Book of Enoch - Origin of Demons / the Two Houses

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Tonight, we look at Enoch 14-16, which is the end of the section on preflood Nephilim history. In these passages we learn of the true origin of Demons. We find out they are not fallen angels but something else. we also see the prophecy of the Two Houses. these are the two judgments of water and fire that will come upon the earth.
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:03:20 Jasher 2: Cainan Interprets Adam’s Prophecy
    00:05:16 2 Peter Chapter 3: The Day of the Lord Will Come
    00:14:34 Book of Enoch Chapter 14b: The Dream of the Two Houses
    00:23:24 Book of Enoch Chapter 15a: The Judgment of the Ancient of Days
    00:29:39 Book of Enoch Chapter 15b: Origin of Demons
    00:34:50 Book of Enoch Chapter 16: Origin of Demons
    00:37:48 Conclusion
    00:38:26 Q&A
    00:39:07 Have you ever heard of the Archko Volume and is it genuine?
    00:43:18 What is the proof that 11Q13 was written before 70 AD?
    00:46:19 Is the judgment here the same as the one mentioned last week?
    00:46:49 What is your favorite hymn?
    00:47:14 Why does Enoch blame the Watchers while Genesis blames humans for the Flood?
    00:48:16 If marriage exists because humans are mortal, were Adam & Eve married before the fall?
    00:49:16 Were Adam & Eve intended to be immortal?
    00:49:45 Could Enoch's description of fire and frost at the throne be linked to God’s throne in Eden?
    00:51:15 4QInstruction says “Do not say I am poor…” What does poor mean in this context?
    00:54:36 If spirits are invisible how do we see demonic manifestations?
    00:58:50 Does “knowledge shall increase” in Matthew 24 refer to the Dead Sea Scrolls?
    01:01:41 Is the plant of righteousness in Enoch 10:16 real or symbolic?
    01:03:19 Why do some believe that new Nephilim are being created?
    01:05:52 Have you ever heard of the lesser keys of Solomon?
    01:07:10 What is your view of original sin?
    01:08:58 Is Enoch 10:17 saying we will grow very old?
    01:10:25 Does Enoch 10:22 mean that the purpose of the millennium is to cleanse the Earth?
    01:11:06 What do you think sasquatch is?
    01:12:17 What is the best way to support your work?
    01:15:13 Could the 4 angels in the Book of Giants be the same as the angels in Revelation?
    01:16:08 Why do the Antichrist and False Prophet not go to the Great White Throne Judgment?
    01:17:30 Is manna the food of the angels or is that poetic?
    01:18:32 Is it possible that the Millennial Reign could start early?
    01:21:08 Who comprises the armies of Heaven in Revelation 19:14
    01:21:21 Are “stars falling from heaven”, “fallen angels”, and “UFO crashes” all the same?
    01:21:54 Is there anything in the Dead Sea Scrolls about the Mark of the Beast?
    01:25:48 Do the Dead Sea Scrolls mention God empowering believers in the last days?
    01:27:19 Do you think it’s possible that dinosaurs were creations of the Watchers?
    01:28:28 Did a second group of angels fall after the Flood?
    01:31:04 Did hybrids like mermaids survive the Flood?
    01:32:43 How would I counter someone who says Enoch is from the Intertestamental period?
    01:34:42 Could the “10 Kings” be referring to the 10 remaining monarchies in Europe?
    01:36:47 What do you think about a pre-Adamic world and old earth?
    01:38:22 During the Millennium will we have to learn how to live as immortals among mortals?
    01:38:50 Does a leap week affect the timing of Passover?
    01:41:29 Is Paul’s “last trump” the last of the 7 trumpets in Revelation?
    01:42:50 Could the Kandahar giant be a post-Flood giant?
    01:45:22 Have you heard of any Dead Sea Scrolls in the Oxyrhynchus fragments in Egypt?
    01:46:30 Is the Book of Angels a demonic writing?
    01:47:21 Is there anything in the Dead Sea Scrolls that refers to a flat earth?
    01:48:19 Crucifixion timing?
    01:49:24 Why would God make anything “look old”?
    01:50:09 Conclusion
    Ancient Book of Enoch
    Ancient Prophecies Revealed
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