Oh! some will not gonna like it. Jazakallah Edit: Shayhk is such a treasure, only he can explain in an easy manner, he is such a strong mind. Jazakallah khairan
@@ayyubvernon The Jews were split into seventy one sects and one of them is in Paradise and seventy are in the Hellfire. The Christians were split into seventy two sects and seventy one are in the Hellfire and one of them is in Paradise. By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy three sects and one of them is in Paradise and seventy two are in the Hellfire. It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the ones in Paradise?” The Prophet said: الْجَمَاعَةُ They are the united community. Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3992, Grade: Sahih And in another narration, the Prophet said: مَا أَنَا عَلَيْهِ وَأَصْحَابِي They are those who follow my way and my companions. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2641, Grade: Hasan
This is the most thourough, beautiful, eloquent answer to the question ive come accros How can any Muslim grasp the answer to the question and still dount that the majority of this ummah is ahlul sunnah wal jamaa the ummah of Muhammad the majority of the inhabitants of jannah and believe this ummah's majority is the 72 sects going into the fire
You have to ask AL-LAHI for guidance. Look at hadith and Quran with the old arabic dictionaries as the translators made errors, or used only one word according to their opinion
How are the salafis (wahhabis) also from the Ahlus-Sunnah? They say all the attributes needs to be taken literally in their meaning and some even say that Allah sits, settles, has a Makan, grabs with his hand?
@@attargheeb but they are tho. Some may be laymen and dont know those things. But the little learned ppl will say those things. Also look at all of their scholars. Ibn baz, ibn Uthaymeen, Al albani al fawzan (Asim al hakeem) etc etc. They all say that the literal meaning must be taken of Allahs attribute. Ibn Uthaymeen goes even that far and says that Allah has a makan. And thats not just a scholar, its ONE of their BIGGEST scholars.
Regardless brother, it's not our job to 'remove' people from Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. We can leave this to senior scholars inshallah. We should be striving towards unity and not creating bigger rifts in the Ummah. If you know you are within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, how will it benefit you on the Day of Judgement knowing whether they are or they are not?
What about the authenticated hadith regarding the 73 sects? Clearly there will be one saved sect - and we will be raised individually on the Day of Judgement. Both are correct
Imam Ibn Abdul Barr Rahimahullah : reported with his chain of narration from the scholars of the Maalikees in the east, Ibn Khuzaimah, that he said in the book of witnesses (Kitaab us-Shuhudaat) in explanation of the saying of the Maalik that it is not permissible to accept the witness of the people of innovation and innovated sects, and he said: “The people of the innovated sects in the view of Maalik and the rest of our Companions are the people of theological rhetoric (Kalaam). So every person of the theological rhetoric is from the people of the innovated sects and innovation: whether he is an Ash’aree, or other than an Ash’aree, and his witness is not accepted in Islaam ever. Indeed he is to be ostracized, and punished for his innovation and if he persists in it and repentance is to be sought from him” Source : { Jaami Bayaan il-Ilmi wa Fadlihi (2/117) }
Bringing a single narration to support your agenda is very easy. This is not called understanding or knowledge. Any child can pick up a book and read narrations. Ibn 'Abd al Barr was a great scholar of Hadith of the Maliki madhab. First of all, this is not Imam Malik's view. His criticism of the usage of Kalam was against the misguided sects like the Mu'tazilah etc. The Asha'irah came after Imam Malik, so how could he be referring to them. Rather, this narration is the view of Abu `Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Khuwayz Mindaad al-Basri who was heavily criticised. He was not known as a Muhaddith. He came 200 years after Imam Malik but ascribed views to him without a chain? According to the authorities of the Maliki madhab, his positions were never relied upon due to his weakness in Fiqh. He was extreme against every mutakallim. He was not considered reliable according Ibn Hajar. Ibn Hajar says even Ibn Abd al-Barr himself criticised him. The fact that Ibn Abd al-Barr narrated from him, does not mean he agreed with him. Go back to sleep. Keep your propaganda to yourself.
@@attargheeb The asharis and Maturidis are doing taweel of Allah's names and attributes and they do not affirm it like the salaf. Then how can they be from Ahlu Sunnah? The issue of Aqidah became an ijtiahad related thing and anyone can do ijtiahad and express his opinion? Wallahul Musta'an
THE ASHAA'IRA(ASH'AREES) ARE NOT FROM AHL-US-SUNNAH WAL JAMA'AAH The Ashaa'ira (Ash'arees) claim to be followers of Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree who himself went through three stages in his belief. He was born in the year 270H and died in the year 330H as Ibn Asaakir concluded. His lineage goes back to the Companion Abu Musa al-Ash'aree. The First Stage ý The way of the Mu'tazilah, (Ta'teel) denying the Attributes of Allaah due to limited intellect Abul-Hasan al-Ash'aree was first upon the way of the Mu'tazilah who used to deny the Attributes of Allaah if it opposed their limited intellect. Imam Al-Hafidh Abu Nasr Al-Sijzi (d.444h) in his treatise to the people of Zabeed called 'Rad man Ankara-l-Harf was-Sawt" narrates from Khalf Al-Mu'allim (d.371H) of the Maliki scholars that he said, "Imam Al-Ash'aree was upon the way of I'tizaal (Mu'tazilah) for a period of forty years. Then he repentedý" The Second Stage ý The way of Ibn Kullab ý (Tahreef) distorting the meaning of the Attributes of Allaah Then the second stage of Abul Hasan Al-Ash'aree saw him following the path of Ibn Kullaab. This is actually the path of many today who call themselves Ash'arees. If they are true to their claim then they should leave off tahreef which is distorting the meaning of the Attributes of Allaah and follow Abul-Hasan by repenting and return to the way of Ahl-us-Sunnah. Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Imam Ahmed used to warn against Ibn Kullaab and his followers." ['Dar' Ta'aaradh al-'Aql wan-Naql (2/6)] Ibn Taymiyyah said, "The Kullaabiyyah are the teachers of the Ashaa'ira for Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree followed the example of Abu Muhammad. Ibn Kullaab was closest to the way of the Salaf in terms of the period and in terms of his way. Abu Bakr Ibn Fawrak Sheikh Al-Qushairi gathered the speech of Ibn Kullaab and the Ashaa'ira and showed their agreement in the fundamentals (belief)ý" ['Al-Istiqaama (12/368)] Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Abul-Hasan came after him (Ibn Kullaab) and he was a student of Abu Ali Al-Jubaai al-Mu'tazili. He then turned away from the statements of the Mu'tazilah and clarified their contradictions in many places and opposed them much in areas of Qadr (pre-destination), Eeman (faith) and wa'd and wa'eed (referring to Allaah's promise of reward or punishing, as either an encouragement or deterrent)ýYet in terms of Allaah's Attributes he followed the path of Ibn Kullaabý" ['Majmu' Fataawa '12/178)] Imam Al-Dhahabi quoted Al-Imam Abu Bakr ibn Khuzaima in Seyar 'alam an-Nubalaa (14/380) saying, "Ahmed Ibn Hanbal was amongst the sternest of people in warning against Abdullah ibn Sa'eed ibn Kullaab and his companions such as Al-Harith and others." Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Many of the later followers of (Abul Hasan) Al-Ash'aree left his statements and went towards the statements of the Mu'tazila, the Jahmiyyah and the philosophers." ['al-Asfahaaniyya (p.107-108')]. The Third stage of Abul Hasan Al-Ash'aree, the way of Ahl-us Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah The third stage of Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree showed that he turned away from distorting the meanings of the lofty Attributes of Allaah which was the way of Ibn Kullaab and he followed the way of the scholars of the Pious Predecessors. Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree clearly showed this by writing three books: 'Al-Ibaana', 'Risaala ila Ahli Thagr' and 'Maqaalaat Al-Islamiyeen' clearly affirming the Attributes of Allaah in the manner He affirmed for himself without misinterpretation. Ibn Dirbas who died in the year 622H wrote a book illustrating clearly that Al-Ibaana of Abul-Hasan al-Ash'aree is actually his book and not as the innovators claim that it is not. They do this because it clearly portrays the correct belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah with regards the Attributes of Allaah. The scholars continue to refute Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree's first and second stage of beliefs so that the Muslims do not follow him in his errors. From them is: 1. Al-Imam Abu Muhammad Abdullaah ibn Muhammad Al-Andulusi Al-Qahtaani Al-Maaliki (rahimahullaah) from the 4th century. O Ash'ariya have you come to realise that I am the dust in your eyes and the itchiness of your eyelids I am an ulcer in the liver of the Ash'aree I increase in size until I fight everyone who hates me I have become apparent and excelled over the heads of your teachers And have defeated everyone who sought (to defeat) me And I have turned their arguments upside down and have scattered them And I found them to be statements without proof Allaah aided me and has made my proofs firm And Allaah has saved me from their doubts ...and I have held firmly to the rope of the legislation of Muhammad And have bitten onto it (the sunnah) with my molar teeth Have you come to realise O Ash'ariya that I am A raging storm (against you) and what kind of storm that is? I am your concern, I am your grief, I am your sickness I am your poison in secret and in open 2. Al-Imam Abu Nasr al-Sijzi rahimahullaah from the 5th century "Ahl-us-Sunnah were trialed after these with a people who claim to be followers (of the Prophet ) and their harm is far greater than the harm of the Mu'tazila and those other than them. They are Abu Muhammad Ibn Kullaab, Abul 'Abbas Al-Qalaanisi and Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree (before his repentance)." ['Rad man Ankara-l-Harf was-Sawt' (p.222-223)] 3. Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Khuwaiz Mindaad al-Misri al-Maaliki rahimahullaah Ibn Abdul-Bar mentioned in his book Jaami' Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadhlihi (2/92) that he said in his book 'Kitaab ash-Shahadaat' with regards the explanation of Maalik: It is not allowed to take as a witness the innovators and people of desires so Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Ibn Khuwaiz Mindaad Al-Misri Al-Maaliki said "the people of desires with Maalik and the rest of our companions are the people of rhetoric so every one who philosophises with speech is from the people of desires and innovation whether he be an Ash'aree or something else, his witness is not to be accepted and he is to be boycotted and taught a lesson due to his innovation and if he continues, he is called to repent from it." 4. Ibn Qudaama rahimahullaah from the 7th century He said in his book 'Kitaab al-Munaathara fil Qur'an' p.35 that they are innovators: "And we do not know amongst the innovators a group that hides their statements, not bold enough to openly portray them except the zanadiqa (heretics) and Ash'arees." 5. Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah from the 7-8th century He said in 'Dar' Ta'aarud al-'aql wan-naql' (6/183) "the people of rhetoric from the Ash'arees and othersý" 6. Al-Imaam ibn Qaiyum rahimahullaah from the 8th century He quoted Al-Waleed ibn Rushd Al-Maaliki Ibn Waleed's statement in his book 'As-Sawaa'iq al-Mursala' (2/417) and affirmed it without opposing him. His statement was, "if you were to ponder over what was opposed to this legislation in this time of corruption in terms of ta'weel (misinterpretation of Allaah's attributes) it would become clear that these examples are correct. So the first to change this great cure were the Khawaarij then the Mu'tazilah after them. Then it was the Ash'arees then the Sufis and then Abu Hamid (Al-Ghazali) came and flooded the village over." 7. Sheikh Sulaiman ibn Samhaan rahimahullaah Sheikh Sulaiman ibn Samhaan says, "how could those who do not affirm Allaah being above the heavens and over His 'Arsh be from Ahl-us-Sunnah? They say 'the letters of the Qur'an are created' and that 'Allaah does not speak with letters or sound' and they 'do not affirm that the believers will see their Lord in paradise with their own eyes.' They affirm the seeing but they explain it to be increase in knowledge that Allaah creates in the heart of the seer. They say that 'belief is just to affirm with the heart' and they make other statements that are known to oppose what Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jama'aah are upon" [Lawaami' al-Anwaar al-Bahiya (1/73)]
@manhajussalaf7 You are clearly regurgitating the typical propaganda. He says: 'عند مالك و سائر أصحابنا' meaning, 'According to Malik, and all of our scholars'. This is completely false and a false attribution. Imam Malik never met the Asha'irah, so how would he speak of them? Nor did he provide any chain to any scholar, let alone Imam Malik. This is his own interpretation of Imam Malik's original statement referring to the Mu'tazilah and their likes. This interpretation is rejected according the authorities of the Maliki madhab as it is Shadh and not accepted for the reasons I mentioned earlier. You can copy-paste as much as you want. The truth is clear. Since you love Ibn 'Abdul Barr Rahimahullah so much, his view regarding the issues you bring up are actually in line with what the Asha'irah and Maturidiyyah deem acceptable. He says: “And a group ascribed to the Sunnah said that He, the Exalted, descends with His Essence (bi dhatihi)! This statement is rejected, because He, Exalted is His mention, is not a locus for movement and He has nothing from the signs (characteristics) of the creation.” (Al-Idhkaar) “His ‘coming’ is neither a movement nor a disappearance nor a displacement, for all this is only valid for a body or substance. As it is established that He is neither a body nor a substance then it follows that His coming is not to be understood as a movement or displacement. And if you contemplate on this by taking into account expressions such as “so and so’s time has come,” or “death has come to him” or “disease came to him” and so on which occurs to man without their having to ‘come’ in a literal sense, then you will understand. “ (At-Tamheed) From this we can see that according to you, Ibn Abdul Barr is not from Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Nobody rejects any of the attributes of Allah, rather, they differ in how they are understood. Majority of the salaf left them to Allah and did not delve into them like you do. They recited them, affirmed them, and left them at that. You are also mixing in statements that are not addressed at the Asha'irah or Maturidiyyah. Anyways brother, I will not discuss with someone who is confused about their own scholars views on this subject and will leave it at that.
He is saying that as an individual you will be judged on the day of judgement not because you were from the 'saved' group. Its about your actions and right beliefs that will save you and not the claim that I am from a specific saved group.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who was greater in knowledge and acceptance said: Whoever claims the Qur'an is created (instead of words of Allah that are part of His knowledge) is a kaafir, and if he is ignorant he must be taught. These things are not small matters where you can play around and laugh about.
@@fuzailhasan7856 Ibn Qudama said Asharis say Quran is created, and Allah is mute or only has internal speech. When Ibrahim refuted idolatry he said the idoIs can't speak and told the ppl ask the idoIs to speak because speech requires sound.
He explained clearly that the 3th category cannot be comprehended by the mind and yet says after we have to do ijtihad which is using the mind the comprehended or interpret something. This is clearly contradictory.
You never understood what he is talking about. The literal meaning cannot be comprehended. Ijtihaad isn't applied to understand the literal meaning (as our salafi brothers do). The ijtihaad is referring to how to deal with these mutashaabih verses due to the fitnah amongst the people. The ijtihaad of the Ashaa'irah was to affirm the attribute and interpret it in way that befits Allah's majesty in accordance to what the arabic language allows, as this was done in some verses by some of the Salaf. The ijtihaad of the Maturidiyyah was to consign the exact meaning to Allah whilst also negating any similarity to creation.
@@attargheeb exactly my problem. Understand it how it befits Allahs majesty. Who are we to decide what befits his majesty. If you interpret hands as power because you think about your own hands this means you used your own logic to interpret the texts. I have nothing but respect for the scholars in the past and may Allah reward them. But I am not brave enough to interpret words in a way to fit that in my mind. No fitnah for me.
