Just a small suggestion before people comment: Perhaps buy one of the Lives I talk about and read it first. And know that St Paisios is one of MANY holy figures. The point is that results speak… They speak louder than assertions and theological claims. They show where God is at work in creating people who look, act, and speak like the Apostles. It’s work to read a book first, but it’s worthwhile and holy work. Just a suggestion.
The divine Matrix ✨️ Blue pill or Red pill? 🐉Jesus is the encoded fallen angel! Isaiah 14:12-15 / Ezekiel 28:12-17 🚫 We consumed from the forbidden tree when we ate of his body & drank of his blood🍷 🥖 Genesis 2 🚫 This symbolic Cannibalistic ritual & witchcraft is forbidden to the God of Israel! Leviticus 7:27 / Leviticus 19:26 🚫 Jesus created his own covenant & told us to eat his flesh, drink his blood, pray in his name & *not STRAIGHT to the God of Israel😬 Ezekiel 45:22 /John 6:53-58 / Psalm 16:4. 🚫 Jesus was rebuked & anguished after his last supper covenant & was forsakften on the cross & casted down as a result of his own sin. Matthew 26:36-46 / Zechariah 13:7 🚫 Jesus said he is the only way & that's a lie! 🐍Just learn from all of Gods Righteous people.... Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, all the Profits, Isreal & more! Psalm 32 ☦️ Jesus said he was the erected bronze snake in the wilderness of Exodus. John 3:14-15 🚫 The churches & Islam are praying to dead idols & false gods. Deuteronomy 4:28 🚫 Christians & Islam believers are dangerous & destructive for a lack of knowledge & have persecuted & pierced Gods Holy people for thousands of years.😪Matthew 10:34 / Hosea 4:6 / Psalm 83 ☦️ The bronze snake became an idol that was eventually destroyed..2 Kings 18:4 Checkmate ♟️Zechariah 13:7 / Deuteronomy 8:2 /Exodus 7:16 Hear📣...O Israel / believers, our God YHWH is one☝️Deuteronomy 6:4-9 🕊From the prayer of Moses Exodus 32:15-34, & the Hopi nation, the miracle of the white buffalo, & the spirit of Elijah calling from the wilderness, remember the 10 Love commands & repent of your wicked ways! Exodus 8:1- Malachi 3 Isaiah 1:18 / Exodus 20:1-7 ❤️1. Thou shalt have NO other gods before YHWH ❤️2. Thou shalt NOT make unto thee any graven images. ❤️3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ❤️4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. ❤️5. Honor thy father and thy mother. ❤️6. Thou shalt not murder ❤️7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. ❤️8. Thou shalt not steal. ❤️9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. ❤️10. Thou shalt not covet. Give jesus & his churches what is theirs & give the Creator Father YHWH what is His & let's make Israel & the world amazing again!...Psalms 51✌️
It is entirely fair to judge a belief system based on its fruits, but to suggest that sainthood is the sole standard by which we should use to judge one another seems dishonest. It is not a habit of protestants to chronicle the lives of one another in order that their good deeds may be forever woven into the tapestry of church history.
@@HolyFool-i1o What kind of rage bait it this? First of all, where did your cannon come from, and who canonized it? It goes back to the Orthodox Catholic Church... not whatever you're trying to deceive people with..
@frpaul honestly what else can we judge a tree except from its fruits, a healthy tree will produce fruits, and this is a question that sadly most churches must just lift their hands 🤷♂️ . the total lack of mystical understanding and true belief in the miracles, most Christians dont even know what a saint is.
Your videos with 10MinuteBibleHour were the first encounter i had with Orthodoxy. I am now faithfully attending and have been baptized. Thank you for everything you do!
@ in my private time I always prayed to understand and have the theology of the apostles. I found Orthodoxy by online research of the early church. Roman catholicisms ecumenism is very evident so I feel Orthodoxy is the true church passed through apostlolic succession. The monarchical trinity model, ever virgin mary and the process of theosis have been things I understood while reading the scriptures, but had no idea any church held to these views until I found Orthodoxy.
You need prayer for God to open your blind eyes and to get you out of the 100% false, manmade, Godless abomination you have been snared into. Repent, and run away from this false, manmade, antigod, antibible, antichrist religion (cult)!
As a Fundamental Baptist I think the whole "protestants destroyed in 1 sentence" or "orthodoxy crushed in 60 seconds" videos are some of the most damaging and fruitless efforts out there. There are lots of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox that are easily a great example that I can find for encouragement and a good example to motivate me to be better. There are also plenty of all 3 that could demonstrate less than ideal things, too. Most of the rhetorical debate only leads to temptations of arrogance, anger, etc. At the end of the day Jesus Christ is what I should keep my life pointed at. God Bless all my brothers and sister in Christ.
I was on Mt Athos recently and met a grace filled Elder. You could feel the grace when he entered the room, and when he embraced you or simply touched your shoulder, everything felt at peace. He radiated love and I felt he knew my heart as he discussed and gave guidance on many things pertinent to me, without me saying a word. I was really struggling spiritually prior to this. I don't know how to explain what happened with words, but I knew he was praying for me as he spoke and I felt as though there was this... presence of love and divine Grace which entered my heart, it was like he sent me a kind of spiritual care package to encourage me. There are still such people on Athos in 2024
I'm aware of how climate change has made these UFO stories our only hope of avoiding extinction within a decade. Immaculate Constellation Document "The official disclosure of the existence of Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) and their presence on Earth is a pivotal moment in human history." Does anything prove faith worthy of respect more than finding prophets & cherubim in the Yellow Pages? President Carter, informed he lacked a need to know, was left weeping from the UFO brief. He was a man of faith; Earth is owned by machines.
Withought these men and women I would simply want to die. God I hope I give birth as in with my wife to give life to children, I will make two of my children each sex , dedicated to God. Cause I cannot reach God without the help of my children I believe. Adam wasn't as holy as Enoch and Elijah. But Adam is to be respected by all humans so is eve. Anyone which curses their father and mother is cursed by their own tounges stupidity.
@@westingoode3105this is exactly right . Protestants like to say they are in a “Bible believing church” .. We Orthodox are in the “Bible writing church” 😊
This is not an argument. If you want to place your faith in men, there are a whole bunch of Protestants that make a big deal about the manifestation of the gifts of the spirit among their own, and while some might be questionable, there have been snake-handlers, people with visions, people who heal and all the rest in astounding numbers among Protestants, and I know for a fact at least some of these are real, though I would be hesitant to tie the miracles to the people; these are gifts from God. I have seen God heal people, as a Protestant, at the behest of Protestant prayers; He had a conversation with my mother and healed her. She said the room seemed to divide in two, as if a thick black line separated her from my father and sister, and God asked her: "what can I do for you my child?", and after initially feeling His peace and thinking she would like to go and be with Him, she ended up saying she did not want to leave my father alone yet, and where previously she had been told that her cancer had been 'going crazy', the next time the doctor was baffled and kept asking aloud if perhaps he had made a mistake the last time, but there was no mistake. The other was recently with a friend who gave his crippling pain that left him unable to move to God, and was immediately relieved of that pain, and he could stand up and go about his day. I have been telling him on and off about God for years and after this event he came to me and told me he wants to be baptised. Now you may not believe me, but there are many Protestants (and Catholics) with similar stories. We Protestants, for the most part at least, fully accept that there are true Christians among the EO church. The issue comes then when you try to tell us that we are not Christians because we are not a part of your church, or because we do not venerate icons, or pray to the saints, and so on and so forth. Clearly, God has been at work in the lives of Protestants and Eastern Orthodox, and I'm sure He has been at work in the lives of Roman Catholics and Ethiopian Orthodox and Egyptian Coptics and many more. Where there is true faith in Christ, even if there is some confusion and error on certain points, I am sure God has been active and worked through His followers. He is a merciful God. This then brings us back to those questions that you have not given an argument for. I think there is a large and wonderful community of Christians spread out among the world. I am sure there are things that we can all learn from each other. I would like to see us all come together, realise we are Christians, hash out error where we might find it and expunge it, and all follow Christ as best we can. Sadly, the EOs and RCs make this difficult when they deny others or worse, condemn them. This needs to be addressed, and there have been some Protestants doing good work to address it; but this video stands in the way of bringing Christians together, and it does so without even presenting an actual argument.
Excellent post Haggis. In the end all debate about legitimacy or authority within Christianity comes back to the evidence of the Holy Spirit. Not in a "signs and wonders" way, but because all authority was given to Christ and the Holy Spirit ministers that authority. To begin answering the video one who I have personally met is Brother Yun "the heavenly man" from China. I have yet to meet an Orthodox Christian who already knew of him before I brought him up. But while we can read his two books, most of his life and work is held in the lives of other Christians, not on the pages of a book. God determines who the true Saints are.
Well said. The fact remains that Orthodoxy and Catholicism have primary doctrine that are not Biblically-based, which is why Protestants rejected them in the first place.
Amen and amen. The Son of Man has authority to draw all men to Himself, men and women from "every people, nation, and tongue". He fished for Gentiles and pagans and grafted them into the true vine and He continues to do so. Some of the holiest followers of Jesus I have known have come from "low church" traditions, which emphasize the perspicuity and authority of Scripture, the Lordship of Jesus, and living holy lives in the power of the Holy Spirit. One only has to look at the Holy Spirit's work in their lives to know they hear His voice, are of His fold, and are sealed and regenerated by the Holy Spirit by the grace provided by Christ's atoning work. I see unregenerate (non-fruit bearing) protestants as well as unregenerate RCs, EOs, AOs, etc. And yet, I recognize that amongst all of these traditions there are followers of Christ whom are within His collective bride, the church. Would that all these traditions look outside themselves and see the God is at work outside themselves.
God can work wherever he wants, this is despite the errors though, just because a group in history departed from christisnity and taught falsehoods about the identity of christ doesnt mean god doesnt work in the midst of the deviations these individuals created and the remnants of these groups hundreds of years later with all the protestant sects etc, maybe the originators of these things would be judged differently though compared to the simple guy who has a spiritual experience and goes to the only church in town which could be a protestant denomination and knows no better etc, the fact remsins though that we were given a very particular thing, christ incarnated in time and space here, not over there, and the church is this, not that, people can depart from it, change it, alter it, abandon it, but it still remains the way we were given it and recieved it, only the fullness of everything is in the orthodox church, illumination, theosis, mystical union etc is only possible here, outside the church it isnt possible, doesnt mean god doest work there despite the errors, he wants us to come to what he gave us though
'Protestant' speaking here...and I LOVE the Orthodox church! Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the information about Saint Paisios...I will definitely read up on him.
I have recently worshipped and fellowshipped with a good friend a couple times at the Orthodox Church in Birmingham, AL.. I did not know anything about Orthodoxy, and was raised in a Methodist church. I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. Saying that, the two issues I have a problem with was kissing a priests hand. Why? Because I dont believe that's necessary, when there are other ways. The holy spirit helps us, as we know, I dont believe I could have had the repentant heart for Christ without the help of the Holy Sprit.I believe it's odd kissing a priests hand, however, not the cross. Praying to Mary and the saints seems somewhat wrong, i pray only to Christ. I am still learning, and am currently listenimg to an inquirers class, praying and mini fasting, because I work a physical job in a factory and need to not fast too hard. I love all faithful believers in Jesus Christ, and may the living Triune GOD guide me and have mercy on me and all of us. Praise and Glory be to the living GOD of the Holy Bible.
Protestant here... I know many faithful Christians who have forsaken all to follow Christ. My family and I have done the same and live the ideals that Christ preached. We have seen miracles, laid hands on people and seen them healed, cast out demons and baptized many. We live our lives as apostles as do many we know. I'm not sure your argument is as powerful as you think.
This gives me such faith in the Orthodox Church. Other Christian traditions can produce good, loving, and charitable people. But nothing like St. Paisios and other saints that we have witnessed in recent memory.
1 Corinthians 13:8-10. Here’s the key portion: "Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially, but when what is complete comes, what is partial will be done away with."
As a new convert from Protestantism, I left because I was in danger of losing my faith, and because I saw in Orthodoxy the way to be fully Christian. As a side note, my priest spent 10 years on Mt Athos as a monk. I have never met a Christian like him. There are times when I feel like I’m in the presence of Christ. I think this is something I noticed about Orthodoxy from the time I encountered it, and I don’t see it anywhere else. Even in Fr Paul, at a low level, I notice occasionally a grace there that I don’t see in Catholics or Protestants. Not all Orthodox certainly, and not necessarily often, it’s just that I don’t see it anywhere else.
Remember, us protestants are not the ones that believe that one specific institution is the "true church." We believe there are true Christians amongst all the denominations. You guys are the ones that believe you have a monopoly on salvation.
There are a lot of saints in the Orthodoxy whose names we celebrate and honor every year during the Liturgies. The Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, where the Head is Jesus Christ, and the body is the Church itself. The Church is the people who never change anything that was already set in the beginning by our Lord Jesus Christ.
I've meet Protestants who had a Holy awe about them. I wasn't a Christian when I met some of them. Their presence, that is God's presence, terrified me. When I became a follower of Jesus, I began to understand what was happening to me when I was around them.
How do you know that was God's presence and not something else? The Holiness from Saint Piasios was like meeting someone who existed in paradise. The world seemed to breath around him and he never wanted people to be terrified. God doesn't want to make you feel terror.
@@OctagonalSquare Demons enjoy terrifying people, not God. God is an all-consuming fire that people will have a negative response to. But God doesn't wish to terrify you. He's beyond gentle and kind. If you want a good picture of who the Father is read the parable of the Prodigal Son.
@@anothercat1300how do you know it wasn’t?? This is my only real issue with the Orthodox Church. “Everyone within orthodoxy is amazing. No one outside orthodoxy is amazing.”
Father, I just want to share my brief testimony with you! Back in June, I came across the video of the Protestant pastor (apologizes I forget his name) interviewing you. You were amazing, you answered so many questions I had as a non-denominational Christian. I was so grateful and amazed and excited that I sent the video to my husband to also watch before I’d even finished it. Upon finishing the video, I read through the description box and discovered your church was in the Salt Lake valley! This may not seem too big a deal, especially since I live in Texas. However, I was leaving in a short couple of days to be visiting family in Utah. If this wasn’t a “sign” from the Lord, I don’t know what is! I then visited your church with my husband and we were overwhelmed with so many wonderful feelings, that being relief that we immediately felt that orthodoxy was home. We now attend a church near us back home and we are finally catechumen! 🙏🏻❤️
One of the most frustrating things that I experience with my protestant friends is their constant complaining that protestant churches do not offer fellowship and accountability. And simultaneously their complete rejection of orthodoxy, which 100% offers what they say they are lacking. I have to just stop and pray for them. I want to shake them awake and say, “ you are begging for a spiritual hospital and every time I show you the sign pointing to the spiritual hospital you start telling me that I am wrong….that you need your library to convert to a hospital instead.” Sigh. Pray for the whole world.
As a Protestant, I recognize the fundamental flaws in my church, particularly with the abandonment of tradition. I also recognize the fundamental flaws in humanity. There is no perfect church, but there is a perfect God. And that God is who I rely on to lead me. I see anyone who believes in the Trinity, the resurrection, and the power of repentance as a brother or sister in Christ, and I look to the day when the Lord creates a new heaven and new earth where the church is reunited under his Holy leadership.
Honestly I feel like this argument can be used against every church that isn't the Orthodox Church. To my surprise there is a growing number of orthodox people who are seeing the phrases and singing that the Oriental Church have the Holiness of our church. And I feel like it's a betrayal cuz I would never say such a thing because there is no church other than the Orthodox Church that creates such amazing saintly figures.
@LaustibiChriste33 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong? Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong? I'm a protestant (for now) and you're reasoning only sounds nice because you take the attitude of ecumenism or the attitude of Gomez. You don't need to experience something to know it is wrong. I have to make such a strong analogy otherwise it'll derail the argument for awhile over not judging people (which the Bible doesn't say that, it says work on yourself first so you may help other rightly and you will be measured on how you judge so don't be a hypocrite.)
@LaustibiChriste33 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong? Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong? I'm a protestant (for now) and you're reasoning only sounds nice because you take the attitude of ecumenism or the attitude of Gomez. You don't need to experience something to know it is wrong.
@LaustibiChriste33 PT3 I have to make such a strong analogy otherwise it'll derail the argument for awhile over not judging people (which the Bible doesn't say that, it says work on yourself first so you may help other rightly and you will be measured on how you judge so don't be a hypocrite.) It also must be done with an idea to build up and not tear down.
@LaustibiChriste33 PT 1 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong? Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong?
Hmmm… I was born again 30 years ago. I am a Bible believer and a Jesus follower. The examples this gentleman gave as a type of “proof is in the pudding” Are the same experiences I had at my grandmother’s Pentecostal church when I was newly saved. A special guest there had a “word of knowledge“ for many people there including me. Just like you described about the saint in this video. So if that is one of your main proofs that orthodoxy is true, it’s a bit of a failure. The difference between the “average” Bible believing church Entity and the orthodox church is that we don’t feel that we need to elevate people that we see following Christ. That is why there aren’t books about people who have been crowned as Saints by an organization. However, over my Christian life, I have met such people. The woman that was crucial and me coming to Christ, that God used amazingly when I first met her it was like looking in the face of love. And I remember thinking, as a sinner, wow, this woman loves me and she doesn’t even know me. And if she did know me, she certainly wouldn’t love me because I am quite wretched. But no book has been written about her and yet her funeral was overflowing with people whom God had touched through her throughout her long life. So your 5-word “proof” statement for orthodoxy Falls very short. The Bible itself, the very words of God, calls All born again believers Saints and priest and Kings. We don’t need man stamp of approval because we have God stamp of approval because the complete work of the Lord Jesus Christ shedding his blood on the cross and then applying that payment to my was complete and thorough and enough. “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
" I am a Bible believer and a Jesus follower." Your bible makes numerous contradicting and hypocritical claims my friend. How do you differentiate between what is truthful from what is fantasy? Thanks and good luck.
