Ollie, professional plumber, urban explorer, rock climber and caver extraordinaire. Definitely earned your pay on this one. Congratulations on 100K subscribers!
I love these videos! They're interesting enough when we're taken under a school or in the gardens and access alleys on the sides of houses in Australia, but getting a look underneath a downtown commercial hair salon is always fascinating. Keep it up!
Anyone thinking of entering the trades should consider it. They are such good skills to have. You either know how to do it or you will have pay someone one day, either through rent/mortgage or calling in a tradesperson. I like watching this guy. My dad is a master plumber and he's been doing it since he was 18 yrs old. I have huge admiration for tradespeople. Great work on the drain fix today. Hello from Canada.
Congratulations Oliver for finally cracking the 100,000 subscriber mark, a huge personal effort to get here in a truly thankless but necessary job, best wishes to you and the family for achieving this great milestone, Darryl
I've heard people say they were "multi-tasking" before. They have no idea - cameraman, locksmith, customer relations, spelunking , entomologist, receptionist, plumber, quality assurance. Oh and don't forget drain cleaner! Good job!
Congratulations on the 100k subscribers!! Huge achievement Ollie! I have been there since day 1. Hopefully Jase will return,as your a good team.Keep up the good work!!
Tight dark Crawlspace and pipes that fall apart, not a good day for our Ollie. As always, Good Work! And YES, I almost fell onto the floor trying to dodge that nasty goo coming out of those pipes. 😄
I mean, it truly wasn't her fault. Whoever installed that pipe did a shit job. So many valleys to collect debris. It's really a wonder it lasted as long as it did.
starscream1985232 unge i SCVmm mglvllfleldjhfhrcmoxvcjiuffyvfiuygfffeuhgjdfgojgfoijofgogfgoijtgtrkigrtkpotgkñhoyokhtplkhgokhhioptnjkñhtiohjnjntoihjhbi,jkhg
Ouch, currently sidelined myself with torn meniscus in my knee! I’m procrastinating going out and saddling the horse I’m showing this weekend! Injured knee or not the show will go on!
That's a relief, all's good with the world, I've had my kookaburra fix for the day, the sun is shining, the birds [including kookaburra's] are singing and Ollie has snagged a real crappy job today, bugger
Amazing camera work considering your lousy cramped work space. Sorry you have such difficult places...but stellar work as usual Ollie! Love your videos from Idaho...keep 'em coming!
Was gonna say - all alone, in the dark, with a flashlight, under wastewater shower and undercover in the confined space. But no, some cockroaches, some slime monsters (possibly hairmonsters) and us were there with you. Ahh, (in)famous kookaburra too. Its a good thing technologies like smellovision or splash are not here yet.
Man i have no words . u are un stopable. There is no drain that can stop u. U are KING of drain no one like u . keep up that good work. GBU. YES SIRRRRRRRRRRR
Now why wasn’t that young lady at the beginning given the camera operators job today? No disrespect Mr DA 😳😛😳 You could have use an extra pair of hands today 😂😂😂
I'm sure she'd like to grovel around under the floor with the torch. The contents of the pipe, the cockies, the splashing and the dirt might just put her off a little bit.
You sir are an animal! Downright savage! And you didn't hesitate a second to jump all over the next job. That's the most impressed I've been since watching. This should be one of the most popular vids. I guess the time you saved by not having to clean up was taken up by all the damn hose lines you had to reel up. That was a lot of line you had laid out. Well done as always.
Note to self.. keep mouth closed when watching these videos.. 😄 feel like i got a mouth full of that water at one point.. Great videos! Keep up the good work.. your making me want to become a plumber
You poor sod, that's why I love my extraction system, got an adapter for nearly every pipe, and the water and crap get sucked away into the recovery tank. Channel has grown allot mate congrats.
