Lively video! The chipmunk was so adorable, running around the garden! Also a tip that I’ve learnt when trying to figure out flock pecking order, is that when it’s a big flock it’s not necessarily a ladder, more like a net, that’s the case in my flock (hen A is above hen B, which is above hen C, which above hen A, thus creating a “net” or a “loop” not an order), so I would recommend with your flock, writing it down based on individual to individual instead of the whole flock!
Cute, thanks for sharing. 50 degree nights here in PA too.
Lively video! The chipmunk was so adorable, running around the garden! Also a tip that I’ve learnt when trying to figure out flock pecking order, is that when it’s a big flock it’s not necessarily a ladder, more like a net, that’s the case in my flock (hen A is above hen B, which is above hen C, which above hen A, thus creating a “net” or a “loop” not an order), so I would recommend with your flock, writing it down based on individual to individual instead of the whole flock!
Good to know! I didnt know that! Super cool info!