I've been wanting to get this Hot Toys Predalien Battle Damage 4 years since 2011 I was a teenager like 13 or 14 even I wanted my parents to get it and I've been wanting to have this as a my birthday gift when I got you the other online when I say about my money it didn't ship items after Plamoya Japan was closed because of the pandemic and I have to try to find it and I finally got mines on eBay but I have to save it for more time until September 2021 this month.
저 받침대는 어디서 구매 가능한가요?
저도 프레데일리언 소장중인데 다리 관절이 많이 약해서...
아 프레데일리언이 에일리언퀸처럼 무겁고 자립시 앞으로 꼬구라쳐서 자립이 힘들다는건가? 꼬리를 바닥에 대고 다리를 이상한자세로 하지않는한은 스탠드없이 자립시 앞으로 쓰러지려나? 낙지관절이 아니더래도요
I've been wanting to get this Hot Toys Predalien Battle Damage 4 years since 2011 I was a teenager like 13 or 14 even I wanted my parents to get it and I've been wanting to have this as a my birthday gift when I got you the other online when I say about my money it didn't ship items after Plamoya Japan was closed because of the pandemic and I have to try to find it and I finally got mines on eBay but I have to save it for more time until September 2021 this month.
이거 피 녹색으로 도색되어있지않아요? 왜 노란색이에요? 혹시 가품?
Artosan Mesh 님 영상에 보이는 데미지버전 프레데일리언 미개봉이였던거 구매해서 직접 뜯으신건가요? 맞다면 뜯으시고나서 조립하고난뒤에 자립이 안되던가요? 꼭좀 여부 알고싶습니다 .
Very nice figure, hoping to pick one up myself!
Thanks for watch~^^