@@samlee5016 I think you story about your godly friend is lively. No need to have semantic word games… or to get exercised over vocabulary choices. We call godly people Saints to distinguish them from ordinary ‘saints’ like us..,like you we know they are different. It’s a matter of honoring them like I see you honor your friend. And like you probably ado, we think of them and try to use their lives to model our own. They aren’t given a stamp of approval (at least in Orthodoxy) so much as lived as the living person they are. We are not all priests in the way you use it. Yes, we have priestly roles in that we are called to live godly lives and spread the gospel. But ordained priests, like pastors, have certain obligations and are sanctified by the church to fulfill them. Presiding over sacraments for one thing…communion, marriage, death, confession. Not just any old church member does those things unless no priest/pastor is available.
@@marjoriezimmerman3969 " a significant part of the Bible is poetry, which by nature is not and not intended to be literally true." I'd say 99 percent of what the bible claims is false. So how do you differentiate between what is the poetry and what isn't? What method do you recommend that I use my dear? If you can't isn't it best to read the bible as ALL poetry? Thanks.
Father Truebenbach, as a cradle Eastern Orthodox Christian I have followed your RUclips channel for over a year now. You have been a pure blessing to our Church. Glory to Christ for fathers like you in this world of ours. Your blessings, father.
Now it's time for you to listen to the words of the Apostles, who said you can only claim to know God (which is much more than just being a member of a religion) if you are 100% sure you are going to Heaven when you die: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." - 1 John 5:13 Read John 5:24 for yourself to find out how (trusting in God the Son ALONE to save you, who is a Person and who is not a religion/church: 1 Timothy 2:5).
@ but you see that Bible verse (or any Bible verse) was written in the Greek and put in the Bible you are quoting by the very church fathers, father Truebenbach is speaking to you about. Of course they trust Christ and Christ alone. Why else would they record all of it in the Bible for you and me and the entire world? Why else would they sacrifice their own lives throughout the centuries without any gain, but for you to read it? Don’t you think you should listen and find out how and why they did that for you, literally for the love of Christ?! Hmm? It might help actually.
I am not a Protestant, i am A MONARCHIAN, we were not from you or the RCC, we were the true Orthodoxy. We didn't start the 16th century, we can see in scriptures our doctrine of the Mighty God in Christ and Jesus as Son of God and the Father! And that comforter the Holy Spirit is Jesus as seen in John 14; and compared to Isa.9:6. Clement and Ignatius, Herma's, Irenaeus, Melito, Mathetes, Papias, all the Bishops of Rome till 223 a d. Noetus, Praxeas, Sabellius, Epigonus and Cleomenes. I will compare the Pentecostals of the Bible to those today! I see we follow the correct Salvationa plan,l Jesus name baptism and Spirit baptism fulfilling John 3:3,5. I see the Holiness standards of our church following a outward standard of the inward. The doctrine of a Trinity of three persons we reject, some call it Modalistic Monarchianism. [ A term Adolph Harnack came up with in 1890 to define us from what supposed teachings of Dynamic Monarchians. I would ask, who or what is God in John 1:1? We Apostolic Oneness Pentecostal Christians reject the Trinity as persons and the doctrine is a 3rd century Heresy.
America has freedom to choose what faith to have. In a large Evangelical church I occasionally attend, they have people who have been born Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, mainline Protestant, and, yes, Orthodox. Sadly, this freedom is not present in many countries. Several years ago I served a missionary who was expelled from Greece for proselytizing. Russia is also becoming unsafe for Evangelicals. There are other examples, especially in Muslim countries. I have a family member who is Orthodox, and have nothing personally against that faith, but would caution against having any specific Religion dominate the government.
Great video, I’m currently somewhat new to orthodoxy. I’ve spent my entire life a protestant, so a lot of things are new to me. I’ve been wondering, which saint to start learning about first, but I guess this settles it. I closed your video to look him up so I wouldn’t forget and really even in the pictures of him i can feel a kindness and humility coming through my phone screen maybe I’m just crazy though lol
You're not crazy. That is, quite honestly, how I and so many others feel when one studies a Saint like St. Paisios. He radiates warmth and love. Extremely Christ-like.
The problem is that western Protestants are in such a bubble, I'm sure the overwhelming majority of them have to idea who St Paisios is and don't even really understand what a saint is.
As a Greek, I'm ashamed that I haven't been to the Holy Mountain of Athos to visit an Elder. These people are not only seriously learned, but filled to the brim with the Grace of our Lord. I have to one day, rather much sooner than later. I'm only a few hours away from the capital of Athens where I live. But thank God there's a monastery right next to my house.
How do we receive this same Spirit with such ambition and enthusiasm? I believe God does work through particular people in such life changing ways, just to be clear not for my own benefit or glory but only so I may serve God. How do I keep His presence so close that He may use me for His will?
Im going to be in trouble for this, but as a Catholic, the 2d most convincing arguement for the Orthodox is Benedict XVI and his position on Orthodoxy. The 1st is the practical apostacy from the faith of the apostles of Francis (Bergoglio).
Some Protestants in the chat are very open to your words and suggestions and then there’s some that have closed minds. But the fact they are watching your fabulous, informative video says everything you need to know. God Bless you Fr Paul.
I’m a Protestant and I Love the Orthodox Church! The church service was very beautiful one of the best worship services I’ve ever been apart of. It felt very Holy in my opinion.
I thank God for such unsolicited gushing comments regarding our worship. It shows me that the Holy Spirit is moving people across confessional lines to recognize the truth despite cultural barriers. That handsome fellow Jared the atheist who reviews churches he visited every week had the most profound appreciation for a parish and its priest who simply showed respect and sincere interest in him as a person and not a means to an end. Jared is experiencing lived Orthodox theology.
This is why I initially left the protestant church I was raised in. I was looking very hard but I could not tell any difference between the people at church and the regular unsaved Joes. No behavioral difference. Same behavioral problems. Doing one thing on Saturday night and railing against other people doing it on Sunday morning. I didn't learn about the Scofield heresy until much later, but I definitely saw the results and wanted no part in it.
I was first introduce to Yeshua (Jesus is not his Jewish name) when I was 10 years old when my mother who had just a few hours earlier accepted Christ by way of the golden 4 spiritual Laws pamphlet. That was in 1968. I have had a zigzag walk full of potholes, ditches, and deserts. Grew up in the evangelical, non denominational, protestant church. Left the protestant church over 20 years ago because One of the things my mother instilled in me was STUDY of scripture. I would spend time reading and then go to church and hear things out of the pulpit that was in DIRECT CONFLICT of what scripture clearly states... I remember about 10 years ago reaching a crisis. I was in my office at work one day and i threw up my hands in frustration and I said to God, I'm done with church SHOW ME THE TRUTH where ever and WHATEVER that is I WILL FOLLOW. That lead me on a journey that I am still on... I know that in John Yeshua is speaking to the spiritual experts (Pharissee's, scribes, and teachers of the Law) when he said to them: You diligently search the scriptures seeking eternal life yet you do not come to me, therefore it is no I who will judge you but Moses for he saw my day and REJOICED. Furthermore in Amos were are told that the LORD CHANGES NOT... knowing these I knew that I could start in Genesis. My biggest issue of the ENTIRE body is that they are like the jews before them are a STIFFNECKED people. The length to which they will go to make the Torah go away is almost comedic. In Romans Paul tells us that the LAW IS HOLY and good. We are called to be HOLY. These statements are not revolutionary or outlandish they are backed up by VOLUMENOUS amounts of scripture. The issue as I see it, is that many perhaps MOST are not distinguishing Holiness from Salvation. This has to do with the LACK of understanding how covenants work. There are UNILATERAL covenants and bilateral covenants. The biggest problem in my opinion is that people try to attempt to suggest that the cross has done away with the LAW. This stems from NOT UNDERSTANDING who Christ is... We have a tendency to super impose our world on those folks that lived 2000 years ago, Their culture was RADICALLY different than western culture. We look at our bibles failing to consider at the time John penned the Gospel of John that there was only 1 WORD that existed and it was the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament was letters being circulated there was no canonization of the NT yet...Even if you accept the notion that, that process had already started, CLEARLY JOHN was NOT writing about the gospels that were circulation at that time. The Old testament was divided into 3 sections the Torah(1st 5 books) the prophets, and the writings. The latter 2 were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The first is different. God AUDIBLY spoke to Moses and Jews called it the word. So when John says the WORD became flesh is saying the TORAH BECAME FLESH. Why do you think Folks like DAVID would say things like Oh I LOVE YOUR LAW.... because they saw YESHUA. In Judges over and over you see the phrase: and every man did what was right in his own eyes. The first time you see if you are like me you are like well, they are trying to do what is right... God called them EVIL. The Torah shows us the path of what GOD calls right action and right behavior. Then there are those that who will say "Oh Im led by the spirit" Well now you have a big problem because the PRIMARY JOB of the Holy Spirit is to lead you in all truth. What is TRUTH? THE TORAH is Truth Psalms 119, 142 and 36 tell us that (I gave 3 witnesses only 2 are required to establish a fact according to Moses) Observance of the commandments leads to fear of the Lord which leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to sound judgement. Sound Judgment leads to an upright and orderly walk. This leads to humility and the fruit of that is HOLINESS.
My 2-word response to Orthodoxy...sola scriptura. "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you" (1 John 2:27)
I'd love to visit Mt. Athos for some guidance. I'm wanting to seriously visit a monastery here in the States. I'm in a strange place (to me) spiritually. I was driven into a very deep, dark spiritual depression that lasted for a long time. I finally leaned into my autism, pushed the whole world away, retreated into myself and began to pray the Jesus Prayer and asking Christ to show me my sins and give me the strength to battle them. There have been a few occasions when I've felt such peace and love poured out that it was almost overwhelming but I wanted more. I wanted to be fully immersed and changed by it, never separated from it. I've lost all interest in the world since I've begun to see it for all that it really is. The universe is all just condensed energy of varying densities from empty space to the core of the most dense black hole. It's energy caused by vibrating singularities protruding into nothing and making a lot of something along with the space for it to be in. It's all just an ongoing Vocalization that began at the Big Bang, when God spoke it into existence. We struggle to wrap our 3 dimensional minds around things that we simply can't comprehend apart from Him. We are immortal beings, created at a point in time but having no end. Yet Christ said we have eternal life. Eternal means outside of time, without beginning or end. We were designed to exist in an eternal state with Christ. Those are some pretty extreme operating parameters so the amount of preparation needed is sobering. The world? It's just a manufacturing facility designed to produce a Counterpart for God, a Bride. I fear for those who have made themselves a part of the factory and deny that they even have a Designer. What is to be done with such "products" when the process is complete and the factory is shut down and demolished?
"Show me your Saint Paisios" are the 5 words, in case anyone is impatient. Basically he liked this guy and the stories about him that he's read, so begome Ortho. Never mind that this is also the argument of the Muslims, who point to their perfect prophet. Or the Mormons, or various Christian groups who like their favorite figure of their denomination. Idk, I'm more of the camp that theology is a better metric than measuring whose favorite legendary figures against one another. So, not that I wish to speak for protestants, but a good 4-word response might be "show me your Bible" and we can see together what Christ and the apostles taugh without having to speculate.
Were the bodies of Muhammad and Joseph Smith incorruptible? If no, then Muslims and Mormons can't compare them to our Saints. Incorruptible bodies allow for relics, and relics are a by-product of incarnational Theology! It shows that the Faith one speaks of is real (and not just of the mind only...AKA ...what you prefer). We don't deny the Power of God for the power of God is incarnational. It's real in the here and now! This is why his 5 words matter!
If you consider the statement "Show me your Saint Paisios" as an endorsement of the concept of "Christian Perfection" rather than as "I liked this guy and the stories about him...", it actually shows the Orthodox disagreement with the Protestant worldview quite well. As an evangelical, it is actually a brilliant way to highlight the difference with Rome. This is because, besides the Protestant teaching of concupiscence *as* the presence of sin (or, that the presence of sin remains within the body even after his guilt is wiped out, imputed onto Christ - Romans 7:21-25, Galatians 5:17), there is actually no other significant point of *doctrine* that Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and Cranmer all articulate in the *exact same way* that isn't a simply a general 'Christian point of agreement' with Rome as well (obviously there are other things they agree on, but those were more concerned with their approach to the practice, piety and politics of Rome - things which change, unlike formally-professed dogma). It is also the only Protestant doctrine, which, over the centuries, has remained utterly unaltered in its normative understanding - every other unifying concept in Protestantism, be it Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Deo Gloria, Solus Christus - all of them differ greatly in how they are interpreted, not to mention how differently they are treated in the common day than in ages past (an example with Sola Scriptura's diverse interpretations is how Francis Turretin, Zwingli, Luther and Calvin all explicitly refer to Tradition to 'affirm' the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, despite there being prooftexts against it in his mind. Another example is how some Anglicans, early ones, so not just 'Anglo Catholics', will hold to 'Solus Christus' yet also say that their 'priests' are acting 'in persona Christi'). By pointing to a man's life as an example, the Orthodox demonstrate that they believe in "Christian Perfection", or that the presence of sin is indeed eradicated from his body in regeneration. Such a thing no Protestant can earnestly affirm. Now, does simply stating that you believe in "Christian Perfection" actually prove the position? No. But it is a good response nonetheless because it shows where the soul of the issue is.
@@lemmingkingyt5618 It's essentially two groups talking past one another. He is convinced of what he believes because of an example he has for Christian Perfection, but doesn't even mention any Biblical argument for his belief. A protestant (hopefully) will argue the Biblical merit of their position but not believing in Christian Perfection, will not consider an example even relevant.
@@ChristianCombatives It's also important to mention that a Protestant cannot affirm Christian Perfection. Otherwise, justification can not be purely forensic (and also be ontological) - this is Catholicism, or, on the other hand we must affirm Pelagianism.
Another example of this denomination exalting people they deem saints to make it look as if protestants are out here doing nothing. My family was raised Baptist as was I and I think we've all moved into non-denominational territory. My uncle turned his life around and gave himself to Jesus. Ended up making a ton of money selling insurance. Then he decided to quit his lucrative career so that he could build a church and drive a school bus. In the country, drugs had become a problem and his church took in addicts and put them through rehab. His church grew and so did his ministry. My uncle gave a lot of money away over the years too, yet he never went under. Never left his ministry or stifled his generosity even when his brother told him to go back to the insurance gig. I've seen Gods blessings in his life and in our family's life. Protestants don't need to record every single notable person per church or time period because we have no need to exalt or worship people, or pray to anyone except Jesus who is the one mediator between man and God. These religious leaders are so tone deaf that they can't recognize how much they sound like ignorant Pharisees as opposed to saints. Not all protestants are like Joel Olsteen. Not all of us attend a mega church. Plenty of us do take weekly comunion and take our faith very seriously as well as our doctrine.
@TheZMom_Emmelia All we need to do is repent and believe. True belief will produce good fruit, works, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. His yolk is easy and his burden is light. The Christian life can be difficult if we allow it to be difficult, but there's grace for all of us who keep the faith, make an effort to obey him, and endure til the very end.
@MR-dl8js You're welcome. I don't know why I even bother watching these videos. They pop up in my feed, and I get curious even though I already have an idea where it's going. There's a lot of ignorance among church goers/leaders no matter what denomination it is. I grew up in Kentucky. The Catholieve that I was exposed to their didn't even remotely resemble Jesus or Christianity. I've lived in Missouri for the past 4ish years and the Catholics here are a little different in a better way. They're a little more sincere, but they still believe that they are the only "true church". Evangelicals have a big share of their own crazies, but it's like these people see Kenneth Copeland, Joel Olsteen, Stephen Furtick, etc, and assume that we're all charismatics or mega churches, or maybe we go to some small snake handling church where we speak in tongues. Before I started meeting real Catholics I thought they all thought the Pope was the pinnacle of righteous authority and he was infallible. Thank God many Catholics have the common sense to know that isn't true. I don't know how big of a deal it is, maybe I'm just too sensitive. I hear stuff like this and it feels like a personal attack to people I know who have risked everything to further the kingdom of God. I study the scripture and I'm not necessarily even a sola scriptura kind of guy. But at the same time if I read something that's antithetical to the Bible I will reject it immediately. That's why I'm in my non-denom camp.
Father, maybe you can make a video with a list of book recommendations on different topics (which also deals with certain criticisms people bring up), and maybe point people to other edifying Orthodox channels so that people might learn more
I am interested in the Orthodox Church, but I grew up Protestant, then a became an Atheist, then I was brought back to the faith in a roundabout way through the writings of Dr Bernardo Kastrup, an analytic Idealist, who dismantles Materialism, the main ontological view of atheists, however, the Orthodox Church teaches the Perpetual Virginity of Mary which I have trouble with. The reason why is this: Secular Greek scholars generally follow the conventions of the original Greek text when translating the New Testament, including the verses in question: Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3. Here's how they translate these passages and the implications of their translations: Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 in Greek Both passages refer to Jesus' "brothers." The relevant Greek word is “ἀδελφοί” (adelphoi), which is commonly translated as "brothers." Here's a closer look: Matthew 13:55: Greek: “Οὐχὶ ὁ τοῦ τέκτονος ὁ υἱὸς; οὐχὶ ἡ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ ὀνομάζεται Μαρία; καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ αὐτοῦ Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Σίμωνας καὶ Ἰούδας;” Translation: "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary? And aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?" Mark 6:3: Greek: “Οὐχὶ οὗτος ἐστὶν ὁ τέκτων, ὁ υἱὸς τῆς Μαρίας, καὶ ἀδελφοὶ Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Ἰούδας καὶ Σίμωνας; καὶ οὐχὶ αἱ ἀδελφαὶ αὐτοῦ μεθ' ἡμῶν εἰσίν;” Translation: "Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary? And aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" Common Translation In most English translations, including secular versions, these phrases are consistently rendered as "brothers." For instance, most translations like the NIV, ESV, and NRSV will use "brothers" in both verses, staying true to the original Greek term “ἀδελφοί”. Interpretation Challenges Cousins vs. Brothers: There is little scholarly consensus among secular translators that equates “ἀδελφοί” with "cousins." Instead, the preference is largely for "brothers," as this is the straightforward translation of the term. The translation of "cousins" tends to arise within specific theological frameworks, particularly when interpreting these passages in light of the doctrine of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. Contextual Understanding: While secular scholars may translate the verses as "brothers," interpretations about the nature of these relationships vary widely based on theological perspectives rather than translational issues. Scholars recognize that familial language in ancient texts can be fluid and context-dependent.
