15 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources - Splitting of the Chest

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • 15 Life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Authentic Sources The Splitting of the Prophe’s ﷺ chest

Комментарии • 58

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 3 года назад +24

    00:01 Hadith regarding Abu Lahab freeing Thuwaybah
    02:24 Authenticity of the Hadith regarding Abu Lahab
    04:23 The punishment of the grave never lessens, evidence from the Quran
    05:23 Will non-Muslim's good deeds benefit them in the akhira?
    07:39 Hadith regarding good deeds not benefitting kuffar in the akhira
    10:40 Arab tradition of sending children to the bedouins for bringing up and it's advantages
    19:50 Why did the bedouins do it?
    22:40 Halima Sa'dia gets the honor of raising Rasulullah ﷺ and experiences many miracles
    32:27 Mursal Hadith about Jews finding Rasulullah ﷺ
    35:00 Sahih Hadith about the miraculous splitting of the chest of Rasulullah ﷺ
    41:40 Other times when the chest of Prophet ﷺ was opened
    43:06 Halima brings Rasulullah ﷺ back to his mother
    45:38 Discussion about women visiting graves
    46:21 Hadith used to justify women visiting graves
    47:12 A quick lesson on Arabic grammar
    47:58 The actual conditions for women visiting graves
    50:46 Amina goes to visit Abdullah's grave
    52:59 Rasulullah ﷺ's mother Amina dies
    53:45 Amina died on kufr
    54:27 Rasulullah ﷺ is beloved to Abdul Muttalib
    56:21 Ilmul-Firasah (Physiognomy)
    57:36 Sahih Hadith about Zayd Ibn Harith, expertise of Banu Mudlej
    1:00:18 Abdul Muttalib dies
    1:01:24 Why is there suffering in the world
    1:01:40 Prophet ﷺ's grief

  • @Unapologeticmuslim1985
    @Unapologeticmuslim1985 3 года назад +12

    As-salamu alaikum sheikh. May ALLAH bless you, and your family. May ALLAH reward you in this life, and in next life. May ALLAH keep you safe and healthy. I love you for sake of ALLAH. May ALLAH reward you for spreading Islam according to Quran and sunnah of our beloved prophet muhammed peace be upon. Please visit east coast.

