So Bruce spends 18 months in a lab to become professor hulk and then he just goes back to changing from human to smart hulk? MCU ruined this character.
@@bman3794I never understood why they did that David sirpose be brains but when he get mad green hulk tear things in tv show .movies weren't that good if I rember right she hulk was never lawyer she become she hulk unless David had kid with someone he never knew about if I rember David from tv show did fall in love with someone toward end .or when David met up with his sister get help try find way get rid of hulk maybe David sister got sample of David blood got radiation thing that turned David into hulk. Maybe became she hulk.they never follow what happen to David sister his family after David killed himself how follow up of she hulk tv show should be if they ever do she hulk tv show.
@@bman3794 if u ever recall incredible hulk tv show back I. 80.david went back to his family farm who they thought David was dead .he ran into his sister who wad scientist as well if I rember right .try figure out how get rid of hulk .he try get back into lab try reverse it it didn't work.after thT episodes we never knew what happen to his when David went traveling again he ran into other women he fell I. Love with her they hook up for 1 night .so I try figure out a way hulk and she hulk be connected. Could David had child born sometime before his death when he jumped out airplane .what if people investigate fall someone took his blood dna see who he other idea I have what if David try test his blood see what kill hulk transformation with help from his sister what his sister got wondering what so speical about David blood decidce test it found out what David did to himself she confronted David he told her truth.somepoint they got into fight got hurt she and David got cut somehow hulk transformation got into his sister cut never k ew what happen.somepoint she become she hulk.but it just yheory I have I forgot out she hulk really started out somehow David and other women cross path she hulk somehow was born .I have look it up
Interesting fact Bruce has a second personality because of his father everything done to him in his childhood is why he has to fight for his control he repressed his anger so much that it became the Hulk.
Yep. Bruce doesn't have multiple personalities because of the gamma rays. He has multiple personalities because he saw his father beat his mother to death when he was eight years old, and was also beaten by his father both before and after that event. The Hulk is basically the little child who wanted to be "The Strongest One There Is" so that no one could hurt him anymore. That's also why he refused to come out after Thanos beat the snot out of him on Thor's ship -- he's supposed to be strong enough to protect himself (and Bruce) from anything, and he was ashamed to come out again because he failed. And it's why he didn't want to revert to Banner on Sakaar -- he was afraid Bruce would get killed if he did. Jennifer, on the other hand, didn't have an abusive childhood. She was, however, kind of mousy and emotionally repressed (because she felt like she needed to be serious and stoic to get taken seriously as a lawyer). Which is why She-Hulk is relatively loud, brassy, bold, and kinda horny compared to Jennifer -- she expresses the parts of Jennifer she didn't feel safe letting out as a relatively vulnerable woman.
Interesting fact, that is incorrect because it is woke bullshit "writing" trying to make the HULK some busted thing, so it isn't canon. The other personality isn't just another personality, it is its own being. Born from his repressed rage which acted as a seed, fed from the gamma plane when the "accident" poured so much gamma rays into him and concentrated it allowing the energy to cross into this plane at the focal point. The HULK is its own entity.
Yeah that's true he does but also why did they at the end have to make she hulk talk to the ai like to me that's just plane weird like the very last episode just went horribly and just saying this but why did they have to get blonscky arrested again like that just is weird
@@Steven-ol4vo I can imagine your view on movies "Jaws 1 STAR, due to lack of diversity and over reliance on patriarchy and transphobic casting " "Ghostbusters (2016) cinematic masterpiece 7 STARS"
@@jingthethief From what I have seen they took too much liberty with the characters, the CGI was not great; it was sub par to what was expected, and the writing didn't help beyond the promotion of woke ideology as with most products of this Disney-fied version of Marvel, Star Wars, and just about everything else that they have acquired. It is sad at best, and a travesty of what could have been great if they would not have deviated so far from the source materials.
@@darrinpatterson7392 what "woke ideology" did it promote and how exactly did it deviate from the source material more than the rest of the cinematic universe?
The MCU tried so hard to make Edward Norton look like a bad person, and honestly it doesn't look like they cared much since they rather capture a knock off Avengers action movie from the comics and then use the multiverse as an excuse also improvising as they go along, it doesn't look like their getting any better😅
@@itfigurescomics6704 She Hulk broke the 4th wall in the comics on May 1st 1989. Deadpool was created 2 years later but did not break the 4th wall until 1997.
the speech at 8:18 is still unhinged. Unbelievable considering the actual story of Bruce Banner and how he became the hulk and the trauma he faced. This idea that women are constantly in fear of getting murdered is so unhinged. Really getting tired of the BS from these woke writers.
@@zdtu8 Long before Disney forgot they were in the entertainment business, cable networks like Lifetime and such made a successful cliche out of domestic abuse or stalker-with-a-crush suspense thrillers. So women have been inundated and indoctrinated with the idea that they are all in grave danger from almost any man they meet. That's why the Internet has the man-or-bear trend for women. But as unrealistic and toxic as those older anti-male propaganda movies are, they at least have the virtue of being entertaining enough. She-Hulk echoes the slander against men, but it's just didactic nonsense here.