I have met old lifelong Baptists, that have that fruit of the Spirit. Not flashy displays of power, quiet, loving, joyful, peace. It's hard to describe, they've been walking, 80 years, and you look in their eyes, you can see paradise. They are quite mundane, but you can feel the Spirit in their presence, and you are lifted into that awareness. I'm sure there are more developed Christians, all I'm saying is, this priest hasn't looked. Also, he needs to be willing to see.
Although we Anglo-Catholics are not by definition "Protestant", our bishop is a Benedictine Monk and our new priest is a Benedictine, 3rd order. I'm a Franciscan.
As a Protestant, I’ve enjoyed learning about brothers with different persuasions who are rooted in Christ. Ive grown to love orthodoxy for what I know of it. Church history is rich. Christ is King. Ecclesiology and doctrine matter. Charitable disagreements are worth wrestling through with brothers who think differently. Love is the chief motive and our faith in Christ requires that we demonstrate we love one another without unnecessary division. That said- God spoke and divided light from darkness. We have to mark and avoid, call it for what it is- that some are just simply not Christian’s, some are weak and need mercy, some are harsh and need mercy, and no matter what- not a single one of us deserve salvation in Christ and yet belief in Christ has brought us into this family. Thank you for contending for the faith and uploading your persuasion with biblical reference and church history. Grace to you☦️
What a gracious and irenic response. I agree. As an evangelical and now Anglican, I am so grateful for the great Traditions of the Church. So much to learn from, glean, and consider. Christ’s disciples are known by the love they have for one another, despite our differences (and some are not insignificant). Blessings.
@@HusGoose a Protestant- yes. How much? A ton . It’s why I’m searching so much.. not sure how you expect Id answer that( as in a number scale?) EO meaning Eastern Orthodox? I’m still working through what the theological clear differences are. At the time of this writing, I’m a confessional reformed baptist and see some clear distinctions of course. That said, I don’t understand why some of us (universally speaking of the Christian church) try to lord over the persuasions of others. I wasn’t always reformed theologically, so to think this is my last stop would be irresponsible in my opinion. Taking the time to learn about the rest of the body, what makes us brothers(or not) and being charitable from an informed position makes disagreements clear and correction loving. Otherwise we become tribal and act as if people were baptized into anything other than Christ. Where do you stand brother?
@@Joeymuggz I understand your quest for knowledge and truth. I am reformed Baptist as well because it’s biblical. If it weren’t we shouldn’t be. We should never graduate from this position because the scripture is fixed. And there is absolutely ecumenical brotherhood we can have with Presbyterians, basic non-demons Calvary chapel, conservative Methodists Anglicans, Lutherans, etc. because we agree on the gospel and general front stage presuppositions (though we may disagree on backstage predestination and the effectual nature of baptism). As a reformed people we believe in always reforming back to original intent. Meaning, all church history is important to study but ultimately doesn’t matter if it conflicts with what the apostles taught. Church history is full of apostasy and heresy at many times almost impacting the entire church. This happened before and after the EO even existed. Again, We reform to original intent. So as a reformed person, what is the true gospel? The one Paul taught and said if anyone preached a gospel other than the one I preached the them be accursed? The EO church does not believe that gospel. In EO You are justified by works throughout your life as merited Grace is extended to you. This process is called Theosis and is semi-Arian. It is Anti-Ephesians. The reason the situation is serious is the EOs have an overlay dogma, similar to Roman Catholicism that evolved over time. Through people they label saints, like Paisios highlighted in this video, They venerate and regard what they say as on par with the text. In fact, If it comes down to the text vs a “saint” they side with the saint. And say, look how good he sounds as we saw here. Their view of scripture is not scripture alone, but that the ecclesia alone can interpret scripture. Therefore it’s ecclesia alone and scripture when its suits us. So If you read the plain meaning of the text as we do in Ephesians 1 and 2 they will deny it in practice and direct you to their works-based concept of Theosis. Then they proceed to argue like a Roman Catholic about meritorious grace. If you are not familiar with theosis I would encourage you to read their own texts. In the matter. Also read Athanasius, whom we agree with to see where they take his quotes and create a dogma around it. Look into their veneration of the saints, note the prayers to the dead etc. but again most importantly ask an EO how can one be saved. It will become immediately clear, whether you are speaking with a priest or the laity you are speaking with a modern Pharisee, for the exact same reason. Not someone who has heard the gospel. They need to be loved and evangelized, not encouraged.
@ totally hear you brother. One of the reasons I continue to search is to understand how they got the conclusion they are at and how they reason. Hearing their( their meaning anyone of a different persuasion) perspective from them and hearing how it’s defended in debates or through church history help me examine what I think I believe. That said, being that we believe in it being by grace alone and in the sovereignty of God- God Himself is sovereign over wack theology. It’s not because of what we know that we are saved. It’s because of who He is. Being reformed and learning more about church history and governance has been extremely helpful in understanding how people come to the persuasions they get to. What’s your take on Assyrian, EO etc in regards to tradition? Beyond what could be deemed legalistic(let’s be honest, Calvinists just like the rest can fall into legalism too) and beyond ecclesiology, do you think they hold accurate church traditions from the early church?
I very much agree with your outlook! I truly discovered Orthodoxy as a senior at Trinity Lutheran Seminary; I read Fr. Oleksa's 'Orthodox Alaska' and then 'Alaska Missionary Spirituality'. That second book had some letters & journal entries from the first monks in Alaska. I was strongly drawn by their humility; over a decade later I'm teaching new members in my Orthodox parish.
The story of St. Paisios is what is pulling me towards joining our Orthodox church in Kansas City. The Orthodox church is an unbroken chain of true spiritual awakening that goes all the way back to Christ himself. Its so wild too that i started typing this reply before he said Where is your St.Paisios?
I wish the story of the unbroken chain of Apostolic succession from the 1st century was enough for everyone to be convinced… seems pretty straightforward to me! The lives of the Saint’s is the icing on the cake. Why people argue or try to refute it with ignorance is mind boggling!!!
St.Paisios was known for his Clairvoyance. “Clairvoyance is new age and is often viewed with skepticism and is associated with practices condemned in the Bible.”
Thank you for this practical answer. I've been examining Orthodoxy after years of struggling to find logical answers to problems in Protestantism (eg., sola fide not agreeing with St. James).
@@thomasthellamas9886 Yes. The Calvinist ones suggest the "P" in TULIP is shown in James as Perseverance+Preservation, which seems to me to sidestep the problem of sola fide, not to mention that Luther wanted St. James's epistle removed from his Canon.
@@coppernicklaus245 Imo, the reformed commentaries on James harmonize well with the relationship between faith and works. And as much as I dislike Luther, I think historians are pretty clear and honest that his remarks on James do not mean he did not believe in its inspiration. That’s just me tho. And I’m young and ignorant of a lot. Still hearing
@thomasthellamas9886 Fair enough. Presbyterians (PCA anyway) get pretty close to Orthodox positions, and the ministers I've talked to (when I've attended their churches) have agreed that faith without works is dead, so at least they're not in the easy-believism non-denom camp.
To me it sounds that Orthodoxy is in the Protestants’ radar because they are finally feeling threatened by it. And they should feel threatened because their time has come to become obliterated as their own adherents are leaving in droves and are joining Orthodoxy. I’m kind of happy about this.
Well then it would be the opposite since I have never seen protestants complained about Orthodoxy at all, but in every single comment section of Christian videos on Instagram/TikTok it is full catholics and orthodox hating. Protestants see ALL Christians as something beautiful, while catholics and orthodox are too busy fighting with all the other denominations sadly.
There are more Pentecostals alone than EOs. EOs have declined from 20% of global Christians in 1900 to 12%. And birth rates are collapsing in their heartlands in Eastern Europe.
@@clivejungle6999 This doesn't make Pentecostalism true. Else we would all be Arians. Also what happened in the 20th Century with Orthodoxy? Oh yeah. The second largest Genocide of the Century.
I do feel for Paul here. I feel like he yearns for the truth, but yearning for truth in your own way can cause people to be mislead. I hope he gets his answer.
I shivered when i heard your 5-word response. Yes. And most of us in our hearts have probably had an unspoken thought very similar to that. Of course it will fall on some ears that are deaf, but those who actually hear your sentence and this video will pay at least some attention. We will easily see here who refuses to hear. The struggles that the monk Paisios went through to become our dear Saint Paisios are challenges for any of us. We will read comments from those who don't intend to even try. Sad, but true. Thank you, Fr. Paul. Thank you, dear St. Paisios and all the saints who rejoice with you. [L/Mary on my husband's phone.]
For anyone doubting or outright challenging the icons in man, consider this. What was the default state of man and what did Christ work to return to us? If you say “endowed with the Holy Spirit,” and “reformed in the perfect image of God,” then bingo! Jesus tells His apostles that they will become “complete” or perfect when completely obedient to His will. The Trinity makes zero sense if this hasn’t happened with saints. The Holy Spirit, without a perfected host, becomes an intangible force that periodically spurs people on and then retreats to quietude. If the church is truly comprised of saints who have been remade in God’s image (conformed to the image of Christ anyone?), then Protestantism is truly lacking and ineffective. I searched for so long for someone to regard as Christ in accordance with the early believers, and found none. My FIRST encounter with Orthodoxy resulted in such. My priest knows and cares for His flock by name, only asks for “tithes” in assisting the needy, and never rushes his sheep out of his presence for fear of missing Sunday brunch. He is a many who prays for himself and others during and after every service. Go and make disciples, anyone? Greater things than these will you do, anyone? Be holy for I am holy, anyone?
“Quakers have no saints. John Woolman was a Quaker saint” was the introduction to a teaching about the Journal of John Woolman. His miracle was being an essential link in the world wide abolition of legal slavery. Not bad for a New Jersey tailor.
This is a noble challenge to us all, regardless of faith expression. We should all be striving for holiness, to live lives of repentance. And I acknowledge the importance of results -- fruits. But if we are to focus on the results of spiritual practices, liturgies, sacraments and so forth, then my seven word reply would be: Show me you are all Saint Paisios.
My heart is growing increasingly softer towards the orthodox church and I do agree the orthodox church does a far better job of forming Christians into saints. I have always been bothered by the protestant stance on sins. To .e they either felt flippant or to the other extreme judgemental and without grace. That being said I believe this argument to be a poor one. 1) there is a terminology barrier which prevents many protestants from speaking about saints. 2) many protestant denominations do not recognize saints or at least modern saints and many have decentralized structures unable to communicate what God is doing at a local level across the world. Which means even if a true saint existed in one of these churches (and I believe they do) no one outside their community would know their name. 3) This one may come off as slightly disrespectful but I assure you it is not intended to be so. The challenge that other churches do not have saints seems a bit smug and makes it look as though you may not be eccumentally aware enough to be entering into the conversation in the first place. Off the top of my head I would name Smith Wigglesworth all sorts of miracles, the Wesley brothers were said to have prayed for ppl and raised them from the dead, William Seymour, Tommy Welchel, and I can't even begin to list the number of nameless souls who have done amazing miracles in developing nations like those in Africa and Asia. This is only to name a few and restrain the list to supernatural miracles not to mention ppl like Jonathan Daniel's or others that have laid down their lives for their faith. I believe the orthodox church is more authentic but I would say engaging in any way in the argument of who are "real christians" and who are not is just Christians trying to judge mens souls which is a job reserved for our heavenly Father alone. Christians are strongest and most beautiful when we love rather than when we judge.
Father, thank you so much for this. A large part of why I am now a catechumen is the real, palpable, and utterly transformative presence of Christ I experienced within an Orthodox Christian. An imperfect, ordinary, fairly new one at that. But it was indescribable. Heavenly. Weird, in the best way. After many long conversations I converted, or am in the process thereof. But that first meeting, it was divine.
Hello brother. I am a believer in Jesus like you, and also a minister -- although we do not adhere to the same theological structure. I want to start by affirming that I truly believe the words of Paul in Ephesians 4:5-6, 'One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all'. I trust you belong to Him, as do I. So it must be that we are of this one faith that Paul spoke of. Christ is not divided. I do affirm that the miraculous still happens, and also that the spiritual gifts are still very much alive and at work. So the claims of miraculous works from your example saint is not something I take issue with or inherently doubt. God still performs miracles through people. With that said, to compare ourselves with the apostles is no light matter. My rebutle to your perspective is through the words of Polycarp, in his epistle to the Philippians. Polycarp, as you may know, was a disciple of the apostle John. He was a faithful servant and Bishop of the Lord for decades, before eventually being burned alive for his faith. I hope we can agree that very few have as much reason to compare themselves to the apostles as he did, having literally been commissioned by them. Although, in his epistle, he makes a very clear distinction between himself and Paul. He doesn't claim to be speaking as a different flavor apostle, or as a continuation of Paul's authority whatsoever. In the 3rd chapter of his letter he says, 'Brothers, I write these things to you concerning righteousness not on my own initiative but because you requested it of me. For neither I nor another like me is able to follow after the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul.' Obviously this is a statement concerning the authority of the Pauline epistle. In closing I will make this claim: Spiritual gifts are still very much alive, yet apostolic and canonical authority was once and for all. Many blessings, Stone Keener
@@tranquilenvironments I googled: Nearly 30% of all Catholic saints actually possessed some paranormal powers or had psychic experiences! That’s the fascinating conclusion of former top parapsychologist Rhea White, who passed away in 2007. The researcher studied the lives of 2,532 Catholic saints and found that 676 of them - an incredible 27% - had some sort of psychic experiences. Her study revealed that 310 saints actually performed miracles and 55 had ESP. At least 31 saints were clairvoyants and 24 had telepathic experiences, 20 could read minds and 32 predicted their own deaths. Others had the uncanny power to be in two places at the same time, while some had the eerie ability to speak and understand languages they’d never heard before.
The lack of healthy skepticism in the orthodox faith is a huge barrier to entry. I’ve been in rooms where everyone was convinced they were speaking in tongues of angels. B just because they thought it was real, didn’t make it theologically sound, empirically true, or even helpful to the spiritual formation of the fellowship. Hagiography is a very old practice, but it doesn’t make it an honest one. We live in a world full of mentalists, illusionists and even perhaps demonic power masquerading as miracles. Be skeptical. Most stories of modern miracles are non-falsifiable or don’t pass the smell test. Biblically, this is calling for “testing the spirits” to see if it’s from God. A good heuristic would be to ask: how is this apocryphal story, practice, or tradition related to the gospel? How does it help me experience the good news of redemption and union with Christ and share that good news with others?
Retired catholic priest.. great insight the only Church that has pedigree and traceable to the apostles..is the orthodox and Catholic traditions.. like islam an earlier form of Protestantism despite 1054 we still have a shared foundation.. good work Father
I thank the Apostles of Christ ,Saints and forefathers for keeping their faith having it written and following Jesus Christ our Lord commands spreading his Gospel to the Ends of the earth Through the Holy Spirit this was done. All Glory to Our God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen.
I am Protestant, I am thankful that I have the freedom to be Protestant and that you have the freedom to be Orthodox. Rather then fight about why I'm more biblical then you I choose to just let you be Orthodox. Let people read their bibles and if God gives discernment let people discern. I do not follow dead Saints, I follow the living God. Any true teacher of Christ will not try to join you to themselves, but rather make sure you are joined to Christ. Jesus said my sheep hear MY Voice. We are at the time when the Wheat and the Tares have matured and it about to be harvested. Better make sure that the fruit your bearing is wheat. You don't want to hear those terrifying words "depart from me I never knew you".
I would wager that the men that wrote the Bible would know best. And inb4 you say 'God's Word' ... Well, he said those words to the Orthodox brothers in God's own church. Not a Protestant church nor a Protestant had anything to do with the Bible.
Thank you Father, i am Orthodox Christian,from Africa and is so great to teach them the truth. Similar mre shoud be communicated in every means for protestants.
I had started reading his biography (the one with the green cover), and put it down for a bit. I was going in for a brochoscopy (where they put a camera in to check and biopsy the lungs - it was the first of three that I had). I decided to take that book with me to read while I was waiting. I opened it up and picked up where I had left off. It happened to be the part of the book where it discussed one of the health issues he had - a problem with his lungs! It comforted me and I felt better about everything after that. Saint Paisios, pray for us!
@@thomasthellamas9886 Eastern Orthodoxy is the true Church of Christ...Oriental Orthodoxy split as monophysites in the 5th century Assyrian the same,Coptic the same...Latin catholicism even more thye same..Protestants denominations even even more...Old believers are schismatics...
@@icxcnika2037 If you read my comment closely, you’ll notice I didn’t say anything about the word Orthodox in the other schematics names, having any value. That should be clear because 2 the groups I named don’t have the word “Orthodox” in their name. And the mere fact that I know of and can name some of those groups means I’m not entirely ignorant. But yeah. You missed my point and wrote an irrelevant paragraph in response to the point you missed lol
The Holy Bible is The Word of God written by divinely inspired individuals with their own unique lives in relation to God. It is, by far, the most historically accurate ancient text that has predicted over 120 prophecies. It is not a scientific text, nor purely an historical account, however, it is full of wisdom and inspiration that has been not only relevant, but powerful for many centuries. It has shaped civilization and changed individuals for many generations, leading us to The Divine in practices that teach us to love not only The Creator, but one another. The Message of Jesus Christ and Glorification of God is the main purpose of The Bible, and when read in the right spirit and with the right understanding, it comes alive. Many Atheists have even converted to Christianity while studying The Bible for academic purposes, some even while trying to DIS-Prove its Truth. May God Have Mercy On You. 🙏🏼 ❤
@@thomasthellamas9886 Authority of the Bible is the Church which established the Canonical books that compile the Bible...wake up...who told u whcih books are authentic? the Church so this is the authority not the Bible
@@Dropkicksmurphie everyone here has an epistemology reducible to personal interpretation. I’m just open about it and trying to get it as close to Gods direct Word as I can. As for the rest. I don’t concede
@@evans3922 By what standard does any individual at any time know what is God breathed or not? I’m not talking about you and me, but rather those who you believe canonized the 79 books. How did they know what was and wasn’t God breathed?
