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  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • #venus #inanna #maya #matrix #eveningstar #simulatedreality Why does it seem like the same things are happening over and over again?
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Комментарии • 23

  • @OrthopraxChristianity
    @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

    Share this podcast with the world and let them know what Christianity is really all about! You can download the audio from the Orthoprax Christianity website. So you can share the audio file around as well. It's not about the views but about the message (but the views help). Let's bring back REAL Christianity!

    • @theYungOldBoi
      @theYungOldBoi Год назад


    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад

      Well that describes your comment perfectly 👍 - and how much it adds to the conversation.

    • @theYungOldBoi
      @theYungOldBoi Год назад

      @@OrthopraxChristianity theres no convo, you believe in heretical boomer gooberism

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад

      @@theYungOldBoi "...heretical boomer gooberism..." What a term 🤣. I was born two generations after the boomer generation.

    • @theYungOldBoi
      @theYungOldBoi Год назад

      @@OrthopraxChristianity yet you subscribe to it

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +2

    1:36 Thats the transgender stuff I was talking about. I got taught that the elite do this as part of their rituals.
    ( George Washington's wife is a dude, this presidents wife is a dude etc etc this is the example the person gave me.)
    I never understood why this was important to talk about but now I understand it. You can understand what these rituals do ( for example I figured out that the sports rituals they do are to give the elites power and to put the masses under a spell, not a coincidence that I was never into sports,)and what you can do about it. Also when your explaining this stuff to people they can actually understand why this stuff happens and how it's true.

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

      Marta Washington was a guy?
      I was never into sports either.
      Yeah, I always try to be straight to the point in my podcasts. Theology is difficult to understand.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity Apparently. They go off the (probably true,) belief that lots of celebrities are transgenders and they take it back as far as the founding of America. They say their dudes because they have masculine features and don't look very feminine ( Michelle Obama is definitely a dude no matter what's true. Obama is gay.)
      I never got the idea of watching sports. Watching other people do something you want to and getting angry at the rigged results? That's retarded dude.
      I like doing martial arts like boxing or Muay Thai ( karate is kind of a scam,) but I never watch them. It's just not something I can bring myself to do.
      And yeah being straight to the point is good. It's not as easy as you think.
      ( My father said that the hardest things to write are the shortest.)

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +2

    3:52 Huh that's pretty similar to the Isis Osiris story. Maybe The Nimrod Cult Theory is true...

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

      Ah yes, you are right. I forgot about that! BTW, what's the Nimrod Cult Theory?

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад

      @@OrthopraxChristianity The idea that all pagan religions somehow come from Nimrod.
      Essentially Nimrod had a wife called Seriamis ( can't spell her name,) and he got her pregnant. Nimrod died (apparently Esau killed him,) and his wife gave birth to her son Tammuz and she said he was Nimrod reborn.
      And that's where all the Pharoah cults and the virgin birth apparently come from.
      I don't know for sure but it seems like the original idea came from Alexander Hislop who was writing this theory as an anti Catholic polemic.
      I think it could be true but if it is I want to look at it more objectively. Most of the people who spout this theory are alarmist christains who panic a lot about the end times. So it's hard to find an objective take on this.
      I honestly think this is where the Illuminati bloodlines idea came from. It's got the same mentality, that this has all been going on from the start and it's spread by christians ( frankly we got to thank those American christains for spreading the truth movement so far and wide.)

