I'm a female Aspie scientist. I've been known to work for 72 hours straight without taking breaks, sleeping or going home. I hardly ate or drank water. It's unhealthy (& gross), I know. But it had to be done. My focus is amazing. Not even if the world fell down around me could remove me from my work.
Guess why your focus is amazing (or atleast definitely helps) on long stretches of deep work... You're fasting. The average homeless person who struggles to eat right is actually healthier than financially sound fat pigs that just munch away all the time.
I know we all like free speech and all, but I ask that you all remain civil towards one another. I know how difficult that is to do, especially when others are insulting and rude, and I also fail at times, however, it does seem to produce better results in conversations, long term. It is quite possible to disagree in a civil manner. Please try.
I always try to be as civil and polite as possible. I'm going along a similar path that you are, but at an older age. The hoops one is forced to jump through is unreal. You're video blog is absolutely inspirational beyond belief.
Make a case for it. If you don't make a case for it, it comes off as oppressive/imposing. I try to be civil because emotional people are very dangerous, on the arm of institutional power, but my view is that people should be far tougher than just being immune to criticism.
Bobby Brothers huh? How does a request come off as oppressive or imposing? It's not like I run my channel like North Korea. It's a simple and polite request, nothing more.
TheAnMish Once these sort of people gave me melt-downs and confidence dips reaching well below the water-line.I tend to forgive people now. Even forgive other's ignorance. I've found the hard way that if I don't then their problems also become mine. So, I will use a trait of mine to good effect. Interpreting many things as black or white. For ignorant people I leave the door ajar, but others' ignorance serves as intellectual entertainment and nothing more than that. This way I don't get stressed with those who choose to have a closed mind and who also chose ignorance. I've now realise I've met many neurotypical individuals who dismiss what they can not comprehend and it gets me wondering exactly who actually has a problem. Me or them? I find that many chose to have closed minds which fits in with their beliefs and, logically thinking, it's the many others who have a problem. It'll be interesting what sort of replies this may provoke from the "many others". :-)
You are beautiful! I have a little aspergirl (a beautiful red head with blue eyes, she looks like she could be your little sister!). If someone gave me a cure for Aspergers I would never ever want it. She is loyal, honest, creative, funny and loving. Just like you, she does not need to be fixed as she is not broken. Thank you for the positive words about being an aspie!
I'm an aspie and my parents think I've "overcome" my disability. I don't know, I feel as though my life is terrible when everyone says I'm gifted. I don't know why aspies, like me, get so sad. I've always wished my life was filled with joy, but I just don't know what to do. Other than that, I try to make people happy and help out as much as I can. But at the same time, I ask myself, "will anyone do the same for me?" :/
Your happiness is contingent upon your outlook and not the actual situation. You have the power to view things in certain ways, so it is crucial to try and remain positive. Look within yourself to create your own happiness. Do not look at others to fulfill you, you are more than capable on your own. No relationship or material possession can bring you true happiness until you are happy on your own, first and foremost. This is a fatal error far too many people make in their lives
Y'know, after reading those comments, Abdullah and Anuraag, my mind has completely change. My understanding of Aspergers of not being a disability, but more or less a gift, has really come to me now. I understand that we are more intelligent and more sophisticated in learning, but at the same time, get depressed. However, this isn't a problem because I finally realized that everyone gets depressed over things, big or small. The only thing to do is look at positives and never negatives, y'know? If we can do this then we can accomplish anything, if we put our minds to it. We aren't that much different to other people; as a matter a fact, it's a lot better to be different than being the same as someone else. If only more people would understand then life would be better than it actually is. Thank you guys for understanding and we should always remember to treat people with love and respect, even if they're different and have a problem.
I don't see Asperger's as a disability at all, I think it's a societal error that we recognize what is truly a microevolution of the mind to promote diversification of thought/thinking therefore enhancing creativity. When we look at species that have developed complex societies we should be looking to insects vs mammals; there are no mammal species out there that can develop structures or that have as complex societal elements as we humans do; ants however are very much like us from a societal point of view in terms of how we build structures & work together. There are many different species of ants & bees, just like there are many different races of humans, however each race has within it several job classes & different types of ants/bees to fulfill different roles. Some ants tend to the next generation of young, others harvest, others protect. Do we ever look at the ant that is tending to the young though & consider it less than the ant that is protecting? Which of these types of ants would therefore be superior to the harvesting ant? The interesting thing about bees for example is that occasionally for certain hives all the workers will disappear; this causes what is called a colony collapse disorder. Now based on this, would it really be so crazy to speculate that perhaps the reason we have autism is from us having evolved minds able to use tools? You have tool makers & rule makers within society; I think aspies are a result of the human mind trying to diversify in response to going from a race of hunter gatherer's to a societal race. I also think that any society that succeeds in "curing" autism will undergo something very similar to CCD in terms of what bees experience; a society in which all minds think alike is a society where creativity & imagination die as it would be a society with a very weak diversification of minds.
I'm glad that I found your video, I'm 43 and am just coming to terms and being diagnosed. During the section of the video where you mentioned loyalty, even to the degree of trying to make those who are mean to us like us I broke for just a moment. It is so good after all these years to begin to understand. Thank you for this.
Hate to say, but you do kind-of look like you're (potentially) an Aspie. If I had seen your picture, I could have told you that there was a high probably of an Aspie-diagnosis in your future. And, I'm not being mean. I even diagnosed a very good friend, so it's not hard to observe it in human specimens, once you know what to look for.
You have strange way to think of people as human specimens. Your choice of the word specimen is insulting to a person unless you are from a different planet?
I don't think Poe Lemic meant it that way but rather specifically a specimen in terms of medical or clinical diagnosis. Myself being something of an unknown quantity to this person, it was a detached observation. Or at any rate that is my suspicion. :)
Atrohad: I'm part alien myself, so I've recently arrived on Planet Earth. So, I'm slower to get used to your Human Customs, so forgive me if I don't speak the language as well as a Human-Born, sexually-produced totipotent zygote.
Thank you for putting it in perspective for me. (This is not being sarcastic on my part). I have many problems myself in verbal communication with people. I find I am more fluent using the written word. I still love your video and your courage.
You're awesome! Thank you for sharing this. I'm an Aspie myself, and I have my own travel channel. Most Aspies I know are afraid to leave the nest. I live in Vietnam as an English teacher. I taught last year in Thailand. Many people thought I would be codependent on my family for the rest of my life. I'm now proving them wrong and crushing it on the other side of the world. I want to inspire other people on the spectrum, too. Cheers!
Dustin Robertson Totally! I taught English in France for a few years and did a lot of traveling abroad (sometimes solo travel at that). Like everyone else, we can do whatever we set our minds to.
Offensive people who spit their two cents worth on a video that is talking about positive things about autism really make people like us think that there is something wrong with this world. It almost explains why some of us hide in our houses and don't come out for a while. We go out of our way to bring positive things to this world and then we get negativity. Now I know why she said that we are very loyal and nice people.
You are a wonderful person; the sensitivity and the honesty gently flows through every aspect of your speech. Uploading these videos is a great thing, I think, for both Aspies and NTs.
I've been trawling youtube for asperger stuff and finding that a lot of people are very uncomfortable talking to the camera (shock!) but you've got the technique down - so thanks for sharing and communicating it effectively.
You remind me so much of myself... And you're absolutely gorgeous, both the way you speak and your mind... Keep your heart on your sleeve and let the good tunes keep your spirits up
I quit after 3½ years of being told to lose weight. I've gained 10 pounds or so since quitting the business, and am quite happy with my choice. I feel much healthier, both physically and mentally, being out of that environment.
I was so blessed by your sharing this. Thank you for doing so. I Am discovering the likelihood of AS at the ripe old age of almost 80. The freedom I Am experiencing is beyond words. ☺
Good post. Thank you for mentioning the positives. My family is filled with engineers and surgeons. I'm an Aspie. I can go in a room by myself with a book and teach myself most things. I taught myself the stock market. I felt like it was a place where I could excel, by reading and studying and combining knowledge in science, math, etc without having to explain why I know what I know. In a few years I taught myself fretless bass and like playing classical music on it. If there was a negative. I always feel isolated like people don't get it. I have a hard time dating. I hate it. Most people just can't deal with it.
I actually remember the doctor saying I might be a little different, and my mom was like NO!!! SHE IS PERFECT!!! NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HER!! I relived it again when i was about 21 and I started mentioning some similarities, I used to hide socks in my tote tray at school because i didn't like the feeling of socks... There's not really anything you can do about it, but it is nice to know that you are a little different, its not something you can help
My mother and I were discussing it a few weeks ago. We were talking about when I was in kindergarten how I hated the seams on the tops of socks. That seam used to bother me to death. I had my poor mom looking everywhere for seamless socks for kids in the early 80's.
Lucky you, I was given no options. We didn't have a lot of money. The leg seams on jeans were a real problem for me too. I pretty much only wore stretchy pants until grade 6. I wouldn't eat any regular food either, only plain pasta, campbells chicken noodle soup, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I got so much flak growing up for not liking food.
Same here. Jogging pants were a favorite of mine in grade school. Gilda Radner quoted "I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." That holds true to me to this day.
music is definitely me too. I can't stop making electronic music. I've made over 240 songs and my goal is to get 10000 hours into it. Only 8800 hours left...
i am an autist and i love listening to music, i can totally spend 4 hours listening to the same 1 minute song. However my creativity lies in storytelling and i suck at creating music
Too many folks have trouble accepting people that are different. Perhaps your intelligence, gentleness, and grace will help some of them get over that. Creativity is the eternal voice of love singing to us. Keep at the creative work. Thanks for the honesty and courage!! You are a winner.
