Dear Carla, I would’ve preferred to contact you personally and privately, but I couldn’t find a way to do it. Perhaps it was meant to be and that my situation can somehow help somebody else. I really just want to let you know how much I enjoy your videos, and of course Sweet Sampson. ran across your videos quite by accident a few days ago - - actually longer than that. The first video I watched in its entirety was the garage clean out where the man’s wife was out of town, and he wanted to surprise her. There was something very captivating about the video - about decision making process as you were clearing things out. I enjoyed the upbeat mood that both you and the gentleman had as you worked. The end result was amazing. I went on to watch other videos, and I’ve spent several evenings taking mental notes and watching amazing things happen. A little history of my situation is a sad one at the moment. In June my husband was diagnosed quite out of the blue with cancer. By July 16 he was gone. I am 67 and he was a very active 79. We had over 42 years together and we were as much in love on the day passed away as we ever were. It was only today today that I have felt strong enough to begin moving a few things around in the house. I started with the bedroom because that was the last video I watched of yours as you organized a couples house. My bedroom seems to be the biggest trigger for my emotions. Specifically, his slacks are hanging on the hook where he left them and so many things that are truly just his and his alone. I began by cleaning out my entire side of closet. (I don’t have the strength or the heart to move anything in his closet.) I got everything out of my closet and donated two bags of clothing - took all the knickknacks off of my shelf - all the stuff off the very top shelf and that took about four hours. I decided to go buy the containers. (baskets) I also found a large canvas picture to put over the bed that says some thing I don’t remember right now something about I’m blessed and a beautiful picture of water with a small bridge, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your videos and the effort you put into them. I live in Houston Texas and lately I feel really alone. My 19-year-old grandson is staying with me and has been since my husband got sick. He’s a very special young man. When I’m all done, I’ll try to send you an after photo. Just want you to know I appreciate the motivating videos and tell you how much it helped me find the strength to make a move to what seems to be the right direction. Much love to Sampson and a huge thank you for you. Holley
I am 95 percent done with a full house declutter. It took 6 months working on it at least 25 hours a week. The hardest part was not having the energy to do it faster and the mess you make while you are trying to get rid of the stuff. Most of the stuff i gave to Big Sister's. I made $225 so far on Craig's list. I would have paid $225 to have someone come and take the stuff out of my house. Its a lot of work to give stuff away. Don't ask friends if they want it if you feel the need to just get rid of it fast. They will take forever to pick it up. Its also a lot of work to sell stuff if you don't need the money save time and energy just donate. Your time is $.
Hi Carla, I think decluttering is like cooking or doing the laundry! A huge part of the cooking/laundry process is the cleaning up & putting away. I haven’t finished cooking or doing the laundry until everything is clean & packed away. It really is the unspoken reality of decluttering, having the time & ENERGY to get the stuff out of the house. Thank you for always sharing the realities……. you always inspire me to “get it done"
I’m loving your analogy and never thought of it like that before you wrote it down. I also struggle to the end with laundry but got the cooking part right to the end. A new light went on. Thank you.
I’m so glad you focussed on the this subject of ‘what we do with the stuff after we have decluttered it.’ I wholeheartedly agree that it is the most difficult part of the decluttering process. Great video!
Carla, I'm 72 and still learning how to edit out what is not meaningful. Thanks for the inspiration. Lol at Samson's bedding hoard. That boy is shameless.
This was good to watch. I’m a professional organizer and sometimes the only thing I do in a session with a liner is help take out their garbage and break down boxes. It makes the most impact. Great job!
I feel really lucky that I live in an area where you can just leave stuff next to a trash can on the street and it will be gone within the day, most times within an hour actually. Anything that is not broken gets picked up by someone really fast. I've even had instances where I would bring stuff down in pieces and the first piece was already taken by the time it took me to climb up the stairs to my flat and bring down the second piece. Saves so much time and energy.
Thank you Carla!! I legit have tears, you are SO real (and so beautiful! 😍), showing us the actual details like phone calls, breaking down boxes, rest breaks, thinking it through…all of it, just normal, is SOOOO refreshing! 😭 I feel like you’ve lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, that I’m not doing this alone. I live realistically and just thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🥰💝🦋
Hi Carla! Great job on clearing out your home from the goods designated to leave. To avoid the overload of getting these kinds of tasks done, I created a system that works for me. I have bins in my trunk for different donations, returns, etc. When I head out each day, I take anything that needs to leave to my car. I have an e-waste box, a battery recycle bin, dog shelter donation bin (old towels, linens, beds, etc), can & bottle recycling bin, returns tote, donations tote, hazardous waste bin, and blankets/coats bin for homeless shelter donations. It may seem like a lot but it really isn’t. When I see a place where I can drop stuff of at, I can do it right then. And it keeps my home clutter free!
Great suggestions and I donate to several organizations. I’m going to create several bins today. 1 bin for the local homeless shelter, 1 bin pet shelter , 1 bin for food drop off and 1 for the domestic violence shelter. Hazardous waste and old tech bins as well. We have recycling pickup here. We also have the VVA pickup here. Thank you.
Fell in love with the videos and you are a natural at decluttering. I’ve been watching The Minimal Mom, Clutterbug and Dana K White for over a year. The results are worth the work. Your heart and mind will thank you.. You are a gem! Keep it up!
Carla, I was watching a video by Rajiv Surendra the other day. He mentioned a quote by William Morris,”Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” What you said at the end of this video reminded me of the quote🙂
I needed this today! I just moved a month ago and unpacking is one thing but lugging the boxes and packing paper out of my apartment is so hard! Three flights up, down the elevator, then across the parking garage-whew! You inspired me, I will make the boxes go away today!
I didn’t just say it, I did it! And my son came over the next day to help me get more stuff out, move more boxes of essentials up to where I can unpack them, and repair some things that were damaged in the move. I keep checking out your videos to keep from stalling out. Thank you!
Put painters tape across the picture over the two hangers, mark in the tape where the nails would go, then take the tape off on put it on the wall where you want it as a guide to where to nail. There's youtube videos on how to do it. Game changer!
I love your channel. You always inspire me. I’m 76 with a few infirmities so it seems daunting. I have hired someone to help me and she comes twice a month and an added bonus is her church has a thrift shop so she drops off my donations on her way home.