@user-il3bj8hd3w This is fine brother. This is why the Maturidiyyah consign the exact meaning to Allah, and negate any similarity to creation and leave it at that. Ta'weel is only done as a last resort. Similar to how medicine is prescribed to a patient. Some people can suppress their shubuhaat easily, whilst others find it more difficult. For this reason Ta'weel is a preventative measure against tajseem, which can lead to kufr. As for your point about how can it befit Allah's majesty. Allah is already All-Powerful. As the Shaykh explains, this idea of Ta'weel wasn't taken out of thin air. There are other ayaat which the salaf already did Ta'weel. Based on this, the Ashaa'irah deemed it permissible. Your point about using 'logic' to understand. Nobody is free from using logic to apply a particular methodology in order to deal with these verses. InshaAllah future videos will go into more detail regarding these issues.
@@attargheeb Yes I understand your position but I didn’t comment to criticise your position because it is already well known. To me if Allah says hands, face, eyes, chin etc it is a clear meaning that doesn’t need interpretation. As you said very well the salaf did ishtihaad for the shubuhaat unclear verses so if there was a need for the description that Allah described himself with they would have done it. This al started later on when people started thinking to much about the meaning and comparing it to our limbs which is wrong because Allah says there is nothing unto him or similar to him. Both can be true like for example jannah has threes, milk, honey, palaces etc but we don’t believe they are like what we know. So here we don’t have to use logic as it’s already perfectly described. But as I said we are not scholars and our scholars explained their positions very clear. My critique was only about the saying all groups are saved and it’s just an ijtihadi issue. So by this logic we don’t have to even discuss this because it doesn’t matter. If this is also your position we are both saved so we don’t need to discuss this. May Allah lead us all to the right path.
@@حمزسادي Yes, although it is also necessary to clarify to the masses that Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah is much broader than what some groups make it out to be. This is the purpose of this video.
It i not only that they deny 'uluww' , Allah being above the 'arsh' , they believe that Allah is everywhere and in everything, the concept of 'wahdat-al-wajood'
@@manhajussalaf7 The Jahmis say Allah is in la makan. Sofis say Allah is everywhere like hindus. Asharis I meet say both. Ahl Sunna say Allah is over His Throne separate from creation per Quran and Sunna & hadith shows this isn't a limit as faIsely said.
this guy explains basically that the pseduo salafis (wahabbi) of today are misguided then says they are saved at the end i cant stand this cowardice, all reputable scholars acknowledge imam at tahawiyy and his book as an authority but some fail to uphold the part where he says “anyone who attributes attributes of the creation to Allah is a kafir” The wahabbis are guilty of this act time and time again, explicitly with no shame behind their beliefs. Although some like to play verbal gymnastics
You take imam Tahawi out of context. It's who likens the Attributes of Allah to creation disbelieved. Allah exists and we both exists, is that statement kufr? In your logic it is but that's clearly wrong & atheism. Just like we affirm Allah exists but unlike creation why can't you affirm Allah has Hands but unlike creation. If you insist Hand has to mean physical limit, can you name a thing that exists that isn't physical? If no then same way you affirm Allah exists affirm Allah's Hand or you contradict. Quran 16 60 says for Allah is Highest description and those who reject akira is eviI. Why are these two tied? Because those who don't give Allah's Attributes it's perfection deny Seeing Allah in Quran 75.22 & 23. Qadriya used to use non Muslim ideas and say if Allah knows the future He allows eviI so He is not All Knowing. The Story of Musa & Kidr shows things appear eviI but Allah is all Wise. So let the Quran define itself as Islam is a complete din. Even pagans did faIse tanzih and say Allah is far away so we can pray to idols, this is wrong.
@@abdulibnabdul1666 thats what i meant. “who likens” some salafis say that Allah is physically above the throne, this is kufr Allah’s existence is not like ours. Allah doesnt have a hand, that necesitates physicality, even if you deny the implications of the statement you would still be an innovator there are many definitions for yad, istiwa, ect. but the pseudo salafis decide to take the anthropomorphic route for them purposefully.
@@MotorWorld-v8y its not meant to be taken literally. in english if i say “can you give me a hand” does it mean i need your help or that I want you to cut your hand off and literally hand it to me?
@nazeerpasha2075 This is not true brother. Without a doubt, in every field, you find those who went to extremes and out of the limits of what the shariah allows. Just as when we say, 'the scholars of hadith' or 'the scholars of tafseer', we are referring to those who stuck within the limits and followed a correct methodology. We are not talking about those who fabricated ahadith or those who interpreted the Quran according to their desires. Similarly, with respect to Tasawwuf and the Sufis, we are referring to those who stuck within the limits of Shari'ah. Tasawwuf existed before Ibn Al-'Arabi. We are referring to the likes of Imam Ash-Shafi'i and others. He says: "Be a Faqih and a Sufi: do not be only one of them, Verily, by Allah’s truth, I am advising you sincerely." (Diwan Ash-Shafi'i) I hope this clarifies your understanding.
The skikh talks about the sects are all saved referring to schools not like splitted sects like shiaa and like qadania.. those are blasphemous Akidats by all schools standards and 5 pillars and 6 articles of faith cause they practices the biggest sin shirks Those are considered deviant, not different.
He already explained this. He breaks it down quite clearly. As he goes from those who are 'Muslim' to those who are 'Muslim' but engaged in Bid'ah. The Shi'ah and Qadianis are not even in the equation. The Qadianis are not Muslim. Depending on which type of shia you are referring to, they are either not within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah as they reject fundamental beliefs that all Muslims agree upon, or they are not Muslim at all.
@@attargheeb Ahahah but the ashari and the matouridit are engaging in bida seriously you don't know what are you talking about go and look what the scholars of islam have said about ashari and matouridit go study before you speak and acted
Why are yourll not following AL-LAHI and thr Messenger SAWS by: Not calling all the muslims to praise before sunrise and sunset Prevention of women from the jumah salaj with fraudulent translated hadith and Prevention from the commanded salah in jamah from the backrows Not teaching women to wear a jilbab, a covering sheet above the khimar but only a dress or abaya and scarf or burqa which dont meet the requirement or a purdah which is not commanded Not praying salah as the Messenger SAWS but follow early innovators and mistranslated hadith Recite the Quran with joing of words and not saying AL bur An, etc following variation of people of Himyer Commiting sin and chamging meaning of thr Quran in pronunciation
Salfis are the ahlul sunnah the follow imam Ahmad ibn hamble in aqida go listen to the imams of medina you’ll know for your self the salafi dawa goes back to these imams like Ahmad and Bukhari
@user-fr1lq4ok7z This is not fully true. There are numerous issues on which the salafis contradict the positions of Imam Ahmed r.a. as well as other authorities in the Hanbali madhab both in Fiqh and Aqeedah.
@@attargheeb man, sometimes dont rush on commenting...... you clearly understood my comment in the opposite way..... and yes they contradict imam Ahmed and also Ibn taymiyah in the matter of istighatha
If you call yourself sunni, hanafi, maliki, hanbali, shia, etc You will get deviation and opinions from them You are a sect follower if say the above. Muslims say muslim only and we are not followers of anyone but AL LAHI and thr Messenger SAWS
Think you missed his entire point. If anyone asks you what did you graduate as? Just say I'm a graduate and don't say in what, from which university, no mention of accreditation etc. just say I AM A GRADUATE and let's see if you land a job
Umar ra declared himself amirul mukminin commander of the faithful. That was before the muslims or mukminin divided into sects. Allah swt warned us against splitting into sects. It has come to pass.
He said salafis are from ahlus sunnah, ahmad ibn hanbal, his abdullah ibn ahmad, Abu Dawood, al bukhari, al tirmidhi, al barbahari, abdul qadir al jilani, ibn qudamah, ibn taymiyyah, ibn qayyim, ibn rajab al hanbali, muhhammad ibn abdul wahab, saleh al fawzan, were all salafi, these are our ulama.