I knew our son was quite different but had trouble defining what made me think this. When a second son came along, the difference between them brought it out even more. I feel so sorry for those who haven't been able to help their kids but I would urge them to teach them at home rather than putting them in group environments in the early years. Even though I had never heard of Asperger's Syndrome, I dealt with my son by staying connected. Our whole family worked at creating an atmosphere of correct and positive feedback, at times telling him exactly how to behave in all the ways average people do. It is such a wonderful thing to see your children be able to embrace the world. We showed them how we felt about the world and they have retained that positive attitude all their lives. Can you imagine having a conversation with an Aspie that lasts for three to six HOURS and never repeat anything? Can you envision sharing any subject, talking about anything with complete and utter joy? The love between him and his younger brother set an even better example for us. Little brother was solidly in his big brother's corner and included him in all activities of our neighborhood circle. When our Aspie was trying to master rollerblading, little bro could be seen skating backwards, encouraging him all the way, waiting patiently for him to get back up on those many discouraging falls. The two brothers were seen pretty much everywhere together so other kids came to accept them as a package deal. Our sons are grown men now and have such different lives. They each chose their path but still routinely talk at great length even though one is terribly religious and the other not very spiritual. By teaching our sons outside of an artificial school structure that wears people down, we were able to help them keep their special identity and see that identity as a good thing. Asperger's Syndrome is a challenge worth facing. If you know someone, or if you suspect you line up that way, please don't be discouraged. It's a better world than you think...
Well it's a spectrum, so of course there are "mild" cases. We end up having different problems from the "severe" ones, but we are still on the ASD spectrum. And I can tell you very certainly that specialists in the field would firmly disagree with your statement that there's no such thing as a mild case. I can, someday, function in the world, somewhat normally, but I know that without the help I've had over the last 10 years, it would've never happened.
Ethan John I wasn't flirting and also why don't YOU go back to that dark room you're always filming in and leave people alone to say and do what they wish? I was merely thanking her in a way because I too have Aspergers syndrome and she hit the nail on the head with many parts.
Here goes again, then: I have been diagnosed two seperate times by professionals. My diagnosis has been confirmed by yet another specialist, who has known me for years. So by now, any doubts I have had, are long gone. I understand fully that I'm not a "rain man" aspie. I never said I was. I'm a mild case. But when I read my diagnostic papers from age 13-16 and age 19, I fully understand why I was diagnosed.
I like you very much. I am an Aspie. I just found out at 42. I think that being an Aspien woman is hard sometimes, but I love myself now. Before I knew, I didn't. You are beautiful inside and outside. Thank you for sharing :) btw I am super creative too!
Wow! This is a very nice speech by an Aspie! You are very kind, sweet and polite! I like you and i respect you! You are very beautiful especially your lips and your smile! You are very intelligent and you spoke alot of truths about the positives about being an Aspie! And i'm an Aspie myself, so i have an Asperger's syndrome too. And i'm from Bulgaria.
You are without doubt one of the most beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to share some time with. Physically, emotionally, spiritually - you are 100% excellent. You've made a difference posting that vid - nice one, well done!
I'm so glad someone else has an audial stim as their main relaxation use. I listen to music constantly and use it to keep myself from having a meltdown in public. And also, I'm a sculptor whose been in the Scholastic Art Awards many times, which tends to surprise people when they find out I have Aspergers.
late reply, but yes, I tend to do that as well . . . a relaxation method I should use more often than I actually do because I get caught up in other things. When I find myself in a meltdown phase, I usually put the headphones on and just crank up the volume to the point where my body feels the music.
I won some art prizes in class 8. Did not even know why ? Did not bother to tell people (NTs) that the stuff was made in a hurry. They were able to find many "artistic" things and "aspects" in something which I made in 10 minutes. I had no idea why I was being "awarded" a prize for "art". I was happy and confused at the same time to receive the prize. It is good that aspies are good at keeping their mouths closed on such occasions. Most of us get into trouble when people as us a question and we actually answer it. People do not want unsugercoated truth. BTW I found out about what aspie symptoms are at the age of 42. Before that I had no idea what issue was. I also used to think EVERYONE has the same issues for 42 YEARS.
I like classical music and some anime music ("Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" music). @Nichole Sinclair What kind of music do you listen to, if you don't mind me asking?
UniverseIsAwesome Everything. I'm really into indie music right now, my fav is Take Me To Church, which is a little suprising cuz I'm not typically into music on the radio
I'm sorry that you think aspies can't learn these things. I spent 3½ years working as a model, which taught me to deal with cameras, and also allowed me to observe what make-up and hair looks good on me. I've actually seen many beautiful aspies, and also met quite a few that have no problem looking at the camera. Eyes are a lot more difficult, and takes longer to learn, but it's also possible for many (not all).
Hi there, just wanted to say I think you're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and had the pleasure of listening to. You also have a really nice voice and just generally seem like a very pleasant person. Thank you for making my day and simply for existing :)
Every time someone tries to be the Aspie victim I sent them here. We can be wonderful amazing creatures, if we don't let all the noise of the NT overwhelm us
J. Benjamin The things in the video are just examples. It's really just meant to get people to not *always* focus on the negative aspects. Because that's all we ever hear about, and it makes it seem like we are supposed to be miserable creatures, and I don't think we have to be. But we're all different! So your positives won't be the same as mine, and I think it's rare to agree with all the examples I mention in the video. I'm not all those things. I'm some of them, and that's good enough for me. :) And yes, very often, it's the co-morbid disorders that are the most annoying to live with. My depression and stress are definitely more annoying than being an aspie would be by itself. Don't apologize for the rant, sometimes they're needed. :)
TheAnMish Same here. I suffer from Asperger's too. My depression and anxiety can go haywire sometimes. Out of all the positive aspects you mentioned in your clip, it's sad how the world can't or refuse to see it.
eugene680 I have just bought passiflora incarnata tea (passion flower). It really helps calm me down during anxiety flareups. It helps to counteract stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain, thus calming you down. Not like alcohol or thc at all, but more like being really sleepy or pleasantly tired after physical exercise. However do NOT use when using heavy machinery or before going into traffic! I DO however consult a specialist on this at that moment (an orthomoleculair doctor) as should you if interested. It does effect your neurotransmitters after all, if even mildly so.
I so relate to what "AnMish" (?) is saying. For the longest time, I thought I was just some lame and shameful idiot even though I was smart and gifted in a few domains. For the longest time I had no girlfriend and very few friends and I followed a few paths that weren't for me. And then I gave up and did what I really believed in (making documentaries about what I deem important to understand in this world). And I poured all my focus, my almost fanatical energy there, not caring much about what people would think about me. Now I have a wife, dear friends and yes, people still think I am odd - I still have difficulties conducting a "normal" social life and some people, some kids in particular don't like me at all - but it's OK. I feel happy in my own ways every day that I live, knowing that I do the very best I can to contribute to this world. I might end up rich or miserable but I embrace my path with joy, determination and gratitude. Be true and be good, embrace life and life will embrace you regardless if you're "odd" and unusually awkward.
I remember watching this and thinking you were right, when you first uploaded this, but today I'm just....so sick of people assuming what I say means something different...being angry because they are offended when I tell them they are being silly, or even sometimes when I try to offer them solutions to their problems. I mean with strangers, I can understand. they have no reason to know any better, but when my friends react to me as if I am somebody else, as if I mean x when I say y....ugh. idk even what the point is in this post. I guess just me venting. sorry.
I see so many people miss-diagnosed as having aspergers, and there is no right or wrong in having or not having a disorder, personally I do not feel aspergers is a disorder only a state of being. Your a beautiful person, a true "aspie" as you phrase it. It can be difficult when all the beautiful things you see and envision flow so seamlessly from your minds eye although in hammering these visions into pre-molded word structures to fit the mental conceptual capacity of "every day society" just for them to understand you is terribly "draining". I could only compare it to having ten-thousand well educated thoughts and ideas and concepts at the tip of my tongue to be expressed to the world, BUT due to a deficit in communication and literacy (with hands bound, societal ball & chain attached) dial down proficiency to that of a toddler and talk extra slow in gallant effort to express yourself. Kid, you'll move mountains, your a beautiful person who speaks from the heart, love your videos!
If I could, I would give you a huge hug :) This video went strait to my heart. It also decribes me perfectly as a person :) I lack the ability to express myself with the right words, but your video did that job for me :) Thank you so much for making this video! I posted it on my FaceBook Page so my Swedish friends would learn how I function as an Aspie :D You´re a truly great person and I think you´re really pretty too :) You´re equally beautyful on the inside as you are on the outside :) Or is it the other way around? As I wrote before, I´m not that good with words ;) I hope you understand what I mean :) I really wish that I would meet a lovely girl like you someday. This video made me happy and it put a big smile on my face :D Take good care of yourself, my friend :) Have a truly great life and keep those videos coming :) Many Greetings and Hugs from a Swedish Aspie guy!
I love this video so much! Thank you for sharing! I am an Aspie and I enjoy hearing people like you who I feel like I can empathize with. For me personally, it is a rare and delightful feeling!
As for emotional outbreaks, the source is important. Is it a reaction to something being said, done, sensory input etc. It may seem random, but it never is. Sometimes, it's hard to find out what the cause is, but there always is one (or more), and it's impossible to address the symptom without addressing the actual problem, so you need to find out what that is. It can be stress, anxiety.. etc.
I just wanna say I LOVE YOU! Thank you for being you, you are helping me so much. I am a 23 year old girl and someone just discovering all these answers to the way I've been all my life... Trying to learn so I can understand myself better and be kinder to myself! So great to actually see someone with such similar experiences to me. Thank you for the video! Annabel xx
The rate may be the same because female Aspergians have similar interests as their neurotypical peers and they mimic social skills better than their male counterparts.
This is not true. Men are quicker to be diagnosed as autistic, even those who have boderline. With women it‘s the opposite, we are at much higher risk to be misdignosed and pathologized as borderline when we are actually autistic. Autisms knows no gender! It‘s in the minds of this double-standard society…sadly.
Well, I have spent many years learning how to. And in fact, there are many aspies in proffessional acting, both stage and film. So while I agree that it's rare, it's definitely not impossible. Also, I still feel that I lack facial expression around my eyes a lot, although it's not something most people would notice if they weren't looking for it.
whenever I do math or build something I don't lose focus and am hard to reach, other than mathematics and engineering I struggle in the focus department, I didn't realize that it was one of the attributes of my aspergers and just thought it was mean. thank you for making this video.
Again, I was trying to be humorous. Yes, she is attractive, charming, and seductive (maybe -- in a semi-sweet way). Yet, if he can only compare her beauty to the women that he has seen all week, then that's not much of a comparison. From my viewpoint, she's more attractive than that, and she deserves quite a more positive comment on her beauty, if you do decide to comment upon it.
Dd: Thanks. I do work out and eat right, especially work hard to stay in shape. However, I'm more into girls. But, I do appreciate your compliment and could introduce you to some of my Gay Friends.