We have to be very careful not to get into a "we are better than you" attitude. Being a former Orthodox, and a Protestant, constant division is not of God. This is what Satan desires. I have no doubt there have been Holy men and woman in the Orthodox, RC, and Protestant faiths. To compare one is more Holy than another sets up division more than Unity. Unity is of God. I know a number of incredible Holy men who have brought millions and millions to Christ with their ministry, healing the sick and raising people from the dead. Holy Spirit filled men and women. Yes they were not called as canonized Saints but were truly amazing workers for Christ.They would have been Saints most likely if they were Orthodox. But I know this type of comparison provides more pride and less humility. Fwiw.
I'm a protestant, a Lutheran, myself. However, I find it ironic and honestly kind of stupid for a protestant to complain about division in the Church. I mean, we are the reason the Church isn't united. Technically the Roman Catholics, I guess, but I think you get my point. If we actually didn't want divisions in the Church, we would be Orthodox and try to end Protestantism.
Being in different churches is fine. You can identify yourself with a certain church and still know your salvation is faith alone. Or you could do what the disciples did and simply call yourself a Christian or follower of Christ. The actual issue is the narrow path, knowing that you're saved by faith alone. If you don't know that, then it's useless to identify yourself with any church. You have to first go solely by scripture alone, then once you know for certainty what God has revealed to you and you've armed yourself with scripture, feel free to join any church. Now spiritually, you can win battles since you'll know if anyone tries to get you to believe anything outside of faith is your salvation, you can immediately know it's demonic and a one way ticket to hell and a subversion off of the narrow road. That's the actual issue. Not a division of churches themselves.
@@JS_Guitar09 The Lutheran RC split is not by any means at all the first denominational split. If you knew church history, you would know that we (Lutherans) already tried to achieve communion with the EO church, and they said no. You would also know that we are also a direct descendant of the original ancient church, so why should it be on us to change? We should work together with other churches in areas we agree, and where we don't we can debate or agree to disagree.
If you say that Peter is the foundation of church, then you should've followed his faith. He refused to eat unclean foods; he held some Jews traditions, an example is circumcision. It is Paul who contradicts Peter. So, you still believe Peter is blameless of his teaching as a foundation of church? I am not the opposite to Peter anyways but since the orthodox and catholic still believe God's teachings is from you both, you should consider are all teachings these times really perfect, no need correction
@LaustibiChriste33 Which is also a falsehood in the opposite way. Makes the free will of man moot if God predetermineds the elect and can deceive anyone into thinking so. Still Prelest.
Protestant here. I love the online discourse that has sprung up more fervently in recent years, as it gives a lot of food for thought and meditation. I have deeply considered orthodoxy for myself, and find that there are a lot of amazing things to praise but also a few integral points that bring the whole structure down (in my own arrogant eyes, of course). That said, I truly believe (and I get to as a protestant) that my friends in orthodoxy are as within the body of Christ as my friends in other traditions. I'm grateful for the dialog, because it's made me certain that no church can save me, but only Yeshua the Messiah.
@@gehenna2148 You are the same guy who comments on every Orthodox video I can find that is telling people to become. Your obsession is stopping you from achieving holiness. Lord have mercy.
I've been separated from protestantism for 10 years now and so this argument makes perfect sense. But even as I distance myself from that life, I still strive to remember what kept me from Orthodoxy for 20 years so that I can hopefully add context to these discussions. This is essentially a meaningless argument for those who do not have some analogue of theosis. Protestantism is constantly preaching that you don't have to actually do anything. I realize that's a gross oversimplification (even though those exact words are used frequently), but to co-opt the popular political phrase and also re-phrase the video's argument, 'a system is what it does'. On paper you have various flavors of sanctification but in practice there is no identifiable group attempt at behavior modification, no matter what you call it. I believe this is protestantism's main selling point - and it's important to remember the reason it sells isn't because it's easy. It sells because it's a comfort to know you, individually, can be saved without, well, being a saint. Because the overarching point of protestantism is to get saved. Pursuing any further relationship with God immediately plunges you into fairly uncharted (for them) territory that frankly also has armed compounds in Waco on its flowchart of possibilities. The safe path for a protestant is to completely avoid the life of St Paisios. Besides the perception of it being unBiblical, they also perceive real dangers in it. Talking about St Paisios to your average protestant is the functional equivalent of talking about being the first human on Mars. Sure there are huge benefits, but even bigger dangers - and if you don't think it's necessary, would you try? The idea that St Paisios is far from alone - and that he's also joined by a throng of other "Thief on the Cross" saints who *didn't* live a life like his and are still saints - that's a slow ball pitch that takes a long, long time even to cross a protestant's base.
Protestant here to leave my 5 words! I don’t argue brotherly love! Walk your Faith in Christ! I LOVE my Orthodox brothers and sisters and I learn so much from them. My “St. Paisios” is One Greater! He is Jesus Christ! My grandpa was an amazing Christian man that gave me an “icon” if you will, to see with my eyes to base my life off of which has given me motivation to give my life to God. I would NEVER disrespect your icons, Saints. I’m thankful they have led many to Christ. I’ve been inwardly transformed and know many that are not “of the world” any longer. I am and know many that are “foreigners in the land”. I have seen miracles and have even had miracles worked by the Holy Spirit through my own hands with witnesses, COMPLETELY for edification and not of my own doing. Like the Orthodox say, “we know where God is, we don’t know where He isn’t” I’m here to say the same! With all love and respect!
@ I would LOVE to and plan to but the youth programs found outside the Orthodox Church, at least in my area, are far superior. I have the wherewithal to seek the fullness of Christ on my own but it’s important to me that my very young children are brought up enjoying going to church on Sundays. It’s hard to make a 3 year old stand still and quiet for 2 hours and I don’t want to be so hard on her that she no longer wants to go to church.
@@MrMann-gt1eh 3 things. 1. Orthodoxy does not say this. You may be able to find someone who says they're orthodox who will say it. But this is not a position of the Orthodox Church. 2. Church is not for Sundays. 3. 3 year olds should be in church and there's no need to stand still. There's a remarkable amount of pride in everything you're saying. Sadly you can't see it. How do I know. I'm a pride filled man who lacks humility. I know exactly what it looks and sounds like. The fact that you cannot go into the history of your fractured secular church and find the saints father is talking about should lead you to questions not answers. I say this with the Brotherly Love you speak of. Just agreeing with you, just ignoring your egregious error would not be love of any sort. In fact that would be a form of modern moral relativism that does not exist in Christ's Church. May God grant you the grace to overcome your excuses and find your way home.
I have had a similar argument against Protestantism. If your faith is the fullness of the faith, where are your saints? We don't judge a gym because it has some overweight people inside, but we might laud one that produces a champion body builder.
Wow. Billy Graham. John Bunyan. Charles Spurgeon. Difference is they don't call them saints. Paul in the Bible calls all believers saints, not just the big dogs. Try listening to the other side of this argument.
This isn’t really a good argument, as God can work through anything to bring souls to Himself. Further, we don’t know that the conversions are real. How many people on this planet claim to be Christian and yet are obviously not?
I'm a protestant and I don't agree with certain things about the orthodox church, Or maybe it's just that I don't understand there stance on certain subjects about theology, but it doesn't mean we should argue or fight, maybe sit down and discuss.There's a lot we can learn from each other.
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” ~ 2 Corinthians 10:12
@daltonms They find you less interesting than tic tok, so be more interesting. Develop your speech and arguments, and make better use of tone and volume.
As a Protestant, I love and respect my brethren in the Orthodox church. I have agreements and disagreements in matters of doctrine, but I believe we are still siblings in Christ. I will say, the Protestant response to these five words is also very simple: "we don't need one."
The Bible says to not bow down to or serve images, icons and men the way you would toward God. Why does the Orthodox Church insist upon elevating Mary and the "saints" to such high places? You say you do not worship them but the Bible does not even use the term 'worship', it say do not serve. What does serve mean, though? Well, I , and many others, would say that all the thing the Orthodox Church does it serving these men and their likenesses. This is not really even a debate, as it is clearly wrong according to the Bible. However, Orthodox tradition (which seems to trump the Bible rather than answering to it) say all of these rituals are not only good but necessary. So, I guess it is a debate, I mean, maybe I am wrong? I don't know? It's just that I read the Scriptures and then look at what the Orthodox do and it does not line up. The Bible does not teach Orthodoxy, only the Orthodox Church teaches Orthodoxy. I was open minded to Orthodoxy until I realized just how much it deviated from God's Word. But what gets me the most, is the fact that an Orthodox person does not even fully believe that he is going to heaven. We God says believe in the Son and you will be saved- he means it. We can trust God's promises implicitly. The faithful should believe with 100% certainty that he will be with God one day in the future. That is what faith is- trusting fully in the Lord. Of course there will be times of doubt- that is normal. Though, that is not what the Orthodox do, is it? The Orthodox merely hopes that by his activity in the Church he will be deemed worthy. There is a wishing but not a knowing. True faith is knowing. The true Church is anywhere two or more believers, saints, gather because Jesus is with them. The Church is not a building or a denomination, such as Orthodox. This is what God has revealed to me through his Holy Word and his living saints, our fellow believers- other Christians. I do not mean to be mean but Orthodox Christianity is the illusion of spirituality. It all looks so very religious does it not? But what is behind that facade? Tradition? Those traditions were all written by men who had no authority. Lean on Scripture, ignore the Imperial Byzantine propaganda. To anyone who reads this, don't be mad, I am just following the convictions the Lord has place upon my heart and in my mind.
Agreed. I also don't get why they have all these images in their churches. Exodus 20 clearly states that we shouldn't create images of "anything in heaven"...they idolise saints and it's just wrong honestly.
@@Tee-lady The images add to the mystique. The gilded icon, portraits, outfits, incense- I have heard them say they are emulating the ancient Israelites or scenes from the book of Revelation. But, the ceremonies of the Israelites were part of the Law, which has been fulfilled and as for Revelation, well that is clearly prophesy and not instructions for behavior. They claim that these practices have been done since the apostles, but that is demonstrably false as the early church was believers meeting in each other's houses without gawdy, gold everywhere. As you can see I have a lot to say. I recognize that the Orthodox have an amount of faith. I hope to kindle that faith by the grace of God. I want them to put away the worldly, man-made, unbiblical practices. I am ready to talk to anyone who will listen. I want others to love and fear the Lord, giving him his due as describe in his Holy Scripture. The Orthodox mock us protestants and non-denominational types often enough. Obviously, there are many false teachers in different denominations but we simply follow the Bible as we live by every word the proceeds from the mouth of God. We work out out faith with fear and trembling as well as love. We do not waste our efforts on worshipping, venerating, men and Mary. We, the faithful, are all saints. We can all be teachers as the Word is powerful and the Holy Spirit is with us. I want them, the Orthodox, to share the confidence that we have in Jesus's propitiation. He paid for our sins so we can have complete certainty that we will be with him in heaven. Faith is the root and good works are the fruit of the tree that represents us. Sorry I am talking your ear off, I guess I get carried away but I find it difficult to describe these idea in fewer words. Thank you for commenting and supporting me, sister in Christ Jesus our King.
The one true Church of Christ is filled with only saints, who are those written in the book of life (born again). There is no perfect denomination, although there are those that adhere to the Word of God (which is good) and those that promote heresies (not). Test the fruits. I actually find that a lot of Orthodox people do not promote much of the venerating as Catholics do, but they still do! If you steal $1, you are still a thief, even if it were more.
@@WillowLivingStreamsQA I see what you mean about some not doing things as much as others but still being just as guilty. Though not exactly the same, James 2:10 comes to mind. Anyways, what you said is very true and a great point. Also, all of us, God's children that is, are saints. 😇
I was baptized 2 weeks ago in our old town of Nitra, becaoming orthodox wasnt my plan, it was plan of our Lord. Love u all brothers and sisters ☦️ Sláva Bohu
Be courteous and supportive of each other, find commonalities, and appreciate that you are all Christians. Think of each other as brothers in Christ and do not dwell in details. You can find differences and some weaknesses in all religious dogmas.
“Show me your St. Paisios - you’re joking, right? As a Protestant, this is so tone-deaf to the nature of our disagreements with Orthodox, it is difficult to know where to begin. There are several possible responses, but I think I’ll go with a cheeky one - was Orthodoxy not true until the 20th century?
Actually, saying any saints name does the trick. There are many implications that come with that and though. Specifically the understanding of the Fall in the garden and how the eastern understanding is different than the western way(which Protestantism would fall into). With that, that then leads to why Christ came and the incarnation, His death, and His resurrection and the implications that come from these. A saint and what it means covers so much theological ground that most Protestants have never heard of or do not understand(not saying that you do not).
It's not so much "tone-deaf" as it is an attempt to look at the overall dispute from a different angle; see Mat. 7:15-20. Respectfully, your cheeky response shows that you haven't paid much attention to what Fr. Paul says.
The Protestant reform was done bc of the Roman Catholic Church in the west. At that time Eastern Orthodoxy was unknown by the people of the west. The Catholic Church was changing things to fit their agenda whereas the Eastern Orthodox Church remained true. I was raised protestant. Because I have educated myself I am catecumin. Father is not downing protestant beliefs. He is showing us the True way. The proper way to worship God.
Just a small suggestion before people comment: Perhaps buy one of the Lives I talk about and read it first. And know that St Paisios is one of MANY holy figures. The point is that results speak… They speak louder than assertions and theological claims. They show where God is at work in creating people who look, act, and speak like the Apostles. It’s work to read a book first, but it’s worthwhile and holy work. Just a suggestion.
The divine Matrix ✨️
Blue pill or Red pill?
🐉Jesus is the encoded fallen angel!
Isaiah 14:12-15 / Ezekiel 28:12-17
🚫 We consumed from the forbidden tree when we ate of his body & drank of his blood🍷 🥖 Genesis 2
🚫 This symbolic Cannibalistic ritual & witchcraft is forbidden to the God of Israel!
Leviticus 7:27 / Leviticus 19:26
🚫 Jesus created his own covenant & told us to eat his flesh, drink his blood, pray in his name & *not STRAIGHT to the God of Israel😬
Ezekiel 45:22 /John 6:53-58 / Psalm 16:4.
🚫 Jesus was rebuked & anguished after his last supper covenant & was forsakften on the cross & casted down as a result of his own sin. Matthew 26:36-46 / Zechariah 13:7
🚫 Jesus said he is the only way & that's a lie! 🐍Just learn from all of Gods Righteous people.... Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, all the Profits, Isreal & more!
Psalm 32
☦️ Jesus said he was the erected bronze snake in the wilderness of Exodus. John 3:14-15
🚫 The churches & Islam are praying to dead idols & false gods. Deuteronomy 4:28
🚫 Christians & Islam believers are dangerous & destructive for a lack of knowledge & have persecuted & pierced Gods Holy people for thousands of years.😪Matthew 10:34 / Hosea 4:6 / Psalm 83
☦️ The bronze snake became an idol that was eventually destroyed..2 Kings 18:4
Checkmate ♟️Zechariah 13:7 / Deuteronomy 8:2 /Exodus 7:16
Hear📣...O Israel / believers, our God YHWH is one☝️Deuteronomy 6:4-9
🕊From the prayer of Moses Exodus 32:15-34, & the Hopi nation, the miracle of the white buffalo, & the spirit of Elijah calling from the wilderness, remember the 10 Love commands & repent of your wicked ways! Exodus 8:1- Malachi 3
Isaiah 1:18 / Exodus 20:1-7
❤️1. Thou shalt have NO other gods before YHWH
❤️2. Thou shalt NOT make unto thee any graven images.
❤️3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
❤️4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
❤️5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
❤️6. Thou shalt not murder
❤️7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
❤️8. Thou shalt not steal.
❤️9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
❤️10. Thou shalt not covet.
Give jesus & his churches what is theirs & give the Creator Father YHWH what is His & let's make Israel & the world amazing again!...Psalms 51✌️
It is entirely fair to judge a belief system based on its fruits, but to suggest that sainthood is the sole standard by which we should use to judge one another seems dishonest. It is not a habit of protestants to chronicle the lives of one another in order that their good deeds may be forever woven into the tapestry of church history.
@@HolyFool-i1o What kind of rage bait it this? First of all, where did your cannon come from, and who canonized it? It goes back to the Orthodox Catholic Church... not whatever you're trying to deceive people with..
@@GameOn0827 In Scripture, we are called to be saints, and live saintly lives!
@frpaul honestly what else can we judge a tree except from its fruits, a healthy tree will produce fruits, and this is a question that sadly most churches must just lift their hands 🤷♂️ . the total lack of mystical understanding and true belief in the miracles, most Christians dont even know what a saint is.
Your videos with 10MinuteBibleHour were the first encounter i had with Orthodoxy. I am now faithfully attending and have been baptized. Thank you for everything you do!
one of the first for me too! haha and also have become Orthodox since then. ❤
You have only been baptized into the lake of fire and have been made twice dead. You have been completely deceived!
@@vaporizejello Repent!
@@brennanstride3405 sadly this is a similar story with many. A reward received in full. What exactly was worth trading the gospel of grace for?
@@HusGoose Where is this gospel of grace found? Oh, that's right, Christ's Holy Orthodox Church.
Thank you Lord for leading me from a non believing sinner, to a non denominational bible reader, then to a Orthodox catechumen ☦️
What convinced you of orthodoxy?
@ in my private time I always prayed to understand and have the theology of the apostles. I found Orthodoxy by online research of the early church. Roman catholicisms ecumenism is very evident so I feel Orthodoxy is the true church passed through apostlolic succession. The monarchical trinity model, ever virgin mary and the process of theosis have been things I understood while reading the scriptures, but had no idea any church held to these views until I found Orthodoxy.
@@dolphinitely_bro3944how did you conclude the perpetual virginity of mary from the scriptures?
@@alejandrosantiago781David Erhan has videos on the perpetual virginity of the Theotokos if you're interested
Me too! I was received into the Church a few months ago ☦☦☦
I became a catechumen of the Church yesterday, pray for me all of you! ☦️
welcome home
Glory to God
That’s awesome! God bless you on your journey!
We became catechumen on the same day ☦️😊
You need prayer for God to open your blind eyes and to get you out of the 100% false, manmade, Godless abomination you have been snared into. Repent, and run away from this false, manmade, antigod, antibible, antichrist religion (cult)!
