One of President Obama's keystone legislations, the Affordable Care Act, has created a contentious legacy even among those who benefit from it. We traveled to Kentucky, to speak directly with Obamacare recipients planning to vote for Donald Trump:
Can't even get a percocet on O'Blow'Me CAre??? ARE YOU INSANE??? "Clinton's Economy" was because of REPUBLICANS HOLDING THE HOUSE & SENATE, you moron! OMG!! DOES BEING THAT STUPID>>HURT MUCH??
Vox totally disagree. The same problems that afflict this nation are present today. His first two years should’ve birthed universal healthcare, amendments for campaign finance reform, raising of the national minimum wage, curbing monopolies, etc. His presidency was a lost opportunity.
He was consequential mainly because his bland establishment centrism lead directly to Trump. He talked a lot about change at a time when the country desperately wanted real change, and then enacted economic policies that were pretty much in line with moderate Republicans, including "obamacare" which was really just a renamed "Romneycare", being mostly a giveaway to Big Pharma. America needs to join the rest of the civilized world in having universal government healthcare, but Obama never even considered that option even when he had a Democratic majority in congress. About the only thing you can say in his favor is he was decent on a few overwhelmingly popular social issues like gay marriage, but on economic issues? You could have replaced him with someone like Kasich and not seen a lick of difference.
Fl3x cat maybe because he’s going to take $5 billion for a wall in an age when there are planes and visas. Even if you are smuggling drugs, there are tunnels or you could literally just drive across the border and go through border patrol, they probably won’t search you. He’s just scaring people into being afraid of groups that aren’t them.
, You need to do a little reevaluation. You have let the state propaganda machine (the Globalist/Leftist corporate conglomerate news outlets) mold your mind, formulate your opinions and turn you into Marxist programmed parrot spewing out ignorant commie/Marxist viewpoints. Why do you align yourself with the deep state shadow government that has hijacked our nation and in the process of installing and intolerant, totalitarian police state that will transform your purpose for existence from "IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" to "TO SERVE THE STATE" ??????? Making America great again is not a slogan, it is the vision . You Obama loving Libtard Trump haters are indoctrinated nitwits that have become both unhinged and demented with your actually very baseless and unwarranted fanatical Trump hatred. I will be amazed if those demons running your Leftist minds will even allow you guys to read any of it, much less allow you to make a positive comment about it.
Trump's Accomplishments: (the main ones, not a complete list) Just compare with the destructive accomplishments of Obama against America (below) TRUMPS ACCOMPLISHMENTS: (Not a complete list, just a few of 18 pages worth) Compare to Obama's all negative accomplishments 1) Trump has gotten the economy booming, by incentivizing business through tax cuts, business friendly policies & especially Eliminating Obama's Deliberate Business Hampering Over-regulating 2) Trump has brought about an exponential rising of the stock market to all-time highs through both the confidence he has inspired and through his policies. 3) The lowest black and other minority unemployment rate, we have ever had since the recording of it began. 4) He has lowered our taxes. 5) Trade deals with other countries greatly improved. What CNN told you about this is that Trump was rude to our NATO allies, and that his threats of tariffs would bring disaster. (But they have only brought really good deals beneficial to America) 6) He has gotten North Korea to be co-operative and come to the negotiating table with the promise of dismantling their nuclear program. 7) He has slowed down the importation of Muslims whose very political religion is totally incompatible with democracy and our Constitution and allows no allegiance to our government. Hillary actually said that she intended to increase Muslim refugee Immigration by 550% & that is a fact 8) Through getting Russia's cooperation and assistance, he has dismantles, destroyed and scattered what was left of ISIS. Obama had 8 years to do that, but made NO attempt at all, because he chose to instead, actually assist in the creating of ISIS, and then deliberately pulled all our soldiers out of Iraq, leaving our equipment there for them to take possession of. Do your own research, because you should get the full story which proves Obama wanted to help the Muslims form a Mideast (and then worldwide) caliphate. 9) He exposed the globalist deep state and it's corrupt, subversive shadow government that has been taking over our country, and he is fighting it, AS PROMISED throwing them into a hate filled hysterical panic because he is a threat, that if he wins will cause them to lose everything, including the freedom of many of them over there traitorous & treacherous tyranny that you have known nothing of, but if you're paying attention, it's all coming out, although CNN, etc. Is trying to hide and cover it and say it's fraudulent, because they are fraudulent. The FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, homeland security and IRS have been weaponised against tradition and conservativism and it's now corrupted to the hilt. It is the globalist agenda that has been taking over and that is totally Marxist as the one world government is planned to be. It has been going on for many years but was accelerated exponentially during the Obama years. (That is the very purpose for which he was selected for us) 10) He exposed and is continuing to expose the Globalist /Leftist, Fake News that is scripted by the globalist elitists at the top, whose agenda it is to bring us down, making us equal to other countries. For their agenda to be fulfilled, we must give up our personal and individual freedoms, our guns, our free speech, and our national sovereignty, all to be given over to the authority of unelected elites of a one world government who expect us to do with less for the greater good. They do view us like we are a bunch of sheep that need to be managed. (for their benefit) About Trump exposing this fake news, All these globalist owned news organizations like CNN, accuse Trump of Attacking 'The Free Press'. But in reality it is no more of a free press than the old Soviet Union's Marxist commie propaganda paper "Provda" (Russian for truth) LOL There are only 6 corporate conglomerates from where all news is disseminated. And they all report on the same things and even in the same words, as they leave out most of what we should be knowing. 11) So far he got us 200,000,000,000 (200 Billion) from other countries for the defense we have been providing for them, that they have been very delinquent in paying for. Again, CNN said that Trump was rude to our allies, without mentioning his success. 12) He got the Keystone pipeline, that Obama had shut down, back in the planning for construction. 13) He has got the coal industry back and running with "Clean Coal". (Just one more of Obama's policies to slow us down and keep us down) . Whether that is the intent or not, that is always the effect of the policies of the left ---- if it feels good or makes me feel good about myself, do it, but don't bother to look at the unplanned unexpected consequences. As I have said before, look at any long-term Democrat only runs city and you will see its disastrous effects. Chicago, Detroit, Flint and Dearborn, Michigan, Oakland, San Francisco, etc. Etc -- and I dare you to put San Francisco Today in your RUclips address bar and see what has happened there. 14) brought down (way down) the number of people needing to be on food stamps 15) MS13 & Other Gang being broken up, jailed, deported and disbanded. 16) Has fulfilled Obama's failed promise to have the most transparent presidency ever 17) He got our imprisoned American pastor back from Turkey, which probably any other president would not have been tough and determined enough to be able to do., 18) Trump got our American Embassy in Israel finally transferred over to Jerusalem, something other president had said they were going to do, but never did. Trump is Restoring America, and doing so beyond its previous greatness, rather than fulfilling Obama's promised to Fundamentally Change America, as Hillary would have continued to do and likely finalized. (obviously with Marxism & all the controls, lack of freedom and other bad stuff that goes with Marxism) You left wing morons are trying to usher in a ruthless police state. You are possessed of a demonic illness you don't know you have and projected onto the decent God-fearing productive & patriotic people of this nation who holds Truth, Honesty & Integrity as their prime values. The very qualities that are an impediment to your agenda.
@@answerman86 well actually i'm Chinese so you're kinda right to say that I'm a Marxist programmed parrot LOL. Don't blame your government too hard for that, tho.
@@frankiebogdan4228 uh huh, trump isn't better(in fact he ordered more airstrikes than obama in his entire 8 years of presidency and this was while isis was still around). Obama shouldn't have ordered airstrikes but I notice the double standard when people mention it
This is so well produced. I mean, I know Vox has cash, but the stylizing from 1:00 to 1:20 is so phenomenal. And the jazz drums behind it work so freaking well. Give your art department a high five. Seriously.
Thanks Landon! We list everybody who worked on the video in the credits. So in this case, the art department looked like this:
+Vox 1. I'm terrible and inherently skipped the credits. As a creator, I know better. Tell Christophe and Dylan they did an exceptional job. And give them a raise or bonus or buy them pizza or something. 2. You, who is running the RUclips comments (who, I bet, also looks like that gif on a daily basis keeping Vox relevant on social media) you are gold. You get a raise too. People like you make me wanna do my job better. Thank you.
As an outsider I would say Obama is the only US President that we respect the most. Actually the one and only we love about America. America was trusted again for that 8 years. Trump crushes all that in just a second.
even if you disagree with his policies, you have to say that Obama worked so hard while in office to do what he thought was best for the American people and I respect him for that
I'm from Canada, but one of my most intense childhood memories is when we gathered in the library in 8th grade to watch the first black president, Obama do his victory speech after winning his first election. It was amazing.
That photo of the child touching President Obama’s head is one of the greatest things to have ever come out of American politics. Regardless of political standpoint and personal beliefs, that is one of the most hopeful and impactful pictures. Dare I say, one of the most truly American photos.
ObamaCare does need work, mostly in corralling big insurance...but it is the first time I had insurance and was able to go to the hospital for preventative care... not just emergency care.
You shouldn't go to hospitals for preventive care, it is cost ineffective. I have Medicare and can't afford to pay the specialists I need to see. Obamacare fixed nothing.
@Logan Kram dont, I pay for my own.....but prior to ObamaCare I couldn't get insurance because my job didn't offer it and I have a pre-existing condition
Don't have to wonder, he dealt with Ebola and H1N1. He put together a team to co-ordinate the responses of various federal agencies as he correctly identified the problem was there was no leadership. He was articulate and wasn't like a toddler relaying expert info or trying to use it as a personal rally. He wasn't perfect but he was competent.
Obama, for me, set the standard for what a president should be. I was 8 years old when he was elected and I never understood my conservative parents complaints of him, just seeing him speak at that young age made me feel inspired, admiration, and proud to be an American. When I was 15 (2015), due to my parents consistent bad mouthing, I started to believe that I might have admired him because I was a child during his election and the nostalgia had only warped my perception of him. It wasn't until the 2016 election that I truly appreciated Barack Obama, his administration, and what they did for this country. Although, I find it interesting that, even as a kid, I could see his good character despite what I was told from my parents.
I was inspired by him too, though I was a 16 yo Russian kid, and I doubt our official media tried to say something good about him. And many "patriots" hate him, but it just doesn't make sense to me, sometimes your opinion is strong enough to not be bothered by opinion of others.
Because of their innocence, children have the ability to see through a person's true character. That's probably the reason you gravitated towards Obama as a child.