Alan Smith I’m not! Happens all the time when people rush jobs! I would rather have that easily fixed screw up than the ticking time bomb we found hidden behind some drywall after my house got struck by lightening! Nothing like finding a sparking illegally hidden electrical outlet!
Really liked the leg shot and the kookaburra call. Added much to the video. Congratulations on 100k subs! Although I came late to the party, I'm glad to be counted as one of your many addicts. Best channel. Cheers from Florida.
Haha thank you Pamela Britton, i have gotten used to the conditions over the years and am paid well. I play it up a bit, it usually looks worse than it really is, unfortunately i can't say the same for the smell lol.
Drain Addict ugh. Ollie I can’t believe you didn’t break your knees and back doing that. I felt exhausted just watching you mate. Good on you for being so dedicated to your work.
Big Congratulations on hitting 100k, been subscribed since video 53, and have been following daily, including pulling the truck over to watch your videos, making the Amazon freight i deliver as late as your videos are long, lol
Just as I took a bite of my toast that blog came out of the pipe perfect timing that yuck feeling. :)) all good, enjoy your day. Oh really enjoy the channel.
*wears gloves also *wears completely drenched hat "got bitten by something down there too!" _casually continues_ "probably a redback" _has literally zero f*cks to give_
Amazing how things passed inspection once upon a time. At least you've got company keeping an eye on you today, besides the cockroaches I think I saw a skink or a snake. Be careful.
Good morning DA. Much respect to you again, that was the tightest spot I have ever seen someone working in, actually, I'm surprised that you were able to breathe down there at all. Glad you made it out, and you're doing well. Take care and have a good day.
really ? 'cause i totally buy it ! and i even remove my headphone just to be sure, that since i started watch this channel, i wasn't all of a sudden teleported to Australia !
@@CallieMasters5000 Lmao, I kinda made a joke on one of yesterday's videos about the cockaburos and waiting for Tarzan to swing by or better yet Jane. Well I looks like we got a rare shoot of Jane today
I am in awe of Ollie's skill, bravery and style. His truck could use some organizing though. :-) If I ever meet him, I am going to give him a big hug, and then take a shower (by myself, of course).
Love watching your videos. It is crazy how much shit you have to deal with. The good thing is that you are always going to have a job, since people are lazy to place a drain screen or how to properly disposed tissue paper or things. Great Job!!!
In today's episode our noble & skilled Ollie takes on the jobs of a locksmith (to get in the gate at the beginning) a spelunker & of course his God given skill of clearing those blocked drains. Some tight spaces today were on the menu but Ollie persevered & conquered. Bravo Ollie for an amazing job. To whoever installed the pvc lines, apparently they do not understand the concept or either running a straight line or pitching everything to the mains. A bow in this case just doesn't cut it. And damn somehow that Kookaburra popped in once again.
You seriously must have nerves of steel for the creepy crawlies and buns of steel to be able to sit on rocks. Great video, Ollie! 👍♥️ #DrainAddict winning.
TOTAL RESPECT. That looked like one of the most uncomfortable sites you have worked in. My back hurt just watching you. Great job!!!
cloudmover im watching this with a very sore neck. The pain got worse
I'm liking the new channel look with legs and leather skirts. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Next video: the Corn Festival at the nudist colony 😁
I thought it was rubber (the skirt, not the legs).
James Bowie
Just searching for the type of drain I'm addicted to.
