Something I've realized after hearing all of Arceus's themes back to back is how perfectly they nailed the cosmic horror that comes from encountering something as incompressible as him. It perfectly conveys a being that could wipe out everything if he wanted to, and yet chooses to befriend humans, either out of pity or affection.
Phase 4 Arceus has to be hands down the most terrifying battle theme in the series, it really gives you the feeling that you’re fighting the single most powerful being in the universe. The only theme that comes slightly close is Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings
Arceus's theme is also played in the Sinjoh Ruins in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver where it created Dialga, Palkia or Giratina on the Mystri Stage, which a triangular stage inside the ruined temple.
You are correct, and it is also ever so slightly different from the DPPt version on account of using a slightly different soundfont in HGSS, however since that is technically not a battle theme since it’s only used in a cutscene, and the difference is incredibly subtle, I decided to not include it.
No idea why the theme at 22:25 doesn’t play for the Koraidon/Miraidon that you can catch in the post-game, or for Raging Bolt, Gouging Fire, Iron Crown, or Iron Boulder. It would’ve been perfect for all of them, since none of them are ordinary Paradox Pokémon.
Imagine my shock when I fought and caught freaking DEOXYS in ORAS! I think you could even almost auto-catch it since I think my first ball thrown immediately caught it, but maybe on the other game I did have to try another. I'll tell ya, when you had no places to go for these events, it was horrible...Even worse when you didn't know there were fansites announcing said events!! Of course, now the Big Ones tend to require a Raid, something that costs irl money for their internet services -- which used to be FREE, by the way! Really hate how I can't trade with myself now...That's how I filled the entire Dex in US. :P
Still thinking about the moment between Phase 3 and 4 of Arceus, he suddenly disappeared and the music stopped, I was looking around for him, only to be jumpscared by him going mach 10000 into me, and I almost blackedout... PLA was like walking by yourself at night sometimes. Edit: Quick little tidbit - Also at 16:55 sounds a lot like the Gogeta theme from the Jenemba movie, around its 39 second mark.
Once I have time to get back into making these, I plan on focusing still on battle themes, though eventually I hope to cover all or at least most music archetypes in the Pokémon series
Correct me if Im wrong please, buuut... Shouldn't Celebi is supposed to be in this list/video??? I know its the only one, but at least one Mythical Legendary in the Second Generation.
Something I've realized after hearing all of Arceus's themes back to back is how perfectly they nailed the cosmic horror that comes from encountering something as incompressible as him. It perfectly conveys a being that could wipe out everything if he wanted to, and yet chooses to befriend humans, either out of pity or affection.
There’s also the ranger guardian signs verison of arceus
I love how they did Mew's theme in emerald. It's another pitch higher than the frlg legendary theme and also has a mythical vibe to it.
It's just an up-tune to mewtwos theme.
agreed, to me it's the only one of the gen 1 legendary themes that doesn't feel aggressively lazy
i get chills from the paradox ambush theme it's so good
Can’t wait to most likely hear more in the dlc
Phase 4 Arceus has to be hands down the most terrifying battle theme in the series, it really gives you the feeling that you’re fighting the single most powerful being in the universe.
The only theme that comes slightly close is Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings
I just love how vs Arceus phase 4 is just so glitched out and crazy like as if you're going to face Arceus' true form if this keeps up.
Arceus's theme is also played in the Sinjoh Ruins in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver where it created Dialga, Palkia or Giratina on the Mystri Stage, which a triangular stage inside the ruined temple.
You are correct, and it is also ever so slightly different from the DPPt version on account of using a slightly different soundfont in HGSS, however since that is technically not a battle theme since it’s only used in a cutscene, and the difference is incredibly subtle, I decided to not include it.
No idea why the theme at 22:25 doesn’t play for the Koraidon/Miraidon that you can catch in the post-game, or for Raging Bolt, Gouging Fire, Iron Crown, or Iron Boulder. It would’ve been perfect for all of them, since none of them are ordinary Paradox Pokémon.
Imagine my shock when I fought and caught freaking DEOXYS in ORAS!
I think you could even almost auto-catch it since I think my first ball thrown immediately caught it, but maybe on the other game I did have to try another.
I'll tell ya, when you had no places to go for these events, it was horrible...Even worse when you didn't know there were fansites announcing said events!!
Of course, now the Big Ones tend to require a Raid, something that costs irl money for their internet services -- which used to be FREE, by the way! Really hate how I can't trade with myself now...That's how I filled the entire Dex in US. :P
Still thinking about the moment between Phase 3 and 4 of Arceus, he suddenly disappeared and the music stopped, I was looking around for him, only to be jumpscared by him going mach 10000 into me, and I almost blackedout...
PLA was like walking by yourself at night sometimes.
Edit: Quick little tidbit - Also at 16:55 sounds a lot like the Gogeta theme from the Jenemba movie, around its 39 second mark.
