Tunic made me GET Dark Souls (review)

  • Опубликовано: 6 янв 2024
  • Tunic is a game about discovery, and it's like no game I played before. The joy of it comes from the story that you decipher and the secrets you uncover. Tunic is a complex, deceptive, beast of a game, and it showed me why people enjoy soulslikes. Anyways, here's my review for this weekend.
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Комментарии • 26

  • @sl1ppey
    @sl1ppey 6 месяцев назад +4

    Tunic is one of the coolest games I've played. Admittedly took me way too long to figure out what the "Holy Cross" was... lol

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад +2

      This game was just my constantly going "wait... I can do that? Of course I can do that!"

  • @thiagotaubman7505
    @thiagotaubman7505 6 месяцев назад +4

    Great vid my guy! Also, as a kid from Brazil in the early 2000s, the fact that the game manual is in a language that you can't understand also touched on some nostalgia. I remember playing my first zelda game not knowing anything about what was going on because I didn't know english at the time, and trying to figure out via trial and error/visual context what I had to do.
    Tunic is pretty goddamn amazing.

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks man. I think I'm starting to find my groove with these videos.
      It's pretty amazing the memories this game is able to evoke in so many people. Really eager to see what the dev does next.

  • @BlueJay_5315
    @BlueJay_5315 6 месяцев назад +3

    Tunic is just one of those games I got because I thought it was cute, and on sale, I haven't had any incentive to play it until now. Thank you!

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад

      That's great! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

  • @caseycoker1051
    @caseycoker1051 6 месяцев назад +1

    It's always nice when I get good recommendations from smaller channels. Great video!
    Edit: Man, I am a huge fan of the souls titles. I hope this gets you to give them a chance.

  • @OmahaGTP
    @OmahaGTP 6 месяцев назад +2

    Lmao I played this for a bit and got sidetracked and haven’t come back to it. I kept dying and getting confused and I thought I had been drinking too much. I didn’t know it was supposed to be difficult, I thought I was that bad. Time to try again.

  • @HeadPats4Peter
    @HeadPats4Peter 6 месяцев назад

    5:42 - 6:36 (5:53 - 6:05 and 6:32 - 6:36 specifically)
    if you want to get more satisfaction out of Tunic's gameplay, there's an in-game combat mechanic that's useful if timed well.
    the way to activate the combat method/action(spoiler) is a few empty lines below:
    tap your block button
    edit1: although you may have found out, if you have watched some Yt vids/gameplay. Or seen some of the Yt vid title, then proceeded to watch because you were interested in how to parry.

  • @LujeAldwald
    @LujeAldwald 6 месяцев назад +3

    Yooooo okay I think i'm gonna pick this up
    also sidenote: yessss FEZ mention!!

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад

      Glad this hit with you.
      I think this game belongs on anyone's must play list. Totally worth your time. let me know what you think after you finish it

    • @zackmezera
      @zackmezera 2 дня назад

      Tunic is the fulfillment of what Fez started, in so many ways! I hope you did get around to playing it :)

  • @oriondezagrats4228
    @oriondezagrats4228 6 месяцев назад

    Also, if nobody else has mentioned it, and you haven't played it already, if you're looking for that "solving the obstacle through determination" thing, you could try Hollow Knight, which is a pretty faithful sort of Metroidvania-style Soulslike in terms of difficulty of combat. It's sort of half-and-half simplistic cutesy artstyle and grody underground, decaying environments, mixed together with a responsive and no-nonsense moveset and enough things to get that you can make a sort of 'build' that fits your playstyle, if you so desire. It's also got the 'hidden, fractured lore' bit of Dark Souls down pat.

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the suggestion! Hollow Knight looks great, but with the current backlog...gonna be a while until can I get to it.
      Also, I'll check out TNG. Picard piqued my interest in the IP.

    • @oriondezagrats4228
      @oriondezagrats4228 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@WeekendDive The Next Generation is fantastic, but Picard is more of a drama than TNG is. TNG has some multi-episode-part stories, which are usually pretty good when they come around, but most episodes are self-contained with progression arcs being based around the characters, rather than the plot in and of itself. Old Trek, and TNG in particular, was typically more focussed on the social implications, ramifications, and resolutions to various issues in general.
      If you want something grittier than TNG, the sequel series Deep Space 9 has a lot of that. Although the religious/spiritual substory is slightly lacklustre, the characters are very strong, and there are numerous multi-part story arcs and seasonal arcs that define a continual conflict, if that floats your boat more. Much drama to be had. And some of the de-facto best characters in the franchise are all holed up in there.
      Stepping away from the Star Trek franchise into a contemporary that existed in roughly the same timeframe, Babylon 5 has some real good stuff in it. Very gritty. There's a good amount of intrigue and intergalactic politics going on. The first season is a bit more... wacky, maybe, at times, but it really finds its identity by the second season and only improves from there. Sheridan, who's introduced in the second season, might seem out of place when he first comes in, but becomes one of the more compelling characters as time goes on.