Hahaha honestly this Mohamed hassan al dadaw is ignorant of the religion seriously don't you know that the prophet Mohamed (slw) and is compagnons have one belief and the salafi and the ashari and matouridit have different belief subhanallah the truth is one like allah don't you read the quran wait I am going to give you proofs from the quran Allah say ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ 6. Guide us to the Straight Way صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ 7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). Allah say the Straight Way The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace Is a single way not many way subhanallah so what you chaykh saying is wrong understanding And I have proofs in the hadith as well Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “My nation will divide into 73 sects; all of them shall be in the Fire except one, and it is the Jamaa`ah; the united body upon the truth.” It was said, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “That which I and my companions are upon today.” Reported by At-Tirmithee (2641) and by al-Haakim and by others, The prophet Mohamed (slw) said except one he didn't say many or three is said one do you understand now
@@tellmehow3740 Hahah honestly You are the ignorant in here and I think that you don't know hem very well or maybe you are misguided like hem seriously I am leaving in Mauritania i am in nouakchot and I know hem better than you and I know the people that following hem they are good in memorization but the understanding of the religion is far away from the truth seriously
Mashallah, since you are so knowledgeable, brother and you claim to follow the Salaf. Please find me one of the Salaf who says Surah Fatihah is referring to the hadith you mentioned
@@Eden-zm9mj Sahaba were 1 Aqida & differ in fiqh. 4 mathhab imams were same aqida except a point or 2 and differ in fiqh. Ashari is different usul and fiq then Ahl Sunna wa Hadith.
this is a sufi scholar,, he said aqeedah is not important to study and he discourage studying aqeedah.. he is mistaken and he will cause his followers to deviate
@@hungrythinker I heard him with my ears I saw him speaking with my eyes.. btw in this day and age all u gotta do is Yt this dew dew guy and write refutation against him and u will get plenty of evidences against this sufi deviant
Sheikh acknowledged right in the beginning that Ashaira and Maturidi are from Ahlul Sunnah He then explained others sects within Ahlul Sunnah may also be considered as ahlul Sunnah But the bottom line is - Ahlul Sunnah are definitely those upon the path of Ashaira and Maturidi
The Ashari and Maturidi schools are the majority today, and have been the majority of scholars through hundreds of years of scholarship from all Islamic sciences, far before the war criminal MIAW came and massacred the Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula. The pseudo-salafi's today have no connection to the prophet in their knowledge rather their "sanad" stops at MIAW who claimed in his own words: "And I inform you about myself - I swear by Allah whom there is none worthy to worship except Him - I have sought knowledge and those who knew me believed that I had knowledge while I did not know the meaning of "there is no god worthy of worship except Allaah (لا إله إلا الله)" at that time and did not know the religion of Islam before this grace that Allah favored. As well as my teachers no one among them knew that. And if someone from the scholars of al-'Aridh (the lands of Najd and surrounding areas) claims that he knew the meaning of "there is no god worthy of worship except Allaah (لا إله إلا الله)" or knew the meaning of Islam before this time, or claims on behalf of his teachers that someone from them knew that, then he has lied and said falsehood and deceived the people and praised himself with something he does not possess." So he studied with teachers who knew nothing?! These are not the "Salafis" this Shaykh is talking about, he meant the followers of the Hanbali school of fiqh and are Athari in their Aqidah. And clarified the first 300 years as Salafis! They are amongst the Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah consisting of Ashari, Maturidi and Athari. Anything else is not under that umbrella. Not difficult to comprehend.
Shaykh wasn't saying 'All sects' are within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Rather, those like the Mu'tazilah and others who rejected certain aspects of belief, or used sources beyond the Quran and Sunnah to derive new beliefs can be 'Muslim' because they believed in the six basic beliefs and five pillars that all Muslims believe, but they innovated in the religion. You then have the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah who differed in how to deal with these innovations. These differences in methodology can be attributed to the Hanabilah, Ashaa'irah and Maaturidiyyah who are all within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.
@@nazeerpasha2075 Yes, the four imams are among them. Ibn Taymiyyah came after, so he is not among those 3 generations. Meaning, any real follower of one of the four imams follows the true Salafs. Others are just claiming but in reality are not among them.
@nazeerpasha2075 Your logic: So you follow the creed of Lothrop Stoddard? You are a Muqallid of Lothrop Stoddard? I won't read the book because he is not from the Salaf. Shocking, right?
@@attargheeb Brother, do you act ignorant or do you really not know the case? Modern day "Salafs" all say that they really respect the four imams but what did all the four imams say? *If you find something in our teaching that is against the Sunnah, then throw it against a wall and leave it."* They use this as an excuse to fully disregard the four haq madhaahib and blindly follow all teachings of ibn Taymiyyah. So respecting yet disregarding imams who all were true Salafs, and following ibn Taymiyyah who came after, makes you a true Salaf? No my brother, it makes you a modern day khawaaridj. Especially if you follow the teaching of racist ibn abdulwahhab. (Sorry this was meant for the other Brother)🌹
Oh! some will not gonna like it. Jazakallah
Edit: Shayhk is such a treasure, only he can explain in an easy manner, he is such a strong mind. Jazakallah khairan
"Only my group is saved" is such an ego trip.
Alhamdulillah well explained
Shia say they are party of Imam Ali so they are saved😮
The Jews were split into seventy one sects and one of them is in Paradise and seventy are in the Hellfire. The Christians were split into seventy two sects and seventy one are in the Hellfire and one of them is in Paradise. By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will split into seventy three sects and one of them is in Paradise and seventy two are in the Hellfire.
It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the ones in Paradise?” The Prophet said:
They are the united community.
Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3992, Grade: Sahih
And in another narration, the Prophet said:
مَا أَنَا عَلَيْهِ وَأَصْحَابِي
They are those who follow my way and my companions.
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2641, Grade: Hasan
It is from the word of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and not an ego trip
May Allah reward, protect & empower those who speak with the sunnah over their desires and emotions.
@@abdulibnabdul1666 آمين
Everyone has his own understanding the most important thing is to follow strictly the path of the messenger and his companions.
Yes but this dadou is in opposition to this seriously
@@briffasebastien7135 that’s because he is representing his own creed’s
Yea Ashariya is kalafi.
ﷺ Include
Your mean follow Ibn Taymiyyah and the Wahhabi Najdis
Dedou the biggest scholar in the 21 century
الله يطول عمرك🇪🇬
Hahaha I well said the opposite this dedou is very ignorant of the true understanding of Islam
Without any doubt, he's!
The guy once said mt Uhud is a sahaba so I have to disagree.
@@abdulibnabdul1666 نعم جبل احد صحابي من انت حتى تعترض
@@abdulibnabdul1666 who are you to disagree
Excellent explanation
Laymen claim authority over matters that great scholars wrestled with.
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن،، احسن ما سمعت في هذه المسالة. الله يحفظك ويسعدك يا شيخ الاسلام في هذا العصر
Subhanallah beautiful explanation shaykh. May this video reach a wider audience.
Mashallah. May Allah bless you ❤
جزاك الله
This is the most thourough, beautiful, eloquent answer to the question ive come accros
How can any Muslim grasp the answer to the question and still dount that the majority of this ummah is ahlul sunnah wal jamaa the ummah of Muhammad the majority of the inhabitants of jannah and believe this ummah's majority is the 72 sects going into the fire
It depends on time period.
Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him also said there will be a time you are like ghoutha.
thanks, but sorry for my english i may not understood well, is Ashrari and maturidi considered as ahl al sunna?
@@liby54500 yes they are
In other word, is like a camp that can accept and reject base on their parameters
You have to ask AL-LAHI for guidance.
Look at hadith and Quran with the old arabic dictionaries as the translators made errors, or used only one word according to their opinion
How are the salafis (wahhabis) also from the Ahlus-Sunnah? They say all the attributes needs to be taken literally in their meaning and some even say that Allah sits, settles, has a Makan, grabs with his hand?
@@serkanalbayrak2972 Not all salafis are the same. Many don't go to that extreme.
@@attargheeb but they are tho. Some may be laymen and dont know those things. But the little learned ppl will say those things.