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

      I have always heard stories about Nimrod that I have never seen evidence for.
      "The idea that all pagan religions somehow come from Nimrod."
      I have probably heard of that before. It makes no sense to make whatsoever. This is just like how Christians think about Satan, they make him and Nimrod way too big. Paganism is a type of religion that was invented by God as far as I'm concerned. You can find Pagan religions all over the world, not just in the Middle East where Nimrod lived. Judaism itself was founded on top of Paganism, especially the Canaanite religion.
      "And that's where all the Pharoah cults and the virgin birth apparently come from."
      That makes me think of Zeitgeist, which is nonsense.
      "I think it could be true but if it is I want to look at it more objectively. Most of the people who spout this theory are alarmist christains who panic a lot about the end times. So it's hard to find an objective take on this."
      There are Christians who have a problem with other religions, especially in regard to the similarities between Christianity and other religions. So they feel the need to invent all kinds of stories to justify how everything other than Christianity is fake.
      "I honestly think this is where the Illuminati bloodlines idea came from. It's got the same mentality, that this has all been going on from the start and it's spread by christians ( frankly we got to thank those American christains for spreading the truth movement so far and wide.)"
      Occultists turn everything upside down. They think that Christianity is based on Paganism (which is true) and that Christianity has "stolen" from Paganism (which is false). They think that through their Mystery Schools the truth has been preserved. It's all nonsense. How the hell were you supposed to teach primitive farmers advanced theological concepts? You can't. You need to explain things to them in a simple way (Paganism) and work your way up (yet, even Paganism is complicated).
      As for the Illuminati bloodlines, I think that it's based on this idea of "divine right" to rule. Occultists have of course turned that upside down as well. One of the Gods has once decided to give people the right to rule over certain lands when they were ready to do so. That's Biblical ("let man have dominion over the earth" (the idea, not the actual quote) - Genesis 1:26). That has nothing to do with bloodlines but with evolution. So one thing lead to another and before you knew it, kings (i.e. pharaohs) were not only claiming to have "divine right" to rule, they began claiming to be Gods as well.
      Yes. American Christians have made the truth movement as big as it is today. It was there when it happened (that makes me think of Elrond's (Lord of the Rings) quote in the first movie: "It is because of Men the Ring survives. I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago. I was there the day the strength of Men failed.") Talmudists had created all these anti-Islam websites. They were trying to turn people against Islam but their real agenda was to gain support for Israel. I tried to expose them (as early as 2002). In the meanwhile, Talmudists had a problem: because of the 9-11 attacks, American Protestants began to wake up and expose Islam online as well, thus dwarfing the Talmudists. That's how the truth community was born.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +1

      ​@@OrthopraxChristianity "
      "I have always heard stories about Nimrod that I have never seen evidence for."
      There's no evidence in The Bible itself that Nimrod built The Tower of Babel. It just says that he ruled the same area that The Tower of Babel was built in. Maybe he accommodated it but we can't know for sure unless we can find it in an extra biblical scripture or we find it in a Sumerian/Babylonian record (if it says Gilgamesh built a tower I'll believe it.)
      "This is just like how Christians think about Satan, they make him and Nimrod way too big."
      I've seen someone try to debunk reincarnation using Nimrod. But the real question is where did you even get that idea?
      They don't have any citations for this. People just believe it.
      I believe Nimrod could of made a religion cause every king back then made a religion based off him (honestly they still do it, Q Anon anyone?)
      "Paganism is a type of religion that was invented by God as far as I'm concerned."
      Well many so called pagans have an idea of who the creator is so maybe. I personally think that paganism is what happens when people pass down oral traditions and try to explain how the world works without any direct help from the creator. Maybe there were other monotheistic societies other then The Isrealites back then but that's only speculation. We won't know until we really dig into alternative history (cause a lot of history has been rewritten.)
      "That makes me think of Zeitgeist, which is nonsense."
      Zeitgeist is what people think is deep. Honestly their just another Dan Brown. Maybe I need to debunk this theory too thinking about it. This Nimrod theory is way too superstitious looking at it now, we need to clear this up too. It's like Constantine and Dan Brown all over again.
      "They think that through their schools the truth has been preserved."
      And this is why you need to be careful when you join the truth community. Theirs going to be other conscious people who have bad intentions.
      It's like The Christians vs The Gnostics or like Neo vs Cypher. They are both on the same level of consciousness but they have very different intentions.
      But to the point, they do have the truth in some kind of way. It's just not from a good place. They just want to use it for selfish means. If you really wanted to tell the truth to people why didn't you do it back then? Why didn't you teach them to read so they get this good knowledge that you claim to have? Why didn't you help them out with your proto science? Like why keep this knowledge to yourself?
      "There are Christians who have a problem with other religions, especially in regard to the similarities between Christianity and other religions. So they feel the need to invent all kinds of stories to justify how everything other than Christianity is fake."
      I hate it when christians say stuff like "You either worship Jesus or Satan," "The devil does not want you to be christian," or "The fallen angels have made every false religion except for ours". Like real question if that's true how do you know the fallen angels haven't made your religion? You don't cause they might of decieved you in the same way they supposedly decieved everyone else.
      They try to quote Paul's works but Paul was probably talking about The Roman Empire in these works. The Roman Empire was a tyrannical government that was degenerate af. Of course he would have those thoughts on the world if he saw what they were doing.
      "As for the Illuminati bloodlines, I think that it's based on this idea of "divine right" to rule. Occultists have of course turned that upside down as well. One of the Gods has once decided to give people the right to rule over certain lands when they were ready to do so. That's Biblical ("let man have dominion over the earth" (the idea, not the actual quote) - Genesis 1:26). That has nothing to do with bloodlines but with evolution. So one thing lead to another and before you knew it, kings (i.e. pharaohs) were not only claiming to have "divine right" to rule, they began claiming to be Gods as well."
      I think we are just abusing our power here. I believe we were made to take care of the earth but we let our lower desires corrupt us so we ended up with worshipping royals and falling prey to the tricks of The Watchers.
      "Yes. American Christians have made the truth movement as big as it is today. It was there when it happened (that makes me think of Elrond's (Lord of the Rings) quote in the first movie: "It is because of Men the Ring survives. I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago. I was there the day the strength of Men failed.") Talmudists had created all these anti-Islam websites. They were trying to turn people against Islam but their real agenda was to gain support for Israel. I tried to expose them (as early as 2002). In the meanwhile, Talmudists had a problem: because of the 9-11 attacks, American Protestants began to wake up and expose Islam online as well, thus dwarfing the Talmudists. That's how the truth community was born."
      Honestly 9/11 and 2020 were the two years that people woke up on a massive scale. 9/11 was just for average Joes imo but 2020 was for the youth.
      Never knew they were behind it. I guess that explains a lot. Israel is a terrible state and needs to be exposed.
      And wow I can't believe that's how it came to be. I guess God let this happen so the whole world could slowly wake up. I think it's starting to speedup imo. Theres actually a civilian truth movement organisation in NZ called Voices for Freedom. It was founded to protest the vaccine mandates in New Zealand and it's now grown to be an organisation that can stand on it's own two feet.
      I plan to join it myself. I do suspect that there might be infiltrators or shills in it but I figured that if that's the case then it's eventually gonna come out so I'm just going to use my discretion while associating with these people.

