For anyone considerring a bunny: Do Your Research Before Getting One. They Can Be A Lot Of Work. It's Completely Unfair To The Rabbit If You Just Keep It In A Cage. This Video Shows How A Bunny Should Be Loved And Cared For.
Those kids will grow up to be very loving people. Introducing animals to children at a young age is very important because it teaches them compassion and responsibility.
This video inspired me to get a Flemish , I'm so glad I did. Ours is only 3 months old but she's already huge and just super sweet. She figured out the litter box almost instantly ( I'm used to cats and what expecting it to take longer) the biggest shock was just how smart she actually is . The other day she kept nudging my feet when I was on my computer, when I reached to pet her she'd run off back to her room but would then watch me . After she did this a few times she got tired of me not getting it so she then grabbed her food dish and brought it to me . I've never had an animal that was this smart without training
People underestimate rabbits, they’re extremely intelligent and have personalities too my rabbit Sundae is sassy af but she truly loves me and I love her,she knows when I’m upset or hurting and cuddles up to me
@@pedmst No, because rabbits are vegetarians, its not as bad as a cat-litterbox. Somehow similar to the smell of a horse stable... (only less, If you clean it regularly)😉 I once had a bunny which got the system immediately...
@@DennisDerChrist no, you need to just appreciate this life, and respect other lives. If you truly enjoy and love your life, help others to feel this, so many animals need your help, they are slaves without rights or a voice! ADOPT & LIBERATE ANIMALS!
@@mrhyde112OI Wow, a straight satanic philosophy. People don`t even hide it anymore. The friend of this world is the enemy of God, the heart deceives and we have to be born again. A litle child can see that everything on this world only has one fight the bible, to fight God and Christ as predicted....which is not very smart. If you cannot see this in the year called 2019, i would start to pray as blindness, a strong dilusion and the veil were predicted.
@@XeLRUclips You're confusing as hell. Sometimes you go on videos and say "Veganism now," then you switch to making jokes about killing animals for eggs and bacon. Wtf is wrong with you?
Those children sure are gentle with the bunny! That’s awesome! Too many kids are NOT taught how to treat animals! Too many pets are taken to shelters “because it growls at my kids,” or “it’s mean...” more often than not, it is because someone in the house is teasing and hurting the pet, and the parents are not cognizant of just what the poor precious pet has had to endure at the hands of careless children! I was watching a channel where the dad was singing and cooking dinner, his wife was with the infant, and the 2 year old boy was hitting their dachshund! When she growled, the mom got upset! The comments were all about the toddler boy’s treatment of their dog! Thankfully, they watched it, took it down, and hopefully are teaching the lad how to be gentle towards animals! Sorry about the rant, folks! God mightily bless you all!
Nothing Is Impossible I am in frail health, but it keeps me humble and close to God! May God mightily and abundantly bless you, dearly beloved! It’s always nice getting a comment from you!☺️😇
@@carolynnunes3922 May I know what had happened & did you visit your doctor?Do take good care of yourself & if I can be of any help do get in touch!Will pray for your speedy recovery & stay healthy yeah!!:-))
Nothing Is Impossible I am over 60, and have had a heart attack and a stroke. As I age, the arthritis gets more painful in my joints, and my bones are thinning (osteoporosis). I have been on Social Security Disability since 2015. As I said before, the pain spurs me on to pray, and keeps me close to God! No worries, dearly beloved! With God, all things are possible, if they are aligned with His will!
The way he melts when the kids pet him and always wants to be near them ❤️ dunno how old Cocoa Puff was when he gained his wings, but he was so loved and gave love for the time being. RIP, sweet boy
Of all the animals I have had my Bunny was the most cherished because we bonded so well. She also had free range of the house during the day and slept in a cage at night. She was super intelligent and had a personality to go with it. My cats wouldn't dare mess with her or else they'd get nipped by her. She was a member of the family and I miss her dearly. She lived to be 13 years old.Her longevity proved that she had a great life and was well taken care of.
We had a rabbit called Bunny. Similarly, he could roam freely. We had a hamster called Mister who was also free. It was fun to have pets around the house. Our only issue was Bunny's poop. His droppings were everywhere
@@KindCountsDeb3773 at that time we didn't poop train Bunny. Ive never known anyone who has successfully trained rabbits to poop at a certain area. Sorry. Perhaps we both should google about it :)
I gave my husband the nickname Cocoa Puff and wrote it on a welcome home sign while standing in an airport. Many people chuckled and some of them stuck around to see who cocoa puff was! But this bunny is precious and perfectly named!
my mom had a netherlands dwarf rabbit, and didn't even know how old they could get. 1 day it got sick and my mom took it to the vet. And the vet noticed it had pneumonia. And proceeded to ask how old the rabbit was. My mom...12. The vet was like 0_0 that is a senior citizen. But still treated it and it kinda recovered but didn't live long past it. It died when I was but 4.
one of my rabbits died when he's about 4 years old and another female rabbit last for 10 years, although it's very strange bc the vet said both of them died of old age. one thing i found out is you don't have to train your rabbit to use the rabbit toilet. you just have to put it there and they will do their bussiness and sometime sleep in their litter box. i only put them in a cage when we clean the house.
Rabbits are the best , I lost my Cappuccino two years ago . He grew up with my kids in the house. He was family .The say I had to put him to sleep after fourteen years , was the saddest day of my life .I still feel his presence with us .
I’m so sorry. Rabbits really are wonderful pets. Very loving characters. They can be laid back or energetic. And are almost always up to or getting into something! 😄
Rabbits really are great pets. I've had Snowy since she was just a baby six years ago, and that only happened because I was in a relationship at the time, and she wanted a rabbit. I didn't know how social and smart they are. That 'relationship' is over, but Snowy and I are still together. I got custody because Snowy bonded with me right off the bat.
Thank you for not putting Cocoa Puffs outside! You are 100% right! Bunnies are social creatures that need to be indoors WITH their family. They can be litter box trained and are clean, wonderful animals. For more information please visit House Rabbit Society to learn about how to adopt and care for your own house bunny. Your life will be full of JOY with one!
I don't think many countries' societies eat rabbit meat much but even if you live somewhere where rabbits are commonly consumed, that doesn't make it wrong to have one as a pet. I'm not a vegan or anything like that either, I'm just not for societies forcing their ways onto others. It'd be like how I'd want to have a chicken as a pet despite them usually being eaten (even I do, but that doesn't mean I have not much empathy for them).
