INTP Hollowness

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • #INTP #16Types #Introversion
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Комментарии • 40

  • @diverdave4
    @diverdave4 8 лет назад +25

    INTP that felt very empty until I found myself in grad school learning pharmacy... needed to be involved in something that 1) satisfied me intellectually with sufficient complexity and 2) literally PLACES you in a position where you get to have pleasant and relatively short professional interactions with other people (i.e. patients). I think medicine is great for INTPs. Thank you for making the videos! I am one of those INTPs that only recently sort of came on-line in terms of my awareness of what that really meant when you looking into the breakdown of the functions.... and it has been quite trippy to see both other men, and women, that appear to have such similar characteristics such as nuances of vocabulary, clear sounding control of vowel sounds, eyes wandering, et cetera.... I think we all live alone and - as you said in another video - we are not always surrounding by the right people.... INTPs are probably separated by layers of other personalities that drown us out sometimes from each other....

  • @izzibizzi123
    @izzibizzi123 6 лет назад +7

    As a 20 year old INTP, I’ve been having issues with figuring out what to do with my life. I’ve been in and out of college and always changing my mind on what career I want. When I was 18 I took the personality test for free through college and saw I was INTP, but at the time I didn’t care because I thought I knew what my career path was. I ended up hating what I was “studying” (digital media production) and realized I just like editing videos as a hobby. This past semester I’ve gone from thinking about going into psychology, biology, music, illustration, blah blah blah.. it’s been fucking stressful, and I feel like I’m not smart enough or have a good enough work ethic to go through with any of them. So I retook my personality test to see if it had changed, and obviously it hadn’t. Once I started learning about INTP’s I realized how stupid it was to even be skeptical about being one or not. I’ve taken some other school provided career tests and I’m trying to figure it all out. I can relate to a lot of what you’re saying and I find all of these videos very helpful, and I’m a lot less stressed finally realizing I’m not just an unemotional or non passionate person, I’m just an indecisive as fuck INTP.

  • @colloredbrothers
    @colloredbrothers 8 лет назад +13

    Very good observations Zach, this is what meditation is all about. Its sitting in silence and observing the conditioned mind do its job. Instead of getting stuck in its thoughts and entertain them in a long chain of subsequent thoughts. You let them subside and then view them from a third person perspective. When I used to meditate I would start to see that I had a lot of negative assumptions in me. So if I greeted somebody I would feel shyness because I would assume that I was coming off in a weird way. Now this assumption has no bearing on reality, its existence is completely irrational and based purely on my insecurity.
    Through continued meditation you encounter these unconscious thought patterns which end up controlling your life basically. And when you recognize them and you see that they are not based on anything real they dissolve. Fear keeps you from looking into these things, but once you do look into them the fear dissolves because you realize there is nothing behind it. Its like the man who sees the shadow of a snake and is gripped by fear, but then realizes that the shadow was cast by a garden hose and it all disappears.
    This is a long process, and it starts of with your most superficial unconscious processes, but as you go deeper and resolve each after the other you are basically going back in time. Trauma's which have left you marked since you were a child start popping up and like an onion we peel everything back until we reach the self which as you say is pure. Pure meaning unconditioned, un-affected by the past. Or as the Buddha would say, free from karma. As you free yourself from the past your actions in the present are no longer dictated by unconscious processes rather they are dictated by your now lucid mind.
    At this stage the human being has regained his free will. A person who is controlled by his past has no free will, only after the past is resolved and you are "born again" will you completely change the path of your life. There is a distinct difference between who you were before your rebirth and who you are after. Which is why the point is called a rebirth.
    Beyond this you start going into the sacredness of life itself, you will begin to feel that you are surrounded by the creator, spontaneous joy will rumble in your belly, the joy of existing, the joy of realizing the nature of the world, the joy of being free from the delusion of fear.
    I'm not entirely sure what comes after this point, but perhaps its the realization that the sacred spirit which is in all things is actually you. Every distinction begins to be slowly erased and you fall deeper and deeper into the sacredness. One reaches at-one-ment, self realization.
    Every human struggle will seem like nothing from this vantage point, life will look perfect exactly the way it is, and most of people's suffering will be seen as the product of supreme delusion rather than the nature of reality.
    The last fear will perish, the fear of death as one realizes that that which has always been and will always be, can never die.

    • @musebymelissa8583
      @musebymelissa8583 7 лет назад

      colloredbrothers informative and inspiring, thank u for sharing ☯️♥️

    • @xynx1211
      @xynx1211 5 лет назад

      I never meditated before, but I think I've more or less reached this state of transcendence. The more you learn, the closer you get to this level. What I did do though is use my Ti and Ne to systematically find all my sources of mental fog, and systematically purge them from existence by shining light on them.

