Black Myth Wukong - The Reviews Point To This Being Shovelware

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • The highly anticipated action RPG Black Myth Wukong releases on PC and PS5 on the 19th and it should be cause for celebration. However, since the review embargo lifted for the game, multiple reviews have been released having evaluated the game's worth and several glaring issues have been raised with the game's design putting into question whether supporting the title is worth it or if it's more convenient to skip it altogether.
    Which reviews left a more lukewarm response and why?
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Комментарии • 31

  • @AvidAlchemist
    @AvidAlchemist  24 дня назад +6

    PSA for ALL those posting comments, don't bring your ass up on my channel spamming words like "woke" which none of you actually know what that word means. Any right wing nut conspiracy theorist ad hominem ignorant ass language will earn you a swift ban as if you never even existed. Take that stupid shit on a political channel where it belongs. This is an entertainment review/video essay channel. This isn't CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, Newsmax, Daily Wire, none of that. Go on those platforms and do that shit on there. It will not be tolerated here on my platform.
    Don't come up on here with assumptions on what games I've played or haven't played. There are playlists on this channel showing what games I've personally covered on here. Go look through them yourself before you post a comment. We have some children coming up on here trying to label me as a "hater". This is a neutral response to the critical reviews. Neutral as in down the middle. I neither like nor dislike the game.
    I had one person claim this is a review on the game, this isn't a review by any stretch of the imagination. If you think this video is a review then you need to review what the word "review" actually means. This is an informative video pointing out the obvious facts detailed in the more critical takes on the game from industry journalists who played and reviewed it.
    Had another person claim these negative points are mine. They are not mine. They are the critiques from these review publications that I visually and verbally referenced in the video. Had another clown claim that this game will win GOTY and that they are playing the game day 1 basically trying to justify their purchase. Sorry to break it to you people but this game has 0 chance at winning GOTY. ZERO.
    Also, I have yet to see anyone bring an appropriate argument to defend why this game is 1. A buggy mess 2. Linear to the point of being a waste of time 3. Filled with so many bosses that none of them feel relevant 4. Can be broken early on to where there's virtually no challenge as highlighted in VGC's impressions article which I went over in this video 5. Why there's really no story written for this at all 6. Doesn't watch this video from start to end yet thinks you have an argument against those who've actually played it and are echoing the same complaints across multiple review outlets. Still waiting.

    • @stephensearles673
      @stephensearles673 23 дня назад

      @@AvidAlchemist will you be playing this game? Just curious

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  23 дня назад

      @stephensearles673 Maybe at 50% percent off. Until then, no. I'd rather spend my money on something more far more deserving.

  • @user-cx6rg6mr7d
    @user-cx6rg6mr7d 24 дня назад +2

    it's all good, not the first time big game media's review went opposite against players'

  • @smoke-o-time3913
    @smoke-o-time3913 23 дня назад +1

    There's too many voices saying its souls like, then its not souls like. Its like GOW, then it nothing like GOW. No one can seem to agree what the game actually is! At the end of the day, the only way to know is to actually play it. This is why I don't take these gaming media reviews seriously anymore, and would rather listen to a random youtube reviewer instead.

  • @readifdumb
    @readifdumb 16 дней назад +1

    Maybe the pre-release game was buggy, but the release has only very minor bugs, none that are game breaking, easily fixable in one patch. If anything the metacritic review underpreciates the game.

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  16 дней назад

      @readifdumb Dozens of negative Steam reviews would claim otherwise but even if your argument were to hold water, it doesn't change the other numerous facts of what's wrong with the game which ultimately is the reason why it didn't score as high as it should have. Fact of the matter is this game will quickly be forgotten over the next few months and when Phantom Blade Zero, another Chinese game with more depth than Black Myth Wukong has releases, it may not share the same level of financial success as Wukong but it will undoubtedly be the stronger game regardless.