Hi there, My name is Marnix. I have Aspergers sydrom. Many people call me, and others like me, an autist or an aspie. I always correct people when thy say this. I am Marnix and I have some limitations. These mostly come from me having autism. But I am not my limitations. If people are there limitations, then someone without legs would be a stumpy. Or someone with glasses would be a glass. We are all who we are, we are not our limitations. So I therefore ask everyone, don’t call yourself or others by there limitations. I started this message with “My name is Marnix”, that is who I am, I am not an autist, I have autism. I am not an apsie, I have aspergers. I am Marnix.
Marnix, VERY WELL SAID! I haven't thought from that perspective, which makes a lot more sense. Me too, I thought I was an aspie, but no, I have Asperger's syndrome. Peace, Light and Love.
I've recently been diagnosed with a mild case of aspergers syndrome and your videos have been very inspirational to me. I always knew I was different and had a hard time socializing, but I never understood why until a few months ago. I know what it's like to be "acting" in social situations. I've been learning how to work with my aspergers and I'm actually learning how to make it work for me. You are very smart and pretty and a great voice for people with aspergers!
Just a note for people who say asperger is a "desease" : here"s some folks who had asperger : Beethoven, Bach, Charles Darwin, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, ectect imagine how our world would look today if we had "cured" these lad"s...
I have been watching videos about social skills and it led me to this video somehow, I have been intrigued and I was starting to notice that I struggle with some of the social things. I watched a screening video and had got a 5/10.., Then I saw this video and clicked it and as I watched I noticed how similarly we approached counseling friends, recharging, and how sometimes I focus on things. I stayed up all night figuring out a chemistry thing, slept a few hours and went to church today. Anyway based on how you talk and what you said I cried a little because I think I might be part of this community. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your life online, you helped me learn more about myself.
everyone on the spectrum is different, but i have to admit, there are positives with almost everyone like with myself, i get angry easily but i am a bit socially awkward and i interrupt people a lot, but i am more "book smart" than the average person, just not a social or street smart. i also... okay never mind that's like the only positive BUT at least there are positives to be there, right? this video is kinda steriotypical (or however it is spelled) but still a good video
I have not been diagnosed professionally as an Aspie. But, from my admittedly limited understanding of the situation, there doesn't seem to be much reason to pay for a doctor's diagnosis, as there is no more treatment available than there is for a broken pinky toe. I appreciate your videos. My recent studies on the subject have actually been a relief to me. Self diagnosis, while iffy, has been some comfort in that I know I am not alone, that I'm not crazy. I'm 62 years old, and the classic symptoms have been with me as long as I can remember. This video is strange. Positive aspects, hmmm. Thank you.
Finally, someone who's in tune with all things good about being an Aspie. You're always going to get negative people rubbishing everything we say (see below) but I just put that down to ignorance, or even jealousy because we are special. Very well said Anmish..I'll keep a look out for more of your posts.
Do you find that you need to be told that you are liked by someone that you consider to be a friend? I'm asking this because I know it's hard to read social cues as an aspie so if someone doesn't tell an aspie that they like them an aspie will not instinctively know, this is something that I've heard from other youtubers. I have a teen that I believe is an aspie and was so I'm trying to learn as much as possible. I really like your videos and you are so beautiful and have such a soothing voice. Thanks for your time.
Hello Robin Love ! I have Asperger too and I can tell you that we do! We don't know when someone likes us, flirting it's based on subtle things we cannot see most of the time, specially when we are young, but if someone is too straight forward, we can freak out, even if we like that person too we just don't know how to deal with it. We need a lot of help to notice that someone likes us and how to deal with it, and the relationships can be complicated for we have very nice things, but lack of some basic stuff hehe. But our love is usually deep and true, we stay focused on our special someone, I see the girl on this video has been on a relationship for 10 years! I've been with my gf for 8, but we know each other (and like each other) for 23 year! It took me 15 years to notice she was interested and actually do something about it.
This is the first of your videos that I have seen. I feel so much better about myself after having watched this. Thank you thank you thank you. I have been feeling so down.
+524ian I didn't say that all people with ASD had all these traits. Just that they are generally common in our population. :) I'm just trying to give people ideas for positive qualities they might see in themselves, or even that others might see in them. To remind people, that it's not all bad. Like I say in the description box.
hm...i change my special interests regularely. i have like 2 that always stayed with me which are computer games / fantasy and history. i have had many others but they came and went. During a depression i loose interest to do anything and just sit there. But after the depression interests start coming back for me
The short answer is simply 'yes'. Longer answer; there are different 'profiles' when it comes to special interests. Some have the same all life, some have changing ones and some seem to constantly aquire new ones. A few don't have them at all. And yes, depression can cause you to lose interest in absolutely everything. It may return on its own or it may not. If it doesn't, one may get a new special interest once the depression is over. Either way, if one has a depression, I would advise to seek help. They can be hard to deal with by oneself.
I loved the bit at 1.00 where you say we've got this ability to focus COMPLETELY on what we're doing! That's so true for me. Never sure, if mine are 'special interests' or not. I'm really into photography but don't know, if it's a 'special interest' or not. It's certainly a 'zone' activity. Either way I think this underlines your point about interests and being able to focus for hours on end- Demon Speed Painting - Asperger Syndrome - Special Interest Anyway, thanks for all the videos. Great channel.
It's only been explained to me in laymans terms, and seeing as I don't yet have a degree in neuropsychology, I cannot pass on the information any other way. When I do, I'll explain it do you in scientific terms, and maybe we can understand each other. As for now, I can't explain it any other way, so we're at an impasse. Either way, I would think the term "brain damage" is not accurate to describe autism. Our brains are not "damaged", they are different.
[ ] Aspergers isn't real [ ] My son has Aspergers, you are so inspiring [ ] You are beautiful [ ] My life is a constant struggle you will never understand Tick one, I think I've just about covered everything
You mentioned music: The Tibetan Singing Bowls are very helpful for relaxation. They are a bit expensive but sometimes you can find sound files on the net which seem to work pretty well also.
Started watching because you are beautiful. Continued watching because you seemed to explain me to a tee. I have been to dozens of doctors and psychs throughout my life. Most of them see me as majorly depressed (along with ADD), although none of them seems to know how to diagnose me completely, and all medications I have tried do nothing. You now have me wondering if I could possibly be somewhat ASD (if that's possible). The thing is, because of how well you described me and how "general" a lot of things you seemed to say were, I am also wondering if this is all so vague that it can apply to anybody, much like a horoscope reading in a newspaper....
The removal of the Aspergers condition from the DSM (DSM IV contained an entry, DSM V does not) would seem to indicate that science agrees with your horoscope supposition. Unfortunately.
I'm a nurse and in the context of my education I began to think I had Asperger's Syndrome. I told my doctor and he vehemently said I didn't so I start to learn more about it. The more I learned the more I was certain I'm an Aspie. It helps to know that rather than wondering what my problem was. Your video was extremely helpful to me in clarifying my condition and I'm lucky I found you on line.
I watched this to see if it would be good for my almost 12 year old, who is not happy at all with finding out she is an Aspie. You are so lovely. Thank you for doing this. And I see myself in some of what you describe...I am a therapist, always tell people I am a problem solver, and am realizing I'm not very good at hearing people who just want to vent :)
I have mild aspergers. It is still new to me. Well seems so? Diagnose in 2008. When I typed aspergers on youtube. First guy explaining about aspergers. Then you. Your video made me had a tear. You're a intelligent person, that knows how to describe on how you feel. Reason your video was awesome and mention about the tear. What your doing is outstanding work. I know I still have a long road ahead of me. I love my job of dining services. And really great at it. You are right about that.
Hey TheAnMish I think you're really incredible, thank you so much for all of your videos! My ex boyfriend has aspergers and dyslexia. He is one of the most incredible guys that I have ever met and am still good friends with him. The way you explain everything is so cool and immensely informative. I don't know you but you definitely appear to be a lovely young lady. I know many people slightly misunderstand other's who have other abilities that they do not obtain, and act out in a negative way. Stay strong! Thank you again. You're a blessing.
Not to be rude but you shouldnt use the term 'Aspie' It can sometimes be offensive to people with Aspergers. Referring to all people with Aspergers as 'Aspies' is basically letting a disorder define who you are. Using that term is separating people with Asperger's from the rest of the world who doesnt have it and I dont think thats right. We are all human. Just because you have this doesnt mean you cant pass for normal. You cannot BE Aspergers. I dont have Aspergers but I had a suspicion that I did until I went to go see a professional and I found out that was just a quiet introvert with inattentive ADHD but when I thought I might of had this it really hurt a lot and I had self esteem issues because I wasnt sure if I had it or not and whenever I would see that term 'Aspie' it would hurt even more. And its kind of the same thing with the term 'Schizophrenic' I dont have Schizophrenia but Im sure the term may be offensove to some people with Schizophrenia
"Aspie" means "Person with asperger's syndrome. What with me being one, I get to decide what terms I like to use. If others get offended at my use of words that define me, that's their problem. Also, there's nothing wrong with words that define people as being different from one another, because we are. Some people are greedy, some are generous, some are hateful, some are loving, some have different brain structure or extra cromosomes. Me having the brain stucture I do, means I perceive the world fundementally differently, than do the people with "typical" brain structure. It is part of why I am who I am. I am more than an aspie, but I am just as much that as I am a songwriter, a dreamer, and roleplayer. They all affect my life in big ways, and they are part of my idenity. And I am proud of it. It might be a disorder, a dysfunction, whatever you want to call it, but damn it, it's me. It's not something to be fixed. So don't try to separate my "disorder" from me. That's how I think about it. Others with ASD, they get to choose how they want to talk about it, but they don't get to decide which words I use to define myself, or how I feel about being on the spectrum. They can influence the language by using it how they want, but they don't get to censure me, when I am not encouraging hate or shame. I am an aspie, and I'm proud of being one. If that's offensive, then that implies that I should be ashamed of how my brain works, and that's a train I'm not getting on.
MrOhWhatTheHeck Not everybody has the same outlook on the disorder. Some people do have low self esteem for having this disorder. And using it as a noun just makes it worse for those people Thats why suicidal thoughts are 10 times more likely in people with aspergers
TEAMJACOB495 Aspie would be more offensive if people were actually using it as an insult, which is generally not true. Recall that it's by intention that people are judged, not action. As it stands, I think you should be more concerned with eradicating 'Ass Burgers' than aspie. :P
I am 24 years old now. I haven't really talked to a psychiatrist but all the things you said and those that I've read on the internet about signs and symptoms of person with Asperger's Syndrome, answers all my questions why I feel different.