  • @RetroKid
    @RetroKid 6 месяцев назад

    Hell yes Tunic is worth getting. Best 15 hours I ever spent on a game. The only thing I would change about it is if you start an NG+, all the text should be translated into English.

  • @aBadWizard
    @aBadWizard 6 месяцев назад

    Tunic is one of the few games I've ever given a 10/10. Its an exceptional game, and it's also the reason I gave Lies of P a try, which is when my buddy convinced me to finally just buy Elden Ring. All 3 of those games are masterfully crafted, and worth the effort to experience.

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад

      And down the rabbit hole I go.
      Just need to wrap up Prince of Persia first which is...very good so far

  • @HappyWulf
    @HappyWulf 6 месяцев назад +1

    Oh... You haven't gotten the true ending, you say? Well... maybe you should get to that. ;3 Then, when you're ready, I can teach you how to read the Language.
    Also, yes, give Dark Souls a shot. Minding that most of the Lore in DaS is hidden in it's item descriptions, and contextual based on where X item is found and environmental clues. In much the same way, a lot of Tunic's lore is hidden in it's text, but also contextual to the environment. Such as, did you notice the icon for the Pad that leads to the Librarian's Lab? It's not depicting a Library, is it?

  • @oriondezagrats4228
    @oriondezagrats4228 6 месяцев назад +2

    Video barely started but I've got to get this out before watching the rest.
    No one told you Star Trek: Picard was great, because hardcore Trekkies despised it for all of the assassination it did to the universe's lore and characters in its construction, especially TNG-era stuff, which is especially beloved in the fandom.
    As a stand-alone piece of media, it's perfectly fine. Introduces more than a few interesting ideas, even, and the execution is not awful. But when put into the context of the greater Star Trek medium, it rather relentlessly urinates on some of _THE_ most beloved stories, dilemmas, and characters, all while deviating so heavily from franchise norms that it might as well not be the same franchise at all, and probably would have been better-received if it did not use the Star Trek name or characters.
    People in the series are petty and vindictive, cussing which had canonically fallen out of fashion by that point in Humanity's social development is back in full force, the legacies of various characters got dug out of their graves then kicked around and dropped a dookie upon, and in general, the optimism for the future that early Trek had, ESPECIALLY _The Next Generation,_ was rather thoroughly replaced with such dripping disdain and corrosive pessimism that it effectively warded off anyone who was attuned to Roddenberry's vision of the future, as opposed to the cynicism and disgust for that vision that characterizes a lot of Star Trek of that era.
    There's a good reason why there's such a fundamental divide in the fanbase between Old Trek enjoyers and New Trek enjoyers. They simply focus on such different things, which alone isn't a bad thing, as The Orville* has proven, but the big issue comes in how New Trek claims it has a right to belong in the same continuity as Old Trek despite being so consistently antagonistic towards it.
    *(Not sure if you've watched it or not, but you can consider it to be half-and-half Old Trek and New Trek, and personally I enjoy it, but be aware that the first few episodes were deliberately misleading as to the show's true focus in order to pull some support before it got back on track, a bit like how Bojack Horseman pretended to be funny animal people Family Guy early on but in truth ended up being a character study of self-destructive habits in broken people and the horrific lengths they will go to, in order to exert some sense of control over their lives, or to change as little as possible because of how afraid they are of things getting worse).

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  16 дней назад

      Just wanted to say I'm about 4 seasons into TNG now and loving it

  • @jokerzwild00
    @jokerzwild00 5 месяцев назад

    Dark Souls didn't invent difficulty, it brought it back to the forefront. In an era where everything was getting more and more "accessible", From made a game that was not hard, but needed to be played on it's own terms, not yours. It obscured mechanics and made trial and error the rule of the day. A game in which mashing buttons got you nowhere. That was Demon's Souls. Then Dark Souls expanded on that game's ideas, did away with some if it's ideas and evolved the formula a little bit. That was enough to strap a rocket on From's back and send them to the moon. Turns out there are lots of people who really enjoy an unforgiving and challenging game. Challenge, in a videogame... Who'd have thunk it? Hur hur.
    Tunic is great, I'm getting into it more and more, while at first I didn't think I'd really like it very much. I'm the opposite in that cutesy art style turns me off and grimdark stuff pulls me in. I'd say though, that much of From's content is extremely aesthetically pleasing. Some beautiful levels in their games, juxtaposed by the grotesque enemies. Especially Sekiro.

  • @SharkBaitDLS
    @SharkBaitDLS 6 месяцев назад +1

    If the aesthetic style of Dark Souls is a bit too much, Lies of P might be a good Soulslike to try instead!

    • @WeekendDive
      @WeekendDive  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks! I've heard good things about it. That will probably be the one I give a shot.

  • @zackmezera
    @zackmezera 2 дня назад

    This game changed my life, no exaggeration.
    I also laughed out loud when you said, “it’s like the witness but actually good”-which, to each their own-but man that “game” was, to me, deeply boring and uninspired, especially since it came on a “what to play after tunic?” recommendation