I"m from Spain and the rabbit here is an endemic race so we eat it. It has 2 advantages: it is replenished very quickly and its meat is the leanest of all. For me it is rare to see them as pets. There are many wild rabbits and they eat the crops, they are a plague.
A lot of places eat rabbit. In the US rabbit (most commonly cottontails and jacks) are hunted and eaten often. But we still keep them as pets as they are good for household with children, or people who can’t have dogs or cats. Most people don’t usually eat it though probably because it’s not very rich and is lacking in nutrition. Why eat 2 pounds of rabbit when you can eat less than a pound of steak. You could eat 4 rabbits a day and still lose weight.
and though of course there are exceptions. Most parrots actually like having a cage as a safe space. Heck my Hahn’s Macaw will ask to go in her cage at night by repeatedly saying “night night”, so we give her a treat to reward the behavior then we tuck her in with the blanket that we put over her cage since she likes having the dark to sleep. However I do agree that if the animal doesn’t view their cage as a safe space it should eventually be phased out
I must be a softy because this video brought tears to my eyes. I don’t know how long giant bunnies live but he will teach his children so much in life and with his passing❤ Until then I hope he continues with his long and happy life and his children grow up healthy and strong.
Almost brought tears to my eyes. This reminded me of Peter my pet bunny when I was young. I would say; I was age 6, and I loved that rabbit. He was white and brown spotted with droopy ears.
Its called a Lop Rabbit, I had one of those too, a Blue Butterfly, because he was grey and white, with grey eyes. He died last year, and he was only 1 ;(, and it was almost his birthday when he died.. His name's Chuck, because he would throw things around, we don't know how he died, my mom thought he was asleep, but then my dad stroked him, and he didn't move.. So now my other rabbit is lonely ;-;.... I'll always love him..
This is the dodo, which is a yt channel that shows many different animals with people that care for them, basically best moments with animals. Your question most likely wont be going to the family with cocoa puff
No I believe it’s not possible they will pee in a sawdust tray but they poo small pellets all the time but they are dry easy to sweep up probably the cleanest poop of any pet
Top Up yes I agree outside is the best and the way I housed my rabbit but I had him inside my home for hours I used a sheet of newspaper & the litter tray then and found it great probably in that time he’d use it twice then I’d lift it outside never noticed much of a smell.
i have two bunnies and they are absolutely the best. such underrated pets. they all have their unique personalities too. one of my rabbits absolutely hates being touched but will approach and climb on people occasionally. my other rabbit is all over me and lovesss snuggles.
That is very true, as much as I love this story and they seem to take good care of the rabbit I just hope people don't think all rabbits are like this or go out and buy one because of this video. Rabbits are so often neglected and a lot of times it's unintentional. Their diet is very specific, and while easy to follow tons of people screw it up and it results in the bun going into GI stasis. So anybody reading this, please do your EXTENSIVE research before looking into getting a bunny, they are not just cute big play toys and rabbits of this size need several pounds of hay (all rabbits need half their body weight a day in hay). Things like salt licks are not suitable for them and they are prey animals as well :)
Christopher Greene yes, that is very true. during bonding, both of my rabbits developed GI stasis due to stress. it was not severe but still put quite a dent in my wallet. it’s sad to me that people can get these animals without doing research, because they really are like having a dog or a cat.
Cute to the max. Sweet rabbit. I had house rabbits but they were never quite like this. They chewed through every cord in the house including all the computer cords. Busy little bees all the time.
There are anti-chew sprays you can get and spray on all your cables: They get there mouth on that cable and they will not be happy; And not go at it again.
He's so well socialized, be still my heart. I love rabbits. I had a pet one and he was so smart. It takes a while for them to trust you especially if they are coming from somewhere where they were always kept in a cage but when you earn their trust, it's sooo worth it.
I didn’t know bunnies were so affectionate! They always seemed pretty aloof like cats to me. As in, as far as getting petted they could take it or leave it! What a wonderful bunny you have there!
Kouame K. Samson . Ahh, it’s there my friend. It’s precious and quiet. Mean folk distract us because love is protected in the quiet of our hearts. It’s called joy. I wish you peace & love brother of mine.
Thank you for teaching your children to be kind to animals. That means a lot to me and the rest of the animal world. I wish the rest of the world would be like your family. It would be like a fairytale ending if we would never see an animal,domestic or wild, be abused tortured or neglected. It hurts my heart so much to see how cruel people can be when an innocent animal is tortured and neglected . From the bottom of my heart,Thank you so much.
What a beautiful rabbit. I know that they are very people friendly because I had three dwarf Dutch and they were very loving. I think its great that the big bunnies is a house rabbit. I can't bear to keep one in a cage. They don't belong cooped up and need room to run. Thanks for the video with children included it made my day.
I remember laughing so hard when I first saw a Flemish Giant when I was a kid. I mean, what would you think if you saw a rabbit thats the Size of a dog.
i was attacked by one when i was 5. thinking quickly, i pointed to the floor & said "Sit!" He did nothing, but i knew he was quietly laughing, mocking the powerless fury of a child. It was then i swore revenge. I am still working out the details.
Continental Giants get even bigger than Flemish Giants (I had one of each as my first two rabbits and when people came to visit (for whatever reason) they'd say "wow are those really rabbits".
Flemish Giants area the biggest , the Continental is a breed that commes from the flemish giant in Germany. The flamish giant traces back to the Roman periode when Belgium was called Belgea....they where bred for fur and Meat. They where named Flemish Giant in the 16th century.
What a happy bunny he is with such loving and caring little human sibling playmates. When his little playmates are asleep, mum and dad can have big bunny snuggles too. Everyone benefits when theres a pet in the family, especially babies and small children.
Yes, your bunnie is a very fortunate little fellow --as are you all. Thanks so much for sharing--you truly are blessed and giving blessings to all around you. Best wishes, Jan
This really makes me miss my bun. Had him since I was a child for 13 years, and now he is gone. Cocoapuff is a handsome bun and I sure hope he lives a happy long life with his family. They all look really happy with him, and I am sure he is happy too ^-^
@armaan mohamed I am so sorry for you loss good sir/madam. It's hard to get over the loss of a pet. They're like a child and a friend. I am not over the loss of my bun, but thinking about the good moments really makes me feel like he's still there somewhere. Every coping mechanism is different though and yours may be different. Either way, stay strong, my friend.