  • @emeralddreams888
    @emeralddreams888 6 лет назад +2

    I just found this awesome video. I totally agree: rather than total nothingness, true freedom is finding a way around a structure of discipline. And it takes discipline to create happiness for yourself.

  • @doctordamien
    @doctordamien 3 года назад +1

    Dark night of the soul seems an INTP's closest companion. Embrace Shadow. Magic occurs around uncomfortably disturbing insights.

  • @ShadowsMasquerade
    @ShadowsMasquerade 7 лет назад +6

    "Anything external is subject to change" as the reason to not build a foundation based on external phenomena. I agree with it but I think that's only part of the story because even if those things do not change (let's pretend they don't for the sake of this) it still wouldn't be a good idea. The foundation is on a deeper level ("underlying principle") and the outside is not a reflection, but an extension that lies several levels above. So even if the extension was very stable, it wouldn't make a TRUE foundation because there would be an automatic disconnect that your unconscious could not authentically reach.

  • @wyntyroberlin8262
    @wyntyroberlin8262 7 лет назад +5

    You're amazing. Answered many questions I've had for awhile.

  • @christopherpaul1810
    @christopherpaul1810 6 лет назад +3

    I'm INTP-A, and was able to easily follow and understand

  • @MrMarktrumble
    @MrMarktrumble 8 лет назад +5

    thank you. I am an INTP as well. You sound like a version of Rene Descartes discourse on Method. For him, it lead to the cogito.

    • @samuelvidal3437
      @samuelvidal3437 7 лет назад

      Absolutely ^^
      While watching the video I was also trying to draw the parallelism between 1) Descarte discourse on method 2) The alchemical process and 3) jungian Identification

    • @samuelvidal3437
      @samuelvidal3437 7 лет назад

      Thinking of it, it simply seems that Descarte Discourse on method is really the jungian identification process of an INTP ^^. Now I would like to explore the third side of the parallelism that to me is new.. Descates discourse on method vs the alchemical process.

  • @ttmalek1
    @ttmalek1 8 лет назад +2

    As always, I enjoy hearing your perspective on these topics.
    I would like to share a few of my observations pertaining to this. The hollowness is a very real thing that exists within each and every one of us, differing depending on personality type. I think that this does reside within the shadow functions, specifically within the insecurities of our unskilled and under valued functions. For INTPs, this would be our Se/Fi.
    My own life journey has lead me down the path of going deep into myself, my subconscious/unconscious aspects of my psyche. I have found that my inner most issues reside within the Se/Fi functions. What I have learned and am still learning is that trying to overcome or conquer these issues is not the point. Accepting and owning them allows me to come into balance with them, identify who I truly am. These insecurities are guides for me to be the best I can be, to be my authentic self.
    Each of us must come to an understanding of who we are consciously and subconsciously, completely owning that, being who we are. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The only way to do that is to take the journey inward and downward into the shadows.
    Best to you on your journey Zachary.

    • @nayrking8
      @nayrking8 8 лет назад +1

      Very well said, and an interesting observation with the Se/Fi shadow. I think you're right that how well you're overcoming and conquering them isn't the point, the point is that in the journey into the psychic nucleus you have exposed them for what they are, and they no longer assert their influence on you unconsciously. Accepting these aspects of yourself allows you to garner a conception of who you truly are. Fascinating.

  • @Padawan_Rangebender
    @Padawan_Rangebender 9 месяцев назад

    Without rain there is no sunshine.

  • @NightOwl_30
    @NightOwl_30 7 лет назад +6

    so handsome

  • @Explvcit
    @Explvcit 8 лет назад +1

    i will seriously think about your observations when dealing with that part of me that i dont know how to control or even learn about. great video, thank you

  • @howaboutataste
    @howaboutataste 7 лет назад +3

    Historians of science have a very different view of alchemy's role in contributing to chemistry. Philosophers of science mostly have a different view about "pre-science" than you.
    As an INTP, I recommend reading Karl Popper, TS Kuhn, Micheal Polanyi, and the History of Science Society (Isis).
    I was hoping you were going to discuss schizoid hollowness in interpersonal interaction and sense of self.

  • @brandoncurtisdemery205
    @brandoncurtisdemery205 5 лет назад

    Nailed it! Thank you for the reminder.

