Not saying ur wrong lol cuzz they do but it originated from stories of werewolves. Full moon made them transfer to wolves and upon that they howled. People get stories and facts mixed up and it be making them sound dumb 😂😂 it’s all speculations so really no ones right. It’s one of those things that’s hard to debunk
But, it will. ... And then it'll get worse. And then it'll get better. And so forth and so on. I had a similar "revelation" a while back, but it actually helped me. I was raised extremely religious and bought into it all myself. So when I got out of all that a lot of the things I learned were things that most people already know. In my "previous life", happiness and joy and all things positive we're like the ultimate goal or a sign that you're doing the right thing. Even if terrible stuff was happening you were still supposed to find the silver lining, basically. So the day that I realized that good things and feeling good doesn't last, just like the bad things and feelings don't last was a huge breakthrough for me. I was actually relieved to learn that good doesn't stay because that just made knowing that bad things would come back but they also would not stay more bearable. Antidepressants help too.
@@lorenakoran2 hey I had a similar epiphany as well, though I wasn't devoutly religious having being raised in an Anglican household. I haven't stepped out of my atheist closet yet but I'm planning to.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest! Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth! Have a blessed day! ----
Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado... el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA! Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960 La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto! Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra! Que tengas un hermoso dia! ---
Thank you for explaining the apple thing. I’ve heard people say “Why are you eating an apple? Apples are what Adam and Eve ate in the Garden, they’re evil.” Personally I love a good apple and it could have been just about anything, maybe one day I’ll ask what it was that they ate.
Biggest lies you were told as a child: "You can be anything you want to be." "Follow your dreams." "You're special." Things you SHOULD have heard as a child: "Everyone has limits, know yours." "Your dream can be a hobby but if it isnt marketable, get a real job first." "You're special TO YOUR PARENTS. No one else really cares, nor should they. Dont expect special treatment just for showing up." "Communism has failed every time it's been tried."
I've known about the waking sleepwalkers one for years, my friend once told me about how his brother nearly got into a bath of hot water, it was only because he'd been crying out for his mother that she came just in time to wake him up.
The part about wolves is actually wrong. Wolves aren't nocturnal, they can be active at all times. They are more active during full moon nights because they have more light to hunt, and because they are more active they howl more.
I've actually poured coke on a jellyfish sting I can't remember the exact scientific thing but due to the acidity or whichever one it is it did stop the stinging I'm pretty sure vinegar also works like to be fair the coke was all I had on me at the time but bringing a small bottle of vinegar is well worth it just incase
Vinegar is 2.5... coke is 2.52... jellyfish stings are around 6-8 depending with most being acidic... this a lie... the acidity prolly only retracts the stinger but does nothing to the poison... its prob your own body antibodies fighting the poison...
@@amirwhite1899 poison isn't a foreign body or pathogen so our immune cells dont fight it off does our white blood cells fight off alcohol? No they dont and alcohol is known as a poison please dont speak bullshit out of your ass
what are the acidity level and pH level in vinegar? if one's pee contains the same level balances as vinegar, then peeing on jellyfish sting would probably work.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER! For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest! Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth! Have a blessed day! ----
Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado... el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA! Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960 La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto! Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra! Que tengas un hermoso dia! ---
Yeah, my family is more interested in seeing what i do while i sleep walk rather than putting me back to bed. Gold fish can be taught to do things so i didn't believe the 3 sec thing. As a ketchup lover I'm happy for what it actually is now. I never believed any of these in the first place...i read a lot.
I believed the children of Israel were once being slaved by the Egyptians and God through Moses delivered them from bondage. (Believe in the true God )
It was a Tree of Knowledge Fruit, one of a kind. If it was an apple, or any other fruit, why couldn't Eve have just went to that apple tree over on the other side of the Garden instead? Okay, I know, these are the freshest apples in the Garden. Still, if the Tree of Knowledge was going to be so special, it might as well have special fruits as well. Of course, this is my own interpretation, still the likelihood of it being an apple is small.
Another myth is when vikings had horns on their helmets. In reality, the horns on the helmet were very ineffective. First of all, the horns would pose a very easy target on the wearer and second, if the horns were strapped on the wearer, then the enemy could easily move the viking. The idea came from poets in the 1800s. Archeologists discovered that there were no viking helmets with horns.
@fnaf gamer Gaming it's a myth. Snakes can't talk. Invisible sky wizards don't exist. Virgins don't give birth. There were no Jewish slaves in Egypt. The bible is a bunch of religious myths. Many stolen from older religions. That's why you need faith to be religious. Faith is defined as believing in something despite no evidence that it's true. If you had evidence then you wouldn't need faith and your religion wouldn't ask for your faith. You'd have knowledge and facts, instead. But, you don't. It's simple logic. Try using it.
@@dark14life the fools shall say in their heart that there is no God. The bible is the book of our Lord God can do whatever he wants you claim the bible is false yet you have never tried to prove that it is false blind and fooled by your own judgement shall be the downfall of idiots like you who believe that our Lord is not real
"fruits" in terms of "the fruit of good and evil" actually is more commonly used as a metaphor for "the fruits of your actions" or "the fruits of your judgements" or "the fruits of your beliefs". As you will judge a tree by its fruits.