    • @readifdumb
      @readifdumb 16 дней назад +1

      @@AvidAlchemist I heavily disagree.
      The problems with the game? Invisible walls, very minor bugs, and some sections that feel too linear. None of that overshadows what the game does well.
      First of all, it is graphically one of, if not the best looking game to come out. It is the first to really reach the heights of what Unreal Engine 5 is capable of.
      Second, it's gameplay is fun, and it's progression and build variety is deep enough to be enjoyable, especially compared to that of other games.
      Third, it's being heavily compared to God of War, which is a GOTY title that everyone remembers and everyone played. I'd say it's even better than that game on a personal note.
      Fourth, its cutscenes, animations, art direction, cinematic value, soundtrack, sound effects, are all high quality. This isn't just photogrammatery at work, this is a truly artistic vision realized. The devs truly understand the source material in and out.
      Fifth, it is a decently long game, with 30-45 hours of run time for those doing side content + main content. It has 91 bosses, a number comparable to only that of Path of Exile 2 and Elden Ring. It's quality over quantity. It has amazing secrets that have level size areas and multiple hidden bosses. It's quality and quantity deserving of a AAA price, and does not repeat the same predatory monetization practices of other companies.
      Sixth, it's the only game this year that I'd say has actually reach these heights. I mean not only is it super popular, being the biggest singleplayer title on Steam in terms of numbers, with overwhelmingly positive reviews, over 2.4 million peak players, and over 10 million copies sold, with a cross platform over 3 million players playing at single time. It's also the only AAA game that even really has a chance of GOTY. New Yakuza game barely changed anything from Yakuza 7, so I doubt that would. Persona 3 is a remaster of a remaster. Star Wars Outlaws, Indiana Jones, Dragon Age Veilguard, AC Yasuke game, Concord, and Dustborn are all DEI jokes. Space Marine 2 and Stalker 2 are practically the only other games coming out this year that remotely look exciting. Silent Hill 2 looks so bad. So when people remember 2024, it's Wukong, that's the game they'll remember, and maybe Elden Ring DLC which can't even contend for "game" of the year.
      Seventh... It's just a good game... Like these days, all you need to do to stand out in the AAA space is make a good game. That hardly ever happens sadly. Dragon's Dogma 2 has terrible quest, optimization, bugs, boring story, and repetitive enemies, and it was touted as one of the biggest games this year. That's unfortunately really sad. This year is so dry people are talking about Starfield updates. Wukong is a good game, it's overwhelmingly positive on Steam after over 300k Steam reviews, and most problems people had were due to AMD fucking up their driver update, or issues with Unreal Engine 5... Things the devs cannot control.
      I think that you'e so willing to hate a product that you've blinded yourself from the reality. It's a good massively succesful game, the best game that's come out this year so far, a GOTY contender, and a mark against DEI shitfest that's currently going on. Stellar Blade is locked on console still, if you were going to say that game should be GOTY... Most people cannot even play it. A new Chinese game will come out better than Wukong you say? I hope so, and if that happens I'm not going to bother with the Western market or the Westernised Japanese market because they cannot make games at all.

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  16 дней назад

      @readifdumb I'm not reading all of that so I'll pick out the obvious. 1. Graphics are irrelevant when nearly every triple A game on the market looks fantastic. That's a fanboy shill talking point. Let's talk about the technical issues the game has.
      2. The gameplay is fun to you. Realistically, the game is a repetitive boss rush game with minimalistic level design and poor/nonexistent storytelling.
      3. The game is incorrectly being compared to God of War. None of the God of War games have poor level design or are designed to be a linear game with over 80 different bosses stuffed into them.
      4. The game's cutcenes and "cinematic vision" are irrelevant when the storytelling is once again poor and irrelevant.
      5. It's 40 hours of repetitive content going from boss to boss every few minutes and none of the bosses are relevant to anything going on in the game thanks to the insane repetitive gameplay loop. Even Elden Ring has more depth than that like actual multi-path multi-tiered world design with each stage. This game has nothing of the sort. That's not quality over quantity, it's the other way around.
      6. It's only popular because of Chinese players from the world's most overpopulated country as this weird nationalistic treasure, placing it on a ridiculous undeserved unearned pedestal. Also, last I checked; sales numbers don't equate to quality.
      7. It's a mediocre game boosted to an insane degree mainly by players from its home country. It was hyped over the moon at its announcement, and it fell massively short of its potential by several miles. It won't win GOTY by any stretch of the imagination nor should any other game released this year thus far deserves the honor.
      8. Whatever. I'm not going to play national politics with you or anyone else. The west makes good and bad games just like the east makes good and bad games.

