Jesuits believe Ellen White is the Only True Prophet yet SDAs are Rejecting her Writings

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • #jesuits #ellenwhite
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Комментарии • 159

  • @FrancineCamacho-gw3zv
    @FrancineCamacho-gw3zv 18 дней назад +16

    As an SDA convert from Catholicism for 60 years, only SOME SDA's might reject Ellen G. White's writings, but not ALL of us. Her writings are inspiring and true and up-to-date!!! Just look at the state of the world TODAY.

  • @lindabrechwald241
    @lindabrechwald241 17 дней назад +13

    It was Ellen Whites The Great Controversy that helped me understand the Bible better. I do read her works and use them for studies. They are great!!!

  • @paulasauaso7646
    @paulasauaso7646 21 день назад +19

    I praise and thank God for her every day 🙏🙏❤️🌹

  • @nicl8749
    @nicl8749 22 дня назад +36

    Just read her writing and then judge for yourself, don’t listen to what other people say about her.

    • @KarenlisaHetherington
      @KarenlisaHetherington 19 дней назад


    • @pirateshadesproductions
      @pirateshadesproductions 19 дней назад +3

      I actually did and I don't like the fact in the book The Advent home that she said God would be pleased if we put a Christmas tree in the church n give gifts to him under it. That's BLASPHEMY! Because Xmas is PAGAN worship. But now SDA try to abolish The pagan in xmas.... Just like the Jesuits and catholic church try to abolish the pagan in their idols. 🙄
      That's why I don't like to read her things anymore because it seems off. Especially the part of not working on a Sunday when the Sunday law passes and opening church on Sunday to go witnessing etc.... Im like .... Wait a min.... 🤔 we don't do that now..... So why do it then. It was only until I fully understood the Sunday law.... It is a law within the New w0rld 0rder and u can go to church on any day BUT u must also observe Sunday as the lord's day. 😐😑😑😑😐😐😐😐 see my point now?

    • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
      @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 18 дней назад +3

      @@pirateshadesproductions Then you read her wrong, the gifts were not for God, but to be given to the less fortunate as an outreach to those in the community as a witness of our love for them through the love of Christ.

    • @ksgraham3477
      @ksgraham3477 18 дней назад

      I agree to read for one's self, prayerfully and groove her cross references.
      In prophetic matters such as the coming Sunday Lay, the original health message (Loma Linds bows)and the three angels message inspired of God.
      The Great Controversy explains a lot about our Christian history that has been obfuscated by the enemy.
      I found Desire of Ages a bit too fanciful and fleshed out, and I disagree that Jesus" brothers were older and that Mary is Joseph's 2nd wife. WHERE'S THAT in SOLOSCRITURA?
      So, I do not believe everything I read, but check it against the Word of God.
      I believe she was a prophet, but she wasn't always prophesying.
      God bless.

    • @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl
      @TheFaithofJesus-bk4wl 18 дней назад

      @@ksgraham3477 Joseph was a widower, therefore she was his second wife. Jesus's brothers were from Joseph's first marriage.
      Not to mention the Bible says that Jesus's brother James was older than Jesus and Mary was a virgin when Jesus was borne. The only way for that to be the case is for Joseph to have been married before Mary.

  • @taurusx1000
    @taurusx1000 23 дня назад +24

    Her writings are inspired,it is not of man

  • @dreamawakeclan
    @dreamawakeclan 16 дней назад +13

    I grew up in the SDA Church.
    I was baptized by Dwight Nelson on the campus of Andrews University at 12 years old.
    But I was also physically abused by the pastors son every week, and called a liar when I spoke up.
    I was made fun of for being poor, and all of this led to my rebellion and eventually I left the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    I spent 10 years in the world and the occult. Until I sunk and Christ pulled me from the depths of my own demise.
    And slowly but surely, He led me right back to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I've been to Catholic Mass, I've prayed the rosary. I've prayed to Mary, Lord forgive me. I've been to Pentecostal Churches where the women only wear skirts and don't cut their hair and where it's unacceptable for a guy to grow a beard. I've had people lay hands on me and then babel on thinking they're praying in some divine language, but even they can't tell you what they prayed for. I've done the dance with the Harlot, and with her daughters, too.
    The only church that makes sense of so many Biblical Doctrines nobody else can is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    The only church to have a modern prophet who never claimed to be a prophet like the ones in the Bible is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    The only church to come out of the ashes of the Great Disappointment and be able to still grow and maintain a congregation while admitting their mistakes is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
    I didn't always believe God's hand was on our church, until He showed me Himself.
    I didn't always believe Ellen White is the person she really is until lots of research and prayer.
    If you truly love Jesus Christ, and you're truly searching the Bible for more answers and deeper things, He'll lead you to the Adventist Church, but with all of the knowledge comes the responsibility of serving the Lord in that capacity.
    God bless all His children, for Jesus has sheep in other flocks.
    But I can say with assurance that Jesus has a special mission and chose a special people for the Final Hour. Hold fast, brothers and sisters, and keep watch, for we know our Lord is coming soon.