+Pikapetey Animation Well Thats Not exactly true, They Like pushing out facts to educate us. Shouldn't we run media by fact when talking on serious topics? There not A parody channel. They deliver news, and educate us on things some would not have known otherwise what do you expect? Not being rude just curious.
Abraham Rodriguez Pineda Speak for yourself. In Europe we do miss him. He was someone we could actually talk and make good deals with. Now with Trump, it’s like we’re babysitting a 4 year old toddler.
@@PersTG Tf, have you seen New York? It's crawling with homeless people and its run by the democrats. They increase taxes and implement useless healthcare that just increases the burden of the american people. Btw, Obama is part of the democrats :)
+Koala Bearz (Mr. Koala Bearz) The racial tensions and polarization of the United States wasn't his fault. That had more to do with gerrymandering and the media.
+So Jo I agree, the dude ended wars, started Obamacare, which is a huge step for America to finally becoming a modern country, he ended tensions in the world, he didn't act to fast during the rise of ISIS, with immediately starting a ground war and sending American soldiers to fight a war which would've made the situation worse from what it is right now, and all the people who react(ed) with stuff like 'how?' should watch this video again.
Alex Alcaraz Sadly that is the power of hindsight. There are plenty of things that more of American public than there should be fears (considered leaving it at that but we all know I’m talking about how white supremacy groups STILL. EXIST. Like HOW, and WHY)
Grizly Rants if you knew anything about the country, then you would know that Obama decreased unemployment by A LOT. He also made the Economy almost as strong as it ever has been.
Stefan Kazimirovic He didn’t want to waste 5 billion on something that’s about as effective as plowing the interstate when you need to take off in an airplane off a runway and it’s still covered in snow.
Obama was a lot of great things, but I wouldn't say he was great on foreign policy. It's great that he was always open for dialogue, it's bad that he didn't push back on authoritarian states like Russia and China. I'd say Reagan was better in that aspect.
+lawrence Yes indeed and I do agree with you on that. I wish we can run for 3rd term. Even if he did, it would win again. With that said, I hope Clinton wins.
I bet I'm about to have a massive wave of trolls telling me how Trump is "the best president ever" again. Just wait a week and we'll begin to see some really salty comments. Mark my word.
I also believe Obama's presidency to be one of the most consequential not just for what he did in his 8 year tenure but for what has come from it: Both Trump and Biden are directly linked to the Obama presidency in some way, Trump got in dramatically after that joke Obama made at the correspondents' dinner (although we all know he got in because of his taxes), but in his presidency he made his task to basically try and erase as many accomplishments Obama had made and Biden, being Obama's VP got in as a response to Trump's mishandling of the Charlottesville rally and promises to build on what Obama has already estabilished, primarily the ACA, expanding it to include a public option. In a way, Obama has been shaping the White House ever since he got in and has never truly left.
Even though I disagree more than agree, Obama undoubtedly will be a president who is up there. And you know what, with our current options, I would gladly take Obama for another 4 years over hillary, Bernie, and trump. I think trump would be a president on the "memorable" list, but I don't think it would be of happy memories.
+A Small But Decently Priced Ham Actually, you aren't exactly right. Sure, Bernie would greatly raise taxes on the rich, but he would also raise taxes on the middle class. This seems bad at first, but if you look at the savings from a single payer system, then most people (except the extremely wealthy) will end up saving money. You say we shouldn't elect a President because Congress will veto his policies? Maybe that'll be the case, but, say he does do some things than will pave the way for his ideas to be reality one day. They aren't radical ideas, either. We're the only major country in the world that doesn't provide healthcare as a right to all people. If you say other countries can only do it because they're small, or for some other reason, know that America is the richest country in the history of the world. You also say that it's not fair that the rich pay higher taxes. Actually, it is. Here's why - The way it's set up allows the rich to get richer, and makes the middle class disappear. The rich can afford to stash their money in tax havens, like Panama (see the Panama Papers), the Cayman Islands, and even in some places within our own country. This makes huge corporations, like Walmart, or Verizon pay hardly any taxes. That's not fair at all. You also claim that the rich stimulate the economy by investing, and buying things, and selling their employees. Sure, they do some of that, but the vast majority of them actually DO sit on their wealth. ( You're idea of the rich spending money to help the economy is called supply-side economics. Some people call it Reganomics, or Trickle-down economics. People that aren't for it, may also call it voodoo economics. It doesn't work. As Bernie says, "Change never takes place from the top down. It always takes place from the bottom up" Hope this helps
+A Small But Decently Priced Ham But Sen. Sanders says his college plan will be payed thru a tax on Wall Street speculation. That's not on the backs of the rich. And he was a mayor and chairman of the senate veterans committee. That's some executive experience. What kind of executive experience would make him more qualified?
I agree, but you missed probably the biggest accomplishment, of the Obama years, saving the economy from ruin. People underestimate the state of the economy after the crash of 2008. That crash almost destroyed capitalism as we know it, the biggest banks and financial institutions were broke, no one had money to lend, and the biggest companies were falling one after the other. The crash spread around the world. His policies avoided a 1930's style depression and the economy was rescued without major pain for the population. Thats a huge deal., and Obama was up against a very hostile republican party, that opposed everything. History will show Obama's presidency as a success, a huge contrast to the previous 8 years of Bush/Republicans.
He encouraged the banks to continue risky business as usual by lending tax payer money to them. And the economy is in yet another bubble directly because of his actions. The tough but moral decision would've been to let free market capitalism take its course.
Obama simply delayed the problem and re-secured what banks craved, that was for the Government to bail them out whenever things go bad because of their own irresponsibility. That made banks even more secure in taking toxic credit deals. That was what started the problem in the first place. If it really "rescued" the economy, is debatable. The problem started with government both pressing and complying banks to take riskier business practices. If we had left Free-Market Natural Selection flow, making banks either play by the rules instead of getting greedy with taxpayer money, the problem would had been avoided.
+Thauã Aguirre only the problem is that the taxpayers have their money in the bank, so if the bank fails, the people and the governement have to pay up, or else the entire economy collapses. There isn't really a short term solution to this. We might have to invest in a new banking system.kurtzgesagt has a video of different banking systems. (Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker)
+rrmoviemaker your English is great! don't stop learning and getting better but I really wouldn't have known until you mentioned it that you are a English as a second language learner. ( my mom is an ESL teacher) thanks for the good recommendation too! Everyone should check out .kurtzgesatz 's channel
This is the outlook people need to have. Instead of hating somebody for one thing they did that isn’t so agreeable, put that aside in order to look at the good that they have done.
I also didn't agree with everything Obama did, he was cool, however I feel that trump is doing good , the only thing I can criticize him upon is his policy of trans people in the military and his approach to climate change.
"We're going to look back and appreciate how rare a consequential president is." *Trump happens* "We're going to look back and appreciate forgettable presidents."
@@RmcBlueSky they're both consequential. Both president should have never been related and will be remembered as the presidents thst destroyed/severely hurt America.
@@Dannymart_88445 Trump's Presidency wasn't a nightmare, its just that his achievements are really talked about. Which led people to think bad about him.
It's true. Obama may not have accomplished all he set out to, but it's amazing what he was able to do in the face of a do-nothing Republican Congress. I think Michelle Obama was also one of the best, most graceful and accomplished First Ladies in history. She and her husband seemed to be real equals in their own eyes, and that was lovely to see. They appeared to be great parents. She is a lovely, intelligent and graceful woman who showed you can be all of that and also be direct, sensitive and powerful. I think there is an aspect of the role of First Lady that is both about being a role model to American women and girls and also being an example of American women to the world, and I've been both inspired by and proud of Michelle Obama.
ISIS grew under Obama! He called ISIS the "JV Team"; and he was warned for 6 to 8 months in 2014, but he downplayed them again and again! Russia also "grew" under Obama! Obama's RESET-BUTTON foreign policy with Russia was a COLOSSAL FAILURE. Russia is more aggressive than it's ever been since the end of the cold war. the 2016 election hacking proves that. Russia grew by expanding into the Ukraine and also into Syria. (Obama was really a weak leader) And Iran is more powerful now thanks to Obama! The OBAMA Legacy: Making IRAN Great again!
Examples of Obama's failed RESET-Button policy with Russia: (RUclips video number: v=kwQqNdkyZZo) Where Obama's scoffs and makes jokes when Romney tries to warn him of the Russian threat!
Edward Cortez same! Even though I disagreed with some things he did. But he was a great leader of this decade. He gave hope(even though he didn’t really changed anything).
The Man - Comics, Gaming, Talks, and Theories He changed a lot, but it certainly wasnt a huge advancement. He basically laid down the first step to a huge staircase.
President's will never change anything unless they become dictators, people are the ones who need to want to change otherwise one man even if he is the president won't be able to do anything especially when he can only stay for 8 years as president
Yea witness a part of history that almost doomed this country.I witnessed and could have went my whole life without a president like obama . I wish trump could be our president for ever.
ULTRATHEGREAT ppl dont attack trump because they like to. not even because they dont like him... he is a cancer to the republican party. this is not a conspiracy lol. why do yall blame media outlets for doing their job?
Miike Haze Ok, Well you clearly have been brain washed by them you can't even trust American media outlets anymore because they twist everything to a Liberal agenda which is insane there not doing there job there making the left side of the United States of America brain washed fools because they don't know better Trump isn't cancer for our party he's one of us listens to the people connected to us more then any other president has been for years!
I don't think so. I think Hillary will be one of the best presidents ever. Her long history of being able to work with and listen to others will serve America well. I think she's going to do a great job, and #ImWithHer.
One problem I have with this video: Putting Bill Clinton as forgettable How is Bill Clinton forgettable? The 1993 WTC bombing The Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 (famously depicted in the 2001 film, Black Hawk Down) The 1993 Waco Siege (which caused a huge rise in militia groups in the US) He signed NAFTA in 1993 DADT (Don't ask, don't tell) was passed by him. He didn't do anything about the 1994 Rwandan Genocide (what happened in Mogadishu scared him from acting) He passed The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (aka the 1994 crime bill), the largest crime bill in US history and it still has ramifications today. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (still the largest incident of domestic terrorism in US history) The 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya The Monica Lewinsky Sex Scandal The 1999 Columbine High School Shooting The USS Cole bombing in 2000 (executed by Al-Qaeda)
Irish Identity I didn't just list tragedies and terrorist attacks. Also, tragedies and terrorist attacks can play a huge role in either supporting or not supporting a President's legacy (for example, 9/11 and George W Bush, Pearl Harbor and FDR, etc). Anyways, that wasn't what I was saying, Vox said that Bill was forgettable and I believe that claim to be outrageous.
and none of them had the persona and connectivity that Obama did. Actually, love or hate his accomplishments, he has had a very active presidency, especially compared to the first bush. What are you on?