Aspergers is 100% misery for me. It's easier for girls than guys. Girls have social support, guys are pounded to the bottom of the pecking order by everyone. Repeatedly. By their own family. By strangers. By all men and women. Left out of the pack. Turned and spurned. Find me a guy with asperger's and I'll show you a guy with low self-esteem.
+hungwilliam It doesn't have to be that way mate. Take the obsessive part of it and think of way to make money. You may still be miserable, but you will not be a popper.
+hungwilliam I'm a dude and an aspie, and I can totally 100% relate to what you're saying. Man, there comes a point where you just have to fucking get out there and work at getting neurotypical. I worked really hard at being social and have had success with girls by just letting go and relaxing. It's a mess and it's hard but I'm telling you man, if you just relax and get out into the world good things can happen. I've made friends I never thought I would just by telling myself that I'm not going to give in to the fear and living my life. It works dude, you just have to do it.
+hungwilliam As a kiddo. I had a lot of support, help with my stemming growing up. (I still do it) There came a point where my depression became so intense that I was tired of it and I decided to go out and be neurotypical and participate in the world. You can too.
Wow! Just stumbled on your video and what you say is so right. Was only diagnosed with Aspergers in the last few months at 54. I'm a gifted visual artist but I haven't been able to build on my successes. The theme of my life up until now has been… I just can't get there from here. I feel everything you say is true about me but the results have often been disastrous. I've run into people like douche bag who just don't get it, perhaps because they project their own insecurities onto others.
Abbie Shaw no, that's not true at all you cant possibly know what its like to be alone all your life, you get men easily, there really is no comparison, its hell for men, and problematic for women, massive diference, luckily for you you wownt understand and never will !
Abbie Shaw Girls are naturally a bit more aware than men. thats why we can. guys naturally dont pick up on things as well as women. I personally think thats a reason. And this is coming from a female Aspie.
I want to thank you for making this video. There are so many times when Asperger's becomes such a challenge, and I've had many periods of frustration over it. It's wonderful to be reminded of the benefits that come with it as well, and of why it doesn't make us "abnormal." Also, you're probably tired of hearing this by now, but you are truly beautiful. And from what I can see, you're a wonderful person as well. I hope you will continue talking about this in the future. :-)
I stopped watching as soon as she goes, "we can see solutions to problems that 'neurotypicals' just don't think of." meh. You're clearly not the Aspie I was looking for. She had to compare her syndrome to what is actually normal to make it look good. How about not comparing people, now that is how you highlight a syndrome or a situation. Plus, I like how she generalized "normal brains" as being this and that... jeez get a grip
Also, before you discriminate against "neurotypicals" PLEASE ACCOMPLISH something in life and display it here. I had to further watch some of this BS only to facepalm when she mentioned Einstein. Idiotic idiotic idiotic
bbsteps I'm not going to waste my time going through everything, but I will respond to just one point. I am not discriminating against anyone. I am pointing out some possitive traits, so aspies around the world can be reminded of something good about themselves, rather than only ever hearing about the bad. It's sorely needed sometimes. But I never said that NT's are bad people, or that they're less intelligent. I'm not trying to point out that being one or the other is "better". I'm pointing out that we're different, and that being different isn't bad.
look if i a schizophrenic says he sees things other people dont you wont disagree, its just the way the brain works.....the point is that people with aspergers are able to see in a focused sometimes a bit narrow way that allows them to see or notice particulars about things and solutions that people who dont have their brains set on incubating ideas to that degree wont see. She is not talking about a superhuman power aspies have, just neurologically predisposed strengths, just as people who are "engineered" a certay way can see things according to their makeup.
What she means in the video is autistic people get hooked into little tiny details that many other people find uninteresting. For example when I was a young child, I spend hours deeply studying the properties of individual toys while most other kids would have gotten bored with playing with it in minutes. Sometimes while looking at these details, autisic people like me can notice things in those details that others wouldn't consider important. This can be a great advantage when you are a scientist. Einstein had this attention to detail when he noticed that isaac newtos theory of gravity traveled faster than light which he knew was impossible.
I was a bit harsh with my comment but I would like to explain that as an aspie I trust people too much. Now I'm not as blessed with looks as others but I note that a lot of people take advantage of such people and look at them purely from a 'what is good for me basis', like 'oh this person is hot' or 'oh this person is so kind I can get away with anything' and in general Aspies tend to be very nervous of this attitude and your comments seem to push my perception towards the negative side. Just viewing a person from a one dimensional perspective of 'what do i get out of it?' seems not so nice in my opinion. I have yet to read a sonnet starting 'and that hot mamma was damn fine', there is a reason for this. I myself have had this type of friendship and personal relationships with people who use people and usually the comments from them are also one dimensional. Unfortunately the world has a very much 'gang' mentality of us and them and perhaps that will not change. But this is a girl who like me has a disability and instead of seeing depth you discuss the reaction in your groin. Considering your continued lack of consideration with your second comment I would just say, sorry for coming across harsh. you know, perhaps it's your turn.
Well I might be an aspie too and I think I can get you. The point is do you live according with what you want or do you live in an aspie autopilot? Studying enough the neurotypicals I learned ways of acting that make me feel less miserably. Maybe it's a matter of aging too if I consider myself 10 years ago. I don't know, it's ok for me, just start acting more for yourself and react with short clever responses. No harsh feelings after all.
Well, I screwed up there a little. Interesting misunderstanding. I am going through a distrust phase of peoples intentions quite obviously if your were to analyse my response. But perhaps you were also too abrupt. Perhaps I misunderstand your kind intention but your words came across harsh. I would have expected 'she is very attractive', but do you ever read the creepy comments from some people? I would exercise caution on your words. I apologise though. Misunderstanding happened here. No harsh feelings. Take it easy bas, keep well.
i just want to say that i think i love you, i got this calm and peaceful vibe from this (first) video of you i just watched, you're eyes are so honest and brilliant, i guess any1 who knows you must be really lucky.. i really feel like you are a being of light and i love the presence of you in this world
you are a different personality type. look into jungian theory. cognitive functions.... INTJ / INTP.... also enneagram 5 / 6. look into that. i hate this label talk.
I am so glad you mentioned those things. I'm an Aspie too. I tend to think only of the negatives which depresses me. But watching this has reminded me of the positive aspects of it. It cheered me up. Thanks ;)
Thank you for sharing your video with us....My son was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism last year. He's wise beyond his years....always has been...he loves the piano....is in accelerated math (going into the 5th grade). He struggles socially a bit but he is my heart. I watch videos and read a lot to try and understand that he is his own little person. You are a beautiful person and I am grateful for you sharing your stories with us on here.....
TheAnMish You are absolutely gorgeous, inside and out. Merely watching this video made me a bit more optimistic about humanity as a whole. Just knowing there's someone as cool/kind/intelligent as you out there, just makes me feel....better. So, thanks for existing. :)
Asperger's Syndrome is absolutely amazing, it's sad that a lot of people don't understand what it is. I truly believe that a lot is to be learned about Asperger's, within it lies the answer to a lot of questions surrounding human cerebral potential and evolution. More power to you red!
I'm a female Aspie scientist. I've been known to work for 72 hours straight without taking breaks, sleeping or going home. I hardly ate or drank water. It's unhealthy (& gross), I know. But it had to be done. My focus is amazing. Not even if the world fell down around me could remove me from my work.
Guess why your focus is amazing (or atleast definitely helps) on long stretches of deep work... You're fasting. The average homeless person who struggles to eat right is actually healthier than financially sound fat pigs that just munch away all the time.
What’s ur mbti and enneagram type?
I know we all like free speech and all, but I ask that you all remain civil towards one another.
I know how difficult that is to do, especially when others are insulting and rude, and I also fail at times, however, it does seem to produce better results in conversations, long term.
It is quite possible to disagree in a civil manner. Please try.
I always try to be as civil and polite as possible. I'm going along a similar path that you are, but at an older age. The hoops one is forced to jump through is unreal. You're video blog is absolutely inspirational beyond belief.
Myron Szymanskyj I don't think you are civil, you are just a barbarian in disguise. :D
Make a case for it. If you don't make a case for it, it comes off as oppressive/imposing. I try to be civil because emotional people are very dangerous, on the arm of institutional power, but my view is that people should be far tougher than just being immune to criticism.
Bobby Brothers huh? How does a request come off as oppressive or imposing? It's not like I run my channel like North Korea. It's a simple and polite request, nothing more.
TheAnMish Once these sort of people gave me melt-downs and confidence dips reaching well below the water-line.I tend to forgive people now. Even forgive other's ignorance. I've found the hard way that if I don't then their problems also become mine.
So, I will use a trait of mine to good effect. Interpreting many things as black or white. For ignorant people I leave the door ajar, but others' ignorance serves as intellectual entertainment and nothing more than that. This way I don't get stressed with those who choose to have a closed mind and who also chose ignorance.
I've now realise I've met many neurotypical individuals who dismiss what they can not comprehend and it gets me wondering exactly who actually has a problem. Me or them?
I find that many chose to have closed minds which fits in with their beliefs and, logically thinking, it's the many others who have a problem.
It'll be interesting what sort of replies this may provoke from the "many others". :-)
You are beautiful! I have a little aspergirl (a beautiful red head with blue eyes, she looks like she could be your little sister!). If someone gave me a cure for Aspergers I would never ever want it. She is loyal, honest, creative, funny and loving. Just like you, she does not need to be fixed as she is not broken. Thank you for the positive words about being an aspie!
Juliette May Thanks for that beautiful comment, I wish more people would think like you!
Nu repari evolutia! This is evolution! No need to be fixed!
I'm an aspie and my parents think I've "overcome" my disability. I don't know, I feel as though my life is terrible when everyone says I'm gifted. I don't know why aspies, like me, get so sad. I've always wished my life was filled with joy, but I just don't know what to do. Other than that, I try to make people happy and help out as much as I can. But at the same time, I ask myself, "will anyone do the same for me?" :/
Your happiness is contingent upon your outlook and not the actual situation. You have the power to view things in certain ways, so it is crucial to try and remain positive. Look within yourself to create your own happiness. Do not look at others to fulfill you, you are more than capable on your own. No relationship or material possession can bring you true happiness until you are happy on your own, first and foremost. This is a fatal error far too many people make in their lives
That comment made my day, man! Thank you so much for understanding! You don't know how much that means to me.
