I thought an MGB of this age had a ballast coil if so it should be wired to the fuse one up from the last one so it gets a switched constant 12V supply
Why did you mark the TDC point with tippex and not at 10 degs TDC? I believe the MGB should be set at 10 degs BTDC - so shouldn't the10 deg point be the one that is marked with Tippex?
The TDC was marked as a base line guide. Once the engine is reassembled and running you can then get a digital timing gun on it to fine tune the adjustment and timing, getting you as close to that 10 degrees BTDC whilst making sure the engine runs as smooth as possible.
The TDC was marked as a base line guide. Once the engine is reassembled and running you can then get a digital timing gun on it to fine tune the adjustment and timing, getting you as close to that 10 degrees BTDC whilst making sure the engine runs as smooth as possible.
Good to see a Hans on video of how to do this job and may lead to more bright sparks doing the conversion. And if you make a mistake, use the tipex...
I thought an MGB of this age had a ballast coil if so it should be wired to the fuse one up from the last one so it gets a switched constant 12V supply
Isn't the coil +ve only 6v on an MGB of this age? My 81 certainly is.
Why did you mark the TDC point with tippex and not at 10 degs TDC? I believe the MGB should be set at 10 degs BTDC - so shouldn't the10 deg point be the one that is marked with Tippex?
The TDC was marked as a base line guide. Once the engine is reassembled and running you can then get a digital timing gun on it to fine tune the adjustment and timing, getting you as close to that 10 degrees BTDC whilst making sure the engine runs as smooth as possible.
The TDC was marked as a base line guide. Once the engine is reassembled and running you can then get a digital timing gun on it to fine tune the adjustment and timing, getting you as close to that 10 degrees BTDC whilst making sure the engine runs as smooth as possible.