Subscribe here & Follow on Skillest to be in with a chance of winning 1 lesson a month throughout 2024. Huge thanks again to Pete. I hope you all learnt something. Comment below what it was…
I love Pete's take on the right arm spinning down. His detailed knowledge is unparalleled in the world of golf. I've been a subscriber and follower for quite awhile on both platforms. Looking to potentially do lessons in the spring.
I've seen Pete Cowen talk about each of those points at one time or another, but have drifted away from them from time to time. I'd say sticking with them and continually drilling them into habit is a key lesson to be learned. Like Pete has said at other times people would benefit from doing the drills 15 minutes every day - but they don't stick with it. Spinning the right arm down is a challenging concept for many to understand. While maybe a bit too simplistic the better way to think about it to start might be to just think of throwing the hand/arm down. Towards the rear foot/instep for a draw, under the belly for straight, and toward the front foot/instep for the fade. One of the questions to the spiral movement is often how much of a diagonal to turn on. Would coiling on a 45* angle with the spiral help other stuff move at 45* as well? One concern with the equal and opposite pressure is how can we keep that good downward pressure without pulling our shoulders out in front of us and rounded? It's much better to be retracted with the shoulders, and have the triceps to the side of the chest (I think there are a lot of good videos showing Rory Mcilroy's arms in this position) as opposed to having the arms pulled forward and lying on top of the chest. Key takeaways: Setup with equal and opposite pressure on the grip/club handle (and try to maintain it - at least throughout the backswing), Spiral the body diagonally both up and down, and throw the hands/arms under the shoulders/body from the top down to impact. Those sound good, or would you tweak the wording to keep the concepts from diverging in the wrong direction? I'm glad I watched this video.
I won a year’s free lessons with AC last year. My ball striking has improved beyond belief. Who ever wins this time you’re a lucky guy/girl. Andy is simply a superb coach.
For the average and beginner golfers the right elbow and right wrist position on the downswing to impact, gets overlooked by most Teachers. When the teachers address this, it’s an amazing 💡 lightbulb moment. It seems most good golfers /teachers this is natural for them but for the beginners and average golfers we need this taught to us. Mr Cowen partially explains it at the 13:00 minute mark & at the 17:30 minute mark in this video. I like the feel of holding a tray of food with your right hand at the top of the backswing,,,,(palm facing up)…. If you don’t address the right forearm/elbow at address and the right wrist - throughout the swing everything else gets screwed up. I have seen it improve every beginner / average golfers swing over and over. Thanks for the great instructional videos, keep them coming, they are great.
I don't know if Pete is the best coach in the world. But I know for sure he is the coolest dude out there. Stand there with his hands in the pocket (even if you shows a swing) and knowing exactly what he is talking about. :) Thanks for all videos with Pete.
I really like the 45° explanation of the swing. Especially the 45° down at 6:49. I could be wrong but I think this is when you are supposed to release the trail elbow and the 45° to impact is more about body rotation. I think I understand most of the body mechanic stuff but it's the timing for me that I'm still trying to figure out.
Yeah I think that’s why he never really explains anything in detail. He knows the average person is not going to get it so why bother. He looks bored with the whole thing😊
This is a total misrepresentation to be honest, but obviously it's just an opinion. As soon as you start Pete talking about the golf swing he absolutely goes for it. We started filming this video 45 mins late because he started coaching an amateur on the chipping green. His energy for coaching is insane
@@andycartergolf I'm assuming this isn't in reply to my comment, I like Pete, I was just making the point that he was in great form for your video Andy.
I submit, that with all the millions of golf instructional videos online, there are no secrets left, yet half of the videos posted have the word "secret' in the title. Having said that, I really enjoyed this video. Thanks for posting it.
What a nice and instructive chat. “The root cause is the engine and the engine is the body. Everybody needs a consistent body action. Not always perfect but consistent. Body coiling up like a spring. The better the routine the better the rhythm. Equal and opposite hands = stability of the club face”. Wall ball drill = spinning down”. But for me the golden nugget 👍 is hidden from 19:18 to 19:28 🫷. Now I better know what to practice during winter time… looking forward to 😜. Many thanks for sharing this 🙏
The wet towel drill really helped me recently especially with my iron shots. Ive added this to my Favourites list for future reference and revision; Peter is a walking goldmine of information. Cheers
Stop it at 19:05...and go through the next 10 seconds or so. See how remarkably flexible Pete's right wrist is...all the way to 90 degrees. Andy's as well. I see how my wrist is nowhere near as flexible...somewhere near 45*. I had never noticed nor heard mention of this difference compared to us amateurs. I would think this has a great deal to do with the ability to have great lag in one's golf swing..