Serpent eat this fruit and you gain knowledge eve: ugghh I don’t like apples Serpent how about a orange Eve heartburn Serpent what about grapes? Eve. Gas Serpent banana? Eve....groan...fine .
As someone who has eaten both Tomato Sauce and Ketchup I can honestly say Ketchup is trash its only 17% tomatoes and it tastes artificial and fake compared to proper Tomato Sauce which is 70% tomatoes seriously cannot understand the appeal to ketchup its so disgusting and gross
When I was growing up all the illustrated Bible story books used an apple. At some point in my life my mom taught me that it just said fruit, which I appreciate her telling me the truth, cuz apparently that was quite challenging for my parents on many occasions. However, it made me annoyed whenever people would call it an apple or draw a picture of an apple in the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the center of the garden smack dab right there where it's easy to find and not tempting at all, how could that be tempting. 🙄 It probably had neon signs pointing to it and one of those strobe lights and oh yeah, don't forget those tall wavy guys. Oh, that's right, it didn't need all that, it had a talking serpent with legs. That's quite an attraction in and of itself. Oh! Pardon me, did I just get off subject? I believe I did. You know now that I'm thinking about it and the whole serpent that had legs and could talk, maybe it wasn't even a conventional fruit that goes on a tree. Maybe it was like a pineapple that grows on the ground except they grew on the tree and because of what happened it now grows on the ground. You really could just make up anything and put it on the tree and there you have it. Maybe it was strawberries. No it was cherries. That's why cherries are so sexualized, and we all know how bad and sinful sex is. Even though we have chemicals in our brains that feel otherwise, like the tree in the center of the garden, ... Back to the cheeries. That's got to be it! And then the cherries were punished by becoming maraschino cherries or cordial cherries cuz those things taste horrible, imo. And then to have any sort of Glory back they have to join up with rhubarb in a pie to have a delicious taste. Here they were, this glorious holy fruit that now has to be partnered with rhubarb! How humiliating! Not that rhubarb did anything, it's not the rhubarb's fault. Oh and that big seed in the middle thing was probably different but because of all the cursing that God did it developed a giant seed so that you couldn't just bite into it without some sort of complication. I think if I keep going I might actually solve the mysteries of the universe so I should probably stop. Besides the mysteries of the universe and our purpose for being here has already been sold, everyone knows it's 42! Disclaimer, for those of you who need to know, I was being sarcastic. And for those of you who don't understand why people like me get off topic, it's probably some ADHD mixed with a serious lack of a social life. Besides, if it irritates you you didn't have to read it. I hope whoever is reading this has a great day, I hope you all stay well and take care of yourselves.
they were banished from the garden and an angel protects it with a fiery sword so the tree is still there hidden so be a little lighter on the cherries and rhubarb LOL
About the tale of adam and eve, the tale is really not about fruits and sins, its about the fact that if you make a mistake in your life, then you have to take the responsibility for your actions. Further more the tale pushes you to question the reality presented to you. So basically it goes like this: snake offers eve the apple, she knows its forbidden, but still eat it, and discover nothing went wrong (finds out the “truth its not poison), she then tempting adam to commit the same “crime”, and both get banished plus the snake who gets penalty for his actions. Just like in life and court, if you committed a crime you pay for it and your advocate or advisor will be punished later in a way court see fit.
About shaving and hair growing back thicker, this is actually true. I have a somewhat rare condition that makes two or more hairs grow back from one follicle when shaved. If I pluck hair It still grows back extra hairs. I have hair 3 times as thick on my right leg 😂
Most of my life I believed the Bible story about how the Israelites that were living in Egypt ended up becoming slaves. And so it seemed a no-brainer that they obviously built the pyramids under harsh circumstances. And of course the movies that were made about it depicted that. And that whole scenario sets up the need for a hero which was Moses, of course, to challenge the Pharaoh with signs and wonders and angelic murder from God and then lead them out and into the desert for many many many years until they finally made it to their promised Land. I've known for quite a while that there hasn't been any evidence of a tribe of people wandering for years in that particular desert. A lot of people thought that was odd cuz it was a lot of people and it was for a long time and so usually people leave things behind at some point and it just was odd that nothing was showing up. But it's a desert, it was a long time ago so it was easy to look past that. Also I was taught that their clothing and shoes did not wear out as some sort of miracle. But that still doesn't make sense because people leave things behind it's just how it is. What I didn't know, is that there's no evidence of any Israelites or slaves in the era of the Egyptians when they were building the pyramids. Now that is huge because there would most definitely be evidence if that was the case. Plus it would have been recorded by their scribes. Recording things was very important. And having slaves would not have been an embarrassment but more of a prideful thing so it would definitely have been included if it really had happened. This is most likely quite disturbing to a lot of people because it doesn't just debunk the notion that the Israelites were slaves in Egypt but also that there was Moses who came to their rescue and parted the Red Sea for them to walk on dry ground. All that becomes mythology, which is upsetting, I'm sure, to a lot of people. Learning this wasn't disappointing in most areas to me because I had already debunked for myself a lot of the stories in the Bible. The only thing disturbing was not really a big deal it was just added to a pile of disturbing things that I had been lied to about. I don't like lying and I also don't like being lied to so yeah, that's irritating, but I've actually got to the point where it's become more funny than annoying.