Why can I not unhear that DBZ moment now
00:01: 第一次跟傳說寶可夢對戰是我在liz跟員瑛面前唱陶晶瑩嗯嘛和大嘴巴喇舌的時候liz總是一臉愛笑的表情,而員瑛就在一旁喊安可,也許她們兩個早就習慣被成員親親的感覺了,以前是上節目的時候總是無緣無故被徐乃麟或是黃子韜罵到哭嘛,但現在見到我笑料百出就會笑口常開,直到liz的親生父母因心肌梗塞過世這天我就在一旁拿衛生紙給liz擦眼淚和鼻涕,如果起不了作用就給她一個熱情的擁抱像老天爺一樣心平氣和的安慰著她,說實話liz那貓咪般的哭聲讓我意識到自己的錯誤,我嘗試為了逗liz開心或是替liz出一口氣時都是以被俞真責罵而告終,誰知道當liz在一旁哭泣的時候俞真竟然點頭允許我安慰她了,這讓我大吃一驚,而且當超級狗狗在我眼前對我搖尾巴外加開心吠叫的時候我的靈感很快就來了
01:26: 第二次跟傳說寶可夢對戰是昨天早上我跟員瑛一起帶超級狗狗出去散步放風的時候,經過一個閃閃動人的地鐵站超級狗狗總是衝著眼前的陌生人大聲狂吠,似乎是在告訴我前面有個陌生男子在對liz伸出狼爪,那就說明liz是真的在上班的路上遇到了大色狼,而且還被嚇出了十分委屈的淚水,我趕緊放超級狗狗去咬眼前的大色狼,但大色狼一見到超級狗狗就跑上藍色線的地鐵逃走了,留下liz傷心得坐在椅子上默默哭泣,大色狼的行為讓我怒不可遏,後來下午我跟員瑛好不容易將liz接去一家酒吧喝酒的時候遇到了雨琦,雨琦也是二話不說把自己的平板電腦借給我看大色狼的個人資料以及剛印下來的通緝令,通緝令上的圖案跟之前在地鐵站遇到的當事人一模一樣,我這才想起昨天對liz伸出狼爪的大色狼自己跟員瑛都沒有打電話報警,都是直接用以暴制暴的方式解決問題。還好大色狼在回家的路上因為涉嫌在地鐵站對女生性騷擾被警方抓獲並判處6年至8年以下有期徒刑
04:10: 第三次跟傳說寶可夢對戰是ive在上烹飪課的時候安狗狗因為多次吸鼻涕被Liz瘋狂作弄直接一臉怒氣的怒視著我,我被安狗狗的眼神給嚇了一跳,深怕被安狗狗咬到手臂得了狂犬病,我把圍裙口袋裡的狗骨頭拿出來給安狗狗磨牙,然後趁安狗狗還在磨牙的時候跑去躲起來,誰知道安狗狗磨完牙後就跑過去抱小兔子員瑛,結果我這個舉動引起烹飪老師的不滿,烹飪老師一氣之下把我給臭罵了一頓,然後我就被罵哭了,也許烹飪老師對學生們的態度與差別待遇都是最差的
06:53: 第四次跟傳說寶可夢對戰是下午上木工課的時候,Liz昨天晚上在湖邊抓到的阿爾宙斯跑過來安慰我,我感覺到阿爾宙斯的舉動有點暖心感動就不哭了
09:17: 第五次跟傳說寶可夢對戰是等晚上我跟員瑛放學再次經過地鐵站的時候就看到liz傷心的在哭泣,但這次liz哭泣是因為又遭到大色狼性侵了,liz一看到我就衝過來把我抱在懷裡哭泣,我雖然被嚇了一跳,但還是把口袋裡的衛生紙拿出來給liz擦眼淚和鼻涕,這下連正在上班的liz都怕到不敢回家了,每次她一回到家就會被自己的繼父、哥哥或著是弟弟性侵以及語言恐嚇
God I love most of these.... But Deoxys' is just too good.
I like how to get mew you go to a place literally called " far away island" wow game really creative
5. Mew
4. Paradox
3. Ultra Beast
2. Deoyxs
1. Arceus
BDSP Arceus is so good
Deoxys ORAS: Are you sure about that
Personal Ranking:
5: Ultra Beasts
4: Mew
3: Paradox Pokémon (Wild Battle >>> Ambush Battle)
2: Arceus (DPPT >>> PLA >>> BDSP)
1: Deoxys (ORAS >>> Emerald)
Where’s Deoxys from ORAS?
Oh shoot it’s there I just didn’t write in the description my b lol
could you do rival encounter themes?
Once I have time to get back into making these, I plan on focusing still on battle themes, though eventually I hope to cover all or at least most music archetypes in the Pokémon series
@@SilvuddyPkmnMusic oh, that's okay
why do so much people skip PLA arceus's theme phase 5?
? As far as I know there isn’t a Phase 5 battle theme, can you provide a link?
Correct me if Im wrong please, buuut... Shouldn't Celebi is supposed to be in this list/video???
I know its the only one, but at least one Mythical Legendary in the Second Generation.
It doesn’t have a unique battle theme