I get it. Can't understand why you don't. Pete demonstrates his swing stages simply and clearly, starting with the both feet together drill-then the reverse handed grip and backswing provides correct swing plane and right elbow placement- the remaining steps are progressively simple -swing speed flows from practicing his simple drills for ball compression, trajectory, flight & distance control. Works for me⛳️🏌️♂️😃👍
Andy question when you asked Pete about a drill to learn the backswing move to set you up for success on the downswing. Pete stopped you when you asked about the start position where you placed your pingers pointing away from the target at address. Pete then said, “No I would do it the other way and he had his right palm facing down like yours but he pointed his fingers forward. Then he made his backswing. It looks from this video he ended up with his inner trail forearm pointing away to the right of him as opposed to 99% of amateurs who supinate the trail forearm in the backswing (turn the steering wheel right in the backswing) and end up with the inner forearm facing the front. Incidentally like you did / talked about in a follow up video. It looks to me like Pete is using external rotation of his trail shoulder and folding his trail arm to the top. But doesn’t look like he is turning the steering wheel right / supinating the trail forearm to the top? Any thoughts? Can you ask him? Myles
Andy, I loved the way you directed the interview. I own Pete's dvds (yes I'm a dinosaur) and have followed him for quite many years now, and your videos definetely help deciphering some of his intricacies! Thank you! Prime beef🥩
Super Thanks Coach Carter !!!! Do remember that the left arm-shoulder is the rotator. The drill at the end of the video..........but isolating the right arm is a major important and simple drill ! No more of the top too.
Really appreciated the discussion about how the right arm spins down from transition. I’ve heard Pete talk about this in the past, but, until now I wasn’t clear on what he meant. Now I better understand the concept. Cheers!
From Argentina mr Pete and Andy very helpful drills and basic movements that one needs to follow and stick to them and not mess with yo much thinking many thanks ☘️Owen
Andy, first off thanks for all the great content. This video working with Pete Cowen is certainly gold. My take on Pete’s spinning arm move….at the delivery position Pete talks about which is P6, the humerus/upper arm is in external rotation while the forearm is in a position of supination. From that position if you stay in external rotation of the humerus (a must!) and pronate the forearm into impact, that’s Pete’s spinning arm move. And what you’ll notice is if your upper arm is in external rotation and you pronate the forearm into impact, the right wrist automatically goes into extension, which is keeping that wrist bent back that Pete mentions. And you know if you’ve done it right at the finish your upper arm will be pinned against your chest and in that external rotation position while your forearm will be in the pronated position with the wrist in extension. Does that sound right to you Andy? I think it’s tricky in the sense that the upper arm is effectively rotated clockwise while the forearm spins down counterclockwise. But the beauty is you get the extension for free if you keep the upper arm in external rotation while pronating the forearm into impact.
The feet & knees together still is excellent. I use it at the start of every range session & before a round. I used to not be able to hit it and be off balance. But now I can hit all my shots clean while staying in balance. Stick at it and your game will improve I’m sure
It’s very exciting how Pete trying to explain it. Been looking at his explanations in several videos and what he was trying to teach is to use more on natural move rather then how we need to orchestrate it. Looking forward to apply his philosophy in later day. It has been almost 10 years the last time I played 😂
Well Andy I'd love for Pete and his staff to help me play my best, as still struggling with consistency and strike after a club fitting. My handicap has been as low as 20 but now at 26 also have too fast a swing for my ability 😊 great video cheers. P.S like the cack handed drill.
The cack handed drill demonstrated here and in a similar video he did with Danny Maude has really helped me get the feeling at the top of the swing. Also insane how continuing through the swing it gets my lower body open and lead hip out of the way. Just can't replicate that position with normal grip yet. Based on the comments the level of detail has divided the audience Andy but if RUclips fans are fed a diet of quick fixes and 5 mins vids then something like this will always land different. Personally I'm a fan of detail and like this. Pete did mention at around 17 mins the idea of more width in the downswing, then demonstrated getting narrow by moving the trail elbow adjacent to his ribs as a poor position. This position is heavily coached so I'd be keen to see you do a follow up video in simpler terms how this width is meant to be created. Great insight though, plus your opening iron shots looked better than a 2/10 😂
Pete has shown this with a few coaches just wish Im good enough to recreate each time when I've managed to get the feeling suddenly it's 180 iron instead of 150.
The twist the towel drill and spiral feel has transformed my swing. I actually feel a slight loop in the back and through swing. Just a whole new feel with better consistency. The opposing forces in the grip allows for a connection to the club and body. I have never had a squat or dip in my swing because I was flipping and early extending with my light grip pressure and stall. Two way miss or worse. Great content and even better intuitive wisdom. I am actually able to work the ball both ways. Cut is still not ideal on demand but a work in progress. The baby draw and needed over draw are now almost automatic. Thanks again!
Just come across this video. Superb Andy. Pete is ace. Can tell you’ve worked a lot together ⛳️ 🏌️♀️ PS I think after seeing a few vids I understand the spinning of the arm down (or do I haha). 😂
Hey Andy, I wanted to say a big thank you for sharing that Pete Cowen golf instruction video! The insights on his swing philosophy, top drills, and especially the tips on moving the right arm in the downswing were incredibly helpful. Your post made a real difference in my game, and I appreciate it. Thanks again!
'shaft pressure and club face pressure' at impact, that's the holy grail. I think the rest is the same biomechanical action as taking an axe to a tree - on a steeper plane. The feet together drill is one of the best drills in golf, gets you swinging the club, instead of hitting the ball. My coach, the same guy who taught Grant Waite, Craig Perks - also, taught them that drill first. Good video, thanks.