Also look at all of their scholars. Ibn baz, ibn Uthaymeen, Al albani al fawzan (Asim al hakeem) etc etc. They all say that the literal meaning must be taken of Allahs attribute.
Ibn Uthaymeen goes even that far and says that Allah has a makan. And thats not just a scholar, its ONE of their BIGGEST scholars.
Regardless brother, it's not our job to 'remove' people from Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. We can leave this to senior scholars inshallah. We should be striving towards unity and not creating bigger rifts in the Ummah. If you know you are within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, how will it benefit you on the Day of Judgement knowing whether they are or they are not?
Your statements regarding salafiyah is totally wrong. Bring the scholar that mentioned?
@@attargheebregardless? You are making statements of the mumayiah
What about the authenticated hadith regarding the 73 sects? Clearly there will be one saved sect - and we will be raised individually on the Day of Judgement. Both are correct
No, both can not be mutually inclusive. One has to be a lie for the other to stand.
Imam Ibn Abdul Barr Rahimahullah : reported with his chain of narration from the scholars of the Maalikees in the east, Ibn Khuzaimah, that he said in the book of witnesses (Kitaab us-Shuhudaat) in explanation of the saying of the Maalik that it is not permissible to accept the witness of the people of innovation and innovated sects, and he said: “The people of the innovated sects in the view of Maalik and the rest of our Companions are the people of theological rhetoric (Kalaam). So every person of the theological rhetoric is from the people of the innovated sects and innovation: whether he is an Ash’aree, or other than an Ash’aree, and his witness is not accepted in Islaam ever. Indeed he is to be ostracized, and punished for his innovation and if he persists in it and repentance is to be sought from him”
Source : { Jaami Bayaan il-Ilmi wa Fadlihi (2/117) }
Bringing a single narration to support your agenda is very easy. This is not called understanding or knowledge. Any child can pick up a book and read narrations.
Ibn 'Abd al Barr was a great scholar of Hadith of the Maliki madhab. First of all, this is not Imam Malik's view. His criticism of the usage of Kalam was against the misguided sects like the Mu'tazilah etc. The Asha'irah came after Imam Malik, so how could he be referring to them. Rather, this narration is the view of Abu `Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Khuwayz Mindaad al-Basri who was heavily criticised. He was not known as a Muhaddith. He came 200 years after Imam Malik but ascribed views to him without a chain? According to the authorities of the Maliki madhab, his positions were never relied upon due to his weakness in Fiqh. He was extreme against every mutakallim. He was not considered reliable according Ibn Hajar. Ibn Hajar says even Ibn Abd al-Barr himself criticised him. The fact that Ibn Abd al-Barr narrated from him, does not mean he agreed with him.
Go back to sleep. Keep your propaganda to yourself.
@@attargheeb The asharis and Maturidis are doing taweel of Allah's names and attributes and they do not affirm it like the salaf. Then how can they be from Ahlu Sunnah?
The issue of Aqidah became an ijtiahad related thing and anyone can do ijtiahad and express his opinion?
Wallahul Musta'an
He is narrating from the schoalrs of Malikkoyah and not from Malik himself.
The Ashaa'ira (Ash'arees) claim to be followers of Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree who himself went through three stages in his belief. He was born in the year 270H and died in the year 330H as Ibn Asaakir concluded. His lineage goes back to the Companion Abu Musa al-Ash'aree.
The First Stage ý The way of the Mu'tazilah, (Ta'teel) denying the Attributes of Allaah due to limited intellect
Abul-Hasan al-Ash'aree was first upon the way of the Mu'tazilah who used to deny the Attributes of Allaah if it opposed their limited intellect. Imam Al-Hafidh Abu Nasr Al-Sijzi (d.444h) in his treatise to the people of Zabeed called 'Rad man Ankara-l-Harf was-Sawt" narrates from Khalf Al-Mu'allim (d.371H) of the Maliki scholars that he said, "Imam Al-Ash'aree was upon the way of I'tizaal (Mu'tazilah) for a period of forty years. Then he repentedý"
The Second Stage ý The way of Ibn Kullab ý (Tahreef) distorting the meaning of the Attributes of Allaah
Then the second stage of Abul Hasan Al-Ash'aree saw him following the path of Ibn Kullaab. This is actually the path of many today who call themselves Ash'arees. If they are true to their claim then they should leave off tahreef which is distorting the meaning of the Attributes of Allaah and follow Abul-Hasan by repenting and return to the way of Ahl-us-Sunnah.
Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Imam Ahmed used to warn against Ibn Kullaab and his followers." ['Dar' Ta'aaradh al-'Aql wan-Naql (2/6)]
Ibn Taymiyyah said, "The Kullaabiyyah are the teachers of the Ashaa'ira for Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree followed the example of Abu Muhammad. Ibn Kullaab was closest to the way of the Salaf in terms of the period and in terms of his way. Abu Bakr Ibn Fawrak Sheikh Al-Qushairi gathered the speech of Ibn Kullaab and the Ashaa'ira and showed their agreement in the fundamentals (belief)ý" ['Al-Istiqaama (12/368)]
Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Abul-Hasan came after him (Ibn Kullaab) and he was a student of Abu Ali Al-Jubaai al-Mu'tazili. He then turned away from the statements of the Mu'tazilah and clarified their contradictions in many places and opposed them much in areas of Qadr (pre-destination), Eeman (faith) and wa'd and wa'eed (referring to Allaah's promise of reward or punishing, as either an encouragement or deterrent)ýYet in terms of Allaah's Attributes he followed the path of Ibn Kullaabý" ['Majmu' Fataawa '12/178)]
Imam Al-Dhahabi quoted Al-Imam Abu Bakr ibn Khuzaima in Seyar 'alam an-Nubalaa (14/380) saying, "Ahmed Ibn Hanbal was amongst the sternest of people in warning against Abdullah ibn Sa'eed ibn Kullaab and his companions such as Al-Harith and others."
Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Many of the later followers of (Abul Hasan) Al-Ash'aree left his statements and went towards the statements of the Mu'tazila, the Jahmiyyah and the philosophers." ['al-Asfahaaniyya (p.107-108')].
The Third stage of Abul Hasan Al-Ash'aree, the way of Ahl-us Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah
The third stage of Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree showed that he turned away from distorting the meanings of the lofty Attributes of Allaah which was the way of Ibn Kullaab and he followed the way of the scholars of the Pious Predecessors. Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree clearly showed this by writing three books: 'Al-Ibaana', 'Risaala ila Ahli Thagr' and 'Maqaalaat Al-Islamiyeen' clearly affirming the Attributes of Allaah in the manner He affirmed for himself without misinterpretation.
Ibn Dirbas who died in the year 622H wrote a book illustrating clearly that Al-Ibaana of Abul-Hasan al-Ash'aree is actually his book and not as the innovators claim that it is not. They do this because it clearly portrays the correct belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah with regards the Attributes of Allaah.
The scholars continue to refute Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree's first and second stage of beliefs so that the Muslims do not follow him in his errors. From them is:
1. Al-Imam Abu Muhammad Abdullaah ibn Muhammad Al-Andulusi Al-Qahtaani Al-Maaliki (rahimahullaah) from the 4th century.
O Ash'ariya have you come to realise that I am
the dust in your eyes and the itchiness of your eyelids
I am an ulcer in the liver of the Ash'aree
I increase in size until I fight everyone who hates me
I have become apparent and excelled over the heads of your teachers
And have defeated everyone who sought (to defeat) me
And I have turned their arguments upside down and have scattered them
And I found them to be statements without proof
Allaah aided me and has made my proofs firm
And Allaah has saved me from their doubts
...and I have held firmly to the rope of the legislation of Muhammad
And have bitten onto it (the sunnah) with my molar teeth
Have you come to realise O Ash'ariya that I am
A raging storm (against you) and what kind of storm that is?