I always procrastinate on boxes getting broken down, too. You may not have this problem since you're in an apartment, but if you have more cardboard than will fit in the recycling, you can wet the boxes down with a hose outside and leave them for a few minutes. They will get really soft, so you can easily tear them into pieces and make them fit in your recycling bin better, and of course they can still be recycled. I saw a guy doing this on Instagram or something and I was like WHOA. Not that it makes me get to them any faster, but at least I have a trick for when I finally do it! :) IDK if you see comments on old videos but I'm enjoying going through your back catalog Carla. :)
About half way through, you wrote to not judge you for throwing stuff away. I say, good for you! It takes a lot of strength to throw away those things, even though the things are broken and rags. I know I have a tendency to still see use in them, which leads to a lot of clutter! I’m enjoying your videos. I like that you are non-judgmental and understanding of the psychology of clutter. Bless you.
Hey Carla I appreciate your channel. You start from the beginning to the end, we hear your thoughts, we hear about your decision making and you don't fill your videos with crazy music (house/pop) . I enjoy the music selections. Please continue to post your videos. It's a struggle sometimes just trying to get through all this clutter and indecisions.
I understand about hauling stuff. So I tale one bag whenever I walk the dog.... either to the trash/recycling or to the car to donate. Or maybe just one donate item, I.e. lamp to the car. Just a thought. Lots of us struggle with trash donate. But I have a place in the car for the donate items. So proud of you! It seems little but it can be overwhelming! Especially if FedEx closes. HAHA.
My biggest obstacle is lack of time and energy. When you work 10 hour shifts and the last thing you want to do back home is to declutter. I might need a whole month off to declutter everything in my house 😅😅😅
I bought a large old school garbage can (like you'd leave on the curb for garbage day) with the specific purpose of using it as a "get it out of my house" device. I tell myself that once it's full of donations, I HAVE to take care of it. As usual, right now it is currently completely full, AND another pile sitting next to it. LOL! Getting the darned stuff out of the house, after I've made the decision to, is one of my biggest hurdles, without a doubt. I feel ya!
I appreciate you showing what reality is. It is hard to get started when what they show as their start would be your dream finish. Thanks for admitting that it is not always easy or what you want to do, and making it real.
I love your videos. I've started doing my own sorting, decluttering, organizing, etc, while listening to your SO calm voice. Today was the dreaded seasonal wardrobe changeover-- DONE -with your good company. Next I plowed through 2 big bags of clothing dumped on me by a good friend whose sister dumped it all on HER. Sorted , ready to ship to daughters, go to the Cape house, consignment and donation. DONE- with your company. Thank you thank you thank you
I love your videos and following the progress on making your flat a home. Tip for hanging the art - you can get metal wire to attach to the back of the corners on the frame and then you just need to find the center of your wall.
Hey Sis. I hate boxes too and always have tons bc I order alot & Recycle all plastics and cardboard, so I started a long time ago buying Lawn bags. I break them all down flat and dump them in my huge Recycling bin outside my house. Lawn bags hold so much! The Recycling people actually come by every Monday morning to pick them up. But before when I lived in an apartment, it was a Blessing to get all those boxes to the dumpster outside my apartment in one trip!
Love watching your little abode coming together and how you have got little ‘zones’ looks so calming. Watched this at 5:30am (uk) so when I finished work I took stuff that was in my car to the charity shop! You got me motivated!! 🤘🏻
This morning I bought a battery organizer at Costco. Best decision I ever made! The baskets in my junk cuboard where out of control. Batteries everywhere. Now everything is organized and in it's place and the organizer came with a battery tester, which allowed me to test them all and threw out the dead ones. Like you said, inch by inch, is a cinch!!
One thing that helped me is to expand the reach of a specific process. AN example would be: Unboxing an item isn't complete until its out of the package and the box is broken down. Laundry isnt complete until the dried laundry is folded and put away. Dishes are not complete until they are dry and in their storage place. Widen the goalpost of your process. It has helped me immensely in not seeing micro tasks, but in envisioning the task as a whole.
I love this video! A few months ago, I took 5 big bags to donate, books to a little library, trash out, recycling out too and it was such a huge weight lifted and gone! It felt so good to get rid of so much and hopefully bless others! Great job you! I bet you feel great too after all that!
The struggle is super real. I live on the second floor and I swear the garbage bin seems like it’s a mile away some days…lol 😅😂. We did the same thing today. I got a new dining table so the old one got taken apart and put by the dumpster and I did a Home Goods run to replace things like ugly dish towels and oven mitts. Old glass storage ware that was hard to open and some that had old lids. I was doing the wipe the drawer out wash the new stuff and reorganize it. I did repurpose some drawer containers to hold the lids so they’re not doing a dance when I open the drawer. I’ve been waiting 4 years to get the cabinet I want in the living room and the dining table is my 4th attempt (SMH) at the right fit. We are all right there with you trying to figure it all out ❤👊🏼
I don't remember where I read or heard this, I'll add a comment if I can find the source. The concept was fear of completing a q task or project due to the possibility of being imperfect at it. Which seems silly when thinking about putting boxes out for recycling, but it's very true for me with a lot of stuff, incliding trash, laundry, dishes, etc. I'll do something 95% of the way through and then let it languish unfinished. I battle with procrastination that comes from perfectionism also. I often have to tell myself it's ok to do something less than perfectly because at least I finished doing it. Completed half assed, or less than ideally > incomplete due to wanting to do it "perfect". I also stopped looking for perfect solutions for donations. They go to the curb or goodwill unless I already have a simple destination for them without a bunch of interim steps. Ultimately I'm trying to better prioritize my mental peace over doing things perfectly. Reminding myself there's nothing wrong with doing things imperfectly because at least I'm doing them. "Do it right or not at all" is self gaslighting as far as I'm concerned lol. I'm much happier getting more done having given myself permission to do whatever I have to do to get it done even if it isn't ideal.
