Walk around of my Trek FX and why I bought it

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @semadragun
    @semadragun 3 месяца назад +3

    Love your Trek commuter, looks great in black have an awesome day thanks Ivan 😊😎

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  3 месяца назад +1

      Cheers! Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @davidwalsh566
    @davidwalsh566 3 месяца назад +3

    Agreed, not fashionable but still pretty capable for tarmac and light off-road. I have basically the same bike - a Trek fx7.1 bought in poor condition for £10 and converted to 1 x 9 gearing (Shimano CUES) and Deore v-brakes, which stop you better than a mechanical disc brake. Also fitted Specialised Crossroads 700 x 38 tyres. Just got back from a 50 mile tarmac n' trail ride and it rocks! It works perfectly as a flat-bar gravel bike but cost much less than the trendy drop-bar machines now being marketed for that type of riding. The riding position is pretty upright though, so probably a bit slower than a dedicted gravel bike. Hope you get lots more fun out of yours!

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  3 месяца назад

      I remember the FX 7.1, I don’t think they changed much between your FX and mine. It sure sounds like we have a very similar bike! When I flipped the stem I felt like it put me into a much more aggressive riding position with a bit more aero. I also have been looking into getting some inner bar ends to try out.

    • @davidwalsh566
      @davidwalsh566 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ivanmtb00 yes, I need to try flipping the stem and/or a 0 degree rise bar, thanks for the suggestion

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  3 месяца назад

      No problem, it doesn’t look like much but it felt pretty significant. I would say it would be similar to riding a road/gravel bike with your hands on the hoods. You could go crazy and add some TT bars for a full tuck.

  • @jered2177
    @jered2177 2 месяца назад +3

    Rim brakes for the win

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  2 месяца назад +2

      Haha hell ya! Rim brakes have their place! For this bike and the riding I do with it they work well!

  • @zackymad1533
    @zackymad1533 2 месяца назад +1

    Really cool video and a great bike. Could you advice how reliable is Trek size chart for this model. What size would you suggest for 6'1 rider with 31" inseem. I mainly ride road ( Scott Speedster) here in Ireland but need something for commute and national park gravel fun.

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  2 месяца назад +1

      Looks like your kind of like me. I’m 5’9 and can go Medium or Large. I went Large and have been really happy with the sizing. Being 6’1 I think I would do the same if I were you and size up to the XL. Chances are you’ll be comfortable on both a Large and XL, your best bet would be to try both of that’s an option.
      I would say their size chart is pretty accurate.

    • @zackymad1533
      @zackymad1533 2 месяца назад

      @@ivanmtb00 thank you, I'll try a large frame in case I want to go drop bar at some stage, I prefer shorter reach with my bikes.

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  2 месяца назад +1

      Right on! That’s a good idea especially if you might go drop bar. That makes sense bc I prefer a longer reach haha. Hope it fits well and you enjoy it!

  • @petedog9581
    @petedog9581 3 месяца назад +1

    Nice commuter, but rim brakes??? Rim brakes in slop suck.

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  3 месяца назад +2

      Haha it doesn’t see a lot of slop anyways, this ride is basically the worse conditions it sees unless I’m riding some gravel in the rain, but even then they have been fine. The other reason I settled for rim brakes is I wanted something less flashy too so I can lock it up and not worry about popping into a store.

    • @petedog9581
      @petedog9581 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ivanmtb00 Cable disc brakes are dirt cheap. I have them on my Fatbike. Your wheel hubs probably don't have disc mounts.😂 I bought a Rocky Mountain Instinct C30 in April, and I'm in Nirvana. I have many other bikes. but it is a standout on all trails...quiver killer. My son rides my Stumpjumper 29er FSR now. My wife tells me I have too many bikes. I say, "It's cheaper than cars."

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah even a entry level mechanical brake are super cheap. I have BB7’s on my fatbike and some hydraulic’s on both my HT and FS. This trek doesn’t have calliper mounts on the frame/fork and I would need new hubs/wheels to convert so basically a new bike. Like I said in the video it doesn’t see any special riding and the rim brakes are totally fine to ride to the park with the kids, zip into the store for milk or ride some gravel roads in the flat prairie.

  • @SofiaisSunshine
    @SofiaisSunshine 2 месяца назад +1

    Says Trek on the side. It will not be there when you get back.
    Slap a huffy sticker over it and you will have a better shot

    • @ivanmtb00
      @ivanmtb00  2 месяца назад +1

      Haha valid point! I have a Kryptonite Evolution LS and a wire for the front tire. It’s a lot of lock for the bike. I know it doesn’t take much for an angle grinder and any lock can be defeated but so far I’ve been pretty comfortable leaving it locked for a 5min stop. I’d venture to say there is a lot of theft in my town but not a ton in my area of town.