That's so precious. My niece had a indoor bunny, not as big as CooCoo, but he was so smart! He was potty trained and enjoyed going outside to get exercise, and he never wondered far!! Bunnies are extremely social animals
Ya it’s true, I don’t give my dog and apple seeds but if she gets it from outside. We don’t see it in her mouth, then when she was sick, and she went to get another apple from outside we saw her picking up the apple coming in to eat it, we realised that she was sick because of the seeds. So don’t take ur eyes of ur pet when the door is open
Before getting my giant papillon rabbit, I watched this video non-stop. All the time. I would show it to people along with pictures of my (at the time) three week old baby bunny boy. Lil Hal is an absolute angel and I could not be happier as a bunny-mom!
No matter what kind of animal comes to our homes is THE new family member. You have to learn that she/he will be around you ALL THE TIME, no time for pause. Big responsibility as the own child when you start thinking that way YOU CAN HAVE A PET
it's important to know that you won't be able to do this with every bun. they are naturally very careful, as they're prey animals and most probably won't be too happy about many things they do with him. this big guy is very, very chill and calm.
@@overgrownkudzu Just wanted to note that many big breed buns, such as Flemish Giants, Continental Giants and Giant Chinchillas (Rabbits) all tend to be chill and laid back. However as yo say each bun is different and they do have their own personalities.
I have had the very same type of rabbit, color and all! I named him Solace because of his temperament. Very sweet breed. Smaller bunnies are temper mental by comparison. And yes, litter training them makes them wonderful indoor pets!! So delightful to see such a charming family enjoying the pleasure of these giant givers of warming tenderness 👏 🤗 lucky bunny 👍
I have a pet bunny and she taught me so many things that no other pet can have, I personally think Coco Puff has that gift because he is a sweet, caring bunny!
Aww, how sweet! I was a little nervous seeing him with two little kids but they do seem to be quite gentle with him and know how to treat him, and it helps that he's so big. Flemish rabbits are the "gentle giants" of rabbits, they're often very calm and gentle (I suppose when you're that big, things don't scare you as much lol). That being said, to anybody reading this and considering getting a pet rabbit for your children I urge you to thoroughly research rabbits first because they are exotic pets and as a result have special needs and will need a special (often more expensive) type of vet. Consider also that rabbits live an average of 6 - 10 years, sometimes more, so when you adopt one you are making the same commitment as when you adopt a cat or dog. Please be very careful introducing rabbits to young children, ensure they know how to be gentle with it and supervise them at all times. Also, what this video doesn't show is that as wonderful of pets as rabbits can be, they do have a mischievous streak and curiosity that's a mile long. They can and will chew and destroy stuff including walls, floors, and furniture, so you have to be prepared to bunny-proof your house (or whichever room you keep the rabbit/let them free roam) and even then it's no guarantee. This isn't to discourage anyone from getting a rabbit though, I just want people to be aware of the responsibilities and risks since this video shows mostly only the positive aspects. That being said, rabbits are wonderful pets with individual personalities and a lot smarter than people give them credit for. They're not "just" rabbits, don't ever mock someone for mourning the loss of their pet, and they deserve to be treated with respect!
@RainbowEssence-c3w You GD bastard dog lovers completely destroy the ability to have any natural animals around, then you have the nerve to pretend that it's okay!
"Quid pro quo" is an important aspect of rabbit etiquette. That's why they groom you after you pet them. They do the same thing with each other. They're very civilized - excitably social but also fastidious. *X3*
People have no clue how loving rabbit can be I've never put my rabbit in cage either he very intelligent and he loves us.. love the videos of Coco puff
0:40 gave me anxiety, I thought the girl was going to drop him. Young kids with bunnies generally don't mix, but I'm glad this family don't keep him in cage and allow him to free roam. They seem to have been taught to respect bunnies, which I'm glad of.
This is the second time watching this and i still miss my rabbit when i was little. Rabbits are fun to be with and play with. Many don't know that the are sometimes better than cats and dogs. Don't put them in a cage is more important.
@@mentalcraezy4676 oh I know!! It’s been an amazing 12 years, such big personalities in small bodies. Shower them with love and they say that they don’t get affected by most illnesses. RIP Cocoa Puff, so so loved and patient gentle giant
I bought a rabbit as a teenager, to prove to my parents I would always take care of my pet. He became a great friend! I could take him anywhere and he was almost like a little dog! I'm not sure if all rabbits are the same given a chance, but they are definitely worth a try!🥰
Erwin Rommel people who is cynical and hating sugary stories like this because it’s doesn’t show the bad things there can happen besides this.. its the same people who rule their eyes and shaking their heads when the fairy tales books “ there is produce by Disney “ says “ and they live happily ever “ .. for them its insulting..
Rabbits are literally dogs, cats and guinea pigs combined into one thing just without the loud barking. The loudest sound they'll make is a grunting that they use to tell you to back off if they feel scared or angry
CJ Artistique Dorkique Rabbits actually can scream too which is the most high-pitched noise you'll probably ever hear. But they will scream only if they're in immense pain or really scared. Aka if your rabbit screams, you know you screwed up big time.
OMG! Cuteness overload! I too had a Palomino rabbit when I was a kid, dad built him a hutch with a sun porch attached to it. I walked him around on a leash too, with a halter, and I won a blue ribbon for him in 4H, probably because he had such a large cheering section! Such underrated loving animals. I lost him one stormy night when something dug out the bottom of his hutch. After exhaustive searches, we never saw him again. But i never will forget the love and affection that little rabbit brought me. Thank you for the smile and for sparking my memory about good old Thumper.
My friend had a rabbit that size once and named him Hoptimus Prime
"Autobuns, fluff up and hop out!"
Well that's going take to 2 days to call him
Lmao epic
*_That is the best name ever_*
@@DocWolph 😂🤣😭👍👍
I don’t think you can call it a bunny anymore. That’s a whole Pokémon.
The Horrible Gamer underrated comment fr
Naw, its Big Chungus's cousin ;)
Its obvious that Cocoa Puff feels like he is just a regular family member. What a loving family!! 💖
Big fluffy bunny buddy
@@mrhyde112OI I'll still eat my steak...
Spirit Gaming14 that ones allowed
I see no difference between this cute bunny and a golden retriever :D
For anyone considerring a bunny: Do Your Research Before Getting One. They Can Be A Lot Of Work. It's Completely Unfair To The Rabbit If You Just Keep It In A Cage. This Video Shows How A Bunny Should Be Loved And Cared For.
@Lore Gomez plz suggest some things I want to get a rabbit so bad!!