  • @Discuslover13
    @Discuslover13 3 года назад +16

    Alhamdulillah I was awaiting this

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  3 года назад +10

      May Allāh bless you

    • @Discuslover13
      @Discuslover13 3 года назад +4

      @@MasjidRibat May Allah bless you and your family

  • @JB-1234
    @JB-1234 3 года назад +6

    Shaykh Uthman begins by clarifying some notes on the freeing of Thuwaybah from the last lecture (which was not uploaded in the last video), because we draw Fiqh and aqeeda when we learn about the seerah of Prophet ﷺ. Thuwaybah was a slave of Abu Lahab who freed her when she gave him the good news of the birth of Prophet ﷺ. She would later became the wet nurse to Prophet ﷺ. We will discuss a Hadith from Sahih Bukhari, number 202 (numbering can vary in Bukhari) that people use to justify celebrating Mawlid An-Nabi (birthday of Rasulullah ﷺ). In this Hadith, Urwa Ibn Zubayr who is a great tabi' reported that someone from the family of Abu Lahab saw Abu Lahab in a dream after his death and asked him what his condition was. Abu Lahab said that it was horrible, he was being punished day and night except on Monday where "I am given a little amount of water because I freed Thuwaybah when she brought me the good news of the birth of Prophet ﷺ." People use this Hadith to justify celebrating Mawlid An-Nabi. They say that the adhab (punishment) of kafir Abu Lahab becomes less because of him freeing a woman upon the good news of Prophet ﷺ's birth so why shouldn't we celebrate it.
    Given that this Hadith is in Bukhari, it means that this Hadith is sanadan, meaning it's connected and checked and all the riwayat are authentic. But we should ask ourselves the following questions:
    - Is this Hadith Qudsi (a divine statement ascribed to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى which has been revealed to Prophet ﷺ, but the wordings are his own. That is why we can not recite it in Salah)? NO
    - Is this Marfu' (narrated by Prophet ﷺ himself)? NO
    - Is it Muwquf (narrated by a sahabi)? NO
    So the first thing to understand is that this is not from Allah, nor Prophet ﷺ or a sahabi. Then we ask whether it was Urwa's dream? The answer is NO. In this riwaya, Urwa doesn't even mention who it was from the family of Abu Lahab telling the dream. So now, we have a statement of a Tabi', but is the statement of a Tabi' Hujja (proof of God)? NO. Secondly, it's a dream not from Prophet ﷺ. Dreams that are not from anbiya (prophets), are they hujja? NO. The dreams of the anbiya are wahi. So if this was a Prophet's dream like that of Yusuf AS or of the Prophet ﷺ himself, no doubt we would have taken it as hujja.
    What does the Quran tell us? "فَذُوقُوا۟ فَلَن نَّزِيدَكُمْ إِلَّا عَذَابًا- they will stay in it and nothing will happen except that your adhab (punishment) will increase" (78:30). This is Kalamullah (speech of Allah). Punishment in Jahannam never becomes easy. That is something we need to understand especially when we are giving da'wah to someone who is heading to the nar (fire). For a kafir that enters nar, the adhab will never become less, it only increases. This is in the Quran. So this concept of the adhab sometimes becoming less is not correct as it goes against the Quran. May Allah protect us all.
    Do kuffar benefit in the akhira (afterlife) for the good deeds they did? There is a lot of discussion around this but in summary, not every kafir is the same. A munafiq who has kufr (doesn't believe in Allah) inside but is pretending differently on the outside is worse than an actual kafir. They will be in the worst part of Jahannam. Amongst kuffar, there are different levels. For example, per a Hadith of Rasulullah ﷺ regarding Abu Talib, he will have the lightest punishment in Jahannam because he wasn't a harsh kafir. He protected Rasulullah ﷺ amongst other things but even then his punishment doesn't decrease. There will be coals boiling under his feet that will be boiling his brain. So what we know is that kuffar are of different levels. Some are oppressors so their punishment will be harsh and some are not so bad so their punishment will be less as Allah sees fit. The good deeds of the kuffar will not benefit them in the akhira but only in dunya (world). May be Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى made some things easier for them, maybe Allah facilitated some hardship away from them. But the test that you have to pass before death is whether you die upon shirk or not. May Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى protect us all, give us istiqama (steadfastness) and guide all of mankind to a passing answer. If you die upon sins as a Muslim, yes you can enter Jahannam but you can also leave for being a Muslim. But if you die upon kufr, shirke-al-akbar (greater shirk), then there's no exit out of Jahannam for that. May Allah protect us all, Ameen.
    For clarification we discuss another Hadith regarding people who did good in Jahiliyya. This Hadith is in Sahih Muslim and is reported by Aishah RA marfu' from Rasulullah ﷺ. She asked him, "Where is Jada'an? In Jahiliyya he used to make salah, used to give food to miskeen. Did it benefit him?" Rasulullah ﷺ said, "No, it did not benefit him. He did not say even for a day, Oh Allah forgive my mistakes." A lot of the people in the past did those good deeds not for Allah or to get into Jannah but so people would praise them. If that is your niyya/intention, then that is what you get. You can't do it for that and then expect Jannah in return. There were people in the time of Jahiliyya who were Ahlul-Fitrah, people who stuck to their fitrah, who kept on tawheed even without a nabi. And the Prophet ﷺ made dua for them and told us about them. There were people who saw the amazing skies above them and the Earth below them and said that there's no way that an idol hanging on a piece of wood made them. Those people realized it and even if they didn't make salah, siyyam, ruku and sujood like we do because they didn't know about it, but because they were on that fitrah, they are safe. But people who saw all the signs of Allah and still did shirk, this is what Rasulullah ﷺ said about them.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 3 года назад

