like Jesus. Your actions can enrich your life and receive blessings from "living holy" and not living holy could lead to earthly punishments and consequences, and even loss, but has nothing to do with your salvation. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit when you first believed.

    • @spartybuck7215
      @spartybuck7215 Год назад

      ​@@Jesusandcoffee3382this is mostly right but "Believing" in Jesus per 3:16 also means obeying him, and genuine penance. You can't BS the creator of the universe so only Christ can know if your penance is real. I personally found mine realizing that the bible, the word of God, is the only source of "knowledge of good and evil" that doesn't derive from Adam/Eve's original sin.

  • @Romans12LifeTogether
    @Romans12LifeTogether 7 лет назад +61

    Instead of "if..." HOW ABOUT "SINCE...JESUS IS GOD...!" UGH

    • @kerianwhite9532
      @kerianwhite9532 5 лет назад

      I know right. It's like he's not sure or he downy want to offend anyone. Not the best ambassador of God

    • @absentminded7230
      @absentminded7230 4 года назад +1

      Because that's a selfish way to talk. That's a refusal to engage in a conversation. To talk in a manner that others can understand.

    • @booka852
      @booka852 4 года назад

      It still if if if so if u stop believing in a white god that cN die is not god

    • @miracleetifit6686
      @miracleetifit6686 4 года назад

      Jesus is not God. Jesus Christ is his Son.

    • @dariusteng490
      @dariusteng490 4 года назад

      @@miracleetifit6686 In a universal context it depends on what u defined God is: a. The creator b. The example c. The guide. Different religions interpret God differently so they have different definitions of God.

  • @carolewaller3613
    @carolewaller3613 Год назад +2

    Yes... through Christ Yeshua.... the only true way.

  • @lfcizdabest
    @lfcizdabest 7 лет назад +6

    Just to add a note for anyone thinking of commenting, Keller has actually publicly corrected himself in reference to his answer here, specifically the place at 3:00 where he states that if people die without Christ, "I don't know" whether they go to heaven.

    • @KnoppKnotes
      @KnoppKnotes 3 года назад +4

      I know it’s pretty late to be asking this, but where would I find this? I’ve been looking and coming up with nothing.
      A link would be very much appreciated!

    • @heisenbergkierkegaard3982
      @heisenbergkierkegaard3982 Год назад +2

      You simply need to check the context of his words and his overall teaching seen in his writings and preachings. Keller's point is simply, Jesus is the only way and that Tim can't know if a person is saved or not, in an absolute sense. There are a lot of professing Christians but can you really know to a divine extent that they are genuinely saved?

  • @TeflonTelStar
    @TeflonTelStar 5 лет назад +8

    this man would make an excellent politician!

  • @stefyuthechosenone1458
    @stefyuthechosenone1458 7 лет назад +9

    John MacArthur, despite its controversial opinions on many subjects, was more straigth and courageous in declaring the Gospel on national TV. This is the kind of person we need to be : full of grace and Truth and not taking some intellectual, seeker-friendly posture to dilute the Gospel of Christ. As Zac Poonen has written, "God needs men ... who are not afraid of men".

    • @Magnulus76
      @Magnulus76 5 лет назад

      Actually, that's not gracious at all.

    • @Jesusandcoffee3382
      @Jesusandcoffee3382 Год назад

      Unfortunately, his gospel includes works, so not the gospel at all.

  • @gummylens5465
    @gummylens5465 4 года назад +4

    "Every human being chooses an identity. It's either based on the grace of God or it's basically based on your own performance and your own ability and therefore on your own self."

    • @elwingw4321
      @elwingw4321 2 года назад

      That statement eradicates the doctrine of election .men do not save themselves. Ephesians 1. . So he is very confused about his own beliefs claiming to be a reformed theologian. He basically makes up his own works based gospel. And trying to cloak his social justice gospel theology must have been difficult 10 years ago.

    • @SuperDpoole
      @SuperDpoole 8 месяцев назад

      Brilliant answers!

  • @leewatson9000
    @leewatson9000 3 года назад +6

    Leonard Ravenhill said of most men who go to seminary: “They have swollen heads and shrunken hearts.”