@Lore Gomez thank you so much for the kind information!! I will do more research ;))
Excellent point
When I saw this video I decided it I'm gonna get a bunny I'm not gonna lock a poor bunny up
yes...we have two bunny's. in cage for about a day- now they roam the house. Sigh but we love them so much. toilet trained btw.
Those kids will grow up to be very loving people. Introducing animals to children at a young age is very important because it teaches them compassion and responsibility.
In a dream world...
Pretty sure its a little more complicated than that. But sure. A good stepping stone in the right direction.
@Triggered Latina I totally agree with you. Just thought @jbscotchman's comment was kinda milky...♡
I strongly agree with you.
Unless there like the little shits I know that pull the cats by their tails and tape the dogs legs together
Coco Puff is huge and very sweet.
Do you know what else is huge and very sweet ? ;)
@@Pwassoncru candy?
Gebb the words of our lord and savior Jesus Christ
I gave you your 666th like. Hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon.
@@Pwassoncru my dong ;)))
More kids Need to be raised with animals they would learn kindness and true love
And then eat them.... okay, makes sense.
@@paulsmith3128 yeah......
Paul Smith i know a few kids who found out what the meat they were eating really was and converted to vegetarian !! it’s quite admirable
@@cassiepayten678 Yes... I did the same.
@@paulsmith3128 lmfaooooooo
This video inspired me to get a Flemish , I'm so glad I did. Ours is only 3 months old but she's already huge and just super sweet. She figured out the litter box almost instantly ( I'm used to cats and what expecting it to take longer) the biggest shock was just how smart she actually is . The other day she kept nudging my feet when I was on my computer, when I reached to pet her she'd run off back to her room but would then watch me . After she did this a few times she got tired of me not getting it so she then grabbed her food dish and brought it to me . I've never had an animal that was this smart without training
People underestimate rabbits, they’re extremely intelligent and have personalities too my rabbit Sundae is sassy af but she truly loves me and I love her,she knows when I’m upset or hurting and cuddles up to me
Wow. She brought her food dish. That's a high IQ rabbit. She knew how to make the HOOMAN understand. Some animals are amazingly smart.
Does the litter box have horrible smell, like cat urine?
@@pedmst No, because rabbits are vegetarians, its not as bad as a cat-litterbox. Somehow similar to the smell of a horse stable... (only less, If you clean it regularly)😉
I once had a bunny which got the system immediately...
So glad you are giving this beautiful little creature a home 🙂 that's sweet
I think that's really her 3rd kid wearing a bunny outfit.
What if it's her 3rd kid, but not wearing an outfit? o.O
Insert Donnie Darko quote here.
@@Chromodar wait...NOOOOOOO
@@pandaboydu2871 taste like chicken? :-)
Cocoa Puff? What a name to give to a fluffy giant bunny. :D So adorable.
its a big bunny right XD
We all truly need Christ and eternal life. We can be grateful.
@@DennisDerChrist no, you need to just appreciate this life, and respect other lives.
If you truly enjoy and love your life, help others to feel this, so many animals need your help, they are slaves without rights or a voice!
@@mrhyde112OI Wow, a straight satanic philosophy. People don`t even hide it anymore. The friend of this world is the enemy of God, the heart deceives and we have to be born again. A litle child can see that everything on this world only has one fight the bible, to fight God and Christ as predicted....which is not very smart. If you cannot see this in the year called 2019, i would start to pray as blindness, a strong dilusion and the veil were predicted.
OMG, he's as big as a toddler. I WANT ONE!!
He is a Flemish giant
Yes indeed. I never thought a rabbit could be so fluffy, smart and sociable🤗
Adopt don't shop.
Flemish Giants are awesomely sweet bunnies.
Chuck Keough I thought the same thing!
Rest in Peace Coco Puff, you were a good bun. Have fun binkying in heaven
god- cry. binking...:( xx
hes dead? D8
@@MegaMegajennifer yes - precious big bunny man :(
@@mmmjayjay5571 T-T
Noooo. How do you know he died,
Mom: Let's get them a rabbit.
*brings home a whole Flemish Giant*
bring home rabbit steak the day after and kids cry
@@XeLRUclips edge lord over here....settle down. It's a pet rabbit. I see your comments about animals in cages and rabbit steaks.
I think that may have been an American continental but I have a Netherland dwarf so I’m no expert on large rabbits lol
@@XeLRUclips You're confusing as hell. Sometimes you go on videos and say "Veganism now," then you switch to making jokes about killing animals for eggs and bacon. Wtf is wrong with you?
Flemish giants are great for kids. Cause they are too big to be picked up by a kid. Plus they like attention
Those children sure are gentle with the bunny! That’s awesome!
Too many kids are NOT taught how to treat animals!
Too many pets are taken to shelters “because it growls at my kids,” or “it’s mean...” more often than not, it is because someone in the house is teasing and hurting the pet, and the parents are not cognizant of just what the poor precious pet has had to endure at the hands of careless children!
I was watching a channel where the dad was singing and cooking dinner, his wife was with the infant, and the 2 year old boy was hitting their dachshund! When she growled, the mom got upset!
The comments were all about the toddler boy’s treatment of their dog!
Thankfully, they watched it, took it down, and hopefully are teaching the lad how to be gentle towards animals!
Sorry about the rant, folks!
God mightily bless you all!
Well said Carolyn & I do hope you are keeping well!Have a blessed weekend my dear friend!:-)
Nothing Is Impossible I am in frail health, but it keeps me humble and close to God!
May God mightily and abundantly bless you, dearly beloved! It’s always nice getting a comment from you!☺️😇
@@carolynnunes3922 May I know what had happened & did you visit your doctor?Do take good care of yourself & if I can be of any help do get in touch!Will pray for your speedy recovery & stay healthy yeah!!:-))
Nothing Is Impossible I am over 60, and have had a heart attack and a stroke. As I age, the arthritis gets more painful in my joints, and my bones are thinning (osteoporosis).
I have been on Social Security Disability since 2015.
As I said before, the pain spurs me on to pray, and keeps me close to God! No worries, dearly beloved! With God, all things are possible, if they are aligned with His will!
@@carolynnunes3922 😇😻
"...when the kid's friends come over they're able to teach their friends how to care for animals..."
Love that. Just how it should be🐾💖
The way he melts when the kids pet him and always wants to be near them ❤️ dunno how old Cocoa Puff was when he gained his wings, but he was so loved and gave love for the time being. RIP, sweet boy
Oh, did he pass on ?