Hi Carla 👋 I have a love hate relationship with boxes. I used to have a small business so I kept boxes to keep from buying new ones when I mailed my orders. I also find crafting boxes fun😊 I need help🤣 I've been living in my apartment for nearly 12yrs & I feel like I haven't stopped decluttering since moving day. It's super hard to find anyone who wants to help me or has the time. Decluttering is a monumental task & doing alone is daunting. I love watching your videos they are super motivating 💗 Thank you 💗
It’s so much easier when you have someone there to help!! that’s why whenever I shoot a Declutter with friends episode, were able to get so much done in one day !! ❤️
Hanging art tip - take some masking tape ( think it's called the same in the states) tape it to the back of the art work. Mark where you need to hang/where the hooks are onto the tape with pen/pencil remove the tape and stick it to the wall you can then play about getting the tape straight and centred on the wall without yet committing to a nail or command strip ( it shouldn't be too sticky now and rip the paint) When you have it right use the marks you made to place the nail/ command strip to the wall. :)
Well done Carla! Procrastinating is my big dilemma too, plastic tubs still sitting in the dining room. You did great and hope you got a nice reward! That cutie Samson just loves all the beds. 😊🎃🧡
Such a relatable video! The hang-ups are REAL! I do have some things I need to declutter, but right now, I'm more so working on curbing the urge to ACQUIRE more things!!
What has been extremely helpful to me is instituting a "no buy" policy & asking myself whenever I go shopping if it a need or a want. If it is a want & I already have something like it at home I don't buy it. Also the painful declutters of years past has stuck with me & made me very mindful as well as intentional of what I bring into the home. Good luck on your journey.
You are so right. The hardest part of decluttering for me is taking donations to their final destination. I can get it to the car (trunk) or garage, but it seems to get stuck there. The closest donation center is out of the way from my normal routes. Bigger items (e.g. furniture) have to be picked up and the local center doesn’t pickup in my neighborhood, nor do any of the usual donation places for furniture.
Good job Carla! It does feel good to get the donations/recycling out of the house. I just ran a trunk load to the donation drop off today also. When the corner of the room I use to stage bags/boxes of donations gets filled, I drop it off and start the process over. A layer at a time.
I use the big paper bags for garden waste (like you buy at Home Depot) for my cardboard. As soon as the box comes in the house, it gets broken down and chucked in the paper bag. The paper bag goes out on Tuesday (there’s a reminder in my phone). I found that if there is a designated system, then no decisions need to be made. Just execute on the plan.
It might be helpful for you to have a recycling container that’s a size you can comfortably carry downstairs to the dump container. That way when it’s full you know to take it downstairs. Also have errands post-it-note in your car and by the door you leave your apartment. In this way you can be aware of what recycling, donating chores you have to do and when you’re in that area you can drop it off. That way you’re not spending a whole day on recycling, donating errands.
Love this - it's so real, and not something other decluttering videos have shown! Also your dog is adorable 😍 I did laugh when he sat on the 'Donate' dog bed. I recently sold a cat tree on fb marketplace because my cat didn't use it. Sure enough, the day I sold it, he plonked himself right on it! Keep up the good work, you're inspiring us all ❤
To hang art easier, put a nail into the wall (or a screw), tie string from corner to corner of the picture, hook string over nail and adjust until picture is central. If you tie the string tight, both string and nail will be hidden behind the picture.
I'd decluttered 114 Things from my home today. It feels so good. Tomorrow i'll bring it all to a donation place. Have a nice week, love your videos. Greetings from Germany 🤗
I had a problem getting everything out too. I started putting it back where I put the groceries. I HAVE TO empty the car before I can get groceries. Works great!
The thrift stores close to me have all closed so now I have to drive farther away. There is a thrift near my job but I usually want to go home to let my dog out. I need to plan out this week.
I have 8 dog beds currently in my 2 bedroom place. (2 big dogs). I literally don't even know where some of them came from. AND, my current 2 dogs don't even like beds. They prefer the floor (huskies, what can you say). I'm going to donate a couple to the animal shelter. I didn't know they would want used beds. I honestly think some of these beds may have multiplied, because I don't think I bought all of these. :)
Hi there that art piece I dislike when there is a hanger on each side but BUT put the blue tape on the back just under the holes or hangers mark then, take the tape off and find the center of the wall and put the tape center from each side put tape on wall then mark where the holes should go and your phone should have a level on it somewhere good luck! Someone prob said this already but this works :) love your channel you started me and I was listening to you while in my room and closet ha ha it works so thank you!
If you have an iphone it has a level and measuring tool. Sampsons bed segment gave me a good laugh. He seems so sweet. This is inspiring me to follow through with the two give away boxes that have been at my door for two weeks! Ughh.
I am right there with you regarding actually moving/dropping off all that you have decluttered. I load up my car and drive around with the items for a month or so, I make myself nuts.
Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cooler! 🎸 I also had an electric guitar when I was a teenager but never learned to play. I don’t have it anymore. I still want to learn to play one day. It’s on my bucket list. 😉
I get throwing things in the trash some of the time. It isn't always cost effective to get it to the right places. I live in AZ and I tried researching places that could take different types of items and materials. A few companies I did find no longer take a lot of things and companies in other states that do are too expensive to ship things to. I'm not rollin' in money like that so if a donation center won't take it then it goes into the trash. On another note. I LUV your little reading nook.
I have had those days, after weeks/months of procrastination on the last step on decluttering. It feels amazing! Currently, building a stack of donate/sell/returns to get rid of before winter.
Regarding put wall art use a painters tape. Put it on the back of the art frame mark where you need to put a nail etc. Then remove the tape put on the wall level it adjusting tape as needed then right on the tape nail in your nails and remove the tape from wall and hang your art🥰🏞
Awesome clean and declutter again ! Thank you so much for filming while emptying and taking out the trash at 13:59 👌 As I struggle so much to declutter stuff that can't be sold/donated I love that you've filmed while tossing the decluttered bag into the same bag as the bathroom trash so you can't go back on your decision of whatever you've put in that bag 😁 I tend to use a clean bag for decluttering things I struggle (magazines/catalogs/nicer clothes stores flyers and clothes that can't be donated) and then I leave that bag in the garage for months 🤭 I just hope you've didn't had any of those things in that bag as if you have, I hope you'll film while tossing any of those things 😊
Thanx for the last sentence at the end....that was my final motivation...dont want anything that i do not need, love or use. This is going to be my motto
I had two mirrors forever that were too heavy for me to hang by myself. I finally just donated one . And i want new drapes and rods and I know I cant do that. Hanging photos requires too much math. LOL. Samson is sweet.