  • @arg9026
    @arg9026 2 года назад +3

    Yes there is only one way to God and it's God's way.

  • @spencermargenna
    @spencermargenna 4 года назад +12

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being strategic with your demographic when evangelizing. Saying ‘yes if’ doesn’t bother me. He’s just saying if Christianity is true then yes you don’t go to heaven without Jesus. It’s establishing a declaration that truth can exist

  • @poppylove3673
    @poppylove3673 9 лет назад +4

    There are so many Muslims having dreams and visions about Jesus especially over in the Middle East! There is actually more openness to Jesus than here in the the U.S. Now! Same thing as Africa, Russia, China.. Muslims are tired of the hate and killing going on with what they have had and they are having supernatural experiences and miracles happen! We have become foolish thinking we are so knowledgeable and into our own selves and materialism! We need to humble ourselves and seek God to forgive us and heal our country.

  • @tinmoths
    @tinmoths 3 года назад +23

    "If they die without Jesus, I do not know"
    Congrats, Keller, you just demonstrated being ashamed of the Gospel

    • @maplemusic8851
      @maplemusic8851 2 года назад +1

      Yep. Exactly. And the fact that Keller is treated as a guru by millions of people.... astounding.
      Keller has no business being a pastor. He was given a simple yes/no question, and he gave a garbled response.

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад +2

      He's not preaching to you people. ¿Can't you comprehend that?
      He's trying to convince people who don't assume the Bible is valid Truth.

    • @itsbrianchen
      @itsbrianchen 2 года назад +1

      It is about emotions. It is about graceful to unbelievers. The clip is short.

  • @santosawidjaja
    @santosawidjaja 2 года назад +2

    I think Tim Keller explains
    1) Only Jesus can save.
    2) He doesn't know whether people who at present don't believe in Jesus, will be saved.
    3) Because of point 1), if these people are saved, it'll be because of Jesus.

  • 4 года назад +11

    the interviewer understood Tim’s answer as Jesus is the only way

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 Год назад +1

      He and the audience would have understood it perfectly and beyond all doubt and would have been convicted by the AUTHORITY of Scripture if TK had simply quoted John 14:6 (and Acts 4:12).

  • @tubularfrog
    @tubularfrog 5 лет назад +1

    There are many paths to God, and they all lead to judgement. It is only though accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for your sins, and repent from sin that you can escape from judgement.

  • @selranagap2782
    @selranagap2782 Год назад +4

    I thank God that I was able to listen to Keller's sermons in my christian journey. His graceful and in control demeanor is a spiritual fruit. I hope to be like him in my future years ahead. A true blessing he was in our generation. I will miss him but I rest assure we will gather around our heavenly father's table one day as one BIG Happy family!
    Peace 🙏❤

  • @pmdl23
    @pmdl23 7 лет назад +4

    For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
    God's word answers this question. Use God's word to answer it!

  • @jpsully2k
    @jpsully2k 4 года назад +16

    Just a heads up to those critiquing this. I can't find where but Tim actually did apologize for this answer. He's better than this. Especially the part where he says "those who die without Christ, I don't know." There was some blog post that came out where Tim talked about his own wife Kathy literally reaming him out moments after this was over. So it's unfortunate that this video hasn't been taken down. (But I can't find that apology post at the moment).

    • @davidrobinson5180
      @davidrobinson5180 Год назад +1

      @@charliespleen You said perfectly, Charles.

    • @The_Super_Tim
      @The_Super_Tim Год назад

      He apologized

    • @tommyroberts867
      @tommyroberts867 Год назад

      He needs to repent not apologize

    • @TKRowand
      @TKRowand Год назад +2

      @@tommyroberts867 Matthew 5:23-24 I’d think both is necessary.
      James 5:16 apologies are important for the community and helps us all be strong. Though Tim has recently passed and is with the Father, let’s pray for all who hear this message without context and may become confused

    • @createdbeing302
      @createdbeing302 Год назад

      It's 'unfortunate' that this video hasn't been taken down?
      Why must a video be taken down, just because it's been responded to?
      This video helps people better glance at a theologian's understandings, teachings, theology and character.

