Bill Richardson Endorses Obama (Hi Res)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 31

  • @Chevalier2035
    @Chevalier2035 16 лет назад +1

    Not just an endorsement, but an eloquent speech with a vision for our country's future. Richardson for V.P.? ¡Sí, se puede!

  • @howieg43
    @howieg43 16 лет назад +1

    People don't care what you know , till they know how much you care Barack Obama is a man who cares.Not in my years have i seen a man with such girts. I think he really wants to help the people i think he will make change in the world that we have not seen in history he will go down in history as a great man with a warm hart and leader not for him self but for the people. i am form Ireland and live in Ireland and i can see this i hope ye the American people can see it too...

  • @mllemartini
    @mllemartini 16 лет назад

    this is the day I fell in love with Obama. And my love has grown every day since then. He is an inspiration, not only for US citizens, but for all citizens of the world. The way he has handled the adversities, the criticism, the attacks, the lies, has shown how well he will perform as PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD!!!! His ideas, his politics, his views on people and the world are inspiring to THE WORLD. Please elect Senator Obama. And I love Michelle, Sacha and Malia too. A WONDERFUL FIRST FAMILY!!!

  • @chubbatheBOSS
    @chubbatheBOSS 16 лет назад +1

    This is bringing tears to my eyes! Obama is the only person I can possibly vote for in this election. I am praying that Obama gets past all this segregation in the American consciousness and lead us the way. As much as Richardson is the friend of Clinton, he is still a MINORITY, and he can identify with the same pain that all minorities face, so no friendship of the Clintons can overcome that.

  • @Chevalier2035
    @Chevalier2035 16 лет назад

    This was not just an endorsement, but an eloquent speech about a vision for our country's future. Richardson for Vice-President? ¡Sí, se puede!

  • @blacksteel25
    @blacksteel25 16 лет назад

    I'd rather have Mr. Richardson as president, he really has the most experience.

  • @alyceclover
    @alyceclover 16 лет назад

    Oregon in the audience~you give me hope for the future. Thank you. I do not agree with all Gov. Richardson says about the Clintons, but thank him for choosing to endorse Senator Obama. Both know what our country needs at this moment in time.

  • @utalice
    @utalice 16 лет назад

    Great speech. =D
    Wouldn't it be great to be able to say "I love my President"? I've never been able to say that throughout my lifetime...but I honestly believe that if Barack Obama becomes our President, I will finally be able to say that, along with being proud of my President and my country.

  • @georgenabulele
    @georgenabulele 16 лет назад

    An Obama - Richardson ticket will be unbeatable.

  • @pastorjacobnow
    @pastorjacobnow 16 лет назад

    Bill Richardson will be his Vice President

  • @Muddas05
    @Muddas05 16 лет назад

    THANK YOU Richardson

  • @JaphletBA
    @JaphletBA 16 лет назад

    Richardson for Sec. of State!

  • @dazepresident
    @dazepresident 16 лет назад


  • @tttaylor18
    @tttaylor18 16 лет назад

    Who would be more likely to best communicate and subsequently produce the desired result of tackling Medicare and social security issues. Mccain who wants the job because he feels its his turn or Barack Obama who truly communicates his understanding of the complex relation between the parties/races and desires that we all work for the greater good of Americas present/future financial health. No more status quo. Im glad to finally see change i can believe in thru Barack for 2008

  • @rahaernest
    @rahaernest 16 лет назад

    one of the best

  • @Ladyjaxs
    @Ladyjaxs 16 лет назад

    Whoo hoo!!! Go Richardson! Great speech!!!
    Obama 08

  • @bearmode
    @bearmode 16 лет назад

    great speech, loved the "Katrina" bit..
    i can see the two of them running together on the same ticket.

  • @TheFitConnection
    @TheFitConnection 16 лет назад

    Go Obama! All the way!

  • @MrSteve05
    @MrSteve05 16 лет назад

    Richardson '08
    That sounds good doesn't it!!

  • @mckenzie0806
    @mckenzie0806 16 лет назад

    I love Bill - he's so smokin hot to boot!

  • @warp13
    @warp13 16 лет назад

    densor-and what would be wrong with that?

  • @eldiplo
    @eldiplo 16 лет назад

    this is great!!!

  • @hunterswine
    @hunterswine 16 лет назад

    Good match.

  • @verified139
    @verified139 16 лет назад


  • @quixoto
    @quixoto 16 лет назад

    He's Mexican, not Mexican't.