It could have been great if it was a platform to analyze her complexes, Bruce then drops a few quick tidbits like how men are 2-3x more likely to be randomly murdered, have 5-10 years less life expectancy, about how god awful and harsh his own life has been and how he had to fight suicide every day until he learned to control this monster of a creature he became vs her just having those things handed to her on easy mode Could have worked fantastic, but no. Had to be a sad little rant from the woke soapbox, then whampwah show gets cancelled and died
I actually liked the humor of the show and didn't expect much so i guess that's why I'm not complaining. Never thought we'd ever see a majority that we get to see now when i was a kid wishing i could see all these heros and villains.
the mcu made the hulk better. if you have to have your favorite superhero suffer from psychological issues and never be able to get over them, then that really says something about you.
After reading several comments I find that most behave like they are entitled spoilt brats. Positivity vacuums. Love the sound of their own whinny voices. Troll everything why not because you are miserable anyway. The series was ok and at time pretty good. My kids loved it. I am of the generation where we loved Adam West Batman or Spider-Man the series and were grateful. I loved Christopher Reeve superman but absolutely loved Henry Cavill as well. Why the hate? You guys are quick to pan something and the result is now we all get nothing! You are the reasons why so many series don’t get a chance to thrive. You get more joy that your scorn and negativity has been listened to like you are so important, rather than the fact that now no one might ever see a series on She Hulk. Studios save millions because of you by cancelling and then take less risks. People lose jobs, viewers get nothing. Please Get a life.
Sadly, it is just the way society has turned. Non-stop whining and complaining to try to make others as miserable as they, themselves, are. And in their repeated attempt to make others miserable, the more miserable they become. It is a vicious circle. They go on message boards, make hate-filled videos, post negative reviews on IMDB, etc. spending an awful lot of time on something they seemingly hate. And most of their complaints have no real substance. That's not to say any of these movies or shows are perfect and without fault and shouldn't be critiqued, but to me the good always outweighs the bad. I just focus on the positives and try to enjoy them, because after all, it is just entertainment. And when it ceases to cause enjoyment, I'll just move on. Just like we did when we were kids. I, too, enjoyed the hell out of watching reruns of Batman (1966) and Adventures of Superman with George Reeves when they ever came on tv. We used to laugh at that version of Batman like we did on the clumsiness of Greatest American Hero, but we still watched and enjoyed the shows. We didn't care about the special effects or if they got something wrong from the comic books, it was a delight there were even a tiny amount of shows and movies related to comic books. If there was something we didn't like we didn't spend an awful lot of time hating and complaining it, we just grumbled for a bit and then quickly moved on to something else.
Yeah. The writing wasn't the best but I still don't think they should fire the actress. I'd like the MCU to keep She-Hulk. It would be cool to see her in upcoming Avengers films.
Good to see the MCU taking risks. This one was a swing and a miss, but it's still good to see them try to do something different instead of the same formulaic films they've churned out since Endgame. I hope this failure doesn't make them gunshy to things like Moon Knight and Jessica Jones, which were phenomenal.
I wished they put the series back on I really enjoyed it, it's like this I do believe that people who hated the show was hating on the actress more then the show, same as loki and others
So... Here's the issue with the show as a whole. It has nothing to do with Jessica's character... Her writing is not the issue, it's everyone else around her. She's not written as a "Flat Character" because she does go through a change. Being a Hulk not only alters her physically, but psychologically. So now, her character has to interact with others around her, and how their personalities, decision/choices affect her decision/choices. So in trying to tell her story as a woman, from a woman's perspective, it's written by individuals who experience the things she does all the time, and it feels like pushed agenda. No one wants to be reminded of these things in movies or the shows they watch. Those that are upset about it, are the ones that have either done it, or feel as though they're being accused of doing it. So the character of Jessica Walters/She-Hulk is now going off of the characters that are written to interact with her, putting her in a very contradictive manner. The concept is great, but the execution is wrong. All in unnecessary places. Too many hands in the pot.
Her name is Jennifer Walters not Jessica Walters. I've read numerous comics for her from the Savage She-Hulk series up through the Sensational She-Hulk series. If you notice in the show that she breaks the 4th wall a lot she did it before Deadpool. She also knew she was a comic book character.
Just as the Avengers found out that as they grow, so does the number of enemies they will face, when did Jen first find this out for herself. Did she have to sign the same Act as did the Avengers?
I love the great humor collected between 0:00 and 0:00. Also the script is amazing between 0:00 and 0:00. Hulk is great, as usual. But wth that green thing next to him?! Animators was trolling us fans. So the rest is bs, but nice try. For 5 yrs old scriptwriters, producers and other staff... this actually was a nice episode to create. Keep up the good woke work! Another - let's say - 300 years and you'll be able to have a good episode there! Have a nice day guys!
I am so going to cream my pants (by spilling my Starbucks white mocha latte on them, of course) when She-Hulk is Deadpool’s lawyer, and she turns to say something to the camera, only for Wade to be all, You can see them too?
Ok, I haven't seen this series or any of the Marvel series' because I haven't got a Disney subscription. But this looks like highly entertaining fun. It's got a huge amount of fun, comedy and rapport in it from these scenes. And it's taking the piss out of the whole MCU because let's face it, there's just been too much of it and the world needs a breather from all of the over cooked superhero crap. It's been done. So looking at this, what's wrong with it? Some specifics please. Or is it just not the same as it is in the comics? 😢 And I haven't read a Marvel comic since I was 12, 45 years ago. And the movies were very different than the comics were then.
@@mscomicstv3622 Ok. But from these scenes and a few others I've seen, it doesn't look too bad. As I said, it looks very entertaining. Marvel needs to take a break for a couple of years. There's just too much. It's overkill. If this was in the early days of the MCU, it probably would have been lauded. I watched Avengers, The Rise of Ultron on TV recently and it was pretty ropey in large parts. If not downright stupid. Not a classic by any means.