    • @leeroynosi601
      @leeroynosi601 13 дней назад +2

      Amen I am blessed

    • @donnafalls6378
      @donnafalls6378 12 дней назад

      I was abused by my husband (SDA) while married to him for 17 years but..... our children had it the worst. We must remember, there are righteous people in all denominations and there are evil people in all denominations. It IS this way and satan exults over these evil people in the denominations because he hopes that the church members will keep their eyes on the evil that is going on, become disheartened will then leave their churches!!! He hopes they see and/or experience these people who listen to satan while at the same time saying and acting like they are Christians. But stay true to God by staying in this truth that the SDA church has. Please leave what we cannot change to GOD. I am so happy that you came back. I also left more than once by what I saw and experienced while in church but by the power of GOD, He keeps me. HE is the only ONE I look at. HE is my example. Let us not discouraged and doubtful when others do what they choose to do. Let us stay true to God. Bless you all. Hugs.

  • @KarenlisaHetherington
    @KarenlisaHetherington 19 дней назад +24

    I am a Seventh-day Adventist and am convicted by God's Holy Spirit that Ellen G White was indeed a prophetess, chosen by God to do a very important work in spreading God's light in this very dark world so we may worship our Lord in truth free from error.
    I have read many of Ellen G White's writings and found them to be in complete harmony with the living Word of God.
    Anyone who claims the contrary are being lead by another spirit not born of God.

    • @AndrewVellu
      @AndrewVellu 19 дней назад +1


    • @daliborkakrstinic1149
      @daliborkakrstinic1149 19 дней назад +1


    • @lucije5223
      @lucije5223 16 дней назад

      I am also a Seventh day Adventist and a former Catholic. If she is a true prophet then explain to me how is her teaching of receiving stars in your crown for every soul you saved biblical. She even said “There will be no one saved in heaven with a starless crown. If you enter, there will be some soul in the courts of glory that has found an entrance there through your instrumentality.”-The Signs of the Times, June 6, 1892 . So does that mean that if someone had a true faith but failed to bring at least one soul to Christ that person just wont be saved? What about thief on the cross and many other people who believed but weren’t able to bring souls to Christ. Also is this teaching Biblical?

    • @camillaa.5231
      @camillaa.5231 12 дней назад

      I am NOT an SDA - and have never been, never had any inclination to be - and I'm convicted by the Holy Spirit - and from readings of the Bible - that Ellen G. White was a FALSE PROPHET of Christianity. The Bible, the Word of God - through Christ - is what brought LIGHT to a darkened world. CHRIST is the LAST of God's Messenger to bring His Word to the world and CHRIST did this through HIS teachings and after His Ascension, HIS Apostles continued teaching what He had taught them to BOTH Jews and Gentiles. Those who believed His Word became known as Christians.
      ANYONE who believes to the CONTRARY is led by ANOTHER SPIRIT - not by God's Holy Spirit! EGW may be the SDA church's prophet - after all, she is co-founder of THAT church which she controlled in her day through LIES and so-called "visions" from God, always at public Meetings. Now she controls them through her writings/her teachings! She may be and can be the Adventists prophet BUT she is a FALSE PROPHET to the general Christian community.
      IF the word of a prophet who declare he/she was sent by God didn't come to pass, that person was deemed to have spoken presumptuously through the DECEITS of his own heart and was not to be believed because God did not send that prophet! IT'S IN THE BIBLE! Read Jeremiah 23:18-32.These words were spoken to Israel at that time but there's lots to learn from their history. Ellen G. White's numerous prophecies DIDNT come true. ONE prophecy not coming true makes her a false prophet - but more than one! W😮W!
      She also CHANGED God's Word. GOD told Noah: "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you..." (Gen. 9:3) EGW says: "only CLEAN animals." TO COPY GOD'S WORD AND CHANGE IT...God says one thing, she says another. Did she think she was better than the Creator? 🤔🤔 Most probably, because she also changed Hebrews 1:1-2 which says that in the last days God would speak to the Jews (and Gentiles) through Christ, His Son. EGW says: Nope! It's through HER WRITINGS which makes HER, YOUR prophet - not mine!
      There's NO HARMONY in her writings with the Bible THOUGH it may appear to be. Using God's Word in twisted fashion is NOT HARMONY! Her writings to her church makes them feel special so SDA loves and revere her, but if one really KNOWS the Bible, one would find her writings to be filled with LIES....YOU believe her, I DON'T! I DON'T need any so-called prophet's fables to UNDERSTAND the Word of God. THAT is what the HOLY SPIRIT DOES. IT helps one to understand the Word of God.

