Cultish: What is Christian Science?

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
  • Don't miss this brand-new episode of Cultish in which our hosts talk with someone whose family is 5th-generation Christian Science. What is Christian Science? What do they believe? Find out here and be sure to check out Cultish on Facebook. Tell someone about the episode and get involved with us!
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  • @ApologiaStudios
    @ApologiaStudios  2 года назад +2

    Want more content from Cultish? Sign up for Apologia All Access for that, and more! Click the link for more info.

    • @thegrandnil764
      @thegrandnil764 Год назад

      Christianity as a whole is a cult with super weird belifs, pedophilia, horrible weird beliefs, charismatic leaders etc.

  • @anikadey568
    @anikadey568 Год назад +14

    My mom, aunt and grandma are still in the religion. Speaking from experience, Christian Science is truly a completely different way of looking at the world. It shapes people’s entire way of thinking and can be very difficult to get out for many people.

  • @utlwanangrabodietso2064
    @utlwanangrabodietso2064 3 года назад +50

    I am a chemist, and Christian. I just learned I am not a Christian scientist...

    • @OfAngelsAndAnarchist
      @OfAngelsAndAnarchist Год назад

      Well, duh. You have to pick one or the other.

    • @uganda_mn397
      @uganda_mn397 Год назад

      ​@@OfAngelsAndAnarchistno, quite the opposite

    • @OfAngelsAndAnarchist
      @OfAngelsAndAnarchist Год назад

      @@uganda_mn397 no, it’s one or the other.
      One is where you believe in magic and the other is where you laugh in the face of beliefs
      Beliefs never built anything but social rules lol

    • @uganda_mn397
      @uganda_mn397 Год назад

      @@OfAngelsAndAnarchist the more i look into sciences, the more i become firm in my Faith
      It isn't science, it is the philosohpy of many scientists that makes it appear as such.
      I can give you my reasons if you'd be interested

    • @OfAngelsAndAnarchist
      @OfAngelsAndAnarchist Год назад

      @@uganda_mn397 is that right? I’m glad you’ve told me that with whatever device you’ve used.
      How about you pray a working phone into existence which doesn’t use any existing infrastructure and then we can talk about how much you doubt the validity of science ;)

  • @eviea4774
    @eviea4774 5 лет назад +97

    I too was raised as a Christian Scientist. Now I am a Bible believing Christian. The family is still involved deeply. When someone showed me from the Word of God that Jesus was God, then I had to either consider Him a liar or believe every thing He said. Praise God the Lord opened my eyes to the truth. CS is a convoluted mix of all kinds of religions and is based on metaphysical incoherence. Christian Scientists are moral, loving and non-aggressive. They are kind and law abiding, but oh so very lost! I understand this fellow’s difficulty in explaining what CS beliefs are-they are grounded in one woman’s disjointed and demonic-inspired thoughts. What a great joy it was to have my mind renewed by God and to believe the truth of God’s Word.

    • @davidhomiak7523
      @davidhomiak7523 4 года назад

      Evie, if you read this, please consider joining the Fellowship of Former Christian Scientists Facebook group at We'd love to hear more of your testimony!

    • @bicyclist2
      @bicyclist2 2 года назад +2

      I had a similar experience. Thanks.

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад

      Jesus is not God he has a God

    • @scottgrey2877
      @scottgrey2877 Год назад +2

      @@OrpheoCruz Jesus is not God

    • @KingLanternChimera1611
      @KingLanternChimera1611 Год назад

      You have work to do; look here as I show you what the Bible says,
      Numbers 23:19
      👉God is NOT a MAN, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?
      JOHN 4
      23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
      24👉God is SPIRIT: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
      Mark 16:19
      So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.👈
      JOHN 20:17
      Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.👈
      Isaiah 45:5
      “I am the LORD, and there is none else,
      there is👉 NO God beside me:
      I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:”
      JESUS IS sitting next to God and God says there's NO God beside him, then Jesus is NOT God.}}}✝️
      Mark 10:17
      “And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?”
      Mark 10:18
      “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou ME good? 👈 there is none good but one, that is, God.”👈💜
      King James Version (KJV)
      Jesus says that the invisible Spirit the ALMIGHTY GOD is the one and ONLY good God and denies that he as a flesh and blood man can be GOD.}}}✝️
      Jesus was called "SON of God" and "The Son of Man"}}}}✝️
      JOHN 11:27
      She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.
      Mark 14:21
      The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born.
      Jesus says that he and God are one and,that to see him is to see God because Jesus always OBEYED God the FATHER and pleased God by reflecting God's word in doing God's works.}}}✝️
      John 1:18
      No man hath seen God👈at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

  • @amyyoung2455
    @amyyoung2455 9 месяцев назад +7

    I was raised in it. Total mental, physical & emotional abuse. I refuted it since age 6, and counted down the days until I became an adult and moved away.

  • @zchilli0808
    @zchilli0808 5 лет назад +57

    Cultish is so informative. I love that you are willing to speak up and put light on the cults. I am thankful for Apologia Studios content.

    • @lizwood3514
      @lizwood3514 3 года назад

      Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
      Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
      In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
      Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

  • @Let_The_Foolish_Take_The_Lead
    @Let_The_Foolish_Take_The_Lead 5 лет назад +106

    So in other words, "Christian Science" is neither christian nor science.

    • @DeloraSP
      @DeloraSP 5 лет назад +6

      Be original with your comments, that's old. Blow the dust off. Christian: because it encourages following Christ. Science: because it's the laws of God that can be proven by all who applies it.

    • @DeloraSP
      @DeloraSP 5 лет назад +1

      @Jonathan Soko The foundation of New Age teaching is from the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy. The terms: Consciousness, Vibration, Mind, Universe, and many such like if not introduced by Mary B. Eddy, was re-introduced by her, and employed strongly, if not wrongly in New-Age terminology.

    • @kpeterson1342
      @kpeterson1342 3 года назад +3

      Ugh. CRINGE. This is the arrogance I repent of as an ex Christian Scientist. I am now a grateful Bible believing Jesus Freak of a Christian. I agree it's an old saying that makes me roll my eyes when I hear it, but not because it isn't factual. It's just unoriginal. CS is NOT Christian because it doesn't teach that Jesus is the Saviour and only Redeemer for our sinful nature (which is the whole point of Christianity), and NOT science because it actually ISN'T the law of God and only works through the equally non-scientific law of attraction, which is deceptive and Luciferian (ie. I will heal you through the application of my mind to your body, and you will pay me for it.) I'm ashamed of how I once thought of true Christians as "fools" for believing the Bible as the final authority, and for believing that the purpose of the crucifixion of Jesus was only to disprove the reality of death (not as the perfect sacrifice for sin once and for all). Christian Scientists eliminated the need for a Saviour by teaching that we (mankind) aren't actually sinful. I see the organization dying, and I pray every day for it to fade away entirely and for all the lost souls practicing it to repent and come to the cross for true Salvation. Unfortunately, most Christian Scientists who wake up to the lie just drop religion entirely, so Satan does end up winning after all. Few realize the need to REPENT of it. It's IDOLATRY. Stop worshipping a BOOK. Stop saying "Mrs. Eddy says..." with your "superior" noses in the air and start learning what Jesus Christ says. Actually READ the Word of God, not just portions of parts of verses parsed together to support Mrs. Eddy's uneducated opinions. She was a bitter, arrogant and proud false prophet (whose "little book" is a plagiarism) and she profited financially off the desperation of sick people like myself.

    • @wberckmann
      @wberckmann 3 года назад +3

      Actually, no, Christian Science is the Science of Christ or divine law.

    • @Let_The_Foolish_Take_The_Lead
      @Let_The_Foolish_Take_The_Lead 3 года назад +7

      @@wberckmann No, it's not lol. Google the definition instead of leaning on your own understanding, it's the belief system of the "Church of Christ" sect. It has nothing to do with science and little to do with Jesus.