I enjoyed the show. It’s that simple I don’t tend to over analyze or look for faults I just watch and ask myself the basic question did I like it and the answer was yup.
The version of fourth wall breaking in the show is an interesting take, with her just accidentally realizing she can actually perceive the fourth wall and the fact that she's on a show, whereas before she'd just kind of joked about being on a TV show about a lawyer. In the comics, she actually learns how to perceive and break the fourth wall from a woman who used to be the Golden Age costumed detective called The Blonde Phantom. The Blonde Phantom had deduced the connection between Marvel Comics (which exists as a documentary medium with strict accuracy contracts within the Marvel universe -- hence why the law firm in the show has a room dedicated to storing and cataloging comics) and why some of the people she knew from the Golden Age didn't seem to be aging. It was the ones that were still featured in Marvel Comics (which has a sliding timescale so that their characters don't age in real time). She further deduced that her world's Marvel Comics must be tied to some higher dimension where they are created as fiction (which is how it actually works in the comics). She then trained herself to see and manipulate the medium of comics itself. She taught those skills to She-Hulk in return for being allowed to be a character in her comic series (which she knew would eventually lead to shenanigans to get her youth back -- and it did).
Honestly, I loved she-hulk and all I see is a lot of whining from "fellow men" that are pissed off because a woman was shown to better control her anger and fear. Well guys, we did that to them because they lack the physical strength to protect themselves from those of us that choose to be assholes. So do women, on average, control their anger and fear better? Yes, because survival demanded it of them. Stop whining, it was a good show. The fact that Tatiana Maslany spent so much time as 'she hulk' on the show made it too expensive to continue. CGI is expensive so it won't be coming back. They didn't 'ruin' hulk. Get over it.
This show should've been a cash cow for Marvel. I don't think Tatiana or the cast was the was the writers. I'm glad the show got canceled, but I'd love to see Tatiana have another shot at the role!
She is woke AF and the worst choice for the part. A talented and funny actress would have been way better, like... Aubrey Plaza, perfect humor to break the 4th wall. Emma Stone, perfect to play the frail Jen Walters. And many others, my choice would have been Anna Faris tho, she would have been perfect in both "forms"
The She Hulk TV Show was actually a cash cow for Marvel and it's one of Marvel's most liked TV shows. The only reason it hasn't been renewed is because the idiot CEO who hates strong women in he wants to only bring sports to Disney
@@ForestTre She Hulk rating on imdb - 5.2 Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes - 32%. Please tell me you are sjw woke stupid MCU fanboy without telling me that you are sjw woke stupid MCU fanboy 🤡
The only "best" thing about this show is the fact that there won't be a second season. I thought his show was a new low for Marvel, but they keep trying to sink lower.
In She-Hulk series they said Jennifer Walters can control her power and doesn't need Banner help. But in comic version this isn't true. She didn't lose her mind when she transform but she have a fear "What if am i lose". After she saw her cousine as Hulk. So she never can control her "hulk power" because have this fear 😅.
I'm probably one of the very few to actually like this chemistry between Hulk and She-Hulk, it reminds me of me and my sister growing up without the Super powers lol
I like it too people keep forgetting that the show was intended to be a lighter-hearted part of the MCU and does everyone just want Bruce banner to remain a mindless tragic figure as the hulk and not evolve professor hulk is a popular character in his ark for a reason and not to mention the fact that the actor play in the hulk has excellent comedic timing and delivery I thought it worked out very well it doesn't stop the help from being serious plus if anything transpires later in the MCU that causes the hulk any type of great loss or upset watching him lose it after him getting to this point of having his s*** together would be all the more impactful if he went full rage mode after all of this
They were the Tony Stark glasses that allows him to see electrical disease plays floating in the air. They helped him to do his work better if you bothered to watch any of the adventures the TV shows you know those glasses were specifically designed to help scientists do their work better
She Hulk (Jennifer) und Hulk (Bruce) kann man nur mögen weil einer verrückter ist als der andere. Nur ich wäre ungerne in einer bar wo die beiden sich in die wolle bekommen da bleibt ja nix übrig dann was wieder aufgebaut werden kann 😂🤣😂🤣
Ok, I haven't seen this series or any of the Marvel series' because I haven't got a Disney subscription. But this looks like highly entertaining fun. It's got a huge amount of fun, comedy and rapport in it from these scenes. And it's taking the piss out of the whole MCU because let's face it, there's just been too much of it and the world needs a breather from all of the over cooked superhero crap. It's been done. So looking at this, what's wrong with it? Some specifics please. Or is it just not the same as it is in the comics? 😢 And I haven't read a Marvel comic since I was 12, 45 years ago. And the movies were very different than the comics were then.
@@normansawatzky4778 OH NO! I ask a question and I get this highly structured and detailed answer explaining all of my questions. Come on, for fecks sake, you could have tried a little harder. It's not what it used to be 😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!! Talk about a bad case of Sheldon Cooperitis.
I'm embarrassed for them. Hulk was the best one. How crazy is it to take such a character and Morth him into "smart Hulk" There is no smart hulk. What made stan Lees' hulk was the rage, as he got mad, he got stronger. It's like having the invisible man as a character you can see
@@davrosdaleks1 You sound like me. Often when something hits a nerve, I find myself going toe to toe trying to force my opinion on someone. It's funny when I think I'm probably arguing with a teenager. "no reflection on you" thanks for the feedback.
