Migrated to Boston from Mexico back in 97 ... first school I ever went to was all black NEVER experienced any sort of hate ... a year later we moved to the suburbs to a predominantly white school and that’s where I was seen as at outcast and learned of racism ..... this isn’t meant to be against white people because I did eventually make white friends ... but the kids who first showed me love in this country were black ..... thank you my niggas ✊🏻
I grew up in LA. But every summer I would go to El Paso Texas. In El Paso Texas my best childhood Homie was named June and he was black. June spoke better Spanish than I did. That’s because in LA we all speak English. In El Paso all the Latinos speak Spanish. El Paso Texas is probably 90% Hispanic. So June is black but he’s more Hispanic than he is black. And I love my homeboy June.
_"I am Mexican, so I can say 'What's up, nigga?!'"_ - Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor 🇲🇽, probably
As mexican I can say that we never use _nigga_ as a derogatory term, ee know it's term of endearment as long as it's not the hard R. Here in México is very common to say _negrito_ just as we call white people _güerito_ Just as you can call us _ese_ and it's okay, one time someone called me _brownie_ and it was hilarious
I said it growing up to all my friends and one day my dad told me “son ur Mexican stop using that word you will offend people” and since that day I never used it. But no one ever had a problem with me saying it but I still stopped anyways
@Xndrrgaming Your dad is a smart, good dad. I'm Black and I hate it when my own people use it , hate it even more when non-Blacks use it. Big upside to your pops for being thoughtful of others
As a Mexican kid growing up with Mexicans and blacks at my elementary school some of my closest friends were black. They used to spend the night at my house and we play basketball all day in my front yard , and they loved my grandma's cooking. I didn't know it at the time but I guess we hung around so much that the "My nigga " phrase was just part of our language because our intentions and motives were coming from a different place than racism because thats all we knew. We were ignorant. It wasn't till we started learning the history behind it as we began to get educated on the term throughout the next few years and got older that little by little I started to get more aware and maturing and ultimately ending up having to respect my brothers started using the term less and less, to where I really don't say it anymore. I never had a problem or offended anyone but just realized it was the right thing to do. Eventually we all parted ways and all moved away one by one and haven't really heard from any of them ever since . It would be a trip to run into them one day and see how life has been treating them these days. So many good memories how life was more innocent and fun ,compared to these hectic days full trials error.
As a Mexican i grew up in the hood around my black friends and their family, I say the n word with them and were all very close its just all about peace and love
I'm from da Bronx and everyone here get treated the same and we all say it as in "wassup dude" we dont say in a bad way unless you tryna run up. All depends where you was raised
for real, in NYC (im from Jamaica Queens) if WE DONT say it, we sound odd, and out of place.. shit in the 90s, Dude was like a word for white boys.. Nigga, Dun, son, kid, Nigz, b.. its just what it is..
"Negro" literally translate to black, it doesn't have the same racist connotation as "N***@" but... Oh boy I still remember when I was a child and heard my uncle refer to some black people as "Mayate" which is really a derrogatory term to say "Black people". I instantly hated that word.
Nope, it's not literally, in spanish you can give several meanings to a word, you can say negro for the color but cannot say negro to a nigga, if you do it you will probaby get punched, in my country some people use to say "negro cabeza" the racist connotation of that two words is even worst than the "nigga" connotation
Maybe it's different depending on where you go. I'm from Detroit, and sh!t can go left real fast in the D if a Mexican calls a black person a n!gga. Even if they're cool, I've seen other black people get heated. I think the real question is do Mexicans feel like saying n!gga is worth possibly fighting over?
I have never disrespected nobody got homies, have had gfs it’s all about respect and how you carry yourself bro tbh we should all be less serious and accepting ! We are brothers
As a Mexican myself , I’m guilty of dropping the N bomb but I grew up in Oakland in the 1990s, I never used it in an offensive manner, it was more of me telling someone that they stoopid
I’m Mexican used to use the n word all through my teens to show love with black friends, but I stopped using it. I figure I have the privilege of knowing 2 languages and have other words to show love. Hermano, negrito, compa. Those do just fine.
Believe it or not ..... I can say negro because I'm mexican is pretty old here in mexico because we have here alot of afromexicans and we love them, my very best friend of my hall life is afromexican and sometimes we call him negro but is whit love, not disrespectfully, we mexicans where slaves in our own land we know you know, we know the meaning, so it is equal treatment.
Nobody should use it offensively... You can tell the intentions right away when someone says it.. the word itself it's not a bad word. I hate when people say nword or wrote it with the ***. Just write it bro, you know when you can or when you shouldn't use it. If there is confidence and affection, it's all good. Don't use it with people you don't know. The same way you don't call bald some bald guy you don't know or blondie to a blood de girly you do t known. The act itself it's just irespectful... not the word....
@Manjiro Mikey Sano and I did my two best friends are black I don’t say the n word a lot only around them and my other black friends that are Kuh with me saying it
I remember this one time my friend n me were in line and this older black couple was in front of us nd I said nigga (having a convo about a friend of ours) n they turned around n gave me a look😂
I was thinking about using the N word on a song , but I don't know if I should use it , the context goes like N wanna brag what they ever did for me. Would that be ok to use it ? I live in Mexico but this song it's going on a platform in the USA , what do you recommend ?
If you go deep in the hood and call some black dude the n word and he don’t do nothing to you then I believe you earned it to to say the word, otherwise come up with your own hood slang.