I am your concern, I am your grief, I am your sickness
I am your poison in secret and in open
2. Al-Imam Abu Nasr al-Sijzi rahimahullaah from the 5th century
"Ahl-us-Sunnah were trialed after these with a people who claim to be followers (of the Prophet ) and their harm is far greater than the harm of the Mu'tazila and those other than them. They are Abu Muhammad Ibn Kullaab, Abul 'Abbas Al-Qalaanisi and Abul-Hasan Al-Ash'aree (before his repentance)." ['Rad man Ankara-l-Harf was-Sawt' (p.222-223)]
3. Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Khuwaiz Mindaad al-Misri al-Maaliki rahimahullaah
Ibn Abdul-Bar mentioned in his book Jaami' Bayaan al-Ilm wa Fadhlihi (2/92) that he said in his book 'Kitaab ash-Shahadaat' with regards the explanation of Maalik: It is not allowed to take as a witness the innovators and people of desires so Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Ibn Khuwaiz Mindaad Al-Misri Al-Maaliki said
"the people of desires with Maalik and the rest of our companions are the people of rhetoric so every one who philosophises with speech is from the people of desires and innovation whether he be an Ash'aree or something else, his witness is not to be accepted and he is to be boycotted and taught a lesson due to his innovation and if he continues, he is called to repent from it."
4. Ibn Qudaama rahimahullaah from the 7th century
He said in his book 'Kitaab al-Munaathara fil Qur'an' p.35 that they are innovators: "And we do not know amongst the innovators a group that hides their statements, not bold enough to openly portray them except the zanadiqa (heretics) and Ash'arees."
5. Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah from the 7-8th century
He said in 'Dar' Ta'aarud al-'aql wan-naql' (6/183) "the people of rhetoric from the Ash'arees and othersý"
6. Al-Imaam ibn Qaiyum rahimahullaah from the 8th century
He quoted Al-Waleed ibn Rushd Al-Maaliki Ibn Waleed's statement in his book 'As-Sawaa'iq al-Mursala' (2/417) and affirmed it without opposing him. His statement was, "if you were to ponder over what was opposed to this legislation in this time of corruption in terms of ta'weel (misinterpretation of Allaah's attributes) it would become clear that these examples are correct. So the first to change this great cure were the Khawaarij then the Mu'tazilah after them. Then it was the Ash'arees then the Sufis and then Abu Hamid (Al-Ghazali) came and flooded the village over."
7. Sheikh Sulaiman ibn Samhaan rahimahullaah
Sheikh Sulaiman ibn Samhaan says, "how could those who do not affirm Allaah being above the heavens and over His 'Arsh be from Ahl-us-Sunnah? They say 'the letters of the Qur'an are created' and that 'Allaah does not speak with letters or sound' and they 'do not affirm that the believers will see their Lord in paradise with their own eyes.' They affirm the seeing but they explain it to be increase in knowledge that Allaah creates in the heart of the seer. They say that 'belief is just to affirm with the heart' and they make other statements that are known to oppose what Ahl-us-Sunnah wal Jama'aah are upon" [Lawaami' al-Anwaar al-Bahiya (1/73)]
@manhajussalaf7 You are clearly regurgitating the typical propaganda. He says: 'عند مالك و سائر أصحابنا' meaning, 'According to Malik, and all of our scholars'. This is completely false and a false attribution. Imam Malik never met the Asha'irah, so how would he speak of them? Nor did he provide any chain to any scholar, let alone Imam Malik. This is his own interpretation of Imam Malik's original statement referring to the Mu'tazilah and their likes. This interpretation is rejected according the authorities of the Maliki madhab as it is Shadh and not accepted for the reasons I mentioned earlier.
You can copy-paste as much as you want. The truth is clear. Since you love Ibn 'Abdul Barr Rahimahullah so much, his view regarding the issues you bring up are actually in line with what the Asha'irah and Maturidiyyah deem acceptable.
He says:
“And a group ascribed to the Sunnah said that He, the Exalted, descends with His Essence (bi dhatihi)! This statement is rejected, because He, Exalted is His mention, is not a locus for movement and He has nothing from the signs (characteristics) of the creation.” (Al-Idhkaar)
“His ‘coming’ is neither a movement nor a disappearance nor a displacement, for all this is only valid for a body or substance. As it is established that He is neither a body nor a substance then it follows that His coming is not to be understood as a movement or displacement. And if you contemplate on this by taking into account expressions such as “so and so’s time has come,” or “death has come to him” or “disease came to him” and so on which occurs to man without their having to ‘come’ in a literal sense, then you will understand. “ (At-Tamheed)
From this we can see that according to you, Ibn Abdul Barr is not from Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.
Nobody rejects any of the attributes of Allah, rather, they differ in how they are understood. Majority of the salaf left them to Allah and did not delve into them like you do. They recited them, affirmed them, and left them at that. You are also mixing in statements that are not addressed at the Asha'irah or Maturidiyyah.
Anyways brother, I will not discuss with someone who is confused about their own scholars views on this subject and will leave it at that.
Dr Zakir naik follows this sheikh
did the shaykh forget 'Ijma?
I understand that the Sheik said by the beginning there are 4 aqidah schools? But heard 3: Hanabila, Ashariya and Mataduhri?
4 schools of fiqh , 3 schools of aqidah
I believe it was a slip of the tongue. Shaykh was referring to four schools of thought in Fiqh.
The Hanabila covers both fiqh and is also considered a school in aqidah. Read up on the history between the two schools
@crazycrypto9454 Yes, they are referred to as Hanbali or Athari. The Shaykh was referring to the four schools of thought in Fiqh near the beginning.
Seriously this is ignorance of the religion because in aqida there is only one belief not three go and study before you speak
I didn't get the last statements of shaykh.
He is saying that as an individual you will be judged on the day of judgement not because you were from the 'saved' group. Its about your actions and right beliefs that will save you and not the claim that I am from a specific saved group.
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, who was greater in knowledge and acceptance said: Whoever claims the Qur'an is created (instead of words of Allah that are part of His knowledge) is a kaafir, and if he is ignorant he must be taught. These things are not small matters where you can play around and laugh about.
Who said the Qur'an is created?
@@SaeedAlhabashi Mu'tazilites
How about Jahmiyyah?
@@WebmasterWebDesign-dq5euSo when did the sheikh said Mutazilla are from Ahl Sunnah?
Ibn Qudama said Asharis say Quran is created, and Allah is mute or only has internal speech. When Ibrahim refuted idolatry he said the idoIs can't speak and told the ppl ask the idoIs to speak because speech requires sound.
Can you translate into Urdu please
He explained clearly that the 3th category cannot be comprehended by the mind and yet says after we have to do ijtihad which is using the mind the comprehended or interpret something. This is clearly contradictory.
You never understood what he is talking about. The literal meaning cannot be comprehended. Ijtihaad isn't applied to understand the literal meaning (as our salafi brothers do). The ijtihaad is referring to how to deal with these mutashaabih verses due to the fitnah amongst the people. The ijtihaad of the Ashaa'irah was to affirm the attribute and interpret it in way that befits Allah's majesty in accordance to what the arabic language allows, as this was done in some verses by some of the Salaf. The ijtihaad of the Maturidiyyah was to consign the exact meaning to Allah whilst also negating any similarity to creation.
@@attargheeb exactly my problem. Understand it how it befits Allahs majesty. Who are we to decide what befits his majesty. If you interpret hands as power because you think about your own hands this means you used your own logic to interpret the texts. I have nothing but respect for the scholars in the past and may Allah reward them. But I am not brave enough to interpret words in a way to fit that in my mind. No fitnah for me.
