Ben Pink Dandelion - Looking at Central Committees - Yearly Meeting Session 3

  • Опубликовано: 1 май 2023
  • Ben Pink Dandelion introduces the Yearly Meeting session in which we considered the structures of our organisation.
    Each Central Committee has arisen and developed in response to a particular need.
    "Each generation of Friends has been faced with a structure in some respects untidy, and we may be thankful for the clear-minded among us who help us, from time to time, to set our house in better order. But order without life does not work, and our continual task is to ensure that our structures are in harmony with the changing tides of life in Britain Yearly Meeting." Quaker faith & practice 8.24.
    At Yearly Meeting in 2023, Friends will discern if now is the time for evolution in the structure of our Central Committees - the bodies appointed by Meeting for Sufferings to shape the work carried out centrally for and on behalf of Friends. In preparation for this, over the last two years, hundreds of Friends have shared what gives them joy in service and their hopes for a potential future structure - a structure that is understandable, enables Friends to participate in joyful and worshipful service, and has a range of opportunities for them to be involved according to their leadings, gifts, and time. The opportunities for service need to match the diversity of our community and allow people to give service in different ways at different points in their lives.
    Further details in Agenda and Notes:

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