      As we go forward, we need to keep in mind that we can't derive Fiqh and ahkam (rulings) from the time before the nubuwwah of Rasulullah ﷺ. It includes things such as sending your children away to bedouins (more below), Rasulullah ﷺ making Ibadah in a cave etc. We don't know of a single Hadith where Rasulullah ﷺ left his people to go to the cave after his nubuwah. We study the past just to understand. Ibn Hisham, Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Kathir said that the tradition of the Arab was to send their children away to the Bedouins to be raised. But why the bedouin? Because there are many advantages to that and we will cover only a few of them.
      - Being a bedouin was their essence, this is where they came from. The actual Arab was all bedouin. As discussed in lecture 3, the first Arab finished and the second wave of Arabs was all bedouin. They weren't city folks. But as time went on and they found water etc, they started to inhabit the cities. But their tradition was to be a bedouin, so they wanted their future children to bond with their past.
      - Secondly, it freed up the wife to better serve her home life including her husband.
      - Third, it would improve their Arabic. No doubt in the past bedouins had the best Arabic. Just like we have madahib in Fiqh (Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi' etc) and aqeeda (asari, ash'ari, maturidi etc), they had two famous madahib in nahw (Arabic grammar) as well, Ahlul Kufa and Ahlul Basra. These tribes would go to the bedouins if they had any disagreement regarding language. Even the great scholars of nahw would spend time with the bedouins. Imam Al Shafi' said, "I spent 6 months traveling and finding different bedouins so I could learn from them the adab (etiquettes) of Arabic." Al Asma'i, a great scholar of nahw said, "I spent months traveling with the bedouins because I found a word in the Quran difficult to understand in its usage. So I travelled with the bedouin until I found one of them use it and then I understood the context of it." Remember these ulemas were Arabs to begin with. This is why Imam Al Shafi' said that it is wajib (obligatory) upon the Muslim to learn Arabic. We should learn at least to know the meaning of the adkhars we make in salah. What's really unfortunate is that MashaAllah there are many people who have memorized the Quran, may Allah reward them and benefit them for it but while they spent a lifetime memorizing it, they don't understand the meaning of even Al -Fatiha. Don't learn Arabic to learn ammiya (informal Arabic, national/regional dialects occupying the popular culture media), but be sure to learn lughatul arabia.
      - Fourth, it would strengthen their body. City life weakens you but country life toughens you up, and bedouin life definitely toughens you up. Bedouins would stay away from afflictions and plagues because people would come to Mecca from all over the world and children whose immune systems hadn't developed yet would get sick very quickly and die. This way it allowed time for the children to develop immunity before being sent back to the city.
      - Lastly, it would stop them from the influence of the Ajam (non-Arabs), as a lot of people coming to Mecca would be from outskirts. Arab had their own manly lifestyle. When they would interact with others, they felt like they were losing it and since the bedouins did not interact with others, this wasn't an issue there.
      Bedouins did it because they wanted to build ties with the city folks. Although the people from the city of Mecca were financially better, the bedouins did not do it for the money. The Arab had a lot of honor. Bedouins felt disgraceful taking money for things from both the Arab or Ajam. The Arab and the people of honor loved to make Ikram, to help each other. This was despite the bedouins struggling financially. They lived a very simple lifestyle. They had camels, sheeps and goats they would raise and live off of them but did not become rich. So they were financially not strong but they were a people of honor, so they did not take money for it. Instead, the city people whose child they would take would treat them like family. They would come visit, bring gifts, if there was ever a need they would help them out, overall it developed a bond between them. So they always wanted to take the child of the most powerful and the richest. They felt great honor if they raised the son of a tribal leader because later on when that child would become the leader of his tribe, they would always remember that your tribe had breastfed them, so this would build a long lasting relationship.
      The tribe of Sa'd Ibn Bakr, a very famous tribe which Alhamdulillah is still around today, came to Mecca to take these children. Halima Sa'dia belonged to this tribe. She and her husband Al-Harith were very honorable but very poor. They had an old she-camel which was dry and did not give a lot of milk, a donkey they used for transportation which was very old and weak, and a few goats most of which were dry. There was a drought at that time in Mecca. She reports her journey to Mecca which is also reported sanadan by Umm Ayman and others. "When we were going to Mecca, I got left behind. The other women and their husbands from Banu Sa'd were ahead of us. As we were going we were the last. They were telling us that you will get us late." She would tell them, "What can I do, this donkey is the way it is", so they were going very slow. By the time she got to Mecca, they were one of the last ones to arrive at the place where children were brought. She said that everyone had taken all the children of the Ashraaf (the most honored people of Mecca). SubhanAllah, how insaan (human) lacks foresight. Who is left? Sayyid-un-nas (leader of mankind), ashraf-ul-makhluqat (the noblest of all mankind), imam-ul-anbiya, but in her mind, all the ashraaf are gone. But the most honored of all mankind, the last of all the Prophets, the one who was Imam for all the Prophets, the most distinguished of the Prophets, the best of creation is still there. Sometimes we have the same mindset. Say we see someone at a gathering who is an aalim, someone who is a slave to Allah and Quran doing service by teaching Quran and Hadith for years, maybe 70-80 years, someone who spends their lifetime in da'wah, somebody who has written beneficial works that people around the world are benefitting from, teaching Qurah and tafsir, ahadith and fiqh every single day for the sake of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى but we are not thrilled when we see them, we ignore them. But at the same gathering when we see some of the fussaq, the fujjar, the worst of the people, the people of this duniya, actors, musicians etc, we get excited and want to make strong relations with them. Because we think to ourselves that if this person becomes Muslim, that would be way more important than the aalim. We should not think like that. We should think of what is the most valuable to Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى.
      So Halima came and saw nothing but an orphan. She said to her husband that what is an orphan going to do for us? So they turned away but as they were going back she said, "Harith, we came all this way, let's just take him. It's better than going empty handed." So they turned back and took the Prophet ﷺ. She said that as soon as she put this child on the donkey, the donkey started running. These are from the muejizat (miracles) of the Prophet ﷺ. She said she was so shocked herself. She was in front of the tribe who told her that she had sold her donkey and had bought a new one. She told them that it was the same donkey but they would not believe her. She said she was slowing down her donkey to keep up with the rest of them, as he was ahead of them. She thought it was just a fluke. She said, "When we went home, the milk (of the she-camel) was pouring out for the first time in years." When the camel is impregnated, it doesn't always milk and she thought her camel had been too old to milk anyway. She said, "The milk was just flowing. I drank, my husband drank and we fed the children. We were surprised. At that moment I realized that this is something special. I told my husband Harith that this child is a barakah (blessing). I am glad we went back." She said, "My own milk would not be enough to feed my own son (Abdullah) because I did not eat much as we did not have enough, and the she-camel didn't give much milk so my own milk was lacking. But I fed my son and Muhammad (ﷺ), and I still had more milk. I noticed all these things so I treated Muhammad (ﷺ) with great honor." This was Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى preserving the honor of Rasulullah ﷺ. She said, "Out of all of the children that they got, I got the one who was an orphan but I felt that Allah blessed me."