Ollie you missed a trick with the legs lol
@@CallieMasters5000 gyygdaaagafgksadhawagaghagjwaldaaaladdaasagagggasagjaaaaaaawjgwakaakkaawawdayaawgywggaaawawawaaawaaaawaawaaaajaawaawwjhajjjjjjjjejjjjjjjkjjjjjjhjjjjjjjjjhsshhllahaggwashhahhhhafhhkaggghhhhhhhghhhdhhgafhhahhaaghhhgahhahshkghkggkghghghfaadsdskahfafkagkakdkgaasdalaaldaskkkasjhahdadklglsslfshasassaksslsslslsshosadlsgaahflshsdsahdlaosasajsaalssakglasgkadahggdddhaddhasgkafasghosdsfsgajkadjladdokdlhfafkffkagghgjfgggfffhkdgffjaaajafqagdgsahfgdkassghdsgfsgafakruwwwjsdwsdfjhdwjsdgdfjwahwjdkajsgfajgsgjddsfagsfgfhsgfgahfgasggfgashdjsfsjggsjgsjggggssfkwjjsfgssfhagdjdajgkddgsjkadkjfwjjsfsfjsjgsfkgfggdggfgfgjgsffgajfgdgsaddgggasgadhaggdgdahdfahgasgdsasgfgkjkaffhfsgjfghjgkajgfkgggggkhggffgfghgkhfagjgkghakaglgfffgfgkgahfggfhgggfkfdgsgsggahfjggssgfhgffghfgdhfkgfhgjksgfhfhfgsffgjdgfhghhffghfkdhafdfdfghfdgfafggyahggfdhsfgaddggdhfagkdfdgfddgafhfdahdgfggfkafghgggfghddhhgeggdjgdggggdgghadgfshdhhagddghdhhjgsgdghsggegsgdagdgghgggghgghggggjkggagjhjsgyggggghhdghkgkgjgfggggegkqkaggkggggggdggagkgqghkgjggjggggggggddggkkgggjqgdgfajdjdaafgdgejgaggsjdhaggrggdgfssgdhgghggagggggfagghggdgggggggdgagghghadgjgggfajgghhhhhghgkhhhhhhjhhjhhhaghgggggghgggghgggggfgkghglghgwghggggggjghgggkgggljgfggghhlhhlsdwkhlhlhhlhjkhlakjhhjhhjhhjlhhhhhhhhjhjhhlldhhghshhaajgglhhkhjljkhhkghhhjlhlhhjlhklhjhlkahahahlhjhgdhlhlhkhhhkljaahdhkhjlahhglhhhjhkhhhhjkhhklhkqajhhjhjdjhghhhhfjklgshaagajhjhgwahakghjhkhhlaahhlhjhjajjhklhhjhjhljahjhhhhjjkhhhhhjhhhhslhllhhhhjjhllajlhjhjhkhhhhlhkhwfhlhllhgalhhhjlhjhhhkjhldkkjjlhlkjhahjkahlhlhhjljkjlhhajahhjjahhhlllhkhjdwlhllhlkjlhhhslhhhhlhhahhlhhhhhhlhhjfhhjlhhahhkhhdglahhlahjlhhjawhhhljhhhklklhsggahjjghhjhhhhhhgjhhjhhghhgahjgkjhhjjajakkjgllgkgghggahlkhhjhjgahlhgdgjhhjgjkhhggghgahghlhgjlhlhggggjhkghhhlahhyghhhhkyggkhhhhhhhhhhghhkjhhjhjjgkjhkhkhhhhhhhhhggjghhhhhgjghjjhlgkhjkgjggwjgkghfgshkhjgghagggggggaghgjgjjhjggjgjgkghghhjghgjkhggghggggggggghgggghgghhgggghghgjhggghghghgfghghgggggghghgjhghggghghgghhgggghgghgghgghggkgghhhggggjgghgggggjgggggggjgggggghhhggghghhgggghhhglhghghhhhghgghggghhghghhghggghhgggghhhhhhggggggggggghhghhgghhgggghgjhghgggghghgkghhgghhghgghghghkhhhhggjggghhgkghhghghgghhhhhhhhgghhhhhhahgghghhghhhhkgghhhhhgghhhhhhhhhhhghhgghkhghhghhghhhgghhhghhghgghghgghhgggjkjhgdgahdhdgadadgdfgdasgjfdadggfgkaarfddgagdgfsgdsadhfddjshhdfagasafgagdshagsaahadafgdhafhfghaahhaggahghgafhghjggdhhggaagaagghgaagggfgggagssaahghhhggahgggkhgdggagfddghghaggagghahaggahhaggggfhgahhhlghkggggaggghkggghgghggfhgggdhagqhgggjgggggglhlahgglggggggqaghaggagaggfgfagygdggghdgggggghdghghhhghggdgglgaglggjghaghdghhggkggggghggfgghggggghhglagagljggggaghghgggghhghggghghgsaghgaghgghqghgggghhhhhghagghaghghghhlghgggghhqahllgqghghhgglhgggglhggklggjlggggglhgggkhlhjhlggajkh
Hats off to you mate for doing such a damn good job!