Andy, what a gold mine of brilliant nuggets and I will replay this video many times to ensure that I can strike golden golf shots. Thank you so much for bringing this into my golfing life. Impressive content Andy.
I’ve listened to Pete for a number of weeks now after having a lesson with my local pro who raves about him. But honestly, I can’t understand a thing he’s going on about. He needs to simplify it a lot more for the mere mortal to understand.
Great video. Thank you. I’ve been getting out every day for almost a year and I’m encouraged by this video because I think I’m doing a lot of things right. I’m getting very consistent with my 9 iron, and am getting there with my 7. Seems the longer the club, the more trouble I have. Anyway, thanks for putting this together and sharing it.
The sage old advice of hitting balls with feet together is a great way for the body to learn how yo move and Harvey Penicks slow motion drill is also great if you do it exactly as he prescribed.
Andy, big compliments! I haven't seen Pete's insights in this form on RUclips yet. I get a new, better swing thought from this video. Thanks to both of you!!
Another fantastic nice if you could do a video showing the feet together in action and more info on towel drill for chips / pitches etc.
Thank you Andy for the great video, I watched it 3 times already, guess will be watching more for the future.😊😊 the drills are really important, and more importantly is to build-into your body!
Fantastic video. Did Pete give you a drill to maintain width during downswing? I think I could really improve in this area. Always afraid of the dreaded shank. 😂
Andrew could you explain what the left hand should be doing, I play left hand dominant and am finding this swing idea difficult as I get the odd few Shxxxs. Thanks again for the great content.
Look at the dry drill we did but do it with your left hand. You wont need to feel too much spinning on the right arm. The left arm will still spin but less feel. Or just feel like youre closing the face. Its the same feels as the right because the club is doing the same
I first saw the twisting the towel suggestion in my father’s first edition paper back edition of Hogan’s Five Lessons printed in the early 1960s which I decided to read and use to retool my swing after I retired and could devote enough time to golf to hope to get better and consistent. But I found it to be misleading and not actually duplicate opposing action the golf grip creates. One day out of frustration of not feeling the opposing pressure in my hands I took the club in my lead hand and flopped it over forward rotating my lead arm with external rotation as far as the radius and ulna bones in the lead forearm could rotated. My elbow pressed down and into my side and my left wrist into maxed out extension with palm pointing straight up and EVERYTHING in my left arm that could cause the club to move was MAXED OUT. I then reached forward with my right hand and placed it palm down over the left into a the interlaced variation of the Vardon grip then flipped the club back and down behind the ball. I felt incredible opposing force between my hands and both my arms felt like tight twisted steel cables. When I swung the club my grip forced my trail wrist into extension which created leverage to fold the trail arm elbow and cause the club swinging outside my hands externally rotate it similar to Hogan’s for the first time. I realized then the reason was finally achieving that opposing pressure between the hands in my grip in a way that put both of my forearms in the middle of their range of rotation! The opposing pressure provided control but it was the fact gripping the club with the pad of the trail arm up over the lead thumb was causing the extension in the trail arm to max out and force the trail arm to bend and externally rotate which is what creates the LEVERAGE in the trail arm to control the path of the lead arm being pulled by the club force in the takeaway move. I realized the change in my forearms wasn’t them rotating in different directions INDEPENDENTLY as when wring the towel but the way the Vardon-style grip joins the hands forcing both forearms to rotate inwards ( ) in opposition which occurs automatically if the grip is established with the elbows bent. If the club is gripped with bent elbows it causes both forearms to rotated inward as the arms straighten, an action more similar to holding a stick and trying to bow it straight down U until it snaps \ /. I few years later I came across a video of golf instructor Martin Hall demonstrating a grip technique he calls EDPU for Elbows Down / Palms Up which produces the came inward counter torque in the arms and hands. With it you start with arms at sides with elbows bent 90° and forearms out in front horizontal turned palms up - which forces both forearms into maxed out supination. Then without moving the arms you rotate the hands 90° to a palms together position 🙏🏼 - which like my technique puts both forearms in the middle of their range of pronation/supination of the hands. Holding the club vertically in the right hand establish the left hand on the grip then add the right hand overlapping the left which is very easy with the club held vertically. Finally lower the club allowing its weight to pull the the lead arm straight as is can then apply just enough downward pressure with the pad of the trail hand to push any remain slack out of the lead elbow. If you try what I did flopping the club over forward or the Martin Hall EDPU method you will find when the club is lowered the action of straightening the arms will cause both forearms to rotate inward causing palm of both hands to pronated creating opposing pressure between the hands and counter-torque in the arms as Pete suggests here. It is the ability of the trail hand to create counter-clockwise pressure on the lead hand that counters -rotational torque creates which gives the trail hand the mechanical leverage to prevent the club force from pronating the lead hand in the takeaway! It happens automatically if you grip the club with elbows bent then straighten arms because the rotation of the bones in the forearms cause the muscles in the forearms to stretch - what creates the twisted steel cable feel in them. Those forearm muscles control the movement of the wrists and contraction of the fingers which is why it stabilizes the hands and improves the purchase on the grip of the club with the fingers reflexively. It is the underlying genius of how the Vardon style grip connecting the two hands together and putting both forearms in the center of their 180° range of rotation at address which causes the trail and lead arms to fold similarly in the backswing and finish.