  • @lizwilson4245
    @lizwilson4245 19 дней назад +14

    I read The Great Controversy and I could not believe the hidden truth by Rome. I never held a Bible in the Catholic Church and reading E G Whites Books grounded me to the Seventh Days Adventist Movement. Her writings are lesser light explaining the Bible and Prophecies. Praise our God for her writings.

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 18 дней назад

      @@lizwilson4245 The G C is a fake. It's just a Christian Fiction book and should always be viewed that way. Convincing as it may appear, it's a fake.

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 18 дней назад

      @@lizwilson4245 The G C is a fake. It is a clever piece of Christian fiction.
      It may appear convincing, but it's fiction.

    • @Ella-t2x
      @Ella-t2x 18 дней назад +2

      ​@@alongcamejones309 You better hold your tongue. God will not be mocked..God have mercy on your miserable soul.

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 18 дней назад

      @@Ella-t2x I wasn't mocking God. EGW played that role. I was just confirming what everyone already knows except for a handful of SDA'S that EGW was a fraudster and a false Prophet.

    • @donnafalls6378
      @donnafalls6378 12 дней назад

      @@Ella-t2x What or how is this woman mocking GOD? Have you read the BIBLE for yourself? God raised up Martin Luther of the Reformation for a reason. Let us look to GOD and GOD only for instruction in righteousness. Let us read the BIBLE for ourselves. The only way to become convicted on anything is to see it in print ourselves in Scripture otherwise we are taking human's word, sinful man. The church's doctrine and beliefs must agree with Scripture. Purgatory is NOT in Scripture. Neither is infant baptism. Neither is making people saints and neither is praying to them. Going to heaven or hell immediately after death is NOT in Scripture. Lazarus was raised from the dead and did NOT go to heaven when he died. He was sleeping just as Jesus said that people who died were "asleep"... Eccl. 9:5. The dead know not anything. The rosary is NOT in Scripture. Transubstantiation is not in Scripture. Mary, mother of Jesus, was not considered a saint by anyone in Scripture. She was human like you and me. A good woman to be the mother of Jesus but non the less, still human. Jesus is our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. We do not need a human priest here on earth to go to to confess our sins to. We confess them directly to the Father, we pray to them directly and Jesus is standing at the right hand of the Father in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary.

  • @patogden856
    @patogden856 22 дня назад +10

    One thing to believe , another to be a doer of her counsels .

    • @jeanclaude7018
      @jeanclaude7018 18 дней назад +1

      She says to stay AWAY from any sympathy with Rome, yet Ganoune Diop went to Rome to fornicate with the pope on tithe money, and he still has his gravy train conference job. And Ted Wilson turns a blind eye. And NOBODY protests. They are untouchable kings, just like politicians. The modern sda conference is an apostate monster.

  • @jasonwolfe920
    @jasonwolfe920 16 дней назад +2


  • @lingchristine6413
    @lingchristine6413 24 дня назад +14

    Adventist have the truth❤

    • @MrEs1979
      @MrEs1979 21 день назад +2

      7th Day Adventists possess the truth but are keeping it from the world because most are afraid of not aligning with the thinking of the world.