9:46 sorry people who have no idea what im talking about but peeing on a jellyfish wound would just infect the wound and it doesnt have any good effects
Well, my dad said that during WWII while he was serving on different ships in the Pacific-that when a sailor was stung...... they did pee on the sting sites (the doc had told them to do that). He also said that it did ease their pain.
The vinegar on a jelly fish sting only works on some jelly fish. I’ve been stung by a jelly fish… twice. The first time the lifeguard sprayed my leg with vinegar. The second time however they warned me that in some cases, it could make it even more painful.
My daughter (when she was a child) was stung by a Portuguese Man’O War jellyfish (she shares your first name) and the lifeguard used gauze squares that were soaked with Adolph’s meat tenderizer. The hospital where she was taken to, continued using the Adolph’s meat tenderizer soaked squares on her stings for the next two days.
Actually, it isn't confirmed whether or not the Egyptians that built the pyramids were slaves. I believe many people volunteered because they needed the money and many were forced because they didn't have enough money for taxes or smth (if Ancient Egypt had taxes). So some egyptians were slaves and others built the pyramid by choice.
Also, it wasnt the "tree of good and evil". It was the "tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil". In the bible, siince humans were created knowing only good, satan tricked them into learning about evil, thus giving them the ability to sin without satan's guidance.
I disagree, humans were created as the animals, without the knowledge of good or evil. The tree gave mankind the ability to know the difference and therefore the ability to chose his future.
@@veteranredbeard6222 They really did want robots (slaves) and even fought for it and the other side thought if these robots could reproduce themselves these would solve the high demands. And here we are today “If they would rather die, . . . they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.” ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Fun fact about your brain: the left hemisphere of your brain controls the right side of your body while the right hemisphere of your brain controls your left
Believe it or not a person has learned how to teach their goldfish how to play soccer on an underwater mini “field”. And after like three years the first one scored.
Be Amazed I love your videos! I saw the compilation where you referenced whether or not someone would die if struck by a penny. Ok but! You didn’t say anything about a quarter though??? There slightly heavier so wouldn’t you think maybe??? Or even a Kennedy half dollar? Granted not many people have those anymore some do... I’d really love to see an answer in a future video! 😅😍👍🏽😷 love the videos and the show again just saying!!!!
Fun fact: Devil wasn't even a snake when he tempted Adam and Eve. The scripture describes the creature as "serpent like" with humanoid features like ability to talk and walk upright.
The Bible says the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil -- never says 'apple'. Similarly it says Jonah was swallowed by 'a big fish' which may or may not have been a whale.
5:20 i noticed the different growth rate of my nails on my feet. i subcautionesly bite my fingernails off, when they're getting to long, therefore i absolutely have no clue how fast my fingernails are growing. however on my feet the my ring toe grow 2x as fast, as the other toes.
I actually had sleep walked. It’s a bit complicated to tell you when to wake us up, but the most obvious is when we are about to hurt ourselves/someone or break something..but any other non dangerous interaction just be as gentle as if you were to wake up up a baby kitten ..that would be preferable cause it’s a bit freaky to wake up standing in another room without pants on when you fell asleep in another with pants on. 😅😂 If anyone has questions I’d be happy to answer them.
when he said that ''goldfish have more brain size than humans'' I was like... and then he said that it was more than what ''humans give them credit for''
I love the lie that we use only ten percent of our brain. I know that was not in this episode but damn try to tell people this and they will fight you tooth and nail while they use on 5% or less of their brain!
Others I have heard: blood is blue and only turns red outside your body. your nails and hair keep growing after you die, and that you shouldn't ever throw rice at weddings because if a bird eats it , it expands and their stomach will explode.
One night, my son walked through the dining room, where I was seated using the computer. It was late night or early morning. I asked where he was going, and he said, "to the bathroom." I jumped up and stopped him just before he made it to the basement stairs. I grabbed him and turned him the other way. It could have been bad for him. I am glad that I was up!
Also about the Adam and Eve thing from what I understand the reptile that gave them the fruit wasn't ever really specified to be a snake either and do the translations just like with the Apple the reptile ended up becoming a snake. Keep in mind though I myself haven't researched the Bible very often so that means I could be wrong about this whole snake thing so it's better if you do the research yourself.
Well if he wins he gets freedom, the rest of the male cows get castrated at a very young age....with no anesthesia and then slaughtered as young adults and end up as hamburgers. Pretty certain if all male cows could choose they would fight for freedom 😋
An apple a day keeps anyone away if u throw it hard enough
Banana Army Raid Good one😂😂😂
May I use this please
I chucked an apple at my friend once , it completely disintegrated on his head 🤣🤣
Checks Animations yes you may
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 can't argue with that 🤷🏿♀️
We see wolves howling at the moon because the tattoo looks better that way
Not saying ur wrong lol cuzz they do but it originated from stories of werewolves. Full moon made them transfer to wolves and upon that they howled. People get stories and facts mixed up and it be making them sound dumb 😂😂 it’s all speculations so really no ones right. It’s one of those things that’s hard to debunk
Yeah but Ozzy said....