  • @SuperHeathw
    @SuperHeathw 11 лет назад +22

    Jesus is the only way, Savior and Lord

  • @950330aa
    @950330aa 11 лет назад +24

    Why can't this man just answer the question?

    • @4everfatjoe
      @4everfatjoe 3 года назад

      He answered. He said that he doesn't know. No human should take a responsibility for answering questions like "what is God thinking/planning/doing?". Only God knows that, humans can only guess. He said "need to know basis". That is it.

    • @johnstaikos5174
      @johnstaikos5174 3 года назад

      He is trying to be diplomatic and non offensive. The Gospel though is offensive in the sense that it is not by your merit but purely by Grace. That's why Jesus says the gate is narrow Mat 7:13-14, you cannot depend on self merit in any sense, salvation is a gift an inheritance bestowed by the finished work of Christ. That is what Jesus taught and died for and that is what the New Testament teaches.

    • @BradAbley
      @BradAbley Год назад +1

      Because he's a coward.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад

      That’s a good way to put it.
      Sadly, Tim Keller allowed NYC to influence him, rather than he influence NYC, trusting God’s sovereign grace. He was certainly a false teacher.

  • @wayfarer1101
    @wayfarer1101 7 лет назад +6

    "Need to know basis"??? - "Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." Jesus' words. John 3:3.
    Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6.
    Shockingly simple. If we believe.
    Devastating if you don't.
    Jesus said, "Blessed is he who is not offended in me." Matt 11:6
    Jesus' own disciples were shocked at what he said and did.
    Check out John 6, the last dozen verses. Why do we expect people today to be any different?
    "No one comes to the Father but by me." Jesus' words. John 14:6b.
    No one.
    That's what we need to know.

    • @joelalexander7328
      @joelalexander7328 6 лет назад

      way Farer What I need to know is, "How in the world did you arrive with the position that the Bible is true?" Why would the Creator need to have a bunch of dead animals and blood sacrifices?

  • @MicJones
    @MicJones 4 года назад +5

    Keller's just a gracious, non-confrontational guy. He does this quite a bit when posed with questions that yield controversial answers. Though, I'm not sure you can afford to be dodgy with answers to tough questions like these.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 3 года назад +5

      So one might come to the conclusion that he is ashamed of Christ....? Right?

    • @MicJones
      @MicJones 3 года назад +1

      @@kevinrtres No, that's not at all the takeaway for me.

  • @messenjah71
    @messenjah71 9 лет назад +2

    Knowing full well the many variations of beliefs, cultures, opinions, attitudes, etc, Why would God offer only one path to Him?

    • @LightWthoutTheStatic
      @LightWthoutTheStatic 9 лет назад

      onemessenjah Because not every path leads home. God offers many paths home, but the limitation is whether you actually want to end up at him. At any point in the journey, God can make a path from there, or even with detours, back to himself. That is the 'only one path to him'. You have to honestly consider whether or not we're capable enough (or how one can be so sure of the road you're on or where it goes) to know whether any path taken while not following Jesus will actually end up taking us to God. The only light strong enough to be followed back to God is Jesus.

    • @messenjah71
      @messenjah71 9 лет назад

      Micah Lindstrom​ How do you know that the only light strong enough to be followed back to God is Jesus?

    • @thelasthourgetready
      @thelasthourgetready 9 лет назад

      +onemessenjah SIN and the need for it to be eradicated and this is done by no other name except Jesus the Christ and his blood which he shed on the cross. take some to time to read through the book of John .....much Love

    • @messenjah71
      @messenjah71 9 лет назад

      TheEndIsHere FinalWarning I don't believe in blood sacrifice of any kind. I don't believe God has need for blood sacrifice, either. If God created all that is, and nothing is outside of Him, then how can sacrifice be possible? To sacrifice means to lose "over here" in order to gain "over there". Being everywhere and in all things, what use does God have for loss and gain? I think the lesson of the crucifixion is all found in the resurrection, not in Jesus' 10 pints of spilled blood.