What an absolute gem of a video. Fantastic info, advice and simple explanation of the mechanics of the golf swing. Well done Andy and what a coup in getting Pete Cowan on your channel. I am sure I’ll be back and forth to this video in the future.
Hello. I think this to solve this confusion. Does it mean that you rotate your forward left or right? Imagine opening a doorknob? Would you open it going counter clockwise or clockwise? Some pros advise shallowing the club which in turn, means opening the doorknob to the right (clockwise)!!! However, this explanation from Peter seems to be suggesting to rotate the forearm toward the left (counter clockwise)? It this correct? Is it counter clockwise?
Excited to connect and learn from fellow enthusiasts on RUclips! Let's share insights, collaborate, and grow together. Whether it's golf, design, or any other passion, I'm eager to be part of this dynamic community. Here's to meaningful connections and endless opportunities! 🌟
I just need a bit of clarification. I thought a fade is produced with clubface right + club path left of target. Yet at 22:50, Pete says it's produced when both the face and path is left of the target. I'm wondering which one is it? Thanks!
Both face and path are left of target but path is slightly further left That produces a fade What you described was a push slice where the ball starts right of target and cuts further right.
Learn “the new laws of ball flight”. The ball basically starts where the face is aimed at impact and the path in relation to the face causes the shot shape. Most slicers actually have a closed club face at impact and that’s why usually they hit a pull slices and why simply trying to close the face more almost never fixes a slice unless it’s a push slice. For a draw to land on target the face is aimed right of target at impact and the path is further right(for a righty).
Subscribe here & Follow on Skillest to be in with a chance of winning 1 lesson a month throughout 2024.
Huge thanks again to Pete. I hope you all learnt something. Comment below what it was…
I love Pete's take on the right arm spinning down. His detailed knowledge is unparalleled in the world of golf. I've been a subscriber and follower for quite awhile on both platforms. Looking to potentially do lessons in the spring.
Pete explains everything so well. Makes it sound so simple that I feel kind of stupid that I didn’t work this stuff out myself 😂 brilliant
I've seen Pete Cowen talk about each of those points at one time or another, but have drifted away from them from time to time. I'd say sticking with them and continually drilling them into habit is a key lesson to be learned. Like Pete has said at other times people would benefit from doing the drills 15 minutes every day - but they don't stick with it.
Spinning the right arm down is a challenging concept for many to understand. While maybe a bit too simplistic the better way to think about it to start might be to just think of throwing the hand/arm down. Towards the rear foot/instep for a draw, under the belly for straight, and toward the front foot/instep for the fade.
One of the questions to the spiral movement is often how much of a diagonal to turn on. Would coiling on a 45* angle with the spiral help other stuff move at 45* as well?
One concern with the equal and opposite pressure is how can we keep that good downward pressure without pulling our shoulders out in front of us and rounded? It's much better to be retracted with the shoulders, and have the triceps to the side of the chest (I think there are a lot of good videos showing Rory Mcilroy's arms in this position) as opposed to having the arms pulled forward and lying on top of the chest.
Key takeaways:
Setup with equal and opposite pressure on the grip/club handle (and try to maintain it - at least throughout the backswing), Spiral the body diagonally both up and down, and throw the hands/arms under the shoulders/body from the top down to impact.
Those sound good, or would you tweak the wording to keep the concepts from diverging in the wrong direction?
I'm glad I watched this video.
Spin it down!
How insane that we can get this info for free. Thanks to Andy and Pete.
Our pleasure bud
What info?
Probably cost the lads about 900 grand just to hire him for the vid
I won a year’s free lessons with AC last year. My ball striking has improved beyond belief. Who ever wins this time you’re a lucky guy/girl. Andy is simply a superb coach.
For the average and beginner golfers the right elbow and right wrist position on the downswing to impact, gets overlooked by most Teachers.
When the teachers address this, it’s an amazing 💡 lightbulb moment. It seems most good golfers /teachers this is natural for them but for the beginners and average golfers we need this taught to us.
Mr Cowen partially explains it at the 13:00 minute mark & at the 17:30 minute mark in this video. I like the feel of holding a tray of food with your right hand at the top of the backswing,,,,(palm facing up)….
If you don’t address the right forearm/elbow at address and the right wrist - throughout the swing everything else gets screwed up. I have seen it improve every beginner / average golfers swing over and over.
Thanks for the great instructional videos, keep them coming, they are great.
Could listen to pete for hours
Pete is just damn good at teaching swing mechanics!
I'm saving this video to watch again and again. Absolute honour to get this wisdom from Mr Cowen.
Pete makes the movement it so simple , brilliant
I don't know if Pete is the best coach in the world. But I know for sure he is the coolest dude out there. Stand there with his hands in the pocket (even if you shows a swing) and knowing exactly what he is talking about. :) Thanks for all videos with Pete.
