A boarding action from an Emperor class battleship would destroy the tau ship. It would be automattically overwhelmed as the imperial ship has a boarding value that is twice that of the tau ship
One of my favorite things to do is have a buttload of warpspiders hidden in the web way and when some unlucky troop of soldiers passes the tear them up and dissapear easy
@brainsare They'd still function well as meat shields, which is what Space Marines tend to ed up as in most recent skirmishes. Besides, anything that can hold a gun can serve the Emperor.
I think they wanted the Ethereal back, for... some reason. And personally I would have had any admiral who wanted to deploy an Emperor-Class alone shot for incompetence!
@Solarchos Still, females aren't excluded from combat in the service of the Emperor. The process to create an Astartes could be modified to allow for the physiological difference, but it would require lost technology and the personal attention of the Emperor...which he can scarcely provide.
Yeah build plenty of webway gates by each of your buildings research the invisible upgrade at your webway. It will make all of your buildings invisible. And your guys can retreat to them if things go bad. also you can make your turrets invisible too so the enemy (usually orks) will walk straight into your fire and not even know it unless they have a guy who can detect you. Also if you build alot of gates you can make your army appear anywhere make them attack while the enemy passes and dissapear
there is a kind of femal space marines, they are known as the sisters of battle. they are not gennetically enhacxed, like the space marinse, but they still have neet weapons and power armour.
I wanna see the entire Star Wars Galactic Empire vs. 2 maybe 3 Battlefleets of the Imperium. Seems like a fair enough fight considering that Cobra class destroyers are the same size as a star destroyer. 0.0
@Shoreyoo sisters of battle are not made from gene seeds they are girls that parents served the emporor and were orphaned due the their parents death and sent to the scholara progenium.
Re-read that comment lol it makes no sense. He is reporting an Unkown vessel as in they have no idea who it is not if its hostile or friendly. But being Hostile they have no idea who is attacking them.
It was a joke LOL But I agree with you, to be honest though im just glad that the 41st millenium is fantasy. Although it is cool to fight in (on a computer of course!)
@Pooknottin As far as I'm aware it's not like an organ transplant, it's not a matter of stiching in an organ and you're good to go, but it changes the very DNA of the prospective Space Marine, thus not having that Chromasome might actualy have an effect. On another note... OMG are people still discussing this! Don't we have anything better to do with our lives?
@Solarchos You know, I always had trouble buying into that argument. Because the emperor was clever enough to make just about everything the imperium needed to survive including the golden throne, yet he wasn't smart enough to work around a few chromosome issues or something like that is a horribly flawed argument.
I usually get 2 teams of gaurdians to catch points but save up for dark reapers and turrets but warp spiders are your best bet if you save up for them, theyr awsome if you teleport them behind the enemy and flank the shit out of them!
Nope it´s a Emperor class, a cruiser only have two side segments (lances, weapon batteries or launch bays) and the ship in the game has 3 segments like a battleship has.
@Solarchos 1. Women also produce testosterone. They just don't produce as much as men and produce more estrogen. 2. The Imperial Guard recruit women, but some regiments do not on cultural grounds. The Sororitas Militant were founded to take advantage of a loophole in the declaration of pacivity (or whatever it was called).
@Pooknottin At most it might alter their gender? Wouldn't that mean that any new female initiates would become males, leading to all Space Marines being male? I don't know, I'm between jobs right now so I do have a lot of time on my hands.
i thought in the horus heresy books they said that the genetic seed (sorry, im spanish, i'm not sure if this is the right translation of "semilla genética") doesn't work in women for some reason.
@GovernorDerek The closest females get to space marines is the sisters of battle! They are also gene improved and use bolters and power armor. Even tho they are not as strong as space marines they have to rely on their fate. This is what i have gotten to understand about the female super soldiers of the imperium and i got the information to make these conclusions from the "Soulstorm" expansion right or wrong.
@graydeath1 It's a small genetic component. At the most it might alter the gender of the recipient. Yes, we're still talking about this. What exactly is there better to do in life that so many people are drawn to fantasy?