@@smokelikeahippi4538 nerd..
@@HoodRatBass I juss like to know my shit my guy 🤙
“Your life will get better”
Man that one hurts to learn the truth
XD I am so sorry to hear that
But, it will. ... And then it'll get worse. And then it'll get better. And so forth and so on.
I had a similar "revelation" a while back, but it actually helped me. I was raised extremely religious and bought into it all myself. So when I got out of all that a lot of the things I learned were things that most people already know. In my "previous life", happiness and joy and all things positive we're like the ultimate goal or a sign that you're doing the right thing. Even if terrible stuff was happening you were still supposed to find the silver lining, basically. So the day that I realized that good things and feeling good doesn't last, just like the bad things and feelings don't last was a huge breakthrough for me. I was actually relieved to learn that good doesn't stay because that just made knowing that bad things would come back but they also would not stay more bearable.
Antidepressants help too.
@@lorenakoran2 hey I had a similar epiphany as well, though I wasn't devoutly religious having being raised in an Anglican household. I haven't stepped out of my atheist closet yet but I'm planning to.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV
The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!
Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!
Have a blessed day!
Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado... el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!
Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960
La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto!
Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!
Que tengas un hermoso dia!
Thank you for explaining the apple thing. I’ve heard people say “Why are you eating an apple? Apples are what Adam and Eve ate in the Garden, they’re evil.” Personally I love a good apple and it could have been just about anything, maybe one day I’ll ask what it was that they ate.
Why are you breathing air? Judas used air to speak! Air is a substance of sin!
9:19 Christ, It took humanity until 2017 to realize that pissing on an open wound is a bad idea XD
I know right, I never thought it would help, why would anyone?
@@kadenw968 piss is sterile thats why they thought that but that is my guess
@@kakap0788 i hope ur being sarcastic
Advithi Shetty no kink shaming.
@@kakap0788 say sike right now
An "apple" where did it come from?
My Disney mind:snow white!
exactly what i was thinking!!!
BOI not that and I don’t even know
Disney, Disney...they tricked you, tricked you
DAMNNNNN mine too
I thought the same thing
This should’ve been named
“Lies our parents believe”
RAXLAX we only learn what our folks teach us & believe. Kinda like the Bible
@@candacemarks5070 ye tru
Candace Marks also kind of like ancestors ain’t monkeys
Lol 😂
@@candacemarks5070 well atleast my ancestors aren't monkeys
4:27 my parents have lied to me... I can't believe I actually believed them!
They probably believed it themselves.
thanks mom!
My parents told me that also!
Biggest lie ever told in history
"You'll be happy when you become an adult"
No one ever said you'd be happy when you are an adult. Everyone I knew said love life now cause it doesn't get better.
@@adamage1766 it was a just a joke, bruh
Dorizelle Ann Cruz-Castillo
jokes are _funny,_ yo.
Biggest lies you were told as a child: "You can be anything you want to be." "Follow your dreams." "You're special."
Things you SHOULD have heard as a child: "Everyone has limits, know yours." "Your dream can be a hobby but if it isnt marketable, get a real job first." "You're special TO YOUR PARENTS. No one else really cares, nor should they. Dont expect special treatment just for showing up." "Communism has failed every time it's been tried."
*don’t wake a sleepwalker if they’re cutting vegetables*
I learned this the hard way
@@Redwan777 then you will become the vegetable .
@@Redwan777 you can.. if you want to get chopped as well😆
Wake up or lose a few fingers
I've known about the waking sleepwalkers one for years, my friend once told me about how his brother nearly got into a bath of hot water, it was only because he'd been crying out for his mother that she came just in time to wake him up.
The part about wolves is actually wrong. Wolves aren't nocturnal, they can be active at all times. They are more active during full moon nights because they have more light to hunt, and because they are more active they howl more.
I've actually poured coke on a jellyfish sting I can't remember the exact scientific thing but due to the acidity or whichever one it is it did stop the stinging I'm pretty sure vinegar also works like to be fair the coke was all I had on me at the time but bringing a small bottle of vinegar is well worth it just incase
Good for you and thank you for the wisdom
Vinegar is 2.5... coke is 2.52... jellyfish stings are around 6-8 depending with most being acidic... this a lie... the acidity prolly only retracts the stinger but does nothing to the poison... its prob your own body antibodies fighting the poison...
@@amirwhite1899 poison isn't a foreign body or pathogen so our immune cells dont fight it off does our white blood cells fight off alcohol? No they dont and alcohol is known as a poison please dont speak bullshit out of your ass
what are the acidity level and pH level in vinegar? if one's pee contains the same level balances as vinegar, then peeing on jellyfish sting would probably work.
While I do enjoy your videos, I think it's funny that you're debunking "myths" based on ONE study done in 2013 or ONE study done in 1997, etc.
Apposed to all the studies people have conducted to prove that these myths are true
I think he's only referencing one study to keep the video as short as possible.
God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day! Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV
The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!
Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!
Have a blessed day!
Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado... el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!
Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960
La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto!
Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!
Que tengas un hermoso dia!