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 3 года назад

      The riwayas about things being blessed are all Sahih. Mubarakpuri in Ar-Raheeq, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Ishaq, Abu Ya'la, Ibn Hibban, Al haythami have graded them to be Sahih and they are also supported by clear narrations from Prophet ﷺ himself, so they are reliable narrations. At that time, there was a drought. When the goats would go out to graze, there wouldn't be much to graze and they wouldn't have much milk. This was the desert of Arabia to begin with. Now when her goats would come back, they would give so much milk that she would be giving it to others. So Banu Sa'd said that she had a secret pasture where she takes her goats. She said, "Send your goats with my goats, but my secret pasture is this boy." She had started to recognize the barakh of Prophet ﷺ.
      At the age of 2, she was supposed to return Prophet ﷺ to Amina. At this time, Halima would get visited by the mother of the Prophet ﷺ and Umm Ayman. They would come and check up on the Prophet ﷺ. Halima realized that this child is barakah, so she didn't want to take him back. There is a mursal riwayat which means that the chain between the tabi' and sahabi is missing. Mursal riwayats are weak, but not very weak. Shaykh Uthman mentions it for its benefit. Ibn Sa'd in Tabaqat, Ibn Ishaq in Seerah mentioned that the Jews used to go around the Arab looking for the last Prophet. Halima was by herself when these men with weapons came and saw the child with her. When they saw Rasulullah ﷺ, they saw the signs that were in their books of the last prophet. So they started to question Halima about this child and she continued to answer them truthfully until they said to kill him. Since she was alone and wouldn't be able to stop them. So when they asked her the last question whether he (ﷺ) was an orphan, she lied and said no, this is my son. Because she had given them all the other answers truthfully, they trusted her and let him (ﷺ) go. After this, Halima decided to take him (ﷺ) back because she became afraid for him and she loved him too much. She said, "Even as a little child, I saw the best of akhlaq (manners), I saw him develop very fast, he was very intelligent, very quick to understand things."
      When she took him back to Mecca, she couldn't give him up. She told Amina if she didn't mind she wanted to keep him (ﷺ) a little big longer with her. Amina loved her child but because Halima begged, she let her keep him for a little bit longer. There is a very clear Sahih Hadith from Prophet ﷺ reported in Sahih Muslim, in Kitabul Iman, from Anas Ibn Malik from the Prophet ﷺ, also present in many other books of Hadith and almost every book of tareekh. Rasulullah ﷺ was out playing and grazing the goats with Abdullah, Shaima and Anissa (Halima's children). There is a khilaaf on the age of Rasulullah ﷺ by ulema but Shaykh Uthman found it to be during his 4th year. They were playing when the children saw a stranger. This was an angel but they of course did not know that. The children saw that the angel came, laid Prophet ﷺ down and cut open his chest. Prophet ﷺ was not screaming or yelling but he was calm. The children upon seeing this ran home to Halima and said that, "Verily Muammad (ﷺ) has been killed." Halima became very afraid and went out to where Prophet ﷺ was. What the children saw and the Prophet ﷺ himself narrates that a man came and he cut open the chest and took out the heart of the Prophet ﷺ. Children at this point had ran away but they had been eyewitnesses to this. Anas Ibn Malik explains that this was Jibreel AS. He came and opened the chest of Rasulullah ﷺ and washed it in a basin of gold that had the water of ZamZam, and took out from his heart something, and told him that this was the portion of Shaytaan in your heart that every insaan has. We as Muslims obviously believe this, why? Because it's not only mentioned in the Sahih Ahadith but also in the Quran in Surah As-Sharh "أَلَمْ نَشْرَ‌حْ لَكَ صَدْرَ‌كَ- Did we not cause your bosom to be wide opened for your benefit." (94:1). An orientalist (someone who studies Islam to cause harm) from the 1800's mocked Muslims and said that "look at the foolishness of the Muslim's belief, we know that if a heart is taken out, the person dies. So Islamic belief is unscientific." When doctors today perform open heart surgeries, we believe it. How many of us actually see the heart being taken out of the body in the OR but when the doctor tells us it happened, we believe it. But when the Quran tells us something, some people deny it. Just like some people deny what the Quran says about ya'juj wa ma'juj (Gog and Magog) because, "I haven't seen it on google maps, we would know this by now." This is the weakness of their Iman. As a Muslim, Quran has a more of a Haqq (right) over us that we obey and believe it, Prophet عَلَيْهِ ٱلصَّلَاةُ وَٱلسَّلَامُ has more of a right over us for us to believe him when he tells us something in a Sahih Hadith, more than what we see on TV, more than what we see with our own eyes. If those orientalists who made fun of this were alive today, they would have been mocked. The orientalists today mock us for things that we believe in from the Quran, but inshAllah when in a few years they see it, they will be the ones mocked, and if not in this dunya, then in the akhira. When Halima went and saw the Prophet ﷺ, she noticed that the color of his face had changed. He sat up and there was a mark where the chest had been opened. She saw that mark and reported it. Anas Ibn Malik who is in Medina when the Prophet عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ narrates this Hadith to him says, "I saw the stitch mark of the needle (mikhyat)." What does that mean? Allahu Alim, but that mark was still there in Medina after Hijra when Anas Ibn Malik RA by his first hand report saw it.
      How many times was the chest of Prophet ﷺ opened? Ibn Hajr mentions 5 times. Shaykh Uthamn found no sanad for one of them, but found the other four in the books of Hadith.
      - Age 4: In Muslim, mentioned above. No doubt to the authenticity of it
      - Age ~ 50: In Bukhari. At the time of Al-Isra' wal-Mi'raj. No doubt to the authenticity of it
      - Age 10: In Musnad Imam Ahmad, Ibn Asakir, and others have mentioned it (strength of narration will be discussed later)
      - When he got nabuwwa (prophethood). Abu Nu'aym, Ibn Sa'd. Narration is weak
      After this incidence, Halima became afraid. She loved having the barakh of Prophet ﷺ around her but she realized that it would be her responsibility if he got killed and she did not want that on her head, because she loved the Prophet ﷺ. She loved the great akhlaq of Prophet ﷺ even as a chid. Some people say that it is not fair that the thing was not taken out of our hearts when it was for Prophet ﷺ ? Well, it's because Prophet ﷺ was worthy of it. Because Allah الزواجل saw him worthy of it. Make yourself worthy, cleanse your heart yourself. This is the problem, we are not those people. We just want an excuse after an excuse to sin. So seeing this beautiful child and worrying about him, she decided to return him. There are many weak narrations about when Prophet ﷺ was being brought back. One of them was about him being lost and found by the family of Abu Suffyan. When Prophet ﷺ came back to his mother Amina after the 4th year of his life, she wanted to visit her husband Abdullah's grave who had died in Medina. We must keep in mind once again that we don't derive ahkam from this time period because this is the time of jahiliyya, the time before nubuwwa.
      There are 4 aqwals of ulema regarding women visiting graves.
      1. It's Mustahabb (recommended, not obligatory), just like it is for men
      2. It's Mubah (permissible)
      3. It's Haram (forbidden). Qawl of Shaykh Ibn Baz
      4. Something that should not be done regularly but under certain conditions is permissible. Qawl of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen. Per Shaykh Uthman, this is the correct view.