You creeps are going to miss Obama but the rest of the world will be very happy to see him gone. While you Janice have the best time of your life, people from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe have miserable lives because of your president destructive policies.
Dude I'm literally crying right now😭😭😭partly bc the little boy touching Obamas hair and also bc the video was so well put together I can't help but cry😭
In retirement, he can always come north and run for Canadian Prime Minister. I would be willing to bet, aside from legal requirements to qualify, he have a strong support. Intelligent, articulate, and a class act all around!
he could advise justin on how to conduct foreign trips without embarrassing our entire nation, respect democracies by not bringing separatists on good will trips to India, and maybe even get noticed at G20 summits.. forget G7, he's a non entity there.. Xi wouldn't even talk to him at the g20, despite Canadians being jailed in China.. yeah Obama would do well here.. but it's not hard to beast the gaff master... He should come to Canada and use our good reputation in the world as a gateway to north american Statesmanship... sort of a friendly beneificent proxy to American "exceptionalism" .. would be interesting to see..
@@planegaper well, Xi and Trudeau did speak behind the camera. The reason the Chinese wouldn't speak with Trudeau is because of Meng, it is a form of protest as opposed to just Trudeau being a "non-entity"
@@kingclampz6081 30 million unemployed, developed bad tests, economy is at record low, similar the great depression, started cold relations with China, didn't do jack to help the tensions in North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Failed to defeat ISIS, 73,000+ dead in just 2 months, started racism against Asian Americans and Mexican Americans. Had to shut down the government, wanted to pull out of NATO, never finished his precious wall, and has severely divided the Senate and the House, left millions without health care, Trumpcare failed, the economy was already plunging to a recession in 2020 due to the trade-war, that Trump started, I could go on
Andrew Behrend Bush had no intentions of getting Bin Laden. He even avoided mentioning him, trying to make it fade into oblivion. His agenda was invading Iraq for personal gain furthering his family's oil interests. Obama promised to get him and followed through. Speaking of using the office for personal gain, so will Trump. And yes, Obama finished what Bush started which was the Iraq war and the death of our economy.
Andrew Behrend Obama doesn't do that in order to de-escalate tensions not for personal gain unlike Bush who wanted to keep milking conflict to keep enriching his family and cronies off of military and oil contracts; or the way that Trump refuses to admit that Russia is a threat to the U.S. also because of his personal gain to maintain his family business investments there safe. Your comparison argument is invalid because it constitutes false equivalence.
How dare you leave Teddy Roosevelt out as one of the consequential presidents! The man was an angel sent down from the heavens, and a badass angel at that!
Teddy Roosevelt, as the deputy secretary of the Navy under McKinley, was the one who initiated the invasion of Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico, after Cuba was invaded, and subjugated the citizens to such horrible treatment and racism .. So he ain't no angel, although he did do a lot of good stuff related to the environment and overall progressivism after becoming president, no doubt about that
Oh god I do not want trump or Clinton in the White House, please give Obama 4 more years while the parties get some good candidates. I'm a Liberal and I'm supposed to be team Clinton and everything but I just don't know if I want her in the White House
okay I'll be honest. I didn't like Hillary for a silly reason because she ran against President Obama. I had talked to Bernie a couple times on the conference call and I thought a lot of him. he had good ideas but they weren't ideas that would work right now. he didn't know I didn't need to know about foreign policies and problems. a lot of people think Hillary is a bad person. she simply is not. they believe this because of all of the false scandals.. they're making such a big deal over her emails. There's nothing different than how many are doing them. Have you noticed the difference between Bush's 22 million deleted EMAILS AND HERS? They didn't even look at his. They had the communication between others about Iraq not having Weapons of distruction. Then during the bombing and afterwards. EMAILS ABOUT MURDERING MAMAS, DADDIES , BABIES , OUR YOUNG MILITARY. Nope they didn't even mention those deleted emails that also talked about the most terrible ever. FOR WHAT? They know they can't push Hillary around so they lie so she doesn't win the election. Hillary Clinton has spent her whole life helping America and other Countries. Please just remember how bad the Republicans are. Remember how badly they lie. Please don't forget how they always want war. It's like they are blood thirsty. President Obama said Hillary will be the best President yet. He said and I'm including Bill and I. He truly meant it.
+Janice Claypole (justjanice) No. He's right. You're completely and utterly delusional. And if your profile pic is of someone in your family... I feel sorry for that person.
I live in Sweden (where we obviously have free health care) and the free health system is the best thing about this country. If you end up in hospital for 100 days you still just need to pay 10 dollars. It's fricking fantastic! EDIT: 20 dollars per day. But still, that's not much money.
I don't. I thought Obama really tried to work with conservatives for the first few years but the tea party was too powerful and the republican party too polarized. Any time a democrat tries to work with republicans to get something done, they get voted out of office and visa versa. They knew fighting obama would get them reelected, working with obama might get them fired. One of the things conservatives prided themselves on was working with democrats while they were in office to make sure the country came first. That died with disco.
HadesObsidian Ahhh hhaa ha troll...I have had my own small business for 27 years ass clown..And married as long...Your hate is roting you from the inside out, yet i am nonplused by you...Aahhh.......Ha....Ha....If you only knew how wrong you were...Good luck on that dating site, your a real catch....Maybe you can send for a blow up girlfriend...Good luck with being alone forever
Staunch Character look who's talking!you literally told someone about your personnal achievemnt through commnts on youtube that doesnt make any sense to anybody whethr you have done something special or not.SO SAVE YOUR BREATH AND STOP TYPING
@Rajeev Vij Republicans were real leaders not are real leaders. And Mr Rajeev real leaders are not by the Constitution they are leaders if they have a quality to understand what there people want. And if you don't know the actual meaning of republic here it is a state in which power is held by the public or supporting the principals of public, that is what which makes a common man different from others and this man who is different from others is there leader. Thank you.
Also constitution do not define your art of leadership any person who is with great leadership qualities can be a leader. I repeat Republicans were great leaders. Thank you. Focus on the sentence were great leaders.
Except for one small sad fact: What happens in the US affects many things sociopolitically around the world - and financially to a larger degree than any would wish. Although, that may well be changing, as I type this from NYC.
Bill Clinton is in the forgettable presidents category? I can think of 1 reason he will always be remembered, and i would directly quote the history book about it, but those pages are stuck together.. :-O ~~~C====3
He sucked at being president putting this country in so much debt and causing racism to be a huge topic it never was until he got in the White House blacks have the same rights as whites and Obama has the audacity to open obamacare and raise minimum wage
Chandler Martin Corker Republicans are much worse historically at putting the country in debt than democrats....look it is a matter of historical record.
I'm not American, but I personally think that Obama was the best president and that his family deserves even more respect than they were given. While America is a "diverse" country, they still have a significant divide between black Americans and white Americans. Obama and his family had to live up to a much higher bar than any other president, and even when stacked against all the odds, they came through and rose above the highest bar forced upon them, becoming even better than anyone ever expected. This video certainly made me want to cry
Robermat, Yes, I am aware. I was over exaggerating since I live in Utah which is mostly Republicans so my family is a huge minority. I feels like no one gets it. Also if you take into consideration the "president" we have now...
Robermat, I completely agree, there is far too much stereotyping in the world. It was just an over exaggeration out of annoyance. As for moving, I totally would. I'm just too young :)
Kye Countries with good COVID-19 response have under 20k deaths while the U.S. has over 200k dead and massive unemployment. What kind of question is that? This why everyone needs vote 🗳
@@BrushEm An acceptable number is as low as possible. Universal mask-wearing from March onwards could have prevented over 90% of those deaths. Furthermore, he could have given a lot more money to testing and tracing instead of bailing out companies that didn't need it.
Obama: Alright, finally we have a national health care system. Trump, I believe you can expand upon it in the future. Trump: *Throws Obamacare in the trash* Yeahh... sure....
I saw my comment was highlighted. Sorry Vox, that was rude. But I wouldn't say 'your country is falling apart' if it wasn't for all of the nasty comments from Americans themselves in almost every video about this election. But then, ugly political debate happens in every country. America just happens to be in the spotlight. It's great, though. It's like being in a grand opera to see a great play. Anyway, I have edited my comment so it doesn't seem 'rude' :) Good luck.
Svvet Lana if u gonna talk leader Putin is your man I mean bush did leave a mess in US but he didnt have to raise a country from history of bad communist management also he doesnt have that much power Putin was/is the most powerful man in the world even tho Russia is #2 military and #12 economy
"The most accomplished president of The United States of America" Not even close. I'm pretty center left politically and FDR and LBJ put Obama to shame in terms of accomplishments. That said, all of them were flawed though.
How the hell is Bill Clinton forgettable? No one could ever forgot those sex scandals, even if they tried But yes, without those, he is quite forgettable
The Free trade act has deported more manufacturing and technological jobs than any other policy. People are going to look at him as a corrupted political democratic hack like Andrew Jackson
But Andrew Jackson was a great president! He got rid of the central reserve bank and put the crazy back in American leadership. He even killed a guy in a pistol duel and fought people in fistfites to settle debates! He also hated his own cabinet! Thats awesome in my book!! Minus the killing of Native Americans...
A consequence is a result of an action. Good or bad. We humans tend to think of consequences as results of bad actions and a consequence Is something bad in return although the not true in all cases
One of President Obama's keystone legislations, the Affordable Care Act, has created a contentious legacy even among those who benefit from it. We traveled to Kentucky, to speak directly with Obamacare recipients planning to vote for Donald Trump:
I would say Clinton is rememberable because of the economy he oversaw. And the three strikes rule
Great job btw
Can't even get a percocet on O'Blow'Me CAre??? ARE YOU INSANE??? "Clinton's Economy" was because of REPUBLICANS HOLDING THE HOUSE & SENATE, you moron! OMG!! DOES BEING THAT STUPID>>HURT MUCH??
Vox totally disagree. The same problems that afflict this nation are present today. His first two years should’ve birthed universal healthcare, amendments for campaign finance reform, raising of the national minimum wage, curbing monopolies, etc. His presidency was a lost opportunity.