I'm mexican but i have white skin but i grew up in a mexican hood (everyone called me el güero) but can i say that? cause i was born in USA but i lived my whole life in mexico and i have mexican parents that do have brown skin so can anyone tell me?
No you don't because you aren't apart of the culture in the U.S.A. If you're from the hood then you can because they will automatically know. If you're some poser you'll get called out man.
Funny how words have a different connotation, Im from Sinaloa and Mayate is usually a dude that gives money to a girl in exchage for her body n not necessarily her man.
I never mean to offend any of my black bothers and sisters , I was raised around the hood where I never had anyone complain about any Mexicans saying the N word , i have never used the word Nigga’ in a racist way towards a black person , I use it as a way of saying wassup homie or how u been my bro, it always depends on how you say it , i was also born and raised around blacks everywhere, I’ve had black best friends and still do , so for anyone saying that using the n word is wrong then maybe that’s just ur opinion because in dallas Texas where I’m from blacks have actually never complained about Mexicans using the N Word , plus we both have gone thru the same struggles and we both have been called different shit over the past years . black and brown stay United =🙌🏽🇲🇽🙌🏿
Struggles don’t make you black. Every race struggled even whites in the Great Depression. Your point? Being raised in the hood don’t make you black. Being black makes you black.
Fun fact. In the whole eastern Europe/slavic countries everyone has said the word a lot of times. Considering that slavic people are the biggest ethnic population in Europe we can tell that bigger part of white people said "nigga" a lot of times. Don't know why anyone should make any problem about just saying a word. I think that in US it should be normal to get canceled for saying "spaghetti" if you're not italian if some people call them "macaroni" in jokes 🤷♂️ Anyways, hello to everyone living in the country of freedom which should be spread all over the globe. God save the US 🇱🇷
There's no real rules. It just completely depends where ur from and the people there. Some people are fine with non blacks saying it and others aren't.
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans . European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
Mexicans say it all the time. Depends on who you’re saying it too. Y’all ain’t black lol. So you gotta use it wisely. If you’re white though you’re f****
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans . European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
@bobfaam5215 Bahahaaha What??!🤣 Fool, they are native no matter how you wanna slice it or attempt to dilute it. I'm afro-mexican and by that logic then are all African-Americans not "really black" since they all have anywhere from 10% - 50% white/mixed blood in them as well? Exactly, they're still primarily black and secondarily White in the gene pool. Then, you're telling us Dave Chapelle isn't "really black" since he's half white from his mothers side? nopeeee, he's still primarily black with evident black features. (And btw no we're not talking about the lightkin African-Americans when it comes to this.) By this logic some white-americans are not "really white" since they don't have 100% European dna and now a days tend to have 10% - 25% of native, Afro, Asian dna in them now in modern time. See how that doesn't work for us as a whole? The small number and population of Mexicans with evident European features on their face, sure, they're aren't Native. They're either from modern Europe migrants or from Europe/Spain descendant families of the past. But there are some of those exact type of Mexicans within that exact small number that have the same fair skin but with a dilluted Native American look/facial features, those are PRIMARILY of European descent DNA (Spain, Italian, French, or German most of the time), and a secondary section with Native DNA hiding in their genes. Us ethnic original Mexicans can recognize one of our own just like us black people can recognize when a person has some black to their features even if they have light or fair skin. Believe it or not, the kind of Mexicans that are Spaniard looking with blue/green eyes or no native american features at all, can still possess a small to moderate percentage of native blood but not as a whole, clearly. For the few mestizos that exist, they're obviously half n half by textbook to put it simple for outsiders but know that these Mesti's are always never equally 50/50 and all tend to have more native blood % since it's the PRIMARY dna in mestizos and always will be. Especially if the mother's mitochondria is Native based. It's like the base dna of all orginal ethnic Mexicans. U can't include these new & pure Afro, Middle-Eastern, Asian, or even these new Haitian migrating "Mexicans" who seeked asylum recently, none of those that have recently been living in the country for decades even. Only ones are the ones that are Afro-Mex, Jap-Mex. Chin-Mex etc.... you get the point... Other than that they're not PRIMARILY of "mexican" descent. They practically just got traded to another team basically wearing another uniform. In other words, just cause Dwight Howard plays basketball and lives in china for years doesn't mean he's one of them by blood even after 10-30 years. Same thing is considered in Mexico, however people over there are so nice and welcoming that as long as you "bleed mexican blood" you're considered Mexican, which is really cool. But we all will always remember they're considered Mexican by this Passport sh*t when we step back and retrack your roots. We're talking about the cafe con leche or Brown or light-Brown Native Mexicans (aka colonized Native Americans of North America). So no matter how you wanna slice it, Native Mexicans, which is more than 2/3's of their population (Mestizo or Fully colonized Indigenous Native American) are Primarily colonized Native Amer. individuals and not European 🤷🏽♀