Ollie, professional plumber, urban explorer, rock climber and caver extraordinaire. Definitely earned your pay on this one. Congratulations on 100K subscribers!
Greets from Germany. I have a lot of fun watching this videos. Thx and keep doing it
You ARE the hardest working man in Australia!!! You put all the rest of us to shame. Thank you for being such a great example.
merciiii merciiiiiii pour tes vidéos
bernard de france 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
I love these videos! They're interesting enough when we're taken under a school or in the gardens and access alleys on the sides of houses in Australia, but getting a look underneath a downtown commercial hair salon is always fascinating. Keep it up!
Plumber's master key. 👍
High end security there
Anyone thinking of entering the trades should consider it. They are such good skills to have. You either know how to do it or you will have pay someone one day, either through rent/mortgage or calling in a tradesperson. I like watching this guy. My dad is a master plumber and he's been doing it since he was 18 yrs old. I have huge admiration for tradespeople. Great work on the drain fix today. Hello from Canada.
Pays well but wrecks the body
Wow. That looked like a difficult job. Well done. Thanks for the extra effort to take us along.
You are welcome Timothy Pirnat.
Congratulations Oliver for finally cracking the 100,000 subscriber mark, a huge personal effort to get here in a truly thankless but necessary job, best wishes to you and the family for achieving this great milestone, Darryl
1:00 Just a casual Morgan 3-Wheeler chilling on the street!
I was wondering what make that was.
@@GrimReaper4383 They're very rare to see.
I'm in NA and I've never seen one in person.
The head looked like Guzzi so it might be a Triking.
My Friend has a 1957 Morgan Plus 4 that he races in this british car club he's in up in Canada. I like the thing. Neat car.
I've heard people say they were "multi-tasking" before. They have no idea - cameraman, locksmith, customer relations, spelunking , entomologist, receptionist, plumber, quality assurance. Oh and don't forget drain cleaner! Good job!
Paul Cochran right? It’s like a National Geographic special mixed with Dirty Jobs.
@@rebibug Yep hit it right on the nail...
Yea. Much like freelancer programmer lol.
Congratulations on the 100k subscribers!! Huge achievement Ollie! I have been there since day 1. Hopefully Jase will return,as your a good team.Keep up the good work!!
He needs to do a video on him receiving his silver play button!
I don't know what makes me happier, watching your work ethic or watching the drain get cleared.
And here they are: 100.000 subscribers.
You have done it brother. You have hit 100k. That Silver button is on it's way. Congratulations to you pal.
Love from Chicago. Keep up the hustle..
Tight dark Crawlspace and pipes that fall apart, not a good day for our Ollie.
As always, Good Work!
And YES, I almost fell onto the floor trying to dodge that nasty goo coming out of those pipes.
as soon as she came walking round the corner with legs 11 on show, it was never going to be her fault.
You are right :v
Michael Zak damn straight
I mean, it truly wasn't her fault. Whoever installed that pipe did a shit job. So many valleys to collect debris. It's really a wonder it lasted as long as it did.
starscream1985232 unge i SCVmm mglvllfleldjhfhrcmoxvcjiuffyvfiuygfffeuhgjdfgojgfoijofgogfgoijtgtrkigrtkpotgkñhoyokhtplkhgokhhioptnjkñhtiohjnjntoihjhbi,jkhg
First time I have had to go have a shower after one of Oli's videos hahaha
Broke my ankle today and this is just calming for me. Thanks for the post!!
