Dwyane Wade 2008-09 Season Highlights (720p HD)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 499

  • @Ivansports95
    @Ivansports95 9 лет назад +148

    i think one of the dopest things about wade is just the fact that hes a bit undersized like 6'4 for SG isnt great size but he was just better at basketball than all his opponents

    • @jjjordan2824
      @jjjordan2824 9 лет назад +12

      thats a good size plus he's strong

    • @jacksonsalyerbehr7871
      @jacksonsalyerbehr7871 9 лет назад +12

      +Jj Jordan D Wade is smaller than some point guards.

    • @NoahsChampionArk
      @NoahsChampionArk 9 лет назад +3

      +Jackson Salyer Behr A lotta SGs are smaller than Lvingston and MCW

    • @jacksonsalyerbehr7871
      @jacksonsalyerbehr7871 9 лет назад +2

      +Brian sTorm fUry my point exactly

    • @hicow6075
      @hicow6075 7 лет назад +11

      He has a 6'10 wingspan wich gives him a huge advantage. He's not undersized

  • @jessc1269
    @jessc1269 9 лет назад +100

    This guy has to be the best slasher of all time

      @IamSSAINVINCIBLEx 8 лет назад +14

      jessc1269 He is you didn't know this?

    • @ninjachannel007
      @ninjachannel007 5 месяцев назад +1

      Sigh. The best slasher of all-time is Michael Jordan. Wade will tell you that. "All-time" did not start in the year 2000.

  • @daniilmcdonald5166
    @daniilmcdonald5166 8 лет назад +29

    1st in scoring and 2nd in steals that assuring an mvp my goodness

    • @vlackout3442
      @vlackout3442 4 месяца назад

      Forgot to point out he averaged 1.3 blocks, most in nba history by a guard ever

  • @sebastiansfeci1305
    @sebastiansfeci1305 9 лет назад +186

    he was the best player in the world that season

    • @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy
      @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy 8 лет назад +32

      He was the best player in the world from october 2005 - june 2011 (minus the year and a half of injury from feb 07 to aug 08). and his 08 olympics to 11 nba finals form is the best player ever.

    • @R2theawesomeJ
      @R2theawesomeJ 8 лет назад

      +iraqsmansor Why you comment on that a year later?

    • @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy
      @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy 8 лет назад +9

      I dunno, 'cause I saw it a year later.

    • @maxdurk4624
      @maxdurk4624 7 лет назад +4

      seb Go look at LeBron's 2009 Playoffs then tell me who was better.

    • @Nick-es8fl
      @Nick-es8fl 7 лет назад +3

      seb no tf he wasn't it was
      3.Wade melo or dwight

  • @urnothingcu
    @urnothingcu 9 лет назад +54

    in his prime wades ability to change direction was so ridiculous. it didn't matter what kind of team defense you played on him....he could get to the rim whenever he wanted.

    • @obinwosu95
      @obinwosu95 7 лет назад

      Charles Utley still does a bit. Till today, but way less😢

    • @truthtruth9056
      @truthtruth9056 3 года назад +6

      Greatest slasher in history!

  • @kingtutt880
    @kingtutt880 8 лет назад +113

    Prime D-Wade to me is the 2nd best SG talent, skill, ability, and overall game wise, behind MJ.

    • @bboog247
      @bboog247 8 лет назад +5

      And it's not close.

    • @jacson163
      @jacson163 8 лет назад +14

      Have you ever heard of Kobe Bryant?

    • @Budgettechbro
      @Budgettechbro 8 лет назад +8

      +jacson163 jr he clearly hasn't prime kobe is damn near best player in history but anyway they get 1 pass

    • @kingtutt880
      @kingtutt880 8 лет назад +27

      jacson163 yes I have, and I think peak for peak, Wade was the better player, and much more effecient. Wade put up the 2nd best stats up ever from a shpoting guard since MJ. If it weren't for his degenerative knees, he'd easily have passed up Kobe, stat wise, and accolades wise.

    • @kingtutt880
      @kingtutt880 8 лет назад +1

      JV SPORTS TALK lmao no he isn't. He's not even top 10 anymore. Really research this shit and you'd know.

  • @darrylwallace2428
    @darrylwallace2428 10 лет назад +43

    Wade was on another planet that year. He shoudve won MVP that year.

