Kiss me Kiss me- A Tribute to VIP’s L3

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Friday in 21st Sunday of OT
    Theme: M-O-T-H-E-R - M-A-R-Y as God’s Masterpiece and wonderful Gift to the world
    Ist day of Novena
    M- Mother of God & humanity, Seat of Wisdom and Woman of Faith, the QUEEN
    -Mary is the wisest of all woman because of her total “YES” to the WISEST GOD!
    Let me share an Fb post:
    8 Lessons From "The Power of a Humble Life" by Richard E. Simmons III
    1. True Strength Lies in Humility
    Humility is often misunderstood as a sign of weakness or lack of confidence. However, Simmons argues that true humility requires significant inner strength. It takes courage to acknowledge one’s flaws, seek feedback, and admit mistakes. By doing so, individuals can grow and improve continuously. This perspective challenges the conventional notion of strength, shifting the focus from external displays of power to internal resilience and self-improvement.
    2. The Importance of Self-Awareness
    Self-awareness is the foundation of humility. It involves an honest and thorough understanding of one’s character, emotions, and motivations. Simmons highlights that self-awareness allows individuals to recognize their strengths and weaknesses without self-deception or denial. This clarity helps in setting realistic goals, making better decisions, and engaging in more meaningful self-reflection. It also encourages continuous personal development and a deeper understanding of how one’s actions impact others.
    3. Building Strong Relationships
    Humility is crucial for building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. It fosters empathy, as humble individuals are more likely to listen actively and understand the perspectives of others. This creates a foundation of mutual respect and trust. Humility also discourages arrogance and selfishness, promoting a more cooperative and supportive dynamic in personal and professional relationships. Simmons emphasizes that humility leads to deeper, more authentic connections, as people feel valued and understood.
    4. Effective Leadership
    Humble leadership is characterized by a servant-leadership approach, where the leader prioritizes the needs and development of their team. Simmons argues that humble leaders are more approachable, willing to admit their mistakes, and open to new ideas. This fosters a collaborative and inclusive work environ.

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