Certs you SHOULD SPEND IMMEDIATELY! Buy the level 1 increased ammo and level 1 zoom for EVERY vehicle default weapon and equip those upgrades on all of them. They are only 1 cert each, and I cannot tell you how annoying it is to jump into a BR 26's Sunderer's default turret to find that it has NO zoom option. IT'S ONE CERT!
@@aisir3725 ehhh I wouldn't bother with the first level suit slots that only cost 1 cert, unless it's useful to your beginning loadouts. There are quite a few of them, and if you won't be using it anyway, then why bother? You almost definitely will eventually spawn a vehicle, so the cheap minimum quality of life 1 cert investments are worth it.
Yes but the real problem and question and facts is : "why does it cost something then" ? It's clearly not for good cohesion , good quality nor good player experience. This game as too much grind bs . Like imagine how of a rat game design is it to have nothing proper for free but still have minimum crap at 1 buck like lmao so disgusting and silly.
I know I'm late to the party here, but if I could make a suggestion to new players it would be this: decide how you want to progress in the game before committing to a class other than Engineer/Medic. The reason for this is that the Engineer and the Medic are two of the best classes for generating Certs (the free-to-play currency used to buy weapons and class upgrades.) Now if you're a seasoned FPS player and you just like to frag, then I would suggest kitting out the Heavy Assault or the Light Assault class. If you're new to the game, or if you're like me and just NOT a true-blue FPS beast, then I would strongly suggest getting upgrades for the medic AND engineer. Both of these classes offer support roles that don't require MLG-twitch-headshot-kills to generate a good deal of certs. Also, Medic weapons in general are quite strong and can be used in a supporting role due to their damage/high rate of fire. You can scavenge kills and get partial kill participation like nobody's business. The reason I suggest both medic AND engineer is because that way you'll have your supporting roles covered, and therefore will have a LOT of ways to make Certs depending on the situation. Breaching a room and it's a complete blood bath? Invest in the Medic revive-grenade, throw one into the room, res 10+ people and get like 4-5 Certs for your trouble. Got a couple of MAX units nearby fighting hard? invest in your Engineer repair tool (to enable you to repair for longer stints at a time before waiting for the tool to cool down), drop an ammo box, and just attach that I.V.-bag of Certs to your veins. This method requires more initial cert investment, but it will enable to you make more Certs in more situations without requiring you to be a crack shot. Also, you will run into situations where there are too many Medics, not enough Engineers, and vice versa. And if you can plug that hole, you'll rake in the Certs. Also your fellow players will fucking love you. Repair a MAX (or revive a downed MAX as a Medic) and you will be adored.
@@seal4150 Hej Jag har försökt att ignorera dig det senaste året och kommer att fortsätta frånsett denna kommentar. Den enda gången du dödade mig missuppfattade du min sarkastiska kommentar för "salt". Detta kan bero på bl.a autism eller språksvårigheter. Jag har avvaktat med att besvara dina verbala angrepp i förståelse med att du förmodligen har svårigheter i hemmet eller i skolan som du tar ut på andra. Om det ger dig avspänning kan du fortsätta med det beteendet. Det spelar ingen roll för mig. Om du däremot vill undvika att bli förlöjligad i framtiden rekommenderar jag starkt att du lägger ned med beteendet och lämnar folk i fred.
@@ReugreWins hahaha nää de ä bara du som är skitkonstig, jag har det bra hemma tack! Men du kan cut the shit och sluta leka expert o få ett liv, best regards, LitgamerzzzVS
I think you failed to mention, that the Engineer should upgrade their Ammo Box ability in "Engineer Certs". Upgrading it gives the box a radius, in which people can resupply from (which it previously didn't have) and at max level, you can put down 2 boxes at the same time. Resupply XP and their ribbons are a major income source in this game! Without them, its like playing Medic and only healing, but never ever reviving players.
5:10 before considering to spend 750 serts on Deluxe Implant Pack, I would recomend doing novice tier derectives for all classes (aside from heavy assault which can be a bit tricky with those launcher kills). Each of them would give you a Novice Implant Pack with 2 implants, so 4*2=8 in total. This will also make you somewhat familiar with each class in the real battle.
Dont buy implant packs unless you bought everything else, all exceptionals i got were from reciclers. Just play the game you get alot of implants from alerts and iso4.
Could you please give me some insight in how I can access the directives and how do they work? I have been playing like a week or so and I have like 12 implants but I have no idea how i got them
@@miguelrivas4649 You can find derectives in the menu (just press "Esc" and find the tab that looks like a star in a circle). Those are basicly challenges wich you can complete to get derective poins (they are account wide and seen by other players) as well as some exclusive rewards like armour skins, weapons and implant packs. Unlike some other game mechanics (like leveling and gaining certs) those are truly F2P and cannot be done by spending real money. For more info see Planetside 2 Fandom wiki page.
@@CoolBreezeRus great, thanks, im on ps4 so no ESC for me, but I will search in the wiki. This game is a bit difficult to understand as a noobie. Also, do you have any advice's on increasing ttk? Because I find it pretty slow when compared to other games (bf1 and bf4 mainly)
@@miguelrivas4649 Indeed, ttk is quite big in this game. Never had ps4 so im not familiar with how do you even aim properly. But if you do manage to track your targets, try using bolt-action sniper rifle. Its a one hit kill in the head (except for heavy assaults with overshields and maxes) or 2 hit kill in the body. Originaly I got hooked by playing infiltrator, but other classes can also be deadly if you land all the shots. Try aiming to the upper chest/head area and shooting with 3-5 round bursts. Holding the trigger only quite works at close range. If you are a vehicle guy, i would recomend getting rocket pods on ESF (1 seat plane), this would increase your KD alot.
The Cloaker is a more difficult class to play. There are a lot of things about the game you need to know to not just get slaughtered. One of your biggest problems as a Cloaker is that one of the things you can do - penetration - takes a lot of time ... which as a beginner is better devoted to killing people in a more straight forward manner. The other thing is - they change things - and you really need to know what's changed in operating this class. Just stick with the basic sniper weapon here until you know the game better. You want a position where you can duck behind cover when your cloak depletes and it's much better to be behind your own troops so that they can somewhat protect you. There are certain key transitions you need to get down as a sniper. While down behind cover - let your cloak recharge. Once charged - move quickly into firing position Get your scope up - and quickly select a target Hold your breath Cloak off Try for a head shot - if not NC you need to quickly double tap them. Drop back behind cover and let your cloak recharge. .