@bobfaam5215 Bahahaaha What??!🤣 Foo, they are native no matter how you wanna slice it or attempt to dilute it. I'm afro-mexican and by that logic then are all African-Americans not "really black" since they all have anywhere from 10% - 50% white/mixed blood in them as well? Exactly, they're still primarily black and secondarily White in the gene pool. Then, you're telling us Dave Chapelle isn't "really black" since he's half white from his mothers side? nopeeee, he's still primarily black with evident black features. (And btw no we're not talking about the lightkin African-Americans when it comes to this.) By this logic some white-americans are not "really white" since they don't have 100% European dna and now a days tend to have 10% - 25% of native, Afro, Asian dna in them now in modern time. See how that doesn't work for us as a whole? The small number and population of Mexicans with evident European features on their face, sure, they're aren't Native. They're either from modern Europe migrants or from Europe/Spain descendant families of the past. But there are some of those exact type of Mexicans within that exact small number that have the same fair skin but with a dilluted Native American look/facial features, those are PRIMARILY of European descent DNA (Spain, Italian, French, or German most of the time), and a secondary section with Native DNA hiding in their genes. Us ethnic original Mexicans can recognize one of our own just like us black people can recognize when a person has some black to their features even if they have light or fair skin. Believe it or not, the kind of Mexicans that are Spaniard looking with blue/green eyes or no native american features at all, can still possess a small to moderate percentage of native blood but not as a whole, clearly. For the few mestizos that exist, they're obviously half n half by textbook to put it simple for outsiders but know that these Mesti's are always never equally 50/50 and all tend to have more native blood % since it's the PRIMARY dna in mestizos and always will be. Especially if the mother's mitochondria is Native based. It's like the base dna of all orginal ethnic Mexicans. U can't include these new & pure Afro, Middle-Eastern, Asian, or even these new Haitian migrating "Mexicans" who seeked asylum recently, none of those that have recently been living in the country for decades even. Only ones are the ones that are Afro-Mex, Jap-Mex. Chin-Mex etc.... you get the point... Other than that they're not PRIMARILY of "mexican" descent. They practically just got traded to another team basically wearing another uniform. In other words, just cause Dwight Howard plays basketball and lives in china for years doesn't mean he's one of them by blood even after 10-30 years. Same thing is considered in Mexico, however people over there are so nice and welcoming that as long as you "bleed mexican blood" you're considered Mexican, which is really cool. But we all will always remember they're considered Mexican by this Passport sh*t when we step back and retrack your roots. We're talking about the cafe con leche or Brown or light-Brown Native Mexicans (aka colonized Native Americans of North America). So no matter what, Native Mexicans, which is more than 2/3's of their population (Mestizo or Fully colonized Indigenous Native American) are Primarily colonized Native Amer. individuals and not European 🤷🏽♀
I’m from St. Louis and no Mexican never called me that shit. They respect us over here and we respect them to. I see the East Coast and the West Coast and Texas let them do that but that’s how you lose respect.
I'm from California went to st Louis, there ain't no Mexicans over there 😂 ,it's all white or black. And the Mexican food over there is fake af covered in some weird white sauce. I asked them in spanish why do you put white cheese on everything, he said bc they like that stuff and it sells. I told him prices where rip off 20 for burrito that tasted like white guy made it. But back to point that was only Mexicans I ran into when I was in st Louis for 2 months. Black people gave me love , white people stared at me on corner eye made me feel uncomfortable but maybe it was all in my head stayed in tower Grove south but drove all over to get real experience.
I think some of you guys in the comments need to understand this cause some of ya’ll are misunderstanding this. White people or people who never said the n word before cannot say the n word. Black people or people who grew up using the word is okay to say it. As long as they never used it to insult others. If you have not grown up with the word and you are mexican/latino or etc. Don’t say the word. Some people just don’t get it. The word should most definitely not be used by white people or asians. They don’t have the right to claim that word. Black people have been oppressed by white people and used the n word to harass them. Please do your research before using the n word and get your facts corrected. Some people are just sensitive to the word and you can actually insult someone without knowing.
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans . European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
Uhm I don’t think u get it... You can’t just like say it without understanding how to use the word. If you grew up in an area where it was okay to address your friends(who’re black) then I think it’s fine. But u shouldn’t use it in a way where you’re disrespecting a black person. You should also understand that just being Mexican doesn’t mean it’s okay to say it. Some people get offended when u use that term because they’ve been insulted or harassed by another person that used the n word as a way to insult/offend them purposely. So please don’t say it so casually. Always mind other people. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, I’m just trying to make sure that you understand when it’s okay to say it and not. And honestly I don’t think you should say considering you didn’t grow up with it nor have you said the word before watching this video. So just mind people please.
Also I don’t really think you should be like happy cause you can finally say it or something like that... That word has been used to oppress black people and I think it’s rather offensive. It just doesn’t seem right that that’s your reason to say the word. I would say just to not say it honestly.
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans . European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
@@wowon2430 Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans . European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
@@marcel-etiennecarrillogarc5721 boy who are you tryna downplay I’m js I have very close black friends and I respect the fact that the word is a very derogatory word and shouldn’t be used by anyone who isn’t black even if you’re any type of Hispanic like me. Just bc were not white or black doesn’t mean we get a pass to say that word. It’s clap back bc if they called us beaners but I’m Americanized and I’m a US citizen.
Man I’m from dc and grew up in the hood around only black people and they never tripped or said I couldn’t say it I’m Peruvian to but never had nobody trip when I would say it if anything they see us as one of them to 😂✊🏽
Dave Galindez nobody’s stigmatizing any words Dave, we both know what it means so just don’t say it simple it’s 2020 and u can’t except not saying 1 word
From what I’ve seen.. to black people they know. I mean if neither side has an issue then I never minded it. We let the Mexicans we know or grew up with say it, but they smart enough to know to NOT say it to people they don’t know lol.