Thats no good mate.
Ouch, currently sidelined myself with torn meniscus in my knee! I’m procrastinating going out and saddling the horse I’m showing this weekend!
Injured knee or not the show will go on!
Ouch. Best wishes for a quick recovery.
Take care, to the both of you.
Michael Magill def I’ll keep you in my prayers for quick recovery!! I’m healing but still in so much pain😅
gorillaau thank you so much!!:)
That's a relief, all's good with the world, I've had my kookaburra fix for the day, the sun is shining, the birds [including kookaburra's] are singing and Ollie has snagged a real crappy job today, bugger
Ollie , you really need to see this, headlines this arvo "Massive king cobra pulled out of drain in Krabi, Thailand"
Amazing camera work considering your lousy cramped work space. Sorry you have such difficult places...but stellar work as usual Ollie! Love your videos from Idaho...keep 'em coming!
Oli unblocks drain, saves lady from getting fired, books new work actually eats shit, gets bit by spider and films. HERO!
Eats shit?
You were not alone down in that hole I counted 99.9 K of us down there ! 🌸🌼🌸
Nice one Donna Woodman.
Are you speaking on behalf of the roaches? 😁
Was gonna say - all alone, in the dark, with a flashlight, under wastewater shower and undercover in the confined space. But no, some cockroaches, some slime monsters (possibly hairmonsters) and us were there with you. Ahh, (in)famous kookaburra too. Its a good thing technologies like smellovision or splash are not here yet.
@@CallieMasters5000 And one substitute kookaburra
And we all had our mouths closed as a precaution.
Damn you sure earned your income on this job. Munting your way around under the floor in all that shambles BLOODY HELL!
Very common with older buildings and patch up Reno's, saves the builder getting a skip bin in
@rats arsed .. The builders wife did the plumbing, several other family members chipped in to hide her work.. BUT...
@rats arsed Sorry Ratz, shame on me. Sooo.. the builder was a woman then and the plumber was a priest, err, l'm confused now
Imagine the smell
Ohhh no I could never do that job you have a heart of gold ❤️👍🏽❤️
Man i have no words . u are un stopable. There is no drain that can stop u. U are KING of drain no one like u . keep up that good work. GBU. YES SIRRRRRRRRRRR
Now why wasn’t that young lady at the beginning given the camera operators job today? No disrespect Mr DA 😳😛😳
You could have use an extra pair of hands today 😂😂😂
Tom Giant oh yes, very nice legs she has.
I'm sure she'd like to grovel around under the floor with the torch. The contents of the pipe, the cockies, the splashing and the dirt might just put her off a little bit.
Patricio Garcia Too nice for a married man 😳
He could have stayed for a haircut... if they don't mind the smell & wet clothes!
@@PatricioGarcia1973 Them legs caused him to stutter.
Mate the drool from the mouth cams hilarious, love from Ireland man
Congratulations on 100, 000 subscribers way to go!!!
Jesus Christ you couldn't pay me enough to do that kind of work. Mad respect!
You sir are an animal! Downright savage! And you didn't hesitate a second to jump all over the next job. That's the most impressed I've been since watching. This should be one of the most popular vids. I guess the time you saved by not having to clean up was taken up by all the damn hose lines you had to reel up. That was a lot of line you had laid out. Well done as always.
Missed opportunity to put the legs in the thumbnail. That would quadruple the amount of views this video gets lol.
Note to self.. keep mouth closed when watching these videos.. 😄 feel like i got a mouth full of that water at one point..
Great videos! Keep up the good work.. your making me want to become a plumber
OK, Filming, lighting, drilling and narrating~superb talent!