"... which is a whole different play style". I think that's the feature that's kept my interest for 6+ years. I can sit down and play 4 or 5 unique styles that I know I enjoy or I can try something new by experimenting with a different load out. When I started out I looked for the big battles in bases and played medic. Easy and fast certs. Finding a Max and following them around as an engineer was easy certs. Those two roles also got me the necessary experience to learn the flow of battle in the most common bases. At some point it occurred to me that I could get around that flow with a light assault and really wreck havock in the enemy lines. That became my favorite play style even though my certs per minute suffered, my k/d suffered and my kpm suffered, but It's fun and that's what counts for me. Once I figured that out I spent some money to buy weapons with DBC that supported those styles. I didn't want to waste certs on them, but more than that; I like the game, so why not show some love for the devs?
Wow this video is great! I played planetside 2 a year ago for a month, but stopped playing because of the crazy grind. A week ago I came back, but I've already reached br rank 15 with my main faction (vs) and with the new conglomerate. Now I will probably start a new character and try kit my infiltrator the best way possible with an smg!
As a PS2 vet ( 2,500+ hours on my main character) returning from a long hiatus, this is a good video. Nothing stuck out for me to disagree with, although the implant system has a changed a lot since i last played, so no comment there. Good luck and have fun to all newcomers watching this and see you on Auraxis!
Definitely a good idea to master one class while learning the game- it saves having to figure out multiple playstyles at the same time. But you did leave out one bit of information that gets asked about in a lot of /yells: Stalker cloak disables your primary weapon. Also, two C4 won't destroy a Sunderer, but will get it down to the point where one Rocklet magazine will likely finish it off. (But a shield Sunderer's shield will absorb the entire blast from C4 or tank mines triggered all at once, even if it's more damage than the shield has health.)
If you like to play as one class, but want to have a good variety of tasks and roles to perform, and a variety of enemy types you can handle decently, the engineer is the class for you. If you like to primarily focus on taking down vehicles, and/or providing suppressing fire for your advancing allies, the heavy assault is your class. If you like to avoid big engagements, or avoid being in the middle of them, while picking off stragglers, or keep enemies stumbling or behind cover, or preparing a point for your allies ahead of them, the infiltrator is for you. Also, I'm gonna mention something Cyrious should have mentioned about the infiltrator. This is important. If you equip the stalker cloak, *you cannot use your primary weapon.* keep that in mind. If you like to play the role of distraction for your enemy, giving your allies precious seconds free from enemy fire, including vehicles? Light assault is for you. (If you're really good you can even destroy some vehicles with this class) If you want to bring the big guns, heavy armor, to reinforce your allies that are pushing a point, a MAX suit has your name on it. And last, but far from least. If you want to keep your allies alive, return them to life, and keep them in the fight, the medic is your class. Those who have played the medic in Team Fortress 2 will feel _right at home_ with the Medic's revive tool in Planetside 2. Plus your healing grenades, revive grenades, and more. Also, let me be clear. *Medics can revive MAXes.* Most people still don't realize this. So please share it, mention it in proximity chat, and spread the word.
Good intro vid for the new people. This is a very difficult topic to tackle, because everyone has their own preference of play style and it is therefore impossible to make a standard across the board recommendation for initial cert purchases. I know it's impossible to cover everything in one video but you left something important out - level one deployment shield for the sunderer. It only costs 50 certs and adds 2500 health that can regenrate while it's deployed. New players can earn a lot of certs from a well placed sunderer and the deployment shield makes it nearly unkillable.
@Bart Dr Well yes very true, For example VS may win a longer range battle cause control of weapons or NC may win in close combat but for the most part its pretty balanced
I know this sounds bad to tell New players , but if you want certs faster you should invest in things that will help you earn certs faster instead of being a better PvP player sadly. Without any certs to speak of the only two best options are dispensing ammo packs , and cortium ANT farming. Then finding a base to drop them off at. To build up that sweet combat build you want .cortium ANT FARMING is you optimal option.
yes, but it will make new player always become a new player. Get your ass up to battle and die, you will learn much from it. Avoiding battle and watch from afar can't make you better in this game, in this case not a better weapon or suit, but aiming skill, positioning skill, predicting skill, differentiate your ally and foe, and for NC shooting skill (knew when you release the weapon trigger). When first I playing this game as TR, I can't differentiate my ally, so I'm ended up shooting my own ally (red title name means enemy right? ) and not my enemy (NC) lol
holy fuq that code safed me. the damage on that weapon is insane compared to the shiit smg i bought before, and i thought about buying another one for 1k
When I started I didn't have these videos, I wish I did, because I went in and spread my certs across all my classes, and have yet to fully kit a single class out.
Thank you for being a streamer and TR. TR is suffering right now with low population on my server, Emerald TR suffers on the hours I play generally 4~5% diminished global pop compared to NC and VS. It's incredibly disheartening, people don't even play NS Operatives because they keep getting put on TR. Also as an Engineer main I would say don't worry/focus on turrets until you get BOTH Jockey and Robotics Technician. You will survive bolt-actions to the face at high enough rank. This effectively turns you into an LMG nest with the right stuff.
If you want to AT tank, probably the most important certification is the reload speed. While you might be doing the same damage per shot, shooting 4 times, while the enemy can only shoot 3 times (or whatever the specifics are) really adds up, especially when you max it out.
Thanks for the SMG code, i didn't know that. The onlya thing i had for my Infiltrators was the NS Embassador, Which i like to go with the stalker camo.
one thing i tell new flyers in my outift is to go to the VR training room and practice to get settings comfortable and to get 1 chassis for it and level it up to max. Same with tanks, pick 1 chassis and max it out before getting a different one
I've decided to focus on Engineer this time around, got the repair tool to 5, though I have medic repair tool to 5 and did get the revive grenades (they're not bad, even with how infrequently I use them)...but, engineer's passive and what armor to use...sounds like you recommend the recharge default one for most play, but nanoweave for aggressive play or for those in situations where they need the reduction. interesting. i'll keep it all in mind. engineers are good cert farms early on
Start as engineer. Most point gain possible. Ammo and repairing is a team saver. Buy the Gauss Compact and put the grenade launcher on it, it is a very strong AT and AP weapon on direct hits couples with AT mines well. Buy the AV mana turret, it can one shot light aircraft and is great at supporting allies. Free sunderer events are common, buy the vehicle ammo resupply and stay near tanks. When your team moves, move with them and get free points from respawns and resupplies. Best cert gain for new players. Keeping teammates up with ammo and armor is invaluable in big fights. Double down on MAXes, throw down a ammo pack and repair the max, watch the points rain.