Thank you Andy and thank you Mr. Cowen. I am following you both!
Feet together drill 4:55; Cack-handed drill 11:20; Wall-ball drill 12:50; Towel wringing drill 13:55; Spinning-arm description 17:30;
Yessir - love that!
I really like the 45° explanation of the swing. Especially the 45° down at 6:49. I could be wrong but I think this is when you are supposed to release the trail elbow and the 45° to impact is more about body rotation. I think I understand most of the body mechanic stuff but it's the timing for me that I'm still trying to figure out.
Great video Andy!
That's the best mood I've ever seen Pete in a video 😅
Yeah he’s a top guy
Yeah I think that’s why he never really explains anything in detail. He knows the average person is not going to get it so why bother. He looks bored with the whole thing😊
This is a total misrepresentation to be honest, but obviously it's just an opinion. As soon as you start Pete talking about the golf swing he absolutely goes for it. We started filming this video 45 mins late because he started coaching an amateur on the chipping green. His energy for coaching is insane
@@andycartergolf I'm assuming this isn't in reply to my comment, I like Pete, I was just making the point that he was in great form for your video Andy.
No no, the other comment where he 'looks bored' ! @@jimmahT about a man literally obsessed with the golf swing.
Do a video on how you load for a draw (or fade) and hit a draw (air fade) as Pete talks about. What does that look like? actual demonstration for those 3 words..."spin it down" 😂
Man's like a box of riddles sometimes with how he puts his feels into words...
The beauty of the golf swing what works for one doesnt work for another
Feet together was the first that I was told at my first golf lesson. Start doing it again! What a great video by you and Pete.
Best coaches keep it simple all these top famous ones are way above most golfers.
I submit, that with all the millions of golf instructional videos online, there are no secrets left, yet half of the videos posted have the word "secret' in the title. Having said that, I really enjoyed this video. Thanks for posting it.
What a nice and instructive chat. “The root cause is the engine and the engine is the body. Everybody needs a consistent body action. Not always perfect but consistent. Body coiling up like a spring. The better the routine the better the rhythm. Equal and opposite hands = stability of the club face”. Wall ball drill = spinning down”. But for me the golden nugget 👍 is hidden from 19:18 to 19:28 🫷. Now I better know what to practice during winter time… looking forward to 😜. Many thanks for sharing this 🙏
The wet towel drill really helped me recently especially with my iron shots.
Ive added this to my Favourites list for future reference and revision; Peter is a walking goldmine of information.
Try it with the putter. Fantastic.
Stop it at 19:05...and go through the next 10 seconds or so. See how remarkably flexible Pete's right wrist is...all the way to 90 degrees. Andy's as well. I see how my wrist is nowhere near as flexible...somewhere near 45*. I had never noticed nor heard mention of this difference compared to us amateurs. I would think this has a great deal to do with the ability to have great lag in one's golf swing..
I get it. Can't understand why you don't. Pete demonstrates his swing stages simply and clearly, starting with the both feet together drill-then the reverse handed grip and backswing provides correct swing plane and right elbow placement- the remaining steps are progressively simple -swing speed flows from practicing his simple drills for ball compression, trajectory, flight & distance control. Works for me⛳️🏌️♂️😃👍
Pete Cowen, the best guy at that “ crazy “ market of golf specialists… simplicity and logic are his trademarks… years of experience
Andy question when you asked Pete about a drill to learn the backswing move to set you up for success on the downswing. Pete stopped you when you asked about the start position where you placed your pingers pointing away from the target at address. Pete then said, “No I would do it the other way and he had his right palm facing down like yours but he pointed his fingers forward. Then he made his backswing. It looks from this video he ended up with his inner trail forearm pointing away to the right of him as opposed to 99% of amateurs who supinate the trail forearm in the backswing (turn the steering wheel right in the backswing) and end up with the inner forearm facing the front. Incidentally like you did / talked about in a follow up video. It looks to me like Pete is using external rotation of his trail shoulder and folding his trail arm to the top. But doesn’t look like he is turning the steering wheel right / supinating the trail forearm to the top?
Any thoughts? Can you ask him?
amazing tips, thanks so much !
Glad it was helpful!
Andy, I loved the way you directed the interview. I own Pete's dvds (yes I'm a dinosaur) and have followed him for quite many years now, and your videos definetely help deciphering some of his intricacies! Thank you! Prime beef🥩
Super Thanks Coach Carter !!!! Do remember that the left arm-shoulder is the rotator. The drill at the end of the video..........but isolating the right arm is a major important and simple drill ! No more of the top too.
I worked with Pete Cowan a while back and he taught me very little - that’s what great coaches do !!!
Really appreciated the discussion about how the right arm spins down from transition. I’ve heard Pete talk about this in the past, but, until now I wasn’t clear on what he meant. Now I better understand the concept.
Great this, no wonder he is one of the best coaches. He just makes sense.