    • @thelasthourgetready
      @thelasthourgetready 9 лет назад

      onemessenjah then you dont believe in Jesus nor the word of God and you are not saved

  • @Puppythuppa
    @Puppythuppa 5 лет назад +8

    Lord Jesus my Eternal Creator, my Kinsman Redeemer thank You with all my heart and my entire being, THAT YOU'RE THE ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE AND HEAVEN,
    I don't care what opinions fallen sinful mankind hold on to.
    Apart from Your Truth, I know for SURE, there's no other truth or reality that can Redeem mankind from their misery and sufferings.
    Thank You my Kinsman Redeemer, My Eternal Creator and Glorious Ruler Yeshua Ha Messiach.!!♉🕎♎💝💖🙏

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 5 лет назад +1

      Rajesh Gowda.Y.R. get a napkin ,you have some Jesus juice on your chin.

    • @Puppythuppa
      @Puppythuppa 5 лет назад +2

      @@plumbmaster7022 Does my Love and devotion to my Eternal Creator and Redeemer Yeshua/Jesus Christ BOTHERING your brain?🤔😏😒

    • @chandraharris690
      @chandraharris690 2 года назад

      Amen and Amen!!!!!!!

  • @romasliv
    @romasliv 8 лет назад +17

    This is shameful, Joel Osteen again? "I dont know" "I dont know""I dont know""I dont know""I dont know"...

    • @dontimberman5493
      @dontimberman5493 5 лет назад

      romasliv but if you don’t know isn’t that the right answer?

  • @thereformedrant9592
    @thereformedrant9592 8 лет назад +13

    Seems like Tim is only giving the truth because he has too...he almost said we are stuck...he does not know? at 2:55....Keller says he does not know. What?

  • @duaneskow2295
    @duaneskow2295 9 месяцев назад +1

    This man is saying he don't know for sure Jesus is the Son of God.

  • @markrogers7546
    @markrogers7546 5 лет назад +12

    "IF???" What kind of a declaration is that?

    • @gummylens5465
      @gummylens5465 4 года назад

      A Jesus-esque declaration:
      *“If* anyone wants to be first, he must be the last of all and the servant of all.”
      *"If* anyone wants to do His will, he will know about My teaching, whether it is from God or I am speaking from Myself."
      *"If* anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."
      *"If* I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!"
      *"If* anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.
      *“If* what I said is wrong, bear witness about the wrong; but if what I said is right, why do you strike Me?”
      There are lot of if-then style declarations in the Bible in general too.
      *"If* I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."
      *"if* any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do."

    • @mikefrancis6546
      @mikefrancis6546 4 года назад

      I stopped also. He does not truly know the Lord. Blasphemous fool will regret his answers

  • @dliz325
    @dliz325 9 месяцев назад +1

    Not a single mention of repentance. We don’t acquire heaven and God’s grace just bc we choose it. We must repent and before we can even repent God needs to draw us in. He elects us. We don’t get to claim heaven insurance just bc we like it and trust that we will get it. I don’t understand those who claim TK is a wonderful theologian. I hear anything but the gospel come out of his mouth. So heartbreaking

  • @viktorijavelke6599
    @viktorijavelke6599 5 лет назад +57

    IF Timothy Keller is a man of God, then he should speak the Truth without ‘if’.

    • @julietgomezcrabtree
      @julietgomezcrabtree 2 года назад +32

      He’s just using logic, “if/then” statements, as a way to explain to his audience. He’s not doubting “if there is a god”, but more “if this true, then that has to be true”.

    • @kelslo74
      @kelslo74 Год назад +1


    • @dtrip8795
      @dtrip8795 Год назад +6

      @@julietgomezcrabtree and it also gives him an out to not speak the truth. His need to know about salvation is easy to know by reading the word. There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.