@@karinodendaal5277 I read in the comments that he had a tumor next to his heart 😞
@@LittleSkin18 always, that is so sad but he had a great life ❤️
@@LittleSkin18 oh how sad 😢😢😢 but at least he had an amazing life!!
I'm sorry to hear that Cocoa Puff passed ! My condolences to the family and all who loved him.😢❤
The kids are so gentle with them! She is an amazing parent! She knows how to actually care for a rabbit correctly and she did her research:)
The girl said "My Apple !" That just harsh !
@@dobbyobsessed1334 it's understandable for a kid to that because of id. And she didn't even hit Cocoa Puff, so what's harsh?
Rabbits are surprisingly super calm and gentle. They seem gentle but they really are even more gentle than I thought
@@dobbyobsessed1334 lol that rabbit doesn't care
Chillest bunny I've ever seen.
Thanks for loving him & teaching your kids love in the most beautiful way!
loved this comment. vegan hugs :)
I just found out he died. He had a tumor and passed away June 2020. :*(
RIP little buddy
I think they only live in 1-2 years tho
@@dizzlydovi domestic rabbits can live between 10 - 12 years
I was happy with this video until I found this comment...
That’s one spoiled rotten bunny! That’s the best type of bunny to see! ^^
JARedwolf100 Thay are delicious too :)
@@Pommezul *Webber mains laughing in the background*
@@Pommezul >:000000
@@Pommezul can you not talk about eating the bunny
Of all the animals I have had my Bunny was the most cherished because we bonded so well. She also had free range of the house during the day and slept in a cage at night. She was super intelligent and had a personality to go with it. My cats wouldn't dare mess with her or else they'd get nipped by her. She was a member of the family and I miss her dearly. She lived to be 13 years old.Her longevity proved that she had a great life and was well taken care of.
So wonderful to hear she lived 13 years being loved! I believe you will be with her again.💕
We had a rabbit called Bunny. Similarly, he could roam freely. We had a hamster called Mister who was also free. It was fun to have pets around the house. Our only issue was Bunny's poop. His droppings were everywhere
what do you do about their pooping? can they be litter trained? It's an important point IMHO. THANKS
@@KindCountsDeb3773 at that time we didn't poop train Bunny. Ive never known anyone who has successfully trained rabbits to poop at a certain area. Sorry. Perhaps we both should google about it :)
Thats amazing some dogs cant even reach the ripe old age of 13!
Well, that's no ordinary rabbit!
That's the most fun, cute, and well-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
@randy s I know. I was referencing Monty Python And The Holy Grail.
randy s I was about to say that
Yeah rabbits aren’t rodents dude.
@@danieladams4561 google "Monty Python And The Holy Grail." Then go rent/buy the movie.
WHITESTRIPE99 it’s a lagmorph
I gave my husband the nickname Cocoa Puff and wrote it on a welcome home sign while standing in an airport. Many people chuckled and some of them stuck around to see who cocoa puff was! But this bunny is precious and perfectly named!
You can’t fool an Aussie. That’s a wombat.
😂 yep your Australian
No, that's obviously a kangaroo.
Pretty sure its a salt water croc
Looks up: How long do rabbits live:
Google: 1-2 Years
me: OH wel
1 min later: Indoor Rabbits: 7-10 years
ME: Thats Better :)
my mom had a netherlands dwarf rabbit, and didn't even know how old they could get. 1 day it got sick and my mom took it to the vet. And the vet noticed it had pneumonia. And proceeded to ask how old the rabbit was. My mom...12. The vet was like 0_0 that is a senior citizen. But still treated it and it kinda recovered but didn't live long past it. It died when I was but 4.
Mine lived for 11 years.. Lost her in 2015..
My bun lived for 4 years :")
My 1st rabbit Peter lived for 12 years. He was a giant just like Cocoa Puff but nowhere nearly as big.
one of my rabbits died when he's about 4 years old and another female rabbit last for 10 years, although it's very strange bc the vet said both of them died of old age. one thing i found out is you don't have to train your rabbit to use the rabbit toilet. you just have to put it there and they will do their bussiness and sometime sleep in their litter box. i only put them in a cage when we clean the house.
Rabbits are the best , I lost my Cappuccino two years ago . He grew up with my kids in the house. He was family .The say I had to put him to sleep after fourteen years , was the saddest day of my life .I still feel his presence with us .
@@MonirehRaha Thank you♥️
I’m so sorry. Rabbits really are wonderful pets. Very loving characters. They can be laid back or energetic. And are almost always up to or getting into something! 😄
@@kroakie4 thank you for taking the time to reply ,we share our love for animals. ♥️
I hope you're holding up alright. You should rest your head with the thought that you gave this bunny a wonderful life.
What a sweet, intelligent animal! And your children are so gentle with him. Love it!
Rabbits really are great pets. I've had Snowy since she was just a baby six years ago, and that only happened because I was in a relationship at the time, and she wanted a rabbit. I didn't know how social and smart they are. That 'relationship' is over, but Snowy and I are still together. I got custody because Snowy bonded with me right off the bat.
Animals love you for life and don't break up from you like people do. Glad you kept your bunny.
You got custody? haha, no offense bro but that is just funny in a heartwaming way
That is so cute.... love it 😍
How do people find this funny? Anyway, that's cute!
Thank you for not putting Cocoa Puffs outside! You are 100% right! Bunnies are social creatures that need to be indoors WITH their family. They can be litter box trained and are clean, wonderful animals. For more information please visit House Rabbit Society to learn about how to adopt and care for your own house bunny. Your life will be full of JOY with one!
or you could adopt 2 and let them live together
This is so weird ...¿ in your country you do not eat rabbit?
I don't think many countries' societies eat rabbit meat much but even if you live somewhere where rabbits are commonly consumed, that doesn't make it wrong to have one as a pet. I'm not a vegan or anything like that either, I'm just not for societies forcing their ways onto others. It'd be like how I'd want to have a chicken as a pet despite them usually being eaten (even I do, but that doesn't mean I have not much empathy for them).
I"m from Spain and the rabbit here is an endemic race so we eat it. It has 2 advantages: it is replenished very quickly and its meat is the leanest of all. For me it is rare to see them as pets. There are many wild rabbits and they eat the crops, they are a plague.
A lot of places eat rabbit. In the US rabbit (most commonly cottontails and jacks) are hunted and eaten often. But we still keep them as pets as they are good for household with children, or people who can’t have dogs or cats. Most people don’t usually eat it though probably because it’s not very rich and is lacking in nutrition. Why eat 2 pounds of rabbit when you can eat less than a pound of steak. You could eat 4 rabbits a day and still lose weight.