@GovernorDerek In addition, I have not insisted that I am right, nor have I asserted that there was a council. I have simply stated that it may have been the case as such is possible - most tyrants at least have a council even if they choose to dictate. Since there is no evidence to suggest that the Emperor took only his own council (although admittedly only one of his advisors is named and well after the primarch project) I propose that it is likely there was such an institution.
... Thats no chaos ship... that is a Imperial Emperor class battleship. the chaos guys is hiding inside the ship without the imperials knowing about them.
Yes, you would call them sister... like a Sister of Battle. The power armour clad nuns with guns. I guess the science reason for no female space marines is that the DNA for the implants originaly comes from the Emperor, then came the primarks and then the individual space marine chapters. All the geneseed is based on male DNA and as a result is formed around an X and a Y chromesone. To make female space marines you would need a female equivelent of the emperor.
@Solarchos besides we survived the heressy the chaos gods are nothing to the empire plus their are still to missing primarchs and the orks are just fodder for my feet
Actually, I was expecting the imperials to blow the Tau sky high, the imperium is not exactly a goody-goody nation, you know. Heck, the Tau come much closer to the title of 'good guys' then the imperium.
@graydeath1 Well it doesn't take much to change a person's gender hormonally. I would certainly think that was more likely than causing death. This of course is not a matter covered in the cannon lore, but I don't think Workshop have ever really bothered with this question much. They generally leave the difficult questions to the community. That said, I'm not surprised considering what their numerous excuses for dropping and reconing the Squat race are like.
@Verzerus Nah, I'd rather not get involved in that kind of thing. Such is the province of the superhero fan, or primary school children arguing about who's Daddy is bigger. On the other note - good point, I'll get right on it.
@DEMIGODofWAR7 "in real life no elite units have females" Oh really? So what you are saying is that all special forces that have/had female members do not count as elite units? In that case for example the Austrian Cobra does not count as an elite unit. Sure badass women are rare but they do exist.
@GovernorDerek I don't think there should be female space-marines. The decision was made at some juncture to restrict the project to one gender. That gender happened to be the male one. I suspect a better background explaination for this decision would be one related to behavior as a group, rather than individual prowess, or physical compatability.
6-month old comment replying funtime. He said "While Sororitas are cool and powerful, they cannot ever be Astartes." Sororitas are the sisters of battle. Heh.
@GovernorDerek No, I'm not a troll. I'm quite sick of people who think that a person who doesn't bow to contention is a troll. It really says nothing for integrity if a person is expected to simply bow to contrary opinion, or shut up. I've been playing, reading about and generally being involved in the 40k background since I was 10 years old - this kind of discussion is quite interesting to me. It's also something I become quite empassioned about.
From a game point of view it stems from the time when the model making process of Games Workshop was still much less advanced. They couldn't make Space Marines that looked female but still distinctive enough from Eldar. Now they have canon to consider, which they built up to explain the no female Space Marines. Now there are females in the guard, it's in the fluff. But can you find female guard models...
it was the imperium that started the war you know they captured the tau ethereal so bought war on themselves the tau didnt know much about the imperium when this happened
well, humans are pretty nasty in the dark future, but i also think that the tau philosophy is pretty rotten underneath that "wer'e the good guys" surface
@GovernorDerek Yes, he was also responsible for the foundation of the Inquisition and Assassionorum I belive, but that's quite irrelevant. I was pointing out that you were making an assumption about my familiarity with the background. I was pointing out that you were posting bold statements with no qualification for them. Granted, I have not posted linked resources to back up what I've said, but at least I've justified it a little. There's not exactly much of a resourse online save Lexicanum.
Why couldn't the tau be content with there own space, if they hadn't ever come near Imp. Space, they would not have a war they can not win on there hands.
The reason that there cannot be female marines is down to basic genetics. The geneseed of the Astartes only works in the presence of the y-chromosome, something which only males have. This means that unless the Emperor somehow became better and got off his arse (which isn't gonna happen any time soon - but I'm not going into that) and made the geneseed compatible with the x-chromosome, that only men can be Astartes. While Sororitas are cool and powerful, they cannot ever be Astartes.