  • @imaaduddin7715
    @imaaduddin7715 9 лет назад +245

    Should've won MVP that year

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 9 лет назад +10

      +Natsu Tsuna d wade had very little help that year... He deserved MVP...

    • @shoroku1101
      @shoroku1101 9 лет назад +9

      +Natsu Tsuna no bron had a better squad that year. Wade was undoubtedly the better player

    • @shoroku1101
      @shoroku1101 9 лет назад +4

      +Natsu Tsuna lol ok .... You're making my point xD. Biggest waste of talent I've seen. A gifted knucklehead who's now in China

    • @CSeyoum
      @CSeyoum 8 лет назад

      +imaad uddin Melo and Kobe were by far the best players in the league that year, that includes Lebron. so no.

    • @prettyboiikicks3755
      @prettyboiikicks3755 8 лет назад +1

      +Alain Lamour he's with the rockets now ballin

  • @andresheatfl
    @andresheatfl 9 лет назад +38

    This is When espn was still working for ratings where they only talked about kobe and lebron. We took wade greatness for granted.

    • @Manu-qq2im
      @Manu-qq2im 5 лет назад +4

      andres g facts. Best player that season and ended 3rd in mvp voting 🤦‍♂️

  • @mykalchchin8163
    @mykalchchin8163 9 лет назад +25

    dwade= efficiency . offense and defense.

  • @Xeela10
    @Xeela10 9 лет назад +372

    In '08-'09 he was the closest thing we've had to Jordan

    • @charlesridgell1484
      @charlesridgell1484 9 лет назад +4

      +ForTheLoveOfKnowledge tmac and Kobe shoot better than mj though

    • @mrkillthatshit
      @mrkillthatshit 9 лет назад +34

      +ForTheLoveOfKnowledge t-mac has never reminded me of mj even in 03 he was more like kevin Durant in 2013-14

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 9 лет назад +8

      +Charles Ridgell it's all about usage... Mj never shot the 3 very much... Kobe and T Mac were both volume 3 pt shooters... So the numbers were skewed because of usage... Had Mike relied on the 3 his numbers would've been inflated as well... Compare the career percentages and they're not as different as you might assume

    • @lafayette462
      @lafayette462 7 лет назад +10

      Francesco I think he still is, it's him and Kobe neck & neck, LeBron not dat type of player he can make players around him better and score, but he's not as explosive as wade, clutch like wade or lead like wade.

    • @crazycriz5000
      @crazycriz5000 7 лет назад +15

      JdmXzavier HONDAMAESTRO I love when people say Lebron can't score. Just shows how much they actually watch him play 😆

  • @DJSkywalker10
    @DJSkywalker10 10 лет назад +89

    He Was Robbed That Year ..

    • @connorsmith6517
      @connorsmith6517 7 лет назад +2

      Denarius Randolph no he wasn't... you Dwayne wade fans are ridiculous. Lebron rightly deserved MVP. That's why he got 109 first place votes and Dwayne Wade had 7.....

  • @evilkid31able
    @evilkid31able 9 лет назад +22

    Wade's best season no doubt, arguably the best defensive season for a shooting guard

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 9 лет назад +2

      Stop it... Go watch mj's dpoy season... People always wanna say "best/greatest ever"... Sheesh

    • @tblixky5512
      @tblixky5512 8 лет назад +3

      +Jamal Wallace we said wade is the best defending sg.... Not best sg... And stop eating mjs ass everyday of your life... He is the goat but he's not the best at everything

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 8 лет назад +1

      +Hood Ass Niggga do you not know that dpoy stands for defensive player of the year? Smh... D Wade is a great defender but no where near as dominate on that side of the ball as mj... Mike and gp are the only guards to win dpoy in the past 30+ years... Watch your mouth clown...

    • @dmoney5769
      @dmoney5769 8 лет назад +3

      +Jamal Wallace stfu Jordan isn't the best at everything

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 8 лет назад +1

      +Derek Bruns he is the best defensive sg... Saying anything else is just hate...

  • @MultiGeneral90
    @MultiGeneral90 10 лет назад +30

    This DWade has always been here. The only we havent seen him go hard like is because lebron was here. Hell be back no matter what anyone says about his injuries. That I believe.