    • @jonathonjames5038
      @jonathonjames5038 Год назад +5

      He is doing that to grab attention to people listening that don't hear absolutely that Jesus is who he was.
      If is more or invitation to others rather than a doubt in his relationship with christ

    • @frankregg9048
      @frankregg9048 Год назад +3

      He’s obviously NOT a man of God, but he wants to fit in with the unregenerate

  • @VicLabs
    @VicLabs 3 года назад

    I know this video is years old, but I see a lot of misleading comments:
    The "if" part is part and parcel of Presuppositional Apologetics, taught by Cornelius Van Til of Westminster Theological Seminary. If you think that form of argumentation somehow belies the speaker's conviction, then you are bringing into question an entire tradition of incredibly conservative reformed apologetics.
    As for the "trapdoor" point, Keller does seem to wilt or relinquish some ground by not affirming that while the Scripture is not exhaustive, it is sufficient and clear in regards to means of salvation. But in a sideways way, he actually echoes Peter in Acts 4:12 ("there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved"). In other words, there has been no other name, or means, revealed to Tim Keller.
    The existence of some other way, while hypothetical, seems contradictory to the Bible, but conservative reformed also teach things like Westminster Confession of Faith 10.3 "Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated, and saved by Christ, through the Spirit, who worketh when, and where, and how he pleaseth [if I knew how to do bold words on Facebook I would make the preceding phrase bold]: so also are all other elect persons who are incapable of being outwardly called by the ministry of the Word." (WCF 10.3, WCF references: Luke 18:15,16 and Acts 2:38,39 and John 3:3,5 and 1 John 5:12 and Rom. 8:9 compared together; John 3:8 1; John 5:12; Acts 4:1. I would add Psalm 51 compared to 2 Sam. 12:23).
    The insinuation that Keller is somehow a liberal by being nuanced with a hostile audience is bit unfair and unfounded. Paul on the Aeropagus quoted pagan authors to make his point and seemed to imply that God "overlooked" the ignorance of his audience before (is he saying all pagans went to heaven before? [sarcasm]), and the Lord still used that message to bring some to repentance.

  • @abuelb
    @abuelb 8 лет назад +5

    He seems like he is always presenting his own view instead of God's view to all the questions in this conference, not just this specific questions, but all questions. He has no solid answer. the scripture gives specific answers to all questions. no need to give a run around response. pastor John MacArthur gives bold response straight from the scripture.

    • @burtstrange
      @burtstrange 8 лет назад

      Agreed, it's disappointing to seem him running around the question so much or trying to soften his response without giving it w/ clarity and that is a question he can answer w/ clarity based on what the bible says and that is what we have as our authority. Yes, we should always endeavor to be loving in our explanation/defense of the truth but never compromise it by diluting the truth as that is unloving. State the truth lovingly and then let the Holy Spirit convict men's hearts of their unbelief as we are not able to do that.

    • @abuelb
      @abuelb 8 лет назад

      +Kyle Howard Tom Keller is no Paul. Paul preached Jesus Christ and his resurrection in Acts 17.

    • @abuelb
      @abuelb 8 лет назад

      +Kyle Howard Tom Keller is no Paul. Paul preached Jesus Christ and his resurrection in Acts 17.

    • @plumberphil5321
      @plumberphil5321 6 лет назад

      Bobby A welcome to the world of tim Keller

  • @Ambassador055
    @Ambassador055 Год назад +1

    I would have simply replied, “This is what Jesus said (John 14:6). What do you think it means?”

  • @eppingmelb
    @eppingmelb 9 лет назад +11

    Jesus is the Only way to Heaven. Jesus is the Only way to God.

  • @saxmanjpr5092
    @saxmanjpr5092 5 лет назад +2

    I have heard it taught that those whom have never heard of Jesus will get into heaven BECAUSE they have never been show the choice (of salvation.) That being said, if those people will get into heaven, then isn't witnessing to people, giving them a death sentance?

  • @wayfarer1101
    @wayfarer1101 6 лет назад +16

    I love the clarity with which Tim teaches on idolatry and judgment. Pity he wasn't as clear here.

    • @ToriLynnH
      @ToriLynnH Год назад

      He answered the main question. He wasn't preaching about other things.

  • @TomDutch
    @TomDutch 6 лет назад

    God has given us a mouth to declare our faith.