He was consequential mainly because his bland establishment centrism lead directly to Trump. He talked a lot about change at a time when the country desperately wanted real change, and then enacted economic policies that were pretty much in line with moderate Republicans, including "obamacare" which was really just a renamed "Romneycare", being mostly a giveaway to Big Pharma. America needs to join the rest of the civilized world in having universal government healthcare, but Obama never even considered that option even when he had a Democratic majority in congress.
About the only thing you can say in his favor is he was decent on a few overwhelmingly popular social issues like gay marriage, but on economic issues? You could have replaced him with someone like Kasich and not seen a lick of difference.
funny of you to assume that i know what consequential means
*edit* u guys r weird getting this mad over a joke i made a year ago
Use your big boy brain. Root word is consequence.
@@tidester3655 funny of you to assume that i know what consequence means
ameema s how do you not know what a consequence
@@akhilm9434 a consequence what
@@akhilm9434 Really, it's a joke
VOX : Obama is consequential.
Comments : Trump is orange.
Iniyan Velmurugan this is deep
You did it. You solved online politics
my mind has imploded
Hotel: Trivago
And both are terrorist
Politics aside, it was great having a president who’s vocabulary went beyond “fake” and “wall”
Or tremendous!
“ Politics aside “ u clearly have some bias against president trump
Fl3x cat maybe because he’s going to take $5 billion for a wall in an age when there are planes and visas. Even if you are smuggling drugs, there are tunnels or you could literally just drive across the border and go through border patrol, they probably won’t search you. He’s just scaring people into being afraid of groups that aren’t them.
@@aloysiusohare221 don't say politics aside thenвидео.html
The best thing about Trump is that "A generation of oranges are going to grow up knowing they can be president too"
Orange kinda sus
Haha. Another ORIGINAL joke of making fun of trump's skin color.
@@hatguy8225 if someone made fun of obamas skin color we would be hunted down. "haha look at that president he's so brown!" 😐
Bruh, stop acting like orange is his natural skin colour.
@@noah2 Well Obama doesn't spray his face black soo...
Donald Trump is also unforgettable - like a trauma or something.
You have forgotten this: (trumps accomplishments)
, You need to do a little reevaluation. You have let the state propaganda machine (the Globalist/Leftist corporate conglomerate news outlets) mold your mind, formulate your opinions and turn you into Marxist programmed parrot spewing out ignorant commie/Marxist viewpoints. Why do you align yourself with the deep state shadow government that has hijacked our nation and in the process of installing and intolerant, totalitarian police state that will transform your purpose for existence from "IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" to "TO SERVE THE STATE" ??????? Making America great again is not a slogan, it is the vision
. You Obama loving Libtard Trump haters are indoctrinated nitwits that have become both unhinged and demented with your actually very baseless and unwarranted fanatical Trump hatred. I will be amazed if those demons running your Leftist minds will even allow you guys to read any of it, much less allow you to make a positive comment about it.
Trump's Accomplishments: (the main ones, not a complete list) Just compare with the destructive accomplishments of Obama against America (below)
TRUMPS ACCOMPLISHMENTS: (Not a complete list, just a few of 18 pages worth)
Compare to Obama's all negative accomplishments
1) Trump has gotten the economy booming, by incentivizing business through tax cuts, business friendly policies & especially Eliminating Obama's Deliberate Business Hampering Over-regulating
2) Trump has brought about an exponential rising of the stock market to all-time highs through both the confidence he has inspired and through his policies.
3) The lowest black and other minority unemployment rate, we have ever had since the recording of it began.
4) He has lowered our taxes.
5) Trade deals with other countries greatly improved. What CNN told you about this is that Trump was rude to our NATO allies, and that his threats of tariffs would bring disaster. (But they have only brought really good deals beneficial to America)
6) He has gotten North Korea to be co-operative and come to the negotiating table with the promise of dismantling their nuclear program.
7) He has slowed down the importation of Muslims whose very political religion is totally incompatible with democracy and our Constitution and allows no allegiance to our government. Hillary actually said that she intended to increase Muslim refugee Immigration by 550% & that is a fact
8) Through getting Russia's cooperation and assistance, he has dismantles, destroyed and scattered what was left of ISIS. Obama had 8 years to do that, but made NO attempt at all, because he chose to instead, actually assist in the creating of ISIS, and then deliberately pulled all our soldiers out of Iraq, leaving our equipment there for them to take possession of. Do your own research, because you should get the full story which proves Obama wanted to help the Muslims form a Mideast (and then worldwide) caliphate.
9) He exposed the globalist deep state and it's corrupt, subversive shadow government that has been taking over our country, and he is fighting it, AS PROMISED throwing them into a hate filled hysterical panic because he is a threat, that if he wins will cause them to lose everything, including the freedom of many of them over there traitorous & treacherous tyranny that you have known nothing of, but if you're paying attention, it's all coming out, although CNN, etc. Is trying to hide and cover it and say it's fraudulent, because they are fraudulent. The FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, homeland security and IRS have been weaponised against tradition and conservativism and it's now corrupted to the hilt. It is the globalist agenda that has been taking over and that is totally Marxist as the one world government is planned to be. It has been going on for many years but was accelerated exponentially during the Obama years. (That is the very purpose for which he was selected for us)
10) He exposed and is continuing to expose the Globalist /Leftist, Fake News that is scripted by the globalist elitists at the top, whose agenda it is to bring us down, making us equal to other countries. For their agenda to be fulfilled, we must give up our personal and individual freedoms, our guns, our free speech, and our national sovereignty, all to be given over to the authority of unelected elites of a one world government who expect us to do with less for the greater good. They do view us like we are a bunch of sheep that need to be managed. (for their benefit) About Trump exposing this fake news, All these globalist owned news organizations like CNN, accuse Trump of Attacking 'The Free Press'. But in reality it is no more of a free press than the old Soviet Union's Marxist commie propaganda paper "Provda" (Russian for truth) LOL There are only 6 corporate conglomerates from where all news is disseminated. And they all report on the same things and even in the same words, as they leave out most of what we should be knowing.
11) So far he got us 200,000,000,000 (200 Billion) from other countries for the defense we have been providing for them, that they have been very delinquent in paying for. Again, CNN said that Trump was rude to our allies, without mentioning his success.
12) He got the Keystone pipeline, that Obama had shut down, back in the planning for construction.
13) He has got the coal industry back and running with "Clean Coal". (Just one more of Obama's policies to slow us down and keep us down) . Whether that is the intent or not, that is always the effect of the policies of the left ---- if it feels good or makes me feel good about myself, do it, but don't bother to look at the unplanned unexpected consequences. As I have said before, look at any long-term Democrat only runs city and you will see its disastrous effects. Chicago, Detroit, Flint and Dearborn, Michigan, Oakland, San Francisco, etc. Etc -- and I dare you to put San Francisco Today in your RUclips address bar and see what has happened there.
14) brought down (way down) the number of people needing to be on food stamps
15) MS13 & Other Gang being broken up, jailed, deported and disbanded.
16) Has fulfilled Obama's failed promise to have the most transparent presidency ever
17) He got our imprisoned American pastor back from Turkey, which probably any other president would not have been tough and determined enough to be able to do.,
18) Trump got our American Embassy in Israel finally transferred over to Jerusalem, something other president had said they were going to do, but never did.
Trump is Restoring America, and doing so beyond its previous greatness, rather than fulfilling Obama's promised to Fundamentally Change America, as Hillary would have continued to do and likely finalized. (obviously with Marxism & all the controls, lack of freedom and other bad stuff that goes with Marxism) You left wing morons are trying to usher in a ruthless police state. You are possessed of a demonic illness you don't know you have and projected onto the decent God-fearing productive & patriotic people of this nation who holds Truth, Honesty & Integrity as their prime values. The very qualities that are an impediment to your agenda.
@@answerman86 trump made america worse so thats another failed campaign promise :D
ANSWER MAN Marxism? We have a constitution that would protect, trumps a danger to this country and others
@@answerman86 well actually i'm Chinese so you're kinda right to say that I'm a Marxist programmed parrot LOL. Don't blame your government too hard for that, tho.
And now we have our first orange president
Ultimate!!! LMAO!!
>orange man bad
William Oliver oh haha so original
William Oliver *carrot
LANO Haaahhahaha 👍👊✊
I love how diverse America is. First a black, now an orange president. YOU GO AMERICA!
What will happen next?
First? Try 44th
Nah a blue president
what's next? a blue one?
@@empireattac2451 grinch
The mystery has been solved:
Obama's last name is Care.
GauntRobcat's AMV Arsenal Relegation incoming
@@Potatobananaproductions05 bruh not an arsenal fan😂
@@Potatobananaproductions05 😂
fax he killed thousands of people in IRAQ because of his decisions. Obama does care
That's beautiful "A generation of black kids are going to grow up knowing they can be the president."
Yeah they are gonna see a war criminal. Who killed thousands of Middle Eastern kids. What a hero :/
@@frankiebogdan4228 Bush????
@@frankiebogdan4228 uh huh, trump isn't better(in fact he ordered more airstrikes than obama in his entire 8 years of presidency and this was while isis was still around). Obama shouldn't have ordered airstrikes but I notice the double standard when people mention it
Hopefully that not the only thing qualified about them.
That hits different especially in 2020
This is so well produced. I mean, I know Vox has cash, but the stylizing from 1:00 to 1:20 is so phenomenal. And the jazz drums behind it work so freaking well. Give your art department a high five. Seriously.
Thanks Landon! We list everybody who worked on the video in the credits. So in this case, the art department looked like this:
1. I'm terrible and inherently skipped the credits. As a creator, I know better. Tell Christophe and Dylan they did an exceptional job. And give them a raise or bonus or buy them pizza or something.
2. You, who is running the RUclips comments (who, I bet, also looks like that gif on a daily basis keeping Vox relevant on social media) you are gold. You get a raise too. People like you make me wanna do my job better. Thank you.
Hey, thank you! I will tell them. And its fun talking with y'all: we wouldn't be here without you.
kudos to vox´s art department
Lol :D
I miss him. And he wasn’t even my president.
Was my president, and no, I don't miss him. Good riddance.
Envy West same but I do live in America
Same here:-)
trump is not my president niether is obama.. actualy i am from india
As an outsider I would say Obama is the only US President that we respect the most. Actually the one and only we love about America. America was trusted again for that 8 years. Trump crushes all that in just a second.
