Honestly the ones that I used aren't the best quality. So I might recommend getting ones that hold up a little better long term. But overall the functionality of them is great. It is just that the finish on the disks has started peeling around the edges of the disc that is installed on top of the hood. I wasn't necessarily looking for one that was the best looking, so I'm perfectly content with how they're holding up.
How long are those pins? I also have an Mk4 Jetta, & I'm looking at kits (lots of length options). - Thanks for making this video
The kit had:
(2) 1/2" X 4" Chrome Pins,
(2) 2 1/4" Polished stainless scuff plates with screws,
(2) 2 1/8" Flip over ring pins,
(4) 1/2" Jam Nuts
How are they holding up for you?
Honestly the ones that I used aren't the best quality. So I might recommend getting ones that hold up a little better long term. But overall the functionality of them is great. It is just that the finish on the disks has started peeling around the edges of the disc that is installed on top of the hood. I wasn't necessarily looking for one that was the best looking, so I'm perfectly content with how they're holding up.