As a Fundamental Baptist I think the whole "protestants destroyed in 1 sentence" or "orthodoxy crushed in 60 seconds" videos are some of the most damaging and fruitless efforts out there. There are lots of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox that are easily a great example that I can find for encouragement and a good example to motivate me to be better. There are also plenty of all 3 that could demonstrate less than ideal things, too. Most of the rhetorical debate only leads to temptations of arrogance, anger, etc. At the end of the day Jesus Christ is what I should keep my life pointed at. God Bless all my brothers and sister in Christ.
Beware of people who focus on division
How many Churches did Jesus establish?
Where were the baptists and their theology in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd century?
@@cabininthewoods7698 You didn't listen to anything I said, brother.
I was on Mt Athos recently and met a grace filled Elder. You could feel the grace when he entered the room, and when he embraced you or simply touched your shoulder, everything felt at peace. He radiated love and I felt he knew my heart as he discussed and gave guidance on many things pertinent to me, without me saying a word.
I was really struggling spiritually prior to this. I don't know how to explain what happened with words, but I knew he was praying for me as he spoke and I felt as though there was this... presence of love and divine Grace which entered my heart, it was like he sent me a kind of spiritual care package to encourage me.
There are still such people on Athos in 2024
I'm aware of how climate change has made these UFO stories our only hope of avoiding extinction within a decade.
Immaculate Constellation Document
"The official disclosure of the existence of Non-Human Intelligences (NHIs) and their presence on Earth is a pivotal moment in human history." Does anything prove faith worthy of respect more than finding prophets & cherubim in the Yellow Pages? President Carter, informed he lacked a need to know, was left weeping from the UFO brief. He was a man of faith; Earth is owned by machines.
Withought these men and women I would simply want to die. God I hope I give birth as in with my wife to give life to children, I will make two of my children each sex , dedicated to God. Cause I cannot reach God without the help of my children I believe. Adam wasn't as holy as Enoch and Elijah. But Adam is to be respected by all humans so is eve. Anyone which curses their father and mother is cursed by their own tounges stupidity.
Sigh. I hoped this was true. Wish there was an equivalent location for women to go to
@@lovingthisagainI have heard the Abbess of the monastery in Quebec, Canada is like this.
The monastery that Saint Ephraim of Arizona established.
There are Sister's in Monasteries. The one I have gone to is, St. Nicholas in Dunlop, CA.
The second you enter you feel the peace.
“Lord have mercy on me”. 5 word response 😂
I haven’t watched the video yet but my 5 word response would be, “The Church wrote the scriptures.”
Jesus is the main thing
@@suzannemartin6817 I 100% agree; do you know the most sacred prayer in Orthodoxy?
@@westingoode3105this is exactly right . Protestants like to say they are in a “Bible believing church” .. We Orthodox are in the “Bible writing church” 😊
@@MarkKelly-LPC Thank you sir.
This is not an argument. If you want to place your faith in men, there are a whole bunch of Protestants that make a big deal about the manifestation of the gifts of the spirit among their own, and while some might be questionable, there have been snake-handlers, people with visions, people who heal and all the rest in astounding numbers among Protestants, and I know for a fact at least some of these are real, though I would be hesitant to tie the miracles to the people; these are gifts from God. I have seen God heal people, as a Protestant, at the behest of Protestant prayers; He had a conversation with my mother and healed her. She said the room seemed to divide in two, as if a thick black line separated her from my father and sister, and God asked her: "what can I do for you my child?", and after initially feeling His peace and thinking she would like to go and be with Him, she ended up saying she did not want to leave my father alone yet, and where previously she had been told that her cancer had been 'going crazy', the next time the doctor was baffled and kept asking aloud if perhaps he had made a mistake the last time, but there was no mistake. The other was recently with a friend who gave his crippling pain that left him unable to move to God, and was immediately relieved of that pain, and he could stand up and go about his day. I have been telling him on and off about God for years and after this event he came to me and told me he wants to be baptised.
Now you may not believe me, but there are many Protestants (and Catholics) with similar stories. We Protestants, for the most part at least, fully accept that there are true Christians among the EO church. The issue comes then when you try to tell us that we are not Christians because we are not a part of your church, or because we do not venerate icons, or pray to the saints, and so on and so forth. Clearly, God has been at work in the lives of Protestants and Eastern Orthodox, and I'm sure He has been at work in the lives of Roman Catholics and Ethiopian Orthodox and Egyptian Coptics and many more. Where there is true faith in Christ, even if there is some confusion and error on certain points, I am sure God has been active and worked through His followers. He is a merciful God.
This then brings us back to those questions that you have not given an argument for. I think there is a large and wonderful community of Christians spread out among the world. I am sure there are things that we can all learn from each other. I would like to see us all come together, realise we are Christians, hash out error where we might find it and expunge it, and all follow Christ as best we can. Sadly, the EOs and RCs make this difficult when they deny others or worse, condemn them. This needs to be addressed, and there have been some Protestants doing good work to address it; but this video stands in the way of bringing Christians together, and it does so without even presenting an actual argument.
Excellent post Haggis. In the end all debate about legitimacy or authority within Christianity comes back to the evidence of the Holy Spirit. Not in a "signs and wonders" way, but because all authority was given to Christ and the Holy Spirit ministers that authority.
To begin answering the video one who I have personally met is Brother Yun "the heavenly man" from China. I have yet to meet an Orthodox Christian who already knew of him before I brought him up. But while we can read his two books, most of his life and work is held in the lives of other Christians, not on the pages of a book. God determines who the true Saints are.
Well said. The fact remains that Orthodoxy and Catholicism have primary doctrine that are not Biblically-based, which is why Protestants rejected them in the first place.
Beautifully said, thank you so much for this.
Amen and amen. The Son of Man has authority to draw all men to Himself, men and women from "every people, nation, and tongue". He fished for Gentiles and pagans and grafted them into the true vine and He continues to do so. Some of the holiest followers of Jesus I have known have come from "low church" traditions, which emphasize the perspicuity and authority of Scripture, the Lordship of Jesus, and living holy lives in the power of the Holy Spirit. One only has to look at the Holy Spirit's work in their lives to know they hear His voice, are of His fold, and are sealed and regenerated by the Holy Spirit by the grace provided by Christ's atoning work. I see unregenerate (non-fruit bearing) protestants as well as unregenerate RCs, EOs, AOs, etc. And yet, I recognize that amongst all of these traditions there are followers of Christ whom are within His collective bride, the church. Would that all these traditions look outside themselves and see the God is at work outside themselves.
God can work wherever he wants, this is despite the errors though, just because a group in history departed from christisnity and taught falsehoods about the identity of christ doesnt mean god doesnt work in the midst of the deviations these individuals created and the remnants of these groups hundreds of years later with all the protestant sects etc, maybe the originators of these things would be judged differently though compared to the simple guy who has a spiritual experience and goes to the only church in town which could be a protestant denomination and knows no better etc, the fact remsins though that we were given a very particular thing, christ incarnated in time and space here, not over there, and the church is this, not that, people can depart from it, change it, alter it, abandon it, but it still remains the way we were given it and recieved it, only the fullness of everything is in the orthodox church, illumination, theosis, mystical union etc is only possible here, outside the church it isnt possible, doesnt mean god doest work there despite the errors, he wants us to come to what he gave us though
'Protestant' speaking here...and I LOVE the Orthodox church! Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for the information about Saint Paisios...I will definitely read up on him.
Also read Saint Nektarios
@@George88851 Thank you, will do.
@@George88851 The life of St Nektarios moved me to tears....
Me too. He is my absolute favorite saint. I love him dearly and ask for his prayers daily.
I also "The Path to Salvation" by St. Theophan the Recluse.
I have recently worshipped and fellowshipped with a good friend a couple times at the Orthodox Church in Birmingham, AL.. I did not know anything about Orthodoxy, and was raised in a Methodist church. I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ. Saying that, the two issues I have a problem with was kissing a priests hand. Why? Because I dont believe that's necessary, when there are other ways. The holy spirit helps us, as we know, I dont believe I could have had the repentant heart for Christ without the help of the Holy Sprit.I believe it's odd kissing a priests hand, however, not the cross. Praying to Mary and the saints seems somewhat wrong, i pray only to Christ. I am still learning, and am currently listenimg to an inquirers class, praying and mini fasting, because I work a physical job in a factory and need to not fast too hard. I love all faithful believers in Jesus Christ, and may the living Triune GOD guide me and have mercy on me and all of us. Praise and Glory be to the living GOD of the Holy Bible.
Protestant here... I know many faithful Christians who have forsaken all to follow Christ. My family and I have done the same and live the ideals that Christ preached. We have seen miracles, laid hands on people and seen them healed, cast out demons and baptized many. We live our lives as apostles as do many we know. I'm not sure your argument is as powerful as you think.
This gives me such faith in the Orthodox Church. Other Christian traditions can produce good, loving, and charitable people. But nothing like St. Paisios and other saints that we have witnessed in recent memory.
Saint Padre Pio.
1 Corinthians 13:8-10. Here’s the key portion:
"Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially, but when what is complete comes, what is partial will be done away with."
Orthodox is the older brother of all other denominations
Fr. Justin says the kindly Mormons will take out your trash to demonstrate the Kingdom!
As a new convert from Protestantism, I left because I was in danger of losing my faith, and because I saw in Orthodoxy the way to be fully Christian. As a side note, my priest spent 10 years on Mt Athos as a monk. I have never met a Christian like him. There are times when I feel like I’m in the presence of Christ. I think this is something I noticed about Orthodoxy from the time I encountered it, and I don’t see it anywhere else. Even in Fr Paul, at a low level, I notice occasionally a grace there that I don’t see in Catholics or Protestants. Not all Orthodox certainly, and not necessarily often, it’s just that I don’t see it anywhere else.
I am not quite a catechumen yet, but your words express exactly how I feel!
I've noticed this as well about the orthodox priests
Where is your church?
Spokane, WA.
are you born again?
"Come At Me, Brother Heretic."
I haven't watched it yet, were those the five words?
This gave me a good laugh. Thank you 😂☦️
Hinduism claims the way to Christ is through hesychasm. How is your version that is newer and adopted from Hinduism different and not pagan?
@@Cannible1Post Hoc fallacy. Genetic fallacy. Correlation/causation fallacy. Equivocation fallacy. Proposition fallacy. Causal fallacy.
@ You have no response because you know it’s true. You can’t disprove the claim
Remember, us protestants are not the ones that believe that one specific institution is the "true church." We believe there are true Christians amongst all the denominations. You guys are the ones that believe you have a monopoly on salvation.
There are a lot of saints in the Orthodoxy whose names we celebrate and honor every year during the Liturgies. The Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, where the Head is Jesus Christ, and the body is the Church itself. The Church is the people who never change anything that was already set in the beginning by our Lord Jesus Christ.
I've meet Protestants who had a Holy awe about them. I wasn't a Christian when I met some of them. Their presence, that is God's presence, terrified me. When I became a follower of Jesus, I began to understand what was happening to me when I was around them.
How do you know that was God's presence and not something else? The Holiness from Saint Piasios was like meeting someone who existed in paradise. The world seemed to breath around him and he never wanted people to be terrified. God doesn't want to make you feel terror.
@@anothercat1300the presence of God is not calming for those opposed to him. I don’t know where you get that idea
thank you for that.
@@OctagonalSquare Demons enjoy terrifying people, not God. God is an all-consuming fire that people will have a negative response to. But God doesn't wish to terrify you. He's beyond gentle and kind. If you want a good picture of who the Father is read the parable of the Prodigal Son.
@@anothercat1300how do you know it wasn’t?? This is my only real issue with the Orthodox Church. “Everyone within orthodoxy is amazing. No one outside orthodoxy is amazing.”
Father, I just want to share my brief testimony with you! Back in June, I came across the video of the Protestant pastor (apologizes I forget his name) interviewing you. You were amazing, you answered so many questions I had as a non-denominational Christian. I was so grateful and amazed and excited that I sent the video to my husband to also watch before I’d even finished it. Upon finishing the video, I read through the description box and discovered your church was in the Salt Lake valley!
This may not seem too big a deal, especially since I live in Texas. However, I was leaving in a short couple of days to be visiting family in Utah. If this wasn’t a “sign” from the Lord, I don’t know what is!
I then visited your church with my husband and we were overwhelmed with so many wonderful feelings, that being relief that we immediately felt that orthodoxy was home.
We now attend a church near us back home and we are finally catechumen! 🙏🏻❤️
One of the most frustrating things that I experience with my protestant friends is their constant complaining that protestant churches do not offer fellowship and accountability. And simultaneously their complete rejection of orthodoxy, which 100% offers what they say they are lacking. I have to just stop and pray for them. I want to shake them awake and say, “ you are begging for a spiritual hospital and every time I show you the sign pointing to the spiritual hospital you start telling me that I am wrong….that you need your library to convert to a hospital instead.” Sigh. Pray for the whole world.
I don't associate with people at church
I really don't associate with people at church
This is a ridiculous comment
Where are toll houses in the bible?
Maybe thats why they dont accept the orthodox church. Lack of recognition of the scriptures as ultimate authority.
I share you experience and pain. God bless you. Christ is Risen.
As a person looking at all churches looking for home. My thought is anything outside of the Bible needs to be proved
As a Protestant, I recognize the fundamental flaws in my church, particularly with the abandonment of tradition. I also recognize the fundamental flaws in humanity. There is no perfect church, but there is a perfect God. And that God is who I rely on to lead me.
I see anyone who believes in the Trinity, the resurrection, and the power of repentance as a brother or sister in Christ, and I look to the day when the Lord creates a new heaven and new earth where the church is reunited under his Holy leadership.
Honestly I feel like this argument can be used against every church that isn't the Orthodox Church. To my surprise there is a growing number of orthodox people who are seeing the phrases and singing that the Oriental Church have the Holiness of our church. And I feel like it's a betrayal cuz I would never say such a thing because there is no church other than the Orthodox Church that creates such amazing saintly figures.
@LaustibiChriste33perhaps you should go watch an orgy rather than judging the orgy...
@LaustibiChriste33 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong?
Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong?
I'm a protestant (for now) and you're reasoning only sounds nice because you take the attitude of ecumenism or the attitude of Gomez.
You don't need to experience something to know it is wrong.
I have to make such a strong analogy otherwise it'll derail the argument for awhile over not judging people (which the Bible doesn't say that, it says work on yourself first so you may help other rightly and you will be measured on how you judge so don't be a hypocrite.)
@LaustibiChriste33 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong?
Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong?
I'm a protestant (for now) and you're reasoning only sounds nice because you take the attitude of ecumenism or the attitude of Gomez.
You don't need to experience something to know it is wrong.
@LaustibiChriste33 PT3 I have to make such a strong analogy otherwise it'll derail the argument for awhile over not judging people (which the Bible doesn't say that, it says work on yourself first so you may help other rightly and you will be measured on how you judge so don't be a hypocrite.) It also must be done with an idea to build up and not tear down.
@LaustibiChriste33 PT 1 Its faulty reasoning, why would you need to watch an orgy to know it is wrong?
Likewise why would the person have to go to heretical churches to know it is wrong?
Hmmm… I was born again 30 years ago. I am a Bible believer and a Jesus follower. The examples this gentleman gave as a type of “proof is in the pudding” Are the same experiences I had at my grandmother’s Pentecostal church when I was newly saved. A special guest there had a “word of knowledge“ for many people there including me. Just like you described about the saint in this video. So if that is one of your main proofs that orthodoxy is true, it’s a bit of a failure. The difference between the “average” Bible believing church Entity and the orthodox church is that we don’t feel that we need to elevate people that we see following Christ. That is why there aren’t books about people who have been crowned as Saints by an organization. However, over my Christian life, I have met such people. The woman that was crucial and me coming to Christ, that God used amazingly when I first met her it was like looking in the face of love. And I remember thinking, as a sinner, wow, this woman loves me and she doesn’t even know me. And if she did know me, she certainly wouldn’t love me because I am quite wretched. But no book has been written about her and yet her funeral was overflowing with people whom God had touched through her throughout her long life. So your 5-word “proof” statement for orthodoxy Falls very short. The Bible itself, the very words of God, calls All born again believers Saints and priest and Kings. We don’t need man stamp of approval because we have God stamp of approval because the complete work of the Lord Jesus Christ shedding his blood on the cross and then applying that payment to my was complete and thorough and enough.
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
" I am a Bible believer and a Jesus follower." Your bible makes numerous contradicting and hypocritical claims my friend. How do you differentiate between what is truthful from what is fantasy? Thanks and good luck.
@@TboneWTF I assume you know that a significant part of the Bible is poetry, which by nature is not and not intended to be literally true.
@@samlee5016 I think you story about your godly friend is lively. No need to have semantic word games… or to get exercised over vocabulary choices. We call godly people Saints to distinguish them from ordinary ‘saints’ like us..,like you we know they are different. It’s a matter of honoring them like I see you honor your friend. And like you probably ado, we think of them and try to use their lives to model our own. They aren’t given a stamp of approval (at least in Orthodoxy) so much as lived as the living person they are.
We are not all priests in the way you use it. Yes, we have priestly roles in that we are called to live godly lives and spread the gospel. But ordained priests, like pastors, have certain obligations and are sanctified by the church to fulfill them. Presiding over sacraments for one thing…communion, marriage, death, confession. Not just any old church member does those things unless no priest/pastor is available.
@@marjoriezimmerman3969 " a significant part of the Bible is poetry, which by nature is not and not intended to be literally true." I'd say 99 percent of what the bible claims is false. So how do you differentiate between what is the poetry and what isn't? What method do you recommend that I use my dear? If you can't isn't it best to read the bible as ALL poetry? Thanks.
Lovely😅lively…why not both?!?
Father Truebenbach, as a cradle Eastern Orthodox Christian I have followed your RUclips channel for over a year now. You have been a pure blessing to our Church. Glory to Christ for fathers like you in this world of ours. Your blessings, father.
Now it's time for you to listen to the words of the Apostles, who said you can only claim to know God (which is much more than just being a member of a religion) if you are 100% sure you are going to Heaven when you die: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye HAVE eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." - 1 John 5:13
Read John 5:24 for yourself to find out how (trusting in God the Son ALONE to save you, who is a Person and who is not a religion/church: 1 Timothy 2:5).
