"Tsuru no Sugomori," composed by Kohachiro Miyata in 1973 and arranged by Rodrigo Rodriguez, is a captivating piece blending traditional shakuhachi with ambient music. The title, meaning 'The Cranes' Nest,' evokes the serene beauty of these majestic birds in their natural habitat. Rodriguez’s arrangement creates a tranquil soundscape, combining the ethereal tones of the shakuhachi with soothing ambient elements to transport listeners to a place of deep relaxation and harmony. Perfect for meditation, stress relief, and moments of peaceful reflection.
"Tsuru no Sugomori," composed by Kohachiro Miyata in 1973 and arranged by Rodrigo Rodriguez, is a captivating piece blending traditional shakuhachi with ambient music. The title, meaning 'The Cranes' Nest,' evokes the serene beauty of these majestic birds in their natural habitat. Rodriguez’s arrangement creates a tranquil soundscape, combining the ethereal tones of the shakuhachi with soothing ambient elements to transport listeners to a place of deep relaxation and harmony. Perfect for meditation, stress relief, and moments of peaceful reflection.
Huge fan here, Rodrigo. Thank you so much for your effort.
A visionary piece. The arrangement and virtuosity are masterful indeed. 😊
Magnifica pieza Una interpretación perfecta ¡¡Felicitaciones!!👍🏻👏👏🙏🏻
please tell me how to make such a beautiful background? I really want to improvise under such a beautiful background too
very nice arrangement!!!
Puto Amo esto suena como Dios!! FkinRo!! Saludos Tron!