  • @kkalani97
    @kkalani97 Год назад +10

    I grew up CS. Left the religion as a young adult because I wanted to live “my way” (drinking, drugging). It was a lovely way of life with a lot of love. We def went to doctors when needed. These days I’m more interested in Jesus and that’s my happy place. I learned a lot here so thank you for sharing! I didn’t know MBE was a medium! Wow! Also, you can leave CS. No one chases you or tries to make you stay. I could go back now and be welcomed. Cults don’t do that. They don’t just let you leave when you want. So there is that. :)

    • @IrishColin
      @IrishColin 10 месяцев назад

      A cult by Christian standards is a group that calls themselves Christian but believes they have the only true interpretation of the Bible when they in reality are just warping the Bible in one way shape or form, Christian Science warps the Bible while claiming to be Christian, that is a cult.

    • @IrishColin
      @IrishColin 10 месяцев назад

      @@bstny98 the Bible calls us to mark false teachers, “Christian” cults love to use unification as a way to try to force Christianity to accept them while ignoring the slew of passages in the Bible that say to mark false teachers, to stay away from those who profess Christianity but don’t truly follow etc. I’m sick of hearing cults like Christian Science followers, Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses etc. try and force themselves on Christianity despite a major warping of doctrine and the Bible blatantly saying to call them out. The difference between most denominations is minor distinction in interpretation and those are the Christians we are meant to be unified with, those who warp doctrine dramatically are meant to be marked and avoided. If you think I’m wrong then read the Bible because it says it in plain english, it doesn’t even have to be interpreted because it’s literally spelled out clear as day.

    • @amyyoung2455
      @amyyoung2455 9 месяцев назад

      Not all cults track people down or shun. But CS is 100% a CULT!! It has the 9 markers of a cult. You’re deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

    • @juztnlast953
      @juztnlast953 5 месяцев назад +3

      Not all cults act the same way. CS is a cult, not because they force people to stay, but what makes it a cult is the exclusion of conflicting information. ie: materialism, non CS biblical understandings, medical science. It is a cult of the mind.

  • @meomy29
    @meomy29 2 года назад +21

    My mom was an ER RN. She was so upset when a Christian Scientist came in to her ER. The lady had breast cancer so bad that she smelled bad because the mass had rotted off her breast. I can't remember exactly but she died either within hours or days. Can't even imagine the pain that poor woman lived with for a long time. It's hard to believe that anybody who loved her would allow that.

    • @Lynn-yo2tz
      @Lynn-yo2tz Год назад

      I wonder why she went to the emergency room. Wasted a bed for someone who wanted care.

    • @1Divineidea
      @1Divineidea Год назад

      So if she cut it off and took chemo then would be ok with that.??? It is not fair to make a judgment about a belief system that you don't understand. Yet you are not saddened with the STAGGERING NUMBERS of DEATHS at the hands of BIG PHARMA. PHARMACEA sorcery and witchcraft. YOU absolutely cannot deny that you can trace the word prognosis back to it being prophecy. Think about what you are burning, cutting, honestly POISONING people. I hope when you think of CULTS you add the MEDICAL SYSTEM as well.

    • @peach_total
      @peach_total 23 дня назад

      my mom’s parents were christian scientists and both died of extremely preventable cancers (ovarian and prostate, respectively) just barely past 60. the closest thing to a silver lining is that after my grandma died, my grandpa decided he should start going to the dr and that’s when they found the advanced prostate cancer, so he was at least able to live the rest of his life in less pain and suffering than he otherwise would have

  • @LucieBeatrix
    @LucieBeatrix Год назад +5

    i went to the same school as he did / raised this way too - the christian science boarding school. always interesting hearing people talk about it.

  • @davechristensen8299
    @davechristensen8299 Год назад +2

    I am an X-CS. You did a good job here; I am used to slander and lies about CS. This discussion was fair and factual. CS opened my mind to a God who can heal, and I have had several medically validated physical healings. However, when I encountered God and heaven, I immediately saw that CS was wrong. I saw that physical creation is real and God loves it. I could no longer be CS.
    Mrs. Eddy was pioneering recovering the healing power that Jesus tried to give us. Some of her ideas were very good. Some were very damaging. Everyone gets some things right and some things wrong. Mrs. Eddy really messed up when she claimed to be the final revelation of God. But that's what cult leaders do. It takes a lot of work for someone raised in CS to find their way out of the wrong teachings.
    My only correction is that I never heard anyone in CS say that "we are God". Saying that "God is Spirit" and "Man is Spirit" is not necessarily saying that man is God. If Mrs. Eddy really thought that once, she stopped saying it near the start.
    CS was a very lonely religion because it says "God is Impersonal Principle". And showing compassion for suffering was seen as giving in to suffering. I now think that compassion is an expression of love. The real Jesus came to embrace humanity and human life. Jesus showed affection. He did not come to have us escape.
    I think that God as defined in CS is the image and likeness of Mrs. Eddy. The CS God has all the personality flaws of Mrs. Eddy. She made a religion that manifested her personality, the good and the bad.

  • @AlexanderosD
    @AlexanderosD 4 года назад +35

    Wow, gnosticism just can't quit.
    "Science and Health" book?
    Gotta love how every cult says
    "Sure the bible, AND this book."
    I'm so sick of all this rehashed nonsense.

    • @termingyou
      @termingyou 4 года назад +5

      As the saying goes, the devil uses the same tricks because they work.

    • @mutestingray
      @mutestingray 4 года назад +6

      Do you love the Bible? Well, hold on to your socks, cause you’re gonna go bananas for Bible 2!

    • @kpeterson1342
      @kpeterson1342 3 года назад +5

      They don't even say "sure the Bible" - they more or less "use" the Bible but Science and Health is their Truth. I told a CS friend if I was stranded on an island I would choose the Bible as the one book I could have, and she said, "I would choose Science and Health" and I could tell she thought that was a better answer. That's when my eyes started to open. CS is Idolatry cleverly disguised as righteousness.

    • @lizwood3514
      @lizwood3514 3 года назад

      They are not knowledgeable ...
      Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
      Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
      In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
      Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

    • @rm-gh1co
      @rm-gh1co 2 года назад +1

      Mary e. said the Bible was sufficient. well, I should hope so. she does propagate error that the Bible does not teach though. her followers hardly read the Bible or not at all. here are some of my experiences. after church talking to one lady her response was: "The Bible? That book! I don't have anything to do with it " from a practitioner: "what is all this stuff about blood. blood sacrifices?" (my reply was the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Her look was priceless. Another practitioner told me MBE was THE comforter. Another said we are God. Another somehow found out I had given a sizeable amount of money in tithe and came up to me and said "YOU can't buy your salvation". She also accused me of not attending a service when I did after being invited but she didn't have the decency to find me to sit by her. Another time the congregation was invited to stay after service to vote on Christmas songs. I stayed but when I raised my hand to vote a couple of women said " you're not a member you can't vote!" My experience has been good and way bad. the rivalry and jealousy is a huge problem with the women. HUGE! they are so blind to it, too. I cannot stand jealously and parted with several of them. one even snuck and took a picture of me walking away in my bathing suit that was not flattering. WHO does that? As long as you are giving and doing something for them, favors they ask for, you are acknowledged but if you don't you are ostracized. So, reality is we all want to fellowship and be with Christians who love Jesus Christ and care for one another but you will NOT find that in the Christian Science Churches. I've been to many of them and enough churches to make comparisons. You may find nice. You may find spirituality. You may find decency. It's up to you to seek God thru Jesus Christ and be AWARE that noone has a corner on the truth. Your needs may be met in the Christian Science Church. I found many wonderful concepts. "God is all" "God is always good and expressing himself in goodness" but to be clear: we are ONLY made perfect, blameless, holy, and cleansed from all sin by the one and ONLY sacrifice of the blood of the one and only savior Jesus Christ--our Lord only by confession of him being our LORD.
      know your Bible. Love and blessings to all who read this and get it.