  • @ktownj5996
    @ktownj5996 10 лет назад +48

    yes they are headed to hell just say it. you need to come to Jesus Christ alone

    • @LightWthoutTheStatic
      @LightWthoutTheStatic 9 лет назад

      Reach Church A lot of people don't know what that means. They don't understand that.

    • @WISE1
      @WISE1 5 лет назад

      Open up your mind and thinking just a bit, J So.
      Imagine thinking for yourself (not what you have been taught to believe by the church, preachers, a narrow minded interpretation of Scripture, etc.
      Listen, instead, to God's Holy Spirit as He speaks to you, His creation and His child (child, as in much to learn in the eons of time).
      Listen carefully. Don't be quick to arrive at a conclusion.. esp one that is born from tradition.
      Listen carefully to How God may change your heart and way of thinking. Don't be quick to put God and Gods plan for humanity in a proverbial box.
      Again I say.. Listen!

    • @marklar2012
      @marklar2012 5 лет назад

      Vincent Rodney You are saying that we should not believe Bible, but your flawed emotions.

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx 5 лет назад

      I do agree he needs to be more forthright. They either choose Christ or not!

    • @sheenary730
      @sheenary730 4 года назад

      A gentle answer turns away wrath,
      but a harsh word stirs up anger.
      Proverbs 15:1 | NIV
      Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
      Colossians 4:5-6 | NIV

  • @garyroberts3859
    @garyroberts3859 2 года назад

    Hey Tim…what has happened to all the people who lived and died before Jesus arrived on the scene 2000 years ago???

    • @robmarshall956
      @robmarshall956 2 года назад

      Surely you know the answer to that ?? It’s a common Christian understanding, why are you asking people that already have an understanding when you don’t or are out to mock ) ????

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад

      They had faith in the Messiah to come; we have faith in that same Messiah who already came.
      Genesis 15:6.

    @R.POWELL 5 лет назад +14


    • @caspersok7129
      @caspersok7129 5 лет назад

      He's doubting

    • @jcTorres813
      @jcTorres813 4 года назад +3

      ​@@caspersok7129 That's not doubt my friend :) What he is saying here basically is what Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:14 And if Christ wasn’t raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith.
      1 Corinthians 15:14-20
      14 And if Christ wasn’t raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith. 15 If the dead won’t be raised to life, we have told lies about God by saying that he raised Christ to life, when he really did not. 16 So if the dead won’t be raised to life, Christ wasn’t raised to life. 17 Unless Christ was raised to life, your faith is useless, and you are still living in your sins. 18 And those people who died after putting their faith in him are completely lost. 19 If our hope in Christ is good only for this life, we are worse off than anyone else. 20 But Christ has been raised to life! And he makes us certain that others will also be raised to life.

    • @zaradimple3980
      @zaradimple3980 4 года назад +1

      What does he mean "IF"? does he believe, or does he NOT believe! I am just one of God's children I BELIEVE IN JESUS 200%. I look to Him for my salvation, nothing to do with me, I just trust him with all my heart I do not lean on my own understanding.

  • @WISE1
    @WISE1 5 лет назад +1

    Btw, my previous comment is not to Dr Tim Keller but to all those who responded with comments akin to the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus's day - of whom Jesus condemned.
    You do not listen because you have stopped your ears.
    You do not seek wisdom and truth because you think you have it all.
    Therefore, you walk in darkness. You will not give an ounce of open-mindedness because you know it all.
    You are not humbly giving your mind and heart over the Holy Spirit.
    You do not expose your soul to the light which God wants you to see.
    You blindly walk in the flesh, rather than in The Spirit of the living God.
    Sound familiar? Jesus spoke similar words to those of tradition who thought they had all the truth they needed.
    I implore you: Repent and turn from your selfish and proud ways.
    Admit to God your ignorance that He may fill your heart with wisdom and truth.
    Godspeed my friends and brothers and sisters.

  • @1family4me
    @1family4me 8 лет назад +24

    "If He is who He says He is?" This guy is a Christian?

    • @davidbanar5436
      @davidbanar5436 8 лет назад +6

      Tim Keller definitely is a Christian, but he does seem to answer these questions in a weird way. I think he might be because of the audience he has.