Don't mention it. The future is ours, wait for it. :)
Y'know, after reading those comments, Abdullah and Anuraag, my mind has completely change. My understanding of Aspergers of not being a disability, but more or less a gift, has really come to me now. I understand that we are more intelligent and more sophisticated in learning, but at the same time, get depressed. However, this isn't a problem because I finally realized that everyone gets depressed over things, big or small. The only thing to do is look at positives and never negatives, y'know? If we can do this then we can accomplish anything, if we put our minds to it. We aren't that much different to other people; as a matter a fact, it's a lot better to be different than being the same as someone else. If only more people would understand then life would be better than it actually is. Thank you guys for understanding and we should always remember to treat people with love and respect, even if they're different and have a problem.
I don't see Asperger's as a disability at all, I think it's a societal error that we recognize what is truly a microevolution of the mind to promote diversification of thought/thinking therefore enhancing creativity. When we look at species that have developed complex societies we should be looking to insects vs mammals; there are no mammal species out there that can develop structures or that have as complex societal elements as we humans do; ants however are very much like us from a societal point of view in terms of how we build structures & work together. There are many different species of ants & bees, just like there are many different races of humans, however each race has within it several job classes & different types of ants/bees to fulfill different roles. Some ants tend to the next generation of young, others harvest, others protect. Do we ever look at the ant that is tending to the young though & consider it less than the ant that is protecting? Which of these types of ants would therefore be superior to the harvesting ant? The interesting thing about bees for example is that occasionally for certain hives all the workers will disappear; this causes what is called a colony collapse disorder. Now based on this, would it really be so crazy to speculate that perhaps the reason we have autism is from us having evolved minds able to use tools? You have tool makers & rule makers within society; I think aspies are a result of the human mind trying to diversify in response to going from a race of hunter gatherer's to a societal race. I also think that any society that succeeds in "curing" autism will undergo something very similar to CCD in terms of what bees experience; a society in which all minds think alike is a society where creativity & imagination die as it would be a society with a very weak diversification of minds.
I'm glad that I found your video, I'm 43 and am just coming to terms and being diagnosed. During the section of the video where you mentioned loyalty, even to the degree of trying to make those who are mean to us like us I broke for just a moment. It is so good after all these years to begin to understand. Thank you for this.
Hate to say, but you do kind-of look like you're (potentially) an Aspie. If I had seen your picture, I could have told you that there was a high probably of an Aspie-diagnosis in your future. And, I'm not being mean. I even diagnosed a very good friend, so it's not hard to observe it in human specimens, once you know what to look for.
You have strange way to think of people as human specimens. Your choice of the word specimen is insulting to a person unless you are from a different planet?
I don't think Poe Lemic meant it that way but rather specifically a specimen in terms of medical or clinical diagnosis. Myself being something of an unknown quantity to this person, it was a detached observation.
Or at any rate that is my suspicion. :)
I'm part alien myself, so I've recently arrived on Planet Earth. So, I'm slower to get used to your Human Customs, so forgive me if I don't speak the language as well as a Human-Born, sexually-produced totipotent zygote.
Thank you for putting it in perspective for me. (This is not being sarcastic on my part).
I have many problems myself in verbal communication with people. I find I am more fluent using the written word. I still love your video and your courage.
I can't connect with people, I et lonely. it feels like I'm watching people from outside through a window
Neil Miller I feel you
me too. write me an email if you want, we can chat Annieminnie@seznam.cz
You're awesome! Thank you for sharing this. I'm an Aspie myself, and I have my own travel channel. Most Aspies I know are afraid to leave the nest. I live in Vietnam as an English teacher. I taught last year in Thailand. Many people thought I would be codependent on my family for the rest of my life. I'm now proving them wrong and crushing it on the other side of the world. I want to inspire other people on the spectrum, too. Cheers!
Dustin Robertson Totally! I taught English in France for a few years and did a lot of traveling abroad (sometimes solo travel at that). Like everyone else, we can do whatever we set our minds to.
I love my nest unless I have a hand to hold
Offensive people who spit their two cents worth on a video that is talking about positive things about autism really make people like us think that there is something wrong with this world. It almost explains why some of us hide in our houses and don't come out for a while.
We go out of our way to bring positive things to this world and then we get negativity. Now I know why she said that we are very loyal and nice people.
i hate it when that happens
Real talk
You are a wonderful person; the sensitivity and the honesty gently flows through every aspect of your speech. Uploading these videos is a great thing, I think, for both Aspies and NTs.
I've been trawling youtube for asperger stuff and finding that a lot of people are very uncomfortable talking to the camera (shock!) but you've got the technique down - so thanks for sharing and communicating it effectively.
i am an aspie,you just made me proud about it......love you.... ❤❤❤
You remind me so much of myself... And you're absolutely gorgeous, both the way you speak and your mind... Keep your heart on your sleeve and let the good tunes keep your spirits up
I quit after 3½ years of being told to lose weight. I've gained 10 pounds or so since quitting the business, and am quite happy with my choice. I feel much healthier, both physically and mentally, being out of that environment.
I was so blessed by your sharing this. Thank you for doing so. I Am discovering the likelihood of AS at the ripe old age of almost 80. The freedom I Am experiencing is beyond words. ☺
Good post. Thank you for mentioning the positives. My family is filled with engineers and surgeons. I'm an Aspie. I can go in a room by myself with a book and teach myself most things. I taught myself the stock market. I felt like it was a place where I could excel, by reading and studying and combining knowledge in science, math, etc without having to explain why I know what I know. In a few years I taught myself fretless bass and like playing classical music on it.
If there was a negative. I always feel isolated like people don't get it. I have a hard time dating. I hate it. Most people just can't deal with it.
Aspergers wasn't around when I was in school. At 35 I cried as I watched all those pieces that stood out fall into place.
I actually remember the doctor saying I might be a little different, and my mom was like NO!!! SHE IS PERFECT!!! NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HER!!
I relived it again when i was about 21 and I started mentioning some similarities, I used to hide socks in my tote tray at school because i didn't like the feeling of socks...
There's not really anything you can do about it, but it is nice to know that you are a little different, its not something you can help
My mother and I were discussing it a few weeks ago. We were talking about when I was in kindergarten how I hated the seams on the tops of socks. That seam used to bother me to death. I had my poor mom looking everywhere for seamless socks for kids in the early 80's.
Lucky you, I was given no options. We didn't have a lot of money. The leg seams on jeans were a real problem for me too. I pretty much only wore stretchy pants until grade 6. I wouldn't eat any regular food either, only plain pasta, campbells chicken noodle soup, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I got so much flak growing up for not liking food.
Same here. Jogging pants were a favorite of mine in grade school. Gilda Radner quoted "I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." That holds true to me to this day.
Yeah its pretty much sweatpants and wife beaters, and no socks. Unless I go "out"
music is definitely me too. I can't stop making electronic music. I've made over 240 songs and my goal is to get 10000 hours into it. Only 8800 hours left...
i am an autist and i love listening to music, i can totally spend 4 hours listening to the same 1 minute song. However my creativity lies in storytelling and i suck at creating music
Orkar Isber
Hahah, we all have our quirks.
Could I hear some of it?
here it is: soundcloud.com/alex-hamilton-12
Cool, thanks.
Too many folks have trouble accepting people that are different. Perhaps your intelligence, gentleness, and grace will help some of them get over that.
Creativity is the eternal voice of love singing to us. Keep at the creative work.
Thanks for the honesty and courage!! You are a winner.
I knew our son was quite different but had trouble defining what made me think this. When a second son came along, the difference between them brought it out even more. I feel so sorry for those who haven't been able to help their kids but I would urge them to teach them at home rather than putting them in group environments in the early years. Even though I had never heard of Asperger's Syndrome, I dealt with my son by staying connected. Our whole family worked at creating an atmosphere of correct and positive feedback, at times telling him exactly how to behave in all the ways average people do.
It is such a wonderful thing to see your children be able to embrace the world. We showed them how we felt about the world and they have retained that positive attitude all their lives. Can you imagine having a conversation with an Aspie that lasts for three to six HOURS and never repeat anything? Can you envision sharing any subject, talking about anything with complete and utter joy?
The love between him and his younger brother set an even better example for us. Little brother was solidly in his big brother's corner and included him in all activities of our neighborhood circle. When our Aspie was trying to master rollerblading, little bro could be seen skating backwards, encouraging him all the way, waiting patiently for him to get back up on those many discouraging falls. The two brothers were seen pretty much everywhere together so other kids came to accept them as a package deal.
Our sons are grown men now and have such different lives. They each chose their path but still routinely talk at great length even though one is terribly religious and the other not very spiritual. By teaching our sons outside of an artificial school structure that wears people down, we were able to help them keep their special identity and see that identity as a good thing.
Asperger's Syndrome is a challenge worth facing. If you know someone, or if you suspect you line up that way, please don't be discouraged. It's a better world than you think...
Beautiful story! Thanks for sharing. All the best to you and your family. --Scott
Well it's a spectrum, so of course there are "mild" cases. We end up having different problems from the "severe" ones, but we are still on the ASD spectrum.
And I can tell you very certainly that specialists in the field would firmly disagree with your statement that there's no such thing as a mild case.
I can, someday, function in the world, somewhat normally, but I know that without the help I've had over the last 10 years, it would've never happened.
I appreciate that you did this video and pointed out our positive traits. You are very special. Thanks
I think you're like an Angel.
Raun Carswell shut up. Go to webcam site for that stuff. If this video IS serious it's not about your flirting.
Ethan John Exactly! This is why she pretends to have AS so she can get THESE type of comments from THOSE type of people
tarasvoice Who are YOU to say who's pretending or not? I called her an Angel because I have Aspergers too and she described them VERY well.
Ethan John I wasn't flirting and also why don't YOU go back to that dark room you're always filming in and leave people alone to say and do what they wish? I was merely thanking her in a way because I too have Aspergers syndrome and she hit the nail on the head with many parts.
Raun Carswell Please get off the internet and get a job and stop flirting with fake girls
Here goes again, then:
I have been diagnosed two seperate times by professionals. My diagnosis has been confirmed by yet another specialist, who has known me for years.