Only black Brazilian or mix black Brazilian can bro if you ain’t you can’t period so if you a white Brazilian Indian Brazilian or Asian Brazilian then no period 💯 that’s like people finding out my grandma from my dad side is half black (she Belizean garifuna with white Honduran🇧🇿)while my dad a quarter even though he look like el de barge with a cross of prince with Steve Harvey’s nose and a light skin complexion(due to his Father being a mestizo Hispanic from Belize)but my mom is Hispanic and my dad still Hispanic culturally even though he’s of mix race im 1/8 black and use to rock a real Afro that my black homies that I had more black but they still called me that because they believe in that one drop rule as Long you could prove it because unless you want a ass beating you could say it 😂 so my genetics couldn’t be denied but we get shunned by other Hispanics always shit talking in Spanish or Portuguese if they spoke it that didn’t have black in em so no y’all can’t say it unless you mix or could prove you have a black grandparent or great grandparent but the truth is there is a level of blackness to it too if you really associate with black you would know what I’m talking about black Hispanics and black Americans are culturally different some get along some don’t but at the end of the day everyone is people you gotta respect that ✊🏽
I think any latinoamerican can use that word unless his using as an insult. I mean I heard that in Cuba they called everyone negro even if they are not black people, like when in the tianguis some seller call you mi guero
@@ericgabrielbautistajaimes9187 smh 🤦🏽♂️ bro you ain’t Cuban my Great Grandfather is a black Cuban there Spanish is different and the term is negra for Carib latinos it means dear one or beloved one it holds a special meaning for a loved one look it up
im mexican and my childhood best friend was a black kid too, i wish i could find him now. His name was Donald. i wish him the very best.
I hope u find him bro
Donald trump is orange
@@thewokjohnson7295 LMAOOO
Where you from
Migrated to Boston from Mexico back in 97 ... first school I ever went to was all black NEVER experienced any sort of hate ... a year later we moved to the suburbs to a predominantly white school and that’s where I was seen as at outcast and learned of racism ..... this isn’t meant to be against white people because I did eventually make white friends ... but the kids who first showed me love in this country were black ..... thank you my niggas ✊🏻
We appreciate you man
Get outta here with that bs lmao
That hand to pale vato
@@Daveyjdigital mexicans come in all shades go down to Yucatán you see black mexicans go to the north you’ll see some canelo ass mexicans
I grew up in LA. But every summer I would go to El Paso Texas. In El Paso Texas my best childhood Homie was named June and he was black. June spoke better Spanish than I did. That’s because in LA we all speak English. In El Paso all the Latinos speak Spanish. El Paso Texas is probably 90% Hispanic. So June is black but he’s more Hispanic than he is black. And I love my homeboy June.
i live in elpaso
Yeah. Cuz he act like yall
@@ermakromyt I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing homie. All I know is I’m from West Side Santa Monica 17Th Street Gang SUR X3CE.
@@zechariahromo what part of El Paso are you from?
_"I am Mexican, so I can say 'What's up, nigga?!'"_
- Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor 🇲🇽, probably
What up beanie
@@ezeuzudimma8206 Are you black?
@@luissanchez2067why would I have an African name ?
As mexican I can say that we never use _nigga_ as a derogatory term, ee know it's term of endearment as long as it's not the hard R.
Here in México is very common to say _negrito_ just as we call white people _güerito_
Just as you can call us _ese_ and it's okay, one time someone called me _brownie_ and it was hilarious
I said it growing up to all my friends and one day my dad told me “son ur Mexican stop using that word you will offend people” and since that day I never used it. But no one ever had a problem with me saying it but I still stopped anyways
Trust me if u kept saying other races will call u Mexicans slur stuff but good
@Xndrrgaming Your dad is a smart, good dad. I'm Black and I hate it when my own people use it , hate it even more when non-Blacks use it. Big upside to your pops for being thoughtful of others
@@F-KOONClarenceThomasim not brown and i say nigga all the time and my niggas are cool wit it so what anybody else says dont matter you heard
As a Mexican kid growing up with Mexicans and blacks at my elementary school some of my closest friends were black. They used to spend the night at my house and we play basketball all day in my front yard , and they loved my grandma's cooking. I didn't know it at the time but I guess we hung around so much that the "My nigga " phrase was just part of our language because our intentions and motives were coming from a different place than racism because thats all we knew. We were ignorant. It wasn't till we started learning the history behind it as we began to get educated on the term throughout the next few years and got older that little by little I started to get more aware and maturing and ultimately ending up having to respect my brothers started using the term less and less, to where I really don't say it anymore. I never had a problem or offended anyone but just realized it was the right thing to do. Eventually we all parted ways and all moved away one by one and haven't really heard from any of them ever since . It would be a trip to run into them one day and see how life has been treating them these days. So many good memories how life was more innocent and fun ,compared to these hectic days full trials error.
As a Mexican i grew up in the hood around my black friends and their family, I say the n word with them and were all very close its just all about peace and love
This dude is underrated.
Am I the only one that thinks he’s another version of George Lopez 😭😂😂😂
I'm from da Bronx and everyone here get treated the same and we all say it as in "wassup dude" we dont say in a bad way unless you tryna run up. All depends where you was raised
for real, in NYC (im from Jamaica Queens) if WE DONT say it, we sound odd, and out of place.. shit in the 90s, Dude was like a word for white boys.. Nigga, Dun, son, kid, Nigz, b.. its just what it is..