Wow. MCU certainly didn’t go woke or come up with a Garbage of a show. I mean isn’t it in its 5th season…..I’m sure it’s still on. All the great shows always get renewed, can’t wait till it celebrates its 10th anniversary. Woo hoo.
Tatiana wasn’t the issue, she was just playing a part. The issue was the carefree writing that didn’t take a single aspect of the show seriously (and the horrid CGI). Look at the first Deadpool movie: Deadpool is known for breaking the fourth wall and being silly just like She-Hulk, but the writing actually took the films premise seriously, hence why it was good.
7:43 jen gave Bruce the middle finger that kinda funny
He did push her offa cliff 😅
She insults him because he calls himself smart hulk. But he is a Nuclear Scientist. She spent the whole show being condescending
Well she is a woman, what you expect.
When she wasn't screaming and complaining...
@@cartoonraccoon2078 Yeah come to think of it she certainly did alot of complaining.
are you blind, its just family bonding and banter.
@@jingthethiefunión fa mi liar ....... 😒🤨
So Bruce spends 18 months in a lab to become professor hulk and then he just goes back to changing from human to smart hulk? MCU ruined this character.
I don't understand. Aren't professor hulk and smart hulk two names for the same thing?
@@markshirley9353 yes. But my point remains. MCU ruined the hulk.
@@bman3794I never understood why they did that David sirpose be brains but when he get mad green hulk tear things in tv show .movies weren't that good if I rember right she hulk was never lawyer she become she hulk unless David had kid with someone he never knew about if I rember David from tv show did fall in love with someone toward end .or when David met up with his sister get help try find way get rid of hulk maybe David sister got sample of David blood got radiation thing that turned David into hulk. Maybe became she hulk.they never follow what happen to David sister his family after David killed himself how follow up of she hulk tv show should be if they ever do she hulk tv show.
@@nixonfleming893 I cannot understand what you are saying
@@bman3794 if u ever recall incredible hulk tv show back I. 80.david went back to his family farm who they thought David was dead .he ran into his sister who wad scientist as well if I rember right .try figure out how get rid of hulk .he try get back into lab try reverse it it didn't work.after thT episodes we never knew what happen to his when David went traveling again he ran into other women he fell I. Love with her they hook up for 1 night .so I try figure out a way hulk and she hulk be connected. Could David had child born sometime before his death when he jumped out airplane .what if people investigate fall someone took his blood dna see who he other idea I have what if David try test his blood see what kill hulk transformation with help from his sister what his sister got wondering what so speical about David blood decidce test it found out what David did to himself she confronted David he told her truth.somepoint they got into fight got hurt she and David got cut somehow hulk transformation got into his sister cut never k ew what happen.somepoint she become she hulk.but it just yheory I have I forgot out she hulk really started out somehow David and other women cross path she hulk somehow was born .I have look it up
13:28 is the best part.
I actually clicked.... _"Hope ain't so easy to rid"_ ~Cloud Atlas
Lmfaoooo you got it lol
Confused the fuck out of me for a second then I realized you are right
Interesting fact Bruce has a second personality because of his father everything done to him in his childhood is why he has to fight for his control he repressed his anger so much that it became the Hulk.
Yep. Bruce doesn't have multiple personalities because of the gamma rays. He has multiple personalities because he saw his father beat his mother to death when he was eight years old, and was also beaten by his father both before and after that event. The Hulk is basically the little child who wanted to be "The Strongest One There Is" so that no one could hurt him anymore. That's also why he refused to come out after Thanos beat the snot out of him on Thor's ship -- he's supposed to be strong enough to protect himself (and Bruce) from anything, and he was ashamed to come out again because he failed. And it's why he didn't want to revert to Banner on Sakaar -- he was afraid Bruce would get killed if he did.
Jennifer, on the other hand, didn't have an abusive childhood. She was, however, kind of mousy and emotionally repressed (because she felt like she needed to be serious and stoic to get taken seriously as a lawyer). Which is why She-Hulk is relatively loud, brassy, bold, and kinda horny compared to Jennifer -- she expresses the parts of Jennifer she didn't feel safe letting out as a relatively vulnerable woman.
Interesting fact, that is incorrect because it is woke bullshit "writing" trying to make the HULK some busted thing, so it isn't canon.
The other personality isn't just another personality, it is its own being.
Born from his repressed rage which acted as a seed, fed from the gamma plane when the "accident" poured so much gamma rays into him and concentrated it allowing the energy to cross into this plane at the focal point.
The HULK is its own entity.
Bruce has enough personalities to fill up a classroom.
Yeah that's true he does but also why did they at the end have to make she hulk talk to the ai like to me that's just plane weird like the very last episode just went horribly and just saying this but why did they have to get blonscky arrested again like that just is weird
I clicked on "She Hulk - Best scenes" and expected a blank screen.
@@mscomicstv3622 If you watched the video - It might as well have been.
Blank screen would have been better.
@@Steven-ol4vo I can imagine your view on movies
"Jaws 1 STAR, due to lack of diversity and over reliance on patriarchy and transphobic casting "
"Ghostbusters (2016) cinematic masterpiece 7 STARS"
This Shrek reboot is terrible.
lol 😂😂😂
WILDLY underrated comment. Easily best in show!!!
Yhp is not Hulk, he is SHREK soo terrible 😢😢😢😢
Yhp it’s soo bad 😢😢😢
@@joaquimgilbertocorreiamukw7711 yhp is... young harry potter?