Damn Oliver what a mess under there don't know how you do it . Have a good weekend and stay safe Jimmy from Massachusetts
You poor sod, that's why I love my extraction system, got an adapter for nearly every pipe, and the water and crap get sucked away into the recovery tank.
Channel has grown allot mate congrats.
God damn it Olly! I am scared of the dark! And i was starting to worry there was no video today, great work mate!
Drain addict... Imitated but never equalled 😁 great video again, keep them coming!
This video was awesome! You sounded like Sean Connery, at times.
I am shocked at the pipe that was NOT glued together.
Alan Smith I’m not! Happens all the time when people rush jobs! I would rather have that easily fixed screw up than the ticking time bomb we found hidden behind some drywall after my house got struck by lightening! Nothing like finding a sparking illegally hidden electrical outlet!
Really liked the leg shot and the kookaburra call. Added much to the video. Congratulations on 100k subs! Although I came late to the party, I'm glad to be counted as one of your many addicts. Best channel. Cheers from Florida.
I like the use of the hammer torch, I had one of them, now it's just a hammer.
Ollie I think you are a first rate Tradie, and I'm appalled at some of the conditions you are expected to work under.
Haha thank you Pamela Britton, i have gotten used to the conditions over the years and am paid well. I play it up a bit, it usually looks worse than it really is, unfortunately i can't say the same for the smell lol.
Drain Addict ugh. Ollie I can’t believe you didn’t break your knees and back doing that. I felt exhausted just watching you mate. Good on you for being so dedicated to your work.
Dedication at its finest. Good Job Ollie. 👏
Pamela Britton I’d b charging a fortune to do this!
Congratulations Ollie!! 100K subscribers. You deserve it mate.
You should bring a koala, roo and kookaburra to every job, just to keep things lively.
I have thought about that Callie Masters
Callie Masters i
Roos could probably kick the clog out
@@catsbyondrepair Roos for the horizontal blockages, drop bears for the vertically blocked pipes.
You were truly down under today. Also, multitasking at its best!
Great job 👍🏻, Ollie!
Big Congratulations on hitting 100k, been subscribed since video 53, and have been following daily, including pulling the truck over to watch your videos, making the Amazon freight i deliver as late as your videos are long, lol
Bro ive watched prolly 200 of your videos man i just want to say i admire you. Youre a real professional.
Just as I took a bite of my toast that blog came out of the pipe perfect timing that yuck feeling. :)) all good, enjoy your day. Oh really enjoy the channel.
Congratulations on 100k!! You deserve it, love! Kim
Drain addict now Burglar! haha!
Ollie my friend, your are a truely dedicated professional of the trade. I live in the UK and only wish I could employ you to sort my drainage woes. 👍
*wears gloves
*wears completely drenched hat
"got bitten by something down there too!" _casually continues_ "probably a redback" _has literally zero f*cks to give_
That spider's going to die of an infection.
@@RatKindler lol!
@@RatKindler his blood stream def made out of hellish materials by now
crawlies would fleee his system 💩👁️
Ollie you multitask very well. 🌞🌞🌞
Damn u just opened that gate just like that .... lmao 😂
Just rewatching video and saw 100K subscriptions. Congrats DA!
Almost 100k! Congrats from Spain 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Amazing how things passed inspection once upon a time. At least you've got company keeping an eye on you today, besides the cockroaches I think I saw a skink or a snake. Be careful.
Vc é guerreiro cara. Parabéns, um trabalho tão necessário q é poucos.
Good morning DA. Much respect to you again, that was the tightest spot I have ever seen someone working in, actually, I'm surprised that you were able to breathe down there at all. Glad you made it out, and you're doing well. Take care and have a good day.
i knew that kookaburra was a sound effect!!!
really ? 'cause i totally buy it ! and i even remove my headphone just to be sure, that since i started watch this channel, i wasn't all of a sudden teleported to Australia !
I believed it for too long
@@TheCUTTERbyPHOENIX It was just to perfectly timed.
I didn't realize it till i read your comment. Makes sense now but all those other times i thought it was real.