    • @MultiGeneral90
      @MultiGeneral90 10 лет назад +2

      ***** hell prove all them haters wrong

  • @kriscr0ssss_
    @kriscr0ssss_ 10 лет назад +5

    just wow man, wade was something else. I know he still has it in him.

  • @Smokaa__
    @Smokaa__ 7 лет назад +5

    if only he was healthier more throughout seasons his stats would then truly show how great of a player he is. most unique scorer I've watched

  • @mrbeety
    @mrbeety Год назад +4

    The flow of his game was so natural and Jordanesque. The true MVP of the 08-09 season!

  • @paulmosman6468
    @paulmosman6468 9 лет назад +2

    ive been watching high lights of this man for the last two days. Wade is fucking incredible, his footwork, and body control makes me giggle like a kid. I love these videos thanks.

  • @scrapcuz8370
    @scrapcuz8370 8 лет назад +9

    So underrated

  • @jonathanmenjivar18
    @jonathanmenjivar18 7 лет назад +2

    Fave player of all time

  • @russell2890
    @russell2890 6 лет назад +2

    this dude will always be my hero

  • @tiobueno41
    @tiobueno41 8 лет назад +34

    prime wade is top 10 ever

  • @moneybagshawty7086
    @moneybagshawty7086 7 лет назад +5

    This was Prime D Wade he was the scoring champ as well

  • @ninjachannel007
    @ninjachannel007 5 месяцев назад +3

    Watch how D Wade leans his shoulder at a low angle toward when he turns the corner, making it impossible to gain leverage and push him off his path. Then he explodes out of this low position with his shoulder and the defender has no choice but to lean back or try to contest across his body--lots of and-1s either way. Anthony Edwards is doing that right now, to great effect.

    @KOFSOT 9 лет назад +7

    His style is impeccable.

    • @russell9411
      @russell9411 9 лет назад +2

      style is fuckin goat i know lls

  • @syugarayozuma
    @syugarayozuma 7 лет назад +5

    Prime Dwade is one of the greatest players I've ever seen.

  • @zpacify
    @zpacify 7 лет назад +8

    It's like watching prime MJ (1991-1993). Too bad he didn't get the hype in the NBA that year. He was killing it.

    • @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy
      @LucrativeLessonsWithLandy Год назад +3

      better than jordan. what version of jordan was doing stuff this high degree of difficulty??? 4-5 guys are guarding him on some of these plays. he’s blocking 7 footers face to face under the rim.

  • @OPL21stJS
    @OPL21stJS 9 лет назад +7

    when Wades knees was 100% he was a complete beast. nobody could fuck with him

  • @alexthesurvivor
    @alexthesurvivor 9 лет назад +10

    Prime d wade top 3 best shooting guards ever no one in nba history plays off the screen and pick and roll better than him

    • @mo2k638
      @mo2k638 9 лет назад

      Allen Iverson is top shooting guard of all time wade is somewhere in top 5

    • @alexthesurvivor
      @alexthesurvivor 9 лет назад

      You stupid Allen irverson is not best shooting guard of all time micheal jordan is then kobe then d wade Allen iverson not even top 5 has no defense

    • @mo2k638
      @mo2k638 9 лет назад

      Eyo first of all I didn't disrespect you alright I gave an opinion , and I didn't say Iverson was the best I said he is top 3 and wade is somewhere up there

    • @tkh525
      @tkh525 9 лет назад

      young nas If you wanna backtrack at least delete the comment where you said AI was the top 2 guard of all time. How you gone deny you said that when I'm looking right at it? Loool.

  • @nightwaddle
    @nightwaddle 10 лет назад +2

    Serious props to whoever had this footage! I'd like to see some more!

  • @KouMurrell
    @KouMurrell 7 лет назад +3

    The 08-09, Wade, LeBron, Kobe, Melo, Howard, Derron Williams, Chris Paul, etc. we're all unstoppable that year. They had all just won Gold in the Olympics together and came back killin' for their respective teams.

  • @hakeem34olajuwon25
    @hakeem34olajuwon25 7 лет назад +3

    1:58 , derrick rose showing the epitome of nba defense from this year and on.