Never saw the show; glad I didn’t waste my time.
dont listen to the haters. its pretty cool. i think some idiots got triggered because one of the bad guys is an mgtow incel.
@@jingthethief From what I have seen they took too much liberty with the characters, the CGI was not great; it was sub par to what was expected, and the writing didn't help beyond the promotion of woke ideology as with most products of this Disney-fied version of Marvel, Star Wars, and just about everything else that they have acquired. It is sad at best, and a travesty of what could have been great if they would not have deviated so far from the source materials.
@@darrinpatterson7392 what "woke ideology" did it promote and how exactly did it deviate from the source material more than the rest of the cinematic universe?
@@jingthethief You seem awfully offended over someone's opinion.
@@jingthethiefshow is atrocious
7:06 -- Hulk throws a boulder so hard it *BURNS UP ON ITS WAY OUT OF THE ATMOSPHERE!* He just invented the reverse meteor.
You saw it break the sound barrier... supersonic.
@@earlwarner4404 Still a crazy example of how strong Bruce is, WITHOUT being mad. Ross is gonna get whooped.
Thank you for sharing this experience
It was put together nicely
The Banter is is hillarious! :) I love it!
Thank you for posting. enjoyed it very much.
The MCU tried so hard to make Edward Norton look like a bad person, and honestly it doesn't look like they cared much since they rather capture a knock off Avengers action movie from the comics and then use the multiverse as an excuse also improvising as they go along, it doesn't look like their getting any better😅
Bit of "4th wall" going on there 😂
In the comics, She Hulk broke the 4th wall before Deadpool did it.
@waltermcgarvin8001 wait, what? When and where???
@@itfigurescomics6704 She Hulk broke the 4th wall in the comics on May 1st 1989. Deadpool was created 2 years later but did not break the 4th wall until 1997.
the speech at 8:18 is still unhinged. Unbelievable considering the actual story of Bruce Banner and how he became the hulk and the trauma he faced. This idea that women are constantly in fear of getting murdered is so unhinged. Really getting tired of the BS from these woke writers.
I AM impressed. You got to 8.18. I came to the comments at 1.28 and suffered badly through that little bit.
Long before Disney forgot they were in the entertainment business, cable networks like Lifetime and such made a successful cliche out of domestic abuse or stalker-with-a-crush suspense thrillers. So women have been inundated and indoctrinated with the idea that they are all in grave danger from almost any man they meet. That's why the Internet has the man-or-bear trend for women.
But as unrealistic and toxic as those older anti-male propaganda movies are, they at least have the virtue of being entertaining enough. She-Hulk echoes the slander against men, but it's just didactic nonsense here.
You two women?
It could have been great if it was a platform to analyze her complexes, Bruce then drops a few quick tidbits like how men are 2-3x more likely to be randomly murdered, have 5-10 years less life expectancy, about how god awful and harsh his own life has been and how he had to fight suicide every day until he learned to control this monster of a creature he became vs her just having those things handed to her on easy mode
Could have worked fantastic, but no. Had to be a sad little rant from the woke soapbox, then whampwah show gets cancelled and died
Bro was jealous asf😂i would to tho years of my life trying to control something and someone comes along with the same gifts and is a natural at it
😅that's true
people seem to hate this show But I have to tell you I loved it.
Hulk ❌ Shrek ✅
I actually liked the humor of the show and didn't expect much so i guess that's why I'm not complaining. Never thought we'd ever see a majority that we get to see now when i was a kid wishing i could see all these heros and villains.
Let me get this strait, I've never even seen the movie,, and I just realized that she hulk is just a woman on her CYCLE???!! ( pause) Lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
When MAD! TV takes over production of the Hulk.
This was really good! 😊
The mcu really destroyed the hulk
Banner hulk is my favorite. Speak for yourself.
I agree Miguel! Destroyed him they did!
the mcu made the hulk better. if you have to have your favorite superhero suffer from psychological issues and never be able to get over them, then that really says something about you.
Can out do hulk at everything but has to rear back to throw a wooden desk? 10:26
It's hilarious that she mentioned things made by Disney I like to that about this video and her reaction to everything Bruce keeps doing with her.
I really liked She Hulk…it was entertaining.
I think green is my new favorite color.
After reading several comments I find that most behave like they are entitled spoilt brats. Positivity vacuums. Love the sound of their own whinny voices. Troll everything why not because you are miserable anyway. The series was ok and at time pretty good. My kids loved it. I am of the generation where we loved Adam West Batman or Spider-Man the series and were grateful. I loved Christopher Reeve superman but absolutely loved Henry Cavill as well. Why the hate? You guys are quick to pan something and the result is now we all get nothing! You are the reasons why so many series don’t get a chance to thrive. You get more joy that your scorn and negativity has been listened to like you are so important, rather than the fact that now no one might ever see a series on She Hulk. Studios save millions because of you by cancelling and then take less risks. People lose jobs, viewers get nothing. Please Get a life.
That's a fact, the show was not that bad nor that good. You just have to enjoy what you got
This is the truth. The haters love to hate. And now they have forums where they can flood them with instant hate.
@@tconnolly9820 that's a fact
Sadly, it is just the way society has turned. Non-stop whining and complaining to try to make others as miserable as they, themselves, are. And in their repeated attempt to make others miserable, the more miserable they become. It is a vicious circle. They go on message boards, make hate-filled videos, post negative reviews on IMDB, etc. spending an awful lot of time on something they seemingly hate. And most of their complaints have no real substance.