I didn’t know a bunny could grow that big I guess it has some good love from his family
It's a giant Flemish. A breed of huge rabbits! They are so amazing, some can grow as big as a labrador!
They can be very big ,bigger than cocoapuff even!
and though of course there are exceptions. Most parrots actually like having a cage as a safe space. Heck my Hahn’s Macaw will ask to go in her cage at night by repeatedly saying “night night”, so we give her a treat to reward the behavior then we tuck her in with the blanket that we put over her cage since she likes having the dark to sleep. However I do agree that if the animal doesn’t view their cage as a safe space it should eventually be phased out
@@SparkligonAnimations that would be awesome
@@hexbug101 you're doing good work by listening to your pet 😄
I must be a softy because this video brought tears to my eyes. I don’t know how long giant bunnies live but he will teach his children so much in life and with his passing❤ Until then I hope he continues with his long and happy life and his children grow up healthy and strong.
Wow Cocoa puffs is huge but he is so adorable...Great family too. Great story!
He's a Flemish Giant in case you're interested in researching them.
Cool Story Bro
@@Bitna01 Thank you. I asked if he was one, but I see you already answered my question.
Her :"i dont think they get enough credit because they're always in a cage"
Me : trying to give credit to my rabbit
My free rabbit : POOP
You can litter train a rabbit
Just clean up after him/her. You can't keep him/her caged just because they use the bathroom. That's what animals and babies do.
N Corp that's why i keep my 4 month old in a kennel. kid shits all over the place
@@rawtrout007 😂😂
They can be litter box trained and its really easy. How would you like to live in a cage in your whole life?
Almost brought tears to my eyes. This reminded me of Peter my pet bunny when I was young. I would say; I was age 6, and I loved that rabbit. He was white and brown spotted with droopy ears.
Marcus Bryan animals don’t live forever
yeah, we all know that, jerk.
I see you doin them dere lat pulldowns my boy
What steroids are you using ?
Its called a Lop Rabbit, I had one of those too, a Blue Butterfly, because he was grey and white, with grey eyes. He died last year, and he was only 1 ;(, and it was almost his birthday when he died.. His name's Chuck, because he would throw things around, we don't know how he died, my mom thought he was asleep, but then my dad stroked him, and he didn't move.. So now my other rabbit is lonely ;-;.... I'll always love him..
I had a Dutch rabbit and he was identical, really social and loving he stayed indoors most of the time too 😊
That's the cutest child I've ever seen! But why is he covered in fur?
Remember your comment.
He's a Wherebunny!
Outdoor child.
He might have a birth defect. Has enormously large ears too.
All the cutest children are covered with fur!
this honestly makes my day because i have a guinea pig!
But rabbits aren't rodents.
Miska Makarov bruv that’s weak I have 2 Gunie pigs
I used to have a guinea pig too
Levi Ackerman oof I have been outnumbered
Miska Makarova younshould always have more then one guinea pig. Do research, guinea pigs get depressed when they don’t have a partner
Did you train him for outdoor potty use , he looks just like a fluffy pillow with legs.
This is the dodo, which is a yt channel that shows many different animals with people that care for them, basically best moments with animals. Your question most likely wont be going to the family with cocoa puff
Lol Liz f
No I believe it’s not possible they will pee in a sawdust tray but they poo small pellets all the time but they are dry easy to sweep up probably the cleanest poop of any pet
You can litter box train them.
Top Up yes I agree outside is the best and the way I housed my rabbit but I had him inside my home for hours I used a sheet of newspaper & the litter tray then and found it great probably in that time he’d use it twice then I’d lift it outside never noticed much of a smell.
0:10 I used to own an Mastiff named Magnum. I used him as a pillow in the 80s to watch Saturday morning cartoons.
He protecc,
He attac,
But most importantly..
He steal all of the snacc
more importantly, hes the rare one not be the snack
But most importantly.... he addicted to crack
i have two bunnies and they are absolutely the best. such underrated pets. they all have their unique personalities too. one of my rabbits absolutely hates being touched but will approach and climb on people occasionally. my other rabbit is all over me and lovesss snuggles.
That is very true, as much as I love this story and they seem to take good care of the rabbit I just hope people don't think all rabbits are like this or go out and buy one because of this video. Rabbits are so often neglected and a lot of times it's unintentional. Their diet is very specific, and while easy to follow tons of people screw it up and it results in the bun going into GI stasis. So anybody reading this, please do your EXTENSIVE research before looking into getting a bunny, they are not just cute big play toys and rabbits of this size need several pounds of hay (all rabbits need half their body weight a day in hay). Things like salt licks are not suitable for them and they are prey animals as well :)
Christopher Greene yes, that is very true. during bonding, both of my rabbits developed GI stasis due to stress. it was not severe but still put quite a dent in my wallet. it’s sad to me that people can get these animals without doing research, because they really are like having a dog or a cat.
Cocoa Puff has family and lots of love and companionship! Made for each other ! God bless this relationship! Thanks for caring and sharing !!
Cute to the max. Sweet rabbit. I had house rabbits but they were never quite like this. They chewed through every cord in the house including all the computer cords. Busy little bees all the time.
There are anti-chew sprays you can get and spray on all your cables: They get there mouth on that cable and they will not be happy; And not go at it again.
He's so well socialized, be still my heart. I love rabbits. I had a pet one and he was so smart. It takes a while for them to trust you especially if they are coming from somewhere where they were always kept in a cage but when you earn their trust, it's sooo worth it.
I would let my bunny in if he didn’t make Cocoa Puffs everywhere.
Nile haha
train the bunny
Tagataro Lian It's a joke.
Marlin McSmith it can be both
I didn’t know bunnies were so affectionate! They always seemed pretty aloof like cats to me. As in, as far as getting petted they could take it or leave it! What a wonderful bunny you have there!
That's a whole lot of puff.
Cocoa puff😎
@@belarte7063 😂💖
What a beautiful and gentle rabbit. He's so lucky to have a lovely family take care of him.
That's the kind of love I'd like to see among human being!
Kouame K. Samson . Ahh, it’s there my friend. It’s precious and quiet. Mean folk distract us because love is protected in the quiet of our hearts. It’s called joy. I wish you peace & love brother of mine.