  • @burningdeadman
    @burningdeadman 24 дня назад +3

    Its funny this game reminds me more of DMC5 Yet that didnt get low score for its paper thin story or lack of exploration. I Love DMC5 for what it is and I think ill love Black Myth Wukong. Metascores mean nothing to me

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  24 дня назад

      @burningdeadman Because DMC 5 didn't have a paper thin story for 1. For 2, the Devil May Cry series is more focused on gameplay anyway. For 3, it's a hack n slash game so the game should be linear as it was by default and journalists understood that which is why exploration is irrelevant in those games because of their genre. And lastly, DMC 5 isn't a boss rush game with limited enemy variety like this game has been described to be and the challenge isn't artificial either. Metascores may mean nothing to you but that doesn't make them automatically irrelevant to everyone else.

    • @kys125
      @kys125 23 дня назад +1

      @@AvidAlchemist Of course I dont know but it feels like you have something against this game bud lol

    • @Mike-us3zy
      @Mike-us3zy 23 дня назад +1

      @@AvidAlchemist most people know now aways metacritic scores are a joke and they are paid off for their reviews screen rant is a great example with their DEI bs lol

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  23 дня назад +1

      @Mike-us3zy Wrong. Most people don't know that. Metacritic scores are extremely important to both gaming publishers who use them as metrics for how well a product performs on the market as well as general consumers. It's an aggregate wide view of what range of quality a particular game is.
      Despite the contrary belief, there is not and has never been any objective proof of any actual payments made that gaming journalists are paid off. This topic in particular has been explored by those who have worked as journalists in the industry.
      The only thing that's been suggested which may be factual is that journalists are encouraged to give positive reviews because of things like press trips, free merchandise, early access to new games, blacklisting, and advertising pressure for gaming websites who collect advertising revenue from gaming publishers. Screen Rant's review of this game is the opposite of the conspiracy theory that gaming reviews are paid off considering they're among the few publications that gave this game a lower score. What you're saying makes no sense whatsoever.

  • @MaTtRoSiTy
    @MaTtRoSiTy 24 дня назад +1

    We will see I guess but I will not be pre-ordering as I have been burned and learned my lesson years ago. It looks promising but who knows how good it really is until trusted reviewers get their hands on it and it has a few bug fixes

    • @AvidAlchemist
      @AvidAlchemist  24 дня назад +1

      @MaTtRoSiTy You're clearly smarter and more wise than more than half the people clicking this video.

  • @XxLeo05xX
    @XxLeo05xX 24 дня назад

    I have been saying this game would be bad since they said it was a boss rush. I dont think it was supposed to be a boss rush. The changed it because the game didnt live up to what it should be. Story removed and they had a good engine for fighting so they added more to it. This game is bad. Well, average at the very best.
    I think it was changed. It was supposed to be a souls like snd failed. They changed it because the gear snd enviornment was bad and the bosses are ok but elden ring had what 50 bosses. This game is lack luster. It wasnt finished and it was changed.

  • @R3d3y35
    @R3d3y35 25 дней назад

    Smh, very upsetting to here.

  • @Meta9871
    @Meta9871 23 дня назад

    I dont know what indicated to people that this would be good. The fact it's "not woke" by itself?

  • @10dev785
    @10dev785 24 дня назад

    it's so easy to see everything being said here....and I hate how people are saying it's not like a souls game. Hell, they even die like the souls games. It's a pretty basic game. Still not better than the witcher 3.

    • @Huda88754
      @Huda88754 24 дня назад +4

      Witcher 3 was a bore fest so this must be real bad 😂

    • @10dev785
      @10dev785 24 дня назад

      @@Huda88754 Wait what version are you talking about?? What did you play it on?? everything counts

    • @XxLeo05xX
      @XxLeo05xX 24 дня назад +1

      ​@@10dev785they didnt play Witcher saying that. Got through like 5 hours if they played anything at all, and gave up.

    • @Huda88754
      @Huda88754 19 дней назад

      @@XxLeo05xX fell asleep