@user-il3bj8hd3w This is fine brother. This is why the Maturidiyyah consign the exact meaning to Allah, and negate any similarity to creation and leave it at that. Ta'weel is only done as a last resort. Similar to how medicine is prescribed to a patient. Some people can suppress their shubuhaat easily, whilst others find it more difficult. For this reason Ta'weel is a preventative measure against tajseem, which can lead to kufr. As for your point about how can it befit Allah's majesty. Allah is already All-Powerful. As the Shaykh explains, this idea of Ta'weel wasn't taken out of thin air. There are other ayaat which the salaf already did Ta'weel. Based on this, the Ashaa'irah deemed it permissible. Your point about using 'logic' to understand. Nobody is free from using logic to apply a particular methodology in order to deal with these verses. InshaAllah future videos will go into more detail regarding these issues.
@@attargheeb Yes I understand your position but I didn’t comment to criticise your position because it is already well known. To me if Allah says hands, face, eyes, chin etc it is a clear meaning that doesn’t need interpretation. As you said very well the salaf did ishtihaad for the shubuhaat unclear verses so if there was a need for the description that Allah described himself with they would have done it. This al started later on when people started thinking to much about the meaning and comparing it to our limbs which is wrong because Allah says there is nothing unto him or similar to him. Both can be true like for example jannah has threes, milk, honey, palaces etc but we don’t believe they are like what we know. So here we don’t have to use logic as it’s already perfectly described. But as I said we are not scholars and our scholars explained their positions very clear. My critique was only about the saying all groups are saved and it’s just an ijtihadi issue. So by this logic we don’t have to even discuss this because it doesn’t matter. If this is also your position we are both saved so we don’t need to discuss this. May Allah lead us all to the right path.
@@حمزسادي Yes, although it is also necessary to clarify to the masses that Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa'ah is much broader than what some groups make it out to be. This is the purpose of this video.
Its a sect as they dont say they are just muslims and the name means
People of the practice and the group
This is not a name for Muslims
The people who say Allah is above the throne and the people who deny the uluww became Ahlus Sunnah in the eyes of Dadoo!!!
It i not only that they deny 'uluww' , Allah being above the 'arsh' , they believe that Allah is everywhere and in everything, the concept of 'wahdat-al-wajood'
No brother. U need to differentiate between the belief of Ashairah and the extreme sufis.
The Jahmis say Allah is in la makan.
Sofis say Allah is everywhere like hindus.
Asharis I meet say both.
Ahl Sunna say Allah is over His Throne separate from creation per Quran and Sunna & hadith shows this isn't a limit as faIsely said.
Most people don’t understand him
It’s always the same with these groups
this guy explains basically that the pseduo salafis (wahabbi) of today are misguided then says they are saved at the end
i cant stand this cowardice, all reputable scholars acknowledge imam at tahawiyy and his book as an authority but some fail to uphold the part where he says
“anyone who attributes attributes of the creation to Allah is a kafir”
The wahabbis are guilty of this act time and time again, explicitly with no shame behind their beliefs. Although some like to play verbal gymnastics
You take imam Tahawi out of context.
It's who likens the Attributes of Allah to creation disbelieved.
Allah exists and we both exists, is that statement kufr?
In your logic it is but that's clearly wrong & atheism.
Just like we affirm Allah exists but unlike creation why can't you affirm Allah has Hands but unlike creation.
If you insist Hand has to mean physical limit, can you name a thing that exists that isn't physical?
If no then same way you affirm Allah exists affirm Allah's Hand or you contradict.
Quran 16 60 says for Allah is Highest description and those who reject akira is eviI.
Why are these two tied?
Because those who don't give Allah's Attributes it's perfection deny Seeing Allah in Quran 75.22 & 23.
Qadriya used to use non Muslim ideas and say if Allah knows the future He allows eviI so He is not All Knowing.
The Story of Musa & Kidr shows things appear eviI but Allah is all Wise.
So let the Quran define itself as Islam is a complete din.
Even pagans did faIse tanzih and say Allah is far away so we can pray to idols, this is wrong.
@@abdulibnabdul1666 thats what i meant. “who likens”
some salafis say that Allah is physically above the throne, this is kufr
Allah’s existence is not like ours. Allah doesnt have a hand, that necesitates physicality, even if you deny the implications of the statement you would still be an innovator
there are many definitions for yad, istiwa, ect. but the pseudo salafis decide to take the anthropomorphic route for them purposefully.
@@SakajaweeeeuhAllah azwajal said himself several times in the Quran I rose above the throne. We affirm this like imam Malik did and others.
@@MotorWorld-v8y its not meant to be taken literally.
in english if i say “can you give me a hand”
does it mean i need your help or that I want you to cut your hand off and literally hand it to me?
@@MotorWorld-v8y not meant to be taken literally. Common sense, every scholar knows this.
Translating "Tasawuf" as Sufism is wild work ngl
What would you translate it to?
Then what is it?😂
Derived from the same word. One who practis tassawuf is a Sufi. Just like someone who practises Islam is a Muslim
Tasawuf/ Sufism creed was initiated by Ibn Arabi in 1240 CE
@nazeerpasha2075 This is not true brother. Without a doubt, in every field, you find those who went to extremes and out of the limits of what the shariah allows. Just as when we say, 'the scholars of hadith' or 'the scholars of tafseer', we are referring to those who stuck within the limits and followed a correct methodology. We are not talking about those who fabricated ahadith or those who interpreted the Quran according to their desires. Similarly, with respect to Tasawwuf and the Sufis, we are referring to those who stuck within the limits of Shari'ah. Tasawwuf existed before Ibn Al-'Arabi. We are referring to the likes of Imam Ash-Shafi'i and others. He says:
"Be a Faqih and a Sufi: do not be only one of them,
Verily, by Allah’s truth, I am advising you sincerely." (Diwan Ash-Shafi'i)
I hope this clarifies your understanding.
The skikh talks about the sects are all saved referring to schools not like splitted sects like shiaa and like qadania.. those are blasphemous Akidats by all schools standards and 5 pillars and 6 articles of faith cause they practices the biggest sin shirks Those are considered deviant, not different.
He already explained this. He breaks it down quite clearly. As he goes from those who are 'Muslim' to those who are 'Muslim' but engaged in Bid'ah.
The Shi'ah and Qadianis are not even in the equation. The Qadianis are not Muslim. Depending on which type of shia you are referring to, they are either not within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah as they reject fundamental beliefs that all Muslims agree upon, or they are not Muslim at all.
Ahahah but the ashari and the matouridit are engaging in bida seriously you don't know what are you talking about go and look what the scholars of islam have said about ashari and matouridit go study before you speak and acted
Why are yourll not following AL-LAHI and thr Messenger SAWS by:
Not calling all the muslims to praise before sunrise and sunset
Prevention of women from the jumah salaj with fraudulent translated hadith and Prevention from the commanded salah in jamah from the backrows
Not teaching women to wear a jilbab, a covering sheet above the khimar but only a dress or abaya and scarf or burqa which dont meet the requirement or a purdah which is not commanded
Not praying salah as the Messenger SAWS but follow early innovators and mistranslated hadith
Recite the Quran with joing of words and not saying AL bur An, etc following variation of people of Himyer
Commiting sin and chamging meaning of thr Quran in pronunciation
Neo salafis crying in the corner 😂
Salfis are the ahlul sunnah the follow imam Ahmad ibn hamble in aqida go listen to the imams of medina you’ll know for your self the salafi dawa goes back to these imams like Ahmad and Bukhari
@user-fr1lq4ok7z This is not fully true. There are numerous issues on which the salafis contradict the positions of Imam Ahmed r.a. as well as other authorities in the Hanbali madhab both in Fiqh and Aqeedah.
@@attargheeb man, sometimes dont rush on commenting...... you clearly understood my comment in the opposite way..... and yes they contradict imam Ahmed and also Ibn taymiyah in the matter of istighatha
@@abdelhakyac7285 I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the other guy...
@@attargheeb sorry
this is a learned religion
If you call yourself sunni, hanafi, maliki, hanbali, shia, etc
You will get deviation and opinions from them
You are a sect follower if say the above.