Cyrious Gaming carapace / vampire and restore kit chugging is literally one of the many reasons why this game is so frustrating to play for new players. Just high level of cringe that only certain players can play with.
Carapace gives you 1000 health, rather than 500. Vampire gives you 300 health back everytime you kill someone with a knife. So I can run around in the crowd, get shot a lot, but get my health back everytime I kill someone. More survivability than a little bit of invisibility.
Hey Cyrious! Great intro. Friendly critic here: While I love most of your content, I have to point out some stuff in this guide that I think are a must-have. You didn't mention you cant use primary while stalking, you did not (wtf) mention upgrading the ammo pack of engineers.. Whyyy. Also a little more emphasis on engi shield regen passive+suit sinergy should be a must have. Could've been nice to mention ambusher+shotgun LA style, not very expensive works with stock shotgun and it's fun af. Also I understand you left some things out because a
Hey man, thanks for the feedback. - The fact that you can't use primary with stalking, doesn't affect certs, only reason it didn't come up. - Upgrading the engineer ammo pack is listed in the spreadsheet. Sorry it didn't make it into the discussion. - Thought I talked about engie shield regen a lot, maybe I cut that bit. - Ambushers with shotgun is pretty expensive to get setup really well, but I did list unlocking Ambushers in the spreadsheet. - I talk about cool things, because people will be drawn to them and have questions. By bringing them up, but recommending against them, I answer the question on if its worth spending on them early, but they now know its cool and maybe after 15. Appreciate the feedback!
Also i want to say thanks for the guide, ill definately look more into your videos i have a feeling you could provide a lot of info to help me get better at the game.
Definitly worth spending on the ammo box. I failed to talk about that but included it in the spreadsheet. The mana turret, if you are going to use it for more than cover, then yes its worth putting some certs into.
Hello, m8, how about now? I mean, at ps2 added some more weapons which are bought for A7 like "NS-44L Show down", "NS-30 Tranquility", etc. Or new guides will be some later like after Colossus tank adding and some weeks to understanding what has changed over guides-old period or it wasn't planed yet?
i am possiably one of the newest of the new players in planet side 2,but if i can ask you,i realy like medic and heavy assult as classes,and i can do alot with them,but one is better then another,so i am asking wich one is.
well, it's really depend on your playstyle. Medic weapon assault rifle is like a recoil less weapon with smg benefit (high rpm, high accuracy) and lmg benefit (long range), many people says medic is op. Do not face medic in one vs one combat, lol. Heavy assault is good for breaking the enemy lines, their weapon sway to much in the prolonged fire. It's good for many vs many close quarter combat (cqc) battle.
Since you haven't got into vehicles a lot, I'm aware you haven't got into Construction for the Ant. If you wanted to commit to that playstyle, even as a new player, would it be worth it to get your first structures within your first 15 ranks? And which ones?
I recommend new players avoid purchasing construction items until a much higher rank. Construction is VERY expensive. It will drain your certs quickly with very little return on the investment. You also won't be able to defend your player made base if you skip certing into your infantry classes and vehicles, and I can gurantee it WILL be attacked. When you do reach a point where you can cert into construction I would recommend starting with the spawn tube and the router, and then the aircraft terminal when you can afford it. A well placed router will quickly turn a losing fight into an unstoppable victory for your faction and you gain experience for each person that spawns on it.
Depending on playstyle, the routing spire combined with an ejector seat on an ESF would be okay. It is super expensive so I'm not sure if that is even worth it within the first 15 BR's.
RE: Combat Medic. You mention in the pop-up tip that coupling Bandolier with Revive Grenade is great for Certs... What BR should I do that and what Level should I up it to?
tbh, i bought weapons anyway, and so far, ive been quite happy with it. obviously, Im not new to shooters, im pretty damn accurate (always go for headshots) I also always put some certs into certain slots, like hunter and stalker camo; med-ray; and repair tool but most of my certs went to weapons and attachments
The one I see a lot but you didn't mention about Light Assault and C4 is dropping those into infantry heavy locations and corridors, LA can get a nice vantage point, toss it into a group and BOOM easy profit xD
@Cyrious Gaming, I really like your video's for a long time now, but wanted you to tell that I think the last couple of video's the (intro) music intermissions are quite loud compared to your voice. I don't really want to change my volume during the video.
Hey, thank you very much for the feedback. Audio issues are one of those really distressing things when watching videos, I spend a lot of time trying to tune the audio to background to cut scene sounds so they are appropriately epic, but not annoyingly different. So thank you! I will try to bring them back into a range so you dont have to keep sliding the audio volume around.
Everyone says don't spend certs on weapons, but after i got the warden NC dmr + some attachments like holo scope and grip for basically every class (a playstile that i bring from battlefield) i was doing sooo much better in every situation, much more than when i got other stuff. I was really surprised i could actually 1v1 a vanu and play a role in firefights more than just repairing a max and spamming ammo boxes and get sniped 1 sec after getting in a turret (now have the auto turret), even before i maxed out the repair kit. Also the "revert all purchases" prompt was actually useful as i bought the wrong rocket launcher on accident, now i have an anti air wich is really useful when we don't have defenses and a veichle lock one. At least i can push away armor from a lot further ranges, and finish harassers that retreat when they have low health. To me it makes a lot more sense to get these weapons instead of upgrading a shield or primary as i rarely use heavy in infantry battles. I rarely snipe so i go hacker for now, with light assault the starting weapons are really good and fit the playstile, so only got a couple c4, and if i want to go short range such as in a biolab battle i have an almost full medic healer device but with a shotgun. Maxes seems to cost too much to upgrade, but right now my shotgun max is really situational, and i end up wasting 450 nanites most of the times. Now i'm not sure if i wanna go repair sunderer or stealth sunderer. I'm usually the one that pushes a sundy in the backlines and gets killed by one harasser that sees me, i would love to go invisible, but i also like the idea of being able to go in armor battles and hold position without having to repair stuff on foot, plus more free certs. My advice is that if you are better with some types of weapons, go in the vr continent and try a couple but buy only one, only if you think you'll do better.