  • @AJ_savage16
    @AJ_savage16 9 лет назад +21

    This was Wade at his peak he is the 3rd best SG of all time even better than Lebron at times.

  • @dezbryantcaughtit5138
    @dezbryantcaughtit5138 7 лет назад +3

    damn this dude was on another level

  • @whyxd4735
    @whyxd4735 10 лет назад +47

    Back when wade was better than lebron ahh the good ol days

  • @hoyjuloy
    @hoyjuloy Год назад +1

    My guy zigzagging through defenders at 5:52 is a hell of a masterpiece.

  • @bobdole4432
    @bobdole4432 8 лет назад +3

    Wade from 2006-2011 was the 🐐. So underrated when compared to other hall of farmers. I think if he never had his major knee injury he's right there with LeBron

  • @jacob.forrest_
    @jacob.forrest_ 8 лет назад +5

    Hearing Prince at the beginning just topped this video off. R.I.P 🙏🏻

  • @darylmiller9480
    @darylmiller9480 8 лет назад +18

    he suppose to got m.v.p that year...

  • @zpacify
    @zpacify 7 лет назад

    I love it when he blocks it with his two hands. His timing is perfect. It's like you could see what's going to happen from a mile.

  • @syafiqkamalazmi
    @syafiqkamalazmi 10 лет назад +3

    i miss this wade

  • @squidwarudo8171
    @squidwarudo8171 4 года назад +1

    That splitting the defense then spin move to the rim was nasty!

  • @alejandroarrabal5694
    @alejandroarrabal5694 8 лет назад +9

    I will miss you Wade!!!!!!!!!

  • @matde100
    @matde100 8 лет назад +32

    your boss ask u to come into his office. said he needs to hold a one on one meeting. 30 seconds later ur head between his legs and you hear 3:54

  • @stevewong3216
    @stevewong3216 10 лет назад +3

    we need this WADDDEEE BACK!!!!!

  • @zweirdz7706
    @zweirdz7706 7 лет назад +4

    3rd best SG of all time

  • @Sact0wnbidness
    @Sact0wnbidness 10 лет назад +6

    This is the dwayne Wade ive come to enjoy watching this is the dwayne wade that was better than 'bron

  • @InfectedMimi11
    @InfectedMimi11 8 лет назад +11

    Curry this season:
    29.8 PPG
    6.4 APG
    5.3 RPG
    51.1 %
    Wade 09:
    30.2 PPG
    7.5 APG
    5.0 RPG
    49.1 FG%

    • @saskwatch9888
      @saskwatch9888 8 лет назад +5

      Not to mention defensive stats, where curry is nonexistent

    • @InfectedMimi11
      @InfectedMimi11 8 лет назад +3

      +Saskwatch 98 yup Dwyane Wade arguably the best defender as a guard

    • @kenkurisu7894
      @kenkurisu7894 8 лет назад +3

      +Miami Heat Prime wade>currys career and the whole gsw roster

  • @macsstrengthandvigor198
    @macsstrengthandvigor198 7 лет назад +1

    He just glides across the court so smoothly

  • @blackkoncept313
    @blackkoncept313 8 лет назад +40

    wade got robbed by lebron for mvp this year , as much as i love lebron i'll admit that much.

    • @themoouuusss8521
      @themoouuusss8521 7 лет назад +2

      MC Koncept true

    • @Nick-es8fl
      @Nick-es8fl 7 лет назад

      MC Koncept lol no tf he wasn't

    • @kmanet4118
      @kmanet4118 7 лет назад +5

      Cleveland - (66-16)
      Miami - (43-39)
      LeBron: 28.4 ppg, 7.6 reb, 7.2 ast, 1.7 stl, 1.1 blk, 49% fg, 34% 3pt & 78% ft
      Wade: 30.2 ppg, 5.0 reb, 7.5 ast, 2.2 stl, 1.3 blk, 49% fg, 32% 3pt & 76 % ft

  • @tylerwills5166
    @tylerwills5166 10 лет назад

    We aint gonna see dwayne wade like this ever again. Damn!!!!

  • @darrylwallace2428
    @darrylwallace2428 10 лет назад +33

    Wade use to be better than Lebron.

    • @katra777
      @katra777 4 года назад +3

      Prime DWade was the most entertaining player I've seen. My favorite player.