That's not to say any of these movies or shows are perfect and without fault and shouldn't be critiqued, but to me the good always outweighs the bad. I just focus on the positives and try to enjoy them, because after all, it is just entertainment. And when it ceases to cause enjoyment, I'll just move on. Just like we did when we were kids. I, too, enjoyed the hell out of watching reruns of Batman (1966) and Adventures of Superman with George Reeves when they ever came on tv. We used to laugh at that version of Batman like we did on the clumsiness of Greatest American Hero, but we still watched and enjoyed the shows. We didn't care about the special effects or if they got something wrong from the comic books, it was a delight there were even a tiny amount of shows and movies related to comic books. If there was something we didn't like we didn't spend an awful lot of time hating and complaining it, we just grumbled for a bit and then quickly moved on to something else.
Yeah. The writing wasn't the best but I still don't think they should fire the actress. I'd like the MCU to keep She-Hulk. It would be cool to see her in upcoming Avengers films.
Yeah, me too🤝🏾
I agree she fits in.
You've got a better chance of seeing howard the duck in an upcoming avengers film. or ANY film or tv show for that matter.
HtD in an upcoming MCU battles DC megafight movie? Take my money already! died the way it really needed to. Hulk smashed, she hulk smashed everyone 😅
Single female lawyer... And her cats 🐈 😁
Good to see the MCU taking risks. This one was a swing and a miss, but it's still good to see them try to do something different instead of the same formulaic films they've churned out since Endgame. I hope this failure doesn't make them gunshy to things like Moon Knight and Jessica Jones, which were phenomenal.
Yung Gunna 1 that they callin me watch me jump right off the curb 5:33
I wished they put the series back on I really enjoyed it, it's like this I do believe that people who hated the show was hating on the actress more then the show, same as loki and others
When she's running in the woods at night, is a clear homage to the 70's TV show
bruce banner is using 45% of his hulk strengh,but she hulk is using 90%od her strengh
Yeah, I think hulk was holding back
@@mscomicstv3622 wanna know why though
@Upgradedtitancameraman322 because she hulk is like a new candidate and hulk a professional as he fought many battles that's why
and she's also his cousin,so maybe he didnt want to be that rough with her
@@alessiobilleci7246 hm truw
So... Here's the issue with the show as a whole. It has nothing to do with Jessica's character... Her writing is not the issue, it's everyone else around her. She's not written as a "Flat Character" because she does go through a change. Being a Hulk not only alters her physically, but psychologically. So now, her character has to interact with others around her, and how their personalities, decision/choices affect her decision/choices. So in trying to tell her story as a woman, from a woman's perspective, it's written by individuals who experience the things she does all the time, and it feels like pushed agenda. No one wants to be reminded of these things in movies or the shows they watch.
Those that are upset about it, are the ones that have either done it, or feel as though they're being accused of doing it.
So the character of Jessica Walters/She-Hulk is now going off of the characters that are written to interact with her, putting her in a very contradictive manner. The concept is great, but the execution is wrong. All in unnecessary places.
Too many hands in the pot.
Her name is Jennifer Walters not Jessica Walters. I've read numerous comics for her from the Savage She-Hulk series up through the Sensational She-Hulk series. If you notice in the show that she breaks the 4th wall a lot she did it before Deadpool. She also knew she was a comic book character.
@@dragonlord12 Jennifer, right... Sorry... I was watching a lot of "Archer" before this, and Jessica Walters (RIP) kept popping up in my head, lol.
Not sure why this show got so much hate, but I loved it! I hope they make more!
Yeah it was not that good nor that bad it was 50/50 for me.
Because it was dumpster fire 😅😂
good?? omg to me was the worse
@@federicovolpi4511 Good for you! I don't care.
This She hulk is new to me. This is a good video. It had me crackin up. Now I want to go watch the series.
Brace yourself for the Season Finale...
Just as the Avengers found out that as they grow, so does the number of enemies they will face, when did Jen first find this out for herself. Did she have to sign the same Act as did the Avengers?
I love the great humor collected between 0:00 and 0:00. Also the script is amazing between 0:00 and 0:00. Hulk is great, as usual. But wth that green thing next to him?! Animators was trolling us fans. So the rest is bs, but nice try. For 5 yrs old scriptwriters, producers and other staff... this actually was a nice episode to create. Keep up the good woke work! Another - let's say - 300 years and you'll be able to have a good episode there! Have a nice day guys!
All these scenes were actually funny though 😂
I can't even with these 2. Lmfao ❤😂 Love this
Looks great
When she is the hulk, she is way hotter than her normal self. You really cant deny that.
I can. I like her as human better
Well, someone doesn’t care about the message of the story.
Aí galera vocês já viram uma nova versão remasterizada de Shrek 2 kkkkkkkkkk
What is this CGI Crp?
I am so going to cream my pants (by spilling my Starbucks white mocha latte on them, of course) when She-Hulk is Deadpool’s lawyer, and she turns to say something to the camera, only for Wade to be all, You can see them too?
They got married and have many green kids....
Then they found Shrek and Fiona as their neighbour.
That's what we call it green environment 😅
I see you read the comics
LOL Best comment!
you left out the part where wolverine kills all but one and then raises that one.
They are cousins😅
The show had a bad ending, but it was definitely better than people give it credit for. Far from the best, still not the worst, had some fun moments.
That's true
Taking shots at men like the feminists always do while simultaneously taking advantage of the society men have built for them is hypocrisy.