    • @amandahinojosa7070
      @amandahinojosa7070 13 дней назад

      Jesus Christ is the way, the TRUTH, and the life.

  • @AlejandroCastro-fn6kj
    @AlejandroCastro-fn6kj 12 дней назад +1

    Praise be to our Lord Jesus for giving His Seventh-day Adventist movement all the gifts we need for salvation to God be the glory now and forever AMEN 🙏

  • @AndrewVellu
    @AndrewVellu 19 дней назад +5

    Even Satan is deceiving the present day SDAs into practice worship that took place at foots of Mount Sinai while Moses went to the peak to receive the tablets of God's handwriting in the law of ten commandments. Once you neglect God's original ten commandments as given in the law, you will go into utter darkness, you will worship other gods and choose eternal damnation rather than eternal life with Christ our King

  • @mumberebisiah3889
    @mumberebisiah3889 17 дней назад +3

    Actually upon my conversion from the Anglican church to SDA Church in 2019, I know much of the Bible than before then

  • @TomMason-io1yn
    @TomMason-io1yn 18 дней назад +3

    "Some have stumbled over the fact that I said I did not claim to be a prophet; and they have asked, Why is this?
    I have had no claims to make, only that I am instructed that I am the Lord's messenger; that He called me in my youth to be His messenger, to receive His word, and to give a clear and decided message in the name of the Lord Jesus".
    E. G. White

  • @AndrewVellu
    @AndrewVellu 19 дней назад +3

    S.O.P was given to the remnant church of the last days, remnant of spiritual Israel are not many that have remained. It will be the remnant of the 144,000 that will give the "Loud Cry" of the third angel in Revelation 18: 1-3

  • @jasonwolfe920
    @jasonwolfe920 16 дней назад +1


  • @raspower2200
    @raspower2200 19 дней назад +3

    Ellen white the prophet

  • @GabrielJimenez-wt3hw
    @GabrielJimenez-wt3hw Месяц назад +5

    That history needs to be confirm

    • @rockybokz9089
      @rockybokz9089 Месяц назад

      Read the record of the Dark Ages. Only a novice in history deny these facts.

    • @rockybokz9089
      @rockybokz9089 Месяц назад +1

      Praise God, and thank you Brother.

  • @alongcamejones309
    @alongcamejones309 24 дня назад +2

    Thanks for the Chuckles David. You have made my day 😆

  • @RaysofHope298
    @RaysofHope298 19 дней назад +4

    The sesuits ( society of satan). Not Jesuits. They have no right to use the name of JESUS, the precious Son of JEHOVAH GOD.

    • @jasonwolfe920
      @jasonwolfe920 16 дней назад


  • @kathleenlang3747
    @kathleenlang3747 25 дней назад +3

    I had heard this before. Jesuits came to Adventist churches expecting to change them, and found a treaure!

    • @jimmu2008
      @jimmu2008 24 дня назад +1


    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 24 дня назад +1


    • @jimmu2008
      @jimmu2008 24 дня назад

      @@kathleenlang3747 the joke is on you. Real Jesuits are highly educated and would never fall for SDA nonsense.

    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 18 дней назад +1

      But not all Jesuits remain in the intruded SDA church. Most leave to mislead people that they left SDA church with some allegations. They try to bring down SDA church; but will they succeed against God appointed church. Answer is NO. They will find themself fighting against God. (Acts 5:38, 39).

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 18 дней назад +1

      @@farwestgarohills3831 I reckon most Jesuits have never heard of the SDA's and probably have no interest in knowing anything about them.
      Funny how the SDA's think that whole world is focused on them.
      Talk about been totally obsessed about their own importance and self centeredness 🙄😔😏😆

  • @min_y00ngi702
    @min_y00ngi702 16 дней назад

    Revelation 19:10
    And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

  • @AndrewVellu
    @AndrewVellu 19 дней назад +1

    Majority are ignorant because they are still uneducated in bible education and true doctrines , ask of your self please Lord send me the early rain first its in form of dew and drizzle, few drops to illuminate your dark sinful thoughts ,then when you have learnt little by little under the early rain ask for the latter rain. He will give of His Spirit more abundantly. The false comments are very negative and untrue, means you have not asked for the knowledge of the Truth as it is in Jesus. He was nearly stoned to death for speaking the truth to His very chosen people, today He speaks to everyone to repent of rebellion against The True God of Peace.