Thank you for teaching your children to be kind to animals. That means a lot to me and the rest of the animal world. I wish the rest of the world would be like your family. It would be like a fairytale ending if we would never see an animal,domestic or wild, be abused tortured or neglected. It hurts my heart so much to see how cruel people can be when an innocent animal is tortured and neglected . From the bottom of my heart,Thank you so much.
Aww ❤️ such wonderful people giving that bunny a loving home! I wish all bunnies had families like that.
What a beautiful rabbit. I know that they are very people friendly because I had three dwarf Dutch and they were very loving.
I think its great that the big bunnies is a house rabbit. I can't bear to keep one in a cage.
They don't belong cooped up and need room to run.
Thanks for the video with children included it made my day.
I remember laughing so hard when I first saw a Flemish Giant when I was a kid.
I mean, what would you think if you saw a rabbit thats the Size of a dog.
I know! They look like auch gentle giants! It’s weird seeing an animal the size of a dog but with the brain of a rabbit
I freakin want one is what I think.
i was attacked by one when i was 5. thinking quickly, i pointed to the floor & said "Sit!" He did nothing, but i knew he was quietly laughing, mocking the powerless fury of a child. It was then i swore revenge. I am still working out the details.
Continental Giants get even bigger than Flemish Giants (I had one of each as my first two rabbits and when people came to visit (for whatever reason) they'd say "wow are those really rabbits".
Flemish Giants area the biggest , the Continental is a breed that commes from the flemish giant in Germany. The flamish giant traces back to the Roman periode when Belgium was called Belgea....they where bred for fur and Meat. They where named Flemish Giant in the 16th century.
Thats the biggest and cutest rabbit I've ever seen! He's so lucky to have such a loving family.
oh yeah btw hes dead
What a happy bunny he is with such loving and caring little human sibling playmates.
When his little playmates are asleep, mum and dad can have big bunny snuggles too.
Everyone benefits when theres a pet in the family, especially babies and small children.
Thank you so much for showing good things happening in the world. This is so mooving and uplifting!
"I've seen a real change in my kids and how they treat animals"
Not 2 minutes later
Lol..I be seen that also ...😳🤔
I didn't think it was in mean way, but in contrary it was cute ...
Maury says the lie detector test determined that was a lie.
As long they Rae not eating the rabbit it's fine
yeah she started treating him like a brother... i dare one of my siblings to touch my food, they would be dead!
So yeah... makes sense!
Yes, your bunnie is a very fortunate little fellow --as are you all. Thanks so much for sharing--you truly are blessed and giving blessings to all around you. Best wishes, Jan
It warms my heart to see kids having a good time, making fun memories and being cared for.
This really makes me miss my bun. Had him since I was a child for 13 years, and now he is gone.
Cocoapuff is a handsome bun and I sure hope he lives a happy long life with his family. They all look really happy with him, and I am sure he is happy too ^-^
13 years is a long time for a bunny, (i read that the average lifespan is 8-12 years) so whoever took care of him did a really good job
Cocoa puff passed away 2 days ago... very sad news. Check their instagram
@armaan mohamed I am so sorry for you loss good sir/madam. It's hard to get over the loss of a pet. They're like a child and a friend. I am not over the loss of my bun, but thinking about the good moments really makes me feel like he's still there somewhere. Every coping mechanism is different though and yours may be different. Either way, stay strong, my friend.
yeah my bunny passed away a month ago too. He looks exactly like the bunny in the video. Makes me sad but i love to watch bunny videos.
Cocoa Puff actually died June 24, 2020 due to a tumor surrounding his heart.
So cute!! He's also such a big bunny, like I saw a dog that size at the vet yesterday lol. 100% Coco Puff is living his best life!
That's so precious. My niece had a indoor bunny, not as big as CooCoo, but he was so smart! He was potty trained and enjoyed going outside to get exercise, and he never wondered far!! Bunnies are extremely social animals
I'd really watch him round the apples the seeds are poisonous, but he's a giant cutie.
Madeline Ducille Yes, you’re totally correct that apple seeds are poisonous!
Apple seeds are toxic, yes but there's so little cyanide in them you won't even notice it
Hydrathermal No, my rabbit was sick for three days after eating a small apple and its seeds.
Ya it’s true, I don’t give my dog and apple seeds but if she gets it from outside. We don’t see it in her mouth, then when she was sick, and she went to get another apple from outside we saw her picking up the apple coming in to eat it, we realised that she was sick because of the seeds. So don’t take ur eyes of ur pet when the door is open
Wait apple seeds are poisonous? I always eat the whole apple including the seeds! Please tell me this is not true or it can’t kill.?
This channel is REALLY the best thing to happen to RUclips I find myself just smiling away, even after the video is over!🤣
They're such sweet creatures.
Before getting my giant papillon rabbit, I watched this video non-stop. All the time. I would show it to people along with pictures of my (at the time) three week old baby bunny boy. Lil Hal is an absolute angel and I could not be happier as a bunny-mom!
One question: How do you housetrain a giant bunny? I'm just curious...
Seems quite easy considering how clean a rabbits poo poo usually is. Its like little round pebbles that seem to be really easy to clean up.
@@povang But don't forget they PEE too. :)
As long as you have tiles and no wooden floor or carpet, there should be no problem.
I didn’t even have to litterbox train my bunny! They are quite smart. They learned to go in the litterbox themselves, just like cats.
They can be litter trained like a cat. Look that up
That bunny is an angel. So patient and sweet with two young children.
No matter what kind of animal comes to our homes is THE new family member. You have to learn that she/he will be around you ALL THE TIME, no time for pause. Big responsibility as the own child when you start thinking that way YOU CAN HAVE A PET
I love seeing this big guy living with such a lovely family!! It’s so sweet!!
I didn't realize a rabbit would be so chill and you would be able to bring him around and stuff!
If you treat them right, they can be like a dog :)
it's important to know that you won't be able to do this with every bun. they are naturally very careful, as they're prey animals and most probably won't be too happy about many things they do with him. this big guy is very, very chill and calm.
@@overgrownkudzu Just wanted to note that many big breed buns, such as Flemish Giants, Continental Giants and Giant Chinchillas (Rabbits) all tend to be chill and laid back. However as yo say each bun is different and they do have their own personalities.
I find that Rabbit damn smart: It knows how vulnerable the children are, so it never gets aggressive!
Rabbits are not aggressive.If anything, kids can be.
@@amandamorgan2802 DAMN STRAIGHT!
@@beadierchimera682 Absolutely.
Best ever that Coco Puff is such a living member of the family. Wonderful children!!!