@ but you see that Bible verse (or any Bible verse) was written in the Greek and put in the Bible you are quoting by the very church fathers, father Truebenbach is speaking to you about. Of course they trust Christ and Christ alone. Why else would they record all of it in the Bible for you and me and the entire world? Why else would they sacrifice their own lives throughout the centuries without any gain, but for you to read it? Don’t you think you should listen and find out how and why they did that for you, literally for the love of Christ?! Hmm?
It might help actually.
@@miastupid7911 well said!
I am not a Protestant, i am A MONARCHIAN, we were not from you or the RCC, we were the true Orthodoxy. We didn't start the 16th century, we can see in scriptures our doctrine of the Mighty God in Christ and Jesus as Son of God and the Father! And that comforter the Holy Spirit is Jesus as seen in John 14; and compared to Isa.9:6.
Clement and Ignatius, Herma's, Irenaeus, Melito, Mathetes, Papias, all the Bishops of Rome till 223 a d.
Noetus, Praxeas, Sabellius, Epigonus and Cleomenes.
I will compare the Pentecostals of the Bible to those today! I see we follow the correct Salvationa plan,l Jesus name baptism and Spirit baptism fulfilling John 3:3,5. I see the Holiness standards of our church following a outward standard of the inward.
The doctrine of a Trinity of three persons we reject, some call it Modalistic Monarchianism.
[ A term Adolph Harnack came up with in 1890 to define us from what supposed teachings of Dynamic Monarchians.
I would ask, who or what is God in John 1:1?
We Apostolic Oneness Pentecostal Christians reject the Trinity as persons and the doctrine is a 3rd century Heresy.
America has freedom to choose what faith to have. In a large Evangelical church I occasionally attend, they have people who have been born Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, mainline Protestant, and, yes, Orthodox. Sadly, this freedom is not present in many countries. Several years ago I served a missionary who was expelled from Greece for proselytizing. Russia is also becoming unsafe for Evangelicals. There are other examples, especially in Muslim countries. I have a family member who is Orthodox, and have nothing personally against that faith, but would caution against having any specific Religion dominate the government.
Great video, I’m currently somewhat new to orthodoxy. I’ve spent my entire life a protestant, so a lot of things are new to me. I’ve been wondering, which saint to start learning about first, but I guess this settles it. I closed your video to look him up so I wouldn’t forget and really even in the pictures of him i can feel a kindness and humility coming through my phone screen maybe I’m just crazy though lol
You're not crazy. That is, quite honestly, how I and so many others feel when one studies a Saint like St. Paisios. He radiates warmth and love. Extremely Christ-like.
The problem is that western Protestants are in such a bubble, I'm sure the overwhelming majority of them have to idea who St Paisios is and don't even really understand what a saint is.
@@icxcnika2037 Exactly. They'll reply with something like "all Bible-beleiving Christians are saints", or some other banal platitude.
They don’t know the difference between ‘saints’(all believers) and ‘Saints’( those saints who have manifested lives closest to being Christ-like.
@@BigNickDigger801same word, different meanings.
So who declares someone is a Saint?
@icxcnika2037 what's the handkerchief example?
As a Greek, I'm ashamed that I haven't been to the Holy Mountain of Athos to visit an Elder. These people are not only seriously learned, but filled to the brim with the Grace of our Lord. I have to one day, rather much sooner than later.
I'm only a few hours away from the capital of Athens where I live. But thank God there's a monastery right next to my house.
How do we receive this same Spirit with such ambition and enthusiasm? I believe God does work through particular people in such life changing ways, just to be clear not for my own benefit or glory but only so I may serve God. How do I keep His presence so close that He may use me for His will?
Im going to be in trouble for this, but as a Catholic, the 2d most convincing arguement for the Orthodox is Benedict XVI and his position on Orthodoxy. The 1st is the practical apostacy from the faith of the apostles of Francis (Bergoglio).
Some Protestants in the chat are very open to your words and suggestions and then there’s some that have closed minds. But the fact they are watching your fabulous, informative video says everything you need to know. God Bless you Fr Paul.
I’m a Protestant and I Love the Orthodox Church! The church service was very beautiful one of the best worship services I’ve ever been apart of. It felt very Holy in my opinion.
I thank God for such unsolicited gushing comments regarding our worship. It shows me that the Holy Spirit is moving people across confessional lines to recognize the truth despite cultural barriers. That handsome fellow Jared the atheist who reviews churches he visited every week had the most profound appreciation for a parish and its priest who simply showed respect and sincere interest in him as a person and not a means to an end. Jared is experiencing lived Orthodox theology.
This is why I initially left the protestant church I was raised in. I was looking very hard but I could not tell any difference between the people at church and the regular unsaved Joes. No behavioral difference. Same behavioral problems. Doing one thing on Saturday night and railing against other people doing it on Sunday morning. I didn't learn about the Scofield heresy until much later, but I definitely saw the results and wanted no part in it.
I was first introduce to Yeshua (Jesus is not his Jewish name) when I was 10 years old when my mother who had just a few hours earlier accepted Christ by way of the golden 4 spiritual Laws pamphlet. That was in 1968. I have had a zigzag walk full of potholes, ditches, and deserts. Grew up in the evangelical, non denominational, protestant church. Left the protestant church over 20 years ago because One of the things my mother instilled in me was STUDY of scripture. I would spend time reading and then go to church and hear things out of the pulpit that was in DIRECT CONFLICT of what scripture clearly states... I remember about 10 years ago reaching a crisis. I was in my office at work one day and i threw up my hands in frustration and I said to God, I'm done with church SHOW ME THE TRUTH where ever and WHATEVER that is I WILL FOLLOW. That lead me on a journey that I am still on... I know that in John Yeshua is speaking to the spiritual experts (Pharissee's, scribes, and teachers of the Law) when he said to them: You diligently search the scriptures seeking eternal life yet you do not come to me, therefore it is no I who will judge you but Moses for he saw my day and REJOICED. Furthermore in Amos were are told that the LORD CHANGES NOT... knowing these I knew that I could start in Genesis. My biggest issue of the ENTIRE body is that they are like the jews before them are a STIFFNECKED people.
The length to which they will go to make the Torah go away is almost comedic. In Romans Paul tells us that the LAW IS HOLY and good. We are called to be HOLY. These statements are not revolutionary or outlandish they are backed up by VOLUMENOUS amounts of scripture. The issue as I see it, is that many perhaps MOST are not distinguishing Holiness from Salvation. This has to do with the LACK of understanding how covenants work. There are UNILATERAL covenants and bilateral covenants. The biggest problem in my opinion is that people try to attempt to suggest that the cross has done away with the LAW. This stems from NOT UNDERSTANDING who Christ is... We have a tendency to super impose our world on those folks that lived 2000 years ago, Their culture was RADICALLY different than western culture. We look at our bibles failing to consider at the time John penned the Gospel of John that there was only 1 WORD that existed and it was the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament was letters being circulated there was no canonization of the NT yet...Even if you accept the notion that, that process had already started, CLEARLY JOHN was NOT writing about the gospels that were circulation at that time. The Old testament was divided into 3 sections the Torah(1st 5 books) the prophets, and the writings. The latter 2 were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The first is different. God AUDIBLY spoke to Moses and Jews called it the word. So when John says the WORD became flesh is saying the TORAH BECAME FLESH. Why do you think Folks like DAVID would say things like Oh I LOVE YOUR LAW.... because they saw YESHUA.
In Judges over and over you see the phrase: and every man did what was right in his own eyes. The first time you see if you are like me you are like well, they are trying to do what is right... God called them EVIL. The Torah shows us the path of what GOD calls right action and right behavior. Then there are those that who will say "Oh Im led by the spirit" Well now you have a big problem because the PRIMARY JOB of the Holy Spirit is to lead you in all truth. What is TRUTH? THE TORAH is Truth Psalms 119, 142 and 36 tell us that (I gave 3 witnesses only 2 are required to establish a fact according to Moses) Observance of the commandments leads to fear of the Lord which leads to wisdom. Wisdom leads to sound judgement. Sound Judgment leads to an upright and orderly walk. This leads to humility and the fruit of that is HOLINESS.
Ya but Pastor Gary said that the Bible says that Pastor Gary is the chosen one. 😂
From protestant and catholic inquirer to orthodox catechumen 🥰
sounds like you need to be saved instead of trying to find a group of people who cannot actually do anything to save you.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner
Jesus prayer we Catholic s say it everyday
I am "orthodox" to that prayer. Not to a group of men (or women).
My 2-word response to Orthodoxy...sola scriptura. "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you" (1 John 2:27)
I'd love to visit Mt. Athos for some guidance. I'm wanting to seriously visit a monastery here in the States. I'm in a strange place (to me) spiritually. I was driven into a very deep, dark spiritual depression that lasted for a long time. I finally leaned into my autism, pushed the whole world away, retreated into myself and began to pray the Jesus Prayer and asking Christ to show me my sins and give me the strength to battle them. There have been a few occasions when I've felt such peace and love poured out that it was almost overwhelming but I wanted more. I wanted to be fully immersed and changed by it, never separated from it.
I've lost all interest in the world since I've begun to see it for all that it really is. The universe is all just condensed energy of varying densities from empty space to the core of the most dense black hole. It's energy caused by vibrating singularities protruding into nothing and making a lot of something along with the space for it to be in. It's all just an ongoing Vocalization that began at the Big Bang, when God spoke it into existence. We struggle to wrap our 3 dimensional minds around things that we simply can't comprehend apart from Him.
We are immortal beings, created at a point in time but having no end. Yet Christ said we have eternal life. Eternal means outside of time, without beginning or end. We were designed to exist in an eternal state with Christ. Those are some pretty extreme operating parameters so the amount of preparation needed is sobering. The world? It's just a manufacturing facility designed to produce a Counterpart for God, a Bride. I fear for those who have made themselves a part of the factory and deny that they even have a Designer. What is to be done with such "products" when the process is complete and the factory is shut down and demolished?
"Show me your Saint Paisios" are the 5 words, in case anyone is impatient.
Basically he liked this guy and the stories about him that he's read, so begome Ortho.
Never mind that this is also the argument of the Muslims, who point to their perfect prophet. Or the Mormons, or various Christian groups who like their favorite figure of their denomination.
Idk, I'm more of the camp that theology is a better metric than measuring whose favorite legendary figures against one another.
So, not that I wish to speak for protestants, but a good 4-word response might be "show me your Bible" and we can see together what Christ and the apostles taugh without having to speculate.
Were the bodies of Muhammad and Joseph Smith incorruptible? If no, then Muslims and Mormons can't compare them to our Saints. Incorruptible bodies allow for relics, and relics are a by-product of incarnational Theology! It shows that the Faith one speaks of is real (and not just of the mind only...AKA ...what you prefer). We don't deny the Power of God for the power of God is incarnational. It's real in the here and now! This is why his 5 words matter!
Yeah…I was really expecting that the argument would be better than “check out these books that are NOT the Bible”
If you consider the statement "Show me your Saint Paisios" as an endorsement of the concept of "Christian Perfection" rather than as "I liked this guy and the stories about him...", it actually shows the Orthodox disagreement with the Protestant worldview quite well. As an evangelical, it is actually a brilliant way to highlight the difference with Rome. This is because, besides the Protestant teaching of concupiscence *as* the presence of sin (or, that the presence of sin remains within the body even after his guilt is wiped out, imputed onto Christ - Romans 7:21-25, Galatians 5:17), there is actually no other significant point of *doctrine* that Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and Cranmer all articulate in the *exact same way* that isn't a simply a general 'Christian point of agreement' with Rome as well (obviously there are other things they agree on, but those were more concerned with their approach to the practice, piety and politics of Rome - things which change, unlike formally-professed dogma). It is also the only Protestant doctrine, which, over the centuries, has remained utterly unaltered in its normative understanding - every other unifying concept in Protestantism, be it Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Sola Deo Gloria, Solus Christus - all of them differ greatly in how they are interpreted, not to mention how differently they are treated in the common day than in ages past (an example with Sola Scriptura's diverse interpretations is how Francis Turretin, Zwingli, Luther and Calvin all explicitly refer to Tradition to 'affirm' the Perpetual Virginity of Mary, despite there being prooftexts against it in his mind. Another example is how some Anglicans, early ones, so not just 'Anglo Catholics', will hold to 'Solus Christus' yet also say that their 'priests' are acting 'in persona Christi').
By pointing to a man's life as an example, the Orthodox demonstrate that they believe in "Christian Perfection", or that the presence of sin is indeed eradicated from his body in regeneration. Such a thing no Protestant can earnestly affirm. Now, does simply stating that you believe in "Christian Perfection" actually prove the position? No. But it is a good response nonetheless because it shows where the soul of the issue is.
@@lemmingkingyt5618 It's essentially two groups talking past one another. He is convinced of what he believes because of an example he has for Christian Perfection, but doesn't even mention any Biblical argument for his belief. A protestant (hopefully) will argue the Biblical merit of their position but not believing in Christian Perfection, will not consider an example even relevant.
@@ChristianCombatives It's also important to mention that a Protestant cannot affirm Christian Perfection. Otherwise, justification can not be purely forensic (and also be ontological) - this is Catholicism, or, on the other hand we must affirm Pelagianism.
Another example of this denomination exalting people they deem saints to make it look as if protestants are out here doing nothing. My family was raised Baptist as was I and I think we've all moved into non-denominational territory. My uncle turned his life around and gave himself to Jesus. Ended up making a ton of money selling insurance. Then he decided to quit his lucrative career so that he could build a church and drive a school bus. In the country, drugs had become a problem and his church took in addicts and put them through rehab. His church grew and so did his ministry. My uncle gave a lot of money away over the years too, yet he never went under. Never left his ministry or stifled his generosity even when his brother told him to go back to the insurance gig. I've seen Gods blessings in his life and in our family's life. Protestants don't need to record every single notable person per church or time period because we have no need to exalt or worship people, or pray to anyone except Jesus who is the one mediator between man and God. These religious leaders are so tone deaf that they can't recognize how much they sound like ignorant Pharisees as opposed to saints. Not all protestants are like Joel Olsteen. Not all of us attend a mega church. Plenty of us do take weekly comunion and take our faith very seriously as well as our doctrine.
Thank you. I'm not feeling christian fellowship and brotherly love in this content at the moment. Jesus is all I need.
@@MR-dl8js Jesus may be all you need, but how do you attain him?
Baptists are not protestant
@TheZMom_Emmelia All we need to do is repent and believe. True belief will produce good fruit, works, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. His yolk is easy and his burden is light. The Christian life can be difficult if we allow it to be difficult, but there's grace for all of us who keep the faith, make an effort to obey him, and endure til the very end.
@MR-dl8js You're welcome. I don't know why I even bother watching these videos. They pop up in my feed, and I get curious even though I already have an idea where it's going. There's a lot of ignorance among church goers/leaders no matter what denomination it is. I grew up in Kentucky. The Catholieve that I was exposed to their didn't even remotely resemble Jesus or Christianity. I've lived in Missouri for the past 4ish years and the Catholics here are a little different in a better way. They're a little more sincere, but they still believe that they are the only "true church". Evangelicals have a big share of their own crazies, but it's like these people see Kenneth Copeland, Joel Olsteen, Stephen Furtick, etc, and assume that we're all charismatics or mega churches, or maybe we go to some small snake handling church where we speak in tongues. Before I started meeting real Catholics I thought they all thought the Pope was the pinnacle of righteous authority and he was infallible. Thank God many Catholics have the common sense to know that isn't true.
I don't know how big of a deal it is, maybe I'm just too sensitive. I hear stuff like this and it feels like a personal attack to people I know who have risked everything to further the kingdom of God. I study the scripture and I'm not necessarily even a sola scriptura kind of guy. But at the same time if I read something that's antithetical to the Bible I will reject it immediately. That's why I'm in my non-denom camp.
Father, maybe you can make a video with a list of book recommendations on different topics (which also deals with certain criticisms people bring up), and maybe point people to other edifying Orthodox channels so that people might learn more
I am interested in the Orthodox Church, but I grew up Protestant, then a became an Atheist, then I was brought back to the faith in a roundabout way through the writings of Dr Bernardo Kastrup, an analytic Idealist, who dismantles Materialism, the main ontological view of atheists, however, the Orthodox Church teaches the Perpetual Virginity of Mary which I have trouble with. The reason why is this:
Secular Greek scholars generally follow the conventions of the original Greek text when translating the New Testament, including the verses in question: Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3. Here's how they translate these passages and the implications of their translations:
Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 in Greek
Both passages refer to Jesus' "brothers." The relevant Greek word is “ἀδελφοί” (adelphoi), which is commonly translated as "brothers." Here's a closer look:
Matthew 13:55:
Greek: “Οὐχὶ ὁ τοῦ τέκτονος ὁ υἱὸς; οὐχὶ ἡ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ ὀνομάζεται Μαρία; καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ αὐτοῦ Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Σίμωνας καὶ Ἰούδας;”
Translation: "Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary? And aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas?"
Mark 6:3:
Greek: “Οὐχὶ οὗτος ἐστὶν ὁ τέκτων, ὁ υἱὸς τῆς Μαρίας, καὶ ἀδελφοὶ Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Ἰούδας καὶ Σίμωνας; καὶ οὐχὶ αἱ ἀδελφαὶ αὐτοῦ μεθ' ἡμῶν εἰσίν;”
Translation: "Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary? And aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?"
Common Translation
In most English translations, including secular versions, these phrases are consistently rendered as "brothers." For instance, most translations like the NIV, ESV, and NRSV will use "brothers" in both verses, staying true to the original Greek term “ἀδελφοί”.
Interpretation Challenges
Cousins vs. Brothers: There is little scholarly consensus among secular translators that equates “ἀδελφοί” with "cousins." Instead, the preference is largely for "brothers," as this is the straightforward translation of the term. The translation of "cousins" tends to arise within specific theological frameworks, particularly when interpreting these passages in light of the doctrine of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary.
Contextual Understanding: While secular scholars may translate the verses as "brothers," interpretations about the nature of these relationships vary widely based on theological perspectives rather than translational issues. Scholars recognize that familial language in ancient texts can be fluid and context-dependent.