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 3 года назад +1

      The Hadith that people use to justify going to the graves is when Rasulullah ﷺ said, "I used to forbid you from visiting the graves, but now I give you permission." But this is 'aam (general) for men and women. There is another Hadith where Rasulullah ﷺ encouraged visiting the grave as it is a great reminder but again those are all 'aam. The khaas, the clear Hadith that Imam Tirmdhi has mentioned which is Sahih says, "There is a curse of Allah" and in one riwaya of Ibn Majah, "the curse of Rasulullah ﷺ for those women who often visit the grave." But as Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen mentioned that if somebody only occasionally visits, they would not come under zawarat because this is what they call "al jins huna sadran kathiran" - meaning it shows something that happens a lot. Ism Fa'il is different. For example if somebody sells something occasionally (like atar-perfume), you just say that he sells atar. But when you say that "he is the atar man", it means that he does it so often and he's is so good at it that you give the sifat (quality, attribute) of the atar to the seller himself.
      There are some conditions that apply to #4 above.
      1. It should not be regular, like women going to every janazah (funeral)
      2. There should not be mixing of men and women. We unfortunately see this a lot today. The funerals have become a place of fitnah (trial) for us, people are socializing, joking etc. Hasan Al Basri once saw someone eating at a grave and said that this person has forgotten death, his heart is dead.
      3. It should not be in a way of bid'ah and shirk
      4. A person should not travel to go to the grave of anybody. The only 3 places you can travel for barakah (reward) is Masjid al-Haram, Masjid an-nabawi and Masjid al-Aqsa. Rasulullah ﷺ said, "Do not take on a travel except three (إلاثلاثة)". He didn't say don't travel to a "masjid" except three. People have made Idraj (interpolation), meaning they add their own wording to the Hadith. It means that don't carry out any travel except for barakah. People don't go visit the Haram anymore as much in Mecca, don't go to Masjid al-Nabawi, hardly anybody goes to Al-Aqsa even those who can go with their passports, hardly anybody.
      5. By the consensus of ulema, women should not go dressed up meaning wearing attractive clothes, make up, perfume etc.
      Amina sets out on this travel to go see her husband's grave. According to some narrations, Prophet ﷺ and Umm Ayman were with her, but in some stronger narrations, Abdul Muttalib was also with them. He did not want to allow her to travel alone. Even in jahiliyya they understood the reasons of why women shouldn't travel alone better than our Muslims today. Today every Muslims has an excuse. Abdul Muttalib and Rasulullah ﷺ were on one camel, and Amina and Umm Ayman on the other. Rasulullah ﷺ was around 6 years of age then. They went and visited the grave of Abdullah and the family of Amina. In a marfu' Hadith, Prophet ﷺ mentions remembering going there, seeing all those places including seeing the top of a castle at Banu Najjar. Banu Najjar are the uncles of Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ was such an honorable person that he would honor the people of Medina from that time. He would mention remembering certain places where he had played with the children of Ansar, Anissa etc, he would remember birds sitting on a ledge and kids making them fly etc. They spent around a month there.
      At the time when they were coming back, Amina became sick and died. SubhanAllah this is something that is very difficult because Prophet ﷺ's father was already dead and now at the age 6, his mother had died. Not having parents is something very difficult. Good Parents are a big blessing from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. Nobody loves you like your parents, nobody supports you like your parents, nobody cares about you like your parents. And when they're not there, it is a very difficult life, especially at that time in Arabia.
      They came back to Mecca after having buried Amina. We know she did not die on Islam. We know that Rasulullah ﷺ knew where her grave was but he did not go there to visit her grave. But when he made hijra, he asked Allah permission to visit the grave and Allah granted it. We are allowed to visit a grave of even a kafir. But when he asked permission to intercede for her, Allah did not give it. This is something that was very difficult for Rasulullah ﷺ but this is the qadr (predestiny) that Allah wrote.