Just say Wut'up my dude then, mutt!
If a Latino there says wassup n!gga, then do the black people get to say wassup sp!c?
lmaooo yo whats up eseeeeeeee
Don Eme Q VO!!
@@grandecomedy I laughed all the way thru wey, very funny video +1 sub
Don Eme thank you for the love.
"Negro" literally translate to black, it doesn't have the same racist connotation as "N***@" but... Oh boy I still remember when I was a child and heard my uncle refer to some black people as "Mayate" which is really a derrogatory term to say "Black people". I instantly hated that word.
I agree with this
Nope, it's not literally, in spanish you can give several meanings to a word, you can say negro for the color but cannot say negro to a nigga, if you do it you will probaby get punched, in my country some people use to say "negro cabeza" the racist connotation of that two words is even worst than the "nigga" connotation
Well here in my town in veracruz mayate means best friend.
@@Shin-ql8gz In Tabasco it means a guy that fcks with other dudes for money. LMAO
In chihuahua mayate means homo
Oh hell yeah now I can say this
no the tf u can’t pussy
DontKickMe-II YT 🤫
DontKickMe-II YT o
@@fearmyhomings of course we can, we dont give a f..ck
El Profanador De Culos hell yeah
Will I must say it to my homies
U can lol
Maybe it's different depending on where you go. I'm from Detroit, and sh!t can go left real fast in the D if a Mexican calls a black person a n!gga. Even if they're cool, I've seen other black people get heated. I think the real question is do Mexicans feel like saying n!gga is worth possibly fighting over?
Blacks and Mexicans UNITED ❤❤❤❤❤
I love this 😂 someone make it viral
I have never disrespected nobody got homies, have had gfs it’s all about respect and how you carry yourself bro tbh we should all be less serious and accepting ! We are brothers
I almost died on the victory out reach I ligit could not breathe
As a Mexican myself , I’m guilty of dropping the N bomb but I grew up in Oakland in the 1990s, I never used it in an offensive manner, it was more of me telling someone that they stoopid
I’m Mexican used to use the n word all through my teens to show love with black friends, but I stopped using it. I figure I have the privilege of knowing 2 languages and have other words to show love. Hermano, negrito, compa. Those do just fine.
Este mero compa yo igual fue asi con mis amigos negros🙏🏼💡 dont use it anymore its not my peoples left that once i listed go more mexican music🤠
Believe it or not ..... I can say negro because I'm mexican is pretty old here in mexico because we have here alot of afromexicans and we love them, my very best friend of my hall life is afromexican and sometimes we call him negro but is whit love, not disrespectfully, we mexicans where slaves in our own land we know you know, we know the meaning, so it is equal treatment.
I think Mexicans can say it but they shouldn’t use it offensively
Nobody should use it offensively... You can tell the intentions right away when someone says it.. the word itself it's not a bad word. I hate when people say nword or wrote it with the ***. Just write it bro, you know when you can or when you shouldn't use it. If there is confidence and affection, it's all good. Don't use it with people you don't know. The same way you don't call bald some bald guy you don't know or blondie to a blood de girly you do t known. The act itself it's just irespectful... not the word....
I use “moreno” brown people. I never use the N word, to refer another friend. By the way I’m Hispanic. I consider my myself brown too.
I grew up n compton that's how I grew up talking n no one cnt tell me u cnt say it
I did not know Mexicans can say the n word
You Never been to la
@@user-nk7nd5ux2n or down souf in Houston we all say it
Well I’m Mexican so I can say it lol
@@SharkBlizzard idk depends where your from
@1of1 basically any bigger city that is mainly brown and black 😁 except Florida we don't wanna talk about that 😐
Good thing I am mexican
Me too bro lmao
@Manjiro Mikey Sano and I did my two best friends are black I don’t say the n word a lot only around them and my other black friends that are Kuh with me saying it
@Manjiro-Mikey-Sanoit doesn't matter
I remember this one time my friend n me were in line and this older black couple was in front of us nd I said nigga (having a convo about a friend of ours) n they turned around n gave me a look😂
No one in England talks like this including black people.
I was thinking about using the N word on a song , but I don't know if I should use it , the context goes like N wanna brag what they ever did for me. Would that be ok to use it ? I live in Mexico but this song it's going on a platform in the USA , what do you recommend ?
If ur Mexican you can look at 69
I changed the word to Fool , Lol. I am mexican , and I don't like 69 , regardless if he a rat, I don't like his lyrics. ✌🏻
@@danielxhernandez8462 fucking hate how 69 makes us look bad as fuck
If you go deep in the hood and call some black dude the n word and he don’t do nothing to you then I believe you earned it to to say the word, otherwise come up with your own hood slang.
If you have to ask if you can use it! NO YOU CAN'T CUZ YOURE NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE..
Yep he's right about that shit.
I'm mexican but i have white skin but i grew up in a mexican hood (everyone called me el güero) but can i say that? cause i was born in USA but i lived my whole life in mexico and i have mexican parents that do have brown skin so can anyone tell me?
you legally have the n word pass my Mexican friend or shall i say nigga
No you don't because you aren't apart of the culture in the U.S.A. If you're from the hood then you can because they will automatically know. If you're some poser you'll get called out man.