So by now, any doubts I have had, are long gone.
I understand fully that I'm not a "rain man" aspie. I never said I was. I'm a mild case. But when I read my diagnostic papers from age 13-16 and age 19, I fully understand why I was diagnosed.
I like you very much. I am an Aspie. I just found out at 42. I think that being an Aspien woman is hard sometimes, but I love myself now. Before I knew, I didn't. You are beautiful inside and outside. Thank you for sharing :) btw I am super creative too!
Wow! This is a very nice speech by an Aspie! You are very kind, sweet and polite! I like you and i respect you! You are very beautiful especially your lips and your smile! You are very intelligent and you spoke alot of truths about the positives about being an Aspie! And i'm an Aspie myself, so i have an Asperger's syndrome too. And i'm from Bulgaria.
Thank you, Roy. Getting messages like yours, is the reason I keep doing this. So thank you for writing it. You've made my day :)
You are without doubt one of the most beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure to share some time with. Physically, emotionally, spiritually - you are 100% excellent.
You've made a difference posting that vid - nice one, well done!
I'm so glad someone else has an audial stim as their main relaxation use. I listen to music constantly and use it to keep myself from having a meltdown in public.
And also, I'm a sculptor whose been in the Scholastic Art Awards many times, which tends to surprise people when they find out I have Aspergers.
late reply, but yes, I tend to do that as well . . . a relaxation method I should use more often than I actually do because I get caught up in other things. When I find myself in a meltdown phase, I usually put the headphones on and just crank up the volume to the point where my body feels the music.
I won some art prizes in class 8. Did not even know why ? Did not bother to tell people (NTs) that the stuff was made in a hurry. They were able to find many "artistic" things and "aspects" in something which I made in 10 minutes. I had no idea why I was being "awarded" a prize for "art". I was happy and confused at the same time to receive the prize. It is good that aspies are good at keeping their mouths closed on such occasions. Most of us get into trouble when people as us a question and we actually answer it. People do not want unsugercoated truth. BTW I found out about what aspie symptoms are at the age of 42. Before that I had no idea what issue was. I also used to think EVERYONE has the same issues for 42 YEARS.
I like classical music and some anime music ("Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" music).
@Nichole Sinclair
What kind of music do you listen to, if you don't mind me asking?
UniverseIsAwesome Everything. I'm really into indie music right now, my fav is Take Me To Church, which is a little suprising cuz I'm not typically into music on the radio
Mr. Meeseeks me too
I'm sorry that you think aspies can't learn these things. I spent 3½ years working as a model, which taught me to deal with cameras, and also allowed me to observe what make-up and hair looks good on me. I've actually seen many beautiful aspies, and also met quite a few that have no problem looking at the camera.
Eyes are a lot more difficult, and takes longer to learn, but it's also possible for many (not all).
Hi there, just wanted to say I think you're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen and had the pleasure of listening to. You also have a really nice voice and just generally seem like a very pleasant person. Thank you for making my day and simply for existing :)
Every time someone tries to be the Aspie victim I sent them here.
We can be wonderful amazing creatures, if we don't let all the noise of the NT overwhelm us
Oh please! what noise from NT?
the one you are doing.
I get it :) sorry
Good for you!
Great video!
J. Benjamin The things in the video are just examples. It's really just meant to get people to not *always* focus on the negative aspects.
Because that's all we ever hear about, and it makes it seem like we are supposed to be miserable creatures, and I don't think we have to be.
But we're all different! So your positives won't be the same as mine, and I think it's rare to agree with all the examples I mention in the video. I'm not all those things. I'm some of them, and that's good enough for me. :)
And yes, very often, it's the co-morbid disorders that are the most annoying to live with. My depression and stress are definitely more annoying than being an aspie would be by itself.
Don't apologize for the rant, sometimes they're needed. :)
TheAnMish Same here. I suffer from Asperger's too. My depression and anxiety can go haywire sometimes. Out of all the positive aspects you mentioned in your clip, it's sad how the world can't or refuse to see it.
***** Same here, my grades are sinking because of it and my parents don't think I'm trying hard enough.
eugene680 I have just bought passiflora incarnata tea (passion flower). It really helps calm me down during anxiety flareups. It helps to counteract stimulating neurotransmitters in the brain, thus calming you down. Not like alcohol or thc at all, but more like being really sleepy or pleasantly tired after physical exercise. However do NOT use when using heavy machinery or before going into traffic! I DO however consult a specialist on this at that moment (an orthomoleculair doctor) as should you if interested. It does effect your neurotransmitters after all, if even mildly so.
This young lady is such a beautiful young woman. I wish her nothing but the very best for her and her future.
This is amazing. Really needed to see something like this, thanks for sharing
I think I fell a little in love with you! My dear, you are beautiful!
Thank you for being so candid, your thoughts help me understand some family members, and I appreciate your honesty. You are a bright light, shine on!
I so relate to what "AnMish" (?) is saying. For the longest time, I thought I was just some lame and shameful idiot even though I was smart and gifted in a few domains. For the longest time I had no girlfriend and very few friends and I followed a few paths that weren't for me. And then I gave up and did what I really believed in (making documentaries about what I deem important to understand in this world). And I poured all my focus, my almost fanatical energy there, not caring much about what people would think about me. Now I have a wife, dear friends and yes, people still think I am odd - I still have difficulties conducting a "normal" social life and some people, some kids in particular don't like me at all - but it's OK. I feel happy in my own ways every day that I live, knowing that I do the very best I can to contribute to this world. I might end up rich or miserable but I embrace my path with joy, determination and gratitude. Be true and be good, embrace life and life will embrace you regardless if you're "odd" and unusually awkward.
I remember watching this and thinking you were right, when you first uploaded this, but today I'm just....so sick of people assuming what I say means something different...being angry because they are offended when I tell them they are being silly, or even sometimes when I try to offer them solutions to their problems. I mean with strangers, I can understand. they have no reason to know any better, but when my friends react to me as if I am somebody else, as if I mean x when I say y....ugh. idk even what the point is in this post. I guess just me venting. sorry.
Sometimes, venting is needed. :)
haha, I know that feeling.. ^_^
I once told one of my supervisors at work ;that he should start leading by example.
He got really mad at me.
I see so many people miss-diagnosed as having aspergers, and there is no right or wrong in having or not having a disorder, personally I do not feel aspergers is a disorder only a state of being. Your a beautiful person, a true "aspie" as you phrase it. It can be difficult when all the beautiful things you see and envision flow so seamlessly from your minds eye although in hammering these visions into pre-molded word structures to fit the mental conceptual capacity of "every day society" just for them to understand you is terribly "draining". I could only compare it to having ten-thousand well educated thoughts and ideas and concepts at the tip of my tongue to be expressed to the world, BUT due to a deficit in communication and literacy (with hands bound, societal ball & chain attached) dial down proficiency to that of a toddler and talk extra slow in gallant effort to express yourself.
Kid, you'll move mountains, your a beautiful person who speaks from the heart, love your videos!
I think you'd make amazing ASMR videos - You have a really soft and calm voice
I felt the energy of a beautiful spirit. ☺
If I could, I would give you a huge hug :) This video went strait to my heart. It also decribes me perfectly as a person :) I lack the ability to express myself with the right words, but your video did that job for me :) Thank you so much for making this video! I posted it on my FaceBook Page so my Swedish friends would learn how I function as an Aspie :D You´re a truly great person and I think you´re really pretty too :) You´re equally beautyful on the inside as you are on the outside :) Or is it the other way around? As I wrote before, I´m not that good with words ;) I hope you understand what I mean :) I really wish that I would meet a lovely girl like you someday. This video made me happy and it put a big smile on my face :D
Take good care of yourself, my friend :) Have a truly great life and keep those videos coming :) Many Greetings and Hugs from a Swedish Aspie guy!
I love this video so much! Thank you for sharing! I am an Aspie and I enjoy hearing people like you who I feel like I can empathize with. For me personally, it is a rare and delightful feeling!
Wow....shes absolutly beutyful
She... kind of looks like me... We got the same ears, lips, nose... and I'm a guy with Asperger's.
Glanslind Ôppadâļing Only four comments in and already I have no idea what is going on.
As for emotional outbreaks, the source is important. Is it a reaction to something being said, done, sensory input etc. It may seem random, but it never is. Sometimes, it's hard to find out what the cause is, but there always is one (or more), and it's impossible to address the symptom without addressing the actual problem, so you need to find out what that is.
It can be stress, anxiety.. etc.
I just wanna say I LOVE YOU! Thank you for being you, you are helping me so much. I am a 23 year old girl and someone just discovering all these answers to the way I've been all my life... Trying to learn so I can understand myself better and be kinder to myself! So great to actually see someone with such similar experiences to me. Thank you for the video! Annabel xx
I'm glad I can be helpful. :)
Positives about being an aspie? People don't like me so they leave me alone.
What’s ur mbti and enneagram?
Thanks for this. described me to the letter. :) Help to know we are not absolutely alone.
You have am Aspie friend in me!
I think I needed to see this! The way sounds relax you is how colors relax me. You seem like a very cool and thoughtful person.
You are the first female Aspie I have seen! Apparently males are four times more likely to have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm just glad I am not alone.
The rate may be the same because female Aspergians have similar interests as their neurotypical peers and they mimic social skills better than their male counterparts.
I'm an Aspie girl.
Why would only guys have it?
This is not true. Men are quicker to be diagnosed as autistic, even those who have boderline. With women it‘s the opposite, we are at much higher risk to be misdignosed and pathologized as borderline when we are actually autistic.
Autisms knows no gender!
It‘s in the minds of this double-standard society…sadly.
Well, I have spent many years learning how to. And in fact, there are many aspies in proffessional acting, both stage and film. So while I agree that it's rare, it's definitely not impossible.
Also, I still feel that I lack facial expression around my eyes a lot, although it's not something most people would notice if they weren't looking for it.
whenever I do math or build something I don't lose focus and am hard to reach, other than mathematics and engineering I struggle in the focus department, I didn't realize that it was one of the attributes of my aspergers and just thought it was mean.
thank you for making this video.
you are probably the best looking person I've seen all week
Yes, she's cute (agreed), but you must not get out much.