  • @jred7
    @jred7 5 лет назад +17

    Tanner, saw a few people commenting on your verbal pauses, but I noticed that in the last quarter of this podcast you seemed a lot more confident in your speech. This is your story, and I empower you in the name of Christ to confidently and courageously speak truth!

    • @hillaryjohnsrud9430
      @hillaryjohnsrud9430 5 лет назад +5

      Thank you for this! (I'm his wife.) He was definitely disappointed by the uhms and the comments about them, but it looks like many have appreciated it despite that. The second episode is much smoother as he got further into the interview :)

    • @jred7
      @jred7 5 лет назад

      @@hillaryjohnsrud9430 Nice! Looking forward to it. I'll check it out as soon as I get a chance.

    • @Deepsleepforthesheep_asmr
      @Deepsleepforthesheep_asmr 4 года назад +4

      Agreed. I come from a JW family, and am currently trying to bring a person I met out of what I think is CS. That's why I looked up the video. I dare say there are alot of people, especially myself, who would pause in their speech alot, especially given the gravity of the topic and I'd imagine the emotional impact it has on you in particular. Thank you brother for sharing.

    • @kpeterson1342
      @kpeterson1342 3 года назад +7

      This is kind of you. I agree with you in prayer for Tanner. He is a spokesman for all of us former Christian Scientists who feel like nobody understands what we are coming out of. It is hard to explain. And we have been brainwashed all our lives to defend Mary Baker Eddy and believe her life story as gospel. It is still hard for me to speak against the religion I was raised in without feeling like I'm betraying my parents, the lovely folks who still attend that church that I left behind, and the beliefs I was indoctrinated with. Praise God for the renewal of my mind, in His mercy and grace, which I never learned about in Christian Science. Thank you, Tanner. Keep umming and uhhing your way through any interview you're invited to. I think it's incredibly brave and I'm grateful to you.

    @ANANDALEEMA 3 месяца назад +1

    Christian Science is not a cult and is a wonderful faith, totally bible based.

  • @darrendavis4731
    @darrendavis4731 5 лет назад +15

    Easier question is What Christian Science isn't! It's isn't Christian, and it isn't Science.

  • @hectormateo2741
    @hectormateo2741 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you, guys !! Keep up the good work. In Jesus' name!!

  • @aslan9741
    @aslan9741 2 года назад +12

    I went to a Christian Scientist school growing up. I only really remember hearing the Four Gospels and "Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy".
    I was an atheist for most of my life, so I never really distinguished them from the rest of Christendom.
    Now that I am a Christian, I have been hearing more and more about heretical CS is.
    Thank God none of the CS teaching had an impact on me.
    Thank God he showed me the fullness of Biblical Christianity!

  • @b.joejuarez9288
    @b.joejuarez9288 2 года назад +6

    Went to the Christian Reading center on Hollywood blvd. I met four different attendants. They were very respectful! I really enjoyed it. They gave me feeling of hope.

    • @rm-gh1co
      @rm-gh1co 2 года назад +4

      Jesus Christ is the hope. social needs being met by nice ladies does not substitute for the fact that Jesus, the Christ, is the only Lord and Saviour. many of those ladies do not believe that.

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад +2

      Yea, it's almost like they don't want you to know how many kids died under their religion's watch.

  • @eleanorbarsic8065
    @eleanorbarsic8065 9 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting interview. Tanner sure knows a lot of perifery and secular history from his studies. all of these histories are not commonly known or taught in our community. I'm not sure it's intentional omission, but it's a part of our history that is not passed down Gen to generation.
    I was raised in Christian science and I found this hard to follow, so good for those who did follow it. 1866 and there abouts was a spiritual Renaissance in America. Fascinating to study. I learned a few new things:)
    I, like Tanner, loved my religious practices as a youth/young adult and had a happy, healthy childhood, and as an adult I can see the cross-over between Christian Science and other spiritual and mental health practices like: daily meditation and positive thinking and contributing to society in a beneficial- for - others way, and a happy healthy life. I had many healings and still have a lot of gratitude for the people I met and the teachings of Christian Science, even though I no longer practice (am an active member who prays daily and attend services, etc. )
    it's surprising to me that tanner has said (perhaps in another interview?) that he doesn't know many csers who study the Bible front to back or read the science and health cover to cover. I did and was encourage by my Sunday school to do so. I even, often would read beyond the selected citations chosesn for weekly study of the Bible and the science&heath. These later practices meant more to me as an adult, when I was more curious about the history that resulted in the Bible stories being recorded and selected for what we know as the Bible today.
    I'd also like to say to tanner how sorry I was to hear he lost so many relationships as he left Christian Science. I'm glad his family survived and recovered from that.... I would think the easier transition was due to the immediate joining of another religious church rt away.

  • @petekemp1326
    @petekemp1326 Год назад +6

    I was brought up in a Christian Science family for which I am very grateful, I feel so fortunate to have had a Christian Science childhood. I'm not a church goer at present, most CS churches here in UK have mostly disappeared in last twenty years. In my experience CS can in no way be described as cult like, quite the opposite. Anyway all the best to everyone

  • @adamhudson6917
    @adamhudson6917 3 года назад +2

    They say 1 Devine love always met and always will meet every human need and 2 know the truth and the truth will set you free

  • @ReasonedAnswers
    @ReasonedAnswers 5 лет назад +28

    Humorous that there is down vote before the premier has begun. How can you dislike the content if you don't even know what it is yet?

    • @aidank2108
      @aidank2108 5 лет назад +4

      odd isn't it

    • @King_drew
      @King_drew 5 лет назад +4

      What they have shown was selective reading. God says "My people perish, because of lack of knowledge "

    • @ReasonedAnswers
      @ReasonedAnswers 5 лет назад +1

      @Pavlov's Dog _"How can you like the content if you don't even know what it is yet?"_ I didn't :P

    • @kpeterson1342
      @kpeterson1342 3 года назад +7

      @@King_drew The Christian Science church disapproves of its members or adherents consuming, viewing or reading anything contradicting CS. They call it "animal magnetism" or "aggressive mental suggestion" and may be blamed for keeping you sick or suffering. It has to be all Christian Science all the time or you are in danger of not "getting your healing." The entire doctrine of Salvation and being born again is completely ignored. I am so grateful to be free and following the real Jesus Christ and heaven bound at the end of my days. Thank you, Tanner. We need more former CS'ers to speak out against it. I am concerned that with the explosion of the New Age it may get a revival in the end times and deceive many away from the gift of the Cross.

  • @YoshoFrags
    @YoshoFrags 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you guys for this video Extremely informative!

  • @sitcomchristian6886
    @sitcomchristian6886 2 года назад +4

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

  • @wberckmann
    @wberckmann 3 года назад +13

    The best way to understand Christian Science is to read the book, Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and learn for yourself what it teaches rather than listen to someone else's interpretation of it, which may be flawed. The book helps us to understand the deep spiritual meaning of the Bible and serves the purpose within the Christian Science church that in other churches is served by a preacher reading Scripture and explaining how to put it into practice in daily life. I am a Christian Science practitioner and have first hand experiences of people being healed based on prayer as Jesus taught us. In fact, Jesus said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." This is exactly what Christian Scientists are endeavoring to do and are doing. We accept the Virgin birth, have one God, accept Christ Jesus as our Savior and try to follow him in every way he commanded.