When I started watching this video I literally turned it off and went to the hardware store to buy things to hang my paintings. I’ve had three leaning against the wall for months now. Ty for the inspiration!
I am so tired today, i have to do so many things, but instead to do them i found your video to cheer me up. Your videos always make me feel good. I am so glad i found you, you are truly is an inspiration. Thank you Carla.
Your video reminds me of how blessed I am to live in a single story place with a staging place in the garage (more blessings having a garage) for donations on the ways the car. And further to have a donation place that takes Everything and parcels out to other places including the food bank and animal rescue. I would wish some or all of that to other people and continue to ket my donation place know how much I appreciate them!
If you attach a wire to the back of the frame from side to side, put one hook on the wall in the middle of where the picture should hang, and then hang the wire over the hook, you can easily adjust the picture to have it hang straight.
I also am afraid to hang pictures in our house. 😜 We have plaster walls & it’s tricky. PS be aware that the smart plugs you plan on using may emit very high-pitched frequencies that negatively affect Samson!
You may find you are drawn to practice the guitar more frequently, even if just a couple minutes here and there, when it's nicely displayed in a way that's super easy to grab and easy to put away. I had ukuleles that were 'safely ' stored in the cases, and then out of the cases but leaning against stuff and always falling over. I finally got nice wall hooks for them where they are prominently displayed and SUPER easy to pick up or put back.... and I find I reach for them way more often now. Sure, I may pick it up to just strum a few chords or practice 5 minutes. But is still more frequently than I did before and I think it's actually better that way. And like you said, friends can play too which is really cool.
Samson is so funny i love him so much. Also thank you Carla for these videos they help a lot, i have been procrastinating about cleaning and decluttering my room for over a year now, i have made progress this weekend only from your videos. You are an inspiration to a lot of us. I wish you the best
It’s easy to accumulate stuff, it’s hard to get rid of it. It’s easy to spend money, hard to make it. It’s easy to say something, it’s hard to take it back. And on it goes.
I've only ever ordered one thing from Amazon. It was a pair of shoes, that I needed to replace, that I couldn't find anywhere else. I never realized just how much stuff people order until I saw it on RUclips. It's mind blowing. I have professional art handlers in the family. I can tell you that the center of your piece, or grouping, should be 57" from the floor. And, I wouldn't suggest using Command Strips. Samson laying on the bed, that you decluttered, made me 😅. I love the little library!
Samson and the “dog beds” 🛌 was hilarious 😂😂😂😂when he got into the one he never uses I busted out laughing 😂❤Great video as always Carla, I really like new chair and guitar 🎸 stand❤❤❤❤I can’t wait to see how it comes together once the art 🖼 work is hung up 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Am trying to figure out why your videos are different than so many other 'decluttering' types....and why I just absolutely love them. I think it's the pace and the music and your personality. All so very lovely!
It's true. There can be a lot of resistance in terms of getting rid of donations, recycling, trash, returns, etc. It's not even necessarily that you aren't willing to have a bag of, say, blankets leave your house. In my case, I don't have a car. I use car sharing services, the most common of which costs me $0.45/minute. I have a big bag of bottles to return for refund (that will return money to me I've already spent but the car will cost as much or more than the refund), some boxes of fragile memorabilia that I packed up and brought from my rural place that will have to go in my small city storage, some items for donation, a return to take back to IKEA. You get the idea. Some of these things will be done after mid-week, when I get paid again and when I already know I have items from my storage that I need to bring back for use (outside on my deck) over the first week of October. But it's easy to put stuff off when taking things is somehow not easy or not convenient. And, in the meantime, my tiny studio is overwhelmed by the extra items! Good work getting those things out of your home!
Use code CARLA120 to get $120 off across your first 4 boxes of Good Chop at!
Dear Carla, I would’ve preferred to contact you personally and privately, but I couldn’t find a way to do it. Perhaps it was meant to be and that my situation can somehow help somebody else. I really just want to let you know how much I enjoy your videos, and of course Sweet Sampson. ran across your videos quite by accident a few days ago - - actually longer than that. The first video I watched in its entirety was the garage clean out where the man’s wife was out of town, and he wanted to surprise her. There was something very captivating about the video - about decision making process as you were clearing things out. I enjoyed the upbeat mood that both you and the gentleman had as you worked. The end result was amazing. I went on to watch other videos, and I’ve spent several evenings taking mental notes and watching amazing things happen. A little history of my situation is a sad one at the moment. In June my husband was diagnosed quite out of the blue with cancer. By July 16 he was gone. I am 67 and he was a very active 79. We had over 42 years together and we were as much in love on the day passed away as we ever were. It was only today today that I have felt strong enough to begin moving a few things around in the house. I started with the bedroom because that was the last video I watched of yours as you organized a couples house. My bedroom seems to be the biggest trigger for my emotions. Specifically, his slacks are hanging on the hook where he left them and so many things that are truly just his and his alone. I began by cleaning out my entire side of closet. (I don’t have the strength or the heart to move anything in his closet.) I got everything out of my closet and donated two bags of clothing - took all the knickknacks off of my shelf - all the stuff off the very top shelf and that took about four hours. I decided to go buy the containers. (baskets) I also found a large canvas picture to put over the bed that says some thing I don’t remember right now something about I’m blessed and a beautiful picture of water with a small bridge, I just want you to know how much I appreciate your videos and the effort you put into them. I live in Houston Texas and lately I feel really alone. My 19-year-old grandson is staying with me and has been since my husband got sick. He’s a very special young man. When I’m all done, I’ll try to send you an after photo. Just want you to know I appreciate the motivating videos and tell you how much it helped me find the strength to make a move to what seems to be the right direction. Much love to Sampson and a huge thank you for you. Holley
Samson immediately sensing the dog bed was going bye-bye was hilarious! Way to go for taking the used one to the animal shelter. 🐶😺
He’s still not over it lol made me give him extra treats 😂
He's a MASTER manipulator! ❤
❤ 😅😂😅 ❤
He sure looked like he was smiling as he lay on the bed you were giving away. So cute. 😄❤
I am 95 percent done with a full house declutter. It took 6 months working on it at least 25 hours a week. The hardest part was not having the energy to do it faster and the mess you make while you are trying to get rid of the stuff. Most of the stuff i gave to Big Sister's. I made $225 so far on Craig's list. I would have paid $225 to have someone come and take the stuff out of my house. Its a lot of work to give stuff away. Don't ask friends if they want it if you feel the need to just get rid of it fast. They will take forever to pick it up. Its also a lot of work to sell stuff if you don't need the money save time and energy just donate. Your time is $.