I'm out all the time and I agree
Again, I was trying to be humorous. Yes, she is attractive, charming, and seductive (maybe -- in a semi-sweet way). Yet, if he can only compare her beauty to the women that he has seen all week, then that's not much of a comparison. From my viewpoint, she's more attractive than that, and she deserves quite a more positive comment on her beauty, if you do decide to comment upon it.
you are cute pretty too. I could date you. but I don't want to have kids with another aspie as it increases the risk of this disability
Thanks. I do work out and eat right, especially work hard to stay in shape. However, I'm more into girls. But, I do appreciate your compliment and could introduce you to some of my Gay Friends.
Hi there,
My name is Marnix. I have Aspergers sydrom. Many people call me, and others like me, an autist or an aspie. I always correct people when thy say this. I am Marnix and I have some limitations. These mostly come from me having autism. But I am not my limitations.
If people are there limitations, then someone without legs would be a stumpy. Or someone with glasses would be a glass.
We are all who we are, we are not our limitations. So I therefore ask everyone, don’t call yourself or others by there limitations.
I started this message with “My name is Marnix”, that is who I am, I am not an autist, I have autism. I am not an apsie, I have aspergers. I am Marnix.
Marnix, VERY WELL SAID! I haven't thought from that perspective, which makes a lot more sense. Me too, I thought I was an aspie, but no, I have Asperger's syndrome. Peace, Light and Love.
I have read and really liked your comment. Very positive ! Congratulations!
I've recently been diagnosed with a mild case of aspergers syndrome and your videos have been very inspirational to me. I always knew I was different and had a hard time socializing, but I never understood why until a few months ago. I know what it's like to be "acting" in social situations. I've been learning how to work with my aspergers and I'm actually learning how to make it work for me. You are very smart and pretty and a great voice for people with aspergers!
Just a note for people who say asperger is a "desease" : here"s some folks who had asperger : Beethoven, Bach, Charles Darwin, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson, ectect
imagine how our world would look today if we had "cured" these lad"s...
It wasn't their Asperger's that got them to where they were tho.
my son just got diagnosed ,as a speak I'am loading up a youtube video what is like to live with a Asberger's Child
I have been watching videos about social skills and it led me to this video somehow, I have been intrigued and I was starting to notice that I struggle with some of the social things. I watched a screening video and had got a 5/10.., Then I saw this video and clicked it and as I watched I noticed how similarly we approached counseling friends, recharging, and how sometimes I focus on things. I stayed up all night figuring out a chemistry thing, slept a few hours and went to church today. Anyway based on how you talk and what you said I cried a little because I think I might be part of this community. Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your life online, you helped me learn more about myself.
:D You have a very sweet demeanor. I wonder what kinds of things you really like to create.
everyone on the spectrum is different, but i have to admit, there are positives with almost everyone
like with myself, i get angry easily but i am a bit socially awkward and i interrupt people a lot, but i am more "book smart" than the average person, just not a social or street smart. i also... okay never mind that's like the only positive BUT at least there are positives to be there, right?
this video is kinda steriotypical (or however it is spelled) but still a good video
I have not been diagnosed professionally as an Aspie. But, from my admittedly limited understanding of the situation, there doesn't seem to be much reason to pay for a doctor's diagnosis, as there is no more treatment available than there is for a broken pinky toe.
I appreciate your videos. My recent studies on the subject have actually been a relief to me. Self diagnosis, while iffy, has been some comfort in that I know I am not alone, that I'm not crazy. I'm 62 years old, and the classic symptoms have been with me as long as I can remember.
This video is strange. Positive aspects, hmmm. Thank you.
Agree that being an Aspie is great but it is a spectrum and diagnosis complicated. Whether Aspie or not, celebrate difference ;-)
Even though I have PDDNOS, I can still relate to this very well.
Finally, someone who's in tune with all things good about being an Aspie. You're always going to get negative people rubbishing everything we say (see below) but I just put that down to ignorance, or even jealousy because we are special.
Very well said Anmish..I'll keep a look out for more of your posts.
Do you find that you need to be told that you are liked by someone that you consider to be a friend? I'm asking this because I know it's hard to read social cues as an aspie so if someone doesn't tell an aspie that they like them an aspie will not instinctively know, this is something that I've heard from other youtubers. I have a teen that I believe is an aspie and was so I'm trying to learn as much as possible. I really like your videos and you are so beautiful and have such a soothing voice. Thanks for your time.
Hello Robin Love !
I have Asperger too and I can tell you that we do! We don't know when someone likes us, flirting it's based on subtle things we cannot see most of the time, specially when we are young, but if someone is too straight forward, we can freak out, even if we like that person too we just don't know how to deal with it.
We need a lot of help to notice that someone likes us and how to deal with it, and the relationships can be complicated for we have very nice things, but lack of some basic stuff hehe.
But our love is usually deep and true, we stay focused on our special someone, I see the girl on this video has been on a relationship for 10 years! I've been with my gf for 8, but we know each other (and like each other) for 23 year! It took me 15 years to notice she was interested and actually do something about it.
Cesar Anton thank you so much for the helpful reply. :)
+Cesar Anton
God, she must be really persistent and patient.
She is so pretty
This is the first of your videos that I have seen. I feel so much better about myself after having watched this. Thank you thank you thank you. I have been feeling so down.
I have ASD, and I'm not really all that creative.
+524ian I didn't say that all people with ASD had all these traits. Just that they are generally common in our population. :)
I'm just trying to give people ideas for positive qualities they might see in themselves, or even that others might see in them. To remind people, that it's not all bad. Like I say in the description box.
I have it and I'm not really creative.
+Kerimcan ak I'm actually VERY interested in dreams. I'm trying to learn how to lucid dream.
+Kerimcan ak Okay that is weird.
well I'm neurotypical, I'm not creative either ;)
@TheAnmish can an aspie can loose interest in everything even with his/her interests? Maybe due to depression?
hm...i change my special interests regularely. i have like 2 that always stayed with me which are computer games / fantasy and history. i have had many others but they came and went. During a depression i loose interest to do anything and just sit there. But after the depression interests start coming back for me
The short answer is simply 'yes'. Longer answer; there are different 'profiles' when it comes to special interests. Some have the same all life, some have changing ones and some seem to constantly aquire new ones. A few don't have them at all.
And yes, depression can cause you to lose interest in absolutely everything. It may return on its own or it may not. If it doesn't, one may get a new special interest once the depression is over. Either way, if one has a depression, I would advise to seek help. They can be hard to deal with by oneself.
I loved the bit at 1.00 where you say we've got this ability to focus COMPLETELY on what we're doing! That's so true for me. Never sure, if mine are 'special interests' or not. I'm really into photography but don't know, if it's a 'special interest' or not. It's certainly a 'zone' activity. Either way I think this underlines your point about interests and being able to focus for hours on end- Demon Speed Painting - Asperger Syndrome - Special Interest Anyway, thanks for all the videos. Great channel.
It's only been explained to me in laymans terms, and seeing as I don't yet have a degree in neuropsychology, I cannot pass on the information any other way.
When I do, I'll explain it do you in scientific terms, and maybe we can understand each other. As for now, I can't explain it any other way, so we're at an impasse.
Either way, I would think the term "brain damage" is not accurate to describe autism. Our brains are not "damaged", they are different.
[ ] Aspergers isn't real
[ ] My son has Aspergers, you are so inspiring
[ ] You are beautiful
[ ] My life is a constant struggle you will never understand
Tick one, I think I've just about covered everything
You mentioned music: The Tibetan Singing Bowls are very helpful for relaxation. They are a bit expensive but sometimes you can find sound files on the net which seem to work pretty well also.
I feel so not alone after seeing this....
Aspies are great people, Rikke. Go on.
Started watching because you are beautiful. Continued watching because you seemed to explain me to a tee. I have been to dozens of doctors and psychs throughout my life. Most of them see me as majorly depressed (along with ADD), although none of them seems to know how to diagnose me completely, and all medications I have tried do nothing. You now have me wondering if I could possibly be somewhat ASD (if that's possible). The thing is, because of how well you described me and how "general" a lot of things you seemed to say were, I am also wondering if this is all so vague that it can apply to anybody, much like a horoscope reading in a newspaper....
The removal of the Aspergers condition from the DSM (DSM IV contained an entry, DSM V does not) would seem to indicate that science agrees with your horoscope supposition. Unfortunately.
I'm a nurse and in the context of my education I began to think I had Asperger's Syndrome. I told my doctor and he vehemently said I didn't so I start to learn more about it. The more I learned the more I was certain I'm an Aspie. It helps to know that rather than wondering what my problem was. Your video was extremely helpful to me in clarifying my condition and I'm lucky I found you on line.
oh my your absolutely beautiful, and kind and sweet, they call me add, i call me a free thinker, they want conformists
i am not an aspie and i have real problems to focus. but when i see your pretty face i can focus for several hours without being distracted
I watched this to see if it would be good for my almost 12 year old, who is not happy at all with finding out she is an Aspie. You are so lovely. Thank you for doing this. And I see myself in some of what you describe...I am a therapist, always tell people I am a problem solver, and am realizing I'm not very good at hearing people who just want to vent :)
I can tell that she's quite shy.
I have mild aspergers. It is still new to me. Well seems so? Diagnose in 2008.
When I typed aspergers on youtube. First guy explaining about aspergers. Then you.
Your video made me had a tear. You're a intelligent person, that knows how to describe on how you feel. Reason your video was awesome and mention about the tear.
What your doing is outstanding work. I know I still have a long road ahead of me. I love my job of dining services. And really great at it. You are right about that.
You're beautiful.
Let's make her our queen. All hail the queen of autism!
you....are so....pretty. omg.
Hey TheAnMish
I think you're really incredible, thank you so much for all of your videos! My ex boyfriend has aspergers and dyslexia. He is one of the most incredible guys that I have ever met and am still good friends with him.
The way you explain everything is so cool and immensely informative. I don't know you but you definitely appear to be a lovely young lady. I know many people slightly misunderstand other's who have other abilities that they do not obtain, and act out in a negative way. Stay strong! Thank you again. You're a blessing.