    • @Ryan-nl8mz
      @Ryan-nl8mz 3 года назад +4

      Do you believe that Jesus IS God? If not, why not? Can you share with me some scriptures from the Bible that back up your beliefs? Thank you for your time.

    • @bicyclist2
      @bicyclist2 2 года назад +4

      I never once heard about the trinity in Christian Science. CS doesn't do baptism. CS doesn't do communion. Thankfully I left in 01'.

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад +1

      read the book and it sucked

    • @mightytaiger3000
      @mightytaiger3000 Год назад

      @@bicyclist2 you really love Saturnian religion.

    • @hermanxiomi5475
      @hermanxiomi5475 Год назад +1

      True, read the book Science and Health yourself, I had many healings by reading this book alone. I was born a muslim and my father was an imam and a preacher in many mosques. I converted to Christian Science because it changes my life for the better in health, financial and human relationships.

  • @anthonywhitehouse5669
    @anthonywhitehouse5669 3 года назад +10

    What you have to understand about Christian Science is that its practice involves a great sacrifice of self to be practiced correctly. The problem is everybody recognises there is a price to pay but few wish to pay it. I healed the son of well known actor of a blood clot on the brain. He acknowledged the healing but did not want to walk the road. I have studied CS for over 50 years but it took me the best part of 30 years to master its practice. But it is worth it because i find i can now heal others. I cannot abide watching others suffer and CS is the only way I have found to end their suffering effectively.

      @ANANDALEEMA 3 месяца назад

      Thank you for your comment, I have experienced many many healings.

  • @eversosleight
    @eversosleight 5 лет назад +18

    James Hetfield's parents were Christian scientists. I believe one of the contributors of the reason his mom passed was refusal to go to Dr or clinical help. Left with a sour taste toward religion, James threw lyrics into his songs showing his disfavor. I believe, however, he's a Christian now though. Great episode!

    • @MrHallcore
      @MrHallcore 5 лет назад +1

      Jorge Anido he only said he believes in a higher power, by no means does that make him a Christian.

    • @robgetzschman
      @robgetzschman 4 года назад +2

      Metallica is one of Christian Science’s finest contributions to the world!

    • @eversosleight
      @eversosleight 4 года назад +1

      @@robgetzschman 😅 I guess so!

      @ANANDALEEMA 3 месяца назад

      And many people that go to doctors also die from their illnesses!

  • @devinmcguire9411
    @devinmcguire9411 5 лет назад +10

    Great interview! Very informative.

    • @lizwood3514
      @lizwood3514 3 года назад

      Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
      Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
      In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
      Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

  • @joanneutke498
    @joanneutke498 5 лет назад +8

    Very interesting! Thank you :)

  • @lizwood3514
    @lizwood3514 3 года назад +5

    Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
    Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
    In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
    Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад

      I like acknowledging Jesus' Jewishness but everything else makes me feel like ur Abt force feed me cyanide cuz the atf is ramming down the door.

  • @benebolencia
    @benebolencia Год назад +2

    I grew up in Christian, my mother was Christian Scientist and my father was not but i went to C.S. Sunday school and else. I never became a Church member, neither of the filial church (local church) nor of the Mother Church in Boston. I’m not a member now and i can’t say at i at all that i practice. I was about 19 the last time i went to CS church but most people in my large family are Christian Scientist but NON of them are Christian Science practitioners and a couple are pillars of the church. I still have Christian Scientist friends.
    I’m sorry but this gentleman doesn’t have his information correct. Thera are important, very important statements he made that are wrong.
    1) Class instruction is NOT to become a Christian Science practitioner. That is what most people that are NOT really in Christian Science think.
    A Christian Science practitioner is not a healer as most people think.
    Class instruction is really the very first step to know/learn about Christian Science. If one CHOOSES, once becoming a local church member or a member of the Mother church in Boston, it is OPTIONAL, to take class instruction. The first time, better said, the first year it is a week of class instruction. The following years is a day to tree.
    There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that someone can become a Christian Science PRACTITIONER after C.S. Class Instruction!!!
    People from other faiths/denominations who want to learn about Christian Science can also take Class instruction.
    To become an OFFICIAL, what in C.S is called an ENLISTED Christian Science practitioner, recognized by the Mother Church in Boston (which is the ONLY way to become a Christian Science practitioner) is DEFINITELY not easy. It takes YEARS as a full practicing mature adult with FINANCIAL independence to become a Christian Science practitioner.
    There are MANY requirements to become a Christian Science practitioner, starting with financial independence.
    In my 57 year i have only known 1 Christian Science practitioner who was 34 years of age, the majority are in their 40s, 50s and 60s
    I’m typing with from my cell phone, i wish i had my laptop to type more freely and i could probably explain the larger inconsistencies this gentleman shows/communicates in this interview regarding Christian Science.

  • @creoleman
    @creoleman 5 лет назад +15

    Reminds me a lot of theosophy and gnosticism if you merge the two.

  • @mdekreek
    @mdekreek 5 лет назад +7

    Very informative but a little hard to follow because of this gentleman’s constant hesitations in his speech and his inability to pronounce the word “scientists”. He leaves out the “t”.

    • @timsharpe6652
      @timsharpe6652 5 лет назад +4

      Perhaps he was very very nervous ..

    • @TannerJohnsrud
      @TannerJohnsrud 5 лет назад +16

      Sorry about that. The way the video was done I couldn't see Jeremiah and Andrew, which made it harder. But I am also not the best at impromptu speaking. I'd appreciate prayers that God would loosen my tongue! I'm sorry it was difficult to listen to!

    • @markdonnaabbott3977
      @markdonnaabbott3977 2 года назад +2

      @@TannerJohnsrud you did a great job brother. It would be daunting to talk to Cultish and nervous also because you're exposing the darkness. Thank you for your boldness and courage. God's blessings upon you. Your sister Donna

  • @No0aa
    @No0aa Год назад +1

    I found out some of my ancestors were christian scientists, this is helping to learn more about it thanks

  • @CesiaBevins
    @CesiaBevins 3 года назад +1

    Yes I agree very informative. But then we need to be reminded of where we can listen to good and sound and Biblical theology and doctrine!! Very important step! Jacob Prasch, Sandy Simpson, Dave Hunt, a couple of the Biblical sound teachers.

  • @saleenapiano
    @saleenapiano 3 года назад +5

    if you are truly a Christian, you will follow the teachings of Jesus, follow the Golden Rule and respect your fellow followers of Christ. It's hypocritical to lash out at other Christians, because you don't understand their teachings, and then call yourself a Christian. have you read the book? have you reached out to a practitioner or other Christian Scientist for prayer to support your healing? I have had literally hundreds of healings, physical, financial and otherwise, by practicing the theology taught in Science and Health, both through my own prayers and the prayers of other followers of Christian Science. so I can attest to the fact that it is a provable, demonstrable Science. I don't like to say, "it works" (altho it does); instead i prefer to say, "It expresses Truth". thank you for reading this and sending love and blessings to all my fellow followers of Christ

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад +1

      I've read it growing up and lemme tell u, not impressed. He was spot on, even as a now pagan. Ur just having kneejerk reaction cuz sumone spoke out against CS. Sorry sumone spoke out against a religion running constant pr campaigns to cover the mass graves of children who's parents decided they'd take their chances and "pray about it."

    • @user-cc7yh7wv2t
      @user-cc7yh7wv2t 2 года назад +2

      And there are massive graves of children and adults who died going to a doctor. Life on this earth is limited. Infinite spiritual life is not.

  • @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat
    @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat Год назад +3

    He mentions that he wasn't allowed to have another job when he was a healer. This is the case. Many healers suffer in massive poverty due to this (others have spouses or secret income). Sign of a cult .... trapping someone in poverty so its economically impossible for them to leave.