Mexicans are the Tribe of Issachar , blacks are tribe of Judah , we are related , WE ARE THE ISRAELITES
@@SolarSystmOfTheAztecs nah
Nah foo
Funny how words have a different connotation, Im from Sinaloa and Mayate is usually a dude that gives money to a girl in exchage for her body n not necessarily her man.
Am Mexican I don’t say nigga
I never mean to offend any of my black bothers and sisters , I was raised around the hood where I never had anyone complain about any Mexicans saying the N word , i have never used the word Nigga’ in a racist way towards a black person , I use it as a way of saying wassup homie or how u been my bro, it always depends on how you say it , i was also born and raised around blacks everywhere, I’ve had black best friends and still do , so for anyone saying that using the n word is wrong then maybe that’s just ur opinion because in dallas Texas where I’m from blacks have actually never complained about Mexicans using the N Word , plus we both have gone thru the same struggles and we both have been called different shit over the past years . black and brown stay United =🙌🏽🇲🇽🙌🏿
Facts im mixed mexican an white i have the same situation as u. All my black friends never complained abt it
Struggles don’t make you black. Every race struggled even whites in the Great Depression. Your point? Being raised in the hood don’t make you black. Being black makes you black.
@@TashelleRenaye no one asked your musty ass
@@TashelleRenaye word
@@TashelleRenaye this right here
Fun fact. In the whole eastern Europe/slavic countries everyone has said the word a lot of times. Considering that slavic people are the biggest ethnic population in Europe we can tell that bigger part of white people said "nigga" a lot of times. Don't know why anyone should make any problem about just saying a word. I think that in US it should be normal to get canceled for saying "spaghetti" if you're not italian if some people call them "macaroni" in jokes 🤷♂️ Anyways, hello to everyone living in the country of freedom which should be spread all over the globe. God save the US 🇱🇷
I used cuz. Méxicanos with brothers.
Есть негроидная раса и негры - ее представители, странно обижаться на факт.
Im very confused on the rules of the n word, can people please explain who can say it?
There's no real rules. It just completely depends where ur from and the people there. Some people are fine with non blacks saying it and others aren't.
Only Mexicans can say n word not all Hispanics like Spaniards or Guatemalan. Mexico let Slaves be free when they ran away from the states
Is just because we are not racist people
Lol are you crazy south America one of the most racist places against blacks
Phil Ivey is a comedian now ?
Shit not in the 90s. You have someone checc u
No hablo Washington, y alguien me puede decir si puedo decir la N-Word o no?
@Ice Cream Man nmms dudaba que una persona contestará >:0
We are native dark copper but we are just white because the Europeans invaded us.
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans .
European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
YES! I Mexican I can’t say it
I mean I can say n word what’s up my nigga
Mexicans say it all the time. Depends on who you’re saying it too. Y’all ain’t black lol. So you gotta use it wisely. If you’re white though you’re f****
I'm Mexican American I love black women mmmmmm
tough crowd
Many Mexican rappers say niggaaaaaaaa.
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans .
European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
@bobfaam5215 Bahahaaha What??!🤣 Fool, they are native no matter how you wanna slice it or attempt to dilute it. I'm afro-mexican and by that logic then are all African-Americans not "really black" since they all have anywhere from 10% - 50% white/mixed blood in them as well? Exactly, they're still primarily black and secondarily White in the gene pool. Then, you're telling us Dave Chapelle isn't "really black" since he's half white from his mothers side? nopeeee, he's still primarily black with evident black features. (And btw no we're not talking about the lightkin African-Americans when it comes to this.) By this logic some white-americans are not "really white" since they don't have 100% European dna and now a days tend to have 10% - 25% of native, Afro, Asian dna in them now in modern time. See how that doesn't work for us as a whole?
The small number and population of Mexicans with evident European features on their face, sure, they're aren't Native. They're either from modern Europe migrants or from Europe/Spain descendant families of the past. But there are some of those exact type of Mexicans within that exact small number that have the same fair skin but with a dilluted Native American look/facial features, those are PRIMARILY of European descent DNA (Spain, Italian, French, or German most of the time), and a secondary section with Native DNA hiding in their genes. Us ethnic original Mexicans can recognize one of our own just like us black people can recognize when a person has some black to their features even if they have light or fair skin. Believe it or not, the kind of Mexicans that are Spaniard looking with blue/green eyes or no native american features at all, can still possess a small to moderate percentage of native blood but not as a whole, clearly. For the few mestizos that exist, they're obviously half n half by textbook to put it simple for outsiders but know that these Mesti's are always never equally 50/50 and all tend to have more native blood % since it's the PRIMARY dna in mestizos and always will be. Especially if the mother's mitochondria is Native based. It's like the base dna of all orginal ethnic Mexicans. U can't include these new & pure Afro, Middle-Eastern, Asian, or even these new Haitian migrating "Mexicans" who seeked asylum recently, none of those that have recently been living in the country for decades even. Only ones are the ones that are Afro-Mex, Jap-Mex. Chin-Mex etc.... you get the point... Other than that they're not PRIMARILY of "mexican" descent. They practically just got traded to another team basically wearing another uniform. In other words, just cause Dwight Howard plays basketball and lives in china for years doesn't mean he's one of them by blood even after 10-30 years. Same thing is considered in Mexico, however people over there are so nice and welcoming that as long as you "bleed mexican blood" you're considered Mexican, which is really cool. But we all will always remember they're considered Mexican by this Passport sh*t when we step back and retrack your roots. We're talking about the cafe con leche or Brown or light-Brown Native Mexicans (aka colonized Native Americans of North America).