It does make the o seem easier doesn’t it
From Argentina mr Pete and Andy very helpful drills and basic movements that one needs to follow and stick to them and not mess with yo much thinking many thanks ☘️Owen
Our pleasure. Glad you enjoyed the videos
Thank you very much 🙏🏽
Andy, first off thanks for all the great content. This video working with Pete Cowen is certainly gold.
My take on Pete’s spinning arm move….at the delivery position Pete talks about which is P6, the humerus/upper arm is in external rotation while the forearm is in a position of supination. From that position if you stay in external rotation of the humerus (a must!) and pronate the forearm into impact, that’s Pete’s spinning arm move. And what you’ll notice is if your upper arm is in external rotation and you pronate the forearm into impact, the right wrist automatically goes into extension, which is keeping that wrist bent back that Pete mentions. And you know if you’ve done it right at the finish your upper arm will be pinned against your chest and in that external rotation position while your forearm will be in the pronated position with the wrist in extension.
Does that sound right to you Andy? I think it’s tricky in the sense that the upper arm is effectively rotated clockwise while the forearm spins down counterclockwise. But the beauty is you get the extension for free if you keep the upper arm in external rotation while pronating the forearm into impact.
When Legends Speak you better Listen. Absolute Gold Thanks Pete & Andy
Glad you enjoyed it
The feet & knees together still is excellent. I use it at the start of every range session & before a round. I used to not be able to hit it and be off balance. But now I can hit all my shots clean while staying in balance. Stick at it and your game will improve I’m sure
It’s very exciting how Pete trying to explain it. Been looking at his explanations in several videos and what he was trying to teach is to use more on natural move rather then how we need to orchestrate it. Looking forward to apply his philosophy in later day. It has been almost 10 years the last time I played 😂
Welcome back to golf my friend. Enjoy the journey
17:34 right arm tag. Great vid thank you!
My pleasure 😉
Well Andy I'd love for Pete and his staff to help me play my best, as still struggling with consistency and strike after a club fitting. My handicap has been as low as 20 but now at 26 also have too fast a swing for my ability 😊 great video cheers. P.S like the cack handed drill.
Have a look at Malaska and GRF golf channels
The cack handed drill demonstrated here and in a similar video he did with Danny Maude has really helped me get the feeling at the top of the swing. Also insane how continuing through the swing it gets my lower body open and lead hip out of the way. Just can't replicate that position with normal grip yet.
Based on the comments the level of detail has divided the audience Andy but if RUclips fans are fed a diet of quick fixes and 5 mins vids then something like this will always land different. Personally I'm a fan of detail and like this.
Pete did mention at around 17 mins the idea of more width in the downswing, then demonstrated getting narrow by moving the trail elbow adjacent to his ribs as a poor position. This position is heavily coached so I'd be keen to see you do a follow up video in simpler terms how this width is meant to be created.
Great insight though, plus your opening iron shots looked better than a 2/10 😂
Pete has shown this with a few coaches just wish Im good enough to recreate each time when I've managed to get the feeling suddenly it's 180 iron instead of 150.
The twist the towel drill and spiral feel has transformed my swing. I actually feel a slight loop in the back and through swing. Just a whole new feel with better consistency. The opposing forces in the grip allows for a connection to the club and body. I have never had a squat or dip in my swing because I was flipping and early extending with my light grip pressure and stall. Two way miss or worse. Great content and even better intuitive wisdom. I am actually able to work the ball both ways. Cut is still not ideal on demand but a work in progress. The baby draw and needed over draw are now almost automatic. Thanks again!
My pleasure, great feedback and thanks for watching/learning
Great video - these core concepts rather than tinkering around the edges really help me 👍⛳️
This is absolutely epic, Thankyou so very much !
Glad you enjoyed it 🙌🏽
That was absolutely awesome, thanks for dropping this video!
My takeaway for me: narrow stance for more consistency and leave out the extras. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻
Thank you for guy's. I love the content, for a person who complicates the simplest things in life lol, leave the ego at home when you play golf.
Thanks Andy for the free lesson.....
Just come across this video. Superb Andy. Pete is ace. Can tell you’ve worked a lot together ⛳️ 🏌️♀️ PS I think after seeing a few vids I understand the spinning of the arm down (or do I haha). 😂
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks Paul
Hey Andy, I wanted to say a big thank you for sharing that Pete Cowen golf instruction video! The insights on his swing philosophy, top drills, and especially the tips on moving the right arm in the downswing were incredibly helpful. Your post made a real difference in my game, and I appreciate it. Thanks again!
My pleasure, glad its helped
'shaft pressure and club face pressure' at impact, that's the holy grail. I think the rest is the same biomechanical action as taking an axe to a tree - on a steeper plane. The feet together drill is one of the best drills in golf, gets you swinging the club, instead of hitting the ball. My coach, the same guy who taught Grant Waite, Craig Perks - also, taught them that drill first. Good video, thanks.
Great comment, appreciate your input
Pete Cowan 'Simply the Best'
I love Pete Cowen. Such an interesting guy
Andy, what a gold mine of brilliant nuggets and I will replay this video many times to ensure that I can strike golden golf shots. Thank you so much for bringing this into my golfing life. Impressive content Andy.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it
Pete Cowen is a golf genius
I like swinging the club right hand only. Such a great feel for how everything should work.