Muslims say muslim only and we are not followers of anyone but AL LAHI and thr Messenger SAWS
Think you missed his entire point. If anyone asks you what did you graduate as? Just say I'm a graduate and don't say in what, from which university, no mention of accreditation etc. just say I AM A GRADUATE and let's see if you land a job
@NZyoutube muslim is enough the rest is a sect, Jahannum is a fire
@@BELIEVINGMUSLIM Thank you for the enlightenment. Thought jahannam was a pizza joint for non-muslims
Umar ra declared himself amirul mukminin commander of the faithful. That was before the muslims or mukminin divided into sects. Allah swt warned us against splitting into sects. It has come to pass.
@@Kzam19-ux8wg What in the universe is mukminin?? And 4 imams are not sects. They're called 'schools of thought' which is completely permissible
Wahabis are not ahle sunnah wal jamaah, they only came into existence recently after the rise of Imperial powers
When was it ?
@@nazeerpasha2075 in Indian Subcontinet its around end of 1800
He said salafis are from ahlus sunnah, ahmad ibn hanbal, his abdullah ibn ahmad, Abu Dawood, al bukhari, al tirmidhi, al barbahari, abdul qadir al jilani, ibn qudamah, ibn taymiyyah, ibn qayyim, ibn rajab al hanbali, muhhammad ibn abdul wahab, saleh al fawzan, were all salafi, these are our ulama.
@@GodIsIndeedgreat proof that Hz Ahmad ibn Hambal or Hz Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani were Salafis/wahabi
@@ghufify read the book of imam ahmad called "ar-Radd alal-Jahmiyyah wa-Zanaadiqah" and the book of abd' al qadir called "Ghuniyat al talibeen"
Hahaha honestly this Mohamed hassan al dadaw is ignorant of the religion seriously don't you know that the prophet Mohamed (slw) and is compagnons have one belief and the salafi and the ashari and matouridit have different belief subhanallah the truth is one like allah don't you read the quran wait I am going to give you proofs from the quran
Allah say
ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ
6. Guide us to the Straight Way
صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ
7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).
Allah say the Straight Way
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace
Is a single way not many way subhanallah so what you chaykh saying is wrong understanding
And I have proofs in the hadith as well
Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “My nation will divide into 73 sects; all of them shall be in the Fire except one, and it is the Jamaa`ah; the united body upon the truth.” It was said, “Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “That which I and my companions are upon today.”
Reported by At-Tirmithee (2641) and by al-Haakim and by others,
The prophet Mohamed (slw) said except one he didn't say many or three is said one do you understand now
To say that a sheikh of Ad-Didu's caliber is ignorant of the religion just shows the level of your own ignorance.
Hahah honestly You are the ignorant in here and I think that you don't know hem very well or maybe you are misguided like hem seriously I am leaving in Mauritania i am in nouakchot and I know hem better than you and I know the people that following hem they are good in memorization but the understanding of the religion is far away from the truth seriously
Mashallah, since you are so knowledgeable, brother and you claim to follow the Salaf. Please find me one of the Salaf who says Surah Fatihah is referring to the hadith you mentioned
The sects mentioned in the hadith are those who differ in aqeeda (Usul) not in the furuu( branches )All the mazahibs differ only in the furuu
Sahaba were 1 Aqida & differ in fiqh.
4 mathhab imams were same aqida except a point or 2 and differ in fiqh.
Ashari is different usul and fiq then Ahl Sunna wa Hadith.
Alhamdullillah for ahluh as sunnah. No bida'a or hizbiyya like this one claims. Yawm al qiyama you will know
That will be too late. Day of judgement.
Renitence will not benefit you, if you have been on the wrong creed/aqeedah .
@@nazeerpasha2075 precisely
Its the Ahulhadeeth and who Follow the Salaf as Salih
this is a sufi scholar,, he said aqeedah is not important to study and he discourage studying aqeedah.. he is mistaken and he will cause his followers to deviate
What's your proof brother? People can say whatever they want without proof and this can cause fitnah
@@hungrythinker I heard him with my ears I saw him speaking with my eyes.. btw in this day and age all u gotta do is Yt this dew dew guy and write refutation against him and u will get plenty of evidences against this sufi deviant
He said to believe the aqeeda as it is said (in general - alijmaal) , to not go in to detail … like how what …
State your evidence as Quran says
Misguidance upon Misguidance 😂😂 may Allah save us from such a scholar.
May Allah protect us from your ignorance
@alihall4208 May you have guidance from Shaitan
@@DeenOverDuniya-q2o 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sheikh acknowledged right in the beginning that Ashaira and Maturidi are from Ahlul Sunnah
He then explained others sects within Ahlul Sunnah may also be considered as ahlul Sunnah
But the bottom line is - Ahlul Sunnah are definitely those upon the path of Ashaira and Maturidi
That's not what he said
All wrong
@@datanaija9461 that is what he said. what do you think he said?
The Ashari and Maturidi schools are the majority today, and have been the majority of scholars through hundreds of years of scholarship from all Islamic sciences, far before the war criminal MIAW came and massacred the Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula.
The pseudo-salafi's today have no connection to the prophet in their knowledge rather their "sanad" stops at MIAW who claimed in his own words:
"And I inform you about myself - I swear by Allah whom there is none worthy to worship except Him - I have sought knowledge and those who knew me believed that I had knowledge while I did not know the meaning of "there is no god worthy of worship except Allaah (لا إله إلا الله)" at that time and did not know the religion of Islam before this grace that Allah favored. As well as my teachers no one among them knew that. And if someone from the scholars of al-'Aridh (the lands of Najd and surrounding areas) claims that he knew the meaning of "there is no god worthy of worship except Allaah (لا إله إلا الله)" or knew the meaning of Islam before this time, or claims on behalf of his teachers that someone from them knew that, then he has lied and said falsehood and deceived the people and praised himself with something he does not possess."
So he studied with teachers who knew nothing?! These are not the "Salafis" this Shaykh is talking about, he meant the followers of the Hanbali school of fiqh and are Athari in their Aqidah. And clarified the first 300 years as Salafis! They are amongst the Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah consisting of Ashari, Maturidi and Athari.
Anything else is not under that umbrella.
Not difficult to comprehend.
Shaykh wasn't saying 'All sects' are within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Rather, those like the Mu'tazilah and others who rejected certain aspects of belief, or used sources beyond the Quran and Sunnah to derive new beliefs can be 'Muslim' because they believed in the six basic beliefs and five pillars that all Muslims believe, but they innovated in the religion. You then have the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah who differed in how to deal with these innovations. These differences in methodology can be attributed to the Hanabilah, Ashaa'irah and Maaturidiyyah who are all within Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.
Ahli Sunnah are not the followers of ibn Taymiyyah or Albani, and especially not ibn Abdulwahhab. If you are one of these, then goodbye to you
What was the creed of the three pious generations , sahaba, tabeyeen and taba tabeyeen ?
@@nazeerpasha2075 Yes, the four imams are among them. Ibn Taymiyyah came after, so he is not among those 3 generations. Meaning, any real follower of one of the four imams follows the true Salafs. Others are just claiming but in reality are not among them.
Read this book and get the facts .
the new world of islam : lothrop stoddard
@nazeerpasha2075 Your logic: So you follow the creed of Lothrop Stoddard? You are a Muqallid of Lothrop Stoddard? I won't read the book because he is not from the Salaf.
Shocking, right?
@@attargheeb Brother, do you act ignorant or do you really not know the case? Modern day "Salafs" all say that they really respect the four imams but what did all the four imams say? *If you find something in our teaching that is against the Sunnah, then throw it against a wall and leave it."*
They use this as an excuse to fully disregard the four haq madhaahib and blindly follow all teachings of ibn Taymiyyah. So respecting yet disregarding imams who all were true Salafs, and following ibn Taymiyyah who came after, makes you a true Salaf? No my brother, it makes you a modern day khawaaridj. Especially if you follow the teaching of racist ibn abdulwahhab.
(Sorry this was meant for the other Brother)🌹