Friends and family take forever to pick things up. Donate, gone immediately.
Hi Carla,
I think decluttering is like cooking or doing the laundry! A huge part of the cooking/laundry process is the cleaning up & putting away. I haven’t finished cooking or doing the laundry until everything is clean & packed away. It really is the unspoken reality of decluttering, having the time & ENERGY to get the stuff out of the house. Thank you for always sharing the realities……. you always inspire me to “get it done"
Oh my gosh, that is such a good analogy! I have the same struggle with cooking and laundry!!
I’m loving your analogy and never thought of it like that before you wrote it down. I also struggle to the end with laundry but got the cooking part right to the end. A new light went on. Thank you.
I’m so glad you focussed on the this subject of ‘what we do with the stuff after we have decluttered it.’ I wholeheartedly agree that it is the most difficult part of the decluttering process. Great video!
Amen, 90% of videos don't show the non aesthetic aspect the aftermath
Thanks for watching, liking ,commenting .... i'll be back later today to reply. love ya happy fall!!❤❤❤
Carla, I'm 72 and still learning how to edit out what is not meaningful. Thanks for the inspiration. Lol at Samson's bedding hoard. That boy is shameless.
😂 he is!! ❤️
This was good to watch. I’m a professional organizer and sometimes the only thing I do in a session with a liner is help take out their garbage and break down boxes. It makes the most impact. Great job!
I feel really lucky that I live in an area where you can just leave stuff next to a trash can on the street and it will be gone within the day, most times within an hour actually. Anything that is not broken gets picked up by someone really fast. I've even had instances where I would bring stuff down in pieces and the first piece was already taken by the time it took me to climb up the stairs to my flat and bring down the second piece. Saves so much time and energy.
Thank you Carla!! I legit have tears, you are SO real (and so beautiful! 😍), showing us the actual details like phone calls, breaking down boxes, rest breaks, thinking it through…all of it, just normal, is SOOOO refreshing! 😭 I feel like you’ve lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, that I’m not doing this alone. I live realistically and just thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🥰💝🦋
Thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️
Hi Carla! Great job on clearing out your home from the goods designated to leave. To avoid the overload of getting these kinds of tasks done, I created a system that works for me. I have bins in my trunk for different donations, returns, etc. When I head out each day, I take anything that needs to leave to my car. I have an e-waste box, a battery recycle bin, dog shelter donation bin (old towels, linens, beds, etc), can & bottle recycling bin, returns tote, donations tote, hazardous waste bin, and blankets/coats bin for homeless shelter donations. It may seem like a lot but it really isn’t. When I see a place where I can drop stuff of at, I can do it right then. And it keeps my home clutter free!
Great suggestions and I donate to several organizations. I’m going to create several bins today. 1 bin for the local homeless shelter, 1 bin pet shelter , 1 bin for food drop off and 1 for the domestic violence shelter. Hazardous waste and old tech bins as well. We have recycling pickup here. We also have the VVA pickup here. Thank you.
Fell in love with the videos and you are a natural at decluttering. I’ve been watching The Minimal Mom, Clutterbug and Dana K White for over a year. The results are worth the work. Your heart and mind will thank you.. You are a gem! Keep it up!
Carla, I was watching a video by Rajiv Surendra the other day. He mentioned a quote by William Morris,”Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” What you said at the end of this video reminded me of the quote🙂
Haha love the guitar break in the middle! A house is not a home without at least one musical instrument inside, I believe 🥰
I needed this today! I just moved a month ago and unpacking is one thing but lugging the boxes and packing paper out of my apartment is so hard! Three flights up, down the elevator, then across the parking garage-whew! You inspired me, I will make the boxes go away today!
I didn’t just say it, I did it! And my son came over the next day to help me get more stuff out, move more boxes of essentials up to where I can unpack them, and repair some things that were damaged in the move. I keep checking out your videos to keep from stalling out. Thank you!
Put painters tape across the picture over the two hangers, mark in the tape where the nails would go, then take the tape off on put it on the wall where you want it as a guide to where to nail. There's youtube videos on how to do it. Game changer!
I love your channel. You always inspire me. I’m 76 with a few infirmities so it seems daunting. I have hired someone to help me and she comes twice a month and an added bonus is her church has a thrift shop so she drops off my donations on her way home.
I always procrastinate on boxes getting broken down, too. You may not have this problem since you're in an apartment, but if you have more cardboard than will fit in the recycling, you can wet the boxes down with a hose outside and leave them for a few minutes. They will get really soft, so you can easily tear them into pieces and make them fit in your recycling bin better, and of course they can still be recycled. I saw a guy doing this on Instagram or something and I was like WHOA. Not that it makes me get to them any faster, but at least I have a trick for when I finally do it! :) IDK if you see comments on old videos but I'm enjoying going through your back catalog Carla. :)
About half way through, you wrote to not judge you for throwing stuff away. I say, good for you! It takes a lot of strength to throw away those things, even though the things are broken and rags. I know I have a tendency to still see use in them, which leads to a lot of clutter!
I’m enjoying your videos.
I like that you are non-judgmental and understanding of the psychology of clutter.
Bless you.
Hey Carla I appreciate your channel. You start from the beginning to the end, we hear your thoughts, we hear about your decision making and you don't fill your videos with crazy music (house/pop) . I enjoy the music selections. Please continue to post your videos. It's a struggle sometimes just trying to get through all this clutter and indecisions.
