Book of Enoch - Pre-Flood Nephilim

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Tonight, we look at the second section of the Dead Sea Scroll called The Book of Giants (1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q530-532, 6Q8). This will give us an incredible glimpse into the life of pre-flood Nephilim.
    00:00:00 Intro
    00:02:14 Introduction to Book of Giants: Section 2
    00:04:02 Review of the Book of Giants: Section 1
    00:06:30 Summary of the Book of Giants: Section 2
    00:17:49 Book of Giants: 2Q26, 4Q530 Frag. 7
    00:20:38 Book of Jasher Chapter 2: Barrenness of Zillah
    00:24:17 Book of Giants: 6Q8, 4Q530 Frag. 4,7
    00:28:24 Book of Giants: 4Q531 Frag 1 (Gilgamesh)
    00:33:17 Book of Giants: 6Q8 Frag 2, 4Q530 Col.2
    00:36:14 Book of Giants: 4Q530 Col. 3
    00:40:36 Book of Giants: 4Q530 Frag 2.
    00:45:56 Book of Giants: End Fragment
    00:47:51 Conclusion
    00:49:23 Q&A
    00:51:01 Was the man casting out demons in Mark 9:38 an Essene?
    00:53:05 Do we have the Testament or Assumption of Moses and is it legitimate?
    00:54:17 Is the 200 angels and 200 kinds of animals connected?
    00:55:32 What is Pentecost and how does it work?
    00:57:41 Is there any evidence that the watchers made a “contract” with the line of Cain?
    00:59:24 In Genesis 9:18-27 why did God punish Canaan instead of Ham?
    01:00:58 You mention a “Nasi” in Testaments of the Patriarchs, what is that?
    01:01:28 Were all the children of the fallen angels giants and were they all evil?
    01:02:29 Who was able to kill the giants?
    01:02:51 Do you think there will be a collective dream about the Rapture?
    01:04:04 Could Azal in Zechariah 14:5 be the location of the Azazel goat ritual?
    01:05:28 Could the souls of the giants be demons?
    01:06:05 Why did God come down in Genesis 11:5 given His omniscience?
    01:07:06 What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
    01:10:34 What happened to the Nephilim souls when they died?
    01:11:59 Can you clarify who the Giants and Nephilim were?
    01:13:46 Is Revelation 9 talking about releasing all the demons in “jail”?
    01:14:46 Don’t you have to have truth before you can deny it?
    01:15:59 Why was Abraham going to leave his inheritance to his servant instead of Lot?
    01:18:43 Aren’t the Arab nations descended from Ishmael? What is their role in the End Times?
    01:20:42 Could you get access to more scrolls if you had more financial support?
    01:23:08 Who are the Watchers?
    01:24:30 Why isn’t this history taught in Sunday schools and Bible colleges?
    01:27:56 How do you cast out a devil in Jesus’ name?
    01:32:01 Do you think the Rapture could happen on a Pentecost?
    01:33:22 If you reject the Holy Spirit then later repent is that forgiven?
    01:34:18 What’s your interpretation of Hebrew 6:4-6 and do the Scrolls help with this passage?
    01:39:00 What book was it that said that the Messiah had to come before the first century?
    01:40:40 How can you tell if someone is demon possessed?
    01:42:42 What do you think of the historical tribulation/millennium theory?
    01:43:33 Conclusion
    Ancient Book of Enoch
    Ancient Book of Jasher
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