I’m sure middle eastern people would have a different opinion
@@Marcuh did I mention anything about middle east? This world is bigger than just America and middle east. Think big.
kitanakahn u have to at least stop watching The mainstream news man
Where are you from?
@@chilln0648 planet earth
even if you disagree with his policies, you have to say that Obama worked so hard while in office to do what he thought was best for the American people and I respect him for that
No. No, you didn't have to say any of that. Bc what he wanted for America was it's destruction.
Boofer T. Washington no that’s trump
@@boofert.washington2499 yeeeeeah right
*laughs in climate change*
La Vie En Rose he’s not doing anything to stop climate change
By killing and drone strikes?
I'm from Canada, but one of my most intense childhood memories is when we gathered in the library in 8th grade to watch the first black president, Obama do his victory speech after winning his first election. It was amazing.
Kellie H omg same! My whole school gathered in the gym to watch 🇨🇦
@@bisvizstudio1242 Who was the first?
@@tanyathon7616 Maybe he means he's not the first black president but the first black american president elected.
I can remember it clearly, I was in 3rd grade and our teachers skipped class for us all to watch it. That was so inspiring!
@@bisvizstudio1242 of the United States of America
Obama is the chillest president ever. Whether you love him or hate him, you gotta admit he’s a cool guy.
@@ok-xp9lo oK.
Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush are pretty chill people too, although they weren't very good presidents.
@@ok-xp9lo Yes
I know he isnt a good guy
That photo of the child touching President Obama’s head is one of the greatest things to have ever come out of American politics.
Regardless of political standpoint and personal beliefs, that is one of the most hopeful and impactful pictures.
Dare I say, one of the most truly American photos.
ObamaCare does need work, mostly in corralling big insurance...but it is the first time I had insurance and was able to go to the hospital for preventative care... not just emergency care.
You shouldn't go to hospitals for preventive care, it is cost ineffective. I have Medicare and can't afford to pay the specialists I need to see. Obamacare fixed nothing.
wren 22 TEA.
@Logan Kram dont, I pay for my own.....but prior to ObamaCare I couldn't get insurance because my job didn't offer it and I have a pre-existing condition
It's so hard to believe for me that not everyone has a insurance. I hope some day you guys have all one. Greetings from Germany.
Because I paid for it. You're welcome.
i wonder how Obama would’ve handled this pandemic
Don't have to wonder, he dealt with Ebola and H1N1. He put together a team to co-ordinate the responses of various federal agencies as he correctly identified the problem was there was no leadership. He was articulate and wasn't like a toddler relaying expert info or trying to use it as a personal rally. He wasn't perfect but he was competent.
Well first he wouldn’t tell people to drink poison💀
@@alexrodriguez7389 Or tell people It's a hoax.
Jack Pen or say that a grim milestone is a huge success
Better than this
Just finished watching the video... now I'm off to the comment section to lose my faith in humanity.
Oh Lord, so true. I dont know why I came down here, it gives me more gray hair!
Trump 202...Nah nah I'm playin I'm playin hahaha
Same here 😭😭
Ahaha I’m pretty sure I lost more than a couple brain cells. I am appalled at how bad our education system actually is :/
Obama, for me, set the standard for what a president should be. I was 8 years old when he was elected and I never understood my conservative parents complaints of him, just seeing him speak at that young age made me feel inspired, admiration, and proud to be an American. When I was 15 (2015), due to my parents consistent bad mouthing, I started to believe that I might have admired him because I was a child during his election and the nostalgia had only warped my perception of him. It wasn't until the 2016 election that I truly appreciated Barack Obama, his administration, and what they did for this country. Although, I find it interesting that, even as a kid, I could see his good character despite what I was told from my parents.
I was inspired by him too, though I was a 16 yo Russian kid, and I doubt our official media tried to say something good about him. And many "patriots" hate him, but it just doesn't make sense to me, sometimes your opinion is strong enough to not be bothered by opinion of others.
Because of their innocence, children have the ability to see through a person's true character. That's probably the reason you gravitated towards Obama as a child.
I hate people who say Obama didn't change anything.
obama didnt change anything
+Crolep pelorC Dude, now he hates you.
+Ana Nicole i love u tho
tennismediadynamics My heart belongs to science.
+Cooper Blake ok what ever
I would vote for him again
+hama prgasc no he isn't. And if he would actually be elected be would accomplish nothing and blame everyone around him for it.
+hama prgasc Congress/Senate won't let any law pass regarding banning Muslims no matter what Trump says
+Waleed Assad Gadsafi killed the Libyan people not Obama.
Damn right, I sure would.
r u trolling
this channel likes to push it's political views alot.
GayDicks420 This channel also has a lot of emotionally charged fans that white knight and attack any voice outside of their Hugboxing culture.
+Pikapetey Animations this bias is only very little compared to mainstream new fox cnn etc this also isnt news this is opinion
How..? Please explain, because I don't see it ... by any means whatsoever. Granted, i'm not on Vox often but still.
+Pikapetey Animation Well Thats Not exactly true, They Like pushing out facts to educate us. Shouldn't we run media by fact when talking on serious topics? There not A parody channel. They deliver news, and educate us on things some would not have known otherwise what do you expect? Not being rude just curious.
+Pikapetey Animations But it's interesting! :D
POV: Your looking through the comments for someone to argue with.
Pineapple on pizza is good
You see the annoying thing about that is I actually love pineapple on pizza, it really balances out he flavor.
T Duy Nguyễn Exactly my mate over here has the right idea!
god isn't real
there your welcome
@@derpedlerp1237 all lives matter
Ok maybe that’s too far
When you have an orange president the next year, you will certainly miss the black one.
orange is the new black
+Yodeler Man
E.g. my classmates...
We won't have an orange president
I’m not even American, but while watching the presidential end speech, I actually cried. He was such an amazing ally. We miss him.
Bruh it ain’t even that deep LOL
Abraham Johnathan Compared to Trump that guy was the best.
Christian XL not even close
Abraham Johnathan whoop whoop
Abraham Rodriguez Pineda Speak for yourself. In Europe we do miss him. He was someone we could actually talk and make good deals with. Now with Trump, it’s like we’re babysitting a 4 year old toddler.
We want more. No... we demand more. #feelthebern
Its over... just let go already.
+Thomas Calleja hahahaha you still think bernie can win? and you just ADMITTED that obama is a socialist just like bernie
+tiehut ok Obamas not a socialist, but bernie can't win. Math 101
Bernie may not win the primary but his (our) revolution isn't going anywhere
Thomas Calleja hahaha bernie will be forgotten in 2 months.
Man I'm gonna miss him, even if he wasn't my president
@@thegloriousmorious9755 where are you from?
@@thegloriousmorious9755 Same. I'm from the Bahamas, and watching America rot's sad. Biden's not *great* but he's acceptable in the current situation.
@@PersTG Tf, have you seen New York? It's crawling with homeless people and its run by the democrats. They increase taxes and implement useless healthcare that just increases the burden of the american people. Btw, Obama is part of the democrats :)
@@whoisxuen I'm Bahamian I don't know squat about how America's living.
Obama is the chillest president ever. Whether you love him or hate him, you gotta admit he’s a cool guy.
2020: Why Trump is one of the most orange presidents in American History
@DurianZ Z I bet you're in 7th grade
@@personhuman4461 how to identify a trump supporter
@@Obliviontha1st did I say I like trump?
@@Obliviontha1st okay you play roblox, I understand you're disabled
@@personhuman4461 and you dont have a profile picture
I'm gonna cry when Obama has to leave. He was and is so great.
+Koala Bearz (Mr. Koala Bearz) The racial tensions and polarization of the United States wasn't his fault. That had more to do with gerrymandering and the media.
+As You Were Reading My Very Long Username I Stole Your Sandwich
Well yeah, pretty much. Good job. You deserve that sandwich that you just stole.
+So Jo I agree, the dude ended wars, started Obamacare, which is a huge step for America to finally becoming a modern country, he ended tensions in the world, he didn't act to fast during the rise of ISIS, with immediately starting a ground war and sending American soldiers to fight a war which would've made the situation worse from what it is right now, and all the people who react(ed) with stuff like 'how?' should watch this video again.
+So Jo .... it is pathetic to worship politicians
2:47 one of the posters say that race mixing is communism
Yeah, people who opposed integration and desegregation used the c-word to scare people into opposing desegregation.
That must be the dumbest poster there
Alex Alcaraz Sadly that is the power of hindsight. There are plenty of things that more of American public than there should be fears
(considered leaving it at that but we all know I’m talking about how white supremacy groups STILL. EXIST. Like HOW, and WHY)
2 posters
3:00 It's not cheesy at all😭 omg it's so heart warming
Damn Obama aged a lot in 8 years, beeing president is hard work no doubt x(
Grizly Rants if you knew anything about the country, then you would know that Obama decreased unemployment by A LOT. He also made the Economy almost as strong as it ever has been.
Grizly Rants Obama actually got us out of three wars. He had a terribly tough job after Bush’s terrible second term.
Grizly Rants 3 wars with Afghanistan, if you didn’t know.
8 years is the time a 10 years old kid grows up to 18. Think about that
Grizly Rants god you are dumb, why don’t you do some research and see how high unemployment was at the end of Bush presidents, compared to Obama.
I’m a Republican, and I agree Obama has the best foreign policy out of any president in my lifetime
He destroyed Libya which caused the refugee crisis and lead to rising of nationalism in europe,his foreign policy is just slightly worse than Bush’s.
Dang I never knew shrek had political views
Stefan Kazimirovic He didn’t want to waste 5 billion on something that’s about as effective as plowing the interstate when you need to take off in an airplane off a runway and it’s still covered in snow.
Obama was a lot of great things, but I wouldn't say he was great on foreign policy. It's great that he was always open for dialogue, it's bad that he didn't push back on authoritarian states like Russia and China. I'd say Reagan was better in that aspect.
lol best because hes giving away america to foreign countries
it's hard not to miss Obama when our next president will either be Clinton or Trump
+lawrence cries
+lawrence So true xD
I hope Bernie will beat Hillary, I doubt it will happen though, #RIPAmerica
+Martian Man (puma) that's how I feel rofl
+lawrence Yes indeed and I do agree with you on that. I wish we can run for 3rd term. Even if he did, it would win again. With that said, I hope Clinton wins.
Trump is a much more consequential president than Obama. Just not in the way you'd think
Nice joke 👍🏼
I bet I'm about to have a massive wave of trolls telling me how Trump is "the best president ever" again. Just wait a week and we'll begin to see some really salty comments. Mark my word.
🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 anyways BIDEN 2020
@@Ricky911_ TRUMP PENCE 2020
Patrick Star eww imagine
Obama: Creates some kind of a health care system.
Trump: I’m about to end this mans whole career.
Libya: Exists
Obama: I am about to end this man's whole career
World: Paris climate agreement
Trump: I'm about to end the world
Theodore Roosevelt 😂😂👍
Mexican people in the US:exists
Trump: I'm boutta end this man's whole career
@@nicholassieber6993 so whats the problem with the mexicans coming legaly
Bill Maher said, and I paraphrase, "Instead of electing a celebrity to be a politician, elect a politician who becomes a celebrity."
Kanye West: *nervous sweating*
Ricky911 can’t wait for the new ratchet game man
For being black
Lets face it. We are all gonna miss him.
It's not that hard to look good compared to Clinton and Trump.
I'm British and I don't know a single person who doesn't love Obama, he's pretty amazing
+Dom Renaud Depends who he's replaced with. If it were Bernie (yeah I know) then I wouldn't.
But I'm not even American so, whatever.
+Ted Meaker How about over 50% of Americans?
I also believe Obama's presidency to be one of the most consequential not just for what he did in his 8 year tenure but for what has come from it: Both Trump and Biden are directly linked to the Obama presidency in some way, Trump got in dramatically after that joke Obama made at the correspondents' dinner (although we all know he got in because of his taxes), but in his presidency he made his task to basically try and erase as many accomplishments Obama had made and Biden, being Obama's VP got in as a response to Trump's mishandling of the Charlottesville rally and promises to build on what Obama has already estabilished, primarily the ACA, expanding it to include a public option. In a way, Obama has been shaping the White House ever since he got in and has never truly left.
Your comment is very good. What you said is actually true: Obama never really left (once president, always president).
More than just Obama was a repudiated choice based on race his name and race was all that was spoke on the 1st 3 yrs
Obama healthcare name : Obama care
Trump healthcare name* : Trump Don’t Care
Trump is way better than Olama...
@@eliasziad7864 no
@@joshuahooley4379 Lol, then explain the terrorist acts of Olama?
@@eliasziad7864 lol, then explain why obama can deal with ebola and trump cant with covid
Even though I disagree more than agree, Obama undoubtedly will be a president who is up there. And you know what, with our current options, I would gladly take Obama for another 4 years over hillary, Bernie, and trump.
I think trump would be a president on the "memorable" list, but I don't think it would be of happy memories.
+Jesse Bruner wtf, Obama over Bernie?
+A Small But Decently Priced Ham Can you expound on this? Trying to get educated here lol
+A Small But Decently Priced Ham
Actually, you aren't exactly right. Sure, Bernie would greatly raise taxes on the rich, but he would also raise taxes on the middle class. This seems bad at first, but if you look at the savings from a single payer system, then most people (except the extremely wealthy) will end up saving money.
You say we shouldn't elect a President because Congress will veto his policies? Maybe that'll be the case, but, say he does do some things than will pave the way for his ideas to be reality one day. They aren't radical ideas, either. We're the only major country in the world that doesn't provide healthcare as a right to all people. If you say other countries can only do it because they're small, or for some other reason, know that America is the richest country in the history of the world.
You also say that it's not fair that the rich pay higher taxes. Actually, it is. Here's why - The way it's set up allows the rich to get richer, and makes the middle class disappear. The rich can afford to stash their money in tax havens, like Panama (see the Panama Papers), the Cayman Islands, and even in some places within our own country. This makes huge corporations, like Walmart, or Verizon pay hardly any taxes. That's not fair at all. You also claim that the rich stimulate the economy by investing, and buying things, and selling their employees. Sure, they do some of that, but the vast majority of them actually DO sit on their wealth. (
You're idea of the rich spending money to help the economy is called supply-side economics. Some people call it Reganomics, or Trickle-down economics. People that aren't for it, may also call it voodoo economics. It doesn't work. As Bernie says, "Change never takes place from the top down. It always takes place from the bottom up"
Hope this helps
+A Small But Decently Priced Ham But Sen. Sanders says his college plan will be payed thru a tax on Wall Street speculation. That's not on the backs of the rich. And he was a mayor and chairman of the senate veterans committee. That's some executive experience. What kind of executive experience would make him more qualified?
Bernie is a good lad. No hate pls
I agree, but you missed probably the biggest accomplishment, of the Obama years, saving the economy from ruin. People underestimate the state of the economy after the crash of 2008. That crash almost destroyed capitalism as we know it, the biggest banks and financial institutions were broke, no one had money to lend, and the biggest companies were falling one after the other. The crash spread around the world. His policies avoided a 1930's style depression and the economy was rescued without major pain for the population. Thats a huge deal., and Obama was up against a very hostile republican party, that opposed everything. History will show Obama's presidency as a success, a huge contrast to the previous 8 years of Bush/Republicans.
+tubester4567 Yeah, completely agree
He encouraged the banks to continue risky business as usual by lending tax payer money to them. And the economy is in yet another bubble directly because of his actions. The tough but moral decision would've been to let free market capitalism take its course.
Obama simply delayed the problem and re-secured what banks craved, that was for the Government to bail them out whenever things go bad because of their own irresponsibility.
That made banks even more secure in taking toxic credit deals. That was what started the problem in the first place.
If it really "rescued" the economy, is debatable. The problem started with government both pressing and complying banks to take riskier business practices. If we had left Free-Market Natural Selection flow, making banks either play by the rules instead of getting greedy with taxpayer money, the problem would had been avoided.
+Thauã Aguirre only the problem is that the taxpayers have their money in the bank, so if the bank fails, the people and the governement have to pay up, or else the entire economy collapses. There isn't really a short term solution to this. We might have to invest in a new banking system.kurtzgesagt has a video of different banking systems.
(Sorry for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker)
+rrmoviemaker your English is great! don't stop learning and getting better but I really wouldn't have known until you mentioned it that you are a English as a second language learner. ( my mom is an ESL teacher) thanks for the good recommendation too! Everyone should check out .kurtzgesatz 's channel
Today I learnt the definition of Consequential
Oh god. This comment section is going to be a cesspool. I just know it.
Get the popcorn ready.
+MurryMonster it's pretty tame so far. But the video hasn't been up long lol
+War On drUgs true, I can see it getting ugly in here in a few hours
no this report is? list of the presidents accomplishments shouldn't take so long....
you can read them on one post it
it already is
I didn't agree with everything Obama did but he was such a cool guy and honestly I felt a lot better with him in the White House than now with Trump.
This is the outlook people need to have. Instead of hating somebody for one thing they did that isn’t so agreeable, put that aside in order to look at the good that they have done.
Connor Murphy Yes. Like anybody else, he had his slips, but in general he was a great president.
Eh idk. A lot of people have the wrong image of trump
He put in Net Neutrality. :D
I also didn't agree with everything Obama did, he was cool, however I feel that trump is doing good , the only thing I can criticize him upon is his policy of trans people in the military and his approach to climate change.
Someone will find this comment one day.
Found it :o
One day my friend. One day.
Found it
And then?
It is right at the top for me.
"We're going to look back and appreciate how rare a consequential president is."
*Trump happens*
"We're going to look back and appreciate forgettable presidents."
Is Trump consequential or is he the result of electing the 1st Blk President?
@@RmcBlueSky they're both consequential. Both president should have never been related and will be remembered as the presidents thst destroyed/severely hurt America.
Trust me when I say wether you like him or not, Trump’s presidency won’t be forgotten.
@@prestigev6131 because of what a nightmare it was
@@Dannymart_88445 Trump's Presidency wasn't a nightmare, its just that his achievements are really talked about. Which led people to think bad about him.
It's true. Obama may not have accomplished all he set out to, but it's amazing what he was able to do in the face of a do-nothing Republican Congress.
I think Michelle Obama was also one of the best, most graceful and accomplished First Ladies in history. She and her husband seemed to be real equals in their own eyes, and that was lovely to see. They appeared to be great parents. She is a lovely, intelligent and graceful woman who showed you can be all of that and also be direct, sensitive and powerful. I think there is an aspect of the role of First Lady that is both about being a role model to American women and girls and also being an example of American women to the world, and I've been both inspired by and proud of Michelle Obama.
Here here
jwang604 Oh my god a teenager doing teenager things the gall.
ISIS grew under Obama!
He called ISIS the "JV Team"; and he was warned for 6 to 8 months in 2014, but he downplayed them again and again!
Russia also "grew" under Obama!
Obama's RESET-BUTTON foreign policy with Russia was a COLOSSAL FAILURE. Russia is more aggressive than it's ever been since the end of the cold war. the 2016 election hacking proves that.
Russia grew by expanding into the Ukraine and also into Syria. (Obama was really a weak leader)
And Iran is more powerful now thanks to Obama!
The OBAMA Legacy: Making IRAN Great again!
Examples of Obama's failed RESET-Button policy with Russia:
(RUclips video number: v=kwQqNdkyZZo)
Where Obama's scoffs and makes jokes when Romney tries to warn him of the Russian threat!
I'm sort of glad to have lived through Obama's entire career as president. I've witnessed a part of history that future generations won't be able to.
Edward Cortez same! Even though I disagreed with some things he did. But he was a great leader of this decade. He gave hope(even though he didn’t really changed anything).
The Man - Comics, Gaming, Talks, and Theories He changed a lot, but it certainly wasnt a huge advancement. He basically laid down the first step to a huge staircase.
President's will never change anything unless they become dictators, people are the ones who need to want to change otherwise one man even if he is the president won't be able to do anything especially when he can only stay for 8 years as president
Yea witness a part of history that almost doomed this country.I witnessed and could have went my whole life without a president like obama . I wish trump could be our president for ever.
Daniel King What has trump done other than separate families through deportation and piss off a North Korean man-child
trumps presidential documentary gonna be funny af 😂😂😂😂
Jorge Silva and how everything backfired lol
Yeah but VOX only likes to attack Trump not tell the truth so it will be all propaganda!!!
Toro sharp edge huh?
ULTRATHEGREAT ppl dont attack trump because they like to. not even because they dont like him... he is a cancer to the republican party. this is not a conspiracy lol. why do yall blame media outlets for doing their job?