For me the nsx amaterasu knife has always been a life saver when I was grinding for my now wielded eclipse in vs faction since it had unlimited ammo and could damage light armored vehicles. I used it as secondary and I would normally use it as sort of a survival knife and for some cheeky stealth kills since I had a jetpack and would hide in trees. But now since my primary has an infinite ammo pool I'm not sure how to use any other knife now since I've been using the nsx amaterasu knife for so long 😂 So I basically have 2 unlimited ammo pool weapons and if they add battlerifles to the asp for jetpack class I'll be a 1 man army! Anyways #NSXAmaterasuKnifeForLife !
I have to disagree on the infiltrator starting weapons. The VS "Spectre" is an insanely good mid range weapon, and to some extent - close range. It has no recoil, no bullet drop, the bullets go in the same spot. You can basically spam it. Kill streaks are amazingly easy to do with the "Spectre". It's a very underrated weapon.
With the computer attachment the TR starting sniper is also quite good, it doesn't OS headshot but 1 hs + 1bs or 2 hs or 3 bs kill and there's no breathing involved, fast and easy to do, making it super comfy to play. I came back to the game after a 3 years old break and it didn't have it back then, it's a game changer honestly.
I would love to be able to play SMG Infiltrator, that code would be perfect since I just dropped about 1k certs on upgrading my medic to farm certs. Is there a way to redeem codes on PS4? I haven't seen it yet If there is one
You know the video is good when you’re past BR15 and you still benefit from the video
Bro I'm BR50 and *I* benefited a bit from this! Lol
You never stop learning.
And is still relevant 5 years later... Coming back to this game after not playing for 6 years.
Buy the level 1 increased ammo and level 1 zoom for EVERY vehicle default weapon and equip those upgrades on all of them.
They are only 1 cert each, and I cannot tell you how annoying it is to jump into a BR 26's Sunderer's default turret to find that it has NO zoom option. IT'S ONE CERT!
Innit. Every time I jump on one, I swear down think how they even contribute to the faction.
I would say everything that costs 1 cert are costs it price
@@aisir3725 ehhh I wouldn't bother with the first level suit slots that only cost 1 cert, unless it's useful to your beginning loadouts. There are quite a few of them, and if you won't be using it anyway, then why bother?
You almost definitely will eventually spawn a vehicle, so the cheap minimum quality of life 1 cert investments are worth it.
@@darkestred7203 innit
Yes but the real problem and question and facts is : "why does it cost something then" ?
It's clearly not for good cohesion , good quality nor good player experience. This game as too much grind bs . Like imagine how of a rat game design is it to have nothing proper for free but still have minimum crap at 1 buck like lmao so disgusting and silly.
I know I'm late to the party here, but if I could make a suggestion to new players it would be this: decide how you want to progress in the game before committing to a class other than Engineer/Medic. The reason for this is that the Engineer and the Medic are two of the best classes for generating Certs (the free-to-play currency used to buy weapons and class upgrades.) Now if you're a seasoned FPS player and you just like to frag, then I would suggest kitting out the Heavy Assault or the Light Assault class.
If you're new to the game, or if you're like me and just NOT a true-blue FPS beast, then I would strongly suggest getting upgrades for the medic AND engineer. Both of these classes offer support roles that don't require MLG-twitch-headshot-kills to generate a good deal of certs. Also, Medic weapons in general are quite strong and can be used in a supporting role due to their damage/high rate of fire. You can scavenge kills and get partial kill participation like nobody's business.
The reason I suggest both medic AND engineer is because that way you'll have your supporting roles covered, and therefore will have a LOT of ways to make Certs depending on the situation. Breaching a room and it's a complete blood bath? Invest in the Medic revive-grenade, throw one into the room, res 10+ people and get like 4-5 Certs for your trouble. Got a couple of MAX units nearby fighting hard? invest in your Engineer repair tool (to enable you to repair for longer stints at a time before waiting for the tool to cool down), drop an ammo box, and just attach that I.V.-bag of Certs to your veins.
This method requires more initial cert investment, but it will enable to you make more Certs in more situations without requiring you to be a crack shot. Also, you will run into situations where there are too many Medics, not enough Engineers, and vice versa. And if you can plug that hole, you'll rake in the Certs. Also your fellow players will fucking love you. Repair a MAX (or revive a downed MAX as a Medic) and you will be adored.
Important: Not everything can be refunded at BR15! Weapons, for example, are not refunded.
Jag har försökt att ignorera dig det senaste året och kommer att fortsätta frånsett denna kommentar. Den enda gången du dödade mig missuppfattade du min sarkastiska kommentar för "salt". Detta kan bero på bl.a autism eller språksvårigheter. Jag har avvaktat med att besvara dina verbala angrepp i förståelse med att du förmodligen har svårigheter i hemmet eller i skolan som du tar ut på andra. Om det ger dig avspänning kan du fortsätta med det beteendet. Det spelar ingen roll för mig. Om du däremot vill undvika att bli förlöjligad i framtiden rekommenderar jag starkt att du lägger ned med beteendet och lämnar folk i fred.
@@ReugreWins hahaha nää de ä bara du som är skitkonstig, jag har det bra hemma tack! Men du kan cut the shit och sluta leka expert o få ett liv, best regards, LitgamerzzzVS
Skrattar du förlorar du manen!
@@tpyntavyk5552 nä då jag förlorade inte(:
I just like cats
I think you failed to mention, that the Engineer should upgrade their Ammo Box ability in "Engineer Certs".
Upgrading it gives the box a radius, in which people can resupply from (which it previously didn't have) and at max level, you can put down 2 boxes at the same time.
Resupply XP and their ribbons are a major income source in this game! Without them, its like playing Medic and only healing, but never ever reviving players.
I failed to talk about it, but I did include it in the Spreadsheet.