So no matter how you wanna slice it, Native Mexicans, which is more than 2/3's of their population (Mestizo or Fully colonized Indigenous Native American) are Primarily colonized Native Amer. individuals and not European 🤷🏽♀
@bobfaam5215 Bahahaaha What??!🤣 Foo, they are native no matter how you wanna slice it or attempt to dilute it. I'm afro-mexican and by that logic then are all African-Americans not "really black" since they all have anywhere from 10% - 50% white/mixed blood in them as well? Exactly, they're still primarily black and secondarily White in the gene pool. Then, you're telling us Dave Chapelle isn't "really black" since he's half white from his mothers side? nopeeee, he's still primarily black with evident black features. (And btw no we're not talking about the lightkin African-Americans when it comes to this.) By this logic some white-americans are not "really white" since they don't have 100% European dna and now a days tend to have 10% - 25% of native, Afro, Asian dna in them now in modern time. See how that doesn't work for us as a whole?
The small number and population of Mexicans with evident European features on their face, sure, they're aren't Native. They're either from modern Europe migrants or from Europe/Spain descendant families of the past. But there are some of those exact type of Mexicans within that exact small number that have the same fair skin but with a dilluted Native American look/facial features, those are PRIMARILY of European descent DNA (Spain, Italian, French, or German most of the time), and a secondary section with Native DNA hiding in their genes. Us ethnic original Mexicans can recognize one of our own just like us black people can recognize when a person has some black to their features even if they have light or fair skin. Believe it or not, the kind of Mexicans that are Spaniard looking with blue/green eyes or no native american features at all, can still possess a small to moderate percentage of native blood but not as a whole, clearly. For the few mestizos that exist, they're obviously half n half by textbook to put it simple for outsiders but know that these Mesti's are always never equally 50/50 and all tend to have more native blood % since it's the PRIMARY dna in mestizos and always will be. Especially if the mother's mitochondria is Native based. It's like the base dna of all orginal ethnic Mexicans. U can't include these new & pure Afro, Middle-Eastern, Asian, or even these new Haitian migrating "Mexicans" who seeked asylum recently, none of those that have recently been living in the country for decades even. Only ones are the ones that are Afro-Mex, Jap-Mex. Chin-Mex etc.... you get the point... Other than that they're not PRIMARILY of "mexican" descent. They practically just got traded to another team basically wearing another uniform. In other words, just cause Dwight Howard plays basketball and lives in china for years doesn't mean he's one of them by blood even after 10-30 years. Same thing is considered in Mexico, however people over there are so nice and welcoming that as long as you "bleed mexican blood" you're considered Mexican, which is really cool. But we all will always remember they're considered Mexican by this Passport sh*t when we step back and retrack your roots. We're talking about the cafe con leche or Brown or light-Brown Native Mexicans (aka colonized Native Americans of North America).
So no matter what, Native Mexicans, which is more than 2/3's of their population (Mestizo or Fully colonized Indigenous Native American) are Primarily colonized Native Amer. individuals and not European 🤷🏽♀
This dude spot in 😂
Eso!! My man!!
Jo what’s up yall
What is this guy's name
Nah naaaah you never met a filipino we’ll say it came with same history
Welll, to be fair, black guys are the only one who can call us Choll0.
We talk like that in Texas baby 🤘🏽
Sure, as long as you ready for me to throw hands if you’re not acorn 😊
I’m from St. Louis and no Mexican never called me that shit. They respect us over here and we respect them to. I see the East Coast and the West Coast and Texas let them do that but that’s how you lose respect.
Nah it depends where y Freon up and how you use it but I guess I get what ur saying.
I'm from California went to st Louis, there ain't no Mexicans over there 😂 ,it's all white or black. And the Mexican food over there is fake af covered in some weird white sauce. I asked them in spanish why do you put white cheese on everything, he said bc they like that stuff and it sells. I told him prices where rip off 20 for burrito that tasted like white guy made it. But back to point that was only Mexicans I ran into when I was in st Louis for 2 months. Black people gave me love , white people stared at me on corner eye made me feel uncomfortable but maybe it was all in my head stayed in tower Grove south but drove all over to get real experience.
I didn't know St. Louis had Mexicans, but yes I do hear a lot I mean many frequently using the N word I guess it's a culture thing nowadays.
Hell yeah, we have a lot of Mexican’s in st.Louis. but we get the brown/dark Mexican’s and we cool with them.
Yea im black n I’m from Texas and I don’t respect dat shi like just be yourself dude
Only this guys says so
I think some of you guys in the comments need to understand this cause some of ya’ll are misunderstanding this. White people or people who never said the n word before cannot say the n word. Black people or people who grew up using the word is okay to say it. As long as they never used it to insult others. If you have not grown up with the word and you are mexican/latino or etc. Don’t say the word. Some people just don’t get it. The word should most definitely not be used by white people or asians. They don’t have the right to claim that word. Black people have been oppressed by white people and used the n word to harass them. Please do your research before using the n word and get your facts corrected. Some people are just sensitive to the word and you can actually insult someone without knowing.
Can a white Mexican say it. Or only brown Mexicans. ?