@graydeath1 Actually all males are essentially females to begin with. Genetically the genders are near identical save the one cromasome. That would not hinder genetic compatability with a transplanted organ.
@Solarchos I think it's more because GW wants to avoid OMG BOOBS guards armies being built. Also, with as many worlds, cultures and even variants of the Imperial cult as there are, "conservative" in the Imperium is a loose term. Women are spread all throughout service to the Imperium. Aside from the guard, there's the Imperial Navy, the Arbites, Sororitas, various Ordos of the Inquisition...the list goes on. Women occupy ranks far above even high-ranking guardsmen officers. Just not in SM.
@GovernorDerek No I am not. I really don't know where you got that idea from. You seem to be labouring under the misapprehention that I'm taking it as a moral question. It was you who made a moral issue of it. I made the simple distinction between a tyrant and a sociopath (which are not mutually exclusive by the way). You're either dodging the issue, or not understanding it. I know it's fiction. The Emperor is a gestalt of the remaining Golden-Ones - christ doesn't even get a look in.
Wtf kind of imperial ship is that? It's got the weapons of and prow of an Emperor, but the back sections (wing shape, no eagle, etc.) of a cruiser. These unsanctioned alterations to a noble warship are HERESY!
Something local Mechanicus jerry-rigged in hopes it either doesn't last long or lasts long enough for them to gather spare parts to rebuild it into a proper ship.
Well first of they are foul xenos! the Eldar attacks Imperial colonies, ships, sends ork Waaaghs! at imperial planets and are generaly untrust worthy. The tau empire has invaded a few imperial worlds.
I really don't like the imperium. they never give the other aliens a chance. I mean whats wrong with em. Yeah I can understand Orks and Necrons but Tau. I wonder why Eldars are a problem?
It doesn't really fit the 40k back ground the Tau ships are very weak compared to Imperial ships of the same size.Even a aircraft carrier like the emperor class would have more than enough fire power to deal with a lone Tau cruiser.
@GovernorDerek Eh... what? If I was an obvious troll how did I become an obvious troll? Also its 'we are on to you NOW, begone'. I'll go if and when I choose to. In fact with such comments, I think designed to elicit a reaction I'd say YOU were the troll.
A boarding action from an Emperor class battleship would destroy the tau ship. It would be automattically overwhelmed as the imperial ship has a boarding value that is twice that of the tau ship
THAT IS COOOOOOOL! like it when the chaos ship is launching the deathclaw pods
I actually surprised the the Imperial battleship didn't just drive right through them. The tau ship would have splintered like a toothpick.
That is an Emperor class battleship, the prow mounted batteries and shark assault boats are highly distinctive
they could have launched an overwhelming wave of starhawks and blasted the Tau ship to scap
Finaly someone who recognize it! :D
It's too small to be an Emperor Class Battleship. Those ships are enormous.
@Solarchos there are how ever Witch hunters and sisters of battle though they are regular humans in power armour not super soldiers.
also a good idea is to make a seperate base somwhere else if things go really bad of course make it invisible too!
One of my favorite things to do is have a buttload of warpspiders hidden in the web way and when some unlucky troop of soldiers passes the tear them up and dissapear easy
How do you explain the Sisters of Battle then?
@brainsare They'd still function well as meat shields, which is what Space Marines tend to ed up as in most recent skirmishes. Besides, anything that can hold a gun can serve the Emperor.
I think they wanted the Ethereal back, for... some reason. And personally I would have had any admiral who wanted to deploy an Emperor-Class alone shot for incompetence!
@Solarchos Still, females aren't excluded from combat in the service of the Emperor. The process to create an Astartes could be modified to allow for the physiological difference, but it would require lost technology and the personal attention of the Emperor...which he can scarcely provide.
Yeah build plenty of webway gates by each of your buildings research the invisible upgrade at your webway. It will make all of your buildings invisible. And your guys can retreat to them if things go bad. also you can make your turrets invisible too so the enemy (usually orks) will walk straight into your fire and not even know it unless they have a guy who can detect you. Also if you build alot of gates you can make your army appear anywhere make them attack while the enemy passes and dissapear
there is a kind of femal space marines, they are known as the sisters of battle. they are not gennetically enhacxed, like the space marinse, but they still have neet weapons and power armour.