  • @SoundTracx
    @SoundTracx 5 лет назад +1

    -"Life is a game and once you figure it out, you'll start winning" -ME, Idk about you but when I'm creating a new character in a game I don't put all my points into CHARISMA (social abilities). I always have put my points into intelligence. With Intelligence, you can learn how to be Charismatic, you can learn how to get strength or agility. You cant learn how to get smarter. We by far have the best odds in the world because we can LITERALLY do anything we put our mind too. Want to create something new? go for it. Look at Apple and Microsoft. INTP's are probably the most imaginative people out there because we are forced to think differently than everyone else. We didn't get to choose our stats or brain but we sure did get the best abstract thinking abilities to out compete for anyone in an intellectual battle. Hell, INTPs are everywhere from sports pros to literal Genius's. The saying "you can do anything you can put your mind too" applies to us INTP's the most. Sure we would rather enjoy the thought of doing something amazing or world-changing, but if you really want to. You can.
    -For your video, I always thought I was autistic or had Asbergers or something wrong with me because I just didn't care what people thought or felt. I still don't I just respect people's beliefs and emotions until they start to affect me or other's around them. Then I step in and us my TI to just flip their world upside down on them telling them everything wrong that they are doing and completely criticizing their existence. Sure they might cry or call you an emotionless robot but fuck it you're doing the world a service by changing their arrogant ways. Find friends in your niche hobbies or things you enjoy, if you like games get discord and just talk to people (Nonface conversations are a blessing).
    -Get a girlfriend who actually enjoys listening to your theories and otherworldly imagination.
    -We have a god complex for a reason. We are the only ones who are truly awake in this world and we need to change it. Don't fall for peoples fronts, you should be able to see right past them anyway. Living in the SJ world is cancer to us NT types but we are the ones who make it better for everyone else, they are too busy enjoying themselves to see the wrongs in the world. We see all the negatives before we see the positives. Use this to your advantage don't fight it.
    -Fuck depression, don't let it control your life. NT's are very prone to depression because we are stuck seeing the negatives and not the positives. You have to change your mindset right now. Anybody that is depressed that reads this needs to realize that they are only fucking themselves by being depressed. When you feel sad your not depressed. You're allowed to be sad, it's a MAJOR AND IMPORTANT EMOTION. It tells us that we shouldn't do that again. Like sticking your hand in a fire. Yeah, its gonna fucking hurt but now you know not to do that again. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    -Treat the world as a game, we are really good at playing games because we take in all the information and use it to our advantage.
    -Get out and explore the universe, everyone needs to do this not just INTP's. It is the most basic human instinct we have had since the dawn of humanity.
    -If you're a female INTP I actually feel sorry for you because other girls won't understand you at all. I can tell you to get introverted guy friends because they will understand you better than extroverted girls.
    -Don't be a fucking doormat. Don't be a fucking doormat. DON'T BE A FUCKING DOORMAT. I swear this pisses me off the most when people think they can just walk all over us INTP's because we are so understanding of others and are so openminded. As soon as you start standing up for yourself you will instantly gain the respect of others and become a lot more confident in yourself. Literally just tell people to fuck off if you know they are just trying to use you. You don't need those people in your lives. INTP's are more comfortable when we roll solo but we sure do enjoy some entertaining company.
    -You won't make everyone happy so don't even try too. Just make sure the people that you love show you respect and you show them respect as well.
    -Start working out, IDC what it is just something, get moving. Get that blood moving and be proud of yourself and what you accomplish.
    -To get better in social situations you have to be the one to ask questions, you've been doing it your whole life so why are you stopping? It eases the awkwardness and everyone else loves talking about themselves because the world revolves around them. Sure you might annoy some people but they are the sheep and you can either be a Wolf or Shepard, the choice is yours.
    -Also if there's an awkward silence just start rambling about random trivia you know, one of the most attractive things about us is our brain so use it to get yourself a GF or BF. You might think nobody would want to date a hermit INTP but as soon as you start improving yourself then suddenly everyone wants to date that mysterious, intelligent, openminded, charming person that has so much knowledge to share with the world.
    -This one is for the younger INTP's like myself, wake up, life does get tough, no need to stress, find a solution, where will you be for the revolution?
    -All I ask of you other INTP's is to do the world a service and make something of yourself, don't just sit by all day and be a hermit even though it's so damn comforting. Get out and make the world a better place.

  • @scapeg0at65
    @scapeg0at65 5 лет назад

    The way you speak and look around as you speak... is so terrifyingly similar to what I do. Now that I observe it first hand i must seem strange to other people.