      Abdul Muttalib loved the Prophet ﷺ. He saw the great akhlaq (manners) and behaviors of such a young child. There's a beautiful Sahih Hadith which reports that Abdul Muttalib would have a bedding/mattress he would sit down on in the shade of Kaaba. Out of honor of him being a leader, no one was allowed to sit on it. Even his own children would just stand there even before he would get there and remain standing even after his arrival to serve their father out of honor. People of Quraysh would come and stand in the sun to ask him for his advise and no one would be allowed to sit on that mat, except Muhammad ﷺ. When he would go as a child, Abdul Muttalib's sons would tell him not to sit but Abdul Muttalib would tell his children to allow Prophet ﷺ to sit with him. Abu Talib in a poem that he wrote later says that when Muhammad (ﷺ) was young, we saw the honor that our father gave him. Rasulullah ﷺ would be honored and protected when he would sit down with Abdul Muttalib on that mat.
      Banu Mudlej was a tribe that came to Mecca. They were experts in Ilmul-Firasah, called physiognomy in English. It is an art of character analysis of a person from their outer appearance, especially their face. It is now a lost science, Greeks used to study it as well. Umar Ibn Khattab was an expert in it. Once he saw a man that he did not know and told him correctly that he used to be a magician because he could see it on his face. There are two aspects of it. One is that it is from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. As Rasulullah ﷺ said, "Ittaqu firasat al-mu’min fa innahū yarā bī nurilLāh - Be aware of the firasah of a mu'min, for he sees with the Nur of Allah", meaning Allah exposes certain things to him. And then there is that which is studied. Imam Al Shafi' went to study it as well. There are books on this till today that are taught by ulema. Banu Mudlej were experts in this, not from the aspect of being believers but from the aspect of it being studied.
      Zayd Ibn Harith was a white man who was captured by the Arab and enslaved. Slavery wasn't racial amongst the Arab. Before Islam, they could capture you and just enslave you. Most of the slaves that were brought to the Prophet ﷺ were either in the time of jahiliyya or through non-Muslims such as Maria al Qibtiyya. Maria was enslaved by the Christian king of Egypt who sent her as a gift to Prophet ﷺ, but Prophet ﷺ freed her. Zayd Ibn Harith was enslaved by the Arab in the time of jahiliyya and the Prophet ﷺ freed him as well. Zayd Ibn Harith was married to an African woman Barakah, Umm Ayman who was a Habeshiya. Their son Usama Ibn Zayd was dark skinned. So the Arab used to make jokes about him questioning his legitimacy because he was not white. Per a Sahih Hadith, Banu Mudlej saw them sleeping with most of them covered but their feet were exposed. They saw their feet and said that one of these is from the other. This is how good they were at Ilmul-Firasah. Just by looking at the feet they could see the DNA match. They saw Prophet ﷺ siting with Abdul Muttalib. They said that this child has from the likeness of Ibrahim AS, and he will be revealed to like Ibrahim AS was. SubhanAllah these are miracles of the Prophet ﷺ as a child. At this time, Abdul Muttalib told his son Abu Talib (father of Ali Ibn Talib) that this child is special and these people have said something heavy. So if I am not alive, as your father I command you to take care of him.
      When he was eight years old, the Prophet ﷺ's grandfather Abdul Muttalib died. That is a rough life. Your father dies, your mother dies, and now your grandfather dies. To be an orphan in a society that goes by family ties and protection of a father is tough. But that is the hikmah Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. How many of us today have the most comfortable life and we are the most gaafil (negligent) of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. Just look at the rates of atheism. The highest number of atheists will be in the countries that have the most luxurious life. You go to the countries with the poorest economies and people who are broke and starving, when you talk to them they will say Alhamdulillah.
      People ask the question why does Allah let people suffer in the world, why is there suffering in the world? Sometimes that suffering is a blessing from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى. Look at those people sitting in mansions, towers and in luxuries in their kufr. Where will they end up?
      So the Prophet ﷺ had a rough childhood. Umm Ayman reports that, "I saw Muhammad ﷺ crying behind the bed of Abdul Muttalib at his death." The Prophet ﷺ had a soft heart, he wasn't weak but he had a soft heart. When his children died he cried, when his grandfather died he cried. He was not a robot. SubhanAllah now he came under the protection of Abu Talib. Abu Talib obeyed his father and for forty years, he supports the Prophet ﷺ financially and emotionally against all enemies.