I wanna see the entire Star Wars Galactic Empire vs. 2 maybe 3 Battlefleets of the Imperium. Seems like a fair enough fight considering that Cobra class destroyers are the same size as a star destroyer. 0.0
@Solarchos AND there are the Sisters of Battle.
@Shoreyoo sisters of battle are not made from gene seeds they are girls that parents served the emporor and were orphaned due the their parents death and sent to the scholara progenium.
well it´s either that or Kuju made up a new class that looks just like a emperor class.
Re-read that comment lol it makes no sense. He is reporting an Unkown vessel as in they have no idea who it is not if its hostile or friendly. But being Hostile they have no idea who is attacking them.
That's first contact with humanity for ya ;)
Looking into the past. HERESY!
@Solarchos at least your sight turns a bit happy with the sight of the adepta sororitas... but yeah, it sucks xD
You have battle sisters wich might be a sort of space marine
It was a joke LOL
But I agree with you, to be honest though im just glad that the 41st millenium is fantasy.
Although it is cool to fight in (on a computer of course!)
for the greater good what game is this from?
The Tau look like a genetic experiment between the Blue Man Group and a goat.
@Pooknottin As far as I'm aware it's not like an organ transplant, it's not a matter of stiching in an organ and you're good to go, but it changes the very DNA of the prospective Space Marine, thus not having that Chromasome might actualy have an effect.
On another note... OMG are people still discussing this! Don't we have anything better to do with our lives?
@Solarchos You know, I always had trouble buying into that argument. Because the emperor was clever enough to make just about everything the imperium needed to survive including the golden throne, yet he wasn't smart enough to work around a few chromosome issues or something like that is a horribly flawed argument.
I usually get 2 teams of gaurdians to catch points but save up for dark reapers and turrets but warp spiders are your best bet if you save up for them, theyr awsome if you teleport them behind the enemy and flank the shit out of them!
Nope it´s a Emperor class, a cruiser only have two side segments (lances, weapon batteries or launch bays) and the ship in the game has 3 segments like a battleship has.
1. Women also produce testosterone. They just don't produce as much as men and produce more estrogen.
2. The Imperial Guard recruit women, but some regiments do not on cultural grounds. The Sororitas Militant were founded to take advantage of a loophole in the declaration of pacivity (or whatever it was called).
@Pooknottin At most it might alter their gender? Wouldn't that mean that any new female initiates would become males, leading to all Space Marines being male?
I don't know, I'm between jobs right now so I do have a lot of time on my hands.
i thought in the horus heresy books they said that the genetic seed (sorry, im spanish, i'm not sure if this is the right translation of "semilla genética") doesn't work in women for some reason.
@GovernorDerek The closest females get to space marines is the sisters of battle! They are also gene improved and use bolters and power armor. Even tho they are not as strong as space marines they have to rely on their fate. This is what i have gotten to understand about the female super soldiers of the imperium and i got the information to make these conclusions from the "Soulstorm" expansion right or wrong.
@Thearbiter84 there were no kroot in fire warrior and he/she didnt make it
Emperor class battleship I think.
It's a small genetic component. At the most it might alter the gender of the recipient.
Yes, we're still talking about this. What exactly is there better to do in life that so many people are drawn to fantasy?
In addition, I have not insisted that I am right, nor have I asserted that there was a council. I have simply stated that it may have been the case as such is possible - most tyrants at least have a council even if they choose to dictate. Since there is no evidence to suggest that the Emperor took only his own council (although admittedly only one of his advisors is named and well after the primarch project) I propose that it is likely there was such an institution.
GW admitted they were inspired by anime.
@kvarntobben they only wear space marine look a like armour
I doubt its a Emperor class battleship there fairly rare and would be serveing as a secter fleet command.This is more likely a Dictator class Cruiser.
... Thats no chaos ship... that is a Imperial Emperor class battleship.
the chaos guys is hiding inside the ship without the imperials knowing about them.
