GoTimothy Commits Slander!

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @TimothyAllenCampbellGoTimothy
    @TimothyAllenCampbellGoTimothy 7 лет назад +2

    To Elfalond
    Very good job making the video. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it with the title and all. First of all, my videos have been on CNN since 2008. I just checked on those videos a few days before you made a video claiming that I wasn’t the Messiah. You have committed slander by claiming I am not the Messiah. Who are you to say who God makes the Messiah or not, unless you’re the antichrist. Because you’re certainly not God. Then a few days after you made the video, my videos disappeared off the CNN. I don’t consider that a coincidence. Either you, the crazy Larry Mattera, or one of your followers took those videos off of CNN.
    It’s funny that you should claim that I was Larry Mattera, because I thought you were Larry Mattera. But this Mattera guy has been harassing me for years. In fact he’s been attacking me on my Facebook page also. As far as just deleting his comments, he simply creates another troll account and starts attacking me again. In fact I think he’s trying a different tactic now, he’s actually trying to join my religion to destroy it from the inside. But whatever.
    But he actually has a face and a name on Facebook. And someone pointed out that Larry had invented a bottle opener and gave a link to his real name and address. So I know he’s not you. I give you credit for having the balls to show your face when you make a comment on my videos. Many people are using troll accounts to attack me, with no face, no name and no balls. I will make a retraction and take down the video. And put up another one about my videos being taken off of CNN. I apologize and thank you for watching my videos.
    If you don’t believe me and my followers are being attacked, why don’t you try creating a troll account and pretend to want to join my religion and see what happens to you. They will attack you with trolls like Larry. If you’re being attacked, let me know and I was the what I can do to help.
    PS, it’s not slander because the name I used Alfalond, is not your real name. You can say MickyD’s hamburgers suck, because you’re not saying the word McDonald’s. Could it be possible that I wasn’t pronouncing you name correctly, so that it wouldn’t be slander? Humm
    Also blocking Larry Mattera doesn’t seem to be helping as his comments are still showing up I’m just not able to read them and put him in his place. He is committing slander by calling me an alcoholic.

    • @Alphlond
      @Alphlond  7 лет назад +1

      Okay, this response is going to be long and will, no doubt, be extremely hard for you to read or understand, so bear with me.
      "To Elfalond" Nice job insulting me by childishly and deliberately mispronouncing my name. AGAIN! My name is Alphlond; if you have to say it, just say the two syllables, "alf-lond". It's that simple! Anyone who can't properly pronounce such a simple name is obviously too stupid to be a Messiah.
      "Very good job making the video. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it with the title and all." Thanks, obviously I put a lot more effort into telling the plain and simple truth than you do in trying to hide it!
      "First of all, my videos have been on CNN since 2008." Again, I did not know they were there in the first place.
      "I just checked on those videos a few days before you made a video claiming that I wasn’t the Messiah." 1. No, you most certainly did not, because you didn't even know about my response video until earlier this year. You are a liar! 2. I didn't make a video claiming you weren't the Messiah; I made a video PROVING you are not the Messiah.
      "You have committed slander by claiming I am not the Messiah." No, I have not; the truth is not slander and I have told the truth that you are NOT the Messiah!
      "Who are you to say who God makes the Messiah or not, unless you’re the antichrist." Answer: Someone who knows the Bible and God far better than you can brag about, because I'm not the paranoid schizophrenic psychopath you are.
      "Because you’re certainly not God." Nor did I ever say or imply that I was. Stop putting words into my mouth you imbecile!
      "Then a few days after you made the video, my videos disappeared off the CNN. I don’t consider that a coincidence." No, I made the response video in October 2015, almost two years ago. I didn't make it just before you saw it.
      "Either you, the crazy Larry Mattera, or one of your followers took those videos off of CNN." What followers? I don't have any followers. Again, where's your proof? You have none.
      "It’s funny that you should claim that I was Larry Mattera, because I thought you were Larry Mattera. But this Mattera guy has been harassing me for years. In fact he’s been attacking me on my Facebook page also." I don't have an account on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. because I have no need for any of those websites.
      "As far as just deleting his comments, he simply creates another troll account and starts attacking me again. In fact I think he’s trying a different tactic now, he’s actually trying to join my religion to destroy it from the inside. But whatever." Again, where's your proof?
      "But he actually has a face and a name on Facebook. And someone pointed out that Larry had invented a bottle opener and gave a link to his real name and address. So I know he’s not you. I give you credit for having the balls to show your face when you make a comment on my videos. Many people are using troll accounts to attack me, with no face, no name and no balls. I will make a retraction and take down the video. And put up another one about my videos being taken off of CNN. I apologize and thank you for watching my videos." Apology accepted, provided that your new video doesn't slander me or anyone else..
      "If you don’t believe me and my followers are being attacked, why don’t you try creating a troll account and pretend to want to join my religion and see what happens to you." What good would that do? It certainly wouldn't further my goal of spreading the truth about you and your dangerous little cult.
      "They will attack you with trolls like Larry. If you’re being attacked, let me know and I was the what I can do to help." Please read the above comment.
      "PS, it’s not slander because the name I used Alfalond, is not your real name." That doesn't matter and you know it! You were clearly addressing me, and that's why I have a legitimate case against you for slandering me, but nevertheless I will not attempt to sue you because you are not even close to being worth my valuable time. You clearly have nothing better to do with your life than lie about people you don't know, like me.
      "You can say MickyD’s hamburgers suck, because you’re not saying the word McDonald’s. Could it be possible that I wasn’t pronouncing you name correctly, so that it wouldn’t be slander? Humm" Again, read the above comment. You were clearly addressing me, and if you were so cowardly as to mispronounce my name deliberately in an attempt to avoid slandering me, it would simply prove you are a coward, which we both know you are.
      "Also blocking Larry Mattera doesn’t seem to be helping as his comments are still showing up I’m just not able to read them and put him in his place. He is committing slander by calling me an alcoholic." Maybe he's right, and you are simply too delusional to see it?

