Barack Obama in Fort Wayne, IN

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • You should be with us in 2012, join now: my.barackobama....
    On the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's death, Barack spoke to a crowd in Fort Wayne, IN.

Комментарии • 71

  • @AriesFemme
    @AriesFemme 16 лет назад

    Thank you, Senator for speaking in my hometown on such an important day. You made a lot of people happy in Fort Wayne, Indiana with your visit. Please do come back and have a bigger rally at the Coliseum!!!!

  • @DrDuckman
    @DrDuckman 16 лет назад +1

    His speeches are all so damn brilliant, but when he speaks about race, it's always moving.
    So refreshing to see a politician, especially a black politician, speaking so honestly and openly regarding race, and identifying the real problems.

  • @no1funkydiva
    @no1funkydiva 16 лет назад

    I look more and more forward to voting for you, with every video I watch. You are the only politician I have EVER wanted to listen to. You do my heart proud. Thank you!

  • @MuleSkinner01
    @MuleSkinner01 16 лет назад +1

    The man is in his political struggle of his life! I absolutly expect him to be in Indiana trying to swing a few votes, rather than going to Memphis! A great speech will be heard around the nation, no matter where it is given.

  • @Jguy365
    @Jguy365 16 лет назад +2


  • @johnmcd7
    @johnmcd7 16 лет назад

    Senator.....PRESIDENT Obama, when you speak, you give my own deepest beliefs, hopes and aspirations wings to rise above the din of our daily trials and mundane responsibilities.
    Thank you for continuing to use your voice and your efforts in service for our country at this difficult time.

  • @TallNOpinionated
    @TallNOpinionated 16 лет назад

    He was where he needed to be. This is just as significant where he was. He is where Bobby Kennedy was after Dr. King was slain. Bobby Kennedy spoke peace and unity that day to a black community mourning and angry.

  • @JahnC
    @JahnC 16 лет назад

    Thank you for highlighting this man's legacy, and thank you for embodying it, Obama 08.

  • @cajama2005
    @cajama2005 16 лет назад

    I don't think he's selling his soul. I think Dr. King would be proud he's spreading his message where it needs to be spread. I live here in Memphis and honestly we think people are making too much fuss about him not being here. It's about work and spreading those works around the country....not appearances.
    Just a thought
    Obama '08

  • @LoulairHarton
    @LoulairHarton 16 лет назад

    Barack Obama, the type of the President the United States have been waiting for.
    "I Have a Dream"
    Dignity, freedom, social equality for all,and PEACE in the world!
    The Brazilians' citizen support you, Barack Obama!
    God bless you!

  • @GregTuckerKellogg
    @GregTuckerKellogg 16 лет назад

    Indiana was a perfectly fine place to be. The anniversary of King's death was also the anniversary of Bobby Kennedy's remarkable speech in Indianapolis, perhaps the first act after King's death that carried forward King's legacy.

  • @coeuznatas
    @coeuznatas 16 лет назад

    amazing. I get chills every time I hear this man speak!

  • @leahbethm
    @leahbethm 16 лет назад

    It was not necessary to be in Memphis in order to honor MLK. Just like it is not necessary to be in a church to pray to God. Obama's MLK speech today was very moving and I am proud of Senator Obama :)

  • @shotgunsandsmoke
    @shotgunsandsmoke 16 лет назад +1

    JFK= No experience
    Abraham Lincoln= no experience
    Both of them presidents, both of them great.
    What makes Obama more likable than the other politicians, because he actually has plans to make them happen.

  • @blacktreemedia
    @blacktreemedia 16 лет назад

    I heard McCain say that he is willing to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan for 100 years, but he didn't say how he would bring the peace, or when will we be able to pull out. The war is continuing with no end, just like the war on drugs. It has no end, how do you quantify that. Your Senator McCain has not said how we would end the war, or how we will fix the economy. So it sounds like you are voting for TheSame in 08!! But I think more people will be voting for Change in 08!!