I have met old lifelong Baptists, that have that fruit of the Spirit. Not flashy displays of power, quiet, loving, joyful, peace. It's hard to describe, they've been walking, 80 years,
and you look in their eyes, you can see paradise. They are quite mundane, but you can feel the Spirit in their presence, and you are lifted into that awareness. I'm sure there are more developed Christians, all I'm saying is, this priest hasn't looked. Also, he needs to be willing to see.
Glory to God
I love your videos!
@ blessings my brother, Glory to God!
I have never seen a protestant monk/ascetic.
I think that the Church of Sweden has nuns.
Nope all the monastics have been replaced with theologians and the monasteries have been replaced with " Bible colleges". It's ALL about the mind
The Anglican Church has monks and nuns.
Although we Anglo-Catholics are not by definition "Protestant", our bishop is a Benedictine Monk and our new priest is a Benedictine, 3rd order. I'm a Franciscan.
@@jbn668 Yes, I'm Anglo-Catholic and our bishop is a Benedictine Monk and our new priest is a Benedictine, 3rd order. I'm a Franciscan.
As a Protestant, I’ve enjoyed learning about brothers with different persuasions who are rooted in Christ. Ive grown to love orthodoxy for what I know of it. Church history is rich. Christ is King. Ecclesiology and doctrine matter. Charitable disagreements are worth wrestling through with brothers who think differently. Love is the chief motive and our faith in Christ requires that we demonstrate we love one another without unnecessary division. That said- God spoke and divided light from darkness. We have to mark and avoid, call it for what it is- that some are just simply not Christian’s, some are weak and need mercy, some are harsh and need mercy, and no matter what- not a single one of us deserve salvation in Christ and yet belief in Christ has brought us into this family. Thank you for contending for the faith and uploading your persuasion with biblical reference and church history.
Grace to you☦️
What a gracious and irenic response. I agree. As an evangelical and now Anglican, I am so grateful for the great Traditions of the Church. So much to learn from, glean, and consider. Christ’s disciples are known by the love they have for one another, despite our differences (and some are not insignificant).
@@Joeymuggz A Protestant huh? How much does scripture matter on ecclesiological and doctrinal scale? Do you know the EO gospel?
@@HusGoose a Protestant- yes. How much? A ton . It’s why I’m searching so much.. not sure how you expect Id answer that( as in a number scale?) EO meaning Eastern Orthodox? I’m still working through what the theological clear differences are. At the time of this writing, I’m a confessional reformed baptist and see some clear distinctions of course. That said, I don’t understand why some of us (universally speaking of the Christian church) try to lord over the persuasions of others. I wasn’t always reformed theologically, so to think this is my last stop would be irresponsible in my opinion. Taking the time to learn about the rest of the body, what makes us brothers(or not) and being charitable from an informed position makes disagreements clear and correction loving. Otherwise we become tribal and act as if people were baptized into anything other than Christ.
Where do you stand brother?
@@Joeymuggz I understand your quest for knowledge and truth. I am reformed Baptist as well because it’s biblical. If it weren’t we shouldn’t be. We should never graduate from this position because the scripture is fixed.
And there is absolutely ecumenical brotherhood we can have with Presbyterians, basic non-demons Calvary chapel, conservative Methodists Anglicans, Lutherans, etc. because we agree on the gospel and general front stage presuppositions (though we may disagree on backstage predestination and the effectual nature of baptism).
As a reformed people we believe in always reforming back to original intent. Meaning, all church history is important to study but ultimately doesn’t matter if it conflicts with what the apostles taught. Church history is full of apostasy and heresy at many times almost impacting the entire church. This happened before and after the EO even existed. Again, We reform to original intent.
So as a reformed person, what is the true gospel? The one Paul taught and said if anyone preached a gospel other than the one I preached the them be accursed? The EO church does not believe that gospel. In EO You are justified by works throughout your life as merited Grace is extended to you. This process is called Theosis and is semi-Arian. It is Anti-Ephesians.
The reason the situation is serious is the EOs have an overlay dogma, similar to Roman Catholicism that evolved over time. Through people they label saints, like Paisios highlighted in this video, They venerate and regard what they say as on par with the text. In fact, If it comes down to the text vs a “saint” they side with the saint. And say, look how good he sounds as we saw here.
Their view of scripture is not scripture alone, but that the ecclesia alone can interpret scripture. Therefore it’s ecclesia alone and scripture when its suits us.
So If you read the plain meaning of the text as we do in Ephesians 1 and 2 they will deny it in practice and direct you to their works-based concept of Theosis. Then they proceed to argue like a Roman Catholic about meritorious grace.
If you are not familiar with theosis I would encourage you to read their own texts. In the matter. Also read Athanasius, whom we agree with to see where they take his quotes and create a dogma around it. Look into their veneration of the saints, note the prayers to the dead etc.
but again most importantly ask an EO how can one be saved. It will become immediately clear, whether you are speaking with a priest or the laity you are speaking with a modern Pharisee, for the exact same reason. Not someone who has heard the gospel.
They need to be loved and evangelized, not encouraged.
@ totally hear you brother. One of the reasons I continue to search is to understand how they got the conclusion they are at and how they reason.
Hearing their( their meaning anyone of a different persuasion) perspective from them and hearing how it’s defended in debates or through church history help me examine what I think I believe.
That said, being that we believe in it being by grace alone and in the sovereignty of God- God Himself is sovereign over wack theology. It’s not because of what we know that we are saved. It’s because of who He is. Being reformed and learning more about church history and governance has been extremely helpful in understanding how people come to the persuasions they get to. What’s your take on Assyrian, EO etc in regards to tradition? Beyond what could be deemed legalistic(let’s be honest, Calvinists just like the rest can fall into legalism too) and beyond ecclesiology, do you think they hold accurate church traditions from the early church?
I very much agree with your outlook! I truly discovered Orthodoxy as a senior at Trinity Lutheran Seminary; I read Fr. Oleksa's 'Orthodox Alaska' and then 'Alaska Missionary Spirituality'. That second book had some letters & journal entries from the first monks in Alaska. I was strongly drawn by their humility; over a decade later I'm teaching new members in my Orthodox parish.
Thank you Father Truebenbach ☦
May the Lord keep you and bless you 🙏
The story of St. Paisios is what is pulling me towards joining our Orthodox church in Kansas City. The Orthodox church is an unbroken chain of true spiritual awakening that goes all the way back to Christ himself. Its so wild too that i started typing this reply before he said Where is your St.Paisios?
Spoiler alert 😂
I wish the story of the unbroken chain of Apostolic succession from the 1st century was enough for everyone to be convinced… seems pretty straightforward to me! The lives of the Saint’s is the icing on the cake. Why people argue or try to refute it with ignorance is mind boggling!!!
St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church in KC if you are looking for a place. Fr. Turbo is the priest.
They don’t even have the second coming correct. They claim Jesus is coming back when he already returned in 70ad.
Check out St. Mary of Egypt in KCMO
Thank you father, for contributing to this online space
St.Paisios was known for his Clairvoyance.
“Clairvoyance is new age and is often viewed with skepticism and is associated with practices condemned in the Bible.”
The closer we get to God, the more of a difference we discover between religion and relationship.
Thank you for this practical answer. I've been examining Orthodoxy after years of struggling to find logical answers to problems in Protestantism (eg., sola fide not agreeing with St. James).
Have you read any Protestant commentaries on James?
See the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. Specifically, the twelfth article.
@@thomasthellamas9886 Yes. The Calvinist ones suggest the "P" in TULIP is shown in James as Perseverance+Preservation, which seems to me to sidestep the problem of sola fide, not to mention that Luther wanted St. James's epistle removed from his Canon.
@@coppernicklaus245 Imo, the reformed commentaries on James harmonize well with the relationship between faith and works. And as much as I dislike Luther, I think historians are pretty clear and honest that his remarks on James do not mean he did not believe in its inspiration. That’s just me tho. And I’m young and ignorant of a lot. Still hearing
@thomasthellamas9886 Fair enough. Presbyterians (PCA anyway) get pretty close to Orthodox positions, and the ministers I've talked to (when I've attended their churches) have agreed that faith without works is dead, so at least they're not in the easy-believism non-denom camp.
"Ye shall know them by their fruit." - The Lord Jesus Christ.
To me it sounds that Orthodoxy is in the Protestants’ radar because they are finally feeling threatened by it. And they should feel threatened because their time has come to become obliterated as their own adherents are leaving in droves and are joining Orthodoxy.
I’m kind of happy about this.
No not even close.
Well then it would be the opposite since I have never seen protestants complained about Orthodoxy at all, but in every single comment section of Christian videos on Instagram/TikTok it is full catholics and orthodox hating. Protestants see ALL Christians as something beautiful, while catholics and orthodox are too busy fighting with all the other denominations sadly.
America will probably go full Atheist, and it is, before coming to Orthodoxy.
That is the biggest hurdle for Mission, the Heresy was here first.
There are more Pentecostals alone than EOs.
EOs have declined from 20% of global Christians in 1900 to 12%. And birth rates are collapsing in their heartlands in Eastern Europe.
This doesn't make Pentecostalism true. Else we would all be Arians.
Also what happened in the 20th Century with Orthodoxy? Oh yeah. The second largest Genocide of the Century.
Fr. Paul really said lets go saint for saint
I do feel for Paul here. I feel like he yearns for the truth, but yearning for truth in your own way can cause people to be mislead. I hope he gets his answer.
Thank you for posting this, Father.
I shivered when i heard your 5-word response. Yes. And most of us in our hearts have probably had an unspoken thought very similar to that.
Of course it will fall on some ears that are deaf, but those who actually hear your sentence and this video will pay at least some attention. We will easily see here who refuses to hear. The struggles that the monk Paisios went through to become our dear Saint Paisios are challenges for any of us. We will read comments from those who don't intend to even try. Sad, but true.
Thank you, Fr. Paul. Thank you, dear St. Paisios and all the saints who rejoice with you.
[L/Mary on my husband's phone.]
For anyone doubting or outright challenging the icons in man, consider this. What was the default state of man and what did Christ work to return to us? If you say “endowed with the Holy Spirit,” and “reformed in the perfect image of God,” then bingo! Jesus tells His apostles that they will become “complete” or perfect when completely obedient to His will.
The Trinity makes zero sense if this hasn’t happened with saints. The Holy Spirit, without a perfected host, becomes an intangible force that periodically spurs people on and then retreats to quietude. If the church is truly comprised of saints who have been remade in God’s image (conformed to the image of Christ anyone?), then Protestantism is truly lacking and ineffective.
I searched for so long for someone to regard as Christ in accordance with the early believers, and found none. My FIRST encounter with Orthodoxy resulted in such. My priest knows and cares for His flock by name, only asks for “tithes” in assisting the needy, and never rushes his sheep out of his presence for fear of missing Sunday brunch. He is a many who prays for himself and others during and after every service.
Go and make disciples, anyone?
Greater things than these will you do, anyone?
Be holy for I am holy, anyone?
“Quakers have no saints. John Woolman was a Quaker saint” was the introduction to a teaching about the Journal of John Woolman.
His miracle was being an essential link in the world wide abolition of legal slavery. Not bad for a New Jersey tailor.
This is a noble challenge to us all, regardless of faith expression. We should all be striving for holiness, to live lives of repentance. And I acknowledge the importance of results -- fruits. But if we are to focus on the results of spiritual practices, liturgies, sacraments and so forth, then my seven word reply would be: Show me you are all Saint Paisios.
My heart is growing increasingly softer towards the orthodox church and I do agree the orthodox church does a far better job of forming Christians into saints. I have always been bothered by the protestant stance on sins. To .e they either felt flippant or to the other extreme judgemental and without grace. That being said I believe this argument to be a poor one. 1) there is a terminology barrier which prevents many protestants from speaking about saints. 2) many protestant denominations do not recognize saints or at least modern saints and many have decentralized structures unable to communicate what God is doing at a local level across the world. Which means even if a true saint existed in one of these churches (and I believe they do) no one outside their community would know their name. 3) This one may come off as slightly disrespectful but I assure you it is not intended to be so. The challenge that other churches do not have saints seems a bit smug and makes it look as though you may not be eccumentally aware enough to be entering into the conversation in the first place. Off the top of my head I would name Smith Wigglesworth all sorts of miracles, the Wesley brothers were said to have prayed for ppl and raised them from the dead, William Seymour, Tommy Welchel, and I can't even begin to list the number of nameless souls who have done amazing miracles in developing nations like those in Africa and Asia. This is only to name a few and restrain the list to supernatural miracles not to mention ppl like Jonathan Daniel's or others that have laid down their lives for their faith.
I believe the orthodox church is more authentic but I would say engaging in any way in the argument of who are "real christians" and who are not is just Christians trying to judge mens souls which is a job reserved for our heavenly Father alone. Christians are strongest and most beautiful when we love rather than when we judge.
Father when they speak against Orthodoxy, they are afraid of losing their congregation to the Orthodox Church.
Father, thank you so much for this. A large part of why I am now a catechumen is the real, palpable, and utterly transformative presence of Christ I experienced within an Orthodox Christian. An imperfect, ordinary, fairly new one at that. But it was indescribable. Heavenly. Weird, in the best way. After many long conversations I converted, or am in the process thereof. But that first meeting, it was divine.
This is exciting! I am on my way as well!
@@babslevoy Me too!
Hello brother. I am a believer in Jesus like you, and also a minister -- although we do not adhere to the same theological structure. I want to start by affirming that I truly believe the words of Paul in Ephesians 4:5-6, 'One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all'. I trust you belong to Him, as do I. So it must be that we are of this one faith that Paul spoke of. Christ is not divided.
I do affirm that the miraculous still happens, and also that the spiritual gifts are still very much alive and at work. So the claims of miraculous works from your example saint is not something I take issue with or inherently doubt. God still performs miracles through people. With that said, to compare ourselves with the apostles is no light matter.
My rebutle to your perspective is through the words of Polycarp, in his epistle to the Philippians. Polycarp, as you may know, was a disciple of the apostle John. He was a faithful servant and Bishop of the Lord for decades, before eventually being burned alive for his faith. I hope we can agree that very few have as much reason to compare themselves to the apostles as he did, having literally been commissioned by them. Although, in his epistle, he makes a very clear distinction between himself and Paul. He doesn't claim to be speaking as a different flavor apostle, or as a continuation of Paul's authority whatsoever. In the 3rd chapter of his letter he says, 'Brothers, I write these things to you concerning righteousness not on my own initiative but because you requested it of me. For neither I nor another like me is able to follow after the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul.'
Obviously this is a statement concerning the authority of the Pauline epistle.
In closing I will make this claim: Spiritual gifts are still very much alive, yet apostolic and canonical authority was once and for all.
Many blessings,
Stone Keener
"You will know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:16
Seven words.
Read Everyday Saints!! That book is one reason I converted to Orthodoxy from Catholicism. That book is full of saints all in one monastery!
That reason makes no sense as the Catholic Church has many monasteries and saints. I hope your Orthodox knowledge is better than your Catholic.
The best book
@@averh6347 Many monasteries and many saints for sure! But not at the clairvoyant level of Orthodox saints. Padre Pio was one I could think of.
@@tranquilenvironments I googled: Nearly 30% of all Catholic saints actually possessed some paranormal powers or had psychic experiences!
That’s the fascinating conclusion of former top parapsychologist Rhea White, who passed away in 2007.
The researcher studied the lives of 2,532 Catholic saints and found that 676 of them - an incredible 27% - had some sort of psychic experiences.
Her study revealed that 310 saints actually performed miracles and 55 had ESP.
At least 31 saints were clairvoyants and 24 had telepathic experiences, 20 could read minds and 32 predicted their own deaths.
Others had the uncanny power to be in two places at the same time, while some had the eerie ability to speak and understand languages they’d never heard before.
Father Truebenbach, pray for my father, for he is one of these protestants.
my mother too. very stubborn.
@areyoutheregoditsmedave it's a cross to bear, and may the Lord help in this bearing
In the same boat, yet not orthodox at this point. Praying God helps us through these trying difficulties. God bless you
@@natanaelsantos3924 at least my mother is supportive of my decision. a lot of people in my parish are not so fortunate.
The lack of healthy skepticism in the orthodox faith is a huge barrier to entry. I’ve been in rooms where everyone was convinced they were speaking in tongues of angels. B just because they thought it was real, didn’t make it theologically sound, empirically true, or even helpful to the spiritual formation of the fellowship. Hagiography is a very old practice, but it doesn’t make it an honest one. We live in a world full of mentalists, illusionists and even perhaps demonic power masquerading as miracles. Be skeptical. Most stories of modern miracles are non-falsifiable or don’t pass the smell test. Biblically, this is calling for “testing the spirits” to see if it’s from God. A good heuristic would be to ask: how is this apocryphal story, practice, or tradition related to the gospel? How does it help me experience the good news of redemption and union with Christ and share that good news with others?
Retired catholic priest.. great insight the only Church that has pedigree and traceable to the apostles..is the orthodox and Catholic traditions.. like islam an earlier form of Protestantism despite 1054 we still have a shared foundation.. good work Father
I thank the Apostles of Christ ,Saints and forefathers for keeping their faith having it written and following Jesus Christ our Lord commands spreading his Gospel to the Ends of the earth Through the Holy Spirit this was done. All Glory to Our God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen.
I am Protestant, I am thankful that I have the freedom to be Protestant and that you have the freedom to be Orthodox. Rather then fight about why I'm more biblical then you I choose to just let you be Orthodox. Let people read their bibles and if God gives discernment let people discern. I do not follow dead Saints, I follow the living God. Any true teacher of Christ will not try to join you to themselves, but rather make sure you are joined to Christ. Jesus said my sheep hear MY Voice. We are at the time when the Wheat and the Tares have matured and it about to be harvested. Better make sure that the fruit your bearing is wheat. You don't want to hear those terrifying words "depart from me I never knew you".
Very Well said, my brother !!
I would wager that the men that wrote the Bible would know best.
And inb4 you say 'God's Word' ... Well, he said those words to the Orthodox brothers in God's own church. Not a Protestant church nor a Protestant had anything to do with the Bible.
Powerful truth. THANK YOU, Father Paul
Thank you Father, i am Orthodox Christian,from Africa and is so great to teach them the truth. Similar mre shoud be communicated in every means for protestants.