    • @eleanorbarsic8065
      @eleanorbarsic8065 9 месяцев назад

      I hear you. I think the point of being a healer only is not to restrict one's income it is to be devoted day and night to prayerful work for your clients. And I think the construct was from a perspective of a religion that would be flush with members, therefore one could easily make a living. But our churches are nearly empty and I can't see why that would be a requirement still. Plus, not every Christian Scientist would use a practioner unless they needed extra support. Otherwise I would agree with you, because that is often happening in high demand religions.

  • @peach_total
    @peach_total 23 дня назад

    my mom’s parents were christian scientists. apparently they were really good people (including supporting my mom deciding to stop going to church and following any religion from about 12) but ill never know for sure since they both died of extremely preventable cancers before i was born

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 3 года назад +2

    Rev Price, a famous Episcopalian priest who had a healing ministry in Philadelphia PA..incorporated some of Christain Science thinking.

    • @Name92391
      @Name92391 3 месяца назад

      That's dangerous

  • @juztnlast953
    @juztnlast953 5 месяцев назад

    Hard to imagine that everyone is just an idea of god, yet god is simplified down to a universal principle. So how can a universal principle have such complex ideas such as a universe with humans in it?

  • @laurasmith7196
    @laurasmith7196 3 года назад +2

    Was brought up in a devout Christian Science home

  • @johnmoses8779
    @johnmoses8779 3 года назад +7

    This guy was a church goer. Attending a Christian Science church or your family history in Christian Science DOESN'T MAKE YOU A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. Even his narration about Christian Science is so shallow and inaccurate.

  • @ssbmgreenp3pper653
    @ssbmgreenp3pper653 5 лет назад +11

    Awesome interview. Thanks for illuminating this particular cult for us, Tanner.

    • @lizwood3514
      @lizwood3514 3 года назад +1

      Not well informed. You have been told little ...
      Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
      Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
      In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
      Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

  • @ramlin35
    @ramlin35 3 года назад +1

    I have an old version of Kingdom of the Cults from the 70’s. Is it worth updating to the newest edition? 🤔💭

  • @timsharpe6652
    @timsharpe6652 5 лет назад +9

    Heard the name but knew nothing about it ! Super interesting but superweird!!

    • @DeloraSP
      @DeloraSP 5 лет назад

      Trust me you still don't. Research it for yourself. It works.

  • @Jaragreene
    @Jaragreene 3 года назад +8

    There is a christian science church across the catholic church that is walking distance from where I live. I feel like it was planted or something. I have been getting into my Christian faith, and I was looking for churches to go to, and I saw this one. I am SO GLAD I never looked into it because it is such a cult & bad news for new believers walking in their new faith with God.

    • @bicyclist2
      @bicyclist2 2 года назад +1

      All denominations are flawed, especially the Catholics.

  • @johnstfleur3987
    @johnstfleur3987 Год назад

    "God is One." (M-LOGOS)

  • @robcaraher3113
    @robcaraher3113 10 месяцев назад

    She was not deceived or deluded, she knew exactly what she was doing to people and God.

  • @okikeure7422
    @okikeure7422 5 лет назад +9

    Christian science believes we are all pure ideas of God. How is that evil? We are all God's beloved is that occult.

    • @hufers2
      @hufers2 5 лет назад +3

      cs is a cult b/c it is not true to the Bible. MBE defined Jesus as 'the highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea' (S&H glossary), while the Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save the world (john 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, John 14:6, Acts 16:30-31, and countless other verses). While cs teaches that sin is error and therefore doesn't exist, the Bible is clear that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). The Bible is God's word. and every bit of it is true. MBE chose to just use what fit her needs, and then do a little re-writing. One of MBE's favorite verses was 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free'. Do you want to know the truth about MBE? Mary Baker Eddy: The truth and the tradition, by John V. Dittemore (1932), and Mrs Eddy: The biography of a virginal mind, by Edwin Dakin (1932), are both brutally honest. God bless

    • @goodgirlkay
      @goodgirlkay 5 лет назад +3

      I don't care about the nonsense they teach except that it KILLS CHILDREN.

    • @okikeure7422
      @okikeure7422 5 лет назад +1

      @@hufers2 you say that, but every thing in cs is based off the bible.

    • @okikeure7422
      @okikeure7422 5 лет назад +3

      @@goodgirlkay actually cs encourages people to take the path they are most comfortable with. Not everyone can pray an illness away. According to your understanding....a lot of cs members go to hospitals. It is unfortunate that those parents did not see fit to get their children physical help. But not all of cs is like that

    • @hufers2
      @hufers2 5 лет назад +4

      @@okikeure7422 While it is true that Christian Science is based off the Bible, cs is not true to the message of the Bible. I was shocked the day I learned that as a Christian Scientist, I was not a Christian. It hit me like a ton of bricks. For Christians believe that Jesus is our Savior, that he died for our sins, and if we will believe in our hearts that this is true, we will receive His Salvation and have eternal life. I was a Christian Scientist all my life, but never heard this message. Yet it is repeated throughout the Bible, over and over. John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10 are two great examples. May God bless you on your journey to find the truth.

  • @coryholbrook4643
    @coryholbrook4643 3 года назад +6

    Very strange how so many cults count the number of generations your family has been active in the cult. Is it a hierarchical thing?

  • @MrTValleyguy
    @MrTValleyguy Год назад +1

    A fair bit of self improvement writing has elements of Christian Science thought, at least in my humble opinion.

  • @trailtrs1
    @trailtrs1 5 лет назад +7

    Excellent layout of material on this cult

    • @lizwood3514
      @lizwood3514 3 года назад +2

      Not excellent at all ...
      Christian Science is based on philosophical idealism whereby everything is the mind not materialism. Mrs Eddy probably got it from somebody like Schopenhaur who in turn was influenced by Yogacara Buddhism which is amazingly like Christain Science without the Christian bit. I was brought up as a Christian Scientist but I am Holy Spirit baptised. My Holy Spirit baptism was very powerful and was mainly the experience of love and joy. The power was so powerful I can describe it as a warm energy that felt viscous like oil that circulated around my heart. The teaching was the Jewishness of Jesus which changed my theology. I became very aware of the testimony in the Bible of the Holy Spirit and particularly in the OT like in Kings where the priests in the Jewish Temple were not able to stand to minister to the people because the glory cloud was so powerful. However, although the Spirit changed my theology I did not receive a hatred of Christian Science or of any other religion or to create theoligical division. Tanner mentions Martin Luther in part 2 of these videos as somebody better to follow and yet Martin Luther was virulently anti-semitic. Also, out of the reformation came a new biblical canon that excluded books of the Catholic canon that were later found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were Hebrew versions of these books and these books had been excluded by protestantism because old enough versions of them did not exist at that time. That is until they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. My view is that Christian Science has a lot to offer if you can make genuine discernments of what is relevant and what is not. I used it successfully in delivering myself of something. Now Mrs Eddy would not recognise deliverance as a spirit being delivered and perhaps that is a weakness in her theology but equally it has to be said she advocates that God is the only power which is essential in deliverance. Dualism just won't wash. Also she is one of the earliest advocates of the placebo effect long before such an effect was recognised by the medical profession.
      Strangely too there is a lot of similarity between what the Buddhist teacher Nagarjuna teaches 2000 years ago and Quantum Physics philosophy. So sometimes truth can be found other than from the church. Let's face it guys, if we followed the church in everything we would still believe the sun moved around the earth.
      In conclusion nobody has a perfect theology, not even the main stream church who seem to have missed some important things about Jesus's Jewishness. I would say even part theologies have something to offer and yet in the end love for God and neighbour matter the most not division and distrust.
      Here is a completely different take on God and is this to be discounted too as another deceptive cult?видео.html

  • @saleenapiano
    @saleenapiano 2 года назад +4

    The only way to form an opinion is to read the book and practice it yourself; to listen to someone else's biased view is hardly objective. If you read Science and Health with an open mind, and then incorporate the principles in your life, you might be surprised to find yourself healed of whatever ails you at the moment. And you might also find an uplifting way to experience life in general. But if you read it with a biased negative view to begin with, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to experience the good that is there. People really do get healed from studying the principles upon which Christian Science is based. i know, because I am one of them

  • @1Divineidea
    @1Divineidea Год назад +1

    Why not have someone who can prove its good your only interested in the negative.