  • @muyundamulawa2274
    @muyundamulawa2274 19 дней назад

    You have to be careful if people with the kind of people who praise you in life.

  • @min_y00ngi702
    @min_y00ngi702 16 дней назад

    Revelation 12:17
    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • @jamesyaman4858
    @jamesyaman4858 28 дней назад +1

    I couldn't understand what this preacher was talking about because his speech was very unclear please improve your links

  • @Angela-qs4cz
    @Angela-qs4cz 11 дней назад

    Where is the original sermon?

  • @Fred-sy5sg
    @Fred-sy5sg Месяц назад +7

    We Adventist aer so proud of this, however the Adventist have the writing of the Shepards rod in their archives and deny it.

    • @tasiaflynn3549
      @tasiaflynn3549 Месяц назад +1

      @Fred-sy5sg That is a liar the truth speak the truth

    • @Fred-sy5sg
      @Fred-sy5sg Месяц назад +1

      @tasiaflynn3549 what is a liar?

    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 18 дней назад +1

      Adventists people read all denominational books. Though Adventists know Shepard Rod's teachings are not right, they read his books to understand what he teaches, which they could use in the preaching to warn the believers.

    • @Fred-sy5sg
      @Fred-sy5sg 18 дней назад

      @farwestgarohills3831 tell me one teaching that is wrong.

  • @farwestgarohills3831
    @farwestgarohills3831 19 дней назад +2

    A Jesuit believes Ellen G White as a true prophet will be similar to the Catholic church's believe that Saturday is the true Sabbath. But Catholic church says, we have changed our Sabbath and have our own sabbath that is the Sunday. However, other Sunday worshiping churches continue to say that Jews Sabbath is change to 1st day sabbath, which is not true; you will nowhere in the bible that now 1st Day of the week is the Sabbath.

  • @Brushes-gh5od
    @Brushes-gh5od 29 дней назад +3

    Which Seventh Adventist are you talking about?

    • @theopenveiltv
      @theopenveiltv  29 дней назад +1

      The ones that are rejecting her writings. When I go to small country SDA churches, I hear a lot about EGW, but the big ones are walking away from her writings as I have seen lately

    • @yassanyahurge527
      @yassanyahurge527 25 дней назад +1

      As an SDA I can say that we do not reject her writings(I go to an SDA church in jamaica so I am not sure about other countries but Ik many SDA churches in the US that do not reject her teachings).

    • @yassanyahurge527
      @yassanyahurge527 25 дней назад +2

      ​@@theopenveiltv We actually read her books all the time and integrate them into our service

    • @alongcamejones309
      @alongcamejones309 24 дня назад +1

      Wonderful entertainment David. Thank you. You had me chuckling right thru your podcast and sometime after I might add. 😆🤗

    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 18 дней назад

      According to EGW's visions, those reject her writings and leave root SDA church will have stain of blood in their white garments. Reformations will come not from error to truth, but from truth to error.

  • @olgaburgos7780
    @olgaburgos7780 14 дней назад +1

    You can see by many of the comments how people idolize her, do not search the truths from the Bible but from her “coping materials “ of other men biblical interpretations, but believing their mistakes and hers will not save anyone!

    • @lnln3656
      @lnln3656 12 дней назад +1

      Never saw any at all saying they worship her.

  • @olgaburgos7780
    @olgaburgos7780 14 дней назад

    She wrote copying a lot of materials from other religious writer but said s he had NEVER read other authors and it was inspired in visions and other times an angel was at her side guiding her! Many of her visions were not biblical ,like her shut door vision that she later had to correct because it was not right, the 1844 moving Jesus from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place was also non biblical,Jesus at His ascension went to the Most Holy Place at the right hand of His Father , not in 1844 , that was a real bad ,wrong, impossible “ vision”! There are other things she said that are not proven by the Bible swords of the Holy Spirit, so, she is not a prophet, men made her one, not God! The Adventist have made a cult of her, and idol that they preach more than Jesus in many of the SDA churches. This church is not the remnant church either! The only good thing they brought to their teachings was the Sabbath day commandment, being Saturday and not Sunday worship and rest day, but even that they incorrectly made as being part of keeping for salvation, which is not, no keeping of any commandment is for salvation, Only Jesus gospel is for Salvation-through faith alone! So , you can read all their E.White books, but only the Bible is the book of God’s plan for the world only way salvation!