Yes, you would call them sister... like a Sister of Battle. The power armour clad nuns with guns. I guess the science reason for no female space marines is that the DNA for the implants originaly comes from the Emperor, then came the primarks and then the individual space marine chapters. All the geneseed is based on male DNA and as a result is formed around an X and a Y chromesone. To make female space marines you would need a female equivelent of the emperor.
@Solarchos besides we survived the heressy the chaos gods are nothing to the empire plus their are still to missing primarchs and the orks are just fodder for my feet
Actually, I was expecting the imperials to blow the Tau sky high, the imperium is not exactly a goody-goody nation, you know. Heck, the Tau come much closer to the title of 'good guys' then the imperium.
1. Yes it is.
2. That is a imperial world and it´s not the same planet as the one they captured the ethereal on.
Well it doesn't take much to change a person's gender hormonally. I would certainly think that was more likely than causing death. This of course is not a matter covered in the cannon lore, but I don't think Workshop have ever really bothered with this question much. They generally leave the difficult questions to the community. That said, I'm not surprised considering what their numerous excuses for dropping and reconing the Squat race are like.
Nah, I'd rather not get involved in that kind of thing. Such is the province of the superhero fan, or primary school children arguing about who's Daddy is bigger.
On the other note - good point, I'll get right on it.
"in real life no elite units have females"
Oh really? So what you are saying is that all special forces that have/had female members do not count as elite units?
In that case for example the Austrian Cobra does not count as an elite unit. Sure badass women are rare but they do exist.
@DEMIGODofWAR7 South Korea has a full female elite spec ops unit.
Is it? Looks like a Dictator class Cruiser launching chaos dreadclaws... Kinda odd. I don't own the Firewarrior game though.
@GovernorDerek I don't think there should be female space-marines. The decision was made at some juncture to restrict the project to one gender. That gender happened to be the male one. I suspect a better background explaination for this decision would be one related to behavior as a group, rather than individual prowess, or physical compatability.
yup thats right.
maybe cos they are in their armour almost
6-month old comment replying funtime.
He said "While Sororitas are cool and powerful, they cannot ever be Astartes."
Sororitas are the sisters of battle. Heh.
@Solarchos dude theirs trillions of humans how are they on the virge of extinction?
@GovernorDerek No, I'm not a troll. I'm quite sick of people who think that a person who doesn't bow to contention is a troll. It really says nothing for integrity if a person is expected to simply bow to contrary opinion, or shut up.
I've been playing, reading about and generally being involved in the 40k background since I was 10 years old - this kind of discussion is quite interesting to me. It's also something I become quite empassioned about.
Don't be so sure :p :D
what about sisters of battle ? i always thought they were females astartes? :o or just simple humans?
From a game point of view it stems from the time when the model making process of Games Workshop was still much less advanced. They couldn't make Space Marines that looked female but still distinctive enough from Eldar. Now they have canon to consider, which they built up to explain the no female Space Marines. Now there are females in the guard, it's in the fluff. But can you find female guard models...
it was the imperium that started the war you know they captured the tau ethereal so bought war on themselves the tau didnt know much about the imperium when this happened
Woot necrons.
Then again, there are mixed regiments and even some all female regiments similar to the Imperial Russian and Red Armies of the past.
i think that its either we be assholes or we get killed by everybody else!
@solwen well there are the sisters of battle that are like imperium space marines hahaha
Female space marines are just impossible because you got to have balls of steel to be one of them ;D
The ideas for the Tau were drawn from China, that's probably why. Read Wikipedia about the Tau for background on their inception and design at GW
that depends on whos playing... there is no "Best army" in 40k.
well, humans are pretty nasty in the dark future, but i also think that the tau philosophy is pretty rotten underneath that "wer'e the good guys" surface
@GovernorDerek Of course :)
is it just me or do the tau sound aisian
Many of those people can fall into the heresy, and we know what can heretics call if there is big sacrifice.