Yeah, my family is more interested in seeing what i do while i sleep walk rather than putting me back to bed. Gold fish can be taught to do things so i didn't believe the 3 sec thing. As a ketchup lover I'm happy for what it actually is now. I never believed any of these in the first place...i read a lot.
good for u
Me too
I only believed the left brain right brain thing
I believed the children of Israel were once being slaved by the Egyptians and God through Moses delivered them from bondage. (Believe in the true God )
my goldfish recognize everyone who feeds them.
Me: It’s all a lie?
Be Amazed: Always has been **gunshot**
But this is be amazed
Ya mean be amazed (it’s still a funny comment)
Why funny comments don't have enough likes 🤔🤣
What tomato tastes like: Sour
What tomato ketchup tastes like: *Completely not sour*
my opinion is that you are wrong, maybe you should try to like your fruits more
Tomatoes aren't sour. They are delicious
‘have more brain power than us humans *youtube freezes*’
Me: WHAT?!
"Look, there's an apple!"
*"No it's not, it's a peach!"*
Underrated comment.
it's a butt
I haven't watched the video yet but I can tell you that the fruit from the tree of knowledge was a quince, not an apple.
Thomas Kent It wasn’t anything. At best it’s a fable. There are at least 5 known hominids that existed besides Homo sapiens.
It was a Tree of Knowledge Fruit, one of a kind. If it was an apple, or any other fruit, why couldn't Eve have just went to that apple tree over on the other side of the Garden instead?
Okay, I know, these are the freshest apples in the Garden.
Still, if the Tree of Knowledge was going to be so special, it might as well have special fruits as well.
Of course, this is my own interpretation, still the likelihood of it being an apple is small.
BE AMAZED: A goldfish can remember things of up to 5 months!
Me: Well I can remember my 3rd birthday. I'm NINE, and I'm almost TEN.
I am 10 and i'm almost 11
@@amongusgamer6930 Hello I am 10 yrs old now I have been since the end of October ^^
@@Akikai.2 congratulations lol no one cares how old you guys are
@@bluehornet197 I used an ouuija board but I couldn't find a SINGLE soul that cared or even asked
@@Akikai.2 this is a public comment section lol get over it
Them: Which of these lies did you fall for
That AJPW girl me too😢
None of them
I fell for all of your lies, until I found out in the book of bull shit that they are all true. Your lieing according to the book of bull shit
Me: facepalm at your comment.
Another myth is when vikings had horns on their helmets.
In reality, the horns on the helmet were very ineffective.
First of all, the horns would pose a very easy target on the wearer and second, if the horns were strapped on the wearer, then the enemy could easily move the viking. The idea came from poets in the 1800s.
Archeologists discovered that there were no viking helmets with horns.
As usual absolutely brilliant. Hope everybody is safe and well in these dangerous and turbulent times
You mean in this HOAX ?
Hope you’re doing well too!
@@hmsdemolition8588 wha
Haha nope
underated wholesome comment
BeAmazed: what’s the first thing that springs to mind when you think about wolves?
Me: cute
Hope everyone is safe during this lockdown and remember to be hydrated : )
What you comment when you thirsty for likes.
Im sick of these comments its just to get likes
👽And pray to health workers and those who are infectad👽
I’m sorry if I offended y’all
@Burnt Yogurt there being nice to get likes
Thanks for the translation on the last one. That will clear up stuff for other family members. Now I know this.
I never suspected snake tongues to not be apples this has really changed my life and everything I know about it.
They venom the apple in the myth
@fnaf gamer Gaming it's a myth. Snakes can't talk. Invisible sky wizards don't exist. Virgins don't give birth. There were no Jewish slaves in Egypt. The bible is a bunch of religious myths. Many stolen from older religions. That's why you need faith to be religious. Faith is defined as believing in something despite no evidence that it's true. If you had evidence then you wouldn't need faith and your religion wouldn't ask for your faith. You'd have knowledge and facts, instead. But, you don't. It's simple logic. Try using it.
@@dark14life Fucking facts yo...
@@dark14life the fools shall say in their heart that there is no God. The bible is the book of our Lord God can do whatever he wants you claim the bible is false yet you have never tried to prove that it is false blind and fooled by your own judgement shall be the downfall of idiots like you who believe that our Lord is not real
@@dark14life Well technically virgins can give birth with in vitro, but everything else yeah.
11:45 It's not so much the fruit that got adam and Eve banished from the garden, it was the fact that Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating he fruit
you will never know what i said because i edited the comment 😈
optic trend You too, honey!
Hello and Gb from Cincinnati Ohio!!🥰
Hello 🙂
@@abbymcmanama6780 hi
@@abbymcmanama6780 😁
"fruits" in terms of "the fruit of good and evil" actually is more commonly used as a metaphor for "the fruits of your actions" or "the fruits of your judgements" or "the fruits of your beliefs". As you will judge a tree by its fruits.
Video: what do you think of when you think of wolves
Me: The forbidden doggo!
What's Amnesia? I forgot me too
Omae wa mou shinderu
@@cringeemcgee3076 NANI?!
Serpent eat this fruit and you gain knowledge
eve: ugghh I don’t like apples
Serpent how about a orange
Eve heartburn
Serpent what about grapes?
