Strangely I tapped on this to make it rewind a little bit and it completely disappeared. Well not completely. The audio was still there, playing somewhere in the background, but in front of everything else covering everything completely I had lost in the pond talking about the letter Z. I have no clue what could cause this and neither do you and it's useless to complain to RUclips. I am now going to go back and rewind slightly so that I can watch the rest of this helpful video. (Yes I know it took forever for me to get to it. And also it's either this or the Polish flashcards - those will have to wait until later. I need some variety)
Enroll for my Polish courses:
very use full videos always🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Fajnie jest uczyć się polskiego w ten sposób. Dziękuję bardzo. Proszę o więcej filmów!
Bardzo przydatne materiały, dzięki bardzo!
Very useful thank you:)
Can u post more videos like these ones? It’s way easier to learn when people have conversations
I don't think anything sounds as scary as $39.99!
Fue difícil el idioma pero estoy aprendiendo. Espero nunca olvidar este idioma. Kocham polska 🇵🇱🍁
Strangely I tapped on this to make it rewind a little bit and it completely disappeared. Well not completely. The audio was still there, playing somewhere in the background, but in front of everything else covering everything completely I had lost in the pond talking about the letter Z. I have no clue what could cause this and neither do you and it's useless to complain to RUclips. I am now going to go back and rewind slightly so that I can watch the rest of this helpful video. (Yes I know it took forever for me to get to it. And also it's either this or the Polish flashcards - those will have to wait until later. I need some variety)