    • @theopenveiltv
      @theopenveiltv  14 дней назад +2

      @@olgaburgos7780 the funny thing is that most 7th day Adventists don’t even read her writings, even I started reading her writings when I was in college.

    • @Angela-qs4cz
      @Angela-qs4cz 11 дней назад

      Nathan the prophet told David to go build the temple but Yehovah told him not to but that Solomon should. Does Nathan’s wrong advice disqualify him from being a prophet?

    • @Angela-qs4cz
      @Angela-qs4cz 11 дней назад

      Please identify a book from her era where other works were cited.

  • @mathero8896
    @mathero8896 Месяц назад +2

    Link to the video of that man please

    • @theopenveiltv
      @theopenveiltv  Месяц назадвидео.html

    • @mathero8896
      @mathero8896 Месяц назад +1

      @@theopenveiltv Thank you very much 🙏

    • @melindaakrawi846
      @melindaakrawi846 29 дней назад


    • @Jorge01234
      @Jorge01234 23 дня назад

      I can't see the replies on here. RUclips censorship. They see my search history and censor me from seeing "religious" material.

  • @jimmu2008
    @jimmu2008 24 дня назад +2

    Young man, go reflect on the Ninth commandment and stop sinning against it.

  • @TomMason-io1yn
    @TomMason-io1yn 18 дней назад

    I dont believe anything the pope says.
    However, i want remind you Ellen White never claimed to be a prophet as some might believe she was.
    She did say in humility she is a messenger.
    End of argument

  • @deusimperator
    @deusimperator 18 дней назад

    false story lol lol lol SDA cultists

  • @NewCovenantResearch
    @NewCovenantResearch 28 дней назад +8

    I am an Adventist for 30 years. I can say with certainty that only SDAs would fall for this nonsense.

    • @MrEs1979
      @MrEs1979 21 день назад +2

      Sda will fall for rejecting EGW's writings?

    • @lingchristine6413
      @lingchristine6413 21 день назад +6

      @@NewCovenantResearch EGW's writings are a help and treasure to all those who read them. It's so deeply inspired and so in depth. And those who are not reading hv much to lose. The devil's are afraid of her writings because they are so full of the indepth's of the Bible.

    • @beldenlumpa6448
      @beldenlumpa6448 21 день назад

      ​@@lingchristine6413very true

    • @RaysofHope298
      @RaysofHope298 19 дней назад +1

      explain what you men by "this nonsense".

    • @joshuaholly7228
      @joshuaholly7228 17 дней назад

      I believe he is referring that David gates is not being honest in this story. David gates is known to share extravagant stories like this that are hard to believe. He has a history of exaggeration and so I tend to agree that he is not telling a true story. Maybe he is not lying but sharing a story that somebody else lied about.

  • @cliffordbani2907
    @cliffordbani2907 20 дней назад


  • @ayayialognon4445
    @ayayialognon4445 18 дней назад

    Really? Jesuits believe that Ellen White is the only true prophet in our time!? They don’t believe in the Bible but they believe in the Writings of Ellen White? That’s odd.
    Question 1: Which one of the writings of Ellen White do they believe? The ones they tempered with or the true writings of Ellen White?
    Question 2: Ellen White was a non-trinitarian but Popery has tempered with her writings and made her today a trinitarian which the SDAs have accepted today and has become the defenders of Popery and the Trinity doctrine.
    Conclusion: Adventists should be afraid of those Jesuits statements and start thinking why Rome would want them to know the truth about God and His only Begotten Son.
    My dear brother, the devil believes but trembles. It’s why he always distorts the Word of God.

  • @Jojon334
    @Jojon334 25 дней назад +5


    • @theopenveiltv
      @theopenveiltv  23 дня назад +1

      Anyone can say SDA is heresy but no one can prove it, can you?

    • @Jojon334
      @Jojon334 23 дня назад +2

      @@theopenveiltv they said that Jesus is Archangel Michael, very funny and once they tried to calculate the end of days but they failed hahahaha what a false prophet, stupid if i might say 😂

    • @theopenveiltv
      @theopenveiltv  23 дня назад +1

      @@Jojon334 What does Michael mean?