Eve. Gas
Serpent banana?
Eve....groan...fine .
Ok, that was funny
Serpent: that’s not how you eat a banana!!!!!!!!!
@@rjgaynor8 r/CursedComments moment
The reason you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker is some have a tendancy of swinging when there been woken up.
If they swing so what? Oh I got hit oh looks like I will have a bruise oh well
As someone who has eaten both Tomato Sauce and Ketchup I can honestly say Ketchup is trash its only 17% tomatoes and it tastes artificial and fake compared to proper Tomato Sauce which is 70% tomatoes seriously cannot understand the appeal to ketchup its so disgusting and gross
Be amazed congrats for the 7M subs
When I was growing up all the illustrated Bible story books used an apple.
At some point in my life my mom taught me that it just said fruit, which I appreciate her telling me the truth, cuz apparently that was quite challenging for my parents on many occasions.
However, it made me annoyed whenever people would call it an apple or draw a picture of an apple in the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the center of the garden smack dab right there where it's easy to find and not tempting at all, how could that be tempting. 🙄 It probably had neon signs pointing to it and one of those strobe lights and oh yeah, don't forget those tall wavy guys. Oh, that's right, it didn't need all that, it had a talking serpent with legs. That's quite an attraction in and of itself.
Oh! Pardon me, did I just get off subject? I believe I did.
You know now that I'm thinking about it and the whole serpent that had legs and could talk, maybe it wasn't even a conventional fruit that goes on a tree. Maybe it was like a pineapple that grows on the ground except they grew on the tree and because of what happened it now grows on the ground.
You really could just make up anything and put it on the tree and there you have it.
Maybe it was strawberries.
No it was cherries. That's why cherries are so sexualized, and we all know how bad and sinful sex is. Even though we have chemicals in our brains that feel otherwise, like the tree in the center of the garden, ...
Back to the cheeries. That's got to be it!
And then the cherries were punished by becoming maraschino cherries or cordial cherries cuz those things taste horrible, imo.
And then to have any sort of Glory back they have to join up with rhubarb in a pie to have a delicious taste. Here they were, this glorious holy fruit that now has to be partnered with rhubarb! How humiliating! Not that rhubarb did anything, it's not the rhubarb's fault. Oh and that big seed in the middle thing was probably different but because of all the cursing that God did it developed a giant seed so that you couldn't just bite into it without some sort of complication.
I think if I keep going I might actually solve the mysteries of the universe so I should probably stop. Besides the mysteries of the universe and our purpose for being here has already been sold, everyone knows it's 42!
Disclaimer, for those of you who need to know, I was being sarcastic. And for those of you who don't understand why people like me get off topic, it's probably some ADHD mixed with a serious lack of a social life. Besides, if it irritates you you didn't have to read it.
I hope whoever is reading this has a great day, I hope you all stay well and take care of yourselves.
they were banished from the garden and an angel protects it with a fiery sword so the tree is still there hidden so be a little lighter on the cherries and rhubarb LOL
Who’s fridge is that?its beautiful on the inside😍.
I bear witness that there is no god but God alone, who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his Messenger and servant☝
Wot’s that got to do with the price of cheese? اسماعيل ضياء
@@اسماعيلضياء-ظ1ب i thought it was whatsapp
Nelly Buttcake just likes humans, their organs 😍😍😍😍
Cavemen: throws spear at a wolf
wolf: brings stick back
The caveman: noted
This guy is faster at teaching than film theory
@@XD.73-849 YES
Nope never
About the tale of adam and eve, the tale is really not about fruits and sins, its about the fact that if you make a mistake in your life, then you have to take the responsibility for your actions. Further more the tale pushes you to question the reality presented to you. So basically it goes like this: snake offers eve the apple, she knows its forbidden, but still eat it, and discover nothing went wrong (finds out the “truth its not poison), she then tempting adam to commit the same “crime”, and both get banished plus the snake who gets penalty for his actions. Just like in life and court, if you committed a crime you pay for it and your advocate or advisor will be punished later in a way court see fit.
About shaving and hair growing back thicker, this is actually true. I have a somewhat rare condition that makes two or more hairs grow back from one follicle when shaved. If I pluck hair It still grows back extra hairs. I have hair 3 times as thick on my right leg 😂
Yep True
Lol same, it's really annoying 🥲
Does the same work for your hair on your head,if yes then if your ever balding or your hair is thinning you can grow back most of your hair
Or Hypertrichosis
Most of my life I believed the Bible story about how the Israelites that were living in Egypt ended up becoming slaves. And so it seemed a no-brainer that they obviously built the pyramids under harsh circumstances. And of course the movies that were made about it depicted that. And that whole scenario sets up the need for a hero which was Moses, of course, to challenge the Pharaoh with signs and wonders and angelic murder from God and then lead them out and into the desert for many many many years until they finally made it to their promised Land.
I've known for quite a while that there hasn't been any evidence of a tribe of people wandering for years in that particular desert. A lot of people thought that was odd cuz it was a lot of people and it was for a long time and so usually people leave things behind at some point and it just was odd that nothing was showing up. But it's a desert, it was a long time ago so it was easy to look past that. Also I was taught that their clothing and shoes did not wear out as some sort of miracle. But that still doesn't make sense because people leave things behind it's just how it is.