  • @Persianshah_Edits
    @Persianshah_Edits Год назад

    I want to be a real Christian but i don’t know were to begin, I am baptized in a protestant church at birth but I want guidence by god ✝️

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад

      Stick around on this channel and practice Christianity here. On this channel you will learn to practice Christian spirituality, which is what the Bible teaches but churches don’t like that because they want you to listen to them. They want to stand between you and God. So check out all the videos on this channel and stay tuned for more!

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +1

    8:15 That's what people don't understand about Satan. He's not a manichean force of evil. He's just an evil angel. That's it man.
    That's why you can outsmart Satan or beat him. It's like beating an old man in chess. It's theoretically possible. It's just hard.
    Most of what people call Satans Deceptions is just the imagination of men. Their just making it up.

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

      That's right. No need to make Satan bigger than what he really is.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity 100 Percent.
      These Churches are just making up shit.

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 Год назад +2

    Damn bro that's interesting. I was actually watching videos about how God's creation works.
    I was watching a numerology video and a video explaining how Hebrew is the DNA of creation and now this video shows up.
    That's weird bro.
    ( I am definitely gonna rewatch this video.)

  • @RealBobEvans
    @RealBobEvans Год назад +1

    The Lord Jesus Christ paid for the sins of the world 2000 years ago, but you must receive him as your personal Saviour (John 1:12-13) for that payment to apply to you. This happens at the same moment you are "born again" (John 3:3). This happens at the same moment you are baptized and sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:12-13, 1 Corinthians 12:13).
    You must be born again! Sacraments do not save anyone. The ordinances of water baptism and communion are physical pictures of spiritual truths, nothing more.
    In John 6, the Lord Jesus Christ is contrasting physical bread with spiritual bread. He says “Your fathers did eat manna (physical bread) in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven (spiritual bread), that a man may eat thereof, and not die.” Eating the Eucharist (physical bread) does not save you. Only receiving Jesus Christ (spiritual bread) by faith as your Saviour saves you (John 1:12-13). Jesus goes on to say “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). Jesus says he is speaking about the spiritual words, not about some fleshy piece of bread that you have to keep eating repeatedly.
    This is the same concept we find in John 4 when Jesus talks about living water. Jesus tells the woman at the well “Whosoever drinketh of this water (physical water) shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him (spiritual water) shall never thirst” (John 4:13-14).
    I speak the truth to you in love. If your salvation rests upon a piece of bread you get every Sunday and some water that your parents had sprinkled on you as an infant, then you are headed for Hell. You must be born again and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior. Salvation comes through faith in the shed blood on Calvary of Jesus Christ alone.
    “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” - Romans 3:23-28 KJV

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  Год назад +1

      Dude, this is a Christian channel that promotes Christian/Biblical teachings.