Yes, he was also responsible for the foundation of the Inquisition and Assassionorum I belive, but that's quite irrelevant. I was pointing out that you were making an assumption about my familiarity with the background. I was pointing out that you were posting bold statements with no qualification for them. Granted, I have not posted linked resources to back up what I've said, but at least I've justified it a little. There's not exactly much of a resourse online save Lexicanum.
The main reason why female space marines can't exist is that you got to have huge balls of steel to become a true Astartes :D
Why couldn't the tau be content with there own space, if they hadn't ever come near Imp. Space, they would not have a war they can not win on there hands.
For the C'tan!
The reason that there cannot be female marines is down to basic genetics. The geneseed of the Astartes only works in the presence of the y-chromosome, something which only males have. This means that unless the Emperor somehow became better and got off his arse (which isn't gonna happen any time soon - but I'm not going into that) and made the geneseed compatible with the x-chromosome, that only men can be Astartes.
While Sororitas are cool and powerful, they cannot ever be Astartes.
@graydeath1 Actually all males are essentially females to begin with. Genetically the genders are near identical save the one cromasome. That would not hinder genetic compatability with a transplanted organ.
I dont see why so many love the aliens and hate the imperium, isnt anybody proud to be human?!! lol
We grt to play as Tau ?! I they have space marines,chaos,Ork's even battle sistsers yet they give you Tau -_-
Wooooo Tau Rule
what exactly is so bad about this game, i understand that the imperium would never do this but the gameplay is excellent
@Solarchos There are women everywhere in the Guard.
Good, bad.
Orkzes is da shootiest of dem all...
The Imperial Navy don't fuck about.
@Solarchos I think it's more because GW wants to avoid OMG BOOBS guards armies being built. Also, with as many worlds, cultures and even variants of the Imperial cult as there are, "conservative" in the Imperium is a loose term.
Women are spread all throughout service to the Imperium. Aside from the guard, there's the Imperial Navy, the Arbites, Sororitas, various Ordos of the Inquisition...the list goes on. Women occupy ranks far above even high-ranking guardsmen officers. Just not in SM.
No I am not. I really don't know where you got that idea from. You seem to be labouring under the misapprehention that I'm taking it as a moral question. It was you who made a moral issue of it. I made the simple distinction between a tyrant and a sociopath (which are not mutually exclusive by the way). You're either dodging the issue, or not understanding it.
I know it's fiction.
The Emperor is a gestalt of the remaining Golden-Ones - christ doesn't even get a look in.
Uh huh, and all those pods are repelled by a LITTLE TAU TRANSPORT SHIP. Hahahaha owned imperium.
Wtf kind of imperial ship is that? It's got the weapons of and prow of an Emperor, but the back sections (wing shape, no eagle, etc.) of a cruiser. These unsanctioned alterations to a noble warship are HERESY!
Good thing they blow it up later then :P
Something local Mechanicus jerry-rigged in hopes it either doesn't last long or lasts long enough for them to gather spare parts to rebuild it into a proper ship.
Those dic-*BLAM!* (REMEMBER THE COMMISSARS!!) most excellent and virtuous officers of the Emperor.
Either Chinese or Russian for the Tau. The Eldar are more Japanese in my opinion.
Well first of they are foul xenos!
the Eldar attacks Imperial colonies, ships, sends ork Waaaghs! at imperial planets and are generaly untrust worthy.
The tau empire has invaded a few imperial worlds.
I really don't like the imperium. they never give the other aliens a chance. I mean whats wrong with em. Yeah I can understand Orks and Necrons but Tau. I wonder why Eldars are a problem?
It doesn't really fit the 40k back ground the Tau ships are very weak compared to Imperial ships of the same size.Even a aircraft carrier like the emperor class would have more than enough fire power to deal with a lone Tau cruiser.
wrong. Warhammer 40K: Fire Warrior... hell it says it at the top
Next time, include kroot T_T
@GovernorDerek Eh... what? If I was an obvious troll how did I become an obvious troll? Also its 'we are on to you NOW, begone'.
I'll go if and when I choose to. In fact with such comments, I think designed to elicit a reaction I'd say YOU were the troll.
Except orks, because they are green.