I’ve listened to Pete for a number of weeks now after having a lesson with my local pro who raves about him.
But honestly, I can’t understand a thing he’s going on about. He needs to simplify it a lot more for the mere mortal to understand.
Most of my coaching videos are based on Pete’s coaching so I simplify it for you as a former coach at his academy
Great video. Thank you. I’ve been getting out every day for almost a year and I’m encouraged by this video because I think I’m doing a lot of things right. I’m getting very consistent with my 9 iron, and am getting there with my 7. Seems the longer the club, the more trouble I have. Anyway, thanks for putting this together and sharing it.
My pleasure, glad it helping
Hello Andy a pleasure to watch your videos. Please could u load some video on the position of the right elbow in the back swing
Yes absolutely, stay tuned
Great video! Thanks for sharing!
I always watch these pete cowan videos, even though I assume I'm not going to understand what he's saying
Andy - I just began doing spiral staircase drill. Hoping that helps the hyper rotation with my back
Great video Andy really love listening to Pete's thoughts on the golf swing just wish I could put them into action
I can see almost a father and son connection with the 2 of you. Very cool !!!!
Thanks Andy and Pete. Lots to think about there. I hope it will help me in my swing journey.
Andy!! Giz a job!!!! Please
What job would you like? 😂
@@andycartergolf cameras, pr, fundraising. I can do it. I'll send you a CV🙏
Superb video! Pete Cowen is the best instructor in the world!
The sage old advice of hitting balls with feet together is a great way for the body to learn how yo move and Harvey Penicks slow motion drill is also great if you do it exactly as he prescribed.
Classics 👊🏽
Is it just me or others also don't get the spinning right arm concept? I just don't see it spinning... Great video Andy!
We explained this further.
It feels like you close the face. Also his gave a good dry drill
I also have a video coming out soon to explain it further
Thank you. Great stuff. I will definately give it a try next time I practise. @@andycartergolf
My feel for spinning the arm down is - allow elbow to unfold and rotate forearm anticlockwise so fingers point to 3 o'clock.
Pure Gold, so much can be taken from this - cheers 👍
A big thank you to Pete for taking the time and sharing his knowledge
Great Video Andy 👍👊
Great video Andy thanks
Great video, really interesting 👍🏻 I now know where my latest lesson drill has come from 😂 Cheers Andy (and Pete)
Absolute pleasure
Yup, I’m expecting similar on my next lesson! 😂
Andy, big compliments! I haven't seen Pete's insights in this form on RUclips yet. I get a new, better swing thought from this video. Thanks to both of you!!
Great Advice drill tips to share
Fantastic video Andy and Pete ❤
Can't believe this video only got 5,4 K thumbs up!!
Awesome video and instruction from you both...what were those crows after in your cart?
many thanks, like the wet towel analogy.
Its a great visual
Thank you for this video. I love Pete and you're pretty cool too.
Great video, love Pete Cowan. Would love to see a picture of his golf wardrobe, rows and rows of black polo shirts and black trousers!
Another fantastic nice if you could do a video showing the feet together in action and more info on towel drill for chips / pitches etc.
All this to come my friend
Andy, best Pete Cowan “interview” I’ve seen! Top content thank you 🙏🏽
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks Rick
Thank you Andy for the great video, I watched it 3 times already, guess will be watching more for the future.😊😊 the drills are really important, and more importantly is to build-into your body!
Thank you great video
Glad you enjoyed it
Fantastic video. Did Pete give you a drill to maintain width during downswing? I think I could really improve in this area. Always afraid of the dreaded shank. 😂
Fantastic stuff!
Andrew could you explain what the left hand should be doing, I play left hand dominant and am finding this swing idea difficult as I get the odd few Shxxxs. Thanks again for the great content.
Look at the dry drill we did but do it with your left hand. You wont need to feel too much spinning on the right arm. The left arm will still spin but less feel.
Or just feel like youre closing the face.
Its the same feels as the right because the club is doing the same
@@andycartergolf Will definitely try this weekend, thank you so much for your reply Andy
GREAT stuff! Thanks.
Another nice video with a brilliant gentleman, well done! May I ask what brand of club you were hitting in video?
Keep up the great work
I had the Vega Mizar Pro irons in this video
@@andycartergolf thank you! They look beautiful. Low handicap club I’m assuming? Have you any feedback on Hogan icon irons?
Awesome Andy
Can I ask a slightly different question. I've been doing the cack handed drill. Is the backswing the same as the downswing?
I first saw the twisting the towel suggestion in my father’s first edition paper back edition of Hogan’s Five Lessons printed in the early 1960s which I decided to read and use to retool my swing after I retired and could devote enough time to golf to hope to get better and consistent. But I found it to be misleading and not actually duplicate opposing action the golf grip creates.
