Juice817, thanks for posting this! I was the guy who asked Alan about the Barbie Dolls - It was very cool to experience that from a whole different point of view. Again, thanks.
@melody10120 Oof. This is two years old, and I'm not personally involved with Fireflytalk, so I don't rightly know. You might try looking in the list for a description matching "Dragon*Con 2008."
Juice817, thanks for posting this! I was the guy who asked Alan about the Barbie Dolls - It was very cool to experience that from a whole different point of view. Again, thanks.
I was there! they were hilarious together!
Thank you thank you for posting!-- from someone who got stuck at home with pet emergencies. :-(
got any more?? the first 10 min is just a TEASE!!!!
there were 15 firefly episodes aired. The original pilot episode 'Serenity' was split into 2 parts.
It's going to be part of the Fireflytalk podcast.
man, that girl near the mic of the camera shooting this sure has a sexy bubbly laugh :D
Well, she really wasn't supposed to go back behind the table like that. Nathan was just enforcing the boundaries that should have been being followed.
Don't feel too badly for her - she's the one who ended up with the autographed recording of Alan interviewing Nathan.
I couldn't see any of the Firefly stuff! The line at the Marriott went around the room twice! Anything with Firefly had too long of lines!
@melody10120 Oof. This is two years old, and I'm not personally involved with Fireflytalk, so I don't rightly know. You might try looking in the list for a description matching "Dragon*Con 2008."