La Copa- BTS

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Feb. 4, 2024
    5th Sunday in OT
    Pinagaling para maglingkod
    Let me share an Fb post:
    Top 5 lessons from the book "The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone's Mind" by Jonah Berger.
    1. Understanding the Barriers to Change:
    Before attempting to change someone's mind, it's crucial to understand the barriers that prevent them from being receptive to new ideas. The book may explore common psychological biases and resistance to change, such as confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.
    2. The Power of Empathy and Understanding:
    Empathy is a powerful tool for building rapport and trust. The book might emphasize the importance of understanding others' perspectives, beliefs, and motivations to tailor persuasive messages that resonate with their needs and values.
    3. Using Social Influence and Social Proof:
    People are more likely to change their minds when they see others they respect or identify with doing the same. The book may discuss the role of social influence and social proof in shaping attitudes and behaviors, highlighting the effectiveness of testimonials, endorsements, and peer norms in persuasion.
    4. Framing Messages Effectively:
    How a message is framed can significantly impact its persuasiveness. The book might offer strategies for framing messages in ways that highlight the benefits, address objections, and resonate with the audience's values and aspirations.
    5. Creating Small Wins and Momentum:
    Breaking down the change process into smaller, manageable steps can build momentum and increase the likelihood of success. The book may advocate for starting with small, incremental changes and celebrating progress along the way to sustain motivation and commitment.
    Let me an Fb post too:
    #RETHINK THE TALENT. We often believe talent is fixed and innate, but Adam Grant argues it's more like a muscle that can be developed through sustained effort and deliberate practice. Focus on growth mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
    👌 Seek Grit, Not Just Genius: Passion and perseverance are crucial for long-term success. Celebrate those who stick with it, even when things get tough, and cultivate this quality within yourself.
    👌 Embrace Originality Over Perfection: Don't be afraid to break away from the mold and pursue your unique ideas. Originality often trumps perfection, so focus on innovation and creative problem-solving.
    👌 Find Your "Stretch" Zone: Stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for growth. Identify your "stretch" zone, where you're challenged but not overwhelmed, and push yourself to learn and grow within it.
    👌 The Power of Serendipity: Leave room for chance encounters and unexpected opportunities. Be open to new experiences and connections, as they might lead to unforeseen breakthroughs.
    👌 Build a Learning Tribe Surround yourself with supportive and inspiring individuals who challenge you to be your best. Invest in building strong relationships with mentors, peers, and collaborators who share your growth mindset.
    👌 Give and Take: Generosity isn't just good for others; it can also lead to your own success. Offer your time, expertise, and resources to others, and create a network of reciprocal relationships.
    👌 Redefine Success: Challenge conventional notions of success and define it on your own terms. Focus on your personal values, fulfillment, and making a positive impact, rather than chasing external validation.
    👌 Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection: Acknowledge and celebrate small wins along the way. Focus on continuous improvement and progress, rather than obsessing over perfectionism, which can be demotivating.
    👌 Never Stop Learning: Commit to lifelong learning and embrace the process of continuous growth. Explore new interests, acquire new skills, and stay curious about the world around you.

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  • @user-wc2pz2mm6q
    @user-wc2pz2mm6q 7 месяцев назад

    Good job guys...God bless you all❤️