Miike Haze Ok, Well you clearly have been brain washed by them you can't even trust American media outlets anymore because they twist everything to a Liberal agenda which is insane there not doing there job there making the left side of the United States of America brain washed fools because they don't know better Trump isn't cancer for our party he's one of us listens to the people connected to us more then any other president has been for years!
Vox skipped his drone operations
thats what made him best
@@ryanlore_ hmmmmm
Let's just hope the next president will be forgettable
Or be unforgettable in a absolutely positive way.
C.L.O. Yeah let's build a wall
That's not what I meant.
I don't think so.
I think Hillary will be one of the best presidents ever. Her long history of being able to work with and listen to others will serve America well. I think she's going to do a great job, and #ImWithHer.
That little kid touching Obama's hair and seeing it was like his...still gets me every time. So moving.
One problem I have with this video: Putting Bill Clinton as forgettable
How is Bill Clinton forgettable?
The 1993 WTC bombing
The Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 (famously depicted in the 2001 film, Black Hawk Down)
The 1993 Waco Siege (which caused a huge rise in militia groups in the US)
He signed NAFTA in 1993
DADT (Don't ask, don't tell) was passed by him.
He didn't do anything about the 1994 Rwandan Genocide (what happened in Mogadishu scared him from acting)
He passed The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (aka the 1994 crime bill), the largest crime bill in US history and it still has ramifications today.
The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (still the largest incident of domestic terrorism in US history)
The 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya
The Monica Lewinsky Sex Scandal
The 1999 Columbine High School Shooting
The USS Cole bombing in 2000 (executed by Al-Qaeda)
Good points. Let's let the Clintons back into the White House (Rolls Eyes)
You're listing tragedies and terrorist attacks. How exactly is that supposed to support Clinton's legacy?
Irish Identity I didn't just list tragedies and terrorist attacks. Also, tragedies and terrorist attacks can play a huge role in either supporting or not supporting a President's legacy (for example, 9/11 and George W Bush, Pearl Harbor and FDR, etc). Anyways, that wasn't what I was saying, Vox said that Bill was forgettable and I believe that claim to be outrageous.
not to mention repealing glass-steagall and passing a crime bill that completely corrupted the prison system.
doomdavid101 I forgot to mention the repealing of Glass-Steagall in 1999 but I did mention the 1994 crime bill.
He made progress and orange President ruined everything.
I guess Libya doesn't exist then.
Sure but in your dream. 😁😁😁😁
Nope Obama left trump a booming economy, then trump ruined it all in his last year as president, bottler orange
@Joey The Conservative he didn’t deal with it well at all, Obama left him all the essentials to succeed if a disaster happened
Progress for America and war in other countries yes
I'm nowhere near his biggest fan, but man, I'm gonna miss Obama
um...bush jr, clinton, bush sr, and Reagan?
and none of them had the persona and connectivity that Obama did. Actually, love or hate his accomplishments, he has had a very active presidency, especially compared to the first bush. What are you on?
Gil Rybak - more than Reagan?
Gil Rybak I miss Reagan...
Gil Rybak I don't. I'm glad that communist is out
I didn't agree with Obama on ALOT of things but I Damn sure respected him as our president and didn't run us into the ground. Great diplomat.
This is the thing. Many people didn't agree with him, but at least he was a human being.
A4!old C. He gave 400 million dollars to the Iranians to build nuclear weapons
A and lot should be separated
Why this video make me wanna cry??? Ima miss Obama 😭😭
I'm going to miss him so much. The best of my lifetime.
You creeps are going to miss Obama but the rest of the world will be very happy to see him gone. While you Janice have the best time of your life, people from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe have miserable lives because of your president destructive policies.
Shame on you!
+Mihail7773 Obama> Trump
Dude I'm literally crying right now😭😭😭partly bc the little boy touching Obamas hair and also bc the video was so well put together I can't help but cry😭
Bill Clinton was a forgettable President? That's not what I grew up hearing.
The only real notable thing about his presidency is the impeachment trial.
@@andrewpinto50 A 200B dollar surplus is not notable?
He was the president when I was born (so I didn’t really know him) did get to know W Bush though 🥴
Obama: *building a card house*.
Trump: *Blows it away*.
Well why build it with cards? Why not use wood, or even a metal shack. Surely either would be more sturdy than cards.
*the office theme plays*
Grizly Rants You said that backwards!
@@SuperPikkarainen Dude, this is a direct quote from Obama. Fake news much?
BoaSky How is not true
Emmi Komu Dude I’m no fan of trump but the economy has been doing way better under trump
Trump might not be the best ever president but he will surely go down as the first orange president of the USA.
Not something that will go down in US presidential history as a great achievement though. 😊😊
"trump might not be the best president" is so way off the way off the mark its almost something trump would say.
He's the worst
@@vince1650 George Bush was faaaar worse
@@vince1650 not true
In retirement, he can always come north and run for Canadian Prime Minister. I would be willing to bet, aside from legal requirements to qualify, he have a strong support. Intelligent, articulate, and a class act all around!
he could advise justin on how to conduct foreign trips without embarrassing our entire nation, respect democracies by not bringing separatists on good will trips to India, and maybe even get noticed at G20 summits.. forget G7, he's a non entity there.. Xi wouldn't even talk to him at the g20, despite Canadians being jailed in China.. yeah Obama would do well here.. but it's not hard to beast the gaff master... He should come to Canada and use our good reputation in the world as a gateway to north american Statesmanship... sort of a friendly beneificent proxy to American "exceptionalism" .. would be interesting to see..
@@planegaper well, Xi and Trudeau did speak behind the camera. The reason the Chinese wouldn't speak with Trudeau is because of Meng, it is a form of protest as opposed to just Trudeau being a "non-entity"
Obama and trudeau are similar
“I missed the part where that’s my problem”
- Bully Maguire
Donald trump: *flips out uno reverse card*
NostalgicTimez quite the opposite I think
he wasn't a good president but certainly better than others before
NostalgicTimez explain how trump is a bad president
AtypicalWeirdo explain how trump is a bad president
@@kingclampz6081 30 million unemployed, developed bad tests, economy is at record low, similar the great depression, started cold relations with China, didn't do jack to help the tensions in North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Failed to defeat ISIS, 73,000+ dead in just 2 months, started racism against Asian Americans and Mexican Americans. Had to shut down the government, wanted to pull out of NATO, never finished his precious wall, and has severely divided the Senate and the House, left millions without health care, Trumpcare failed, the economy was already plunging to a recession in 2020 due to the trade-war, that Trump started, I could go on
Why is Taft forgettable? He got himself stuck in a bathtub.
That never actually happened
Actually, that is why he's memorable.
david charles thank you. Also my name is David lol
Why is Bill Clinton forgettable? He got blown by his mistress and caught..
You forgot finding and getting Bin Laden.
Chilly Willy don't u mean killing
Chilly Willy don't you mean finishing what Bush started?
Andrew Behrend Bush had no intentions of getting Bin Laden. He even avoided mentioning him, trying to make it fade into oblivion. His agenda was invading Iraq for personal gain furthering his family's oil interests. Obama promised to get him and followed through. Speaking of using the office for personal gain, so will Trump. And yes, Obama finished what Bush started which was the Iraq war and the death of our economy.
Chilly Willy he avoided mentioning bin Ladin like how Obama refuses to call Islamic terrorism for what it is. "Islamic terrorism".
Andrew Behrend Obama doesn't do that in order to de-escalate tensions not for personal gain unlike Bush who wanted to keep milking conflict to keep enriching his family and cronies off of military and oil contracts; or the way that Trump refuses to admit that Russia is a threat to the U.S. also because of his personal gain to maintain his family business investments there safe. Your comparison argument is invalid because it constitutes false equivalence.
How dare you leave Teddy Roosevelt out as one of the consequential presidents! The man was an angel sent down from the heavens, and a badass angel at that!
And Reagan, like cmon even Liberals tend to love him
Teddy Roosevelt, as the deputy secretary of the Navy under McKinley, was the one who initiated the invasion of Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico, after Cuba was invaded, and subjugated the citizens to such horrible treatment and racism .. So he ain't no angel, although he did do a lot of good stuff related to the environment and overall progressivism after becoming president, no doubt about that
@@Julian-lm7ng Um, wb the Iran-Contra Affair ?
@@Siddharth-dc4hf Well you can't blame that fully on Teddy Roosevelt, I'm assuming it wasn't *his* idea to invade the Philippines
I am not American but I admire Obama, he surely is one of the best leaders world has got...
Nubpai he's not lying try finding someone more genuine then him in the last 20 years
Nubpai angry republican prejudice Texan
Obama is a war criminal!!
I admire Obama also, he's black and has a soothing voice and all the liberals say he's great so it must be true :D
(Sarcasm detector for the idiots)
I will always see Obama as the most charismatic presidents in the history of the United States
Sanana Banana he's an actor smh
He should run for 2020 like Putin did. He served 2 consecutive terms from 2000-2008 and re-run in 2012 and has until 2020
Sanana Banana smartest*
Sanana Banana JFK or Ronald Reagan are the most charismatic
AzzyLand Lover
Lots of people wants Obama to re-run, including me. Especially now, get Trump outta here.
Oh god I do not want trump or Clinton in the White House, please give Obama 4 more years while the parties get some good candidates. I'm a Liberal and I'm supposed to be team Clinton and everything but I just don't know if I want her in the White House
lmao "I'm a liberal"
okay I'll be honest. I didn't like Hillary for a silly reason because she ran against President Obama. I had talked to Bernie a couple times on the conference call and I thought a lot of him. he had good ideas but they weren't ideas that would work right now. he didn't know I didn't need to know about foreign policies and problems. a lot of people think Hillary is a bad person. she simply is not. they believe this because of all of the false scandals.. they're making such a big deal over her emails. There's nothing different than how many are doing them. Have you noticed the difference between Bush's 22 million deleted EMAILS AND HERS? They didn't even look at his. They had the communication between others about Iraq not having Weapons of distruction. Then during the bombing and afterwards. EMAILS ABOUT MURDERING MAMAS, DADDIES , BABIES , OUR YOUNG MILITARY. Nope they didn't even mention those deleted emails that also talked about the most terrible ever. FOR WHAT? They know they can't push Hillary around so they lie so she doesn't win the election. Hillary Clinton has spent her whole life helping America and other Countries. Please just remember how bad the Republicans are. Remember how badly they lie. Please don't forget how they always want war. It's like they are blood thirsty. President Obama said Hillary will be the best President yet. He said and I'm including Bill and I. He truly meant it.