    • @truthtruth9056
      @truthtruth9056 3 года назад


  • @tampabayallday55
    @tampabayallday55 10 лет назад +3


  • @hopeagainsthope9553
    @hopeagainsthope9553 5 лет назад +1

    This is his best year guys.

  • @darrelljones3965
    @darrelljones3965 4 месяца назад

    Wade with the tub socks and knee pads was my favorite version of him

  • @user-ql3ws5uz1d
    @user-ql3ws5uz1d 5 лет назад +1

    He was literally lightning fast that year, the prime of his athleticism

  • @BirdGang6
    @BirdGang6 Год назад

    Healthy D-Wade is probably one of the 20 greatest players to ever play basketball

  • @bingeorge153
    @bingeorge153 9 лет назад +5

    This guy should play in the NBA.

  • @myzo247
    @myzo247 5 лет назад +2

    This was the time when Pat Riley wasted D-Wade's prime years. Dude just needed a little bit of help, a couple of veterans and valuable role players, he would've took this heat to the finals.

  • @sukhbahia9234
    @sukhbahia9234 7 лет назад

    My fave player all time !!💪🏼

  • @jakejoseph216
    @jakejoseph216 9 лет назад +1

    Best in the world type season

  • @vincentforonda7381
    @vincentforonda7381 8 лет назад +5

    ohh man!! this version of prime wade will give problems in the nba today.. da flash 3 such a beast

  • @Francisco76273323
    @Francisco76273323 4 года назад +1

    My god those spin moves 🔥

  • @robertsnell9042
    @robertsnell9042 8 лет назад +15

    And he's still a beast not as athletic but his post and foot work is ten times better

  • @fuziyad
    @fuziyad 10 лет назад

    Yes ! Thank you :))) You did a great job, as always

  • @Ivansports95
    @Ivansports95 9 лет назад +1

    this was one of my favorite years. beasley wasnt bad as a rookie i always thought he couldve been good

  • @dream1051
    @dream1051 7 лет назад +1

    Looking at this, Wade could have 4+ rings on 26 or 27ppg had he remained healthy. Such a smart player and leader. It's so damn unfortunate that his prime was cut short. Even out of his prime, he still kills younger talent with his smart play #Flash #FatherPrime #Wad3 #MV3

  • @jameslockman7664
    @jameslockman7664 7 лет назад +2

    The thing about these videos is there's always hyperbole in the comment section. Wade was amazing this year, but have y'all seen 09 LeBron? Check out his entire 09 playoffs and then tell me Wade deserved MVP. The man was arguably more explosive than Rose at 6'8"

  • @Bullsdabest777
    @Bullsdabest777 7 лет назад +1

    @2:39 why in the world was that in these highlights? 😂

  • @hopeagainsthope9553
    @hopeagainsthope9553 5 лет назад

    Prime Wade in 720p......Legendary.

  • @turabrizvi192
    @turabrizvi192 7 лет назад +1

    people say Allen overs on is the 3rd best shooting gaurd of all time but is its d wade

  • @DR-hy6zw
    @DR-hy6zw 8 лет назад +1

    I think that Wades game is the most similar to MJs...they both don't shoot the three ball much but their mid range and attacking the basket game is off the charts. Both took smaller defenders down to the post and exposed them. And defensively both so disruptive...both very clutch down the stretch of games. I'll give the edge to MJ because I would say he was a better defender and slightly better shooter.

    • @Patawon
      @Patawon 8 лет назад

      Much better shooter... Other than that, totally agree

  • @TheMrMantequilla
    @TheMrMantequilla 8 лет назад

    Still my fav nba player

  • @DarioBarrosFilmmaker
    @DarioBarrosFilmmaker 10 лет назад

    OMG! really really thank you, awesome

  • @谷歌歌-l2h
    @谷歌歌-l2h 9 лет назад +2

    Strong and fast

  • @sephron17
    @sephron17 5 лет назад

    I can't believe this was 10 yrs ago

  • @moneybagshawty7086
    @moneybagshawty7086 4 года назад +2

    Band Aid Wade was different

  • @theflashrises2110
    @theflashrises2110 9 лет назад +1

    Can someone please tell me how you drives in so well? Cause he makes it look like the defense he's against is just shitty or not trying, and I know that's not true.. What's the secret to his game that has defenders "stuck in the mud?" Is it pure speed, hesitation/change of pace, handle, ability to see holes in the defense, or a combination of all those? And is there anything I missed? How can I improve my driving/weaving ability? I feel like I can never really fool a defender to commit to a side so much that I can just run right past him and face the next guy.. P.S. I've always been a shooter, and I just really want to add more to my game. Thanks

