Mark a dot on the chart for % or a X if you are using litre/m, where it says value write the actual litres for example 5L or if the child is on no oxygen just write air. For delivery method use the abbreviations in the box on the left hand side NP = nasal prongs FM = face mask HB = head box NRB = Non- rebreather
Hi Hannah. Can I ask how do you chart the oxygen part in the PEWS??
On the box Document 'Air' or Value?
And on the box "Delivery method/RSD flow rate?
Mark a dot on the chart for % or a X if you are using litre/m, where it says value write the actual litres for example 5L or if the child is on no oxygen just write air. For delivery method use the abbreviations in the box on the left hand side
NP = nasal prongs
FM = face mask
HB = head box
NRB = Non-