Samson was like "Why don't you donate YOUR bed!!" Great job getting things done. It's a wonderful feeling! _Lety from Chicago
Completely agree with your homes desires. Not an ounce of anything you don’t need want or love. But a cozy home. Well put 😊
I understand about hauling stuff. So I tale one bag whenever I walk the dog.... either to the trash/recycling or to the car to donate. Or maybe just one donate item, I.e. lamp to the car. Just a thought. Lots of us struggle with trash donate. But I have a place in the car for the donate items. So proud of you! It seems little but it can be overwhelming! Especially if FedEx closes. HAHA.
My biggest obstacle is lack of time and energy. When you work 10 hour shifts and the last thing you want to do back home is to declutter. I might need a whole month off to declutter everything in my house 😅😅😅
I bought a large old school garbage can (like you'd leave on the curb for garbage day) with the specific purpose of using it as a "get it out of my house" device. I tell myself that once it's full of donations, I HAVE to take care of it. As usual, right now it is currently completely full, AND another pile sitting next to it. LOL! Getting the darned stuff out of the house, after I've made the decision to, is one of my biggest hurdles, without a doubt. I feel ya!
I appreciate you showing what reality is. It is hard to get started when what they show as their start would be your dream finish. Thanks for admitting that it is not always easy or what you want to do, and making it real.
As someone who has an awful lot of empty Amazon boxes in her living room, this was perfect timing. 😂 How did you know I needed a push?
😂 ❤️
I love your videos. I've started doing my own sorting, decluttering, organizing, etc, while listening to your SO calm voice. Today was the dreaded seasonal wardrobe changeover-- DONE -with your good company. Next I plowed through 2 big bags of clothing dumped on me by a good friend whose sister dumped it all on HER. Sorted , ready to ship to daughters, go to the Cape house, consignment and donation. DONE- with your company. Thank you thank you thank you
The first shot of your living room made me say, OUT LOUD , “that living room looks gorgeous!” Your console was the perfect choice. ❤
Sampson is too funny. He knows that you made a call to get rid of one of his beds 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Exactly lol he’s like not today woman
I love your videos and following the progress on making your flat a home. Tip for hanging the art - you can get metal wire to attach to the back of the corners on the frame and then you just need to find the center of your wall.
Hey Sis. I hate boxes too and always have tons bc I order alot & Recycle all plastics and cardboard, so I started a long time ago buying Lawn bags. I break them all down flat and dump them in my huge Recycling bin outside my house. Lawn bags hold so much! The Recycling people actually come by every Monday morning to pick them up. But before when I lived in an apartment, it was a Blessing to get all those boxes to the dumpster outside my apartment in one trip!
I'm so proud of how on top of things you are! So much growth since you've started this channel, and a lot less resistance :)
Thank you so much for inspiration. I am trying to declutter in prep of moving 3000 miles away and I often feel paralyzed. ✌️
No matter what when you get to the other end there will be stuff you wonder why you moved it. Good luck, that's a big move.
Do several passes!! You’ll get there …one item at a time!❤️
Renominates items is a burden, but it has made me ultra discerning about brining anything into my home! Nice video. I totally relate to this 😊👏🏻👌🏻
Love watching your little abode coming together and how you have got little ‘zones’ looks so calming. Watched this at 5:30am (uk) so when I finished work I took stuff that was in my car to the charity shop! You got me motivated!! 🤘🏻
Yes!!I'm so glad!❤️
This morning I bought a battery organizer at Costco. Best decision I ever made! The baskets in my junk cuboard where out of control. Batteries everywhere. Now everything is organized and in it's place and the organizer came with a battery tester, which allowed me to test them all and threw out the dead ones. Like you said, inch by inch, is a cinch!!
Oh, I love the specificity I’ve never heard of a battery organizer!
Battery organiser is game changing 😂
I LOVE mine :)
One thing that helped me is to expand the reach of a specific process.
AN example would be: Unboxing an item isn't complete until its out of the package and the box is broken down.
Laundry isnt complete until the dried laundry is folded and put away.
Dishes are not complete until they are dry and in their storage place.
Widen the goalpost of your process. It has helped me immensely in not seeing micro tasks, but in envisioning the task as a whole.
I love this video! A few months ago, I took 5 big bags to donate, books to a little library, trash out, recycling out too and it was such a huge weight lifted and gone! It felt so good to get rid of so much and hopefully bless others! Great job you! I bet you feel great too after all that!
Another video,.another 20 mins of joy 🎉🎉 you're smashing it, Carla. 😊
The struggle is super real. I live on the second floor and I swear the garbage bin seems like it’s a mile away some days…lol 😅😂. We did the same thing today. I got a new dining table so the old one got taken apart and put by the dumpster and I did a Home Goods run to replace things like ugly dish towels and oven mitts. Old glass storage ware that was hard to open and some that had old lids. I was doing the wipe the drawer out wash the new stuff and reorganize it. I did repurpose some drawer containers to hold the lids so they’re not doing a dance when I open the drawer. I’ve been waiting 4 years to get the cabinet I want in the living room and the dining table is my 4th attempt (SMH) at the right fit. We are all right there with you trying to figure it all out ❤👊🏼
So glad you addressed this. Getting clutter out is a real chore sometimes. Thank you!
Only four dog beds? I have 11 beds out for my cat through the house (more in storage). She's currently sleeping in the hamper on the clean towels.. 😂
Hanging art stresses me out too!
Yes! Above my pay grade. I need help 😂
Love that Samson takes a break when you take a break! Love these decluttering videos. Taking care of business feels so good!
I don't remember where I read or heard this, I'll add a comment if I can find the source. The concept was fear of completing a q task or project due to the possibility of being imperfect at it. Which seems silly when thinking about putting boxes out for recycling, but it's very true for me with a lot of stuff, incliding trash, laundry, dishes, etc. I'll do something 95% of the way through and then let it languish unfinished. I battle with procrastination that comes from perfectionism also. I often have to tell myself it's ok to do something less than perfectly because at least I finished doing it. Completed half assed, or less than ideally > incomplete due to wanting to do it "perfect". I also stopped looking for perfect solutions for donations. They go to the curb or goodwill unless I already have a simple destination for them without a bunch of interim steps. Ultimately I'm trying to better prioritize my mental peace over doing things perfectly. Reminding myself there's nothing wrong with doing things imperfectly because at least I'm doing them. "Do it right or not at all" is self gaslighting as far as I'm concerned lol. I'm much happier getting more done having given myself permission to do whatever I have to do to get it done even if it isn't ideal.