  • @jjjordan7097
    @jjjordan7097 8 лет назад +11

    he used to be so cold why did he age so fast

      @IamSSAINVINCIBLEx 8 лет назад +6

      jj jordan It's called injuries

    • @TheIcemanthomas
      @TheIcemanthomas 7 лет назад

      jj jordan je didnt age fast. The mans 35. Remeber he played 2 yrs on college.

  • @Mileswayv
    @Mileswayv 7 лет назад +2

    This was when Wade was himself. No one was better

  • @TheZayzkidd3
    @TheZayzkidd3 7 лет назад +2

    He was better than Kobe and LeBron from '04 to '10.

  • @traveonlindsey
    @traveonlindsey 10 лет назад +4

    He should have been MVP he carried bums and he had to score 35 for them to be competitive

  • @offlynxofnya1942
    @offlynxofnya1942 9 лет назад +2

    more highlights pls from that season

  • @mikeanthony1251
    @mikeanthony1251 7 лет назад +1

    Prime Wade > any version of Curry or Thompson. Those who argue weren't old enough to witness 2006-2010 Wade.

  • @balbin0329
    @balbin0329 7 лет назад +1

    Speed was unbelievable in his Prime. My only thing about Wade was he didn't Develop his Pull-up jumper. Would've taken his Game to another Level. Would've helped him out big-time in his Game today as well.
    I think he got to Comfortable with his Success with Lebron

    • @wadecounty1000
      @wadecounty1000 6 лет назад

      BalBin 032 wade was a champion first tho 🤔

  • @wadeshouse136
    @wadeshouse136 8 лет назад

    Does anyone remember that assist dwade had where he went up for a dunk vs the magic but missed the rim and it went over to one of his teammates for a 3??? Been tryna find that play forever now

  • @razerPh
    @razerPh 7 лет назад +1

    if this Prime DWade plays today NBA he would destroy anybody plus he is unguardable that year..

  • @johansencontrera6310
    @johansencontrera6310 9 лет назад

    back when wade was beast

  • @godslambcdb5391
    @godslambcdb5391 7 лет назад +1


  • @johnadams1206
    @johnadams1206 8 лет назад

    What is the name of the song right at the beginning of tip off where the camera is showing Dwayne wade

  • @daviddiamond1004
    @daviddiamond1004 10 лет назад +7

    Who know, with Lebron gone, he might come back

  • @bustosmark070407
    @bustosmark070407 9 лет назад

    Why can't people appreciate him. I mean, DW doesn't care at all, just shows how focus he is in this game.

  • @sml20972
    @sml20972 5 лет назад +3

    Probably my favorite player but U can tell he watched to much Jordan😂😂😂

    @RRRRRRRRR33 7 лет назад +3

    Second best slasher in the history of the game

  • @Express7200
    @Express7200 7 лет назад

    Wade needs to drop weight again like this in his return to Miami for the 17'18 season!

  • @jimliu4174
    @jimliu4174 9 лет назад

    Oh I miss that man

  • @coryhicks8981
    @coryhicks8981 9 лет назад

    He got blocked at 2:44 , how is that a highlight 😂

  • @Oneonone2020
    @Oneonone2020 8 месяцев назад

    This is the year he reached his highest peak

    • @redpillrich
      @redpillrich 8 месяцев назад +1

      His best season ever. However wade was better in 09-10. Mostly 99.6% of people in the basketball world wouldn’t know this.

  • @RicaldiTV
    @RicaldiTV 9 лет назад

    It's from "Anonymous," but that didn't stop you from strapping your watermark to it like it was your handiwork. Wow.

  • @danieldaw1778
    @danieldaw1778 8 лет назад

    @3:59, uh, you mean split the TRIPLE team, right? Cause that looked like three players committing to stopping him and it still didn't matter!