I find out two years later they even made this, why was not told or informed? It looks good.
Ok, I haven't seen this series or any of the Marvel series' because I haven't got a Disney subscription.
But this looks like highly entertaining fun. It's got a huge amount of fun, comedy and rapport in it from these scenes. And it's taking the piss out of the whole MCU because let's face it, there's just been too much of it and the world needs a breather from all of the over cooked superhero crap. It's been done.
So looking at this, what's wrong with it? Some specifics please.
Or is it just not the same as it is in the comics? 😢 And I haven't read a Marvel comic since I was 12, 45 years ago. And the movies were very different than the comics were then.
We marvel fans expecting more than we get that's why some see it as a bad show
@@mscomicstv3622 Ok. But from these scenes and a few others I've seen, it doesn't look too bad. As I said, it looks very entertaining.
Marvel needs to take a break for a couple of years. There's just too much. It's overkill. If this was in the early days of the MCU, it probably would have been lauded.
I watched Avengers, The Rise of Ultron on TV recently and it was pretty ropey in large parts. If not downright stupid. Not a classic by any means.
Courage for admitting when it’s time to put a show down, you guys will Old Yeller it without pause or regret 😂
This is soo funny and cool 😎
I enjoyed the show. It’s that simple I don’t tend to over analyze or look for faults I just watch and ask myself the basic question did I like it and the answer was yup.
That's a fact
I liked the show too. Now they just need to put her in the movies.
The version of fourth wall breaking in the show is an interesting take, with her just accidentally realizing she can actually perceive the fourth wall and the fact that she's on a show, whereas before she'd just kind of joked about being on a TV show about a lawyer.
In the comics, she actually learns how to perceive and break the fourth wall from a woman who used to be the Golden Age costumed detective called The Blonde Phantom. The Blonde Phantom had deduced the connection between Marvel Comics (which exists as a documentary medium with strict accuracy contracts within the Marvel universe -- hence why the law firm in the show has a room dedicated to storing and cataloging comics) and why some of the people she knew from the Golden Age didn't seem to be aging. It was the ones that were still featured in Marvel Comics (which has a sliding timescale so that their characters don't age in real time). She further deduced that her world's Marvel Comics must be tied to some higher dimension where they are created as fiction (which is how it actually works in the comics). She then trained herself to see and manipulate the medium of comics itself. She taught those skills to She-Hulk in return for being allowed to be a character in her comic series (which she knew would eventually lead to shenanigans to get her youth back -- and it did).
Oh, man! No wonder this movie stunk as bad as it did.
If these were the best scenes, then I'm glad I didn't waste the time to watch this movie.
@@rogerjensen5277 it was a tv show on disney+ lol
Honestly, I loved she-hulk and all I see is a lot of whining from "fellow men" that are pissed off because a woman was shown to better control her anger and fear. Well guys, we did that to them because they lack the physical strength to protect themselves from those of us that choose to be assholes. So do women, on average, control their anger and fear better? Yes, because survival demanded it of them. Stop whining, it was a good show. The fact that Tatiana Maslany spent so much time as 'she hulk' on the show made it too expensive to continue. CGI is expensive so it won't be coming back. They didn't 'ruin' hulk. Get over it.
This show should've been a cash cow for Marvel. I don't think Tatiana or the cast was the was the writers. I'm glad the show got canceled, but I'd love to see Tatiana have another shot at the role!
She is woke AF and the worst choice for the part.
A talented and funny actress would have been way better, like...
Aubrey Plaza, perfect humor to break the 4th wall.
Emma Stone, perfect to play the frail Jen Walters.
And many others, my choice would have been Anna Faris tho, she would have been perfect in both "forms"
@@SuperCecileC Would be interesting to see her play a lawyer character...
The She Hulk TV Show was actually a cash cow for Marvel and it's one of Marvel's most liked TV shows. The only reason it hasn't been renewed is because the idiot CEO who hates strong women in he wants to only bring sports to Disney
@@ForestTre AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i need that, since clearly you are a misandrist just like the writers
@@ForestTre She Hulk rating on imdb - 5.2 Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes - 32%. Please tell me you are sjw woke stupid MCU fanboy without telling me that you are sjw woke stupid MCU fanboy 🤡
Pilas re. Frescando de
Azul ,🦠fuerza ❤
Idc what nobody saying good side of hulk is even better and awesome 😂😅😊
The only "best" thing about this show is the fact that there won't be a second season. I thought his show was a new low for Marvel, but they keep trying to sink lower.
Wait what...why...I thought things were getting better with daredevil and her
The best part of the show was the actress who played she hulk and her pretty feet .!!!!!!!
@@tejtheesagenah, keep it at one
In She-Hulk series they said Jennifer Walters can control her power and doesn't need Banner help. But in comic version this isn't true. She didn't lose her mind when she transform but she have a fear "What if am i lose". After she saw her cousine as Hulk. So she never can control her "hulk power" because have this fear 😅.
Thanks for knowledge🤝🏾
I couldn't stop Laughing. So Funny.
I don't get it, why are the scenes all jumbled? It is hard to enjoy the video like that.