  • @TimothyAllenCampbellGoTimothy
    @TimothyAllenCampbellGoTimothy 7 лет назад

    I’m curious, you claim that you didn’t watch my, "I am the Messiah" video and that you didn’t even know it was on CNN. However, you used copies of that video from CNN in your video titled, "Timmy Train Wreck Episode 1: Timothy is NOT the Messiah" published October 20, 2015. I’m wondering, did you download that video from somewhere else, as it wasn’t on RUclips until just recently I uploaded it after it was taken down from CNN. This is why I believed you or your followers had taken it off of CNN, because you got the video from CNN and it no longer is on CNN. It is quite a coincidence that it disappeared off the CNN after you made that video. Seeing how it's been on CNN for over 8 years with many people watching it and no one taken it down.The reason why I’m creating a new religion, is because when Joseph Smith saw Jesus, Jesus told him not to join any of the Christian or Muslim religions and he started a new religion which somehow became Christian. But Jesus is not a Christian and the only way to find Jesus in a Christian church, is if he was dead and nailed to a cross. Jesus would not be caught dead in a Christian church. Well unless tease nailed to a cross. Do you have any idea how Islam got started? Christianity didn’t always exist. None of the 12 apostles were Christians. The term, "Christian" didn’t even come about until the time of Constantine or some other Roman dictator. At that time followers of Jesus divided into two groups. Christianity and Islam. There wasn’t four Gospels, there was 12 Gospels and Islam was started out of the Gospels that the Roman empire version of Christianity rejected. The Gospel of Either Peter or Philip can be found in the Islam and it says that Jesus never died on the cross. In fact the Gospel of Philip says that the devil taught in the church and wanted to keep people from finding Jesus by claiming he was dead. This is why Islam got started. They didn’t reject the other Gospels like the gospel of Philip and the gospel of Peter which is the head of the church. Were also finding out by the Dead Sea Scrolls that there was many other Gospels that the church rejected including the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary. I'm not arguing with Christians who refuse to read other books like the Quran, the body of the Gita and the other books Forbidden by evil church scribes and Pharisees. I'm not going to comment or watch your videos. I'm not a Christian. People who see Jesus are not Christians. Jesus is God and cannot be a Messiah. God does not anoint himself.