Carla thanks so much for sharing your life with us ❤️
A video with a guitar always gets a thumbs up from me 😊
Omg the incredible guitar playing followed by “I don’t play guitar really…” gave me whiplash 😂
Hi Carla 👋 I have a love hate relationship with boxes. I used to have a small business so I kept boxes to keep from buying new ones when I mailed my orders. I also find crafting boxes fun😊 I need help🤣 I've been living in my apartment for nearly 12yrs & I feel like I haven't stopped decluttering since moving day. It's super hard to find anyone who wants to help me or has the time. Decluttering is a monumental task & doing alone is daunting. I love watching your videos they are super motivating 💗 Thank you 💗
It’s so much easier when you have someone there to help!! that’s why whenever I shoot a Declutter with friends episode, were able to get so much done in one day !! ❤️
@@TheCarlaProject perhaps we should be friends😊 I know it'll make everything so much more fun too😊
Hanging art tip - take some masking tape ( think it's called the same in the states) tape it to the back of the art work. Mark where you need to hang/where the hooks are onto the tape with pen/pencil remove the tape and stick it to the wall you can then play about getting the tape straight and centred on the wall without yet committing to a nail or command strip ( it shouldn't be too sticky now and rip the paint) When you have it right use the marks you made to place the nail/ command strip to the wall. :)
Well done Carla! Procrastinating is my big dilemma too, plastic tubs still sitting in the dining room. You did great and hope you got a nice reward! That cutie Samson just loves all the beds. 😊🎃🧡
Such a relatable video! The hang-ups are REAL! I do have some things I need to declutter, but right now, I'm more so working on curbing the urge to ACQUIRE more things!!
What has been extremely helpful to me is instituting a "no buy" policy & asking myself whenever I go shopping if it a need or a want. If it is a want & I already have something like it at home I don't buy it. Also the painful declutters of years past has stuck with me & made me very mindful as well as intentional of what I bring into the home. Good luck on your journey.
You are so right. The hardest part of decluttering for me is taking donations to their final destination. I can get it to the car (trunk) or garage, but it seems to get stuck there. The closest donation center is out of the way from my normal routes. Bigger items (e.g. furniture) have to be picked up and the local center doesn’t pickup in my neighborhood, nor do any of the usual donation places for furniture.
Use a piece of painters tape placed over the hangers. Mark the nail holes. Transfer tape onto wall.
Also, phone has an application for a level m
Good job Carla! It does feel good to get the donations/recycling out of the house. I just ran a trunk load to the donation drop off today also. When the corner of the room I use to stage bags/boxes of donations gets filled, I drop it off and start the process over. A layer at a time.
Yes! One layer at a time 💝
I use the big paper bags for garden waste (like you buy at Home Depot) for my cardboard. As soon as the box comes in the house, it gets broken down and chucked in the paper bag. The paper bag goes out on Tuesday (there’s a reminder in my phone). I found that if there is a designated system, then no decisions need to be made. Just execute on the plan.
It might be helpful for you to have a recycling container that’s a size you can comfortably carry downstairs to the dump container. That way when it’s full you know to take it downstairs.
Also have errands post-it-note in your car and by the door you leave your apartment. In this way you can be aware of what recycling, donating chores you have to do and when you’re in that area you can drop it off. That way you’re not spending a whole day on recycling, donating errands.
Wow Carla, your home is really coming together!! It has so much good energy
Love this - it's so real, and not something other decluttering videos have shown! Also your dog is adorable 😍 I did laugh when he sat on the 'Donate' dog bed. I recently sold a cat tree on fb marketplace because my cat didn't use it. Sure enough, the day I sold it, he plonked himself right on it! Keep up the good work, you're inspiring us all ❤
To hang art easier, put a nail into the wall (or a screw), tie string from corner to corner of the picture, hook string over nail and adjust until picture is central. If you tie the string tight, both string and nail will be hidden behind the picture.
I'd decluttered 114 Things from my home today.
It feels so good. Tomorrow i'll bring it all to a donation place.
Have a nice week, love your videos.
Greetings from Germany 🤗
Yay!! ❤️
Samson cracked me up 😂😂😂 it's always the others in the house who keep us from decluttering!! 😆😆😆
I had a problem getting everything out too. I started putting it back where I put the groceries. I HAVE TO empty the car before I can get groceries. Works great!
The thrift stores close to me have all closed so now I have to drive farther away. There is a thrift near my job but I usually want to go home to let my dog out. I need to plan out this week.
Thank you for always keeping it real!
Ooo I like that -"inch by inch, it's a cinch" ❤
I have 8 dog beds currently in my 2 bedroom place. (2 big dogs). I literally don't even know where some of them came from. AND, my current 2 dogs don't even like beds. They prefer the floor (huskies, what can you say). I'm going to donate a couple to the animal shelter. I didn't know they would want used beds. I honestly think some of these beds may have multiplied, because I don't think I bought all of these. :)
Today I decluttered silverwear! 🙂
You got so much done. ❤️ Wahoo!
Hi there that art piece I dislike when there is a hanger on each side but BUT put the blue tape on the back just under the holes or hangers mark then, take the tape off and find the center of the wall and put the tape center from each side put tape on wall then mark where the holes should go and your phone should have a level on it somewhere good luck! Someone prob said this already but this works :) love your channel you started me and I was listening to you while in my room and closet ha ha it works so thank you!
If you have an iphone it has a level and measuring tool. Sampsons bed segment gave me a good laugh. He seems so sweet. This is inspiring me to follow through with the two give away boxes that have been at my door for two weeks! Ughh.
Samson's so cute, laying in the bed like he knew what you said. I think they totally understand us, but most of the time pretend not to! 🤣
Good job, you showed that cardboard who was boss!
I am right there with you regarding actually moving/dropping off all that you have decluttered. I load up my car and drive around with the items for a month or so, I make myself nuts.
Get two eye bolts and picture wire from the hardware store. Makes hanging art so much easier.