One day out of frustration of not feeling the opposing pressure in my hands I took the club in my lead hand and flopped it over forward rotating my lead arm with external rotation as far as the radius and ulna bones in the lead forearm could rotated. My elbow pressed down and into my side and my left wrist into maxed out extension with palm pointing straight up and EVERYTHING in my left arm that could cause the club to move was MAXED OUT. I then reached forward with my right hand and placed it palm down over the left into a the interlaced variation of the Vardon grip then flipped the club back and down behind the ball. I felt incredible opposing force between my hands and both my arms felt like tight twisted steel cables.
When I swung the club my grip forced my trail wrist into extension which created leverage to fold the trail arm elbow and cause the club swinging outside my hands externally rotate it similar to Hogan’s for the first time. I realized then the reason was finally achieving that opposing pressure between the hands in my grip in a way that put both of my forearms in the middle of their range of rotation! The opposing pressure provided control but it was the fact gripping the club with the pad of the trail arm up over the lead thumb was causing the extension in the trail arm to max out and force the trail arm to bend and externally rotate which is what creates the LEVERAGE in the trail arm to control the path of the lead arm being pulled by the club force in the takeaway move.
I realized the change in my forearms wasn’t them rotating in different directions INDEPENDENTLY as when wring the towel but the way the Vardon-style grip joins the hands forcing both forearms to rotate inwards ( ) in opposition which occurs automatically if the grip is established with the elbows bent. If the club is gripped with bent elbows it causes both forearms to rotated inward as the arms straighten, an action more similar to holding a stick and trying to bow it straight down U until it snaps \ /.
I few years later I came across a video of golf instructor Martin Hall demonstrating a grip technique he calls EDPU for Elbows Down / Palms Up which produces the came inward counter torque in the arms and hands. With it you start with arms at sides with elbows bent 90° and forearms out in front horizontal turned palms up - which forces both forearms into maxed out supination. Then without moving the arms you rotate the hands 90° to a palms together position 🙏🏼 - which like my technique puts both forearms in the middle of their range of pronation/supination of the hands. Holding the club vertically in the right hand establish the left hand on the grip then add the right hand overlapping the left which is very easy with the club held vertically. Finally lower the club allowing its weight to pull the the lead arm straight as is can then apply just enough downward pressure with the pad of the trail hand to push any remain slack out of the lead elbow.
If you try what I did flopping the club over forward or the Martin Hall EDPU method you will find when the club is lowered the action of straightening the arms will cause both forearms to rotate inward causing palm of both hands to pronated creating opposing pressure between the hands and counter-torque in the arms as Pete suggests here. It is the ability of the trail hand to create counter-clockwise pressure on the lead hand that counters -rotational torque creates which gives the trail hand the mechanical leverage to prevent the club force from pronating the lead hand in the takeaway!
It happens automatically if you grip the club with elbows bent then straighten arms because the rotation of the bones in the forearms cause the muscles in the forearms to stretch - what creates the twisted steel cable feel in them. Those forearm muscles control the movement of the wrists and contraction of the fingers which is why it stabilizes the hands and improves the purchase on the grip of the club with the fingers reflexively. It is the underlying genius of how the Vardon style grip connecting the two hands together and putting both forearms in the center of their 180° range of rotation at address which causes the trail and lead arms to fold similarly in the backswing and finish.
Great video ❤
What an absolute gem of a video. Fantastic info, advice and simple explanation of the mechanics of the golf swing. Well done Andy and what a coup in getting Pete Cowan on your channel. I am sure I’ll be back and forth to this video in the future.
Thank you Jim
Great video1 Question: Towel drill seems to cup my lead hand.
Dont try snd swing full with the towel drill. Its just a chest to chest swing
Hello. I think this to solve this confusion. Does it mean that you rotate your forward left or right? Imagine opening a doorknob? Would you open it going counter clockwise or clockwise? Some pros advise shallowing the club which in turn, means opening the doorknob to the right (clockwise)!!! However, this explanation from Peter seems to be suggesting to rotate the forearm toward the left (counter clockwise)? It this correct? Is it counter clockwise?
Correct, for me that’s easy part, keeping palm facing down while rotate forearm was my challenge.
Excited to connect and learn from fellow enthusiasts on RUclips! Let's share insights, collaborate, and grow together. Whether it's golf, design, or any other passion, I'm eager to be part of this dynamic community. Here's to meaningful connections and endless opportunities! 🌟
Thanks Andy, this will be on repeat over the winter
Awesome. Enjoy it 👊🏽
I just need a bit of clarification. I thought a fade is produced with clubface right + club path left of target. Yet at 22:50, Pete says it's produced when both the face and path is left of the target. I'm wondering which one is it? Thanks!
Both face and path are left of target but path is slightly further left
That produces a fade
What you described was a push slice where the ball starts right of target and cuts further right.
@@andycartergolf Thanks! PS turning the right arm down is the bomb 💣
Learn “the new laws of ball flight”. The ball basically starts where the face is aimed at impact and the path in relation to the face causes the shot shape. Most slicers actually have a closed club face at impact and that’s why usually they hit a pull slices and why simply trying to close the face more almost never fixes a slice unless it’s a push slice. For a draw to land on target the face is aimed right of target at impact and the path is further right(for a righty).