5:10 before considering to spend 750 serts on Deluxe Implant Pack, I would recomend doing novice tier derectives for all classes (aside from heavy assault which can be a bit tricky with those launcher kills). Each of them would give you a Novice Implant Pack with 2 implants, so 4*2=8 in total. This will also make you somewhat familiar with each class in the real battle.
Dont buy implant packs unless you bought everything else, all exceptionals i got were from reciclers. Just play the game you get alot of implants from alerts and iso4.
Could you please give me some insight in how I can access the directives and how do they work? I have been playing like a week or so and I have like 12 implants but I have no idea how i got them
@@miguelrivas4649 You can find derectives in the menu (just press "Esc" and find the tab that looks like a star in a circle). Those are basicly challenges wich you can complete to get derective poins (they are account wide and seen by other players) as well as some exclusive rewards like armour skins, weapons and implant packs. Unlike some other game mechanics (like leveling and gaining certs) those are truly F2P and cannot be done by spending real money.
For more info see Planetside 2 Fandom wiki page.
@@CoolBreezeRus great, thanks, im on ps4 so no ESC for me, but I will search in the wiki. This game is a bit difficult to understand as a noobie. Also, do you have any advice's on increasing ttk? Because I find it pretty slow when compared to other games (bf1 and bf4 mainly)
@@miguelrivas4649 Indeed, ttk is quite big in this game. Never had ps4 so im not familiar with how do you even aim properly. But if you do manage to track your targets, try using bolt-action sniper rifle. Its a one hit kill in the head (except for heavy assaults with overshields and maxes) or 2 hit kill in the body. Originaly I got hooked by playing infiltrator, but other classes can also be deadly if you land all the shots. Try aiming to the upper chest/head area and shooting with 3-5 round bursts. Holding the trigger only quite works at close range. If you are a vehicle guy, i would recomend getting rocket pods on ESF (1 seat plane), this would increase your KD alot.
If you think Stalker cloak sounds op from this video. Note that your main weapon slot is disabled when you equip the stalker cloak!
Finanzcreeper you have a OHK Knife why would you even need a weapon lol
Destro ok mate 👍🏻
Thanks for the info, got tilted not understanding why I couldn't use my sniper last time x]
The Cloaker is a more difficult class to play. There are a lot of things about the game you need to know to not just get slaughtered. One of your biggest problems as a Cloaker is that one of the things you can do - penetration - takes a lot of time ... which as a beginner is better devoted to killing people in a more straight forward manner. The other thing is - they change things - and you really need to know what's changed in operating this class. Just stick with the basic sniper weapon here until you know the game better. You want a position where you can duck behind cover when your cloak depletes and it's much better to be behind your own troops so that they can somewhat protect you. There are certain key transitions you need to get down as a sniper.
While down behind cover - let your cloak recharge.
Once charged - move quickly into firing position
Get your scope up - and quickly select a target
Hold your breath
Cloak off
Try for a head shot - if not NC you need to quickly double tap them.
Drop back behind cover and let your cloak recharge.
@@THECAKEISTALKING You can't cap control points while cloaked any more.
Redownloading the game again after 3 years feeling so hyped!!
Me after like 5 years and im totally overwhelmed and I completly suck and fail and don't really know anything anymore 😅 but it's fun 😊
Welcome back, brother!
The fight is ongoing!
**purple camouflaged Cyrious casually strolls past 2 max suits knifing as he goes**
O.M.G. dude! that Introduction montage h u r t m y S O U L ! !
Where was this video many years ago when I was young recruit of the Terran Republic army :) Amazing video for all new players!
Thank you, Cyrious Gaming, for your Contribution to the Planetside Community.
"... which is a whole different play style". I think that's the feature that's kept my interest for 6+ years. I can sit down and play 4 or 5 unique styles that I know I enjoy or I can try something new by experimenting with a different load out. When I started out I looked for the big battles in bases and played medic. Easy and fast certs. Finding a Max and following them around as an engineer was easy certs. Those two roles also got me the necessary experience to learn the flow of battle in the most common bases. At some point it occurred to me that I could get around that flow with a light assault and really wreck havock in the enemy lines. That became my favorite play style even though my certs per minute suffered, my k/d suffered and my kpm suffered, but It's fun and that's what counts for me. Once I figured that out I spent some money to buy weapons with DBC that supported those styles. I didn't want to waste certs on them, but more than that; I like the game, so why not show some love for the devs?
I personally love playing support. I'm always ready to play medic or engi for placing barriers and repairing MAX and vehicles.
It’s nice to see a guide up after your whole rant. I’ll be sure to reference this when I hit PC
Don't worry, still tons to rant about. :) Need to fix the servers or get merges done. Doesn't mean I don't help new players.
Cyrious Gaming Well, this also helps the old ones who are a little rusty, too. Can’t wait to see DB take action.
Whoa... cool logo.
Edit: Darn... server down. Time to make a Miller toon.
Thanks man
damn you a dan
@@Droid15243Z Toy equivalent :X
Wow this video is great! I played planetside 2 a year ago for a month, but stopped playing because of the crazy grind. A week ago I came back, but I've already reached br rank 15 with my main faction (vs) and with the new conglomerate. Now I will probably start a new character and try kit my infiltrator the best way possible with an smg!
seeing the huge amount of new players on the server your videos are very important and well timed ty sir
As a PS2 vet ( 2,500+ hours on my main character) returning from a long hiatus, this is a good video. Nothing stuck out for me to disagree with, although the implant system has a changed a lot since i last played, so no comment there. Good luck and have fun to all newcomers watching this and see you on Auraxis!
I remember hearing a Max that had guns that sounded lik he had twin AC-130’s strapped to his arms. It was even scarier because it was night tile
Oh those TR specific chainguns? Yeah, those things are pretty scary.
An engineer with lmg primary and shotgun secondary asp.... boy you got yourself a scary self sustained assault/supression class XD
Jumping back in after years away (PS4) and your videos have been a great help! Thank you for such a thorough refresher :D
Definitely a good idea to master one class while learning the game- it saves having to figure out multiple playstyles at the same time. But you did leave out one bit of information that gets asked about in a lot of /yells: Stalker cloak disables your primary weapon. Also, two C4 won't destroy a Sunderer, but will get it down to the point where one Rocklet magazine will likely finish it off. (But a shield Sunderer's shield will absorb the entire blast from C4 or tank mines triggered all at once, even if it's more damage than the shield has health.)