Nah Samoans Mexicans and certain Asians
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans .
European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
wait so now I’m Mexican and can say nigga? HELL YEH
Uhm I don’t think u get it... You can’t just like say it without understanding how to use the word. If you grew up in an area where it was okay to address your friends(who’re black) then I think it’s fine. But u shouldn’t use it in a way where you’re disrespecting a black person. You should also understand that just being Mexican doesn’t mean it’s okay to say it. Some people get offended when u use that term because they’ve been insulted or harassed by another person that used the n word as a way to insult/offend them purposely. So please don’t say it so casually. Always mind other people. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, I’m just trying to make sure that you understand when it’s okay to say it and not. And honestly I don’t think you should say considering you didn’t grow up with it nor have you said the word before watching this video. So just mind people please.
Also I don’t really think you should be like happy cause you can finally say it or something like that... That word has been used to oppress black people and I think it’s rather offensive. It just doesn’t seem right that that’s your reason to say the word. I would say just to not say it honestly.
@@wowon2430 bro wrote a whole paragraph 💀
Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans .
European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
@@wowon2430 Mexican people are not really brown unless they are 100% Native or indegenous Mexicans .
European descendants Mexicans and Mixed race Mexicans ( with White Spanish ancestry ) are not Brown .
Tbh as a black Person me and my Mexican friend he said the nword I didn’t care
In Los Angeles shits though to say but Mexicans we do get a pass but still it all has to start with respect
Si si podemos
My thing is if you’re not any type of black, you should not say the N word at all.
Ok man, just shut up once in a while
@@marcel-etiennecarrillogarc5721 boy who are you tryna downplay I’m js I have very close black friends and I respect the fact that the word is a very derogatory word and shouldn’t be used by anyone who isn’t black even if you’re any type of Hispanic like me. Just bc were not white or black doesn’t mean we get a pass to say that word. It’s clap back bc if they called us beaners but I’m Americanized and I’m a US citizen.
@@dustin.foreal6132 lmfao the fact that u replied that much is fucking hilarious, get tf outta here fuck boy💀
@@yungxristt I’ll run my mouth as much I want you hop off my comment homie 💀
@@dustin.foreal6132 nigga shut yo bitchass up
I say Foo alot
Man I’m from dc and grew up in the hood around only black people and they never tripped or said I couldn’t say it I’m Peruvian to but never had nobody trip when I would say it if anything they see us as one of them to 😂✊🏽
Can Dominicans say the N word ?
Only Black Dominicans can use the N word .
White Dominicans can’t .
No Dominicans are not black so no
@@Justicethedude but some Dominicans are black.
They shouldn’t say it but the y get away with it🤷🏾♂️
Yes youre right. Only when we make friends and to make a connection
This is 2020, anyone should be allowed to say whatever the fuck they want, stop stigmatizing words...
Dave Galindez nobody’s stigmatizing any words Dave, we both know what it means so just don’t say it simple it’s 2020 and u can’t except not saying 1 word
Strikerlx1 I don’t even say it, but whatever you do you
Strikerlx1 as a black boy they Mexicans have the......NIGGA PASS
He'll yah
Hold up
I'm kinda retarded
Ta Who?
From what I’ve seen.. to black people they know. I mean if neither side has an issue then I never minded it. We let the Mexicans we know or grew up with say it, but they smart enough to know to NOT say it to people they don’t know lol.
Can Brazilians say the Nword too ? Kkk
Only black Brazilian or mix black Brazilian can bro if you ain’t you can’t period so if you a white Brazilian Indian Brazilian or Asian Brazilian then no period 💯 that’s like people finding out my grandma from my dad side is half black (she Belizean garifuna with white Honduran🇧🇿)while my dad a quarter even though he look like el de barge with a cross of prince with Steve Harvey’s nose and a light skin complexion(due to his Father being a mestizo Hispanic from Belize)but my mom is Hispanic and my dad still Hispanic culturally even though he’s of mix race im 1/8 black and use to rock a real Afro that my black homies that I had more black but they still called me that because they believe in that one drop rule as Long you could prove it because unless you want a ass beating you could say it 😂 so my genetics couldn’t be denied but we get shunned by other Hispanics always shit talking in Spanish or Portuguese if they spoke it that didn’t have black in em so no y’all can’t say it unless you mix or could prove you have a black grandparent or great grandparent but the truth is there is a level of blackness to it too if you really associate with black you would know what I’m talking about black Hispanics and black Americans are culturally different some get along some don’t but at the end of the day everyone is people you gotta respect that ✊🏽
I think any latinoamerican can use that word unless his using as an insult. I mean I heard that in Cuba they called everyone negro even if they are not black people, like when in the tianguis some seller call you mi guero
@@ericgabrielbautistajaimes9187 smh 🤦🏽♂️ bro you ain’t Cuban my Great Grandfather is a black Cuban there Spanish is different and the term is negra for Carib latinos it means dear one or beloved one it holds a special meaning for a loved one look it up
@@arnoldbennett6356 Genial, entonces decir mi negro o mi negra no tiene el mismo significado, interesante. MUchas gracias mi estimado
Can Turks say the N worth too?
@Bruce Wayne Technically, turks aren't white
@Bruce Wayne lol I was just kidding.
The Ricans up in the northeast us would beg to differ
Say it twice ~edfarwho👁🗨don,tnou"~Zealously Focusde 👆witwh0!keep your distance