I thought ot was a ring tone on his phone.
Boy, you earned your keep on this job!
Man, those birds are everywhere.!
They are a species of the OWL family, Albino white in colour and hate direct light
You talking about the one in the leather skirt? They're often found at the hairdressers. 😁
@@CallieMasters5000 Lmao, I kinda made a joke on one of yesterday's videos about the cockaburos and waiting for Tarzan to swing by or better yet Jane. Well I looks like we got a rare shoot of Jane today
I'm pretty sure that is his notification tone on his phone.
@@PatrickLeeUS , Yup.
God bless you man. I’m speechless.
Gratz for your 100k Ollie !
And i also like when you explain things and all that stuff. it makes all more viewer-friendly :D
Ollie:Better go wash myself now
Me:oh hes got the keys for the door.
Ollie pulls a knife and opens it: guess again mate!
1:56 a woman approaching the plumber
Internet ruined me,
Good job btw, love your vids
Fairy Tales XD me too
I am in awe of Ollie's skill, bravery and style. His truck could use some organizing though. :-) If I ever meet him, I am going to give him a big hug, and then take a shower (by myself, of course).
Love watching your videos. It is crazy how much shit you have to deal with. The good thing is that you are always going to have a job, since people are lazy to place a drain screen or how to properly disposed tissue paper or things. Great Job!!!
you're the man its ppl like you that keep society running and I wish you all the best
-new sub
1:01 A Morgan 3-wheeler.... nice!
Excellent job Ollie. Charge them the big bucks for that job.
Can’t wait for the 100k sub special :D
I miss seeing the face of our corn king !
Great job 👍🏻, Ollie
YOU GOT ME!!! all this time i thought you just had that many kookaburra there!! grrr.... feeling so stupid now.
Sorry Robin C. it was a little sneaky wasn't it. Don't feel silly one or two where real kookaburra calls.
You can’t hide from the kookaburra! 🤣
In today's episode our noble & skilled Ollie takes on the jobs of a locksmith (to get in the gate at the beginning) a spelunker & of course his God given skill of clearing those blocked drains. Some tight spaces today were on the menu but Ollie persevered & conquered. Bravo Ollie for an amazing job. To whoever installed the pvc lines, apparently they do not understand the concept or either running a straight line or pitching everything to the mains. A bow in this case just doesn't cut it. And damn somehow that Kookaburra popped in once again.
Congrats on 100K, Ollie. Well deserved.
Congratz on the 100k Ollie! Its been a pleasure watching all vids since 10k 😄 Keep going ma friend, wish u all the best 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
most people go out on Friday nights. me, I'm at home binge watching a man unclog shit pipes... lol
djmankiewicz1000 same
96 likes and zero dislikes. Love seeing sights like that when I wake up to a DA video before work 😊😊
300 Dislikes 😃
I really like the tidy way you store your stuff in the van 😅
Patience of a Saint this man Saint of drains
Woohoo, happy 100K Ollie 🥳🍻🥳. Last few vids without Josh have been hard going for you!
Your truck is like my garage but I can put my finger on anything I want straight away 🐶
Organized I'm sure, albeit not tidy!
Dude had shit hanging from his hat... 😂🤣😂 Respect for this man and his Job lol
Love your videos man, keep it up
Who else flinched/lurched back from the screen at 10:29? XD
I've never heard a cockroach sound like a kookaburra before....
Mate, you are FEARLESS! I wouldn't be able to be down there, even if I could fit!
Nice 3 wheeler and great legs!!!!
I like how you used your 'Universal Access Device' on the gate. This video looked like an episode of the 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.' game.
Congrats on 100k I have been here since your hundreds. Hope you get to 1 million next!!
You seriously must have nerves of steel for the creepy crawlies and buns of steel to be able to sit on rocks. Great video, Ollie! 👍♥️ #DrainAddict winning.
Loving these longer videos