So any advice on ways to disable the shield before wasting explosives on it?
@@justinsteidl8151 Use rockets or the Rocklet Rifle on it until the shield visibly breaks. Or alternatively, use one brick of C4 at a time.
Spend it on the Med-tool(Medic), Repair-tool(Engineer), and Ammo Box(Engineer).
That will give you the ability to make back those certs in no-time.
If you like to play as one class, but want to have a good variety of tasks and roles to perform, and a variety of enemy types you can handle decently, the engineer is the class for you.
If you like to primarily focus on taking down vehicles, and/or providing suppressing fire for your advancing allies, the heavy assault is your class.
If you like to avoid big engagements, or avoid being in the middle of them, while picking off stragglers, or keep enemies stumbling or behind cover, or preparing a point for your allies ahead of them, the infiltrator is for you.
Also, I'm gonna mention something Cyrious should have mentioned about the infiltrator. This is important.
If you equip the stalker cloak, *you cannot use your primary weapon.* keep that in mind.
If you like to play the role of distraction for your enemy, giving your allies precious seconds free from enemy fire, including vehicles? Light assault is for you. (If you're really good you can even destroy some vehicles with this class)
If you want to bring the big guns, heavy armor, to reinforce your allies that are pushing a point, a MAX suit has your name on it.
And last, but far from least. If you want to keep your allies alive, return them to life, and keep them in the fight, the medic is your class. Those who have played the medic in Team Fortress 2 will feel _right at home_ with the Medic's revive tool in Planetside 2. Plus your healing grenades, revive grenades, and more.
Also, let me be clear. *Medics can revive MAXes.* Most people still don't realize this. So please share it, mention it in proximity chat, and spread the word.
Everytime I get 1000 credits, I always buy the pump shotguns
Good intro vid for the new people. This is a very difficult topic to tackle, because everyone has their own preference of play style and it is therefore impossible to make a standard across the board recommendation for initial cert purchases. I know it's impossible to cover everything in one video but you left something important out - level one deployment shield for the sunderer. It only costs 50 certs and adds 2500 health that can regenrate while it's deployed. New players can earn a lot of certs from a well placed sunderer and the deployment shield makes it nearly unkillable.
That code for the SMG still works in Feb 2020
I got it today on 29th of April
where do i type it in tho?
I used to play back when Sony and Maggie were still around. Video was a big help in getting back in auraxis
Glad to help binary!
3:40 there are only 3 classes in ps2: sniper, ammo dispenser and meat shields
Ayyyy a revamp of the tutorial!
I got ur old ones (1 hour, 2nd hour, so on) on my Discord server locked for everyone to see
Finally a TR RUclipsr!!
VS is better :P
@Bart Dr Yeah i wasnt actually saying they are better I was just giving some empire support :P
@Bart Dr But I wouldnt say that any empire is better than another
@Bart Dr Well yes very true, For example VS may win a longer range battle cause control of weapons or NC may win in close combat but for the most part its pretty balanced
the br15 dont refund weapons and weapon attatchments.
@@babress3119 abilities, suit slots, and more
@@babress3119 no bro
@@babress3119 ye
@@babress3119 Where do u buy decal for certs??
@@babress3119 Where do u buy decal with certs??
I know this sounds bad to tell New players , but if you want certs faster you should invest in things that will help you earn certs faster instead of being a better PvP player sadly. Without any certs to speak of the only two best options are dispensing ammo packs , and cortium ANT farming. Then finding a base to drop them off at. To build up that sweet combat build you want .cortium ANT FARMING is you optimal option.
yes, but it will make new player always become a new player. Get your ass up to battle and die, you will learn much from it. Avoiding battle and watch from afar can't make you better in this game, in this case not a better weapon or suit, but aiming skill, positioning skill, predicting skill, differentiate your ally and foe, and for NC shooting skill (knew when you release the weapon trigger).
When first I playing this game as TR, I can't differentiate my ally, so I'm ended up shooting my own ally (red title name means enemy right? ) and not my enemy (NC) lol
I played this game for a bit, made a character on NC and then spend 1000 certs on the Gladiator. And it was the most fun I've ever had.
holy fuq that code safed me. the damage on that weapon is insane compared to the shiit smg i bought before, and i thought about buying another one for 1k
This is still relevant in 2021, thank you.
When I started I didn't have these videos, I wish I did, because I went in and spread my certs across all my classes, and have yet to fully kit a single class out.
I got the vandal at first.... it wasnt a bad choice but i should have upgraded some slots than buying a weapon.
Dont listen to Wrel... :D
thanks cyrious. im, not new you but make really great guides and I greatly appreciate them.
Thank you for being a streamer and TR.
TR is suffering right now with low population on my server, Emerald TR suffers on the hours I play generally 4~5% diminished global pop compared to NC and VS. It's incredibly disheartening, people don't even play NS Operatives because they keep getting put on TR.
Also as an Engineer main I would say don't worry/focus on turrets until you get BOTH Jockey and Robotics Technician. You will survive bolt-actions to the face at high enough rank. This effectively turns you into an LMG nest with the right stuff.
If you want to AT tank, probably the most important certification is the reload speed. While you might be doing the same damage per shot, shooting 4 times, while the enemy can only shoot 3 times (or whatever the specifics are) really adds up, especially when you max it out.
Thanks for the SMG code, i didn't know that.
The onlya thing i had for my Infiltrators was the NS Embassador, Which i like to go with the stalker camo.
Will share around, ty
one thing i tell new flyers in my outift is to go to the VR training room and practice to get settings comfortable and to get 1 chassis for it and level it up to max. Same with tanks, pick 1 chassis and max it out before getting a different one
Efraim in the VR room, every upgrade including implants are already maxed out
@@will79041 we know this, thats why i said it. No need to spend anything and get buyers remorse if you dont like it
I've decided to focus on Engineer this time around, got the repair tool to 5, though I have medic repair tool to 5 and did get the revive grenades (they're not bad, even with how infrequently I use them)...but, engineer's passive and what armor to use...sounds like you recommend the recharge default one for most play, but nanoweave for aggressive play or for those in situations where they need the reduction.
interesting. i'll keep it all in mind. engineers are good cert farms early on
great content man. I wish I had this when I first started.