What I didn't know, is that there's no evidence of any Israelites or slaves in the era of the Egyptians when they were building the pyramids.
Now that is huge because there would most definitely be evidence if that was the case. Plus it would have been recorded by their scribes. Recording things was very important. And having slaves would not have been an embarrassment but more of a prideful thing so it would definitely have been included if it really had happened.
This is most likely quite disturbing to a lot of people because it doesn't just debunk the notion that the Israelites were slaves in Egypt but also that there was Moses who came to their rescue and parted the Red Sea for them to walk on dry ground. All that becomes mythology, which is upsetting, I'm sure, to a lot of people.
Learning this wasn't disappointing in most areas to me because I had already debunked for myself a lot of the stories in the Bible. The only thing disturbing was not really a big deal it was just added to a pile of disturbing things that I had been lied to about. I don't like lying and I also don't like being lied to so yeah, that's irritating, but I've actually got to the point where it's become more funny than annoying.
Like for the 'Be Amazed' logo cameo at the pyramids 😂😂
I wanna see it. Where’s it at
10:29 On the sign board😂
9:46 sorry people who have no idea what im talking about
but peeing on a jellyfish wound would just infect the wound and it doesnt have any good effects
I had only heard a few of these myths, so it was more shocking to hear that some people at some points ever believed it.
Yeah like the spiders I was so shock to learn that myth even exsisted
Well, my dad said that during WWII while he was serving on different ships in the Pacific-that when a sailor was stung...... they did pee on the sting sites (the doc had told them to do that). He also said that it did ease their pain.
The vinegar on a jelly fish sting only works on some jelly fish. I’ve been stung by a jelly fish… twice. The first time the lifeguard sprayed my leg with vinegar. The second time however they warned me that in some cases, it could make it even more painful.
My daughter (when she was a child) was stung by a Portuguese Man’O War jellyfish (she shares your first name) and the lifeguard used gauze squares that were soaked with Adolph’s meat tenderizer. The hospital where she was taken to, continued using the Adolph’s meat tenderizer soaked squares on her stings for the next two days.
10:28 did anyone notice the be amazed logo on the placard?
Actually, it isn't confirmed whether or not the Egyptians that built the pyramids were slaves. I believe many people volunteered because they needed the money and many were forced because they didn't have enough money for taxes or smth (if Ancient Egypt had taxes). So some egyptians were slaves and others built the pyramid by choice.
I'm guessing the artists who drew and put on hieroglyphics were either commissioned to design so there's some freedom
Also, it wasnt the "tree of good and evil". It was the "tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil". In the bible, siince humans were created knowing only good, satan tricked them into learning about evil, thus giving them the ability to sin without satan's guidance.
I disagree, humans were created as the animals, without the knowledge of good or evil. The tree gave mankind the ability to know the difference and therefore the ability to chose his future.
Humans did not come up with good or evil that was given to them by God
@@brothermolotov5790 He created good and evil so we could have a choice. He didnt want robots
@@veteranredbeard6222 They really did want robots (slaves) and even fought for it and the other side thought if these robots could reproduce themselves these would solve the high demands. And here we are today “If they would rather die, . . . they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
5:34 sorry to burst your bubble but "Mythbusters" already did that one :P
Fun fact about your brain: the left hemisphere of your brain controls the right side of your body while the right hemisphere of your brain controls your left
So only left handed people are in their right mind.
@@dlb4299 yes
Believe it or not a person has learned how to teach their goldfish how to play soccer on an underwater mini “field”. And after like three years the first one scored.
I hate bull fighting
8:08 that's cruel I thought they would just wave the cloth but I never thought they would actually pierce the bull with a sword
Yep they did its called bullfighting for a reason lol
BE AMAZED: tappuwach
anyone who does not speak hebrew: sounds like an ancient languge to me
israelis: laughs* you wouldnt get it.
Basically any Americans.
Lol yes 😂
Ta pu ach! Not Tappu wach! 😂
Gold fish:humans have no idea about fish tech
2:55 thought he was gonna say “but they actually have more brain power than us humans”
I LOVE these videos!1 I hope you keep debunking stupid shit people say and think everyday!! LOVE IT!!
The monkey to man is quite belivable but as god created us in his own image so im going with that but i respect your theories.
True true
Be Amazed I love your videos! I saw the compilation where you referenced whether or not someone would die if struck by a penny. Ok but! You didn’t say anything about a quarter though??? There slightly heavier so wouldn’t you think maybe??? Or even a Kennedy half dollar? Granted not many people have those anymore some do... I’d really love to see an answer in a future video! 😅😍👍🏽😷 love the videos and the show again just saying!!!!
When did apes evolve clothing?
When they eat that apple. I think🤔
@@NOOBMASTER-rx7bs but they didnt
@@f1lip797 r/woooosh we all know the biblical story is a lie and is fake learn when someone is being sarcastic
Keep content like these coming 💡
Me:. Is that true
You:. I don't think so
Me: less find out
You: yes exactly
Me:. Wow, thanks for this video
Fun fact: Devil wasn't even a snake when he tempted Adam and Eve. The scripture describes the creature as "serpent like" with humanoid features like ability to talk and walk upright.