I have had the very same type of rabbit, color and all! I named him Solace because of his temperament. Very sweet breed. Smaller bunnies are temper mental by comparison. And yes, litter training them makes them wonderful indoor pets!! So delightful to see such a charming family enjoying the pleasure of these giant givers of warming tenderness 👏 🤗 lucky bunny 👍
I have a pet bunny and she taught me so many things that no other pet can have, I personally think Coco Puff has that gift because he is a sweet, caring bunny!
How wonderful! God bless you all. ❤
Aww, how sweet! I was a little nervous seeing him with two little kids but they do seem to be quite gentle with him and know how to treat him, and it helps that he's so big. Flemish rabbits are the "gentle giants" of rabbits, they're often very calm and gentle (I suppose when you're that big, things don't scare you as much lol). That being said, to anybody reading this and considering getting a pet rabbit for your children I urge you to thoroughly research rabbits first because they are exotic pets and as a result have special needs and will need a special (often more expensive) type of vet. Consider also that rabbits live an average of 6 - 10 years, sometimes more, so when you adopt one you are making the same commitment as when you adopt a cat or dog. Please be very careful introducing rabbits to young children, ensure they know how to be gentle with it and supervise them at all times. Also, what this video doesn't show is that as wonderful of pets as rabbits can be, they do have a mischievous streak and curiosity that's a mile long. They can and will chew and destroy stuff including walls, floors, and furniture, so you have to be prepared to bunny-proof your house (or whichever room you keep the rabbit/let them free roam) and even then it's no guarantee.
This isn't to discourage anyone from getting a rabbit though, I just want people to be aware of the responsibilities and risks since this video shows mostly only the positive aspects. That being said, rabbits are wonderful pets with individual personalities and a lot smarter than people give them credit for. They're not "just" rabbits, don't ever mock someone for mourning the loss of their pet, and they deserve to be treated with respect!
@RainbowEssence-c3w You GD bastard dog lovers completely destroy the ability to have any natural animals around, then you have the nerve to pretend that it's okay!
That’s beautiful, I like how you still let him be an animal. A lot of people try to humanise their pets. They are great teachers of empathy 👍❤️
Yes, you are correct.
mom: " they know to respect animals"
Kid: sticks carrot in rabbits eye 😄😄
"Quid pro quo" is an important aspect of rabbit etiquette. That's why they groom you after you pet them. They do the same thing with each other. They're very civilized - excitably social but also fastidious. *X3*
People have no clue how loving rabbit can be I've never put my rabbit in cage either he very intelligent and he loves us.. love the videos of Coco puff
0:40 gave me anxiety, I thought the girl was going to drop him. Young kids with bunnies generally don't mix, but I'm glad this family don't keep him in cage and allow him to free roam. They seem to have been taught to respect bunnies, which I'm glad of.
This is the second time watching this and i still miss my rabbit when i was little. Rabbits are fun to be with and play with. Many don't know that the are sometimes better than cats and dogs. Don't put them in a cage is more important.
I got my bunny in 2011 and still have him, this is so cute, RIP Cocoa Puff
Likewise, my baby boy is 12 years old in November. Just such beautifully natured animals
@@HisagiWants269Renji awww, bunnies live longer than you think, glad your bunny is 12 soon
@@mentalcraezy4676 oh I know!! It’s been an amazing 12 years, such big personalities in small bodies. Shower them with love and they say that they don’t get affected by most illnesses.
RIP Cocoa Puff, so so loved and patient gentle giant
God Bless this big guy and his Family:)
In every family member pet I wish they'd only live long as we
Turtle lol
Rock monster
I've had my bun for just over a month now, we're getting closer but DEFINITELY not this close. Bunny/fam goals!
Sarcasm Queen start by letting him/her out of the cage! Bunnies should be free-roam.
Aww coco puff was awesome....great video.... lovely family....warms my heart ❤️...👍
Of course he loves the dad. All pets love the dad.
I bought a rabbit as a teenager, to prove to my parents I would always take care of my pet. He became a great friend! I could take him anywhere and he was almost like a little dog! I'm not sure if all rabbits are the same given a chance, but they are definitely worth a try!🥰
That is awesome and similar to my experience growing up. :) My rabbit's name was Starlight? What about yours?
I love videos like this. A loving family, adorable kids, sweet rabbit....... who are the jerks that disliked this?
Erwin Rommel people who is cynical and hating sugary stories like this because it’s doesn’t show the bad things there can happen besides this.. its the same people who rule their eyes and shaking their heads when the fairy tales books “ there is produce by Disney “ says “ and they live happily ever “ .. for them its insulting..
i hate this stuped shi i want evil videos of hardcore death metal and plane crash
They didn't like the video so they disliked, what's your problem ?
@@rawtrout007 are you ok
Olivia LPS no i am
Oh my God it's like a dog but possibly even better 😂
It's like, a silent and calm dog
Rabbits are literally dogs, cats and guinea pigs combined into one thing just without the loud barking. The loudest sound they'll make is a grunting that they use to tell you to back off if they feel scared or angry
@@Its_Asteria Sometimes they grunt in content too
CJ Artistique Dorkique Rabbits actually can scream too which is the most high-pitched noise you'll probably ever hear. But they will scream only if they're in immense pain or really scared. Aka if your rabbit screams, you know you screwed up big time.
yeah but harder to take care of.
Rabbits are some of the most abandoned animals due to most humans dont know how to care for one.
Thank you. Another wonderful family shows how loving bunny rabbits is done. Yea!
This is so precious and the giant bunny is so adorable oh my god!
OMG! Cuteness overload! I too had a Palomino rabbit when I was a kid, dad built him a hutch with a sun porch attached to it. I walked him around on a leash too, with a halter, and I won a blue ribbon for him in 4H, probably because he had such a large cheering section! Such underrated loving animals. I lost him one stormy night when something dug out the bottom of his hutch. After exhaustive searches, we never saw him again. But i never will forget the love and affection that little rabbit brought me. Thank you for the smile and for sparking my memory about good old Thumper.
Too cute, such a sad ending though....I'm glad he brought you good memories!
That's so wonderful.
I'm sadly allergic to rabbit fur they make me sneeze and my eyes itch but I still love going to see the rabbits at the fair
Oh I feel bad for you I have 6 pet rabbits so if I was you I would cry if i cant pet or have a rabbit
Thank you for sharing your big bunny he she's adorable..
Cocoa Puff is really the sweet chocolate you want in your life...too adorable 😍