I like the intro
Thanks man!
Start as engineer. Most point gain possible. Ammo and repairing is a team saver. Buy the Gauss Compact and put the grenade launcher on it, it is a very strong AT and AP weapon on direct hits couples with AT mines well. Buy the AV mana turret, it can one shot light aircraft and is great at supporting allies. Free sunderer events are common, buy the vehicle ammo resupply and stay near tanks. When your team moves, move with them and get free points from respawns and resupplies. Best cert gain for new players. Keeping teammates up with ammo and armor is invaluable in big fights. Double down on MAXes, throw down a ammo pack and repair the max, watch the points rain.
nah medic gives more
What 'small arms' is considered to?
Small arms is considered weapons infantry use. Tanks and aircraft weapons are still "arms" but larger.
@@CMDRCyriouscheers 👌🏻
Carapace / Nightmare with OHK knives? What are you turning into Mr Cyrious boi?
Rocking Carapace vampire there :) Fun loadout.
Cyrious Gaming carapace / vampire and restore kit chugging is literally one of the many reasons why this game is so frustrating to play for new players. Just high level of cringe that only certain players can play with.
@@nico101gaming I agree its overly powerful in clusterfucks. It was Wrel's response to people complaining about zerging.
Cyrious Gaming reeeeeeee 😉
i love you best Explanatory vid. i found yet
7:24 my NC character is BR92 and i still havent gotten the Deci lol
How do you put that shotgun crosshair on your underboss?
That is a unique weapon called the derringer. It is not actually the underboss, it fires 2 rounds, so it gets the shotgun reticle.
@@CMDRCyrious ive looked that weapon up on the wiki I think but I'm not sure how to get it?
Is it available on ps4? That's what I play on
I notice you don’t use the 1 second of stealth on knife kill implant in your stalker cloak knife builds, can you explain your rationale?
Carapace gives you 1000 health, rather than 500. Vampire gives you 300 health back everytime you kill someone with a knife. So I can run around in the crowd, get shot a lot, but get my health back everytime I kill someone. More survivability than a little bit of invisibility.
May i ask the name of that cool helmet?
Damn you got the eve online music in the background , now I have to download it lol
For new players just finding this getting into an outfit will help you massively with asking more experienced players questions
Thissss is what I needed
0:00 bruh that some bullshit, almost 20 guys he slayed, and I can't even do that with one without them superman aiming me when im invisible.
Hey Cyrious! Great intro. Friendly critic here: While I love most of your content, I have to point out some stuff in this guide that I think are a must-have. You didn't mention you cant use primary while stalking, you did not (wtf) mention upgrading the ammo pack of engineers.. Whyyy. Also a little more emphasis on engi shield regen passive+suit sinergy should be a must have. Could've been nice to mention ambusher+shotgun LA style, not very expensive works with stock shotgun and it's fun af. Also I understand you left some things out because a
Hey man, thanks for the feedback.
- The fact that you can't use primary with stalking, doesn't affect certs, only reason it didn't come up.
- Upgrading the engineer ammo pack is listed in the spreadsheet. Sorry it didn't make it into the discussion.
- Thought I talked about engie shield regen a lot, maybe I cut that bit.
- Ambushers with shotgun is pretty expensive to get setup really well, but I did list unlocking Ambushers in the spreadsheet.
- I talk about cool things, because people will be drawn to them and have questions. By bringing them up, but recommending against them, I answer the question on if its worth spending on them early, but they now know its cool and maybe after 15.
Appreciate the feedback!
Also i want to say thanks for the guide, ill definately look more into your videos i have a feeling you could provide a lot of info to help me get better at the game.
Hey thanks for watching, and yes that is what I aim to do!
Oh nice. That SMG code: NSOPS2019 still works today on May 6 2020 😁👍
Gotta admit,EMPs are great when paired with sweeper due to killing blokes with their own mines is a jolly laugh
BETA PLAYER - I still benefit from watching since I mostly play with vehicles, especially aircrafts. I highly recommend that you watch!
old player returning to the game , very useful video thank you !!
if someone does buy a weapon at the begining is a smg sirius for vs and blitz for nc, thats by far my favorite weapon in planetside
What about engineer's ammo box and turret upgrades? Are those worth maxing out or at least spending some certs on?
Definitly worth spending on the ammo box. I failed to talk about that but included it in the spreadsheet. The mana turret, if you are going to use it for more than cover, then yes its worth putting some certs into.
@@CMDRCyrious Got it. Thank you for the answer/advice!
im on ps4
can someone plz explain how do you enter the code for the free smg for infiltrators??
Im just like you right now 😂
@@dgomez02 found out that the code only works for pc
On ps4 I got an smg and an lmg for free both amazing
Another dank intro!
Clip at the beggining is funny as hell XD
thanks for your hard work.
Hello, m8, how about now?
I mean, at ps2 added some more weapons which are bought for A7 like "NS-44L Show down", "NS-30 Tranquility", etc.
Or new guides will be some later like after Colossus tank adding and some weeks to understanding what has changed over guides-old period or it wasn't planed yet?
i am possiably one of the newest of the new players in planet side 2,but if i can ask you,i realy like medic and heavy assult as classes,and i can do alot with them,but one is better then another,so i am asking wich one is.
well, it's really depend on your playstyle.
Medic weapon assault rifle is like a recoil less weapon with smg benefit (high rpm, high accuracy) and lmg benefit (long range), many people says medic is op. Do not face medic in one vs one combat, lol.
Heavy assault is good for breaking the enemy lines, their weapon sway to much in the prolonged fire. It's good for many vs many close quarter combat (cqc) battle.
what about TR and VS infiltrators? they dont start with bolt actions.
The 99SV is amazing do not sleep on it
Since you haven't got into vehicles a lot, I'm aware you haven't got into Construction for the Ant. If you wanted to commit to that playstyle, even as a new player, would it be worth it to get your first structures within your first 15 ranks? And which ones?
Ooo construction is a tough one. I can't think off the top of my head what to do there, but I will try to get to a video on it.
I recommend new players avoid purchasing construction items until a much higher rank. Construction is VERY expensive. It will drain your certs quickly with very little return on the investment. You also won't be able to defend your player made base if you skip certing into your infantry classes and vehicles, and I can gurantee it WILL be attacked.