Excellent idea😊
That chair was a great choice. I think it looks really good in that corner.
Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cooler! 🎸 I also had an electric guitar when I was a teenager but never learned to play. I don’t have it anymore. I still want to learn to play one day. It’s on my bucket list. 😉
Yes!! I would love to learn to play the way some of my friends play. True musicians!! ❤️
I get throwing things in the trash some of the time. It isn't always cost effective to get it to the right places. I live in AZ and I tried researching places that could take different types of items and materials. A few companies I did find no longer take a lot of things and companies in other states that do are too expensive to ship things to. I'm not rollin' in money like that so if a donation center won't take it then it goes into the trash. On another note. I LUV your little reading nook.
I have had those days, after weeks/months of procrastination on the last step on decluttering. It feels amazing! Currently, building a stack of donate/sell/returns to get rid of before winter.
Yesss now’s the season !!
Regarding put wall art use a painters tape. Put it on the back of the art frame mark where you need to put a nail etc. Then remove the tape put on the wall level it adjusting tape as needed then right on the tape nail in your nails and remove the tape from wall and hang your art🥰🏞
Awesome clean and declutter again ! Thank you so much for filming while emptying and taking out the trash at 13:59 👌 As I struggle so much to declutter stuff that can't be sold/donated I love that you've filmed while tossing the decluttered bag into the same bag as the bathroom trash so you can't go back on your decision of whatever you've put in that bag 😁 I tend to use a clean bag for decluttering things I struggle (magazines/catalogs/nicer clothes stores flyers and clothes that can't be donated) and then I leave that bag in the garage for months 🤭 I just hope you've didn't had any of those things in that bag as if you have, I hope you'll film while tossing any of those things 😊
Thanx for the last sentence at the end....that was my final motivation...dont want anything that i do not need, love or use. This is going to be my motto
You have so much stuff to manage, it looks overwhelming but you tackle it well
I had two mirrors forever that were too heavy for me to hang by myself. I finally just donated one . And i want new drapes and rods and I know I cant do that. Hanging photos requires too much math. LOL. Samson is sweet.
When I started watching this video I literally turned it off and went to the hardware store to buy things to hang my paintings. I’ve had three leaning against the wall for months now. Ty for the inspiration!
Great job!🥳🥳
I am so tired today, i have to do so many things, but instead to do them i found your video to cheer me up. Your videos always make me feel good. I am so glad i found you, you are truly is an inspiration. Thank you Carla.
You are so kind thanks Gabriella!!😍❤️
Good idea with the stand for your guitar. Its amazing how boxes just grow lol
Your video reminds me of how blessed I am to live in a single story place with a staging place in the garage (more blessings having a garage) for donations on the ways the car. And further to have a donation place that takes Everything and parcels out to other places including the food bank and animal rescue. I would wish some or all of that to other people and continue to ket my donation place know how much I appreciate them!
If you attach a wire to the back of the frame from side to side, put one hook on the wall in the middle of where the picture should hang, and then hang the wire over the hook, you can easily adjust the picture to have it hang straight.
I also am afraid to hang pictures in our house. 😜 We have plaster walls & it’s tricky.
PS be aware that the smart plugs you plan on using may emit very high-pitched frequencies that negatively affect Samson!
you must feel amazing. I love days like this. It is so cathartic!
You may find you are drawn to practice the guitar more frequently, even if just a couple minutes here and there, when it's nicely displayed in a way that's super easy to grab and easy to put away. I had ukuleles that were 'safely ' stored in the cases, and then out of the cases but leaning against stuff and always falling over. I finally got nice wall hooks for them where they are prominently displayed and SUPER easy to pick up or put back.... and I find I reach for them way more often now. Sure, I may pick it up to just strum a few chords or practice 5 minutes. But is still more frequently than I did before and I think it's actually better that way. And like you said, friends can play too which is really cool.
Samson is so funny i love him so much. Also thank you Carla for these videos they help a lot, i have been procrastinating about cleaning and decluttering my room for over a year now, i have made progress this weekend only from your videos. You are an inspiration to a lot of us. I wish you the best
I'm so glad!💝💝
It’s easy to accumulate stuff, it’s hard to get rid of it. It’s easy to spend money, hard to make it. It’s easy to say something, it’s hard to take it back. And on it goes.
You're so calm and logical, Carla! I love going on this journey wiht you.
I've only ever ordered one thing from Amazon. It was a pair of shoes, that I needed to replace, that I couldn't find anywhere else. I never realized just how much stuff people order until I saw it on RUclips. It's mind blowing. I have professional art handlers in the family. I can tell you that the center of your piece, or grouping, should be 57" from the floor. And, I wouldn't suggest using Command Strips. Samson laying on the bed, that you decluttered, made me 😅. I love the little library!
Samson and the “dog beds” 🛌 was hilarious 😂😂😂😂when he got into the one he never uses I busted out laughing 😂❤Great video as always Carla, I really like new chair and guitar 🎸 stand❤❤❤❤I can’t wait to see how it comes together once the art 🖼 work is hung up 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Am trying to figure out why your videos are different than so many other 'decluttering' types....and why I just absolutely love them. I think it's the pace and the music and your personality. All so very lovely!
I thought i had my declutter done. Now i got more!!!
Sampson standing at the top of the stairs watching his stuff go is every pup ever supporting their mom!
It's true. There can be a lot of resistance in terms of getting rid of donations, recycling, trash, returns, etc. It's not even necessarily that you aren't willing to have a bag of, say, blankets leave your house. In my case, I don't have a car. I use car sharing services, the most common of which costs me $0.45/minute. I have a big bag of bottles to return for refund (that will return money to me I've already spent but the car will cost as much or more than the refund), some boxes of fragile memorabilia that I packed up and brought from my rural place that will have to go in my small city storage, some items for donation, a return to take back to IKEA. You get the idea. Some of these things will be done after mid-week, when I get paid again and when I already know I have items from my storage that I need to bring back for use (outside on my deck) over the first week of October. But it's easy to put stuff off when taking things is somehow not easy or not convenient. And, in the meantime, my tiny studio is overwhelmed by the extra items! Good work getting those things out of your home!
I don't have a car either! Definite game changer. Quite a few challenges