Aspen Online Concert "Save The Young Artists®" 原田幸一郎プロデュース Vol. 13 前田妃奈(ヴァイオリン)Hina Maeda, violin

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • 2022年秋、ポーランドのヘンリク・ヴィエニャフスキ国際ヴァイオリン・コンクールで優勝した若手ヴァイオリニスト。ベートーヴェンのソナタ第1番、ブラームスのソナタ第2番などを演奏。
    The young violinist won the 1st prize in the Henryk Wieniawski International Violin Competition (Poland) in Autumn 2022. Played Beethoven's Sonata No. 1 and Brahms' Sonata No. 2 etc.
    (Recorded October 2020)
    前田妃奈(ヴァイオリン) Hina Maeda, Violin
    諸田由里子(ピアノ) Yuriko Morota, Piano
    プログラム Program
    ベートーヴェン:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第1番 二長調 Op.12-1
    Beethoven: Violin Sonata No.1 in D Major, Op.12, No. 1
    I. Allegro con brio - II. Tema con Variazioni: Andante con moto - Var. 1-4 - III. Rondo: Allegro
    ブラームス: ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第2番 イ長調 Op. 100
    Brahms: Violin Sonata No.2 in A Major, Op.100
    I. Allegro amabile - II. Andante tranquillo - III. Allegro grazioso (quasi Andante)
    ヴィエニャフスキ:グノーのオペラ「ファウスト」の主題による華麗なる幻想曲 Op. 20
    Wieniawski: Fantasie brillante sur des Motifs de l’Opéra "Faust" de Gounod Op.20
    Aspen Online Concert
    Save The Young Artists®
    Save The Young Artists® プロジェクトを立ち上げました。
    後援:東京音楽大学 ・ 桐朋学園大学 / 協力:東京藝術大学
    協賛:特定非営利活動法人 イエロー・エンジェル
    Aspen Online Concert
    Save The Young Artists®
    A type of coronavirus infection that has spread all over the world.
    In the age of globalization and fast technology
    How should we face this infectious diseases?
    Communication, working lifestyle, family, considerate of others ...
    What can we do as a musician in the difficult situation we are in?
    An online concert that will make you ask yourself and nurture the next generation of musicians to connect them to the future.
    The “Save The Young Artists®” project has been launched.
    [ Cooperated with Tokyo College of Music / Toho Gakuen College Music Department / Tokyo University of the Arts ]
    [ Supported by Specified non-profit organization “Yellow Angel” ]

Комментарии • 2

  • @tsujiyoshi3155
    @tsujiyoshi3155 Год назад +9

    Congratulations to Ms.Hina Maeda for winning the 16th Wieniawski Violin Competition.
    H. Wieniawski-Wariacje na temat własny, op.15 (- Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 15) on the stage 1and E. Grieg-II Sonata G-dur, op.13 on the stage 2 which were performed by Hina with the piano accompaniment of Mr. Grzegorz Skrobiński were very wonderful and were reminiscent of Maxima Vengerov. These two pieces were masterpieces.
    I happened to be unable to buy Aspen Online Concert "Save The Young Artists®" , so I would like to thank Aspen for this release, which is appropriate for Hina's victory commemoration.
    At last, I hope that Hina will complete the Concert Tour over 60 regions in 20 countries that is just now being developed through the years of 2022 and 2023.

  • @user-qh9bu8vj7o
    @user-qh9bu8vj7o Месяц назад