    • @navinahmed
      @navinahmed 2 года назад

      Assalamu alaikum akhi. U don't have this for the first few lectures of seerah, right? Tried To go through the comments but couldn't find u

    • @JB-1234
      @JB-1234 2 года назад +1

      @@navinahmed Waalaikumassalam. I have it for all lectures Alhamdulillah but they’re posted on the One Message Foundation channel playlist. I was unable to post notes for lectures 20 and 21 however as RUclips keeps deleting my posts.

  • @samone5618
    @samone5618 3 года назад +8

    Thank you for sharing more knowledge with us. May Allah bless you all. Ameen

  • @ibnOrfi
    @ibnOrfi 2 года назад

    Barakallahu feekum

  • @mohamedal-takrir658
    @mohamedal-takrir658 3 года назад +3

    Mashaallah may Allah reward you sheikh

  • @w1zzk1dd
    @w1zzk1dd 2 года назад

    jazakallah khair

  • @bibijungli6528
    @bibijungli6528 3 года назад +3

    Alhamduallah I was waiting for this thanks

  • @HonestLady
    @HonestLady 3 года назад

    The Arabs in Oman are still very generous
    BarakAllah feek our Shykh for these lessons

  • @AB-xx7hy
    @AB-xx7hy 3 года назад +2

    ‎جزاك الله خيرا

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  3 года назад +2

      وأنت جزاك الله خيراً

  • @phoenixknight8837
    @phoenixknight8837 2 года назад +1

    Barakallahu feekum! Indeed, suffering does remind us about the temporary aspect of this worldly life. In a way it is a significant blessing, though we do not always appreciate it.

  • @humudmarhoon8044
    @humudmarhoon8044 2 года назад

    Jazaak llahu khayra

  • @dianabdurrohman7508
    @dianabdurrohman7508 3 года назад

    Jazakalahu khairan from Indonesia

  • @dewanrahatahmed8657
    @dewanrahatahmed8657 3 года назад

    Allahumma Barik Sheikh

  • @rafayshakeel4812
    @rafayshakeel4812 2 года назад +1

    This series is awesome!

  • @homtanks7259
    @homtanks7259 3 года назад +1

    Jazakallahu khairan

  • @mbez3347
    @mbez3347 10 месяцев назад


  • @yousefs1472
    @yousefs1472 3 года назад

    May Allah reward you sheikh, very beneficial. kitab Tawheed is also a much needed course In’shaa’Allah

  • @renix80
    @renix80 3 года назад +1

    I was waiting for episode 15, Alhamdulillah

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  3 года назад +3

      May Allāh bless you

    • @renix80
      @renix80 3 года назад

      @@MasjidRibat Aameen and all of you @ MasjidRibat

  • @othmanmohd7722
    @othmanmohd7722 2 года назад

    Min 54 I coulď sense the Sheikh is holding back his tears.
    Shallallahu alaihi wasallam.

  • @Wakobear.
    @Wakobear. 3 года назад +1

    جزاكم الله خيرا

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  3 года назад +2

      وأنت جزاك الله خيراً

  • @ummishaq7802
    @ummishaq7802 3 года назад

    Assalamu aleikum, Masha’Allah learning so much from this series. Jazak’Allahu khairun, May Allah be pleased with you all.

  • @asifulislamasif9693
    @asifulislamasif9693 3 года назад

    Alhamdulillah 💚☝️

  • @mulapienjani237
    @mulapienjani237 3 года назад +2


  • @lonebazif1982
    @lonebazif1982 3 года назад +2

    As Salamu alaikum aheikh. I am a high school science student and alhamdullilah born in a muslim family. I wanna dive deep into the various aspects of our deen, but i am not sure where to start. Also i saw couple of your videos in which u recommend books on Aqeedah, Fiqh etc, but most of them are in arabic, Could you please recommend me wherer i should start and how should i learn arabic to understand the texts.