Not to be rude but you shouldnt use the term 'Aspie' It can sometimes be offensive to people with Aspergers. Referring to all people with Aspergers as 'Aspies' is basically letting a disorder define who you are. Using that term is separating people with Asperger's from the rest of the world who doesnt have it and I dont think thats right. We are all human. Just because you have this doesnt mean you cant pass for normal. You cannot BE Aspergers. I dont have Aspergers but I had a suspicion that I did until I went to go see a professional and I found out that was just a quiet introvert with inattentive ADHD but when I thought I might of had this it really hurt a lot and I had self esteem issues because I wasnt sure if I had it or not and whenever I would see that term 'Aspie' it would hurt even more. And its kind of the same thing with the term 'Schizophrenic' I dont have Schizophrenia but Im sure the term may be offensove to some people with Schizophrenia
"Aspie" means "Person with asperger's syndrome. What with me being one, I get to decide what terms I like to use. If others get offended at my use of words that define me, that's their problem.
Also, there's nothing wrong with words that define people as being different from one another, because we are. Some people are greedy, some are generous, some are hateful, some are loving, some have different brain structure or extra cromosomes.
Me having the brain stucture I do, means I perceive the world fundementally differently, than do the people with "typical" brain structure. It is part of why I am who I am.
I am more than an aspie, but I am just as much that as I am a songwriter, a dreamer, and roleplayer. They all affect my life in big ways, and they are part of my idenity. And I am proud of it. It might be a disorder, a dysfunction, whatever you want to call it, but damn it, it's me. It's not something to be fixed. So don't try to separate my "disorder" from me.
That's how I think about it. Others with ASD, they get to choose how they want to talk about it, but they don't get to decide which words I use to define myself, or how I feel about being on the spectrum. They can influence the language by using it how they want, but they don't get to censure me, when I am not encouraging hate or shame.
I am an aspie, and I'm proud of being one. If that's offensive, then that implies that I should be ashamed of how my brain works, and that's a train I'm not getting on.
Lets just agree to disagree. I can see where youre getting at though
People should put their big girl panties on and learn to deal with being "offended".
MrOhWhatTheHeck Not everybody has the same outlook on the disorder. Some people do have low self esteem for having this disorder. And using it as a noun just makes it worse for those people Thats why suicidal thoughts are 10 times more likely in people with aspergers
Aspie would be more offensive if people were actually using it as an insult, which is generally not true. Recall that it's by intention that people are judged, not action.
As it stands, I think you should be more concerned with eradicating 'Ass Burgers' than aspie. :P
Ur beautiful
Poppy Smith
Sorry, I think people complementing others are less of a douche than internet white knights.
I am 24 years old now. I haven't really talked to a psychiatrist but all the things you said and those that I've read on the internet about signs and symptoms of person with Asperger's Syndrome, answers all my questions why I feel different.
Aspergers is 100% misery for me. It's easier for girls than guys. Girls have social support, guys are pounded to the bottom of the pecking order by everyone. Repeatedly. By their own family. By strangers. By all men and women. Left out of the pack. Turned and spurned. Find me a guy with asperger's and I'll show you a guy with low self-esteem.
+hungwilliam It doesn't have to be that way mate. Take the obsessive part of it and think of way to make money. You may still be miserable, but you will not be a popper.
+hungwilliam I'm a dude and an aspie, and I can totally 100% relate to what you're saying.
Man, there comes a point where you just have to fucking get out there and work at getting neurotypical. I worked really hard at being social and have had success with girls by just letting go and relaxing. It's a mess and it's hard but I'm telling you man, if you just relax and get out into the world good things can happen.
I've made friends I never thought I would just by telling myself that I'm not going to give in to the fear and living my life. It works dude, you just have to do it.
+William Christian When were you diagnosed asperger's by a fully qualified phd?
+hungwilliam As a kiddo. I had a lot of support, help with my stemming growing up. (I still do it) There came a point where my depression became so intense that I was tired of it and I decided to go out and be neurotypical and participate in the world. You can too.
+William Christian Liar. Don't you ever tell me what to do. Anyways I sincerely hope you get cancer.
I am autistic and have an iq of 139.
Wow! Just stumbled on your video and what you say is so right. Was only diagnosed with Aspergers in the last few months at 54. I'm a gifted visual artist but I haven't been able to build on my successes. The theme of my life up until now has been… I just can't get there from here. I feel everything you say is true about me but the results have often been disastrous. I've run into people like douche bag who just don't get it, perhaps because they project their own insecurities onto others.
If your a girl with AS good for you, if your a guy with AS, your screwed.
yes very different ! girls don't suffer much at all from aspergers !
That's bullshit! Girls struggle but they just mask it better
Abbie Shaw no, that's not true at all you cant possibly know what its like to be alone all your life, you get men easily, there really is no comparison, its hell for men, and problematic for women, massive diference, luckily for you you wownt understand and never will !
***** Meaning women typically don't have to do anything but look pretty to get in a relationship with a guy.
Abbie Shaw Girls are naturally a bit more aware than men. thats why we can. guys naturally dont pick up on things as well as women. I personally think thats a reason. And this is coming from a female Aspie.
Next week: Positives to having cancer.
Next month: Positives to being dead.
I want to thank you for making this video. There are so many times when Asperger's becomes such a challenge, and I've had many periods of frustration over it. It's wonderful to be reminded of the benefits that come with it as well, and of why it doesn't make us "abnormal."
Also, you're probably tired of hearing this by now, but you are truly beautiful. And from what I can see, you're a wonderful person as well. I hope you will continue talking about this in the future. :-)
I stopped watching as soon as she goes, "we can see solutions to problems that 'neurotypicals' just don't think of." meh. You're clearly not the Aspie I was looking for. She had to compare her syndrome to what is actually normal to make it look good. How about not comparing people, now that is how you highlight a syndrome or a situation. Plus, I like how she generalized "normal brains" as being this and that... jeez get a grip
Also, before you discriminate against "neurotypicals" PLEASE ACCOMPLISH something in life and display it here. I had to further watch some of this BS only to facepalm when she mentioned Einstein. Idiotic idiotic idiotic
bbsteps I'm not going to waste my time going through everything, but I will respond to just one point.
I am not discriminating against anyone. I am pointing out some possitive traits, so aspies around the world can be reminded of something good about themselves, rather than only ever hearing about the bad. It's sorely needed sometimes.
But I never said that NT's are bad people, or that they're less intelligent. I'm not trying to point out that being one or the other is "better". I'm pointing out that we're different, and that being different isn't bad.
look if i a schizophrenic says he sees things other people dont you wont disagree, its just the way the brain works.....the point is that people with aspergers are able to see in a focused sometimes a bit narrow way that allows them to see or notice particulars about things and solutions that people who dont have their brains set on incubating ideas to that degree wont see. She is not talking about a superhuman power aspies have, just neurologically predisposed strengths, just as people who are "engineered" a certay way can see things according to their makeup.
What she means in the video is autistic people get hooked into little tiny details that many other people find uninteresting. For example when I was a young child, I spend hours deeply studying the properties of individual toys while most other kids would have gotten bored with playing with it in minutes. Sometimes while looking at these details, autisic people like me can notice things in those details that others wouldn't consider important. This can be a great advantage when you are a scientist. Einstein had this attention to detail when he noticed that isaac newtos theory of gravity traveled faster than light which he knew was impossible.
You appear to be threatened by anyone that could possibly have advantages that exceed your own
so aspies can look and be hot, huh? interesting
They also like intellectual conversation..... Do you??!! We can't all be sleazy and we can't all be intelligent.
I like it too, if it's good for my interest and not a waste of time
I was a bit harsh with my comment but I would like to explain that as an aspie I trust people too much. Now I'm not as blessed with looks as others but I note that a lot of people take advantage of such people and look at them purely from a 'what is good for me basis', like 'oh this person is hot' or 'oh this person is so kind I can get away with anything' and in general Aspies tend to be very nervous of this attitude and your comments seem to push my perception towards the negative side. Just viewing a person from a one dimensional perspective of 'what do i get out of it?' seems not so nice in my opinion. I have yet to read a sonnet starting 'and that hot mamma was damn fine', there is a reason for this. I myself have had this type of friendship and personal relationships with people who use people and usually the comments from them are also one dimensional. Unfortunately the world has a very much 'gang' mentality of us and them and perhaps that will not change. But this is a girl who like me has a disability and instead of seeing depth you discuss the reaction in your groin.
Considering your continued lack of consideration with your second comment I would just say, sorry for coming across harsh. you know, perhaps it's your turn.
Well I might be an aspie too and I think I can get you. The point is do you live according with what you want or do you live in an aspie autopilot? Studying enough the neurotypicals I learned ways of acting that make me feel less miserably. Maybe it's a matter of aging too if I consider myself 10 years ago. I don't know, it's ok for me, just start acting more for yourself and react with short clever responses. No harsh feelings after all.
Well, I screwed up there a little. Interesting misunderstanding. I am going through a distrust phase of peoples intentions quite obviously if your were to analyse my response. But perhaps you were also too abrupt. Perhaps I misunderstand your kind intention but your words came across harsh. I would have expected 'she is very attractive', but do you ever read the creepy comments from some people? I would exercise caution on your words.
I apologise though. Misunderstanding happened here. No harsh feelings. Take it easy bas, keep well.
i just want to say that i think i love you, i got this calm and peaceful vibe from this (first) video of you i just watched, you're eyes are so honest and brilliant, i guess any1 who knows you must be really lucky.. i really feel like you are a being of light and i love the presence of you in this world
you are a different personality type. look into jungian theory. cognitive functions.... INTJ / INTP.... also enneagram 5 / 6. look into that. i hate this label talk.
I am so glad you mentioned those things. I'm an Aspie too. I tend to think only of the negatives which depresses me. But watching this has reminded me of the positive aspects of it. It cheered me up. Thanks ;)
Thank you for sharing your video with us....My son was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism last year. He's wise beyond his years....always has been...he loves the piano....is in accelerated math (going into the 5th grade). He struggles socially a bit but he is my heart. I watch videos and read a lot to try and understand that he is his own little person. You are a beautiful person and I am grateful for you sharing your stories with us on here.....
TheAnMish You are absolutely gorgeous, inside and out. Merely watching this video made me a bit more optimistic about humanity as a whole. Just knowing there's someone as cool/kind/intelligent as you out there, just makes me feel....better. So, thanks for existing. :)
Asperger's Syndrome is absolutely amazing, it's sad that a lot of people don't understand what it is.
I truly believe that a lot is to be learned about Asperger's, within it lies the answer to a lot of questions surrounding human cerebral potential and evolution.
More power to you red!