This was such a lovely conversation 🥰🥰🥰 between two Virtous Beautiful Woman who have so much Wisdom & Godly insights to share with us as Christian woman of Faith & Ethiopian cultured Ladies 💚💛❤️👸👸 so thank you both we got a lot of good things out of this podcast. 🙏❤️🙏 Keep shining dears Hana & Sara on your own medias.✨✨✨ Btw this is my first time tuning to Alela after it became podcast i didn't understood the switch to change the format cause the show was already sensational & of substance but i finally just saw this gave it more freedom & natural flow to your open hearted discussions so it was a great transition i wish you an even better stellar success. 👏👏👏 #Kudos 🍾🥂
Thank you so much for your kind comment and appreciation! It truly means a lot, and I’m glad you understand the value of transitions. I’m truly grateful for your time and support!❤️
እንዳንቺ አይነት ስነ ስርዓት ካላት ልጅ ጋር ክርስትናን እና ሀገሬን ስለምጋራ እኮራለሁ። እግዚአብሔር ሁሌም ቀና አመለካከት ያላቸውን ሰዎች ያብዛልን።
አሜን 🙏
አብሮ አደጌ ሳራ ወንድዎሰን የምኮራብሽ እሀቴ ስላየሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል።
እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁልን ❤❤❤❤❤ ሳሪየ የሴት አርአያ እንወድሻለን ሁለታችሁም ተወዳጆች ናችሁ በርቱልን ❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤️❤️❤️
የኔ ደርባቦች ትመቹኛላችሁ በእውነቱ እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ ❤❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤❤
እግዚአብሔር ይጠብቃችሁ በርቱ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
እናመሰግናለን ❤
ጠያቂው ሲጠየቅ !!
የወንድና የሴት ፍቅርን ለማብራራት "እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር ነው" የሚለውን አትጠቀሙ። አይገናኝም!!!
በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ "ክርስቶስ ቤተክርስቲያንን እንደወደዳት እንዲሁ ባሎች ሚስቶቻቸውን ይውደዱ" የሚል ቢኖርም ወደትዳር ይድረስ አይድረስ ለማይታወቅ ስሜት "እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር ነው" ከሚለው ጋር ተገናኝቶ አይተረጎምም።
This was such a lovely conversation 🥰🥰🥰 between two Virtous Beautiful Woman who have so much Wisdom & Godly insights to share with us as Christian woman of Faith & Ethiopian cultured Ladies 💚💛❤️👸👸 so thank you both we got a lot of good things out of this podcast. 🙏❤️🙏 Keep shining dears Hana & Sara on your own medias.✨✨✨ Btw this is my first time tuning to Alela after it became podcast i didn't understood the switch to change the format cause the show was already sensational & of substance but i finally just saw this gave it more freedom & natural flow to your open hearted discussions so it was a great transition i wish you an even better stellar success. 👏👏👏 #Kudos 🍾🥂
Thank you so much for your kind comment and appreciation! It truly means a lot, and I’m glad you understand the value of transitions. I’m truly grateful for your time and support!❤️
ሁለት ምርጦች እንወዳችኋለን በርቱ ❤❤❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን 🙏
በርቱ እህቶቻችን👏 ጎበዞች !!
እናመሰግናለን 🙏
በጣም ደስ ትላላችሁ በርቱ ❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤️❤️
እናመሰግናለን ❤️❤️
የኔ ጠንካራዎች ቀጡሉበት💜💜💜
እናመሰግናለን ❤❤
ሁለታችሁም ልባም ከሚባሉት ሴቶች መካከል ናችሁ።ሣራ ሴትነትን በደንብ ነው ያስተማርሽን።
እናመሰግናለን 🙏
እጂግ የምወዳቸው የማከብራቸው እቁ ናችሁ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤️
Egziabher ybarkachu edmena tena yetlen
Amen 🙏
ሁለታችሁን በጣም ነው እምወዳችሁ በርቲ ለኛ አርያ ናችሁ
እናመሰግናለን 🙏
Ayi ayi ayi ezam ezim nexela lebisesh megegneti alebish yemilu abnba genenoche alu gin yaw ariqo silemayayw new atizenubachew.
እኔ የጠበኩሸ የጉጃም ልጅ ነበር የምትመሰይኘ
beretu dese telalachu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤️
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤የኔ ምርጦች እቁወች
Best bertu wegesh.. 👏👏👏❤❤❤
እናመሰግናለን ❤❤
Wche ager balenew atiperdubi ayeru iyetqeyabew gira agbitobin ko 😂😂😂😂new.
Egizabher melikam new be mekera qenim meshshgiya new.
melikam melikamun iyaseman ke kifu kifu be kinafachew edigaridun qidusan melakitochun esu yilakilin yilakilachu.
ለሀና ጥሩ ባል ሕልቃናን እና ልጂ ሳሙኤል እደሰጣቸው ሁሉ ለሳራም አብርሐምንና ልጂ ይሳቅን እደሰጣቸዉ ለእናንቴም መልካሙ ይስጣቹ አንደኞች ናቹ በሪቱልን።
እናመሰግናለን 🙏