  • @carolynedwards835
    @carolynedwards835 4 месяца назад

    I Am Carolyn Suzanna Edwards, Of Barbados West Indies. I Am A Practicing Christian Scientist Practitioner. People Every Day That Comes In Contact With Me, Are Being Heal. It Is The Basis Of Christian Science To Rely On God For Healing. The Founder And Leader Of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, Was Very ILL The Doctors Had Given Up On Her, And She Asked To Be Left Alone With Her Bible. By Reading Her Bible She Was Completely Healed. So That Enlightened Her Understanding That There Is A Healing Basis In The Bible KJV. Christian Science Is A Very Pure Spiritual Teachings, Perfect God , Perfect Man. Made In The Image And Likeness Of God. I Was Healed Through The Study And Application Of Christian Science, By The Christian Scientist Practitioner, Mr Enrique Smeke CSB Of AIDS. Completely Healed.

  • @itzakehrenberg3449
    @itzakehrenberg3449 2 года назад +1

    It's hard to listen to so many instances of "uhmm"! Sorry!

  • @thankyoujesus578
    @thankyoujesus578 Год назад

    Wow..."spiritual and perfect". Negates the reason for our Savior. There is so much pride in this cult.

  • @Lynn-yo2tz
    @Lynn-yo2tz Год назад

    Enlightening. I have a friend who is a CS healer and I wanted to understand a bit more. I’m wondering why they still have reading rooms if the purpose isn’t to heal (there) or proselytize and you can buy the books online. 🤨

    • @benebolencia
      @benebolencia Год назад +1

      Just posting this again for you.
      I grew up in Christian Science, my mother was Christian Scientist and my father was not but i went to C.S. Sunday school and else. I never became a Church member, neither of the filial church (local church) nor of the Mother Church in Boston. I’m not a member now and i can’t say at all that i practice. I was about 19 the last time i went to CS church but most people in my large family are Christian Scientist but NON of them are Christian Science practitioners and a couple of them are pillars of the church. I still have Christian Scientist friends.
      I’m sorry but this gentleman doesn’t have his information correct. Thera are important, very important statements he made that are wrong.
      1) Class instruction is NOT to become a Christian Science practitioner. That is what most people that are NOT really in Christian Science think.
      A Christian Science practitioner is not a healer as most people think.
      Class instruction is really the very first step to know/learn about Christian Science. If one CHOOSES, once becoming a local church member or a member of the Mother church in Boston, it is OPTIONAL, to take class instruction. The first time, better said, the first year it is a week of class instruction. The following years is a day to tree.
      There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that someone can become a Christian Science PRACTITIONER after C.S. Class Instruction!!!
      People from other faiths/denominations who want to learn about Christian Science can also take Class instruction.
      To become an OFFICIAL, what in C.S is called an ENLISTED Christian Science practitioner, recognized by the Mother Church in Boston (which is the ONLY way to become a Christian Science practitioner) is DEFINITELY not easy. It takes YEARS as a full practicing mature adult with FINANCIAL independence to become a Christian Science practitioner.
      There are MANY requirements to become a Christian Science practitioner, starting with financial independence.
      In my 57 year i have only known 1 Christian Science practitioner who was 34 years of age, the majority are in their 40s, 50s and 60s
      I’m typing with from my cell phone, i wish i had my laptop to type more freely and i could probably explain the larger inconsistencies this gentleman shows/communicates in this interview regarding Christian Science.

  • @syntaxerorr
    @syntaxerorr Год назад +1

    If he is a Christian Scientist...why is he wearing glasses?

  • @travispeters1905
    @travispeters1905 Год назад

    I love these videos!

  • @thomascousins9150
    @thomascousins9150 Год назад +1

    It's good to have a public education. Parents should let their children interact with people from different cultures and religions and economic background You can't get this in private education.

  • @lindalucchetti7945
    @lindalucchetti7945 Год назад +3

    Cult? Christian Science meetings entail absolutely no preaching and are unfettered by human hypothesis. One person reads directly from the Bible and another reads from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Plainly put; You are on your Own. C.S is an independent study and growth in spiritual development. No one is going to adopt you. Take it or leave it. That's my experience 💙

  • @askseeknock7
    @askseeknock7 5 лет назад +9

    I appreciate the information but it's really important to take great care that you are not calling out your own brothers and sisters cult followers and thus causing division in the church. I went to a word of faith church and they were very well balanced in the bible teachings. I was not part of a cult! I know a lot of people who come out of cults are very weary of anything that seems to have resemblance to them but we must be led by the Holy Spirit not just the law. Not fear. We were taught repentance, and the holiness of God and the precious blood of The Lamb of God Jesus Christ sanctification justification only through Christ, by the stripes of Jesus I am healed, I have a functional relationship with God our father! Please exercise caution and wisdom and most importantly love. I have family members who are Christian scientist and I pray for their salvation. There are many bible believing legitimate churches who capitalize on certain revelations they received from Father but that does not mean they are Cult either. I grew up going to a baptist church and I am so grateful for this foundation but they did not teach me that by His stripes I am healed as Jesus said I could and pray for the healing of others and have them recover.They did not teach me that I can get baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues as in the book acts. I needed healing and I had depression and all I got was counseling , I eventually walked away from Christianity and into new age. I was still hungry and still searching till I came back 7 years later God brought me back home but to a word of faith church where I was shown scripturally God can help me NOW and loves me that much to be a part of every aspect of my life so I can give him glory and bless others. Though I know that church nor any church has its faults, the Holy Spirit is my teacher and I o to another church now even more balanced. Though the baptist church I grew up in had its shortcomings and did not teach me the full truth I refuse to call them anything but my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • @jc6618
      @jc6618 5 лет назад +4

      ‘By his stripes we are healed’ is from Isaiah 53.
      It’s not talking about physical healing, but that those who believe in Jesus Christ and his atoning death on the cross have been reconciled to God and ‘healed’ from spiritual death to everlasting life in the Son.
      God can heal and does at times for sure, but the context of that passage is talking about that through Jesus’ wounds and shed blood on the cross, we who believe are (present tense) redeemed and have peace with God. This is a typical word of faith/ faith healer go to passage and they never seem to read it in context.
      If it meant that through his stripes we are healed physically, then no believer should be ill or suffering from health conditions etc..
      God bless.

    • @askseeknock7
      @askseeknock7 5 лет назад +3

      Mr Man There is so much in the the Bible that says it is Gods will to heal. Sin is what opened the door to all sickness. But I will not argue. God has already shown me His character His compassion and I cannot be convinced otherwise. How we receive our healing is between the individual and God. I love reading the New Testament because it is a bit more straightforward for me. Jesus is with us and He is the healer AND the one who forgives and washes us He is our all in all our Lord our savior the one we can go to for everything. It is not for me to say where your walk or anyone’s walk with God is but I know Him and continue to grow in Him. So yah I got some Baptist, I got some word of faith, I got some Holiness, I got some nondenominational! Cheers

    • @askseeknock7
      @askseeknock7 5 лет назад

      Luke 5:22-24

  • @johnmay2461
    @johnmay2461 3 года назад +2

    Though interesting, listening to the presentation was excruciating in the way the presenter discussed it: start/stop... “umm...umm”, very hard to listen.
    Is there any other resources for understanding the main specific differences between Christian Science and Christianity?
    Thank you

    • @wberckmann
      @wberckmann 3 года назад +1

      There are no "differences" between Christian Science and Christianity. This religion is definitely Christian and the reason for the word Science is that it is based on divine law.