    • @Jojon334
      @Jojon334 23 дня назад +3

      @@theopenveiltv it's not important, the mainstreams of true Christians believe that Jesus is the Word of God, and isn't an angel, and i think it's been final already, bye 😁

    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 19 дней назад

      When one lives the original faith and practices, and embraces a new faith is a heresy. What was the original faith and practices of Apostolic churches? They kept the whole law and kept the Sabbath. Catholic church changed the Sabbath to the 1st day; IS AN HERESY. The other churches followed the Catholic church are also in heresy. The Catholic church is the MOTHER CHURCH, and the Protestant churches are the DAUGHTER CHURCHES; they all are heretic.
      You must understand that all Sunday worshipers are heretic.

  • @user-xp2od6xy8j
    @user-xp2od6xy8j 18 дней назад +1

    Ellen White is being rejected because she is not God's prophet. As a former SDA it warms my heart to Ellen White rejected. God bless

    • @lisasisk3713
      @lisasisk3713 18 дней назад

      Well that is to the death of your salvation. We are in the very end of days. Repent, or don't. You must be a troll NO NAME, NO GUTS, NO soul, no salvation. Ellen G White was faithful unto her death. She wrote under the inspiration of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit amazing works to the Glory of GOD and His Son Jesus Christ: The Great Controversy Between Good and Evil. The Desire of Age, which is about the Life of Christ on Earth. The Acts of the Apostles, which was completed just prior to her restful sleep of death. Patriarchs and Prophets. Prophets and Kings and so many personal letters, publications.....I can see why you are a Former SDA; and the peril of your soul and you are ripe for the National Sunday Law and will receive the Mark of the Beast and, or the Mark of the of the Beast.

  • @emiliogomez7623
    @emiliogomez7623 22 дня назад +3

    Jesuits wrote all her books

    • @patogden856
      @patogden856 22 дня назад +4

      You have obviously never read them . ❤

    • @emiliogomez7623
      @emiliogomez7623 21 день назад +2

      @@patogden856 all I need to read is the Bible and it says if an angle of light appears to you and it does not profess Jesus it’s not a spirit of God.

    • @lingchristine6413
      @lingchristine6413 21 день назад +5

      You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Pls don't stay ignorant. My advice is for you to read her precious writings.

    • @patogden856
      @patogden856 21 день назад

      @@emiliogomez7623 that’s a satanic lie

    • @MuanpiM
      @MuanpiM 20 дней назад +4

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@emiliogomez7623your reply makes zero sense whatsoever. I got news for you my friend, Ellen White constantly professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. She uplifts Him above all things! You’re very ignorant my friend, please do not spread misinformation. God bless.

  • @tasiaflynn3549
    @tasiaflynn3549 Месяц назад +3

    Ezekiel 13:17-23 Prophecy against False Female prophets Ellen G white.

    • @chazanythompson
      @chazanythompson Месяц назад +5

      Show the prophecies in her writings that have failed (and I'm not talking about prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled).

    • @Bibleprophecy192
      @Bibleprophecy192 Месяц назад +1

      Yeah TasiaFly Prove it.

    • @tasiaflynn3549
      @tasiaflynn3549 Месяц назад +1

      @chazanythompson Here are some of SDA doctrines from Ellen G white 1 Jesus is Michael the Archangel 2 Satan bears our sins 3 Ivestigatavi Judgement 4 the scapegoat is Satan 5 Mark of the beast is Sunday worship 6 shut Door door doctrines 7 Seal of God is the Sabbath 8 stand before God with out a mediator 9 Conditional Immortality and Temporary hell,

    • @Fred-sy5sg
      @Fred-sy5sg Месяц назад +2

      @tasiaflynn3549 so who's Michael the arch angel? And what is the mark of the beast?and who is the scape goat? Don't say it's a lie but you can't give the truth.

    • @tasiaflynn3549
      @tasiaflynn3549 Месяц назад

      Lies cannot tell the truth if you know the truth Jesus is the Son of God Almighty not an angel. Read Heb 1:1-6 But when God was about to send his first born Son into the world, he said " All God's angels must worship him, " 8 About the Son, however, God said. " Your kingdom, will last * for ever and ever! NOT YOUR GOD ELLEN G WHITE AND SATAN YOU WORSHIP