    • @Alphlond
      @Alphlond  7 лет назад +1

      Here is another long response, and again, please be sure to read it carefully as many times as necessary, with your dictionary handy.
      "I’m curious, you claim that you didn’t watch my, "I am the Messiah" video and that you didn’t even know it was on CNN." 1. I never claimed I didn't watch it, I simply claimed I didn't know it was on CNN. I watched it on RUclips years back, and downloaded it then. I also noticed that you took it down afterwards, along with about 120 of your other videos, around February 2013 when you said you were going offline. Then in May 2013, going back on your word, you returned to RUclips. Apparently your false god of godlessness can't make up his mind any better than you can.
      "However, you used copies of that video from CNN in your video titled, "Timmy Train Wreck Episode 1: Timothy is NOT the Messiah" published October 20, 2015. I’m wondering, did you download that video from somewhere else," Yes, I did download it from RUclips years ago when you still had it up here. You think I don't know about your videos on RUclips that you have since deleted? You can't fool me; I have a long memory.
      " it wasn’t on RUclips until just recently..." Yes it was, you stupid liar! I remember, because this is the only website where I knew it to have been until you mentioned it being elsewhere!
      "I uploaded it after it was taken down from CNN. This is why I believed you or your followers had taken it off of CNN, because you got the video from CNN and it no longer is on CNN." Again, what followers? Do you think I'm starting my own religion like you? Because I'm not!
      "It is quite a coincidence that it disappeared off the CNN after you made that video." No, it's not a coincidence, it's totally irrelevant and a complete non sequitur.
      "Seeing how it's been on CNN for over 8 years with many people watching it and no one taken it down.The reason why I’m creating a new religion, is because when Joseph Smith saw Jesus, Jesus told him not to join any of the Christian or Muslim religions and he started a new religion which somehow became Christian. But Jesus is not a Christian and the only way to find Jesus in a Christian church, is if he was dead and nailed to a cross. Jesus would not be caught dead in a Christian church." Says you.
      "Do you have any idea how Islam got started?" What difference could that possibly make? Islam has NOTHING to do with the subject of this discussion; please do not change the subject, as it makes you sound retarded.
      "Christianity didn’t always exist. None of the 12 apostles were Christians." Yes, they all were.
      "The term, 'Christian' didn’t even come about until the time of Constantine or some other Roman dictator." Well, the Bible tells an entirely different story:
      "and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for an entire year they met with the church and taught a great many people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called 'Christians.'"
      --Acts 11:26
      The Book of Acts was clearly written before the time of Constantine; please re-read your history.
      "At that time followers of Jesus divided into two groups. Christianity and Islam." Wrong again, Islam didn't even exist until the time of Mohammed (ca.570-632 AD) and Islam only derives a tiny amount of its beliefs from heretical Jewish and Christian writings; most of it is derived from pre-Islamic Arab paganism.
      "There wasn’t four Gospels, there was 12 Gospels and Islam was started out of the Gospels that the Roman empire version of Christianity rejected." Did it ever occur to you that the reason Christians rejected those so-called "gospels" was legitimate?
      "The Gospel of Either Peter or Philip can be found in the Islam..." Citation needed. Maybe do a little research next time?
      "...and it says that Jesus never died on the cross. In fact the Gospel of Philip says that the devil taught in the church and wanted to keep people from finding Jesus by claiming he was dead." Again, citation needed, and since when can Jesus die and not be resurrected from the dead after three days, just like He said He would be?
      "This is why Islam got started. They didn’t reject the other Gospels like the gospel of Philip and the gospel of Peter which is the head of the church." Islam was founded by an illiterate, uneducated Arab merchant who knew virtually nothing about Judaism or Christianity and had made up lies about both religions and their beliefs. The Quran repeats these lies and Muslims today are taught to believe them and never to question them. And what would Mohammed and his followers even have known about the so-called alternative gospels besides some unverifiable rumors that got distorted beyond recognition each time they were repeated?
      "Were also finding out by the Dead Sea Scrolls that there was many other Gospels that the church rejected including the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary." The Dead Sea Scrolls were written by the Essenes, not by Jesus' followers; therefore they have more to do with pre-Christian Judaism than with Christianity.
      "I'm not arguing with Christians who refuse to read other books like the Quran, the body of the Gita and the other books Forbidden by evil church scribes and Pharisees." For your information, I have read the Quran already, and am planning to read it again, but it has NOTHING to do with God or His Followers or you. Also, the Baghavad Gita is not connected to the Abrahamic religions and therefore is again off-topic.
      "I'm not going to comment or watch your videos." Fine, you are too much of an idiot to understand even the simplest things I say in them.
      "I'm not a Christian." Were you not brought up in a Christian household?
      "People who see Jesus are not Christians." But people who follow Jesus and His teachings are.
      "Jesus is God and cannot be a Messiah." Again, you have committed blasphemy by limiting God's powers and abilities and suggesting that He cannot be the Messiah. You also have exalted yourself to be Messiah and that is arrogant and blasphemous.
      "God does not anoint himself." God the Father anointed God the Son when the latter was in the flesh, in the form of Jesus Christ. Your point?