  • @secretmessenger22
    @secretmessenger22 2 месяца назад

    Oh this confused me at first, so they're talking about a cult called "Christian science" not science sifted through a Christian world view.

  • @tonation5038
    @tonation5038 3 года назад +4

    It's amazing how many Christian denominations are called cults by other denominations. All it seems to take is a charismatic leader such as modern televangelists.

    • @indychaser42
      @indychaser42 Год назад

      This is a major theological difference. Scripture says in 1 John 4 that we are able to determine if a spirit is from God, by whether hey say Jesus Christ came in the flesh. If they say He did they are from God and if not they aren't. That's a central doctrine. One of the few essential pieces of doctrine in the Christian community. Without it one isn't a Christian. It's a different category. Jesus cannot rise bodily from the dead if there is no body. And denying Yahweh as God is a profane.

  • @meganphillips8087
    @meganphillips8087 Год назад +2

    I went to a Christian Science meeting on a Sunday on Christmas Day. It had the feeling of being in a cult, and there was absolutely no mention of Christmas. I was thinking “I’m never going to a Christian Science building ever again.”

  • @celicagrl00
    @celicagrl00 5 лет назад +9

    Is anyone else having trouble following him due to the insane amount of times the guest says "um". Ahhhhh.. it's getting irritating and distracting may need to skip this one.

    • @uriahpeep1753
      @uriahpeep1753 4 года назад +2

      It is the worst presentation I have ever heard anywhere anytime. This speaker should not have been chosen to present this material. The material is so disjointed that he does not give a fair description of CS.

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 3 года назад +2

    Why is the gentleman hesitating with his words? he uses words -- um. Uh. um --repeatedly. Respectfully, this doesn't seem. kosher.

  • @LunaRosa_00
    @LunaRosa_00 3 года назад +7

    I was born Catholic. Since birth I had been able to communicate with spirit. I have psychic abilities, I never asked for them I was just born this way. My parents always understood I was different. During my late teens I found Wicca and there is lots of misunderstandings and brainwashing around that cult/religion. We are energy, eternal beings who can heal ourselves and others because we are Gods with little gs. In my late 20ths I found Christian Science and I am a proud Christian Scientists, I do have Catholicism background and Christian background and I fully understand it all. And I am very happy where I am right now.

    • @konradblades93
      @konradblades93 3 года назад +1

      All the very best to you on your Spiritual journey. xx

  • @SevPlays
    @SevPlays 3 года назад +3

    Soooo reality is a shared illusion shaped by the strength of our thoughts. Like the warp in Warhammer 40k. They also want to become God. They are literally chaos cultists from 40k.

  • @robcaraher3113
    @robcaraher3113 10 месяцев назад

    With Jesus you can be as far from God as Solomon when he burned insence to Baal yet still be in Gods bosom. God's grace can be mighty mighty severe. I spent some of my most backsliding days in Christian science which I belonged to for over 25 years.

  • @edharen5013
    @edharen5013 3 года назад

    It's so simple, when did simple become so difficult?

  • @amyyoung2455
    @amyyoung2455 9 месяцев назад

    This guy says “umm” 6,478,370 times. Absolutely INSUFFERABLE.

    • @annaloverlee8374
      @annaloverlee8374 9 дней назад

      It’s a very difficult religion to explain to people.

  • @Matt-cj5us
    @Matt-cj5us Год назад

    E.w. kenyon "natural man can develop his spirit until it becomes a force in him. We see this in Christian Science, Unity, Spiritualism and other psychological religions. This is the natural, unregenerated human spirit being cultivated. The human spirit is naturally very religious, because it is God hungry. Christinity is God's answer to the hunger of the human spirit. Every human religion attempts to answer this hunger and fails."
    the hidden man. Page 26
    In my opinion.
    Most people who fear "word of faith" heresy, go extremely the opposite and believe in a false definition of the sovereignty of God as determinism.

  • @chucksareforshmucks5520
    @chucksareforshmucks5520 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you guys for exposing this stuff :)

    • @1Divineidea
      @1Divineidea Год назад

      There has been nothing exposed but a poor guy who failed miserable at helping anyone with the Science. Poor man had to trash the whole thing ...hundreds of testimonials that are true. I was shot and died for 4 hours and it was ELOHIM and Christian Science that helped me recover

  • @nancywright2680
    @nancywright2680 Год назад +1

    There is so much misinformation in this video. Everyone should do there own research. So much is not even true .

  • @DeloraSP
    @DeloraSP 5 лет назад +3

    I wonder how successful were you at your Practitioner work?

    • @uriahpeep1753
      @uriahpeep1753 4 года назад +2

      It would be my guess that he was a total and complete failure since a CS practitioner needs to be someone who can speak English with some degree of intelligence.

  • @vilicus77
    @vilicus77 5 лет назад +1

    It's like Christianity, except not as old and less popular.

  • @Mibular
    @Mibular Год назад

    I'm pretty sure the science is eugenics, the cutting edge of health and science when the leader wrote her scripts.

  • @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat

    Those 430 editions he mentions ... those are not re-prints or changes in formatting, but each one consisted of changes by MBE. Not just sentences, but often theological things. For example, in the early editions she cites the Bhagavad Gita. That was taken out to make it more Christian. Yet, this was a divine revelation .... that god had to fix 429 to get it right. LOL Imagine 430 different versions of the 10 Commandments until Moses got the message right.

  • @selahchunem8447
    @selahchunem8447 Год назад

    It is interesting that many health insurance plans pay benefits for prayer Christian Science practioners visits.I thought insurance companies are stricter than that. Do C. S. have any political clout and practioner guidelines like other alternate health practices like chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutritionists. Do they have to be certified by their church and the state to charge patients? Can they be sued as well ? Lol He mentioned he had no formal training in the sciences? All other practioners that charge a fee need credentials and training certificates/licenses.

  • @paulpatriot1776
    @paulpatriot1776 Год назад +1

    My uncle is Christian scientist, is 82 years old and has been CS for over 60 years. This video is enlightening.
    Any ideas on what questions to ask him that would really make him question CS?

    • @mightytaiger3000
      @mightytaiger3000 Год назад

      How pathetic that you not only want to change the spiritual beliefs of an 80 year old man, but you just watched a 50 min. video and yet you still need someone else to tell you which questions to ask about the topic.
      Seems like you got enough on your plate to figure out. Don’t worry about your grandfather.
      If it has worked for him, who are you to try and disturb that? Particularly at his age?
      Your ego is out of control.

    • @paulpatriot1776
      @paulpatriot1776 Год назад +1

      @@mightytaiger3000 Your emotional charged response is sad and pathetic at the same time. I asked the question to stir thought and get people on the web to think.
      Yes, I’m concerned for him, he is lost and headed for hell. It’s pretty pathetic and unloving when someone like you makes the same ridiculous statement “ it’s worked for him” as an excuse to not only not preach “ the way the truth and the life” to others, but to not care enough to make the effort.
      He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
      1 John 5:12

  • @NickSandt
    @NickSandt 2 года назад +6

    If this guy is trying to make a case against Christian Science he’s failing miserably and I’m 36 minutes in. I came here looking for a good argument against CS. He sounds like he’s lying because he’s thinking way too hard about what he’s saying and taking way too many pauses just to spit out one sentence. If he really believed what he’s saying it shouldn’t be that hard to say it. If you ask me I think there’s probably way more truth to Christian Science than he cares to reveal. Maybe it is off on somethings and that’s why he’s trying to make a case, but he failed to convince me.