  • @Theo7959
    @Theo7959 3 года назад +5

    Please can someone tell me When would be the next lesson ❤

    • @MasjidRibat
      @MasjidRibat  3 года назад +6

      Next Saturday إن شاء الله

  • @zeem1734
    @zeem1734 3 года назад

    Where is maghrib prayer on the board behind you? Why isn’t it there curious. Thanks heaps for your lectures may Allah reward you

  • @loptif3751
    @loptif3751 3 года назад

    49:45 Subhanallah people don't go to these beloved places of ours or the grave of the prophet ﷺ but they do go to firaun's grave in egypt

  • @ahmadsyafiq6786
    @ahmadsyafiq6786 3 года назад

    assalamualaikum syoeh,can u do video on riba and islamic bank

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад +4

    hadith in Bhukari Abu Lahab says he is punished day and night, except monday he gets some water he freed thuwaibah to give milk to the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him...
    ignorant sufis use this to make up new bida such as partying but hadith doesn't mention partying, it only mentions the general sadaqa...
    dreams not of the Prophets isn't hujjah!
    punishment of jahunnum only increases in Quran.
    do non Muslims get some releif due to some good deeds...
    full Moona-fik are in worse part of jahunnum, different ppl have different levels.
    even abu talib have water that boils on bottom of his feet to his brain.
    Their deeds only benefit them in this dunya perhaps.
    All Muslims that enter Jahunum eventually leave...
    hadith of a man who gave charity but ended up in jahumnum... it only got him reward in this life as that was his intention... you need Tawhid to get rewarded in Jannah!
    10 :00 - ppl who were on fitrah and didn't follow or know legislation are safer then those on shirk who did old worships.
    Arabs were originally bedouins.
    We can take fiqh rulings in sirah after Nubuwah... not before.
    After Nubuwah Prophet peace and blessings on him never went to mt. Sirah!
    It would help wife to recover and serve the home, and Bedouins taught Arabic to the kids after they were born, the trustworthy ones adapted them.
    Imam Shafi'i would look for bedouins to learn Arabic.
    It would help build immune system and prevent Ajmi influence on kids.
    20 :00 - Ancient Arab loved to help each other, bedouin, were simple, they wouldn't take money in many cases.
    Tribe Saad ibn Bakr, a girl named Halima was honorable, her husband was harith, had a camel that was dry like their goats and so was donkey weak. She said when women went to Mecca they went ahead. Halima found the orphan who was Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him... and thought what is benefit? She ended up taking up as she came with her husband, as soon he sat on the donkey, it started trotting. The Camel started to pouring milk and was too get milk.
    30 :00 - Halima thought she didn't have enough milk, but she fed her son Abdullah and Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be on him and still had some left.
    she noticed he Barakah of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. Aminah would visits on the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him.
    in a mursal hadith yeahood saw the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him and asked about him and said lets kxll him, but Halima said this is my son out of love and they left him alone.
    eventually at age 4 Prophet peace and blessings on him saw his chest cut, the kids said Muhammad had been kxlled, the heart of the Prophet peace and blessings on him was cut and washed by zam zam by Jibril and removed the portion of satan
    ignorant sufis say things like yajuj and majuj aren't seen on gogle maps so how can we believe ?
    40 :00 - Halima saw the mark where the chest mark is opened by Jibril, so did Anas bin Malik.
    Ibn Hajr says 5 times his heart was cut, 4 with chains, one at age 4, the other at miraj which has no doubt, the other 2 was at 10 and the one at prophethood was weak.
    We should purify ourselves.
    Many after passing of a spouse still honor them.
    There is differring on whether nisa should visit the graves on certain conditions, but there is direct condemning of this.
    no traveling for qubur, but you can travel for Mecca, Medina and Aqsa masjid.
    They dhoulf knoe lineageue, doin g eahts eben baxj tgeb?
    Prophet peace and blessings be upon him
    50 :00 - Amina went to visit grave of husband, she want with Abdul Mutallib with Prophet peace and blessings on him and umm Ayman.
    Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings on him remembered going there.
    on the way back his mom died who wasn't Muslim.
    He asked to visit grave for his mom after hijrah.
    Abd Mutallib had a special matt for the Prophet peace and blessings be him, his kids would stand.
    Banu Mudlitch was a tribe that came.
    Ilmul fiarasa, is science of reading into ppl.
    Imam Shafi studied.
    Usamah b. Zaid was white,
    at age 8 Prophet peace and blessings be upon him's grandfather passed away.
    atheism lives in rich places.... sometimes trial si a blessings from Allah.
    Um ayman said Prophet peace and belssings on him cried.
    Abu talib obeyed his father and protected him for 40 years.

  • @MuhammadSalman7236
    @MuhammadSalman7236 2 года назад

    Just a small thing, part 16 is missing from the playlist.

  • @فاطمةالمرنيسي
    @فاطمةالمرنيسي 3 года назад +5

    Boycott French products

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
    @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 3 года назад

    There was some missing points, from part 14 or not? Where can we find the missing information?

  • @unnisa5646
    @unnisa5646 3 года назад

    Just wanted to know whether you follow one Imaam Among four or Not
    Because I don't want teaching from that person who is not with majority

  • @IstanbulBeautyOne
    @IstanbulBeautyOne 3 года назад +3

    Boycott Indian products, as long as India is under the criminality of the extremist racist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by the Gujarat criminal Modi.
    📍 Indian products start with barcode 890