That would be wonderful for us but that man is tired. lol I'm sure Michelle wouldn't be happy. I love President Obama So Much!!
***** No I was giving you facts. I'm not an Republican. I am proud to be a Democrat. I am also a liberal.
+Janice Claypole (justjanice) No. He's right. You're completely and utterly delusional. And if your profile pic is of someone in your family... I feel sorry for that person.
I live in Sweden (where we obviously have free health care) and the free health system is the best thing about this country. If you end up in hospital for 100 days you still just need to pay 10 dollars. It's fricking fantastic!
EDIT: 20 dollars per day. But still, that's not much money.
Really? We have to pay $ 10,000 just to give birth😢
@@rorymarcel228 oh wow
@@willabytes You got room on your couch?
@@4GNG Haha, lol. It's extremely full...
“They let a brother steer the ship but didn’t tell him that the ship was sinking” - J Cole
Lets give that sinken ship a funny orange color for 4 more years, the painter's name is joe biden...
When he took the reigns of your so called sinking ship. How did he manage to sink it to were there was no chance for a recovery lol?
@@NowThatsAPewPew Trump is the right captain to sink the old ship and make space for a new ship.
He is the only one available, that is independent from lobbyists and political establishment tools.
and a brother patched it up, only to let the next captain sink it again.
Regardless of what sentiment you have towards him, he was a great public speaker.
Not a great president but yes being a "motivational speaker" matters way more 😁😐
Conservatives probably despise this video.
nope, he did some good things.
We need more people like you in office.
I don't. I thought Obama really tried to work with conservatives for the first few years but the tea party was too powerful and the republican party too polarized. Any time a democrat tries to work with republicans to get something done, they get voted out of office and visa versa. They knew fighting obama would get them reelected, working with obama might get them fired.
One of the things conservatives prided themselves on was working with democrats while they were in office to make sure the country came first. That died with disco.
Megan H, true words. Funny enough though, even though the Rep. control Congress now, Obama had pushed more legislation than Trump has.
For me, most consequential Presidents in the last century are: Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Reagan, and Obama
Obama was cool and all but he doesnt compare to FDR
@mmdt 123 nope
Can make a case for Eisenhower for being the chief architect behind the Interstate system that essentially propelled us into economic boom.
Love him or Hate him, this video speaks the truth. Obama certainly made his mark
The Ricktator I love him
HadesObsidian Ahhh hhaa ha troll...I have had my own small business for 27 years ass clown..And married as long...Your hate is roting you from the inside out, yet i am nonplused by you...Aahhh.......Ha....Ha....If you only knew how wrong you were...Good luck on that dating site, your a real catch....Maybe you can send for a blow up girlfriend...Good luck with being alone forever
HadesObsidian I thought I heard Charlie Brown's teaching....It sounded like...Bwwaawwwwppp...Bbwaaammmmpp...bwwwaaawwwmmmpp
Staunch Character look who's talking!you literally told someone about your personnal achievemnt through commnts on youtube that doesnt make any sense to anybody whethr you have done something special or not.SO SAVE YOUR BREATH AND STOP TYPING
I totally agree. He's Nelson Mandela of South Africa 🇿🇦
Trump hates the first amendment loves the second amendment and has no idea what the third is. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣
@Rajeev Vij Republicans were real leaders not are real leaders. And Mr Rajeev real leaders are not by the Constitution they are leaders if they have a quality to understand what there people want. And if you don't know the actual meaning of republic here it is a state in which power is held by the public or supporting the principals of public, that is what which makes a common man different from others and this man who is different from others is there leader. Thank you.
Also constitution do not define your art of leadership any person who is with great leadership qualities can be a leader. I repeat Republicans were great leaders. Thank you. Focus on the sentence were great leaders.
I wonder if you do
pooja chauhan well said
@@ErrleFPS Thank you.
As a Canadian, American politics are more entertainment for me than something important and influential.
as a non- American I agree
That's why im here
Watching American politics is like watching a reality show
Except for one small sad fact: What happens in the US affects many things sociopolitically around the world - and financially to a larger degree than any would wish. Although, that may well be changing, as I type this from NYC.
I'm am American and there hilarious to me
"And now a generation of orange kids will grow up knowing they could be the president..."
Bill Clinton is in the forgettable presidents category? I can think of 1 reason he will always be remembered, and i would directly quote the history book about it, but those pages are stuck together.. :-O ~~~C====3
***** Monica saw it cuming
bless your little heart
Didn't Dave Chappelle say a similar joke to this?
it makes me so happy someone caught that.. yes he did, back in like 2001
I would vote for him again. History will judge him kindly.
Careful tho.
I would also!
He sucked at being president putting this country in so much debt and causing racism to be a huge topic it never was until he got in the White House blacks have the same rights as whites and Obama has the audacity to open obamacare and raise minimum wage
Chandler Martin Corker
Republicans are much worse historically at putting the country in debt than democrats....look it is a matter of historical record.
+Chandler Martin Corker are you being racist , or is he right now
Revisiting 8 years later and the same problems still exist
i miss obama so much 😭 he’s been my president since i was in 3rd grade and now i’m a freshman in college.
Jenely Ramirez so this means that u know nothing about what he did. Oh yea bc he didn’t do anything. Terrible president
@@aaronbernhard557 respect their opinion jeez
@@aaronbernhard557 she was talking about growing up with him, relax and respect others
I'm not American, but I personally think that Obama was the best president and that his family deserves even more respect than they were given. While America is a "diverse" country, they still have a significant divide between black Americans and white Americans. Obama and his family had to live up to a much higher bar than any other president, and even when stacked against all the odds, they came through and rose above the highest bar forced upon them, becoming even better than anyone ever expected. This video certainly made me want to cry
Why does everyone except Americans get this? AGH! So frustrating!
Yes, I am aware. I was over exaggerating since I live in Utah which is mostly Republicans so my family is a huge minority. I feels like no one gets it. Also if you take into consideration the "president" we have now...
I completely agree, there is far too much stereotyping in the world. It was just an over exaggeration out of annoyance. As for moving, I totally would. I'm just too young :)
Oh, I'm trying. At least this is a good way to test if our government works.
Robermat what? I’m stating facts
"FDR, winning WWII" uh hate to break it to you
Yes... presidents aren’t allowed to fight in wars. What he meant was that he lead America through WWII
Connor Brown what was there to lead America through?
He basically did he died months before it ended and the axis were being pushed back on all sides
I mean, by the time FDR died there was no chance of the axis winning WWII
I read this comment the second the dude said it
Donald Trump is technically consequential too.
Consequential in the sense that there are consequences for electing him maybe
yea for killing over 200k Americans due to lack of proper COVID 19 response.
@@frankczw What would be an acceptable number?
Kye Countries with good COVID-19 response have under 20k deaths while the U.S. has over 200k dead and massive unemployment. What kind of question is that? This why everyone needs vote 🗳
@@BrushEm An acceptable number is as low as possible. Universal mask-wearing from March onwards could have prevented over 90% of those deaths. Furthermore, he could have given a lot more money to testing and tracing instead of bailing out companies that didn't need it.
Obama: Alright, finally we have a national health care system. Trump, I believe you can expand upon it in the future.
Trump: *Throws Obamacare in the trash*
Yeahh... sure....
it's always sunny in the comment section...
Yeah the the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world collapsing will have no impact on you whatsoever
CookerLV oh please. have some mercy on us, mister! :)
I saw my comment was highlighted. Sorry Vox, that was rude. But I wouldn't say 'your country is falling apart' if it wasn't for all of the nasty comments from Americans themselves in almost every video about this election. But then, ugly political debate happens in every country. America just happens to be in the spotlight. It's great, though. It's like being in a grand opera to see a great play. Anyway, I have edited my comment so it doesn't seem 'rude' :) Good luck.
Obama is not only a great leader of a Superpower nation, but an amazing role model for the rest of the world. He is the definition of a world leader.
havocmaster69 that's Donald's wife
Donald is not married to Mike Obama
thats a bunch of bull if I've ever heard it
Svvet Lana if u gonna talk leader Putin is your man
I mean bush did leave a mess in US but he didnt have to raise a country from history of bad communist management
also he doesnt have that much power
Putin was/is the most powerful man in the world even tho Russia is #2 military and #12 economy
Svvet Lana idk about that. But he was a decent president.
I really really miss when meeting the president was a honor
I actually cried when they showed that photo of the little boy touching Mr. Obama's hair
Finally. A comment that doesn’t end in warfair. I agree. I miss him so much
What an honor to live through a time where your first vote was for the most accomplished president of The United States of America.
"The most accomplished president of The United States of America"
Not even close. I'm pretty center left politically and FDR and LBJ put Obama to shame in terms of accomplishments. That said, all of them were flawed though.
How the hell is Bill Clinton forgettable?
No one could ever forgot those sex scandals, even if they tried
But yes, without those, he is quite forgettable
+Adolf Jong un don't ask don't tell and prison bill?
Don't worry Monica Lewinsky won't forget
This is so true
The Free trade act has deported more manufacturing and technological jobs than any other policy. People are going to look at him as a corrupted political democratic hack like Andrew Jackson
But Andrew Jackson was a great president! He got rid of the central reserve bank and put the crazy back in American leadership. He even killed a guy in a pistol duel and fought people in fistfites to settle debates! He also hated his own cabinet! Thats awesome in my book!! Minus the killing of Native Americans...
I know obama is watching and grinning
Well look now we have a certified clown in the office
We used too but not anymore
Obamacare completely failed
That clown would look down when you said, “wait, you dropped your pockets!”
No, 'cause a clown is supposed to be really funny.
@@louisschulze7554 Even if it failed, they should have tried to improve it, instead of removing it and putting hundred of thousand at risk...
Uh, ok. I mean, I feel as though “consequential” implies negative connotations
A consequence is a result of an action. Good or bad. We humans tend to think of consequences as results of bad actions and a consequence Is something bad in return although the not true in all cases
Thank you very much for your Legacy Sir!
O my damn !!!!!! It's Obama !!!!!! I love your bomber jacket look 🤩 post presidency looks good on you ......we miss you tho
Worst president ever
It could be negative like Andrew Johnson or George W. Bush, or it could be positive like Abraham Lincoln or FDR.
Man it sure is weird seeing this video over a year later
especially after trump talked to south korea
Xtremzer0 you dumb it was north korea🤦♂️
I think Trump will lie on the "Forgettable but not" section.
For what he did, he will remain for being the president who made many bad decisions