    • @zakariyarazi4256
      @zakariyarazi4256 6 лет назад +2

      Yes, he is. He confess that Jesus is Lord. And only God knows someone's heart. Don't question like a fool. Only God knows who is a true Christian.

    • @jspade3
      @jspade3 5 лет назад +1

      @@zakariyarazi4256 So let me get this straight. I shouldn't question someone who claims to be a Christian but clearly dances around an incredibly easy question. One a Sunday school child can answer? Interesting, doesn't it say in the Bible not to call your brother a fool? And also that "you shall know them by their fruits" I question anybody who can't give a simple black or white answer to a simple black or white question.

  • @kentallen3857
    @kentallen3857 5 лет назад

    If?...what Word of God as a Christian are you reading? How can you bring others to Christ by say "If"? Either one accepts or rejects Pastor If!

  • @artymcfly8694
    @artymcfly8694 6 лет назад +6

    Give us McArthur and Steve Lawson. Watch these men preach the gospel. Keller has no idea.

    • @Jesusandcoffee3382
      @Jesusandcoffee3382 Год назад

      John M. is a Calvinist and teaches works.

    • @patrickc3419
      @patrickc3419 Год назад

      Calvinism is simply another way of saying the Gospel.
      The doctrines of grace wounds our naturally prideful hearts.

  • @paulhuggins8971
    @paulhuggins8971 6 лет назад +1

    Sadly Tim is avoiding to answer the question, seemingly not wanting to upset anyone, but he has upset God, The truth will set us free, John 8:32,.. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Mormons, Catholics, JW's and on the list goes, they ALL need to know the TRUTH! There is only one way to God, through Christ Jesus. Amen.

  • @Briancollison
    @Briancollison 5 лет назад +5

    very vague answers. Sounds like he is very unsure how to answer, everything is 'if'.

  • @ritagonzalez799
    @ritagonzalez799 Год назад +1

    If he is a Minister, he should answer direct from the Scriptures, not his opinion.

  • @donl7114
    @donl7114 5 лет назад +3

    Jesus answered by quoting scripture

  • @joelmiller7295
    @joelmiller7295 Год назад +2

    This is such a soft ball question… Tim should of hit a grand slam with it!
    John 14:6 “ I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me”
    Acts 4:12” neither is there salvation in any other name, for there is no other name under heaven given amongst men whereby we must be saved”
    I Timothy 2:5 for there is one mediator between god and man, the man Jesus Christ”
    1 john 5:12 he who has the son has life, he who does not have the son does not have life!

  • @MeleciaW
    @MeleciaW 10 лет назад +6

    The bible says Jesus is the only way to God. But God knows the heart and He has the final say in each life. God does not send you to hell you choose to go there by your choice to not accept his Salvation which is the way to be saved. Hell is a freedom of choice, hell is for those who chose to go there. For those who didnt hear the gospel, God will deal with that. Free will has to exist just like the tree of life in the garden of Eden.

  • @gibsonchandia5292
    @gibsonchandia5292 Год назад +1

    Tim Keller, the Truth is the truth. Jesus is the only way to God Almighty, full stop!

  • @jamesgaul3544
    @jamesgaul3544 7 лет назад +3

    Q. Who is running the camera??!

  • @reubenedmund8785
    @reubenedmund8785 2 года назад

    I have my reservations about the way Tim is answering questions here. Why does he sound apologetic, like he is being careful not to hurt anyone? What's with the "if"! As a minister of the gospel, you should not be ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation. Tell the truth unapologetically...preach it with Boldness. There is only one way to God and it is through Jesus Christ. He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. No one can get to God except through Jesus...You cannot make it to heaven any other way besides Jesus Christ. Ignoring or not accepting Jesus Christ and making Him the Lord of your life means acceptance to eternal damnation. PERIOD! Don't mince words. How would apostle Paul have answered that question if he was seated in that chair!?