I had started reading his biography (the one with the green cover), and put it down for a bit. I was going in for a brochoscopy (where they put a camera in to check and biopsy the lungs - it was the first of three that I had). I decided to take that book with me to read while I was waiting. I opened it up and picked up where I had left off. It happened to be the part of the book where it discussed one of the health issues he had - a problem with his lungs! It comforted me and I felt better about everything after that. Saint Paisios, pray for us!
One of the best videos I have seen on Christianity.
Let's go saint for saint right now 😂
Saint Calvin pray for us! Saint Luther pray for us! Saint Virmigli pray for us!
We let God decide who is a saint
@@DrewEric-e8zyet u would call yourself " saved ". Ironic
Orthodoxy is united, pretty much
Protestantism is divided
There is 1 Orthodoxy, 1 Faith
There are Thousands of different Protestants!
Which Orthodoxy? The Oriental Orthodox? The Assyrian Church of the East? Old Believers? True Orthodox?
@@thomasthellamas9886 Eastern Orthodoxy is the true Church of Christ...Oriental Orthodoxy split as monophysites in the 5th century Assyrian the same,Coptic the same...Latin catholicism even more thye same..Protestants denominations even even more...Old believers are schismatics...
Even the Russian orthodox and Greek Orthodox has excommunicated each other
So your claim that Orthodoxy is united is baseless 👍👍
@@Tstep45_qr don’t you see, it’s the Orthodox that still he agrees with that claims to be the True Church 😅
@@icxcnika2037 If you read my comment closely, you’ll notice I didn’t say anything about the word Orthodox in the other schematics names, having any value. That should be clear because 2 the groups I named don’t have the word “Orthodox” in their name. And the mere fact that I know of and can name some of those groups means I’m not entirely ignorant. But yeah. You missed my point and wrote an irrelevant paragraph in response to the point you missed lol
I wouldn't be too bothered about those types of videos. People who are seeking the truth, and something authentic, will find the right place.
Because the Holy Spirit is real. Those seeking God in spirit and in truth will find him.
Dogmatism: The tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of the other.
Some of those videos have made me more convinced that the Orthodox Church is the right one.
Truth is by Nature Dogmatic. It cares not for falsehoods.
Truth is embodied in Christ.
@acekoala457 Expect what people interpret to be their truth.
The Holy Bible is The Word of God written by divinely inspired individuals with their own unique lives in relation to God. It is, by far, the most historically accurate ancient text that has predicted over 120 prophecies. It is not a scientific text, nor purely an historical account, however, it is full of wisdom and inspiration that has been not only relevant, but powerful for many centuries. It has shaped civilization and changed individuals for many generations, leading us to The Divine in practices that teach us to love not only The Creator, but one another. The Message of Jesus Christ and Glorification of God is the main purpose of The Bible, and when read in the right spirit and with the right understanding, it comes alive. Many Atheists have even converted to Christianity while studying The Bible for academic purposes, some even while trying to DIS-Prove its Truth. May God Have Mercy On You. 🙏🏼 ❤
To me there are two responses:
1) where are your saints?
2) on whose authority do you believe what you believe, and why?
On the authority of the Bible
@@thomasthellamas9886 *your personal interpretation of the incomplete Protestant Bible*.
^Fixed it for you
@@thomasthellamas9886 Authority of the Bible is the Church which established the Canonical books that compile the Bible...wake up...who told u whcih books are authentic? the Church so this is the authority not the Bible
@@Dropkicksmurphie everyone here has an epistemology reducible to personal interpretation. I’m just open about it and trying to get it as close to Gods direct Word as I can. As for the rest. I don’t concede
@@evans3922 By what standard does any individual at any time know what is God breathed or not? I’m not talking about you and me, but rather those who you believe canonized the 79 books. How did they know what was and wasn’t God breathed?
We have to be very careful not to get into a "we are better than you" attitude. Being a former Orthodox, and a Protestant, constant division is not of God. This is what Satan desires. I have no doubt there have been Holy men and woman in the Orthodox, RC, and Protestant faiths. To compare one is more Holy than another sets up division more than Unity. Unity is of God. I know a number of incredible Holy men who have brought millions and millions to Christ with their ministry, healing the sick and raising people from the dead. Holy Spirit filled men and women. Yes they were not called as canonized Saints but were truly amazing workers for Christ.They would have been Saints most likely if they were Orthodox. But I know this type of comparison provides more pride and less humility. Fwiw.
I'm a protestant, a Lutheran, myself. However, I find it ironic and honestly kind of stupid for a protestant to complain about division in the Church. I mean, we are the reason the Church isn't united. Technically the Roman Catholics, I guess, but I think you get my point. If we actually didn't want divisions in the Church, we would be Orthodox and try to end Protestantism.
Being in different churches is fine. You can identify yourself with a certain church and still know your salvation is faith alone. Or you could do what the disciples did and simply call yourself a Christian or follower of Christ.
The actual issue is the narrow path, knowing that you're saved by faith alone. If you don't know that, then it's useless to identify yourself with any church. You have to first go solely by scripture alone, then once you know for certainty what God has revealed to you and you've armed yourself with scripture, feel free to join any church. Now spiritually, you can win battles since you'll know if anyone tries to get you to believe anything outside of faith is your salvation, you can immediately know it's demonic and a one way ticket to hell and a subversion off of the narrow road. That's the actual issue. Not a division of churches themselves.
The Church is not a promoter of unity amongst those who are not part of the Church. There is not sowing of division here. We’re already divided!
@@JS_Guitar09 The Lutheran RC split is not by any means at all the first denominational split. If you knew church history, you would know that we (Lutherans) already tried to achieve communion with the EO church, and they said no. You would also know that we are also a direct descendant of the original ancient church, so why should it be on us to change? We should work together with other churches in areas we agree, and where we don't we can debate or agree to disagree.
Many protestants believe that each one of them is a paisios, just like each one is a saint by “faith alone”
If you say that Peter is the foundation of church, then you should've followed his faith. He refused to eat unclean foods; he held some Jews traditions, an example is circumcision. It is Paul who contradicts Peter. So, you still believe Peter is blameless of his teaching as a foundation of church? I am not the opposite to Peter anyways but since the orthodox and catholic still believe God's teachings is from you both, you should consider are all teachings these times really perfect, no need correction
@LaustibiChriste33 you are right. I was referring to to largest Protestant denomination Pentecostalism and its offshoots
Which is also a falsehood in the opposite way. Makes the free will of man moot if God predetermineds the elect and can deceive anyone into thinking so.
Still Prelest.
Protestant here. I love the online discourse that has sprung up more fervently in recent years, as it gives a lot of food for thought and meditation. I have deeply considered orthodoxy for myself, and find that there are a lot of amazing things to praise but also a few integral points that bring the whole structure down (in my own arrogant eyes, of course). That said, I truly believe (and I get to as a protestant) that my friends in orthodoxy are as within the body of Christ as my friends in other traditions. I'm grateful for the dialog, because it's made me certain that no church can save me, but only Yeshua the Messiah.
You don't have to be arrogant to see the blatant flaws within Eastern "Orthodoxy".
@@gehenna2148 You are the same guy who comments on every Orthodox video I can find that is telling people to become. Your obsession is stopping you from achieving holiness. Lord have mercy.
I've been separated from protestantism for 10 years now and so this argument makes perfect sense. But even as I distance myself from that life, I still strive to remember what kept me from Orthodoxy for 20 years so that I can hopefully add context to these discussions.
This is essentially a meaningless argument for those who do not have some analogue of theosis. Protestantism is constantly preaching that you don't have to actually do anything. I realize that's a gross oversimplification (even though those exact words are used frequently), but to co-opt the popular political phrase and also re-phrase the video's argument, 'a system is what it does'. On paper you have various flavors of sanctification but in practice there is no identifiable group attempt at behavior modification, no matter what you call it. I believe this is protestantism's main selling point - and it's important to remember the reason it sells isn't because it's easy. It sells because it's a comfort to know you, individually, can be saved without, well, being a saint.
Because the overarching point of protestantism is to get saved. Pursuing any further relationship with God immediately plunges you into fairly uncharted (for them) territory that frankly also has armed compounds in Waco on its flowchart of possibilities. The safe path for a protestant is to completely avoid the life of St Paisios. Besides the perception of it being unBiblical, they also perceive real dangers in it. Talking about St Paisios to your average protestant is the functional equivalent of talking about being the first human on Mars. Sure there are huge benefits, but even bigger dangers - and if you don't think it's necessary, would you try?
The idea that St Paisios is far from alone - and that he's also joined by a throng of other "Thief on the Cross" saints who *didn't* live a life like his and are still saints - that's a slow ball pitch that takes a long, long time even to cross a protestant's base.
Protestant here to leave my 5 words!
I don’t argue brotherly love!
Walk your Faith in Christ!
I LOVE my Orthodox brothers and sisters and I learn so much from them.
My “St. Paisios” is One Greater! He is Jesus Christ! My grandpa was an amazing Christian man that gave me an “icon” if you will, to see with my eyes to base my life off of which has given me motivation to give my life to God. I would NEVER disrespect your icons, Saints. I’m thankful they have led many to Christ. I’ve been inwardly transformed and know many that are not “of the world” any longer. I am and know many that are “foreigners in the land”. I have seen miracles and have even had miracles worked by the Holy Spirit through my own hands with witnesses, COMPLETELY for edification and not of my own doing.
Like the Orthodox say, “we know where God is, we don’t know where He isn’t” I’m here to say the same!
With all love and respect!
Well said as by the grace of God I'm being that grandpa to my own grandchildren.
Well said! You are "Orthodox", but outside Christ's one true Church.
Come home!
@ I would LOVE to and plan to but the youth programs found outside the Orthodox Church, at least in my area, are far superior. I have the wherewithal to seek the fullness of Christ on my own but it’s important to me that my very young children are brought up enjoying going to church on Sundays. It’s hard to make a 3 year old stand still and quiet for 2 hours and I don’t want to be so hard on her that she no longer wants to go to church.
@@GMGMGMGMGMGMGMGMGMGM I'm curious what makes you say that this guy is "outside Christ's one true Church"?
@@MrMann-gt1eh 3 things. 1. Orthodoxy does not say this. You may be able to find someone who says they're orthodox who will say it. But this is not a position of the Orthodox Church. 2. Church is not for Sundays. 3. 3 year olds should be in church and there's no need to stand still. There's a remarkable amount of pride in everything you're saying. Sadly you can't see it. How do I know. I'm a pride filled man who lacks humility. I know exactly what it looks and sounds like. The fact that you cannot go into the history of your fractured secular church and find the saints father is talking about should lead you to questions not answers. I say this with the Brotherly Love you speak of. Just agreeing with you, just ignoring your egregious error would not be love of any sort. In fact that would be a form of modern moral relativism that does not exist in Christ's Church. May God grant you the grace to overcome your excuses and find your way home.
I have had a similar argument against Protestantism. If your faith is the fullness of the faith, where are your saints? We don't judge a gym because it has some overweight people inside, but we might laud one that produces a champion body builder.
Wow. Billy Graham. John Bunyan. Charles Spurgeon. Difference is they don't call them saints. Paul in the Bible calls all believers saints, not just the big dogs. Try listening to the other side of this argument.
@Jonahch2v9 lightweights
@@noahjohnson2611 Well, they did and continue to bring thousands to Christ through their actions and writings, but maybe that doesn't impress you.
@Jonahch2v9 not in comparison.
This isn’t really a good argument, as God can work through anything to bring souls to Himself. Further, we don’t know that the conversions are real. How many people on this planet claim to be Christian and yet are obviously not?
I'm a protestant and I don't agree with certain things about the orthodox church, Or maybe it's just that I don't understand there stance on certain subjects about theology, but it doesn't mean we should argue or fight, maybe sit down and discuss.There's a lot we can learn from each other.
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” ~ 2 Corinthians 10:12
Not even this will be enough for the ignorant.
my family *protestants* think they are saved and think they know everything but yet it’s all from “tiktok😒”.
For the DECEIVED. Satan wants to keep humanity sick in their sins.
@@daltonmsThe solution is pretty obvious if you'd like it.
@@joehorstmann8027 explain
@daltonms They find you less interesting than tic tok, so be more interesting. Develop your speech and arguments, and make better use of tone and volume.
As a Protestant, I love and respect my brethren in the Orthodox church. I have agreements and disagreements in matters of doctrine, but I believe we are still siblings in Christ. I will say, the Protestant response to these five words is also very simple: "we don't need one."
Such a prideful response. What a shame.
The Bible says to not bow down to or serve images, icons and men the way you would toward God. Why does the Orthodox Church insist upon elevating Mary and the "saints" to such high places? You say you do not worship them but the Bible does not even use the term 'worship', it say do not serve. What does serve mean, though? Well, I , and many others, would say that all the thing the Orthodox Church does it serving these men and their likenesses. This is not really even a debate, as it is clearly wrong according to the Bible. However, Orthodox tradition (which seems to trump the Bible rather than answering to it) say all of these rituals are not only good but necessary. So, I guess it is a debate, I mean, maybe I am wrong? I don't know? It's just that I read the Scriptures and then look at what the Orthodox do and it does not line up. The Bible does not teach Orthodoxy, only the Orthodox Church teaches Orthodoxy. I was open minded to Orthodoxy until I realized just how much it deviated from God's Word. But what gets me the most, is the fact that an Orthodox person does not even fully believe that he is going to heaven. We God says believe in the Son and you will be saved- he means it. We can trust God's promises implicitly. The faithful should believe with 100% certainty that he will be with God one day in the future. That is what faith is- trusting fully in the Lord. Of course there will be times of doubt- that is normal. Though, that is not what the Orthodox do, is it? The Orthodox merely hopes that by his activity in the Church he will be deemed worthy. There is a wishing but not a knowing. True faith is knowing.
The true Church is anywhere two or more believers, saints, gather because Jesus is with them. The Church is not a building or a denomination, such as Orthodox. This is what God has revealed to me through his Holy Word and his living saints, our fellow believers- other Christians. I do not mean to be mean but Orthodox Christianity is the illusion of spirituality. It all looks so very religious does it not? But what is behind that facade? Tradition? Those traditions were all written by men who had no authority. Lean on Scripture, ignore the Imperial Byzantine propaganda. To anyone who reads this, don't be mad, I am just following the convictions the Lord has place upon my heart and in my mind.
Agreed. I also don't get why they have all these images in their churches. Exodus 20 clearly states that we shouldn't create images of "anything in heaven"...they idolise saints and it's just wrong honestly.
@@Tee-lady The images add to the mystique. The gilded icon, portraits, outfits, incense- I have heard them say they are emulating the ancient Israelites or scenes from the book of Revelation. But, the ceremonies of the Israelites were part of the Law, which has been fulfilled and as for Revelation, well that is clearly prophesy and not instructions for behavior. They claim that these practices have been done since the apostles, but that is demonstrably false as the early church was believers meeting in each other's houses without gawdy, gold everywhere.
As you can see I have a lot to say. I recognize that the Orthodox have an amount of faith. I hope to kindle that faith by the grace of God. I want them to put away the worldly, man-made, unbiblical practices. I am ready to talk to anyone who will listen. I want others to love and fear the Lord, giving him his due as describe in his Holy Scripture. The Orthodox mock us protestants and non-denominational types often enough. Obviously, there are many false teachers in different denominations but we simply follow the Bible as we live by every word the proceeds from the mouth of God. We work out out faith with fear and trembling as well as love. We do not waste our efforts on worshipping, venerating, men and Mary. We, the faithful, are all saints. We can all be teachers as the Word is powerful and the Holy Spirit is with us. I want them, the Orthodox, to share the confidence that we have in Jesus's propitiation. He paid for our sins so we can have complete certainty that we will be with him in heaven. Faith is the root and good works are the fruit of the tree that represents us. Sorry I am talking your ear off, I guess I get carried away but I find it difficult to describe these idea in fewer words. Thank you for commenting and supporting me, sister in Christ Jesus our King.
The one true Church of Christ is filled with only saints, who are those written in the book of life (born again). There is no perfect denomination, although there are those that adhere to the Word of God (which is good) and those that promote heresies (not). Test the fruits. I actually find that a lot of Orthodox people do not promote much of the venerating as Catholics do, but they still do! If you steal $1, you are still a thief, even if it were more.
@@WillowLivingStreamsQA I see what you mean about some not doing things as much as others but still being just as guilty. Though not exactly the same, James 2:10 comes to mind. Anyways, what you said is very true and a great point. Also, all of us, God's children that is, are saints. 😇
@@derekdavis3004 amen!
Make America Godly Again ☦️🛐
I am working out converting my mental doctrine I adhere to from being a protestant Baptist, to being an orthodox Christian.
I was baptized 2 weeks ago in our old town of Nitra, becaoming orthodox wasnt my plan, it was plan of our Lord. Love u all brothers and sisters ☦️ Sláva Bohu
Слава Тебе Божи ☦️ 👑😇 🙏 Аминь.
Слава ☦️ Богу ! 🙏
Be courteous and supportive of each other, find commonalities, and appreciate that you are all Christians.
Think of each other as brothers in Christ and do not dwell in details.
You can find differences and some weaknesses in all religious dogmas.
“Show me your St. Paisios - you’re joking, right? As a Protestant, this is so tone-deaf to the nature of our disagreements with Orthodox, it is difficult to know where to begin. There are several possible responses, but I think I’ll go with a cheeky one - was Orthodoxy not true until the 20th century?
Actually, saying any saints name does the trick. There are many implications that come with that and though. Specifically the understanding of the Fall in the garden and how the eastern understanding is different than the western way(which Protestantism would fall into). With that, that then leads to why Christ came and the incarnation, His death, and His resurrection and the implications that come from these. A saint and what it means covers so much theological ground that most Protestants have never heard of or do not understand(not saying that you do not).
It's not so much "tone-deaf" as it is an attempt to look at the overall dispute from a different angle; see Mat. 7:15-20. Respectfully, your cheeky response shows that you haven't paid much attention to what Fr. Paul says.
The Protestant reform was done bc of the Roman Catholic Church in the west. At that time Eastern Orthodoxy was unknown by the people of the west. The Catholic Church was changing things to fit their agenda whereas the Eastern Orthodox Church remained true.
I was raised protestant. Because I have educated myself I am catecumin.
Father is not downing protestant beliefs. He is showing us the True way. The proper way to worship God.
Bro did NOT watch the video