There are several factors that could be contributing to this: not enough ink, not enough powder adhesive, improper cure, incorrect heat press settings, low quality supplies (ink, film, powder), or harsh wash conditions (too hot). We recommend reaching out to your DTF print supplier with photos of your cracked transfers and troubleshoot with their tech support.
How long and at what temperature did you do the 2nd press?
Was this a way of adding a white base to a dtf printed image that did not already print in white?
Hi there! All white toner prints will have a white base to ensure color vibrancy on all types of fabrics.
What type of printer are you using for
Hi there! We used the Crio 8432 for this video. Here's the link:
My design cracks on the first wash, why?
There are several factors that could be contributing to this: not enough ink, not enough powder adhesive, improper cure, incorrect heat press settings, low quality supplies (ink, film, powder), or harsh wash conditions (too hot).
We recommend reaching out to your DTF print supplier with photos of your cracked transfers and troubleshoot with their tech support.