  • @trinab33
    @trinab33 16 лет назад

    Everytime I hear Obama speak tears comes to my eyes, he can believes in everything he says thats why he will be a great President.
    The world at an International level is backing you.
    Obama 2008 GO Obama

  • @quixoto
    @quixoto 16 лет назад

    Am I alone in thinking that he seemed a bit distracted in that speech? Maybe a bit tired? I mean, if you compare this speech to the ones after the votes in Iowa and New Hampshire you can't help but think he's toned down the souring sermonizing version of Obama and become calmer, more muted, almost humble. When you watch him you're not only watching history form before your eyes, but the evolution and completion of a deep and multi-faceted leader and national icon.

  • @CityzenJane
    @CityzenJane 16 лет назад

    the numbers of young and first time voters brought into this race is historic...

  • @travisd05
    @travisd05 16 лет назад

    This was about 75 miles away from me. If I would have known about it I might have gone. Darn. Oh well, at least I got to see it on RUclips.

  • @verified139
    @verified139 16 лет назад

    I don't think it matters where he stands when he says it, so long as he keeps on sayin' it.
    Just because he didn't give this speech at Dr. King's murder scene, doesn't mean he is selling his soul. Good heavens.

    @TPAUSA 16 лет назад

    OMFG! This Man is more than inspiring. He's the only hope we as Americans have to redeem our standing as such. The world is watching US making it right this time.

  • @snoopdog68
    @snoopdog68 16 лет назад

    I am Conservative and love this guy, he is my friend, god bless him.

  • @mlps93
    @mlps93 16 лет назад

    please don't give me thumbs down. But would someone please tell me what type of threats he recieved.

  • @Keyekebero
    @Keyekebero 16 лет назад

    Simply amazing speech

  • @jeffrsn
    @jeffrsn 16 лет назад

    A true inspiration. Thanks Barack.
    Obama 2008. It's time to write the next Great American Chapter.

  • @sanantoniomimi
    @sanantoniomimi 16 лет назад

    obama is not selling his soul for politics. we never know the reason he did not go. i think he remembered wonderfull MLK and made him proud.

  • @StraightShooter01
    @StraightShooter01 16 лет назад

    Every time I hear Obama speak, I feel history being written and watch as it unfolds.
    At least Obama stayed on topic, giving honor and dignity to arguably the most important African-American in our history.
    I watched Hillary in her "tribute" turn it into a stump speech demonstrating her complete lack of judgement and class - enough on that.
    God Bless America.
    God Bless Obama.

  • @sgilman
    @sgilman 16 лет назад

    Another brilliant speech.
    This guy has to be president - it's the only way to make up for the last disastrous 8 years.

  • @mystieus
    @mystieus 16 лет назад

    MLK stood up for rights for everyone. This day is for all of us to remember the people before us that made sacrifices.

  • @sportgirl2405
    @sportgirl2405 16 лет назад

    I, too, say it doesn't matter where the man stands when he sets his words to wing. The King family seems to agree with this view, as many members were in Atlanta while the gatherings were under way in Memphis. For that matter, how many of those gathered in TN were there for over-the-board reasons ... and how many in the crowds and on the stages were there merely for political posturing. Think before you endorse a candidate merely for being at some supposed right place at an assumed right time.

  • @gitarzanjm
    @gitarzanjm 16 лет назад

    this is the first time i have actually listened to him speak... he sounds like bill cosby! lol.

  • @Williamkurk
    @Williamkurk 16 лет назад

    RIght on the money!!! I watched this speech on TV. Obama is climbing the mountain...and not looking down.

  • @Chilldogg
    @Chilldogg 16 лет назад


  • @NjMurphy245
    @NjMurphy245 16 лет назад

    i live in fort wayne!

  • @PeppaLabeija
    @PeppaLabeija 16 лет назад

    I don't think his location has anything to do with the power of his speech today. He doesn't need a photo-op to show his appreciation and pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Like the other candidates, who only went to give their respective speeches for tv time and PR and then as soon as they were done they skipped town. People are making way too much of him not physically being in Memphis. .... far from selling your soul, I must say.
    OBama '08

  • @anigbrowl
    @anigbrowl 16 лет назад

    Thank you, Mr President.