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад

      "he's lying"
      smelling some gaslighting in here

    • @ravikeller9626
      @ravikeller9626 Год назад

      It’s just a speech issue bro. He’s clearly not comfortable on camera, but that has nothing to do with his truthfulness. He struck me as a very honest and sincere person who discovered how unbiblical C.S. teachings are and wants to help warn others

  • @elazarpimentel5340
    @elazarpimentel5340 11 месяцев назад

    This needs to be edited to remove the "hammm$ soundsw

  • @adamhudson6917
    @adamhudson6917 3 года назад +2

    What we see hear and know everyday is apart of Adams dream

    • @ronwerks
      @ronwerks 2 года назад

      Can Adam just turn it into a lucid dream already, so far the dream sucks dick. I wanna fuck an anthro rainbow dash already.

  • @sethsmith1116
    @sethsmith1116 4 года назад +4

    this was great but the guy said um about a thousand times....

    • @kpeterson1342
      @kpeterson1342 3 года назад +1

      I'd like to see you do better. Be nice.

  • @cinnamongirl5410
    @cinnamongirl5410 4 года назад +1

    ''cult leaders always have some controversy''.. yeah like Jesus wasn't controversial ??

  • @sofiacline7787
    @sofiacline7787 2 года назад +2

    My grandpa was part of the Christian Science cult as a child and his ideas of sin, reality and God has been severely warped and damaged. My grandfather is one of the greatest men I have ever known, I am truly terrified that he will die and and not be saved. Please I beg anyone who is reading this, pray for his soul. His name is Clarence Hermann Cline Arrieta.

    • @takeahike858
      @takeahike858 Год назад

      Once saved always saved, God doesn’t break promises. If he called on Christ to be saved even once then he is saved.

    • @sofiacline7787
      @sofiacline7787 Год назад

      @@takeahike858 he doesn’t trust Jesus’ sacrifice. He doesn’t believe in the biblical doctrine of the persons of God.. he thinks we can be like Jesus. It’s a bad situation

    • @1Divineidea
      @1Divineidea Год назад

      Your fear is not going to effect your Grandfather...just stop it. You Grandfather's Soul is God. We reflect God . If he confused with his mouth and believed with his heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins he is SAVED. to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

    • @alexarc3815
      @alexarc3815 7 месяцев назад

      Praying for your grandpa ❤

  • @kiyasuihito
    @kiyasuihito 4 года назад +1


  • @ariver7491
    @ariver7491 3 года назад +2

    They make so much money out of that church in Boston. They have so many buildings where these "preachers" live at. They rent buildings and offices to north eastern university, Dalton Hotel etc. Is just not a church. Is a huge building generating money. Hustlers just like Mary was.

  • @Kimberly-cn8ro
    @Kimberly-cn8ro Год назад

    Jesus does heal ... But Christian science is making money from healings???

  • @8vI
    @8vI 5 лет назад +3

    It is a very christian idea that all things are ideas in the mind of god, the whole reality itself. Read some Plotinus!

    • @creoleman
      @creoleman 5 лет назад +1

      Isaiah 55:8-9 says otherwise.

  • @kevinc4325
    @kevinc4325 2 года назад +4

    As an atheist. I think I respect C.S more than Orthodox Christianity. Although leave out the science part as that makes no sense. They actually practice what they preach. If you're going to be a believer, do it 100%. All others are posers in my opinion. If you believe in God and take your child to a hospital when they are sick, it's not faith at all.. The bible says, If two or more prey it shall be done by my father in heaven. Real Christians will just pray and leave it up to God.

    • @jackiewheeler9202
      @jackiewheeler9202 2 года назад +4

      God can and does use people to accomplish his will. Why would he not be able to use doctors to heal people? Your putting limitations on God by saying that he can’t.

    • @kevinc4325
      @kevinc4325 2 года назад +1

      What are you talking about. Who is doing good works? How would you rate the world as a whole? Do you think it's doing well? haha
      "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
      Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
      Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
      Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    • @jackiewheeler9202
      @jackiewheeler9202 Год назад +2

      @@kevinc4325 God is sovereign. He is omnipotent and omniscient. He cannot do evil.

    • @kevinc4325
      @kevinc4325 Год назад +3

      He sits back and watches evil happen while saying he loves us. Let's people starve and children die of disease. I'm a father of two girls and I could never sit back and watch them be harmed and just say, sorry I think in mysterious ways.. Ridiculous
      You are wrong about the evil part also. King James Isaiah 45:7
      "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things"
      Read you're bible more ...

  • @theresamarchiano1521
    @theresamarchiano1521 5 лет назад +5

    So many cults. Ugh 😳🙏🏻

    • @tonation5038
      @tonation5038 3 года назад

      Theresa Marchiano Just as most modern televangelists are cult leaders who write books about their own interpretations of a certain translations of the Bible, Mary Baker Eddy wrote a book about her interpretation of the King James Bible.

    • @laurasmith7196
      @laurasmith7196 3 года назад

      @@tonation5038 that doesn’t mean Christian Science isn’t highly damaging

  • @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat

    Correction. I've read extensively on Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science, even wrote a book about it. I find her fascinating. Visited her house and been to many CS sunday services. He's wrong about something. He says at @14 that every week you read selections that fuse the Bible & the CS "Textbook" that is put together by "a committee in Boston". No, not true. He made that up (which demonstrates how insiders often do not know their own religion). The selections were actually written by Mary Baker Eddy, not a committee, and churches were instructed to read them until she changed them. Every church in the world reads them, and all churches are reading the same selection everywhere. When she died in 1910 everything essentially froze. Unlike some religions that change things, in this case, they didn't. (They did change other things, like her will.) Since 1910 EVERY official CS church has read those same bible lessons, which last part of the year and then get repeated (so you'll likely read them 2+ times a year). You are to study the selections during the week, and then in church they are read openly. They are NOT done by a committee in Boston and never change. The only thing the Boston "committee" (aka the Mother Church, which I've been to) does is re-publish the lessons in little pamphlets with modern dates, advertisements, and assorted what not in them (sorta like how the Catholic Church hands you something coming in to Mass, but this flyer lasts for months and is thick and glossy, so its more like being handed a TV Guide but with no coupons in the back LOL). Essentially they could just print up one selection of the "selections", but that doesn't make money. This re-printing approach means the local church is forced to buy the selection every few months, and feed money back to HQ, versus buying one copy and keeping it for years until the pages get too tattered. Total rip-off scheme to drain the coffers. These selections are highly criticized due to the fact they NEVER change and are from 1910 and discuss things like "atomic energy" and other topics not really discussed much anymore, seen as out of date, and other criticisms. They often appear very out of date to outsiders, and haven't helped the church in the least, not to mention the repetition and lack of discussion around them is .... mind-numbing. The last time I went to a CS church an old lady introduced herself to me as the newest member ... she'd been there for 6 years. Very sad. It would be better if a committee DID redo them, but the church is dying (now with 700-900 churches left in America) so it really doesn't matter and Eddy's legacy is firm as the grandmother of new thought and new age (I see her SO much in new age stuff, but without credit). Also, they're not called "selections", but "lesson-sermons". As for my source: I actually wrote a book focused on these lesson sermons and how being from 1910 they are a detriment to the church and need to change.

  • @statusworld7981
    @statusworld7981 3 года назад

    What christian science say about paul was he apostle or Antichrist

  • @crawdadlando4053
    @crawdadlando4053 Год назад

    Ah, I, UH! I uh, ah uh.

  • @Kimberly-cn8ro
    @Kimberly-cn8ro Год назад

    Christian science ain't even in the Bible so how in God's name do you all even believe in this ????

  • @1Divineidea
    @1Divineidea Год назад

    This poor guy was clearly just not good at it