Kumbe hii movie Kali kaka
Great cut
I'm probably one of the very few to actually like this chemistry between Hulk and She-Hulk, it reminds me of me and my sister growing up without the Super powers lol
That's sweet
I like it too people keep forgetting that the show was intended to be a lighter-hearted part of the MCU and does everyone just want Bruce banner to remain a mindless tragic figure as the hulk and not evolve professor hulk is a popular character in his ark for a reason and not to mention the fact that the actor play in the hulk has excellent comedic timing and delivery I thought it worked out very well it doesn't stop the help from being serious plus if anything transpires later in the MCU that causes the hulk any type of great loss or upset watching him lose it after him getting to this point of having his s*** together would be all the more impactful if he went full rage mode after all of this
@@spartanmediaworks How do you know people are forgetting? Maybe it is crap regardless.
I have to agree, this makes me remember when my sister and I used to play, argue and spend time together tike these two. :)
Thanks I just couldn’t bring myself to get a subscription to Disney.
Although maybe I can these days.
This version of Jen Walters is a complete beeyatch!!
I love how when Jen brings up Bing-Bong Bruce is stricken.
So you found what you think is thirteen "good" minutes in the 400 minutes of show? I think that's a bit high.
I think so
@@mscomicstv3622 👌
She hulk makes me think Simmons did it but family guy nailed it
Why does the hulk wear glasses?
They were the Tony Stark glasses that allows him to see electrical disease plays floating in the air. They helped him to do his work better if you bothered to watch any of the adventures the TV shows you know those glasses were specifically designed to help scientists do their work better
She Hulk (Jennifer) und Hulk (Bruce) kann man nur mögen weil einer verrückter ist als der andere. Nur ich wäre ungerne in einer bar wo die beiden sich in die wolle bekommen da bleibt ja nix übrig dann was wieder aufgebaut werden kann 😂🤣😂🤣
Respected Stan Lee passed away but a bunch of crazy feminists ruined everything.. just sticking up with comics nowadays 😂😂😂😂
Apart from franchise I am kind a enjoying it
These are the best scenes? Hate to see the B roll
Wg0hat happen to hulk muscles 😂😂😂 no longer lifting barbels😂😂😂ruffalo hulk version is so nerf.
wait is it hulk steal or borrow a technology from happy hogan
This entire videos title is an oxymoron. There are NO best anything with reference to She Hulk. Nothing. It blows like the north wind.
Ok, I haven't seen this series or any of the Marvel series' because I haven't got a Disney subscription.
But this looks like highly entertaining fun. It's got a huge amount of fun, comedy and rapport in it from these scenes. And it's taking the piss out of the whole MCU because let's face it, there's just been too much of it and the world needs a breather from all of the over cooked superhero crap. It's been done.
So looking at this, what's wrong with it? Some specifics please.
Or is it just not the same as it is in the comics? 😢 And I haven't read a Marvel comic since I was 12, 45 years ago. And the movies were very different than the comics were then.
@@tconnolly9820what's wrong with it?!'s woke
@@normansawatzky4778 OH NO!
I ask a question and I get this highly structured and detailed answer explaining all of my questions.
Come on, for fecks sake, you could have tried a little harder.
It's not what it used to be 😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!
Talk about a bad case of Sheldon Cooperitis.
Bullets, missiles and bombs do not penetrate it, but glass does. How crazy you are!
Best parody of a parody or a joke of a parody of a superhero show by Marvel Disney, except it wasn’t funny.
Would love to see more seasons!
There are no best scenes on this show
No "good" scenes either
There are no best or good scenes since it is a bad movie 😅
Im waiting on a good scene and i watched this video 20 times.
This has to be the most wholesome family bonding between Cousins I have ever seen in my life🥰🤣
😂😂that's true, it made me laugh
wow, who would've thought Bruce Banner had a cousin. but surprise!!!
Under a rock is where you live huh?
He really the size of a body builder now it's krazy
I'm embarrassed for them. Hulk was the best one. How crazy is it to take such a character and Morth him into "smart Hulk" There is no smart hulk. What made stan Lees' hulk was the rage, as he got mad, he got stronger. It's like having the invisible man as a character you can see
What are you talking about out? Smart Hulk has been in the comics since the 90’s.
@@davrosdaleks1 Parden . I was just using my limited movie perspective
@@timelliott4117 Sorry about the “What are you talking about?” In retrospect that was a bit heated and accusatory.
@@davrosdaleks1 ok
@@davrosdaleks1 You sound like me. Often when something hits a nerve, I find myself going toe to toe trying to force my opinion on someone. It's funny when I think I'm probably arguing with a teenager. "no reflection on you" thanks for the feedback.
The hulk doing talks😤, thanks i didn't see this show
Reminds me of me and brothers and cousins. Lol
Same here just commenting on what was free 😊 didn't waste Bran cell's
Wow. MCU certainly didn’t go woke or come up with a Garbage of a show. I mean isn’t it in its 5th season…..I’m sure it’s still on. All the great shows always get renewed, can’t wait till it celebrates its 10th anniversary. Woo hoo.
She-Hulk was cancelled after 1 season.
when are they going to show the funny parts?
never seen any she hulk before this and hope to never see any again
😅me too
"Best scenes:" are the closing credits ;)
She is SO COOL
And funny😄
We can do everything men do! Grul Powaaah!
I really dont want to see anyone play she hulk but her
Tatiana wasn’t the issue, she was just playing a part. The issue was the carefree writing that didn’t take a single aspect of the show seriously (and the horrid CGI). Look at the first Deadpool movie: Deadpool is known for breaking the fourth wall and being silly just like She-Hulk, but the writing actually took the films premise seriously, hence why it was good.
Incredibly self centered, self important, arrogant and patronizing... our hero everyone.
You did catch it when Jen said she was a lawyer, right?