  • @rynox77
    @rynox77 16 лет назад

    I was at this event. Obama is by far the superior candidate of all four remaining candidates. As soon as we can all agree on this and move on, the better.
    Republican and voting Obama.

  • @mysticguy47
    @mysticguy47 16 лет назад

    I am getting more and more frustrated with "one issue" voters. Why do you not decide upon a candidate based on their views of the second amendment or abortion but agree with them wholeheartedly on everything else? It is not logical. I was there at Wayne High School and heard Obama's response to a question regarding gun violence. Fort Wayne suffered one of our most violent weeks in history with 9 murders in 7 days. Simply put he, wants tighter regulations on who can have a gun.

  • @johnminh
    @johnminh 16 лет назад

    To respectfully borrow a phrase from Dr. Martin Luther King:
    I, too, have a dream ...
    That dream is to see Obama become the next President of the United States of America. With Americans united for change, we can make that dream a reality!
    Obama 08!

  • @DelicateGeniuz
    @DelicateGeniuz 16 лет назад

    I love this man!

  • @ashleyisasweatervest
    @ashleyisasweatervest 16 лет назад

    Great speech as usual, Obama.
    RIP MLK.

  • @TheLegend644
    @TheLegend644 16 лет назад

    The dream lives on in him

  • @jnicelap
    @jnicelap 16 лет назад

    I think that you are being to sensitive. I think that his speeech spoke very highly about Kings cause.

  • @stperkin
    @stperkin 16 лет назад

    Yeah TKfan06, like McCain has said exactly HOW he is going to manifest any of his promises?

  • @lbdmt
    @lbdmt 16 лет назад

    Well he probably is tired---all the campaigning, plus he still has a family and kids to take care of. He's been working non-stop. Wouldn't you be a bit tired?

  • @baraclude
    @baraclude 16 лет назад

    you do know that the hardest time of american president's life is during his election campaign right?

  • @master0909
    @master0909 16 лет назад

    No, over 70 truthful comments have been posted. Guess you were just writing BS.

  • @owlies
    @owlies 16 лет назад

    2nd? what was the 1st? and yeah, he could have gone. but he's fighting for his political life in Indiana, not in TN. once he's prez, he'll have plenty of time to for symbolic photo-ops.

  • @necho7
    @necho7 16 лет назад

    Dr. King's dream yet lives on....Go OBAMA!!!

  • @rgbenbow
    @rgbenbow 16 лет назад

    Darn good speech Obama!

  • @Cali4Obama
    @Cali4Obama 16 лет назад

    Props to MLK!

  • @Unity4vr
    @Unity4vr 16 лет назад

    November 4th is "promised land day"

  • @dethspud
    @dethspud 16 лет назад

    Got MLK? BHO does!
    BHO's got the gift of oratory like MLK.
    RIP Dr. MLK Jr.
    May we never stop Daring to Dream.
    Barack the vote. 08ama '08!
    Can you smell wot Barack is cooking?
    Yes, we can. Si, se puete.
    "We ARE the people we've been waiting for"
    Eyes on the Prize! GOBAMA!!
    Be Well.

  • @outragious007
    @outragious007 16 лет назад

    I agree entirely!
    Obama '08

  • @lovedefeatsus
    @lovedefeatsus 16 лет назад


  • @Montagraph
    @Montagraph 16 лет назад


  • @DarthRitis066
    @DarthRitis066 16 лет назад

    vote for Obama! i am.

  • @theEdge1983
    @theEdge1983 16 лет назад

    say NO to the divisive and nasty clinton campaign! say NO to the old washington political style! say NO to the lies of hillary clinton on nafta or her forgein experience! the usa deserve something better!

    @SEXACHOLIC 16 лет назад

    i live in Indiana and there is no way i will let Hillary win

  • @KrisMTL
    @KrisMTL 16 лет назад

    OBAMA '08!

  • @CedarsAccount
    @CedarsAccount 16 лет назад


  • @anigbrowl
    @anigbrowl 16 лет назад

    Thank you, Mr President.