  • @acarpentersson8271
    @acarpentersson8271 5 лет назад +7

    The more I hear Tim the less I like what he says. He tries so hard to not state the obvious fact that without Christ you go to hell. Stand firm on the truth that you are an ambassador for.

  • @dariusedmund5620
    @dariusedmund5620 4 года назад +1

    For those who criticize, because he doesn't answer the question the way you want him to, I tell you to listen, he approaches it from different angles than the religious one you may be oriented to, but he answers.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 3 года назад

      I guess the most upsetting thing for most commenters is that TK shies away from making an all-out definitive statement regarding Jesus, almost as if he is hedging his bets. It leads to the immediate question - is he ashamed of Jesus? Why does he not want to OFFEND those mentioned by the interviewer by telling them outright that they are lost because Jesus IS the only way. Why give them some kind of "hope" when it can only be a self-deceptive hope?

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад +1

      Keller is attempting to convince people who don't assume the Bible is true,@@kevinrtres .
      He knows those people will just write him off as a gaslighting lunatic if he answers the way most commenters here have been answering.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 2 года назад

      @@peterblock6964 *_He knows those people will just write him off as a gaslighting lunatic if he answers the way most commenters here have been answering._*
      No, he is ashamed of coming right out with the gospel if that's the case - Jesus said -For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38

    • @peterblock6964
      @peterblock6964 2 года назад

      No, @@kevinrtres, it doesn't mean what you claim at all.
      You're just trying to convince yourself that you believe.
      Your faith is very weak. Keller's faith is a hundred times more solid than yours.

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres 2 года назад

      @@peterblock6964 If you say so. I take it you have an objective measure of faith - with nicely indicated scales so you can way people in your faith balances and see how they fair. Good luck to you.

  • @amacnaughton85
    @amacnaughton85 8 лет назад +8

    Martin Bashir does not do a good job as a journalist/interviewer in this series and I'll tell you why: he treats the interviewee as a hostile witness from the beginning, and is clearly just waiting for Tim Keller to finish speaking so he can jump in with another very leading question (which in many cases is not even framed as a question), rather than listening and responding. This interview style is not conducive to a comfortable conversation. I am not saying the kid gloves should be on. He can completely disagree with Keller's beliefs or statements without creating an atmosphere of acrimony; journalistically to do so would draw Keller into giving fuller expositions of what he believes rather than putting him on the defensive. For an example of how that can look, watch David Eisenbach's interview with Keller at the same forum. Night and day interview styles. Eisenbach clearly disagrees with a lot of what Keller says, and certainly doesn't shy away from difficult questions, but the openness and lack of a priori assumptions he brings to the table are radically different to Bashir in the best of ways.

    • @darryldanzinger9996
      @darryldanzinger9996 5 лет назад +1

      The entire interview is a set-up to make Keller and the Christian God look intolerant, mean, judgmental and unfair. What this interviewer is truly asking is: How is it fair that the millions of other people in the religions of Hindus, Muslims, Jews etc. who havent heard of Jesus are going to hell? What Martin Bashir is doing is 1) trying to set-up Keller to look like an unloving judgmental Christian so Martin can say "see how intolerant and unloving the Christian God is?" And 2) Martin is putting himself above the Christian God and putting God on trial so as to demean God. Martin is treading on this ice. Notice how there is no interview that asks Muslims these questions?

    • @Magnulus76
      @Magnulus76 5 лет назад +1

      @@darryldanzinger9996 Muslims don't necessarily believe Christians or Jews are tortured for eternity.
      I admire Keller for not wanting to be inflammatory. On the contrary, he's no idiot, unlike most of his criticis.

  • @freddielittle9825
    @freddielittle9825 Год назад +1

    Yes His name is JESUS CHRIST him And him alone is the only way we can be SAVED AMEN ✅😇 (6779)

  • @leewatson9000
    @leewatson9000 3 года назад +6

    The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Scribes were “so intellectual” as well. What is wrong with TK? Preach Christ Crucified!

  • @cellmate1
    @cellmate1 Год назад +1

    This has nothing to do with American Evangelical western thought Just answer the question Tim!! Luke 13 ….is clear. Jesus clearly says that no man gets to heaven but by him