Why did I just think of Orochimaru from Naruto😂
it means it looks like a long bodied walking upright and talking lizard
The lizard people conspiracy is true!
Salamander. Giant salamander
Our church interpretation is its really a serpent with legs but the Devil used it as a puppet to throughly deceive Eve.
Feminists should now realize that even men can multitask 😂😂😂😂. 2:22
This video in a nutshell: Yes but actually NO
The Bible says the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil -- never says 'apple'. Similarly it says Jonah was swallowed by 'a big fish' which may or may not have been a whale.
*"It’s not an apple”*
*Me: It’s A BA-NAE-NAE*
10:28 LOL the "BE AMAZED" sign!!!
I definitely fell for most of them at one time or another 😳
No wonder why my fish knows it is feeding time if i am knocking their aquarium 3:04
the "apple", me who speaks hebrew:
i never fell for u annoying lie
i love this channel
Thank you!
I was waiting for something like this and finally
I am just AMAZED that you did a biblical one. The forbidden fruit. Yay.
5:20 i noticed the different growth rate of my nails on my feet. i subcautionesly bite my fingernails off, when they're getting to long, therefore i absolutely have no clue how fast my fingernails are growing. however on my feet the my ring toe grow 2x as fast, as the other toes.
his logo on the sign just made me laugh so hard
Be amazed was there in 5000 BC
I actually had sleep walked. It’s a bit complicated to tell you when to wake us up, but the most obvious is when we are about to hurt ourselves/someone or break something..but any other non dangerous interaction just be as gentle as if you were to wake up up a baby kitten ..that would be preferable cause it’s a bit freaky to wake up standing in another room without pants on when you fell asleep in another with pants on. 😅😂
If anyone has questions I’d be happy to answer them.
10:28 . Yes, I noticed the Be Amazed logo. Very subtle. Anyone else?
I wanted to say I didn't fall for any of it. But that would only add to this list of lies.
when he said that ''goldfish have more brain size than humans'' I was like... and then he said that it was more than what ''humans give them credit for''
I feel like the serpent in the Bible didn’t offer actual fruit, but instead animal flesh which could explain why it turned them into savages.
"Lies that you still believe"
*But I don't believe any of them.*
*you do.*
Such a comedian
Thank u
RabbitOfHeaven no
You threw it right back at him Micheal mcyintyre
I'll bet you believed every single one of them and couldn't admit it.
Here's another one for you: Just because something is not understood correctly does not make it a lie.
I debunked most of these as a kid, because I used common sense
“Any slight movement is like an earthquake for a spider”
Me who moves a lot when I sleep: wait what if I killed some spiders when I sleep????
Well the devil kill steal and destroy
I love the lie that we use only ten percent of our brain. I know that was not in this episode but damn try to tell people this and they will fight you tooth and nail while they use on 5% or less of their brain!
Others I have heard: blood is blue and only turns red outside your body. your nails and hair keep growing after you die, and that you shouldn't ever throw rice at weddings because if a bird eats it , it expands and their stomach will explode.
Congrats! You saw this comment, you passed the first test, you have eyes.
SLAY ... I guess. I'm glad I saw ur comment
If you toss a coin off a tall tower, does it constitute as attempted murder if you really thought the impact would be lethal...?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I liked this video
So should you
No I don’t think I will
Red is red
Blue is blue
This meme is dead
Why u still using it human head
RabbitOfHeaven I have my own opinions
One night, my son walked through the dining room, where I was seated using the computer. It was late night or early morning. I asked where he was going, and he said, "to the bathroom." I jumped up and stopped him just before he made it to the basement stairs. I grabbed him and turned him the other way. It could have been bad for him. I am glad that I was up!
Nah he would have been fine
Also about the Adam and Eve thing from what I understand the reptile that gave them the fruit wasn't ever really specified to be a snake either and do the translations just like with the Apple the reptile ended up becoming a snake.
Keep in mind though I myself haven't researched the Bible very often so that means I could be wrong about this whole snake thing so it's better if you do the research yourself.
I almost cried when i saw the bull was bleeding heavily. Its so sad an wrong for bulls to be treated so bad.
Well if he wins he gets freedom, the rest of the male cows get castrated at a very young age....with no anesthesia and then slaughtered as young adults and end up as hamburgers. Pretty certain if all male cows could choose they would fight for freedom 😋
The goldfish one of having a 3 sec memory is only partially true, as goldfish have a really poor short term memory but an excellent long term memory.
Here's a bonus myth, you can keep fish in a bowl. All fish need filtered water in a 10+ gallon tank.
Yep I commented b4 even watching the vid
right when I heard "If I dRoP a PeNnY, wOuLd iT kIlL sOmEoNE?" it literally made me fall on the floor laughing
Me: Apple you betrayed me😡
Apple: hehehehe got ya
8:40 straight turned into Don Cheedle..haha
Just so you know the goldfish one is correct because my fish no when it’s time for food when I turn on the blue light in my tank.
Not to mention that old video where Goldfish were trained to do synchronised swimming.