When you do reach a point where you can cert into construction I would recommend starting with the spawn tube and the router, and then the aircraft terminal when you can afford it. A well placed router will quickly turn a losing fight into an unstoppable victory for your faction and you gain experience for each person that spawns on it.
Depending on playstyle, the routing spire combined with an ejector seat on an ESF would be okay. It is super expensive so I'm not sure if that is even worth it within the first 15 BR's.
Where is the pistol info? (I skipped to my preferred class and you said that we already covered pistols)
NS-Pilot: *Exists*
Repeater: Am I a joke to you?
RE: Combat Medic. You mention in the pop-up tip that coupling Bandolier with Revive Grenade is great for Certs... What BR should I do that and what Level should I up it to?
tbh, i bought weapons anyway, and so far, ive been quite happy with it. obviously, Im not new to shooters, im pretty damn accurate (always go for headshots)
I also always put some certs into certain slots, like hunter and stalker camo; med-ray; and repair tool
but most of my certs went to weapons and attachments
Very useful video
Think as Medic if you use the regen field it makes your medic tool operate really really fast. So hit F (on PC) then start healing up people.
The one I see a lot but you didn't mention about Light Assault and C4 is dropping those into infantry heavy locations and corridors, LA can get a nice vantage point, toss it into a group and BOOM easy profit xD
I remember the summation of the 1st time I ever played Planetside 2 to be just:
@Cyrious Gaming, I really like your video's for a long time now, but wanted you to tell that I think the last couple of video's the (intro) music intermissions are quite loud compared to your voice. I don't really want to change my volume during the video.
Hey, thank you very much for the feedback. Audio issues are one of those really distressing things when watching videos, I spend a lot of time trying to tune the audio to background to cut scene sounds so they are appropriately epic, but not annoyingly different. So thank you! I will try to bring them back into a range so you dont have to keep sliding the audio volume around.
Idk why am i watching this. But great vid man
Thanks man!
Decent guide man
Everyone says don't spend certs on weapons, but after i got the warden NC dmr + some attachments like holo scope and grip for basically every class (a playstile that i bring from battlefield) i was doing sooo much better in every situation, much more than when i got other stuff. I was really surprised i could actually 1v1 a vanu and play a role in firefights more than just repairing a max and spamming ammo boxes and get sniped 1 sec after getting in a turret (now have the auto turret), even before i maxed out the repair kit.
Also the "revert all purchases" prompt was actually useful as i bought the wrong rocket launcher on accident, now i have an anti air wich is really useful when we don't have defenses and a veichle lock one. At least i can push away armor from a lot further ranges, and finish harassers that retreat when they have low health. To me it makes a lot more sense to get these weapons instead of upgrading a shield or primary as i rarely use heavy in infantry battles.
I rarely snipe so i go hacker for now, with light assault the starting weapons are really good and fit the playstile, so only got a couple c4, and if i want to go short range such as in a biolab battle i have an almost full medic healer device but with a shotgun.
Maxes seems to cost too much to upgrade, but right now my shotgun max is really situational, and i end up wasting 450 nanites most of the times.
Now i'm not sure if i wanna go repair sunderer or stealth sunderer. I'm usually the one that pushes a sundy in the backlines and gets killed by one harasser that sees me, i would love to go invisible, but i also like the idea of being able to go in armor battles and hold position without having to repair stuff on foot, plus more free certs.
My advice is that if you are better with some types of weapons, go in the vr continent and try a couple but buy only one, only if you think you'll do better.
Only one launcher to consider for heavy: DECIMATOR! Also commissioner is the best pistol after repeater.
Learning the hard way to have heeded this advice on my new VS char. But also like. The Obelisk has been so good to me xD
Oooo haven't used that one, but I hear great things.
lmao i was just yelling at my new friend to not buy any weapons, what are the chances
100% since i am always yelling at people when they buy weapons :)
I just did this rip
Smarackto I bought the Armistice and I'm happy with it, was worth spending my certs on it imo. Changed my game play for the better.
For me the nsx amaterasu knife has always been a life saver when I was grinding for my now wielded eclipse in vs faction since it had unlimited ammo and could damage light armored vehicles.
I used it as secondary and I would normally use it as sort of a survival knife and for some cheeky stealth kills since I had a jetpack and would hide in trees.
But now since my primary has an infinite ammo pool I'm not sure how to use any other knife now since I've been using the nsx amaterasu knife for so long 😂
So I basically have 2 unlimited ammo pool weapons and if they add battlerifles to the asp for jetpack class I'll be a 1 man army!
Anyways #NSXAmaterasuKnifeForLife !
I went from 15 hours to 31 hours in 3 days I think im hooked I used to play couple years ago for a bit
I'm a beginner. Thank you! This was super useful!
Glad to help scott!
8:59 what is the NSX Raijin are those Shuriken and how u got them?
The Raijin was earned from being part of a playtest. The Shuriken is a directive reward, and I am blanking which one right now.
@@CMDRCyrious thx bud appreciate it^^
Nsx fujin, the shuriken, is the gold tier reward for nsx weapons. You have to get 160 kills with 3 different nsx weapons.
with the starter smg for infiltrator i once shot down and esf
Great video! Make Planetside 2 Great Again!
good on the RUclipsrs for making more noob vids right now
Does the SMG code work on PS4?and if so where would i go to redeem it
I have to disagree on the infiltrator starting weapons. The VS "Spectre" is an insanely good mid range weapon, and to some extent - close range. It has no recoil, no bullet drop, the bullets go in the same spot. You can basically spam it. Kill streaks are amazingly easy to do with the "Spectre". It's a very underrated weapon.
With the computer attachment the TR starting sniper is also quite good, it doesn't OS headshot but 1 hs + 1bs or 2 hs or 3 bs kill and there's no breathing involved, fast and easy to do, making it super comfy to play. I came back to the game after a 3 years old break and it didn't have it back then, it's a game changer honestly.
I would love to be able to play SMG Infiltrator, that code would be perfect since I just dropped about 1k certs on upgrading my medic to farm certs. Is there a way to redeem codes on PS4? I haven't seen it yet If there is one
On the ps4 that same smg only costs one cert just look for it in the smg tab