  • @vidSpac
    @vidSpac 8 лет назад +2

    Thanks for this video Zachary. I have been thinking about the topic of self improvement via strengthening weaker cognitive functions lately (specifically my tertiary Ni and inferior Te). I have been actively trying to choose activities that seem like the opposite of what I'm "naturally" good at (Math and programming for example) as a way to kind of serve this agenda. I'm worried that in the process however I might neglect my Fi and in particular my Se, and do more harm than good. Would it be fair to say that what I'm doing by this is trying to "edit" my framework as opposed to the "break it all down" method? I did read a facebook post on an alt-right page that suggested to "burn with fire" all the parts of your life through which degeneracy and whatever seeps in. That thought really scared me at the time, I basically took it as "okay, so I need to what, basically kill my current self in order to improve?". I think I like the way you word it better. -Famous person zaczacattack

    • @nayrking8
      @nayrking8 8 лет назад +2

      I don't think you'll ultimately neglect your primary functions. Your Fi is always going to be a place of comfort for you to recharge regardless of what you engage in. I also enjoy the feeling of doing activities related to lower cognitive functions.
      I don't see changing your framework as killing yourself, but rather, deciding on a new way of operation. I see what would be considered the "self" as the agent within me that has capacity for moral understanding, capacity for reason, and a will to direct phenomena and objects that come into the cerebral realm. The aim of self-improvement and engaging the unconscious is learning to direct that phenomena into a positive direction and to become aware of the aspects of yourself (the blind self) in order to direct that into the right direction, or at the least come to terms with it. Thank you much for the feedback, Zac.

  • @rilexeon
    @rilexeon 7 лет назад +1

    I mean, i don't agree with everything, but it was deffinitely interesting and gave me stuff to think about.

  • @abdiqanihashi484
    @abdiqanihashi484 Год назад

    I've seen a child with eyes like tilled earth now with eyes like ash and smoldering coals.

  • @samuelvidal3437
    @samuelvidal3437 7 лет назад +1

    You're very impressive :-)

  • @i.magination6814
    @i.magination6814 6 лет назад

    All suffering or hollowness comes from attachment to materialistic items or lack there of,
    Everyone is subject to it.
    Self discovery for an intp is key, take the hermit role and make it the magician.
    That's alchemy, base or shitty personality quarks boiled down to gold,who or what it really is or what is beneficial to life.
    Its all a personal experience.

  • @wedrive525it
    @wedrive525it 8 лет назад +1

    Wow. How did u do that 🙃

  • @pedroandrepiccoli
    @pedroandrepiccoli 6 лет назад +4

    Dude, just use a human effigy

  • @remnhem9255
    @remnhem9255 5 лет назад

    I also think we suck at EQ

  • @lnfk
    @lnfk 8 лет назад +10

    INTP here, The only thing that get's rid of that growing spiritually in Christ, to spend time with him. You can't grow or understand, or have the "veil" eliminated (to be able to understand) if you don't have the holy spirit - if you don't believe that God exists.

    • @Talkingwithfamouspeople
      @Talkingwithfamouspeople  8 лет назад +11

      I don't think you have an adequate definition of belief. It's a behavior, see, not a status. I say this to you as someone who has been praying a lot recently. I'm not someone who rejects the validity of the behavior of faith. But you speak of something different. You speak of faith as though it were a label.

    • @lnfk
      @lnfk 8 лет назад

      I'm doing a bible study called "Experiencing God" by Henry and Richard Blackaby. I did a little more research on faith in the bible study and outside of it and just found out that it's actually a GIFT from God. So hey dude, I don't know what you're really getting at here but I just want to thank you for being a stepping stone to that discovery. Furthermore my sincere hope for you is discovery of absolute truth, and that truth will set you free (john 8). Peace to you.

    • @WeedSmoker69
      @WeedSmoker69 8 лет назад +18

      i find your statement to be ignorant, intolerant and outright arrogant.

    • @keaganwheeler-mccann8565
      @keaganwheeler-mccann8565 7 лет назад +2

      Absolute beliefs are rarely right. Because the consistency required for absolute-ness is vast. Many who "Find" god, seem to do so with a deep search within themself using some manner of feeling apparatus. Such as this, does god exist? If god exists... thoughts like that, they then realize that having an answer for all mystery feels good. They then say if it feels good, how can it be wrong? It uses the most devastating parts of our habit of seeing patterns we want to see, and moving towards easy pleasures. Hell! I engage in similar processes when it comes to habits. Why do you believe in god? Faith? A feeling that is specifically used to affront ever possible deterrence from the conscious mind in favor of your own belief? A worry about after death? Can you remember your beginning? That may be an indicator for your end. In any case, the concept of a god or goddess or deity could be really fascinating to think about. TO me though, it seems way to human to be cosmically relevant. Though humans are, in all apparent-ness the universe experiencing itself.

    • @nathanezra1
      @nathanezra1 6 лет назад +2

      INTP Imposter!!!